Tender For maintenance of Parks And Garden 2024-25. Supply Of Plants.- 1 Supply of Plumeria alba, ht. at least 4 ft., specimen plant, having at least 3 branches with multi stem, good foliage, well developed in big P/G bag. 2 Supply of Plumeria rubra, ht. at least 4 ft., specimen plant, having at least 3 branches with multi stem, good foliage well developed in big P/G bag. 3 Supply of Raphis palm, ht. at least 2½, having at least 10 suckers, well developed in big P/G bag. 4 Supply of Leucophyllum frutescens (Barometer Bush), ht. at least 2, specimen plant, bushy in shape, well developed in big P/ bag. 5 Supply of Bougainvillea, ht. 2 to 2½, specimen plant, round shape, well developed in 12” plastic/cement pot. 6 Supply of T.M.C. variegated, 2’ to 2½ ht., specimen plant Bushy in shape, well developed in big P/G bag. 7 Supply of Nerium Oleander variegated/ hybrid, ht. at least 2, well developed bushy in 10” plastic pot. 8 Supply of Hibiscus plant 2’ to 2½ ht., bushy in shape, well developed bushy in big P/G bag. 9 Supply of Hibiscus variegated plant 2’ to 2½ ht., bushy in shape, well developed bushy in big P/G bag. 10 Supply of Bottle brush 4’ to 5’ ht., bushy in shape, well developed in big P/G bag. 11 Supply of Thuja Golden (Morpankhi) Plant 2’ to 3’ ht., round/ conical shape, well developed, bushy in big P/G bag. 12 Supply of Carmona Plant 2’ to 2½ ht., having at least 2’ dia.,specimen plant, round in shape, well developed in at least 14” plastic pot. 13 Supply of Lantana depressa (yellow flower), height 1½ to 2, well developed bushy in shape in big P/G bag. 14 Supply of Tecoma gori chori 2’ to 2½ ht. well developed bushy in shape in big P/G bag.