
Tender For Annual Maintenance Of District Hospital Ganderbal., ganderbal-Jammu And Kashmir

Public Works Department has published Tender For Annual Maintenance Of District Hospital Ganderbal.. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-07-2024. Uniform Tenders in ganderbal Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Annual Maintenance Of District Hospital Ganderbal.
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Tender For Annual Maintenance Of District Hospital Ganderbal.-- 1 Earth work in excavation by manual means in trenches for foundations, drains, pipes, cables etc. (not exceeding 1.5 m in width) and for shafts, wells, cesspits and the like not exceeding 10 sqm on plan, including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out excavated earth and disposal of surplus excavated earth as directed:50 meter beyond 1m from cutting edge:All kinds of soil : 2 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sidesof foundations etc.in layersnotexceeding20cmindepth, consolidatingondepositedlayerbyrammingand watering, lead upto 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m. 3 Supplyingstackingandlayingofgoodearthatsite includingspreading, levellingwatering in layers and consolidated with hand rolling including all carriages. 4 P/L ofstone soling of requiredsizes ,compacting , wateringandramming,completeincludingall carriages. 5 Supply, stacking and laying of Naturally occurring gravel close graded maximum aggregate size range 75mm granular sub base course nallahincluding sorting, spreading to template, watering and consolidation to required gradient and camber with 80-100KN road roller all inclusive leads, lifts, loading, unloading carriage of materials from approved source to site of work complete. Finished work to be measured. 6 Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade including curing but excluding the cost of centring and shuttering. All work upto plinth level including all carriages complete. 7 (A)1:1.5:3(1cement:1.5coarsesand:3 gradedstone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 8 (B) 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). 9 (C) 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). 10 (D) 1:4:8(1cement:4coarsesand: 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size). 11 Providingandlayinginpositionspecified grade of reinforcedcementconcrete including curing butexcludingthecost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement. 1:1½:3 (1 cement: 1½ coarse sand:3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size).including allcarriage. 12 (a) (upto plinth level) 13 In Beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope upto 15°, landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases upto five level 14 Centering and shuttering including strutting, proppingetc. and removal of form for any locations such as 15 Foundations, footings, bases of columns etc. for mass concrete. 16 Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses etc. 17 SteelreinforcementforR.C.C.workincluding straightening,cutting,bending,placinginposition andbindingallcomplete. Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars of grade Fe-450 or more. 18 Brick work with common burnt clay (non- modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth including curing in including all carriages complete: 19 (A) Cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse sand) 20 (B) Cement mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement : 6 coarse sand) 21 Extra for brick work with common burnt clay bricks/cement concrete bricks in superstructure above plinth level upto floor five level 22 Half brick masonry with common burnt clay (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5 in foundations and plinth including curing including all carriages complete: 23 (a) Cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 24 Providing and fixing gang saw cut, mirror polished,premoulded and prepolished, machinecutforkitchen platforms, vanity counters,windowsills,faciasandsimilar locations, of required size, approved shade,colour and texture laid over 20 mm thick base cementmortar1:3(1cement:3 coarsesand),jointstreatedwithwhitecement, mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishingtoedges to give highgloss finish etc.completeatall levels (18mm thick) (Granite of any colour or shade as approved by Engineer-incharge). 25 (a) Area of Slab upto 0.5 sqm. 26 (b) Area of Slab over 0.5 sqm. 27 Providing hoisting and fixing trusses/ purlins/ rafters/ posts/post-plates, ceiling joists frame workandorlike components.(First class Budloo wood). 28 Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows and other frames, wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fast lugs or with dash fasteners of required dia and length (hold fast lugs or with dash fasteners shall be paid for separately): 29 1st class Kailwood 30 Imported wood KD 31 ProvidingandfixingISImarkedflushdoor shuttersconforming to IS: 2202 (Part I) decorative type, core ofblockboardconstruction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched teak3plyveneeringwithverticalgrainsorcross bandsandfaceveneersonbothfacesof shutters(35mm) (With ISI marked M.S. pressed butt hinges brightfinishedofrequiredsizewith necessary screws). 32 ProvidingandfixingISImarkedflushdoor shutters conforming to IS: 2202 (Part I) non- decorativetype,coreofblockboardconstruction withframeof1stclasshardwoodandwell matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on both faces of shutters. (With ISI markedM.S. pressed butt hingesbright finishedof required size with necessary screws size) 35 mm thick 33 Providingandfixingwiregauzeshuttersusing galvanized M.S. wire gauze of average width for aperture1.4mminboth directions with wire ofdia.0.63mmfordoors, windows and clerestorywindowswithISI markedM.S. pressedbutthinges brightfinishedof required sizewithnecessary screws asperdirectionof Engineer-in-charge (35 mm thk). 34 First class deodar wood. 35 2nd class deodar wood. 36 First class kail wood. 37 KD(Imported wood.) 38 Providingandfixingglazedshuttersfor doors, windowsand clerestory windows using 3.5 mmto 4mmthick float glass panes including ISI marked M.S. pressed butt hingesbright finishedofrequiredsizewithnecessary screws.35 mm (a) KD (Imported wood.) 39 (b) 1st Class Kail wood. 40 Providing and fixing panelled or panelled and glazed shutters for doors, windows and clerestory windows fixing with butt hinges of required size with necessary screws, excluding panelling which will be paid for separately, all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 41 First class kail wood. 42 KD(Imported wood.) 43 (d) KD(Imported wood.) 44 Providing40x5mmflatironholdfast40cmlong including fixing to frame with 10 mm diameter bolts, nuts and wooden plugsandembeddingsin cement concreteblock30x10x15 cm 1:3:6 mix ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone 45 Providingwoodworkinframesof falseceiling.partitionongetc.sawnandfixedinposition 46 (b) Imported Wood(KD) 47 ProvidingandfixingISImarkedaluminum butthinges ISI marked anodized (anodic coating notlessthangradeAC10asperIS:1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete : 48 (a) 125x75x4 mm 49 ( c) 100x75x4 mm 50 (d) 100x63x4 mm 51 (f) 50x40x2.5 mm 52 Providingandfixingaluminum towerboltsISI marked anodized(anodiccoatingnotless thangradeAC10as per IS : 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade with necessary screws etc. complete : 53 150x10 mm 54 100x10 mm 55 Providing and fixing ISI marked M.S. pressed butt hinges bright finished with necessary screws etc. complete : 56 100*58*1.90 mm 57 75*47.*1.70 mm 58 (P/F of M.S Hinges 125mm welded heavy) 59 (P/F of M.S Hinges for gates) 60 (a) 100mm 61 (b) 150mm 62 Providing and fixing aluminum handles ISI marked anodized(anodiccoatingnotless thangradeAC10as per IS: 1868) transparent or dyed to required colour and shade with necessary screws etc. complete. 63 (a) 125 mm 64 (b) 100 mm 65 © 75 mm 66 P/F of ornamental Handle of approved quality: 67 (a) 75 mm 68 (b) 100 mm 69 (c )150 mm 70 (d) 200 mm 71 P/F of Aldrop of approved quality 72 250mm 73 200mm 74 150mm 75 P/FPowdercoatedAluminumhandlesofapproved quality. 76 (a) 75 mm 77 (b) 100 mm 78 ( c)150 mm 79 (d) 200 mm 80 P/F of Piano Hinges including cost of screwscomplete. 81 P/F of stainless steeltelescopicdrawerchannels(450 mm) 82 P/F of stainless steeltelescopicdrawerchannels(300 mm) 83 P/F of Hydraulic door spring including all costs. 84 P/F of Hydraulic doorcloser including all costs. 85 Providingandfixingwoodenmoulded cornice beadingtriangularshapetothe junction/corner/edges of paneling etc.withiron nailsscrews,plugsandprimingcoaton unexposedsurfaceetc.complete.(Firstclasskail wood). 86 (a) 50*50 87 (b) 40*40 88 (c ) 25*25 89 P/f of ornamental wooden cornice imported (32*32) 90 PVC Beading 25mm 91 p/f of 20*12mm ornamental kail wood beedingfixedwith nails and wood screw complete. 92 p/f of PVC angle beeding (25*25) 93 p/f of PVC beeding (20mm) 94 P/f of pvc cornice 95 (a) 50*50 96 (b) 40*40 97 ( c) 25*25 98 P/F wooden D-type beading (20-25 mm) 99 Providingandfixingdeoderwoodlipping/moulded beading ofsize35x5mmfixedwithwooden adhesiveofapproved qualityandscrews/nailson the edges of theprelaminated particle board as per directions of the engineer-in-charge. 100 P/F 40mm * 6 mm ply lipping. 101 Providing and fixing bright finished100mm morticelock with 6 levers without pair of handles for aluminum doorsofapprovedquality withnecessary screws etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in- charge. 102 Long Key Lock 103 P/F of hardware fittings of approved quality ISImake includingfixingwithnecessary screws, nuts, bolts etccomplete,(approved 104 a. Link rod Lock 11” long 105 b.Link rod Lock 8” long 106 Providingandfixingmagneticcatcherofapproved quality in cupboard/wardrobeshuttersincluding fixing with necessaryscrewsetc.complete. (Godrej/link) 107 Multipurposelocksofrequiredsizeapprovedone (link) or equivalent. 108 Structuralsteelworkweldedin builtupsections, gratings, guard bar,stair case,gates, ladder, railing, brackets, and similar work including tubularworks.Includingcutting,hoisting, fixing inpositionweldedandapplyingapriming coat of approved steel primer all complete. 109 Structuralsteelworkweldedinbuiltupsections, trusses.Framed work. Including cutting, hoisting, fixingin position welded and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer all complete.(Welded) 110 Providing and fixing in position collapsible steel shutterswithvertical channels20x10x2mm and bracedwith flatiron diagonals 20x5 mm size, with top andbottomrail of T-iron 40x40x6mm,with 40mm dia,steel pulleys,complete withbolts, nuts,lockingarrangement,stoppers,handles, including applying a primingcoat of approved steel primer.(completejob) 111 Cementconcreteflooring1:2:4(1cement:2 coarse sand:4gradedstoneaggregate)finished with a floating coat of neat cementincluding cementslurryandcuringcomplete,but excluding thecostofnosingofstepsetc.complete.(50mm thick) 112 Kotastoneslabflooring25mmthickover20mm (average)thick1:4cementmortarbaselaidover and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigmenttomatchtheshadeoftheslab,including rubbing, polishing and curing. 113 Pre-polished Kota stone slab flooring 25 mm thickover 20mm (average) thick 1:4 cement mortar baselaidoverandjointedwithgreycementslurry mixedwithpigmenttomatch theshadeoftheslab complete. 114 Providingandfixing Istquality ceramicglazed wall tiles of approvedmake,in all colours,shades(of7-8 mm thickofdifferentsizes)asapprovedby Engineer- in-Charge, in walls, skirting, risers of steps and dadosover 12mm thickbed ofcement mortar 1:3( 1 cement: 3coarse sand)and jointing with greycementslurry@3.3kgpersqm,including pointingin white cement mixed with pigment of matchingshade complete. 115 Providingandlaying nonskidGlazedCeramic floor tilesofsize300x300mmormore,8-10mm thick of 1st quality of approved make, laidon 20 mm thickcement mortar 1:3(1Cement:3Coarse sand), including groutingthejoints with white cement and matching pigments etc., complete. 116 Providingandlaying vitrifiedfloor tileswith water absorption less than 0.08% of approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar1:4(1cement:4 coarsesand) including grouting the joints with whitecementand matchingpigmentsetc.complete.(10 mm)(Size of tile 600x600 mm). 117 Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in floor with different sizes(thickness to be specified by the manufacturer), with water absorptionless than 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, of approved brand andmanufacturer, in all colours and shades, laid with cement based highpolymer modified quick set tile adhesive (water based) conforming to IS:15477, in average 6 mm thickness, including grouting of joints (Payment for grouting of joints to be made separately).Size of tile 600x600 mm 118 Providingedgemouldingto18mm/16mmthick marble stonecounters,Vanitiesetc.including machine polishingtoedge to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per designapprovedby Engineer-in-Charge. (Granite Work) 119 Regrinding of granite/marble/kota stone/mosaicflooring/skirting etc.including repairs ofcracks/edgesandincludingrubbingpolishing etc.complete job. 120 Kerb stones 150 mm size chisel dressedon top andsizesof required length in1:4 mix and pointingwith cement morter 1:2 mix includingmakingdrainageopeningscomplete. 121 (a) Providing and Fixing 122 (b) Fixing only 123 Takingoutexistingkerbstonesofalltypesfrom footpath/centralverge,includingremovalofmortar etc., disposal of unserviceable material to the dumpingground,forwhichpaymentshallbemade separately and stacking of serviceable material within 50 meter lead as per direction of Engineer-in- Charge. 124 P/Lprecastcementconcretetiles25mm thick(rubbermoulded)infootpathandcourtyard jointed with neat cement slurrymixed withpigment to matchthe shadeof tilesincluding rubbing cleaning and curing complete on 20 mmthick bedofcementmortar1:4(1-cement;4-coarsesand) dark shade using ordinary cement. 125 Providing and laying 50mm thick factory made cement concrete(rubber moulded) interlockingpaver blockofM-30grademadeby blockmakingmachinewithstrongvibratory compactionandofapprovedsizeand design/shape laid inrequired colour and pattern overand including50mm thick compactedbedof finesand, fillingthejoints withcoarse sand etc. all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge 126 ProvidingcorrugatedG.S. sheet forroofing includingvertical/curvedsurfacefixedwith polymercoatedJorLhooks, bolts and nuts 8mm diameter with bitumenandG.I limpet washers or with G.I. limpet washers filled with white lead, including a coat of approvedsteel primer and twocoats of approvedpaint onoverlappingof sheets complete (upto anypitchinhorizontal/vertical orcurved surface)excludingthecostof purlins, raftersandtrussesandincluding cuttingtosizeandshapewherever required. 127 0.63 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275 gram/m2 128 0.50 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275 gram/m2 129 P/F of color coated ofdifferentprofile sheetswithmin. thickness of 0.50 mm (hi-Rib) 130 Plain G.S Sheets 0.50 mm 131 P/Fof Ridgeorhips,valleyofplainGS sheetsinridges/valleys/gutters and wherever requiredincluding fixing with J/L hooks all complete.(0.5 mm thick) 132 (a) 45 cm 133 (b) 60 cm 134 (c ) 90 cm 135 Providingand fixing15cm wide45 cmoverallsemi circular plainG.S.sheetgutterwithironbrackets 40x3mmsize, bolts,nutsandwashersetc. includingmaking necessaryconnectionswithrain water pipes complete. (0.63 mm thickwith zinc coating not less than275 gram/m2) 136 P/L Cementplasterofmix(1:4): (1 Cement:4 coarse sand) 137 (a) 12 mm 138 (b) 15 mm 139 (A)Washedstonegritplasteronexteriorwallsof heightupto10 m above ground levelin two layers, underlayer12 mm cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement :4coarsesand),furrowingtheunderlayer with scratching tool,applyingcementslurryonthe underlayer@2kgofcement perm2, toplayer 15mm cement plaster 1:1/2 :2 (1 cement: 1/2 coarse sand :2stone chippings 10mm nominal size), in panels with groove allaround asper approved pattern includingscrubbing andwashingthetop layerwithbrushesandwatertoexposethestone chippings,complete asperspecificationand directionofEngineer-in-charge(paymentfor providing grooveshall be made separately). 140 (B)Extra for washed grit plaster on exterior walls of height more than 10m ground level for every additional height of 3m or part thereof 141 Forming groove ofuniform size in the toplayerof washed stonegritplasterasperapproved pattern using woodenbattens,nailedtothe underlayer, includingremoval ofwooden battens,repairtothe edgesof panelsand finishingthe groove complete as per specificationsanddirection of theEngineer-in- charge:(15mmwideand15mmdeep groove) 142 ProvidingandapplyingPOP/puttyof2mmthickness overplastered surface to prepare the surfaceevenandsmooth complete. 143 Applying one coat of water thinnable cementprimer of approved brand and manufacture on wall surface. 144 Applying Withready mixedpinkorgrey primerofapproved brandandmanufactureonwoodwork (hard and soft wood). 145 WithreadymixedredoxideZincChromateprimerof approved brand and manufacture on steel work 146 Wall Painting with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand and manufacture to give an even shade. Two or more coats on new work. 147 Paintingwithsynthetic enamelpaintofapproved brandandmanufacture to give an even shade.(twoormorecoatson new work) 148 Paintingwithsynthetic enamelpaintofapproved brand and manufacture of required colour to give an even shade, one or more coats on old work. 149 Removingwhiteorcolorwash/distemper/paintby scrappingand sand papering and preparing the surface smooth including necessary repairs toscratches etc. complete. 150 Wallpaintingwithplasticemulsionpaintof approvedbrandandmanufacturetogiveaneven shade, one or more coats on old work. 151 Varnishingwithvarnishofapproved brand and manufacturer( one or more coats.). 152 Frenchspiritpolishing,Twoormorecoatsonnew works including a coat of wood filler 153 Frenchspiritpolishing,oneormorecoatsonold work 154 Applying knify grey paste of approved qualityover wood/cement surface including sanding complete. 155 Removing old paintfrom woodensurface byscrapping/sand papering/using blow lump.etc 156 Finishing Walls with water proofing cement paint on ne work two or more coats. 157 Renewing glass panes, with wooden fillets and nails wherever necessary. 158 Floatglasspanesofthickness3.5mmto4 mm thickness 159 Float glass panes of thickness 5 mm 160 P/F of Frosted glass of thickness 5 mm 161 Demolishingcementconcrete manually/mechanical meansincludingdisposalof materialwithin500metersleadasperdirectionof Engineer-incharge:(1:3:6 or richer mix) 162 DemolishingR.C.C.workmanually/mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable material within 500 meters lead as per direction of Engineer- in-charge. 163 Demolishing brick work manually/by mechanical meansincluding stacking of serviceable material and disposal ofunserviceablematerialwithin50 metersleadasperdirectionofEngineer-in-charge: (In cement mortar). 164 Dismantling/Taking out doors, windows and clerestory window shutters (steel or wood) including stacking within 50 meters lead : 165 Dismantling steel work inbuilt up sections in angles,tees, flats and 166 (Dismantling tile work in floors, walls and roofs laid incementmortarincluding stacking material within 50 meters lead.( For thickness of tiles 10 mm to 25 mm) 167 Dismantling roofing including ridges, hips valleys andguttersetc.,andstackingthematerialwithin50 meters lead. 168 Dismantling old plaster or skirting, raking out jointsand cleaning the surface forplaster including disposal of rubbish to the dumping ground within 50meters lead. 169 P/F white vitreous chins flat back or wall corner type lipped fronturinalbasin430*260*350mmand 340*410*265 mmsizes respectively with flushing cisternwith standard flushpipe and C.P brass spreaderswithbrassunionsandG.I clamps complete including fittings and brackets cutting and making good the walls and floors and wherever required.(1urinalbasinwith5litrewhiteP.V.C flushing cistern. 170 Const of WC Plateform including all materials, brickworks,sand cement concrete plaster all complete including dismantling of exisiting work 171 (a) White vitrous indiantype W.C (Orisa pattern) size 580*440mm with integrated foot rest. 172 Providingandfixingwater closetsquatting pan (IndiantypeW.C.pan)with100mmsandcast IronPorStrap,10literlowlevelwhiteP.V.C. flushingcistern,includingflushpipe(of approved make) with manually controlled device (handlelever)conformingtoIS:7231,withall fittingsandfixtures complete,includingcutting and making good the walls and floors wherever required. 173 (a) White vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size 580x440 mm with integral type foot rests. 174 (b)StainlessSteelAISI-304(18/8)Orissapattern W.C.panofsize585x480mmwithflushpipeand integrated type foot rests 175 Providingandfixingwhitevitreouschina pedestaltypewatercloset(EuropeantypeW.C. pan)withseatandlid,10literlowlevelwhiteP.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe with manuallycontrolleddevice(handlelever), conforming to IS:7231, with all fittings and fixtures complete, includingcutting and making good the walls and floors whereverrequired: 176 European type W.C with white solid plastic seat and lid 177 white solid plastic seat and lid only 178 10 lit low level P.V C flushing cistern only 179 C.Plong bend 32 mm dia 180 White vitreous china wash basin(550*400)with C.P Brass tapes. 181 white vitrous china pedestal for wash basin 182 looking mirror(453x357mm) 183 P/F of looking mirror glass 600x450mm 184 P/F of C.P fittings and fixtures (ApprovedQualityby Engineer Incharge) 185 (a) bib cock long body 186 (b) bib cock short body 187 (c ) pillar cock/sink cock 188 (d) wall mixer two holes 189 (e ) cp arm 190 (f) wall mixer with showers 191 (g) Sink mixer(single hole) 192 (h) Grating 100 mm 193 (i) CP tube 45-60 cm 194 (j) Towl Ring 8-9” 195 (k) Cloth Hanger 196 (l) soap case 197 (m) Mixer leg 198 (n) Towl Rod 60 cm 199 (o) CP Nipple 15*25 mm 200 (p) CP Nipple 15*50 mm 201 (q) angle valve 15 mm 202 ( r) C.P Cup 203 (s) Geyser bolt set 204 (t) Stainless steel sink 205 (u) C.P Paper Holder 206 Stainless steel sink with drain board 510*1040mm 207 two in one Bibcock 208 P/F health faucet with 1 mm C.P chain 209 P/F of Telephonic shower with chain 210 P/F of high neck swan type C.P mixers Jacquar/ approved one with hot / cold controls. 211 Dash Fastener 212 P/FofelbowactionC.Pmixersofapprovedmake 213 PVC corners shelf 214 PVC connection(24”) 215 PVC connection(18”) 216 PVC connection(36”) 217 P/ f spindle heavy duty for mixer and bib cock 218 C.P Shower Arm 219 P/F urinal C.P spreader heavy quality 220 Pf of white vitreous chinaurinal 221 p/f basin nut(tar chand) 222 P/F of CP waist for steel sinks heavy duty 223 a.50mm dia 224 b.75mm dia 225 c.100mm dia 226 Providing of CP Knob (Gem/Parko) 227 ProvidingandfixingC.P.brassshower rosewith 15 or 20 mm inlet. 228 (a) 100 mm diameter 229 (b) 150 mm diameter 230 Providingandfixing3layerPP-R(Poly propyleneRandomcopolymer) pipes conforming to IS: 15801, UV stabilized and anti-microbialfusionwelded,having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including all PP-R plain and brass threaded Polypropylenerandomfittings. This includes testingofjointscompleteasperdirectionof Engineer-incharge. 231 (a) PN-16 pipe, 16mm OD(SDR-7.4) 232 (b) PN-16 pipe , 20mm OD(SDR-7.4) 233 (c ) PN-16 pipe , 25mm OD(SDR-7.4) 234 (d) PN-16 pipe , 32mm OD(SDR-7.4) 235 (e ) PN-16 pipe , 40mm OD(SDR-7.4) 236 (f) PN-16 pipe , 50mm OD(SDR-11) 237 InternalworkConcealed fixingthe pipe with clamps at 1.00 meter spacingincludingcutting chasesand making good the wall etc. 238 (a) PN-16 pipe, 16mm OD(SDR-7.4) 239 (b) PN-16 pipe , 20mm OD(SDR-7.4) 240 (c )PN-16 pipe , 25mm OD(SDR-7.4) 241 (d) PN-16 pipe , 32mm OD(SDR-7.4) 242 Providing and fixing PPR Unions 243 (a) PPR Union 15mm 244 (b) PPR Union 20mm 245 (c ) PPR Union 25mm 246 (d) PPR Union 32mm 247 (e ) PPR Union 40mm 248 (f) PPR Union 50mm 249 ProvidingandfixingG.I.pipescomplete withG.I.fittings and clamps, including cutting and making goodthewalls, excavation work and refilling etc.complete.etc.(internal/external)(A):(medium Grade ) 250 (i) 15 mm dia. nominal bore 251 ii) 20 mm dia. nominal bore 252 iii) 25 mm 253 iv) 32 mm 254 v) 40mm dia 255 vi) 50 mm 256 (B)Concealed type including cutting chassesand making good the walls 257 (i) 15 mm dia. nominal bore 258 (ii) 20 mm dia. nominal bore 259 P/F of G.I assorted fittings of nominal bore of ISI makeheavy quality including dismantling including removingofoldonewherever required (approved one) 260 A.15mm nominal bore 261 a.Socket 262 b.Elbow 263 c.Tee 264 d.Plug 265 e.Nipple 75 mm long 266 f. Niple 100 Mm long 267 g.Tankey Nipple 268 B.20 mm Nominal Bore 269 a.Socket 270 b.Elbow 271 c.Tee 272 d.Plug 273 e.Nipple 75 mm long 274 f. Niple 100 Mm long 275 g.Tankey Nipple 276 C. 25 mm Nominal Bore 277 a.Socket 278 b.Elbow 279 c.Tee 280 d.Plug 281 e.Nipple 75 mm long 282 f. Niple 100 Mm long 283 g.Tankey Nipple 284 D32 mm Nominal Bore 285 a.Elbow 286 b.Tankey Nipple 287 c.Reducer 20X 15 mm 288 d.Reducer 25X 20 mm 289 Insulationofexposedwatersupplypipes (includingfittings)onwallsandrooftopsupto water storage tanks BWO 50 mm glass wool with chickenmeshwoomedwith16-18guagewire andfinishedwith6-8mm1:10coatofPOP/ cementfinishedandglove/deruinclremoval of damaged insulation and scaffolding and clearance of site after completion of job 290 a.15 mm dia 291 b.20 mm dia 292 c.25 mm dia 293 d.32 mm dia 294 e.40 mm dia 295 f. 50 mm dia 296 Providingandfixingballvalve(brass)of approved quality, High or low pressure, with plastic floats complete. 297 (a)15 mm nominal bore 298 (b) 20 mm nominal bore 299 (c )25 mm nominal bore 300 (d) 32 mm nominal bore 301 (e ) 40 mm nominal bore 302 ( f) 50 mm nominal bore 303 P/F heavy duty ball cock with 300 mm brass rod andballcompleteincl.removingdamaged one where ever required. 304 a. 15mm 305 b. 20mm 306 c. 25mm 307 P/F of PVC heavy duty ball cock to fit into all kinds of flushtanks (compactone) ofstandard make (approved one)15mm dia 308 Providing and fixing G.I. Union in G.I. pipe including cutting and threading the pipeand makinglongscrews etc. complete. 309 (a) 15 mm nominal bore 310 (b) 20 mm nominal bore 311 © 32 mm nominal bore 312 (d) 40 mm nominal bore 313 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylenewaterstoragetankISI: 12701 marked, withcover and suitable lockingarrangementandmaking necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the base support for tank 314 Providing and fixingaluminum work for doors, windows,ventilatorsandpartitionswith extrudedbuilt up standard tubular sections/appropriateZsectionsandother sectionsof approved makeconformingtoIS: 733 and IS: 1285, fixed withdashfastenerofrequired dia.andsize including Necessary filling up of gaps atjunctions i.e, at top, bottom and sides with requiredEPDM rubber / neoprene gasket felt etc. Aluminum sections shallbe smooth, rust free,straight, mitred andjointed mechanically wherever required including cleatangle, Aluminum snap beading for glazing/panelling, C.P.brass/stainlesssteel screws, all complete as perarchitecturaldrawings and the directions of Engineer-in- Charge (glazing, panelling and dash fasteners to be paid for separately.)For fixed portion. 315 (a) Powder coated aluminum (minimum thickness of powder coated 50 microns) 316 (b) Polyester powder coated aluminum (minimum thickness of polyester powder coated 50 microns) 317 (c ) Anodized aluminum (Anodized transparent or dyed to requiredshade according to IS:1868, minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) 318 (d)Anodized aluminum (Anodized transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS:1868, minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) for shutters. 319 Powder coated aluminum (minimum thickness of powdercoated 50 microns) for shutters. 320 Polyester powder coated aluminum (minimum thickness of polyester powder coated 50 microns) for shutters. 321 Providingandfixingglazinginaluminumdoor, window, ventilator Shutters and partitions etc.withEPDMrubber/neoprenegasket etc.completeasperthearchitectural drawings and the directions of engineer in- Charge.(Costofaluminumsnapbeadingshall be paid in basic item.) 322 (a) With floatingglass panes of3.5 to4.0mm thickness (weight not less than 10.00 kg / sqm) 323 (b)Withfloatglass panesof5.0mmthickness (weight not less than 12.50 kg / sqm) 324 p/f of galvanized m.s wire guaze with 0.63mm thkwire of complete 325 P/F of aluminum composite pannel ofapproved make(complete job) 326 (a) 3 mm thick 327 (b) 5 mm thick 328 Providing and fixing stainless steel (Grade 304) railingmadeofHollowtubeschannels,plates etc.includingwelding,grinding,buffing,polishing and making curvature (wherever required) and fitting thesamewithnecessarystainlesssteelnuts and bolts complete ,including fixing the railing with necessary accessoriesandstainless steel dash fasteners, stainlesssteel boltsetc.of requiredsize,on thetopofthe floor or the side of waistslabwithsuitable arrangementasper approvalofEngineer-in-charge,(forpayment purposeonly weight of stainless steel members shall be consideredexcluding fixing accessories suchasnuts,bolts,fasteners etc.).Including newel post complete. 329 P/F of 19mm thick board of approved quality and manufacture ( water proof ) in shelves , partitions, tables, access panel , shutters and other shutters etc. fixed with nails/wood screws complete 330 (a) Water proof 331 (b) Commercial 332 P/Fof6mmthick(3-Ply)commercial plywoodof approvedmakeand manufacturein all typesofwork fixed with nails and wood screws etc.complete 333 P/Fof8mmthick(3-Ply)commercial plywoodof approvedmakeand manufacturein all types of workfixedwithnailsandwoodscrewsetc.complete. 334 P/F of 10 mm thick ( 3- Ply ) commercial plywoodof approvedmakeand manufacturein all types of workfixedwithnailsandwoodscrewsetc.complete. 335 P/F of 12 mm thick ( 3- Ply ) commercial plywoodof approvedmakeand manufacturein all types of workfixedwithnailsandwoodscrewsetc.complete. 336 P/Fof laminationof 0.8mmthickof approved qualityandmanufactureandof requiredshadeandcolorfixedwith standard quality of adhesive in all types of works (fittedandfinishedareatobemeasuresand paid 0includingcostofadhesiveetc.complete in all respects. 337 (a)0.8 mm thick plain 338 (b)1 mm thick plain 339 (c) 1 mm thick textured. 340 (d) 0.80 mm thick textured. 341 P/FofFlatpressed3-layer pre- laminatedBoard (Lamination on both sides) of approvedquality includingcostofscrews/adhesive complete. 342 a.12mm thick 343 a.18mm thick 344 b. Link rod Lock 11” long concealed Aldrop 345 c.Link rod Lock 8” long Concealed Aldrop. 346 P/F C.I pipes and fittings: 347 (A)Pipes 100mm 348 (B) Plain Bend 100mm 349 (c) Door Bend 100mm 350 (D)Reducer 100 x 75mm 351 (E)Cowel 100mm 352 (F) Coller 100mm 353 P-Trap/Floor trap 150 mm 354 P/FofC.Imanholecoverswithframe(heavy duty )approvedonesofrequiredshapeandsize. 355 a.600x600mm/600mm dia 356 b.450x450mm/450mm dia 357 c.300x300mm/225mm dia 358 P/F of PVC pipes/ fittings of approved make andquality (prince or finolex) ISI quality of following diameter:(Type-B) 359 (A)Pipes 360 a.32mm 361 b.40 mm 362 c.50 mm 363 d.75 mm 364 e.100 mm 365 f.150 mm 366 (B)Door Bend 367 (a)150 mm 368 (b)100mm 369 ©75 mm 370 (d)50 mm 371 (C)plain Bend 372 (a)150 mm 373 (b)100mm 374 ©75 mm 375 (d)50 mm 376 (D)Coller 377 (a)150 mm 378 (b)100mm 379 ( c)75 mm 380 (d )50 mm 381 (E)plain-Tee 382 (a)50 mm 383 (b)75 mm 384 (c) 100 mm 385 (d)150 mm 386 P-Trap(100 mm) 387 Floor-Trap(100 mm dia) 388 Waste pipe 389 45 Degree Bend(100 mm) 390 Reducer(75-100 mm) 391 Door Tee(75 mm) 392 Door Tee(100 mm) 393 PVC Cowel 394 Elbow 395 50 mm 396 75 mm 397 100 mm 398 150 mm 399 P/FofM.SPushcocks15mmcomplete(approved one) 400 P/FofCornice/doorprofileforMDFwallpanelling of required size 401 P/FofMDFimported WoodenLaminated FlooringofApprovedpatternandBrand/Makein desired color. 402 P/F of MDF wall panellingimported ofApproved pattern and Brand/Make in desired color. 403 P/f of imported wooden panelling of approved brand and manufacture including all necessary nails, fittings/ fixtures and polishing with touchwood polish complete. 404 P/f ofwooden tiles of300*300 mm.12mm of superior quality 405 P/fwallpaperofsuperiorquality(sampletobe approved by engineer-in charge). 406 Khatam bandh ceiling of approved pattern and brand/make incl. frame work, touch wood all complete. 407 Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement: 4 coarse sand ) with R.C.C. top slab with 1:1.5:3 mix (1 cement : 1.5coarse sand (zone- III) : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarsesand (zone- III): 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size),inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floatingcoat of neat cement complete as per standard design : 408 Insidesize45x45cm and45cm deepincludingC.I.coverwith frame(total wt. of frame/cover to benotlessthan 38KG) 409 Inside size 90x80 cm and 45 cm deep including C.I. cover withframe (light duty) 455x610 mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg) : With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of classdesignation 7.5 410 Inside size 90x80 cm and 60 cm deep including C.I. cover withframe (light duty) 455x610 mm internal dimensions, total weight ofcover and frame to be not less than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg)With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of classdesignation 7.5 complete. 411 Inside size 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep including C.I. cover withframe (medium duty) 500 mm internal diameter, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 116 kg (weight of cover 58 kg and weight of frame 58 kg) :With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of classdesignation 7.5 412 Supply of Labour/ for Snow /drain /road clearance 413 Supply of Helper( 2nd class welder/mason/Plumber) carpenter/Aluminum fitte.) 414 SupplyofSkilledLabor(carpenter/mason/welder/plumber) Aluminum fitter) 415 Engagement of JCB/Loader on hire basis 416 Engagement of Tipper on hire basis 417 Engagement of Hand cart on hire basis 418 P/F of2mm thick poly carbonatesheetsincludingcostof screws/washers complete. 419 Pumping out of water caused by springs, river seepage, broken water mains or drains and the like. 420 P/F of welded mesh 25*25 mm 421 P/F of vertical blind curtains withlocking arrangementof approved pattern and quality 422 P/F of Roller blind curtains with locking arrangementof approved pattern and quality 423 P/F of Zebra blind curtains with locking arrangementof approved pattern and quality 424 P/F of steel Rod including brackets 425 P/F of 1 HP water motor of approved quality(Crompton or equivalent brand) incl. fixing/ necessary fittings/accessories all complete. 426 P/F of 2 HP water motor of approved quality (Crompton or equivalent brand) incl. fixing/ necessary fittings/accessories all complete. 427 Providing Concrete breaker machine along with operator 428 Providing welded machine with welded Rod. 429 P/Ffrostingprivacyfilmforglasswindows/doors/ partitions. 430 P/F M.S Grill of requiredpatternin framesof windowetc.with M.S flat,square or round bars etc. includingprimary coatwithapprovedsteel primerallcomplete(fixedbywelding/Rawlplugs,screws etc.. 431 P/F of lead sheets for doors partitions tablesetc.for protectionagainst radioactiverays,including allcharges etc.complete job. 432 Providing and fixing UV stabilized fiberglass reinforced plastic sheet roofing upto any pitch including fixing with polymer coated ‘J’ or ‘L’hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm dia. G.I plain/ bitumen washers complete but excluding the cost of purlins, rafters, trusses etc. The sheets shall be manufactured out of 2400 TEX panel rovigs incorporating minimum 0.3% Ultra-violet stabilizer in resin system under approximately 2400 psi and hot cured. They shall be of uniform pigmentation and thickness without air pockets and shall conform to IS: 10192 and IS: 12866. The sheets shall be opaque or translucent, clear or pigmented, textured or smooth as specified. 2mm thick corrugated (2.5 or 4.2 or 6) or step-down (2 or 3 or 6) as specified. 433 P/fvinylflooringof approved brand and manufacture, antibacterialfixedwithstandard quality adhesiveof aprroved colour shade incl skirting and other fittings/ fixtures etc all complete (Design and brand to be approved by Engineer Incharge ) 434 CleaningofMalbabwomechanical/manualmeans outside the premises 435 Removal of unhygienic materials (so classified by the site engineer) from designated sites and its disposal as per directions, all inclusive. 436 Supplying of C.P fittings(Approved Quality by Engineer Incharge) 437 bib cock long body(20mm)(including cp cups) 438 bib cock short body(15mm)(including cp cups) 439 wall mixer two holes(including cp cups) 440 wall mixer with showers(including cp cups) 441 Sink mixer(single hole)(including cp cups) 442 Grating (Ci) 100 mm 443 CP tube 45-60 cm 444 Towl Ring 8-9” 445 Cloth Hanger 446 soap case 447 Mixer leg 448 Towl Rod 60 cm 449 CP Nipple 15*50 mm 450 angle valve 15 mm(including cp cups) 451 C.P Cup 452 Geyser bolt set 453 Stainless steel sink 454 Healthfaucetwith1mmC.Pchain(includingcpcups) 455 PVC connection(24”) 456 PVC connection(18”) 457 Telephonic wall mixer(including cp cups) 15mm 458 CP long bend 459 Pillar Cock(including cp cups) 460 Basin Mixer(centre hole)(including cp cups) 461 Providing and fixing P.V.C low level flushing cistern with manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittingsand fixtures complete:10 liter capacity -White 462 10 liter capacity – coloured 463 spindle heavy duty for mixer and bib cock 464 Mirror withframe 465 SupplyingofPVCpipes/fittingsofapproved make and quality(prince or finolex) 466 (a) Waste pipe(32mm) 467 (b) Waste pipe(40mm) 468 Supplying of DoorFittings 469 (a) Hydrualic door closer 470 (b) Tower Bolt((250*10)mm 471 (c ) Handle(75)mm 472 (d) Handle(100)mm 473 (e ) Handle(125)mm 474 (f) rod lock 475 Dismantling of Flushing Cistern 476 Supplying of Float glass panes 477 (a) Nominal thickness 4 mm (weight not less than 10 kg/sqm) 478 (b)thickness5mm(weightnotlessthan12.50 kg/sqm) 479 (c ) thickness 8 mm (weight not less than 20 kg/sqm)

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1 20-07-2024 Extension in Dates Date 23-07-2024

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