Tender For Arc For Eot Crane Maintenance 2000149884 10 10 10 AMC FOR EOT CRANE 12 MON Email : JitendraKumar.Patra@amns.in Contact : 7381007140 Name : Patra, JitendraKumar - AM/NS India - Pel Item Details : ANNEXURE – 01 1) REGULAR INSPECTION OF LT <(>&<)> CT WHEELS FOR ANY WEAR-OUT, CRACKS IN WHEEL FLANGES, FLAT SPOTS ETC. 2) CHECKING ALIGNMENT AND ELEVATION LEVEL OF GANTRY TRACK <(>&<)> RAILS. 3) CHECKING THE TIGHTNESS OF RAIL CLAMP BOLTS. 4) CHECKING THE TIGHTNESS OF ALL STRUCTURAL BOLTS AND BASE BOLTS OF ALL EQUIPMENT INCLUDING LT DRIVE, CT DRIVE, HOIST DRIVE ETC. 5) CHECKING THE ROPE SHEAVES FOR ANY WEAR-OUT AND CRACKS IN FLANGES 6) CHECKING HOIST WIRE ROPE FOR ANY WEAR-OUT, BROKEN OR WORN CONNECTIONS/ WIRES/ STRANDS 7) REGULAR GREASING OF THE BEARINGS OF WIRE ROPE SHEAVES, WIRE ROPES, 8) CHECKING ALL THE GEAR COUPLINGS FOR ANY TEETH WEAR-OUT AND GREASING THE GEAR COUPLINGS 9) CHECKING THE OIL SEALS, BEARINGS OF CROSS SHAFT PLUMBER BLOCKS AND CHANGING THE GREASE. 10) INSPECTION OF ALL THE BRAKE ASSEMBLIES FOR ANY LOOSE CONNECTION, EARTHLING, BRAKE LINERS FOR ANY WEAR-OUT, WEAR-OUT ON BRAKE DRUMS ETC. 11) REGULAR CHECKING OF ALL SAFETY LIMIT SWITCHES FOR THEIR PROPER OPERATION AND LIMITS, EMERGENCY SWITCHES FOR THEIR TIMELY OPERATION OR NOT. 12) ALL GEAR BOXES SHOULD BE CHECKED DAILY FOR THEIR OIL LEVEL, AND OIL TO BE REPLACED AS PER THE SCHEDULE 13) ALL BEARINGS, GEAR COUPLINGS TO BE GREASED AS PER THE SCHEDULE. 14) OIL LEVEL OF THRUSTER TO BE CHECKED REGULARLY 15) CHECKING ALIGNMENT OF ALL DRIVE SYSTEMS OF LT, CT AND WIRE ROPE HOIST. 16) ALL MAINTENANCE JOBS INCLUDING REPAIRS OF GEAR BOXES, BEARINGS REPLACEMENT, WIRE ROPE CHANGING, REPAIRING OF BRAKE DRUM ASSEMBLIES, 17) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE OF ALL EOT CRANES AND ELECTRIC HOISTS AS PER THE PM SCHEDULE AND INSTRUCTIONS/ CHECKLIST. 18) BREAKDOWN MAINTENANCE OF ALL EOT CRANES AND ELECTRIC HOISTS IF ANY KIND OF DOWNTIME DUE TO EQUIPMENT UNAVAILABILITY 19) WEEKLY SUBMISSION OF EQUIPMENT HEALTH REPORTS 20) MAINTAINING THE LOGBOOKS AND REPORTING TO THE RESPECTIVE AREA IN CHARGES 21) REGULAR CLEANING AND HOUSEKEEPING AFTER THE COMPLETION OF JOBS 22) RESPONSIBLE FOR LOAD TESTING BY SHIFTING TEST WEIGHTS AND DOING ONCE IN YEAR IN THE PRESENCE OF CERTIFYING AGENCY. 23) BUS BAR ALONG WITH CLAMP AND CONNECTOR CHECKING. 24) CURRENT CARRYING COLLECTOR CHECKING AND REPLACEMENT, WHENEVER NEEDED. 25) PANEL MAINTENANCE (TIGHTNESS, BLOWING, SEALING) 26) MOTOR MAINTENANCE (AS PER SOP) 27) TRACK CHECKING AND GREASING. 28) ALL LIMIT SWITCH CHECKING. 29) BRAKE ADJUSTMENT AND CHECKING. 30) LOCAL AND REMOTE OPERATION CHECKING 31) VENDOR TO SUBMIT THE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE AREA WISE EOT CRANE <(>&<)> WINCH. 32) MATERIAL REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED BY AM/NS 33) 1 MILL WRIGHT FITTER, 1 SENIOR TECHNICIAN AND 4 TECHNICIANS MINIMUM REQUIRED ON SITE FOR AVAILABILITY OF CRANES. 34) VENDOR MUST HAVE EXPERIENCES ON EOT CRANE MAINTENANCE. Page 2 of 4 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS Pellet Plant Paradeep Village- Udayabatta, Paradeep,Tahasil- Kujang Dist:Jagatsinghpur,754142,Odisha,India GSTIN 21AAACE1741P1ZT PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000117129 Date 20.07.2024 Submission Date 27.07.2024 Coll Req No 2000149884 AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Akhilesh Rathore Contact Email akhilesh.rathore@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details Please mention below points specifically to be followed during execution 1. Periodic Replacement of Disc Brake Shoe, Spring, Thruster oil 2. Periodic Preventive inspection with record of Disc Brake <(>&<)> Thruster Brake for following parts (Record compulsory) a. Magnetic Coil b. Air Gap c. Shoe thickness d. Thruster Motor Current e. Truster Oil level 3. Periodic Inspection with record of Track alignment (Record Compulsory) 4. Periodic inspection with record of Rail <(>&<)> Wheel dimensions like width, edge (Record Compulsory) Inspection procedure should be included following points. 1. Visual Inspection: a. Rails: Look for visible signs of wear, corrosion, cracks, and deformation. Ensure rails are straight and not misaligned. b. Rail Joints and Connections: Check for any gaps, misalignments, or looseness. Ensure all bolts and fasteners are secure. c. Rail Mountings: Inspect the mounting points for any signs of deterioration or damage. d. End Stops: Verify that the end stops are intact and securely fastened to prevent the crane from overshooting the rail ends. 2. Alignment: a. Straightness: Use a straightedge or laser alignment tools to check the straightness of the rails. Misalignment can cause uneven wear and operational issues. b. Levelness: Ensure that the rails are level along their length and across the span. Uneven rails can lead to crane skewing and increased wear on the wheels and track. c. Span and Gauge: Measure the span (distance between the rails) and the gauge (distance between the inside edges of the rails) to ensure they meet design specifications. 3. Wear and Tear: a. Rail Head: Inspect the rail head for wear patterns. Excessive wear can indicate misalignment or improper loading. b. Flanges and Web: Check for wear, cracks, or damage on the rail flanges and web. These are critical structural components of the rail. c. Crane Wheels: Examine the crane wheels for wear and deformation. Uneven wear on wheels can indicate rail issues. 4. Lubrication: a. Lubrication of Rails: Ensure that the rails are properly lubricated to reduce friction and wear. Use appropriate lubricants as recommended by the manufacturer. b. Lubrication Systems: Check the lubrication systems for proper operation and adequate supply of lubricants. 5. Structural Integrity: a. Support Structure: Inspect the supporting structure for any signs of fatigue, corrosion, or damage. b. Load Distribution: Ensure that the load is evenly distributed along the rails to prevent excessive stress on any single point. 6. Safety Features: Page 3 of 4 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS Pellet Plant Paradeep Village- Udayabatta, Paradeep,Tahasil- Kujang Dist:Jagatsinghpur,754142,Odisha,India GSTIN 21AAACE1741P1ZT PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000117129 Date 20.07.2024 Submission Date 27.07.2024 Coll Req No 2000149884 AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Akhilesh Rathore Contact Email akhilesh.rathore@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details a. Emergency Stops: All emergency stop mechanisms are functional and easily accessible. b. Warning Systems: Warning systems, such as lights and alarms, are operational and clearly visible/audible. 7. Inspection Tools a. Straightedge or Laser Alignment Tools: For checking straightness and alignment. b. Spirit Level: For checking levelness. c. Measuring Tape or Calliper or Special gauge: For measuring span and gauge. d. Ultrasonic or Magnetic Particle Testing Equipment: For detecting internal cracks or defects. e. Dial Indicators or Micrometres: For measuring wear and tear on the rails and wheels. 8. Frequency of Inspection a. Daily Checks: Basic visual inspection by the crane operator before each shift. b. Monthly Inspections: More detailed visual inspections and basic alignment checks. c. Quarterly or Semi-Annual Inspections: Comprehensive inspections involving alignment, wear measurements, and structural integrity checks. d. Annual Inspections: Detailed inspections by qualified engineers, including non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques. 9. Documentation a. Inspection Reports: Maintain detailed records of all inspections, noting any issues found and the corrective actions taken. b. Maintenance Logs: Keep logs of all history of maintenance activities, including lubrication, repairs, and replacements. All Documents to be maintained with due signed by Area In charge, FPS Champion <(>&<)> HOD accordingly preserve for verification at any point of time. SL NO ITEM DESCRIPTION CAPACITY LOCATION MAKE 1 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 10 MT AGB HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 2 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 30 / 05 MT AGB BALL MILL AREA UNIQUE CRANES NASHIK 3 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 3 MT AGB ROLLER MILL AREA HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 4 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 20 MT BB : DG SET SIDE OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 5 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 20 MT BB : ESP SIDE OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 6 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 20 MT BB PP-2 : IOGB SIDE OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 7 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 20 MT BB PP-2 : AGB SIDE OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 8 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 3 MT BALLING DISC FLOOR HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 9 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 3 MT BIN <(>&<)> MIX BUILDING HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 10 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 3 MT BIN <(>&<)> MIX BUILDING HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 11 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 3 MT BIN <(>&<)> MIX BUILDING HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 12 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 5 MT BIN <(>&<)> MIX BUILDING HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 13 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 10 MT IDB OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 14 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 10 MT IDB PP-2 OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 15 EOT CRANE SINGLE GIRDER 15 MT FILTRATION: BB SIDE OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. Page 4 of 4 ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited AM/NS Pellet Plant Paradeep Village- Udayabatta, Paradeep,Tahasil- Kujang Dist:Jagatsinghpur,754142,Odisha,India GSTIN 21AAACE1741P1ZT PAN AAACE1741P CIN U27100GJ1976FLC013787 Request for Quotation Number 6000117129 Date 20.07.2024 Submission Date 27.07.2024 Coll Req No 2000149884 AMNS deals with OEMs directly. We are very well equipped in every way to import / buy our goods directly from OEMs from any part of the world in a professional manner. We also use the vast global networks of our parent companies where necessary. We do not welcome any contact from intermediaries or Indian Agents of vendors. We assure all OEMs that you do not need to engage anyone to manage your transactions with us.Kindly respond to our RFQs and deal with our officials directly without involving any agents or intermediaries. Offers of vendors who insist on involving intermediaries in dealings with us could be disqualified. Contact for this RFQ null Akhilesh Rathore Contact Email akhilesh.rathore@ext.amns.in MATERIALS / SERVICES Please acknowledge receipt of the RFQ And provide your best quote for below given RFQ details. SR. No PR No. PR Item RFQ Item Services for line Item Quantity UOM Technical Details Other Details 16 EOT CRANE SINGLE GIRDER 15 MT FILTRATION: HELIPAD SIDE OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 17 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 15 MT FILTRATION: BB <(>&<)> THICKENER SIDE OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 18 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 15 MT FILTRATION: HELIPAD <(>&<)> THICKENER SIDE OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 19 EOT CRANE SINGLE GIRDER 15 / 03 MT METSO FILTERS OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 20 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 15 / 03 MT METSO FILTERS OSWAL MACHINERY LTD. 21 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 3 MT FILTRATION HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 22 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 3 MT FILTRATION HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 23 EOT CRANE SINGLE GIRDER 7.5 MT SWPH SIDHARTA CRANES 24 EOT CRANE (5713.1) 7.5 MT SWPH PP-2 REVA INDUSTRIES LTD. 25 EOT CRANE SINGLE GIRDER 5 MT MWPH MELTECH PVT. LTD. 26 EOT CRANE DOUBLE GIRDER 30 MT IOGB UNIQUE CRANES NASHIK 27 EOT CRANE (5712.1) 5 MT PP-2 PNEUMATIC COMPRESSOR HOUSE REVA INDUSTRIES LTD. 28 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 5 MT 11 CONVEYOR HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 29 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 3 MT 12 CONVEYOR HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 30 MONORAIL ELECTRIC HOIST 3 MT 13 CONVEYOR HERCULES HOISET LIMITED 31 EOT CRANE SINGLE GIRDER 10 MT CRS OSWAL MACHI