
Tender For Supply Of Various Chemical, Crm, Srm, Etc , Acetic Acid , Calcium Chloride Fused ,, Jaipur-Rajasthan

Medical And Health Services has published Tender For Supply Of Various Chemical, Crm, Srm, Etc , Acetic Acid , Calcium Chloride Fused ,. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-08-2024. Clothing Accessories Tenders in Jaipur Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Various Chemical, Crm, Srm, Etc , Acetic Acid , Calcium Chloride Fused ,
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Various Chemical, Crm, Srm, Etc , Acetic Acid , Calcium Chloride Fused , Boric Acid , Hydrogen Per Oxide , Hydrochloric Acid , Phospho Molybdic Acid , Sudan-Ii , Nitric Acid , Sulphuric Acid , Acetone , Ammonium Molybdate , Di-Ammonium Hydrogen Phosphate , Iso-Amyl Alcohol , Ammonium Hydroxide Solution , Antimony (Iii)Chloride , Ammonium Ferric Sulphate , Acetonitrile , Bismuth Subnitrate , Bromocresol Green Indicator Ar , Chloroform , Carbon Tetra Chloride , Petroleum Ether 600-800 , Phloroglucinol , Phenol , Paraffin Liquid , Resorcinol , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets , Diethyl Ether , Fehling Solution A , Furfural , Glycerol , Xylene , Methyleneblue Solution Indicator , Methylorange Indicator , Fehling Solution B , Silver Nitrate , Di-Phenyl Carbazide , Petroleum Ether 400-600 , Phenolpthaline Indicator , Cobalt Sulphate , Fast Red (Allura Red) Colour , Alkali Blue 6 B Indicator , Rosaniline Acetate , Zinc Acetate , Potassiumhydroxide , Benzene , Hexane , N- Heptane , Potassium Iodide , Sudan I , Sudan Iii , Sudan Iv , Silica Gel , Toluene , Furfuraldehyde , Aluminum Oxide (Al2o3) , Tartrazine Color , Sunset Yellow Fcf Color , Carmosine Color , Ponceau 4R Color , Brilliant Bluecolor , Fast Green Fcf Color , Metanil Yellowcolor , Iodine Monochloride Ampules , N-Ninhydrine , Potassium Chromate , Potassium Dichromate , Starch Soluble , Sulphur Powder , Tri-Sodium Citrate , Ampules 0.1N Sodium Hydroxide , Ampules 0.1N Sodium Thiosulphate , Ampules 0.1N Hydrochloric Acid , Ampules 0.1N Silver Nitrate , Iodine Crystal , Sodium Potassium Tartrate , Di Methyle Amino Banzaldehyde , Copper Sulphate , Potassiumsulphate , Edta Powder , Sodium Carbonate , Copper Acetate , Bromine Ampule , Carbon Di Sulphide , Phenol , Methyl Red Indicator , Phenol Red Indicator , Phenolphthalien Indicator , Eriochrome Black T Indicator , Di Mehtyel Yellow , Bromothymol Blue Indicator , Bromophenol Indicator , Di Mehtyel Yellow Colour , Caramel Colour , Rhodamin B , Amaranth Colour , Erythrosine Colour , Acid Yellow Colour , Urea Pure , Sucrose Pure , Acid Orange (Orange Grade) Color , Butter Yellow , Acetic Anhydride , Ammonium Acetate , Ammonium Oxalate , Ammonium Hydrogen Phosphate , Annatto Colour , Bromocresol Blue , Calcium Carbonate , Dichloro Fluorescin , Ferric Chloride , Formaldehyde , Indigo Carmine Colour , Lead Chromate , Lead Acetate , Methanol , Molybdophosphoric Acid , Potassium Permanganate , Ponceau-4R Colour , Saccharin Sodium 98% , Sodium Acetate , Sodium Sulphate , Concentrate Nitric Acid , Thymol Blue Indicator Gr , Trichoroacetic Acid , Titanium Dioxide , Hydrogen Peroxide , Silica Gel 60( Adsorbent) Particle Size 0.063-0.200 Mm(70-230 Mesh Astm) , Oxalic Acid , Hydrazine Sulphate , Potassium Hydrogen Orthophosphate , Sodium Thiosulphate , Propan-2 Ol , Methanol Ms Optima Grade , Acetonitrilems Optima Grade , Ethyl Acetate Ms Optima Grade , Acetic Acid Ms Optima Grade , Aluminum (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Antimony (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Arsenic (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Barium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Bismuth (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Cadmium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Calcium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Chromium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Copper (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Germanium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Gold (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Iron (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Lead (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Magnesium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Manganese (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Mercury (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Nickel (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Potassium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Rhodium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Scandium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Selenium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Silver (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Sodium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Tellurium (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Tin (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Vanadium (Icpms Grade) Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Zinc (Icpms Grade)Traceable To Srm From Nist (1000 Mg/L) , Customized Gc Pesticide Mix Nist Certified Crm (Compound List Enclosed) , Customizedlc Pesticide Mix Nist Certified Crm(Compound List Enclosed) , Curcumin Nist Certified Crm (1000 Mg/L) , 37 Component Fame Mixcrmfor Fatty Acid , Vitamin A (1000 Mg/L) , Vitamin D (1000 Mg/L) , Vitamin B12 (1000 Mg/L) , Vitamin B3 (1000 Mg/L) , Vitamin C (1000 Mg/L) , Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate , Sodium Carbonate , Mustard Oil , Groundnut Oil , Potassium Di-Chromate , Sodium Chloride , Sucrose , Oryzanol , Argemone Oil Reference Standard , Castor Oil Reference Standard , Mineral Oilreference Standard , Cotton Seed Oilreference Standard , Turmeric With Lead Chrome Reference Standard , Potassium Di Chromate Reference Standard , Potassium Hydrogen Phtallatereference Standard , Sodium Carbonatereference Standard , Sodium Chloridereference Standard , Sand Particle Size Pass Through 500 Micron Is Seive Size And Retained On 180 Micron Is Seive , Standard Is Seive Set Ofaperture Size Size 4 Mm, 3.35 Mm, 1.70 Mm, 1.0 Mm With Solid Bottom Pan Each , Vitamin A Reference Standard , Formic Acid Optima Grade , Ammonium Formate Optima Grade , Nitric Acid , Hydrogen Peroxide , Hydrochloric Acid , Ultra Pure Water , Hexane , Methanol , Nutrient Brothw/1%Peptone , Nutrient Agar , Mac Conkey Broth W/ Neutral Red , Mac Conkeys Agar , Plate Count Agar (Pca) , Bairedparkes Agar Medium , Yeast Extract Dextrose Chloramphenicol Agar Medium , Potato Dextrose Agar , M R-Vp Medium , Bismuth Sulphide Agar Medium , Thermometer 0 To 1000C , Cedar Wood Oil/ Immersion , Forcepsss , Tray Plastic , Kovacsindole Reagent , Grams Stain Kit , Steam Indicator Tape , Dry Heat Chemical Process Strips , Stereothermophilus Ampoule , Disposable Shoe Cover , Ph Paper Strips , Autoclavable Disposable Bags , Autoclavable Micropipette Tips (1000 Fixed Volume,500-5000 Variable Volume,50-200 Microlitre , Scissors Small , Labels And Taps , Aluminum Foil , Butter Paper , Hand Gloves (Small And Large) Disposable , Slippers , Liquid Soup Solution For Glassware Washing 5 Ltr Pack , Lens Paper , Head Cap , Sterile Mask , Sterile Gloves , Petri Dishes Pair (Small) , Petri Dishes Pair (Big) , Disinfectant -1. Silvicide Solution 2.Dettol Liquid 3. Isopropyl Alcohol , Spray/Dispenser Bottles , Tip Box , Lint Free Cloth , Durham S Tube , Cellophane/High Barrier Paper For Autoclaving , Thread Roll , Spreader/Innoculating Loop (Sterilized Flexi Loops) , Biohazardious Bag (Disposable Bags) , Cover Slip (Stranded) , Spiritlamp , 100-1000Micro Litre Tips Universal Graduated (1*1000) , Tips (1000Ul), Tips (50 -200Ul) , Middle Test Tube(25Mm*150Mm) , Test Tube With Screw Cap (25Mm*150Mm) , Eosin Methylene Blue Agar , Bufferedpeptone Water , Rapport Vassiliadis Soya Broth , Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar , Brillent Green Phenol Red Lactose Agar , Mannitol Egg Yolk Polymixin Agar , Voilet Red Bile Glucose Agar , Triple Sugar Iron Agar , Chromogenic Coliform Agar , Supplements - Egg Yolk Emulsion , Polymixin B Sulphate , Potassium Tellurite , Novobiocin Supplement , Iron Sulphite Agar , Sabourbord Dextrose Agar , Barritt A Reagent , Barritt B Reagent , Urea Agar , Sim Medium (Sulfide,Indole,Motility Test Medium) , Oxidase Disc , Nitrate Broth , Parafilm Tape , Water Containers , ?- Naphthylamine , Sterilized Flexi Loop, For Stab Inoculation(Needle) , Hygro Thermometer , Glass Pipette , Rubber Bulbs , Beaker , Beaker , Beaker , Beaker , Beaker , Burret , Burret , Butyrometer Tube For Milk Testing , Dropping Bottle Plastic , Dropping Bottle Plastic , Dropping Bottle Plastic , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Measuring Cylinder , Cover Slip , Condenser For R.M. Set , Crusible Quartz Without Lid , Diamond Pencil , Flask Conical , Flask Conical , Flask Conical , Flask Conical , Flask Iodine Stopper , Funnel Glass , Funnel Plastic , Separating Funnel , Glass Rod All Type , Rubber Bulb Medium Size , Rubber Bulb Size Big , Pipettes Graduated , Pipettes Graduated , Pipettes Graduated , Pipettes Volumetric , Pipettes Volumetric , Pipettes Volumetric , Pipettes Volumetric , Test Tube With Stopper , Petri Dish Pair (Glass) , Volumetric Pipette , Caplliry Tube , Long Neck Volumetric Measuring Flask With Stopper , Long Neck Volumetric Measuring Flask With Stopper , Long Neck Volumetric Measuring Flask With Stopper , Long Neck Volumetric Measuring Flask With Stopper , Long Neck Volumetric Measuring Flask With Stopper , Density Bottle , Soxhlet Flask , Glass Beads , Glass Slide For Microscopy , Heating Mantal Net For 250Ml , Heating Mantal Net For 500Ml , Automatic Tilt With 250Ml Bottle , Automatic Tilt With 250Ml Bottle , Soxhlet Condensor Medium , Aluminium Dishes , Reagent Bottle , Reagent Bottle , Reagent Bottle Amber Coloured , Reagent Bottle Amber Coloured , Mojonnier Fat Extraction Tube , Pipette Stand Plastic Verticle , Air Condenser With Joint 100Cm , Dean & Stark Apparatus 10.0Ml , Auto Pippete Sucker , Suction Flask , Thermometer Zeel , Lactometerzeel , Centrifuge Tube Glass With Stopper , Gerber Tube Aluminium Stand Round Shape For 8 Tube Or More , Volatile Oil Clanveger Type Appratus Lighter Than Water , Volatile Oil Clanveger Type Appratus Haveier Than Water , Desicator With Cap , Toungue Ss , Soxhlet Clamps With Brass Head , Tripod Iron Stand , Asbestosed /Ceramic Wire Gauge , Mortar & Pestal 150 Ml , Volumetric Flask (Rm Reciever) , Membrane Filtration Assemboly With Pump & Filters , Beaker , Beaker , Iodine Flask , Butyrometer Key Aluminum , Butyrometer Tube Cork , Automatic Tilt , Automatic Tilt , Column For Colour Chromatography , Distillation Head For Rm With Rubber Cork , Bell Jar Glass , R.M Flask Long Neck , Porcelain Dish , Soxhlateextractor Glass , Jar Rectangular , Thermometer , Magnifying Glass , Burrete Clamp , Flask Round Bottom Longnack With Soxhlet Jiont , Flask Round Bottom Long Nack With Soxhlet Jiont , Septafor Auto Sampler Vial , Cap For Auto Sampler Vial , Separating Funnel , Separating Funnel Stand With Holder , Filter Paper Sheet 1 (46*57Cm) , Filter Paper No. 1 Dimeter 125Mm , Filter Paper No. 2 Dimeter 125Mm , Filter Paper No. 4 Dimeter 125Mm , Filter Paper No. 42 Dimeter 125Mm , Centrifuge Tubes (Pp Tubes ) 50Ml Pkt , Centrifuge Tubes (Pp Tubes ) 15Ml Pkt , Nylon Syring Filter 0.25Mm (Dia) 0.22 Um (Poure Size) , Ptfe Syring Filter 0.25Mm (Dia) 0.22 Um (Poure Size) , Nitril Gloves (Medium Size) , Nitril Gloves (Small Size) , Brush For Butyrometr Test Tube Brush , Tong 12 Ss , Spatulla 8 Ss , Auto Sampler Vials With Cap And Septa 1X100 , 100-1000 Micro Litre Tips Universal Graduated(1X1000) , 10-100 Micro Litre Tips , 1-5 Ml Tips (1X100) , Tissue Rolls , Lens Paper , Disposable Lab Coat , Non-Absorbant Cotton Roll 500Gm , Nitrogen Gas Cylinder 47 Litre (99.999% Purity) , Argon Gas Cylinder47 Litre (99.999% Purity) , Helium Gas Cylinder47 Litre (99.999% Purity) , Hydrogen Gas Cylinder47 Litre (99.999% Purity) , Zero Air Gas Cylinder47 Litre (99.999% Purity) , Membrane Filter(0.45?M) (Millipore) , Aluminum Foil Food Grade (Extra Hygiene) Rolls , Tlc Plate Aluminium (20X20 Cm) , Coloumn For Vitamin Analysis C-18 1.8?M,2.1X100mm , Coloumn For Vitamin Analysis C-18 2.6?M,2.1X100mm , Gc Coloum-105 Mtr. Capillary Tg-5Ms, 105Mtr. Lenth X0.25 Pore Size For Fatty Acid Profile , Alpha. Amylase 100 Gm , Sodium Acetate500 Gm , Ammonium Formate 100 Gm , Di Potassium Hydrogen Phosphate 500 Gm , Glass Wool (For Column Chromatography) , Pure Wool For Colour Qualitative Test , Oxygen Gas Cylinder47 Litre (99.999% Purity) , Bursh For Large Bottels Cleaning12inch Lenth , Jag Aluminum Capacity2.5 Litre , Test Tube Holder

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 01-08-2024 CORRIGENDUM TITLE Date 07-08-2024
2 01-08-2024 Amendment2 Other 07-08-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1000 /-
INR 180000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 90 Lakhs /-
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We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.
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