
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Material Handling At Csm And Modernisation Store Total Quantity :, Rourkela-Odisha

Steel Authority Of India Limited has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Material Handling At Csm And Modernisation Store Total Quantity :. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-08-2024. Labour Work Tenders in Rourkela Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Material Handling At Csm And Modernisation Store Total Quantity :
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Material Handling At Csm And Modernisation Store - 1) THE CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE SUPERVISORS, SAFETY OFFICER, FORKLIFT, CRANE, HYDRA CRANE, OPERATORS, SLINGERS, HELPERS, ALL CONSUMABLES, REQUIRED FUEL & MAINTENANCE FOR CARRYING OUT ALL MATERIAL HANDLING AND ASSISTANCE WORK IN CSM AND MODERNISATION STORES. THE CONTRACTOR WILL CARRY OUT ALL JOBS ASSIGNED TO THEM UNDER THEIR SUPERVISOR. THE WORK INCLUDES RECEIPT AND ISSUE OF ALL MATERIAL BY MANUAL AND MECHANICAL MEANS, DE-STUFFING OF RECEIVED MATERIALS, PLACING IN DIRECTED LOCATIONS, UNBOXING, COUNTING, SHIFTING, STACKING / PILING, REMOVAL OF WASTES / PACKING MATERIALS, LOCATING ISSUE MATERIAL, COUNTING BEFORE ISSUE, LOADING BY MECHANICAL MEANS, HANDLING OF RETURN REJECTED MATERIALS, HANDLING OF RECONDITIONING MATERIALS, MOVEMENT, RETURN OF EMPTIES, PRESERVATION, HOUSEKEEPING, CLEANING AND ALL ASSOCIATED JOBS AND ALLIED TASKS OF STORE. PRESERVATION WORK OF MATERIALS, HOUSEKEEPING OF THE GODOWNS / BAYS. ROADS, YARDS, ADJOINING AREAS, OFFICES, SHELVES, CUTTING DOWN OF BUSHES, CLEARING OF YARDS, DUSTING OFF OF SHELVES, PATHWAYS, ALL ALLIED JOBS FOR SMOOTH RECEIPT / ISSUE / MOVEMENT OF MATERIAL, ALL ENABLING JOBS OF UTILISATION OF STORAGE SPACE BY, MOVEMENT OF LADDERS / TROLLIES FOR SHIFTING OF MATERIALS FOR SPACE MANAGEMENT, MARKING AND FINDING THE LOCATION OF MATERIAL, STACKING, PLACEMENT AND UNPACKING OF MATERIAL, CLEARING OF THE WASTE MATERIAL / PACKINGS FOR TIDYNESS, COUNTING OF MATERIAL, LABELLING / MARKING/ PAINT-MARKING THE MATERIAL, KEEPING MATERIAL AT ADVISED PLACES AS PER INSTRUCTION, STACKING, PILING, ASSISTANCE IN LOCATING MATERIAL, COUNTING, LOADING BY MECHANICAL MEANS AND KEEPING THE BAYS, YARDS CLEAN, ALL OTHER ASSISTANCE TO STOREKEEPERS IN ALL MATTERS OF STORE. IN SHORT, THE RESOURCES PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE UTILISED IN STORE FOR EXECUTING ALL WORK REQUIRED TO BE DONE IN A STORE OF AN INTEGRATED STEEL PLANT. THE SUPERVISOR OF THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE SUCCESSFUL EXECUTION OF ALL JOBS ADVISED TO THEM. FAILURE TO EXECUTE THE JOBS IN RESONABLE TIME, MISHANDLING, CLUMSY / UNSAFE PRACTICES, PILFERAGE WILL RESULT IN DEDUCTION OF PENALTY FROM THE BILLS OF THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE JOBS ARE DONE BY THEIR WORKMEN UNDER THE CAREFUL WATCH AND CAUTION OF THE CONTRACTOR AND THEIR SUPERVISERS TO ELIMINATE ALL POSSIBILITY OF CLUMSY / UNSAFE HANDLING AND THEFT / PILFERAGE OF MATERIAL OR DAMAGE TO MEN, MACHINE OR MATERIAL. CONTRACTOR WILL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ACTS RESULTING IN ABOVE BY HIS EMPLOYEES OR ANY ACT BY HIS EMPLOYEES AGAINST THE INTEREST OF RSP. 2. THE ABOVEMENTIONED JOBS IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE, HENCE THE CONTRACTOR TO FIRST VISIT BOTH THE STORES AND CAREFULLY SEE THE SITE CONDITIONS FROM ALL ASPECTS INCLUDING JOB VOLUME, SAFETY AND SECURITY POINT OF VIEW BEFORE QUOTING. NO COMPLAINT REGARDING WORKING SITUATION AFTER AWARD OF CONTRACT WILL BE ACCEPTED. IF THE CONTRACTOR FAILS TO EXECUTE THE JOBS TO THE SATISFACTION OF RSP OR IS NOT COMPLYING REQUIRED SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS THEN RSP RESERVES RIGHT TO MAKE GOOD FOR THE LOSSES INCURRED FROM THE PENDING BILLS OF THE CONTRACTOR. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD NOTE THAT THEY HAVE TO CARRY OUT ALL JOBS REQUIRED BY STORE TO FULFILL THE REQUIREMENTS OF STORE AT ALL STAGES OF MATERIAL HANDLING UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THEIR SUPERVISOR. 4. RESOURCES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR : THE CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE MINIMUM 2 TYRE-MOUNTED CRANES (ONE MINIMUM 12 TON CAPACITY HYDRA AND ONE CRANE OF MINIMUM 17 TON CAPACITY), 1 NO OF FORK LIFT (OF MINIMUM 3 TON CAPACITY), 1 OPERATOR (High Skilled) FOR EACH OF THE SAID EQUIPMENTS (Total 03 operators), 4 SLINGERS(Semi- Skilled), 13 HELPERS (Semi- Skilled), 2 SUPERVISORS (Skilled Worker) AND 01 SAFETY OFFICER (High Skilled), ALL CONSUMABLES, SLINGS IN FIT AND TESTED CONDITION, PPE, FUEL AND SUPERVISORS ETC. TO CARRY OUT THE JOBS. WHEREVER MATERIALS ARE HEAVY AND CANNOT BE HANDLED BY CONTRACTORS CRANES, RSPS HEAVY CRANES WILL BE PROVIDED WITH FUEL, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATOR FREE OF COST; CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE ALL OTHER ASSISTANCE LIKE SLINGER, HELPER ETC. FOR HANDLING OF SUCH MATERIALS. 5. THE OPERATORS OF TYRE-MOUNTED CRANES SHOULD HAVE VALID HMV LICENSE AND THE FORK LIFT OPERATORS SHOULD HAVE VALID LMV LICENSE. SLINGERS AND HELPERS TO BE FIT AND TRAINED FOR CARRYING OUT NECESSARY JOBS OF CRANE AND FORK LIFT. 6. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ALL FUEL, MAINTENANCE, SLINGS, HAND GLOVES, SAFETY SHOES, ALL TOOLS, TACKLES, CONSUMABLES, PPE, SAFETY APPLIANCES NECESSARY FOR THE JOBS IN FIT AND TESTED CONDITION. CONTRACTOR MUST ENSURE SAFETY OF ALL THEIR PERSONNEL AND MACHINERY AT THE WORK AND MUST SEE THE SITE FROM BOTH JOB REQUIREMENTS AND SAFETY POINT OF VIEW BEFORE SUBMITTING THEIR QUOTATION. 7. PAYMENT AND PENALTY : THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE THE NUMBER OF CRANES / HYDRA CRANES / FORK LIFTS / OTHER RESOURCES MENTIONED ABOVE EVERYDAY AND CARRY OUT ALL JOBS ADVISED TO THEM. PAYMNENT TO THE CONTRACTOR WILL BE MADE IN A SINGLE CONSOLIDATED AMOUNT PER MONTH AS FIXED IN THE TENDER SUBJECT TO DEDUCTION OF PENALTIES AS FOLLOWS : a) FAILURE TO PROVIDE 17 TON CRANE : Rs. 2500 PER HOUR OF NON-AVAILABILITY b) FAILURE TO PROVIDE 12 TON HYDRA CRANE : Rs. 1800 PER HOUR OF NON-AVAILABILITY c) FAILURE TO PROVIDE FORK-LIFT : Rs. 1000 PER HOUR OF NON-AVAILABILITY d) FAILURE TO PROVIDE ONE OPERATOR : Rs. 1500 PER HOUR OF NON-AVAILABILITY. e) FAILURE TO PROVIDE ONE SLINGER : EQUAL TO HALF THE PENALTY AMPOUNT FOR RESPECTIVE CRANE / FORK LIFT / HYDRA f) FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPERVISOR OR SLINGER : Rs. 400 PER HOUR OF NON-AVAILABILITY OF EACH SLINGER OR EACH SUPERVISOR g) FAILURE TO PROVIDE ONE HELPER : Rs. 100 PER HOUR h) FAILURE TO EXECUTE ANY JOB INTENTIONALLY WILL ATTRACT A PENALTY OF Rs.1000 PER JOB. i) HOWEVER, THE MAXIMUM PENALTY SHALL BE 10% OF MONTHLY BILL. j) NON-AVAILABILITY OF ANY EQUIPMENT WILL MEAN THAT CONTRACTOR HAS NOT PROVIDED THE NECESSARY EQUIPMENT WITH FUEL AND CONSUMABLES IN FIT AND WORKING CONDITION AT ANY TIME DURING THE WORKING SHIFT. SIMILARLY NON-AVAILABILITY OF ANY PERSONNEL WILL MEAN THAT THE PERSON WAS NOT AVAILBLE AT SITE OF WORK. IT IS THE DUTY OF THE SPERVISOR TO MAKE AVAILBLE THE EQUIPMENTS AND PERSONNEL AT THE STORES AT ALL TIMES OF THE WORKING SHIFT AND REPORT IMMEDIATELY TO THE WORK SITE WITH ALL EQUIPMENTS AND PERSONNEL WHENEVER REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR CANNOT TAKE AWAY ANY RESOURCE IF THERE IS NO WORK AT ANY TIME. 8. CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR SAFETY OF ALL VEHICLES OF RSP, HIS EQUIPMENTS, HIS MANPOWER AND MATERIALS OF RSP. THROUGH HIS REPRESENTATIVE / SUPERVISOR HE WILL CARRY OUT EVERYDAYS BUSINESS SAFELY AND COMPLETE THE JOBS DAILY. 9. CONTRACTOR HAS TO BE VERY CAREFUL AND METICULOUS WHILE EMPLOYING THEIR PERSONNEL IN THE STORE AREA. STORE AREA BEING HIGHLY SENSITIVE FROM SECURITY OF MATERIAL POINT OF VIEW, THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD DEPLOY MANPOWER OF SOUND CHARACTER AND HEALTHY MOTIVE IN THE WORK AND JOB TO BE EXECUTED IN CLOSE SUPERVISION OF THEIR OWN SUPERVISORS SO THAT THERE WILL BE NO PILFERAGE, THEFT OR DAMAGE TO THE MATERIAL. THE CONTRACTOR will be responsible for any pilferage from Store OR ANY DISHONEST/ MANIPULATION ACTIVITY BY HIS REPRESENTATIVE / PERSONNEL. THE CONTRACTOR TO EMPLOY PERSONS WHO DONOT HAVE HISTORY OF THEFT / PILFERAGE / CRIME / ASSOCIATION WITH CRIMINALS. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD OBTAIN POILCE VERIFICATION OF THE PERSONS ENGAGED AND SAME TO BE PRODUCED TO ROURKELA STEEL PLANT WHNEVER DEMANDED. IF ANY CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR IS NOTICED OR SUCH ACTION IS DETECTED NECESSARY ACTION SHALL BE TAKEN AGAINST THE CONTRACTOR. 10. The Terms and conditions as laid down in the Notice Inviting Tender, General Terms and Conditions of Contract, Special Terms and Conditions and other tender documents are binding to the Tenderers. All the above shall form a part of the contract including Letter of Intent and/or Work Order/AT. 11. The contractor must visit the all the sites of job and get themselves fully acquainted with the nature of work and materials before quoting. The contractor should not complaint on the nature of job after award of the Contract. 12. The Contractor shall bear all expenses required for execution of the job that includes costs like materials, Royalty, all Labour, Statutory Payments, Safety, Tools & Tackles, all overheads, consumables etc. unless otherwise specified. 13. The CONTRACTOR has to execute the Job as per the requirement of the department and direction of the Incharge, MM Store. Since the men and machine employed and engaged by the contractor shall have to enter inside plant premises & areas guarded by CISF, the contractor shall arrange their CLC gate pass from CISF to this effect. The Equipments along with necessary tools, tackles, Slings, hooks, D-Shackles etc. in fit, tested and ready conditions are to be arranged by the Contractor. All safety accessories required by the employees of the contractor are to be arranged by the Contractor. Contractor shall be responsible for any liability arising from use of these for execution of the contract. 14. All applicable laws on safety & laws related to statuary obligations towards the MANPOWER engaged shall be adhered to by the contractor. 15. The Contractor shall provide service on all week days in G Shift. Normally no deployment / handling jobs are required on Sundays & Plant Holidays. However deployment may be required due to emergency on Sundays and Plant Holidays also. 16. The contractor must deploy supervisors to supervise the job of their employees and co-ordinate with MM Store and other concerned departments for smooth operation of the job. 17. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure coverage of their men under ESI, EPF, necessary insurance and other statutory cover as per Govt. rules. Before deployment of any employee the Contractor shall obtain CLC Gate Pass from PL(CLC) as per prevailing procedure with submission of required documents. 18. The Operator deployed by the contractor must possess valid Heavy Transport vehicle category driving licenses to drive Hydra crane and Light Motor Vehicle License to drive Forklifts shall have appropriate experience and insurance. 19. It is the responsibility of the contractor that the equipment/ vehicle are operated by competent persons with sound health & physical fitness. The contractor shall arrange Insurance for their personnel deployed at the site of work as required. 20. The contractor shall have Independent Business No w.r.t. ESI & EPF & all his employees shall have covered under same as per applicability. RSP shall have no liability for the employees of contractor deployed at RSP site. The Agency shall comply with all the required statutory provisions under different applicable Labour Laws. 21. The contractor may authorize their Supervisor /authorised representative for the purpose of documentation & billing. 22. The contractor should ensure that all his employees follow safety & other rules of RSP while inside RSP premises. All safety precautions to be followed during operation of the equipments/ vehicles. The contractor has to arrange personal protective equipments at their own cost for his employees deployed by him. The penalty amount along with applicable GST on penalty will be recovered from the Contractor for violation of safety. 23. The contractor to ensure that the employees engaged by them shall not be under influence of alcohol or any type of intoxicating substance. The operators of the contractor should run the equipments/ vehicles within the permissible limit of speed as prescribed by the concerned authorities. In no case the assistants shall drive the vehicles/ equipments. The only driver having valid driving licenses shall drive the vehicles/ equipments. 24. The contractor should have a Local Office at Rourkela in the vicinity of Rourkela Steel Township. 25. Safety clearance shall be obtained by the contractor from Safety Engineering department before starting the work. 26. After award of the Contract for day to day execution of jobs, everyday at 9 AM the Supervisor of the contractor shall report with his men and machine to the Incharge of Modn. & CSM Store or his authorized official for instruction and carry out the jobs strictly as directed. The job directions will be given as the work progresses through the day. 27. Actual date of start of the job shall be the date & time when the operator shall be physically engaged for operation & execute the program as per the scope of work. 28. The contractor shall make arrangement for immediate start of work as per instruction failing which it shall be treated as non-performance / adverse performance by the agency inviting penalty/ damages / foreclosure of contract. 29. Performance of the firm will be considered for evaluation of any tender and participation by the firm in future tender. 30.0 The work will be executed as per the direction of the officer-in-charge of the areas. 31.0 all the Terms and conditions as laid down in the Notice Inviting Tender and the safety rules are binding to the Tenderers. 32.0 The Tenderer(s) should be fully acquainted with all those documents of the tender schedule to deliver a bona fide tender. 33.0 The rates quoted should be inclusive of all the required materials, Royalty, all Labour Statutory Payments as applicable on works contract, Safety, Tools & Tackles, all overheads etc. unless otherwise specified. The rates quoted shall remain fixed during the contract period. However, labour escalation shall be admissible. 34.0 WATER & ELECTRICITY Water & electricity for the execution of work, if required, shall be made available at no additional cost to the agency. 35.0 PROCEDURE FOR EXECUTION OF WORK The contractor may be asked to carry out the work in any of the area of the work site decided by the Department. The contractor should be fully acquainted with different area of the work site where in any of the jobs indicated to the schedule may be required to be carried out under the contract. The agency has to apply for CLC gate passes immediately after placement of LOI/ Order and start work as per the direction of officers-in-charge. The contractor is to deploy supervisor to supervise the labours engaged and carry out the work as per direction of officer-In-Charge or departmental representative for day to day execution of work. 36.0 DAMAGES If the Contractor shall neglect to execute the work with due diligence or expedition or shall refuse or neglect to comply with any reasonable orders given to him in writing in connection with the work or shall contravene the provisions of the Contract, the Department may give notice in writing to the Contractor calling upon him to make good the failure, neglect, loss or contravention within such time as may be deemed reasonable and in default of compliance with the said notice, the Department without prejudice of their right, may rescind the Contract holding the Contractor liable for the damages which the Department shall sustain in this behalf. 8.3 In case it is found that the Contractor is not discharging the duties as per stipulations of the Contract, RSP shall be at liberty to terminate the Contract by giving the Contractor a reasonable notice in writing. All expenses and loss incurred by RSP in finding out alternative arrangement for execution of the job shall be at the cost and risk of the Contractor which shall be adjusted from any amount payable to the Contractor or can be recovered from the Contractor in any other form. Such adverse performance of the agency shall be viewed seriously and liable for rejection in participating in future business transaction / tender. In case multiple agencies have been awarded the work, the balance quantity of work of the failed agency may be executed through the other available agency. 37.0 SAFETY AND PRECAUTIONS The regulations OF Safety shall have to be strictly followed by the Contractors. The successful contractors have to apply for clearance to engage the Contract Workers in the prescribed format & should obtain Safety Induction Training for all its workers to be deployed for the work from the department. All the workers must be aware of the Safety hazards in connection with various types of work. All safety precautions and other applicable safety rules are to be followed. The contractor must ensure use of PPEs like Safety Boot/rubber boots, Safety Helmet, Reflective Jacket, Hand Gloves, safety belt, dust mask etc by their workmen. 38. PENALTY AGAINST VIOLATION OF SAFETY. (A) ED(W) procedure order on safety & its future amendments, if any, shall be applicable. (a) Statutory Rules & Regulations: The Contractor shall abide by the provisions of the Factories Act, Orissa Factory Rules, Employees Compensation Act, Contract Labour (R & A) Act and rules , EPF and MP act, ESI act and all other statutory rules and regulations in vogue and keep the Principal Employer indemnified of the provisions of the above Acts and Rules. (b) The contractor(s) has to arrange CLC gate passes for their employees well in advance by complying all the prevailing rules and procedures of the company through contract executing department before start of the job. (c) Contractors are required to register for verification of character and antecedents of individuals by police authorities through crime and criminal tracking networks and systems (CCTNS) portals in respect of all contract labour required to enter the RSP premises. (d) In addition to ESI (wherever applicable), the contractor shall cover all his/her/their employees/contract labors deployed against his/ her/ their contract in RSP (including Odisha Group of Mines) for Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for a minimum amount as notified from time to time by PL-CLC for the period of Contract as an additional welfare measure and submit the proof of the same to the executing department before deployment in job. The present insurance coverage amount is Rs. 10,00,000/- minimum. The cost of such insurance shall be covered by the contractor in his/ her/ their Quoted price accordingly and no extra payment to this effect shall be made to the contractor by RSP. (e) The Contractor is required to maintain statutory/other records like employment card, service certificate etc. as per applicable statutes/directions from RSP authorities issued from time to time in respect of persons deployed at RSP. Further, the records shall be produced before RSP/Statutory authorities as and when required/demanded. The agency is liable for disciplinary/penal actions in case of default in statutory compliances or non compliance of RSPs circular/guidelines/notices. (f) The Contractor is required to pay to the workmen, the Minimum Wages notified by the appropriate government and as per circular issued by RSP from time to time and also to comply with the various provisions of the statute/ law/circulars/notices applicable to them. In case they default on the payment of wages to the Workmen, RSP reserves the right to pay the workmen the said amount on behalf of the Contractors and recover the same from the Contractors bills including additional 30% administrative charges of said amount as per rules of the company. Further, in case they default on the payment of other dues or violate any other statutory provisions, RSP reserves the right to pay to the workmen/Statutory authorities the said amount on behalf of the Contractors and recover the same from the Contractors bills. 39. 0 Wage payment · Contractors shall be required to make payment of wages to their labour/workmen directly to the Bank Accounts of the labour/workmen through electronic mode for which documentary evidence shall be produced. · Contractors shall be required to distribute Wage slips to their labour/workmen within stipulated time as per statute. · Contractors shall berequired to give Notice for payment of wages to Principal Employers/Representative of Principal Employers within stipulated time as per statute or at least 2 days in advance from stipulated date of payment as per statute. · In case contract labour are deployed, the contractor shall pay Additional Welfare Amenities (AWA) in the form of allowance (not linked to wages) at the stipulated rate per day of actual attendance with a stipulated maximum amount per month to the contract labour engaged ESI contribution shall be payable on this allowance by the contractor. Quoted rates shall be considered accordingly and no extra payment shall be made to the contractors on this account. The present AWA rate per day is Rs. 157.69 and the maximum amount of AWA per month is Rs. 4100.00. In case of any increase in AWA as mentioned above within the period of Contract, the Contractor shall have to pay the revised increased amount to the Contract Labours to whom AWA was being paid earlier from the date of such increase and the amount so paid by the Contractor shall be reimbursed by SAlL RSP on production of documentary evidence of such payment. · In case contract labour are deployed, the agency shall pay special allowance @ Rs.25/per day of actual attendance to the workmen engaged. ESI contribution shall be payable on this allowance by the agency. Quoted rates shall be considered accordingly and no extra payment shall be made to the contractors on this account. 40.0 TERMS OF PAYMENTS The contractor shall submit the Running Account bills / Final bills along with copies of statutory deposits like ESI, EPF and other relevant documents. The Work Order/ Contract No. is to be mentioned on each page of bill. Payment for 2nd R/A and onwards will be subject to CLC clearance in original with respect to compliance of deposit of ESI and EPF dues by the contractor. Balance payment against final bill with CLC clearance in original. All the payments shall be subject to statutory deductions, recoveries as per contract such as Security deposit etc. However, if the payment term is revised by RSP the same shall be binding on the agencies. The following documents will be required for releasing the Running Bills(s). Copies of monthly wage sheet for the period to which the bill relates. Copies of corresponding ESI deposit challans. Copies of corresponding EPF deposit challans. CLC clearance for 2nd R/A and subsequent bills. The following additional documents will be required for releasing the Final Bill. The documents as mentioned in clause no. 12.2 for the remaining part of the work for which payment is due in favour of contractor. The clearance certificate issued by PL (CLC). #No Demand Certificate# from the contractor as per terms of the contract. The Final bill along with copies of statutory documents like wage sheets, ESI / EPF deposit challans etc. are to be submitted to the officer-in-Charge. In case, SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant is not able to avail ITC (Input Tax Credit) due to non-compliance of any of the provisions specified under GST Act/Rules 2017 by the supplier, any interest, penalty, tax payable by RSP and loss of ITC to RSP shall be recovered from any bill of the supplier pending with RSP for payment. GST invoice raised on RSP for supply of goods or services or both are to be uploaded by the supplier in the GSTIN site and monthly GST Return is to be filed within the due date. Bill submitted after three years from the date of completion of the job shall not be entertained for payment. Execution of jobs & submission of bills will be as per the procedure prevailing RSP. 41.0 RELEASE OF SECURITY DEPOSIT The Security Deposit shall be returned / released after submission of CLC Clearance Certificate /No Demand Certificate and as per the relevant procedure in vogue at RSP and its future amendments if any shall be applicable. 42.0 LABOUR ESCALATION Subsequent to final quotation of rates and during operation of the contract, if there is any upward revision of minimum wages, D.A. by any administrative instruction of RSP Management, the same will be reimbursed to the contractor on actual deduction from the amount payable to the contractor including the corresponding increase in the statutory payment arising out of the said revision, subject to production of documentary evidence in support of the said payment made in presence of respective representative of Principal Employer. The amount will be reimbursed to the Contractor at the end of each financial year. In case of extension of contract period where the reasons of delay are attributable to the contractor, labour escalations during such period of extension, shall not be admissible. No material escalation will be admissible during total execution period and the rate mentioned in the schedule shall remain firm. Labour escalation to be given as per the prevalent procedure of the department. 43.0 MATERIALS TO BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTORS AND INSPECTION All tools, tackles, PPE and all consumables 44.0 Where ever any Penalty/LD/recovery is there, additional GST at the applicable rate over and above Penalty//LD/recovery shall be levied from the contractor. 45.0 Provisions of the Special terms and conditions shall override all other terms and conditions of the tender if at variance. In case contract labour are deployed, the contractor shall pay Additional Welfare Amenities (AWA) in theform of allowance (not linked to wages) at the stipulated rate per day# of actual attendance with a stipulated maximum amount per month to the contract labour engaged. ESI contribution #shall be payable on this allowance bythe contractor. Quoted rates shall be considered accordingly and no extra payment shall be made to the contractors on this account. The present AWA rate per day is Rs. 157.69 and the maximum amount of AWA per month is Rs. 4100.00.#In case of any increase in AWA as mentioned above within the period of Contract, the Contractor shall have to pay then revised/increased amount to the Contract Labours to whom AWA was being paid earlier from the date of such increase and the amount so paid by the Contractor shall be reimbursed by SAIL RSP on production# #of documentary evidence of such payment. PLACE OF INSPECTION: CSM & MODN STORE INSPECTION AGENCY: OFFICER IN CHARGE OF CSM & MODN STORE PRICE VARIATION CLAUSE: PRICE VARIATION APPLICABLE AS PER CHANGE IN MINIMUM LABOUR WAGE. DELIVERY INSTRUCTION: Contract Period: 01 year (365 Days) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: 1) THE AVERAGE ANNUAL FINANCIAL TURNOVER OF THE TENDERER DURING LAST 3 CONSECUTIVE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING 31-3-2024 SHOULD BE ATLEAST RS. 35 LAKHS. TENDERER TO SUBMIT CERTIFICATE FROM A PRACTICING CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT WITH VALID UDIN IN THIS RESPECT. 2) THE TENDERER SHOULD HAVE EXPERIENCE OF COMPLETING SIMILAR WORKS * UNDER GOVT ORGANISATION / PSU / GOVT COMPANY DURING LAST 7 YEARS ENDING LAST DAY OF THE MONTH PREVIOUS TO THE ONE IN WHICH RFQ IS ISSUED SHOULD BE EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING : A) THREE SIMILAR COMPLETED WORKS OF EACH NOT LESS THAN RS. 46.56 LAKHS OR B) TWO SIMILAR COMPLETED WORKS OF EACH NOT LESS THAN RS. 58.2 LAKHS OR C) ONE SIMILAR COMPLETED WORK OF NOT LESS THAN RS. 93.13 LAKHS. *SIMILAR WORK MEANS: WORK OF HANDLING OF STORES / SPARES OR OTHER SUCH MATERIALS. TENDERER TO SUBMIT NOTARISED COPIES OF WORK ORDER / JOB COMPLETION CERTIFICATE IN SUPPORT OF EXPERIENCE. 3) THE TENDERER SHOULD HAVE THEIR OWN OR LEASED VEHICLES OF THE FOLLOWING TYPES / CAPACITIES OF ONE NUMBER EACH : (a) MINIMUM 17 TON CAPACITY CRANE, (B) MINIMUM 12 TON CAPACITY HYDRA / CRANE AND (C) DIESEL FORK LIFT OF MINIMUM 3 TON CAPACITY. IN CASE LEASED, DOCUMENT IN SUPPORT OF SAME TO BE SUBMITTED. VEHICLE REGN DOCUMENT / OWNERSHIP DOCUMENT WITH CAPACITY, MAKE ETC. ARE TO BE SUBMITTED. ALL DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED TO BE NOTARISED Unworkable Rate: If a tenderer quotes unworkable rates i.e., if the quoted price is less than 15% of the estimated price & is considered for placement of order, the party will be asked to justify the rate quoted and will be required to give Performance Guarantee Bond (PBG) in the form of Bank Draft/Bank Guarantee if the justification given by bidder regarding rates has not been accepted or has been refused. PBG will be equal to the amount which will be the difference between lower limit of estimated price & the quoted price of tenderer. Risk Purchase: If the Supplier/Contractor fails to deliver the service either in full or in part, within the prescribed delivery/contract period, the Purchaser shall be entitled at his option to take alternate procurement action, at the risk & cost of the supplier/contractor for the unsupplied portion of the goods/ items/services for which delivery has expired without canceling the contract in respect of the stores not yet due for delivery, or to cancel the contract based on progress of work, including stores not due for delivery, and, if thought fit/necessary, to purchase the stores at the risk and cost of the Supplier. The price differential in case of higher cost to SAIL, if any, shall have to be borne by the defaulting supplier. Moreover, the defaulting supplier shall have no claim over the quantity, which they failed to supply. Total Quantity :

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 01-08-2024 07-08-2024
2 13-08-2024 22-08-2024

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