
Tender For Os/Msv/Pipeline Renewal Gtv S Sarvekshak - Pipeline Renewal Job., mumbai-Maharashtra

Shipping Corporation Of India Limited has published Tender For Os/Msv/Pipeline Renewal Gtv S Sarvekshak - Pipeline Renewal Job.. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-07-2024. Conventional Drilling Tools Tenders in mumbai Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Tender For Os/Msv/Pipeline Renewal Gtv S Sarvekshak - Pipeline Renewal Job.
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Tender Details

Tender For Os/Msv/Pipeline Renewal Gtv S Sarvekshak - Pipeline Renewal Job.; E-24024 AC Cooling Sea Water Pump #1 and 2 discharge line to renew. Pipe line corroded and pin holed. Specification for each pipe: Approx length: 2 m, Pipe OD: 14 cm, PCD: 21 cm, flange thickness: 2 cm, No. of holes: 8, No. of bends: 3 Material-MS, SCH-80. E-24025 Pulveriser Pump Discharge line from pump till flange above DA #1 to renew. Total length approx: 20 meters, Pipe OD: 90 mm, No. of flanges: 14 (7 pairs), No. of holes: 8, PCD: 160 mm, No. of bends (90 deg): 5, No. of bends (75 deg): 3, Material: MS, Sch 80. Pipe Branch: OD - 90 mm, Length of branch: 1 m, Flange PCD: 142 mm, No. of holes: 4. Material: MS, SCH- 80 E-24027 Purifier Room Seachest Vent Line after the isolating valve to be renewed. OD: 62mm, Approx Length: 2.5meters, No of bends (90deg): 1, Flange PCD: 125mm, No. of bolts: 4, Material: MS, SCH: 80 One end of the pipe to be welded in place. E-24028 D/A #1, 2 & 3 lube oil supply line to Actuator drive to be renewed. Material: Copper pipe (working pr: 10 Bar), OD: 7 mm, Total length: 15 meters, 3-way union: 05 nos, Adaptor: 12 Nos, Adaptor nut size: 17 mm. Proper securing arrangement also to be made. E-24029 Following pipe line to renew 1) DA #1 attached S.W P/P suction pipes. Dimensions: Pipe OD: 115mm, Length: 500 mm, Flange PCD: 175 mm, No. of holes: 8, Bolt: M16, No.of bends: 1, Material- MS Sch-80. Pipeline to be slightly modified to align with the flange of the Flexible bellow. 2) DA #2 attached S.W P/P suction and discharge pipes. a) Dimensions: Pipe OD: 170mm, Length: 500 mm. Pipe OD: 90 mm, Length: 400 mm. Flanges: (a) PCD: 260 mm, No. of holes: 8, Bolt: M20. (b) PCD: 155 mm, No. of holes: 8, Bolt: M16. Pipe line has two 90 degree bend and one reducer. b) Dimensions: Pipe OD: 115mm, Length: 550 mm, Flange PCD: 175 mm, No. of holes: 8, Bolt: M16, No.of bends: 1. 3) DA #3 attached S.W P/P suction and discharge pipes. a) Dimensions: Pipe OD: 170 mm, Length: 600 mm. Pipe OD: 90 mm, Length: 500 mm. Flanges: (a) PCD: 260 mm, No. of holes: 8, Bolt: M20. (b) PCD: 155 mm,No. of holes: 8, Bolt: M16. Pipe line has two 90 degree bend and one reducer. b) Dimensions: Pipe OD: 115mm, Length: 600 mm, Flange PCD: 175 mm, No. of holes: 8, Bolt: M16, No.of bends: 1. E-24030 New 10 Bar Comp sea water cooler S.W outlet pipe to renew. Dimensions: Length: 2 m, OD: 35 mm, No of bends (90 deg): 2 nos, 03 nos flanges of PCD: 72mm, 01 nos flange of PCD: 90mm. E-24031 30 Bar Compressor Sea Water Inlet Line job: Fabricate and renew Cooling water inlet side stub piece with oval flange of following dimensions. Flange PCD: 50mm, Thickness: 16mm, Stub piece Pipe OD: 25mm, Stub piece Length: 50mm, No. of holes: 2, Bolt: M8, Qty Req: 1 no to renew in place and 2 nos to supply as spare. E-24032 ECR A/C condenser sea water inlet pipe corroded , pin holed and cold repaired, same to be renewed. Dimensions: PCD1 -92mm, 4 Holes * M12 Bolts, OD1-50mm and PCD2 60mm, 4 holes * M10 bolts , OD2- 32mm. Pipe has a reducer from 50 mm to 32mm and 90 degree bend at reducer. E-24033 ROP #3- Sea water outlet pipe to overboard holed and cold repaired,same to be renewed. Dimensions- OD- 32 mm, 03 Nos Flanges with pcd 83 mm on 04 holes * M12 bolts. Length of pipe - 5 metres approx. 03 Nos 90 Degree bends and 01 No T- Joint. E-24034 Stbd thruster azimuth cooler S.W inlet pipe corroded , pin holed and cold repaired, same to be renewed. Dimensions: , OD- 40 mm, One 90 deg bend, PCD - 750 mm, Length - 1m. E-24035 Fresh water hydrophore pump (port) suction pipe corrodded and pin holed, same to be renewed. Dimensions sch 80 pipe OD- 61 mm, 02 Nos Flanges ,one floating flange, one fixed flange with pcd 124mm. 04 holes * M16 bolts. Length of pipe - 1 metre approx. 02 Nos 75 Degree bends and 01 No 90 degree bend. one no vent tapping of 27mm socket to procure and weld . FW hydrophore pump discharge pipe threaded portion connecting to NR Valve damaged and leaking, same to be renewed. Dimensions sch 80,OD- 61 mm, 4 nos flanges ,3 nos fixed flange and one no floating flange with pcd 120mm. 04 holes * M16 bolts. Length of pipe - 2 meters approx.03 Nos 90 Degree bends. 50mm threaded NRV to be procure and fit . E-24036 DA#3 Alternator Cooling water pipelines renewal: Alternator cooler sea water inlet and outlet pipelines to renew as both pipes wasted due to rubbing the body/ foundation. Dimensions-<< Pipe Dia- 72mm, Flange OD- 180mm, Flange PCD- 145mm. Length of Pipe- 6 Meters Approx. 04 Holes with M16 bolts.No of 90 degree bends - 02 , No of 45 Degree Bends- 02. 01 No SDNR valve (PN-16) to be removed and refitted after pipeline modification/ renewal. G240011.5 Mud pump discharge pipe line (leakage through L Bend) Material Sch40. Dia 100 mm, length 400 MM required to renew. G240011.6 Mud transfer Pipeline connected with Mud filling funnel at the bottom, Material Sch40. Dia 80 mm, length 100 MM required to renew. G240011.7. Sea water pipeline (Distance piece) outside Mud room Material Sch40. Dia 80 mm, length 300 MM required to renew

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