
Invite application from well established and professional marketing agencies for various promotional activities A marketing agencies The job involved market analysis and development marketing strategies, structuring and implementing advertising campaigns, thiruvananthapuram-Kerala

Kerala Tourism Development Corporation has published Invite application from well established and professional marketing agencies for various promotional activities A marketing agencies The job involved market analysis and development marketing strategies, structuring and implementing advertising campaigns. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-04-2013. co-ordinations Tenders in thiruvananthapuram Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Invite application from well established and professional marketing agencies for various promotional activities A marketing agencies The job involved market analysis and development marketing strategies, structuring and implementing advertising campaigns
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Tender Details

Invite application from well established and professional marketing agencies for various promotional activities A marketing agencies The job involved market analysis and development marketing strategies, structuring and implementing advertising campaigns including production of promotional materials, co-ordinations, road works activities in national and international market as well as organizing events, exhibition, road shows, and partnership meets in international market, social media campaign & PR activities, campaign to be carried out over the internet etc, which will be planned by the department from time to time. The key marketing and promotion activity areas can be surmised as branding and advertising B2B activities, trade fairs and PR. The marketing agency will also be required to provide design and logistic support for marketing activities directly taken up by the department. Since the marketing activity of the department is spread across national and international markets, involving multiple target audience and stake holders and with strict time limits, only agency with proven track record and adequate resources need apply B Local advertising agencies – The job involves design, offset screen/digital printing of small works within the Kerala market like banners, boards, invitation cards, advertising and coordination for local projects

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