
Tender For Centralized Biennial Rate Contract For Kbl Pump Spares, Raipur-Chhattisgarh

National Thermal Power Corporation Limited has published Tender For Centralized Biennial Rate Contract For Kbl Pump Spares. Submission Date for this Tender is 11-09-2024. Bearings Tenders in Raipur Chhattisgarh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Centralized Biennial Rate Contract For Kbl Pump Spares

Tender Details

Centralized Biennial Rate Contract For Kbl Pump Spares , Pump Assembly, Kbl,Cf-225 , Bearing Housing Ce,42276/117,Kbl , Bearing Housing Pe,42276/120,Kbl , Shoulder Ring,19900,Ci,Kbl,Up 200/30 , Shaft Sleeve,Kbl,Up 200/30 , Casing Wear Ring,19000,Brnz,Kbl,Up200/30 , Shaft,18001,Kbl,Pump,Up-200/30 , Brg Housing De,24001,Ci,Kbl,Up 200/30 , Impeller,15900,Kbl,Up-200/30 , Pump Shaft,180,10Uph2 , Impeller,159&320,Kbl,10Uph3 , Shaft,180,Pump,10Uph3 , Haft Sleeve,310,Kbl,Pump,10Uph3 , Casing Wear Ring,190,Kbl,Pump,10Uph3 , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,10Uph3 , Split Gland,Kbl,10Uph3 , Shaft Sleeve Nut,334,Kbl,10Uph3 , Bearing Cartridge With Cover (De),10Uph3 , Bearing Cartridge With Cover(Nde),10Uph3 , Bearing Nut,335,Kbl,10Uph3 , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,10Uph3 , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Ci,Kbl,Pump,10Uph3 , Casing Half Upper,122,Kbl,10Uph3 , Casing Half Lower, 123, Kbl, 10Uph3 , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,10Uph3 , Grease Nipple,441,Kbl,10Uph3 , Wheel Cock,550,Kbl,10Uph3 , Pin,610.2,Kbl,10Uph3 , Impeller Wear Ring,192,Kbl,10Uph3 , Impeller,159,Kbl,Pump,10Uph3m1 , Gland Plate,224,Kbl,10Uph3m1 , Shaft,180,Kbl,Pump,10Uph3m1 , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl,10Uph3m1 , Impeller Ring,Kbl,10Uph3m1 , Bearing Nut,335,Kbl,10Uph3m1 , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,10Uph3m1 , Wear Ring,190,Kbl,10Uph3m1 , Impeller,159,Kbl,12Uph1 , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl,12Uph1 , Shaft Sleeve Nut,334,Kbl,12Uph1 , Wearing Ring,190,Kbl,12Uph1 , Impeller Ring,192,Kbl,14Uph1m , Split Gland,Kbl,14Uph1m , Clamping Plate,224,Kbl,14Uph1m , Shaft Sleeve Nut,334,Kbl,14Uph1m , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl,14Uph1m , O-Ring,522,Neop Rbr,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Cover De,270,Kbl,14Uph1m , Brg Cartridge Nde,253,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Cartridge De,241,Kbl,14Uph1m , Key,321,Kbl,14Uph1m , Liquid Deflector,236,Kbl,14Uph1m , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,Pump,14Uph1m , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,14Uph1m , Gasket Imp Sleeve,515,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Cartridge (De),241,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Cartridge (Nde),253,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Cover (De),270,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Cover (Nde),271,Kbl,14Uph1m , Key,320,Kbl,14Uph1m , Casing Wearing Ring,Kbl,Pump,14Uph1m , Shaft Sleeve,317,Kbl,14Uph1m , Impeller,159,Kbl,14Uph4m1 , Wear Ring,190,Kbl,14Uph4m1 , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl, 14Uph4m1 , Key,320,321&323,Kbl,14Uph4m1 , Casing Wear Ring,190,Kbl,Pump,14 Uph6 , Bearing Cap,274,Kbl,14Uph6 , Brg Cartridge Nde,253,Ci,Kbl,14Uph6 , Bearing Cartridge De,241,Ci,Kbl,14Uph6 , Bearing Cover De,270,Ci,Kbl,14Uph6 , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Ci,Kbl,14Uph6 , Bearing Nut/Lock Nut,336,Ms,Kbl,14Uph6 , Clamp Plate,224,Kbl,14Uph6 , Felt Ring Cart De,502.1,Kbl,14Uph6 , Felt Ring For Cvr,502.2,Kbl,14Uph6 , Grease Nipple,441,Kbl,14Uph6 , Key Coup,321,Kbl,14Uph6 , Key Imp,320,Kbl,14Uph6 , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,14Uph6 , Liquid Deflector,236,Kbl,14Uph6 , Pipe F/Sealing,530,Kbl,14Uph6 , Shaft Sleeve Nut,334,Kbl,14Uph6 , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,14Uph6 , Stud Coupling,559,Kbl,14Uph6 , Tube For Sealing,560,Nylon,Kbl,14Uph6 , Vent Valve,450,Nylon,Kbl,14Uph6 , Wheel Cock,550,Bronze,Kbl,14Uph6 , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Kbl,12Uph3 , Bearing Cover De,270,Kbl,12Uph3 , Bearing Holder De,241,Kbl,12Uph3 , Casing Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Up 100/35 , Impeller,159,Kbl,4Up3-15Deg , Pump Shaft,180,Kbl,4Up3 15Deg , Casing Ring,190,Brass,Kbl,4Up3 15Deg , Shoulder Ring,199,Ms,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Water Deflector,236,Rbr,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Key,320&321,Cs,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Shaft Sleeve Nut,334,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Bearing Nut,335,Steel,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Stuf Box Bush,350,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Gland Packing Set,223,Ci,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Air Vent,450,Nylon,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Casing,Kbl,Pump,4Up3-15Deg , Liquid Deflector De,Kbl,4Up3 15Deg , Impeller,159,Kbl,Pump,6Up4 , Shaft,180,Kbl,6Up4 , Casing Wear Ring,190,Kbl,6Up4 , Gland Split,229,Kbl,6Up4 , Water Deflector,236,Kbl,6Up4 , Bearing Holder De,241,Kbl,6Up4 , Bearing Holder Nde,253,Kbl,6Up4 , Bearing Cover De,270,Kbl,6Up4 , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Kbl,6Up4 , Bearing Cap De/Nde,274,Kbl,6Up4 , Gland Eye Bolt,300,Kbl,6Up4 , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl,6Up4 , Impeller Key,320,Kbl,6Up4 , Shaft Sleeve Nut De,334,Kbl,6Up4 , Shaft Sleeve Nut Nde,334.1,Kbl,6Up4 , Lock Nut,336,Kbl,6Up4 , Air Vent Valve,450,Kbl,6Up4 , O-Ring,522,Kbl,6Up4 , Pipe,530,Kbl,6Up4 , Rotating Assy,Kbl,6Up4 , Gasket (Impeller Sleeve),Kbl,6Up4 , Shaft Sleeve,Kbl,6Up4fl , Wearing Rings,Kbl,6Up4fl , Gasket,516&519,Kbl,6Up4fl , Shaft,Kbl,Pump,6Up4fb , Wear Ring,190,Kbl,Pump,6Up4fb , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,6Up4fb , Bearing Cap,274,Kbl,6Up4fb , Bearing Nut,336,Kbl,6Up4fb , Key For Impeller,320&321,Kbl,6Up4fb , Eye Bolt,Kbl,6Up4f , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,6Up4f , Air Vent,450,Kbl,6Up4f , Coupling Key,321,Kbl,6Up4f , Shaft,180,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Wear Ring,190,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Clamp Plate,224,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl8uph-4M1 , Liquid Deflector,236,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Brg Cartridge Nde,253,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Bearing Cap,274,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Bearing Nut,335,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Grease Nipple,441,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Vent Valve,450,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , O-Ring,522,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Casing Half Gasket,519,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Shaft Sleeve Nut,334,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Casing Half ,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Shaft,180,Kbl,Pump,8Uph-4M1 , Shaft Sleeve,Ss410,Kbl,8Uph-4M1 , Casing Half Upper,12200,Kbl,8Uph5 , Casing Half Lower,12300,Kbl,8Uph5 , Impeller,15900,Kbl, 8Uph5 , Shaft,18001,Kbl,8Uph5 , Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,8Uph5 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,8Uph5 , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,8Uph5 , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,8Uph5 , Bearing Cartridge De,24100,Kbl,8Uph5 , Brg Cartridge Nde,25300,Kbl,8Uph5 , Bearing Cover De,27000,Kbl,8Uph5 , Bearing Cover Nde,27100,Kbl,8Uph5 , Bearing Cap,27400,Kbl,8Uph5 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,8Uph5 , Shaft Sleeve Nut De,33400,Kbl,8Uph5 , Shaft Sleeve Nut Nde,33401,Kbl,8Uph5 , Bearing Lock Nut,33602,8Uph5 , Impeller,15100,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , Casing Ring,19000,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , Casing Ring Del Side,19100,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , Gland Non Split,22300,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , Non Split Lant Ring,22700,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , Shaft Sleeve Gland Packing,Ce 100/32 , Impeller Nut,33000,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , Gasket Shaft Sleeve,51500,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , O-Ring Shaft Sleeve,52500,Kbl,Ce 100/32 , Shaft,180.2,Kbl,Pump,Cphm 100-40 , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Cphm 100/40 , Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Cphm 100/40 , Helicoil Insert,479,Kbl,Cphm 100/40 , Gasket,511,514,515,582,Kbl,Cphm 100/40 , Lock Washer,415,Kbl,Cphm 100/40 , Internalcirclip,485,Kbl,Cphm 100/40 , Bearing Cover De,270,Ci,Kbl,Cphm 100/40 , Casing,10500,Cphm125/45 , Impeller,1510001,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Shaft,18001,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Wear Ring Suct,19000,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Wear Ring Del,19100,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Imp Wear Ring Suct,19200,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Imp Wear Ring Del,19300,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Casing Cover,22000,Cphm 125/45 , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Gland Split,22900,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Liquid Deflector,23602,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Bearing Housing,24000,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Lantern Bracket,24800,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Support Foot,25100,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Bearing Cover De,27000,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Shaft Sleeve,31100,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Key,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Impeller Nut,33000,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Stuf Box Bushing,35000,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Lock Washer,41500,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Cphm125/45:Gland Packing , Constant Lvl Oiler,44300,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Oil Feeding Plug,44400,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Coil Scr Lock Ins,33600,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Internal Circlip,48500,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Oil Seal,50000,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , Casing Cvr Gasket,51100,Kbl,Cphm 125/45 , O-Ring,Kbl, Cphm125/45 , Stuffing Box Bushing,350,Kbl,Cphm 50/32 , Felt Ring,Kbl,Cphm 50/32 , Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Cphm 50/32 , O Ring, Kbl, Rkb 125/27 , Impeller,151,Kbl,Pump,Cphm 50/32 , Imp Ring Suct,192,Kbl,Cphm 50/32 , Casing Cover,220,Kbl,Pump,Cphm 50/32 , Cphm50/32:Comp Rotating Assy , Lock Washer,410,Kbl,Db 100/32 , Impeller Nut,33001,Kbl,Db 125/26 , Gland,22300,Ci,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Lantern Ring,22700,Ci,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Lock Washer,41000,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Bearing Housing,24000,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Liq Deflector,23600,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Db200/:Gland Pkg , Oil Lvl Sight Glass,44500,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Coupling Key,32100,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Impeller Nut,33000,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Impeller,15100,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Casing Ring Backside,19100,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Casing Ring Suct,19000,Kbl,Db 200/33 , Casing,10500,Kbl,Db200/33 , Casing Cover,22000,Kbl,Db200/33 , Liquid Deflector,2360001,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Wear Ring,190,Bronze,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Impeller,201,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Shaft,301,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Casing,105,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Gland,223,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Casing Cover,220,Ci,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Support Foot,251,Ms,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Lantern Ring,22700,Nylon,Kbl,Db 65/26 , Bearing Cover,270,Kbl,Db 80/32 , Lock Washer,411,Kbl,Db 80/32 , Wear Ring,190,Kbl,Db 100/32 , Shaft Sleeve De,310,Kbl,Db 100/32 , Impeller Nut,330,Kbl,Db 100/32 , Bearing Housing,240,Kbl,Db 100/32 , Shaft,180,Kbl,Db 100/32 , Impeller,151,Kbl,Db 100/32 , Impeller,15100,Kbl,Db300/36 , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Casing Ring Suct,19000,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Casing Ring Backside,19100,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Bearing Housing,24000,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Key,32000,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Impeller Nut,33000,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Lock Washer,41000,Ss316,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Oil Seal,50000,Nit Rbr,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Impeller,15100,Kbl,Db300/34 , Casing Ring Suct,19000,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Casing Ring Backside,19100,Kbl,Db 300/34 , Impeller,157,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Impeller,158,Kbl,Dsm100/36 , Shaft,180,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Wear Ring,190,Bronze,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Wear Ring,204,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Throat Bush,360,Bronze,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Brg Cartridge De,241,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Brg Cartridge Nde,253,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Gasket,519,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Bearing Cover De,270,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Vent Valve,450,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Sealing Tube,560,Nylon,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Casing Half Lower,Tc 17208082 -0/123 , Gland Split,229,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , O-Ring,522.2,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Shaft Sleeve De/Nde,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Key,320,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Pin,610.2,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Casing Half Upper,Tc 17208082 -0/122,Kbl , Dsm 125/40: Impeleer , Dsm 125/40: Shaft Sleeve Set , Wear Ring,190,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Shaft,Tc17200014-3/180,Kbl,Dsm125/40 , Liquid Deflector,236,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Brg Cartridge De,241,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Brg Cartridge Nde,253,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Bearing Cover De,270,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Bearing Cover Nde,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Bearing Cap,274,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Throat Bush,360,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Casing Ring Del,610.1,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Pin Ring,610.2,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Split Gland,229,Ci,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Vent Valve,450,Kbl,Dsm 125/40 , Impeller,15100,Kbl,Db 125/32 , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Wear Ring Suction,19000,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Wear Ring Del,19100,Kbl,Db 125/32 , Casing Cover,22000,Ci,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Gland,22300,Ci,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Lantern Ring,22700,Nylon,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Liq Deflector,23600,Kbl,Db125/40 , Bearing Housing,24000,Ci,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Support Foot,25100,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Brg Cover De/Nde,27000,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Key-Impeller,32000,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Lock Washer,41000,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Grease Nipple,44100,Kbl,Db 125/40 , Felt Ring,50200,Kbl,Db 125/32 , Casing Cover Gasket,51100,Kbl,Db 125/32 , Shaft,Kbl,Dsm 65/32 A/B , Insert,979.1,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Insert,979.2,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Impeller,1580001,Kbl,Dsm65/32B , Impeller,1570001,Kbl,Pump,Dsm65/32B , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Wear Ring,19000,Ci,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Brg Housing De,240.1,Ci,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Impeller Nut,33000,Bronze,Kbl,Dsm65/32B , Interstage Diaph,46200,Ci,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , O-Ring,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Casing Half Upper,122,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Casing Half Lower,123,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Gasket,519,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Insert De,979.1,Kbl,Dsm65/32B , Insert Non Drive End,979.2,Kbl,Dsm65/32B , Impeller,15700,Dsm65/32A , Impeller,15800,Pump,Dsm65/32A , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Dsm65/32A , Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Interstage Ring,20400,Dsm 65/32A , Interstage Diap,46200,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Water Deflector,23600,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Air Vent,45000,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Bearing Housing De,24001,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Bearing Housing Nde,24002,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Oil Seal,50000,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Impeller Nut,33000,Kbl,Dsm 65/32A , Shaft,180,Kbl,Pump,Dsm80/36 , Dsm80/36:Key , Dsm80/36:O Ring , Interstage Ring,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Dsm80/36:Gasket Set , Wear Ring,190,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Dsm80/36:Lantern Ring , Liquid Deflector,236,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Impeller Nut,330,Bronze,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Brg Cartridge Nde,253,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Lock Washer,410,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Interstage Diaph,462,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Grease Nipple,441,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Sealing Tube,560,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Insert,979.1,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Insert,979.2,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Vent Valve,450,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Dsm80/36:`O Ring , Impeller,157,Kbl,Dsm80/36 , Casing,122,Pump,Dsm80/36 , Impeller,158,Kbl,Dsm80/36 , Casing Half Lower,123,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Bearing Nut,335,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Dsm80/36:Comp Rotating Assy , Impeller,15800,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Shaft,18000,Dsm 150/52 , Casing Wear Ring,19000,Dsm 150/52 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Interstage Ring,20400,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Lantern Ring,22700,Bronze,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Gland,22900,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Brg Housing De,24001,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Brg Housing Nde,24002,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl, Dsm 150/52 , Impeller Key,32000,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Sleeve Lock Nut,33400,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Bearing Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Grease Nipple,44100,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Vent Valve,45000,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Interstage Diaph,46200,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , O-Ring,52201,Kbl,Dsm 150/52 , Casing Nde,101,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Impeller,156,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Shaft,180,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Suction Cover,210,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Gland,223,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Liquid Deflector,236,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Bearing Housing,240,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Bearing Cover De,270,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Thrust Brg Adapter,272,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Impeller Nut,330,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Bearing Nut,335,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Lock Washer,410,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Oil Level Indicator,446,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Vent Valve,450,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Compression Spring,483,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Oil Seal,500.1,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Gasket,514.1,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , O-Ring,522.1,Kbl,Mf 25-30 , Impeller Nut,410,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Impeller Nut,320.1,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Liquid Deflector,236,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Gland For Flushing,223,Kbl,Pump,Mf 35/35 , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Shaft,180,Kbl,Pump,Mf35/35 , Impeller,156,Kbl,Pump,Mf 35/35 , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Bearing Cover De,270,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Bearing Nut,335,C-40,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Comp Spring,483,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Bearing Housing,240,Kbl,Pump,Mf 35/35 , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Kbl,Mf-35/35 , Enclosed Impeller,151,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Imp Ring Suct,192,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Imp Ring Del,193,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Stuff Box Bushing,350,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Shaft,180,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Oil Seal,500.1&500.2,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , O-Ring,525.1,525.2,523,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Lock Washer,415,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Impeller Nut,330,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Bearing Cover,270,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Liq Deflector,236,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Gland Split,229,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Casing,10500,Kbl,Pump,Kpd125/40 , Casing Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Casing Wear Ring,19100,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Casing Cover,220,Kbl,Pump,Kpd125/40 , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Bearing Housing,24000,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Lantern Bracket,24800,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Key Impeller,32000,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Constant Lvl Oiler,44300,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Internal Circlip,48500,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Complete Pp Assy,Kbl,Kpd 20/16Qf , Impeller,151,Kbl,Pump,Kpd 20/16 Qf , Shaft,180.2,Kbl,Kpd 20/16Qf , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Kpd 20/16Qf , Stuffing Box,Kbl,Kpd 20/16Qf , Coupling Assy,Kbl,Kpd 20/16Qf , Gasket Cas/Imp/Nut,Ptfe,Kbl,Kpd 20/16Qf , Stuff Box Bushing,Kbl,Kpd 20/16Qf , Bearing Cover,271,Kbl,Kpd 20/16Qf , Bearing Housing,240,Kbl,Kpd 20/16Qf , Shaft,18002,Kbl,Kpd 32/20 , Casing Cover,22000,Kbl,Kpd 32/20 , Bearing Housing,24000,Kbl,Kpd 32/20 , Bearing Cover De,27000,Kbl,Kpd 32/20 , Key,32000,Kbl,Kpd 32/20 , Impeller Nut,33000,Kbl,Kpd 32/20 , Impeller,15100A,Kbl,Kpd 32/20 , Imp Wear Ring,19200A,Kbl,Kpd 32/20 , Split Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Kpd 32/20 , Shaft,180.1,Kbl,Kpd 50/32 , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Kpd 50/32 , Coupling Key,321,Kbl,Kpd 50/20 , Impeller Nut,330,Kbl,Kpd 50/20 , Bearing Housing,240,Kbl,Kpd 50/20 , Imp-Shaft Sleeve Key,320,Kbl,Kpd 50/20 , Constant Level Oiler,443,Kbl,Kpd 50/20 , Casing Cover,220,Kpd50/20 , Casing,105,Kbl,Kpd50/20 , Gasket,511,Kbl,Kpd 50/20 , Oil Seal,500.2,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , O-Ring,523,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Gland Split,229,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Stuff Box Housing,238,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Thrust Brg Carrier,247,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Bearing Holder,254,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Bearing Cover,270,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Grease Nipple,441.1,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Intermediate Shaft,184,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Lock Nut,336,Ms,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Impeller Nut,330,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Shaft Sleeve,323,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Split Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Column Pipe Top,132,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Column Pipe Bottom,133.1,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Rising Pipe,142.1,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Adapter Plate,461,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Semi Open Impeller,1530001,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Intermediate Shaft,18400,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Head Shaft,18500,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Imp Shaft,18600,Ss410,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Lantern Ring,27700,Ci,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Gland Split,22900,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Stuff Box Housing,23800,Kbl,Kpds40/26 Qf , Thrust Brg Carrier,24700,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Bearing Holder,25400,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Bearing Cover,27000,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Shaft Slv De,31000,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Shaft Slv Nde,31100,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Impeller Nut,33000,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf Qf , Inter Brg Bush,35100,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf , Brg Bush,35300,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf , Bearing Shell,35600,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf , Screwed Coup,39500,Kbl,Kpds 40/26 Qf , Bearing Spider,24500,Kpds 40/26 Qf , Guide Vane,128,Kbl,Rkb-100/23E , Bearing Housing De,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Gland,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Distance Sleeve,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Impeller,15100,Kbl,Ns65/32N18.5/4 , Rotor,16400,Kbl,Pump,Ns 65/32N 18.5/4 , Rotor Shaft,18900,Kbl,Ns65/32N18.5/4 , O-Ring,522,Epdm Rbr,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L , Oil Seal,Kbl,Rkb 65/19H , Shaft Sleeve(Suction Side),Kbl,Rkb 65/19H , Washer Brg Lock Nut,41500,Kbl,Rkb 65/19H , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Rkb 65/19E , Brg Housing Nde,2400101,Kbl,Rkb 65/19H , Diff+Guide Vane,12900,Kbl,Rkb 65/19H , Key,320,Kbl,Rkb65-19H , Gland Packing,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L , Washer,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L , Gland,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L , Shaft Sleeve,3120,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L , Diffuser,12800,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Brg Housing De,24000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Brg Cover De,27000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Brg Cover Nde,27001,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Brg Housing De,24000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Brg Housing Nde,24001,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Delivery Casing,11100,Rkb65-19 L/E , Suction Casing,11300,Rkb65-19 L/E , Stage Casing,1240002,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Diffuser,12800,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Diffuser Vane,1290002,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Enclosed Impeller,15100,Rkb65-19 L/E , Washer,20900,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Adjustable Washer,20901,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Distance Sleeve,31700,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/E , Wear Ring Suct,19000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Wear Ring Del,19100,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Inter Stage Bush,35800,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Inter Stage Bush,35801,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Washer,20900,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Adjustable Washer,20901,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Distance Sleeve,31700,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Key 1St Impeller,32000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Oil Seal,50000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Wear Ring Suct,19000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Wear Ring Del,19100,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Inter Stage Bush,35801,Rkb 65/19 , Diffuser,12800,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Diffuser W/Guide Vane,12900,Kbl,Rkb65/19 , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Gland,22300,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Bearing Housing De,24000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Bearing Housing Nde,24001,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Bearing Cover De,27000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Bearing Cover Nde,27100,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Shaft Sleeve Suction,31001,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Shaft Sleeve Del,31202,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Distance Sleeve,31700,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Bearing Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Rkb 65/19H , Wear Ring Suct,19000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Wear Ring Del,19100,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Inter Stage Bush,35800,Kbl,Rkb 65/19 , Impeller,15100,Kbl,Rkb 65-19 , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Rkb 65/19E , Impeller,15100,Kbl,Rkb 65-19H , Diffuser,12800,Kbl,Rkb 65/19E , Diffuser W/Guidevane,12900,Kbl,Rkb65/19E , Wear Ring Suct,19000, Kbl,Rkb 125/27M , Nter Stage Bush,3550101,Kbl,Rkb 125/27M , O-Ring,522,Kbl,Rkb 125/27 M , Stage Casing,12400,Kbl,Rkb125/27 , Stage Casing,12400,Kbl,Rkb125/27 , Diffuser,12800,Rkb 125/27 , Key 1St Impeller,32000,Kbl,Rkb 125/27 , Key Last Impeller,32002,Kbl,Rkb 125/27 , O-Ring,52201,Kbl,Rkb 125/27 , Wear Ring Del,19100,Kbl,Rkb 125/27 , Inter Stage Bush,35800,Kbl,Rkb 125/27 , Horizontal Multistage Pump,Kbl,Rkb50/15L , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Gland Packing,430,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Distance Sleeve,317,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Impeller,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Shaft Sleeve Suct,31001,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Wear Ring Suct,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Wear Ring Del,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Inter Stage Bush,358,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Bearing Cover De,270,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Brg Housing Nde,240.1,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Brg Housing De,240,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Diffuser,128,Ci,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Gland,223,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Liq Deflector,236,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , O-Ring,N Rbr,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Key Set,Ss410,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Diffuser W/Guide Vane,129,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Inter Stage Bush,358.1,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Impeller,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Up 100/35 , Impeller,Tc17401008-0/159,Kbl,Up 100/35 , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,Up 100/35 , Bearing Housing De,240.1,Up 100/35 , Bearing Housing Nde,240.2,Up 100/35 , Key Set,Ssok1,Cs,Kbl,Up 100/35 , Set Of Oil Seal,N Rbr,Kbl,Up 100/35 , Insert,979.1,Ci,Kbl,Up 100/35 , Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Up 100/35 , O-Ring,52202,Kbl,Up 100/35 , O-Ring,52201,Neop Rbr,Kbl,Sct 150/48 , Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Sct 150/48 , Impeller Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Sct 150/48 , Pump Shaft,18000,Sct 150/30 , Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , St Box Pack Ring,20700,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , Gland,22300,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , Lantern Ring,22700,Ci,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , Brg Housing De,24001,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , Brg Housing Nde,24002,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , Bearing Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , Oil Seal,50000,N Rbr,Kbl,Sct 150/30 , Impeller,15900,Kbl,Sct 200/48 , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Sct200/48 , Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Sct200/48 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Sct 200/48 , Bearing Housing De,24001,Kbl,Sct 200/48 , Bearing Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Sct 200/48 , Vent Valve,45000,Kbl,Sct 200/48 , Oil Seal,50000,Kbl,Sct 200/48 , O-Ring Insert,52201,Kbl,Sct 200/48 , St Box Packing Ring,20700,Kbl,Sct 200/48 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Sct200/48 , Impeller,159,Kbl,Pump,Sct300/48 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Sct300/48 , Water Deflector,236,Kbl,Sct 300/48 , Bearing Cover Nde,270,Kbl,Sct 300/48 , Bearing Cover De,271,Kbl,Sct 300/48 , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Sct 300/48 , Vent Valve,450,Kbl,Sct 300/48 , Bearing Housing,24002,Kbl,Pump,Sct300/48 , Bearing Housing De,24001,Kbl,Sct300/48 , Insert,979,Kbl,Sct 80/38 , Impeller,159,Kbl,Sct 80/38 , Wear Ring,190,Bronze,Kbl,Sct 80/38 , Shaft,180,Kbl,Sct 80/38 , Lock Nut,336,Cs,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Casing Ring,190,Kbl,Pump , Bearing Housing,240,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Stuff Box Bushing,350,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Liq Deflector,236,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Impeller Nut,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Impeller Ring,192,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Lantern Bracket,248,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Shaft,180.2,Kbl,Pump,Kpd150/52M , Casing Ring (Del),191,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Impeller Ring,193,Kbl, Kpd 150/52M , Casing Cover,220,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Coupling Key,321,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Lock Insert,479,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Gland Split,229,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Constant Level Oiler,443,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Lock Washer,415,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Internal Circlip,485,Kbl,Kpd 150/52M , Casing,107,Kbl,Shs 65/32N , Casing Cover,220,Kbl,Shs 65/32N , Thrust Brg Adapter,272,Kbl,Shs 65/32N , Bearing Cover,270.2,Kbl,Shs 65/32N , Bearing Bush,352,Kbl,Shs 65/32N , Oil Seal,500.2,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Bearing Bush,353,Kbl,Shs 65/32N , Oil Seal,500.1,Kbl,Shs 65/32N , Coupling,390,Kbl,Shs 65/32N , Oil Seal,500.3,Kbl,Shs 65/32N , Shaft,180,Kbl,Shm 100/26 N , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Shm 100/26 N , Oil Seal,500.1,Kbl,Shm 100/26 N , Oil Seal,500.2,Kbl,Shm 100/26 N , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Shm 80/26Q , Stuff Box Bushing,350,Kbl,Shm 80/26Q , Bearing Bush,353,Kbl,Shs 80/40Ne , Shaft Sleeve,31100,Kbl,Shs 80/40Ne , Shaft,18000,Kblshs80/40Ne , Oil Seal,50001,Kbl,Shs 80/40Ne , Bearing Bush,35201,Kbl,Shs 80/40Ne , Thrust Brg Carrier,24701,Kbl,Shs 80/40Ne , Thrust Brg Adapter,27201,Kbl,Shs 80/40Ne , Top Column Pipe,132,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Std Column Pipe,133.01,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Bottom Column Pipe,132.2,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Std Rising Pipe,142.1,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Rising Pipe,142.2,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Impeller,151,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Intermediate Shaft,184,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Head Shaft,185,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Impeller Shaft,186,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Casing Ring,190,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Seal Ring,194,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Bearing Spider,245,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Thrust Brg Carrier,247,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Thrust Brg Adapter,272,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Bend,280,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Inter Shaft Sleeve,312,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Bearing Nut,335,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Bearing Bush,352,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Nut,408,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Companion Flange,490,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Threaded Bush,9,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Adjusting Screw,12,Kbl,Shs 50/26N , Impeller, Shs65/32 , Head Shaft,185,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Coupling Half P,390,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Coupling Half M,391,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Intermediate Shaft,184,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Key Impeller,320,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Key Shaft Sleeve,323,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Casing,107,Kbl,Shs65/32 , Shaft,186,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Bearing Spider,245,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Thrust Brg Carrier,247,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Bearing Cover,271,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Bearing Cover,278,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Key,321,Kbl,Shs 65/32 , Head Shaft,18502,Kbl,Pump,Shs 50/26 Nb , Rbr Brg,35700,Kbl,Shs 50/26Nb , Screw Coupling,39502,Kbl,Shs 50/26 Nb , Impeller Shaft,Kbl,Pump,50/26Nb , Shaft Sleeve,31100,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Inter Shaft Sleeve,31200,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Bearing Cover,27003,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Head Shaft,18502,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Intermediate Shaft,18403,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Brg Bush Head Shaft,35202,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Oil Seal,50005,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Sealing Ring,19400,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Screw Impeller,66900,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Hex Lock Nut,33502&33602,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Rbr Brg Imp Shaft,35302,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Bearing Spider,24504,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Thrust Brg Adaptor,27202,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Impeller,Kbl,Shs 50/26 Q , Wear Ring,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Shaft,Kbl,Pump,Shs 50/26 Q , Coupling,39000,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Pin&Bush,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Semi Open Impeller,15300,Kbl,Shs 50/26 Q , Intermediate Shaft,18403,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Head Shaft,18502,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Thrust Brg Carrier,24702,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Bearing Cover,27003,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Bearing Cover,27103,Di,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Brg Bush Head Shaft,35202,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Brg Interm Shaft,35700,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Wear Plate,4600,Kbl,Pump,Shs 50/26 Q , Oil Seal,50005,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Screw F/Impeller,66900,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Top Column Pipe,13202,Kbl,Shs 50/26 Q , Bottom Column Pipe,13302,Kbl,Shs 50/26 Q , Bell Mouth,21100,Kbl,Pump,Shs 50/26 Q , Suction Strainer,21600,Kbl,Shs 50/26 , Thrust Brg Adaptor,27202,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Inter Brg Cover,27804,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Bend,28000,Kbl,Pump,Shs 50/26 Q , Key Impeller,32000,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Hex Lock Nut,33502,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Screwed Coupling,39502,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Helicoil Lock Insert,47900,Kbl,Shs50/26Q , Std Column Pipe,13301,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Top Rising Pipe,14201,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Std Rising Pipe,14202,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Shaft Nut,33801,Kbl,Shs 50/26Q , Shaft,174550A4435 / 180,Kbl,Up 125/24 , Brg Housing De,240.01,Kbl,Up 125/24 , Brg Housing Nde,240.02,Ci,Kbl,Up 125/24 , Key,321,Kbl,Up 125/24 , Oil Seal,500,Kbl,Up 125/24 , O-Ring,522.1,Neop Rbr,Kbl,Up 125/24 , O-Ring,522.2,Neop Rbr,Kbl,Up 125/24 , Insert (Nde),979.2,Ci,Kbl,Up 125/24 , Pump Assy,Kbl,Up125/30 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Up 150/30 , Impeller Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Up 150/30 , Shaft,18001,Kbl,Up 150/30 , Impeller,15900,Kbl,Pump,Up 150/30 , Brg Housing De,24001,Kbl,Up 150/30 , Brg Housing Nde,24002,Kbl,Up 150/30 , Insert,97901,Kbl,Up 150/30 , O-Ring,52201&52202,Kbl,Up 150/30 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Up 150/30 , Up150/30:Comp Rotating Assy , Brg Housing De,24001,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Brg Housing Nde,24002,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Shaft Sleeve,Ss316, 31000,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Keys,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Insert,97901,Pump,Up 250/30 , Impeller,15900,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Casing Half Upper,12200,Kbl,Up250/30 , Casing Half Lower,12300,Kbl,Up250/30 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Up 250/30 , O-Ring Insert,52201,Kbl,Up 250/30 , O-Ring,52202,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Insert,979.2,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Lantern Ring,22700,Nylon,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Shaft Sleeve,,Ss410,Kbl,Up 250/30 , Shaft,18001,Kbl,Pump,Up250/30 , Impeller,159,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Shaft,180,Kbl, Up250/38 , Wear Ring, 190,Kbl Up250/38 , Shoulder Ring,199,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Bearing Housing De,240.1,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Bearing Housing Nde,24.2,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Impeller Key,320,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Coupling Key,321,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Vent Valve,450,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Oil Seal,500,Kbl,Up 250/38 , O-Ring Insert,522.1,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Insert De&Nde,Kbl,Up250/38 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,Up 250/38 , Impeller,Bronze,Kbl,Up 50/30B , Key Set,320&321,Kbl,Up 50/30B , Gland Follower,Kbl,Up 50/30B , Bearing Housing De,24001,Kbl,Up 50/30B , Bearing Housing Nde,24002,Up50-30B , Insert,979.2,Kbl,Up 50/30B , Impeller Wear Ring,192,Kbl,Pump,14Uph1m , Felt Ring,502.1,Kbl,14Uph1m , Bearing Nut,335,Kbl,14Uph1m , Vent Valve,45000,Kbl,Up 100/38 , Insert,97901,Kbl,Up 100/38 , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,Up 100/38 , Coupling For Pump,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Coupling For Motor,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Inter Stage Bush,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Oil Seal,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Key Set,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Impeller,151,Kbl,Rkb-100/23E , Shaft,180,Kbl,Pump,Rkb-100/23E , Diffuser,128,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Diffuser,129,Kbl,Rkb-100/23E , Bearing Housing De,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Bearing Housing Nde,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Liquid Deflector,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Lantern Ring,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Shaft Sleeve Suction,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Shaft Sleeve Delivery,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Wear Ring Suction Side,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Inter Stage Bush,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Oil Seal,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , O-Ring Set,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Wear Ring,19100,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Distance Sleeve,31700,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Bearing Cover De,270,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Bearing Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Rkb 100/23E , Diffuser,128,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Gland,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Bearing Housing Nde,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Bearing Housing De,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Bearing Cover De,27000,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Bearing Cover Nde,27100,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Shaft Sleeve,Suction Side,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Shaft Sleeve,Delivery Side,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Distance Sleeve,31700,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Bearing Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Inter Stage Bush,35800,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Inter Stage Bush,35801,Kbl,Rkb 50/15E , Impeller,15900,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Casing Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Gland,22300,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Liquid Deflector,23600,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Bearing Housing De,24001,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Bearing Housing Nde,24002,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Impeller Key,32000,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Coupling Key,32100,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Bearing Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Gland Packing,43000,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Grease Nipple Brg,44101,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Vent Valve,45000,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Gasket,51900,Kbl,Up 125/35 , O-Ring Insert,52201,Kbl,Up 125/35 , O-Ring Shaft Sleeve,52202,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Sealing Pipe,56000,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Inserts De&Nde,97900,Kbl,Up 125/35 , Bearing Cart De,241,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Pump Shaft,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Interstage Ring,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Water Deflector,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Bearing Cover De,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Bearing Cover Nde,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Shaft Sleeve,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Sleeve Nut,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Gland Packing,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Bearing Cart Nde,253,Kbl,Dsm 150/46 , Shaft,18001,Kbl,Up400/46 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Up400/46 , Impeller,15900,Kbl,Up 400/46 , Casing Ring Suct,19000,Kbl,Chpm65/43 , Complete Pp Assy,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Impeller,151,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Shaft,180.1,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Casing Ring Suct,190,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Impeller Ring Suct,192,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Casing Cover,220,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Split Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Liquid Deflector,236,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Impeller Nut,330,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Stuff Box Bushing,350,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Bearing Housing,240,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Bearing Cover De,270,Bkbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Bearing Cover Nde,271,Kbl,Cphm 32/20 A , Impeller,Tc 137 92 6341/151,Kpd-50/16 , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Kpd 65/20 , Oil Seal,500.1,Kbl,Kpd 65/20 , Shaft,180.2,Kbl,Kpd 65/20 , Impeller Ring,192,Kbl,Kpd 65/20 , Key,320,Kbl,Kpd 65/20 , Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Kpd 65/20 , Under Casing Cover,353,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Inter Bearing Bush,351,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , O-Ring Shaft Sleeve,523,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Bearing Lock Nut,335,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Key Shaft Sleeve,323,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Enclosed Impeller,151,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Thrust Brg Carrier,247,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Impeller,186,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Bearing Cover,270,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Casing Cover,220,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Intermediate Shaft,184,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Imp Ring Del,193,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Head Shaft,185,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Casing Ring Del Side,191,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Oil Seal,500.2,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Complete Coupling,390&391,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Gland Split,229,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Bearing Shell,356.01,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Casing Ring,190,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Hex Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Screwed Coupling,395,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Imp Ring Suc Side,192,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Shaft Sleeve Ps,311,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Casing Ring Suct,190,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Casing Ring Del Side,191,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Impeller Ring Del,193,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Casing Cover,220,Kbl,Kpd65/32 , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Key Set,32000,Kbl,Sct 125/38 , Suction Casing,1130001,Kbl,Rkb 200/37 , Pump Shaft,18000,Kbl,Pump,Rkb 50/20 , O-Ring,52202,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Oil Seal,50000,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Vent Valve,45000,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Key,32000,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Shaft Sleeve,31000,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Bearing Housing De,24001,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Gland,22300,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Up 150/56 , Shaft,18001,Kbl,Up150/56 , Impeller,15900,Kbl,Sct150/38 , Shaft,18000,Kbl,Sct150/38 , Wear Ring,19000,Kbl,Sct 150/38 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Kbl,Sct 150/38 , Oil Seal,50000,Kbl,Sct 50/38 , Gland,22300,Kbl,Up 200/42 , Lantern Ring,22700,Kbl,Up 200/42 , Bearing Housing De,24001,Kbl,Up 200/42 , Bearing Housing Nde,24002,Kbl,Up 200/42 , Key,32000,Kbl,Up 200/42 , Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Up 200/42 , Vent Valve,45000,Kbl,Up 200/42 , Oil Seal,50000,Kbl,Up 200/42 , Insert,97901,Up 200/42 , Casing Half Upper,12200,Up 300/34 , Casing Half Lower,12300,Up 300/34 , Shaft,18001,Kbl,Up 300/34 , Key,32000,Kbl,Up 300/34 , Key,32100,Kbl,Up 300/34 , Lock Nut,33600,Kbl,Up 300/34 , Vent Valve,45000,Kbl,Up 300/34 , Oil Seal,50000,Kbl,Up 300/34 , Insert,97901,Up 300/34 , Thrust Bearing Lid,Bhr-28/18 , Thrust Brg Carrier,24702,Kbl,Pump , Impeller Nut,330.2,Kbl,Pump,Bhr-28/30 , Head Shaft,185,Kbl,Bhr-28/30 , Impeller Shaft,186,Kbl,Pump,Bhr 28-30 , Bowl,120,Kbl,Pump,Bhr 28-30 , Distance Ring,201,Kbl,Pump,Bhr-28/30 , Shaft Slv Drive Side,310,Kbl,Pump , Bearing Spider,245.1,Kbl,Pump,Bhr-28/30 , Thrust Collar,363,Kbl,Pump,Bhr28-30 , Thrust Brg Carrier,247,Kbl,Pump,Bhr28-30 , Bearing,354.1,Kbl,Pump,Bhr-28/30 , Coupling Bush,400,Kbl,Pump,Bhr-28/30 , Thrust Collar Key,328,Kbl,Bhr-28/30 , Nut,330.1,Kbl,Pump,Bhr 28-30 , Lock Nut,336,Kbl,Pump,Bhr28-30 , Ratchet Cover,474,Kbl,Bhr-28/30 , Bearing Nut,335,Kbl,Pump,Bhr-28/30 , O-Ring,Bhr-28/30,F/Pump Unit , O-Ring,Bhr-28/30,F/Column Unit , O-Ring,Bhr-28/30,F/Head Unit , Coupling Screwed,Tc-153-91-040-0/395,Kbl , Shaft Sleeve,311.1,Bhr28/30 , Shaft Sleeve,311.2,Bhr28/30 , Stuffing Box Housing,Kbl,Bhr-28/30 , Gland Packing,Kbl,Bhr-28/30 , Bearing Bush,F/Head Shaft,Bhr-28/30 , Impeller Key,320.1 , Impeller Key,320.2 , Key Shaft Sleeve,323/Mc 253,Bhr-28/30 , Thrust Collar,Tc153 97 0662 / 363 , Impeller Nut,Tc15393004rev5/330,Bhr35/30 , Shaft Sleeve,Tc 153 00 008-3,Bhr35/30 , Oil Retaining Tube,Bhr-35/30 , Rubber Bearing,Tc 153 89 035 1/354,Pump , Bearing Bush,Tc153-84-002-1/352,Pump , Journal Bearing,371,Kbl,Pump,Bhr-28/30 , Bearing Spider Lower,245.1,Kbl,Pump , Bearing Spider Upper,245.2,Kbl,Pump , Screwed Coupling,Kbl,Bhr-35/30 , Stuffing Box Housing,Tc-1531052 / 238 , Lantern Ring,227,Up 80/30 , Impeller,159.0,Up80/30 , Wear Ring,190,Up80/30 , Shoulder Ring,199,Up 80/30 , Bearing Housing De,240.1,Up 80/30 , Bearing Housing Nde,240.2,Up 80/30 , Lock Nut,336,Up 80/30 , Shaft,180,Up 80/30 , Deflector,236,Up 80/30 , Key,321,Up 80/30 , Bearing Lock Nut For P/P Model Sct 80/38 , Insert,979,Up 80/30,De , Head Shaft,310,Up 80/30 , Key,320,Up-80/30 , Set Of O Ring For Pump Model Sct 80/38 , Bearing Housing Nde For P/P Sct 80/38 , Shoulder Ring For Pump Sct 80/38 , Centrifugal Pump Model Sct 80/38 , Sct80/38:Impeller Key , Up80/30:Oil Seal , Up 125/35:Complete Pump Assy , Up 125/35:Oil Seal , Sct80/38:Grease Nipple , Sct80/38:Sealing Tube , Sct80/38:Key-Coupling , Bearing Housing De For P/P Sct 80/38 , Up80/30:Insert O-Ring , Mb Pump Assy,Kbl,Kds 1348+ , Monoblock Pmp Assy,Kbl,Kdi-1537 , Diffuser,Kbl,Pump,Rkb50/15L-9Stg , Inter Stg Bush,Kbl,Pump,Rkb50/15L-9Stg , Impeller,Ss,Kbl,Pump,Rkb50/15L-9Stg , Gland,Ci,Kbl,Pump,Rkb50/15L-9Stg , Pump Assy,Kbl,Rkb50/15L-9Stg,60M,17M3/Hr , Wearing Ring Dlvy,Kbl,Rkb50/15L-9Stg , Wearing Ring Suct,Kbl,Rkb50/15L-9Stg , Comp Pp Assy,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Key-Cplng,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Glnd Pckng,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Grs Cup De,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Grs Cup Nde,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Brg Nut,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Key-Implr,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Implr Nut,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Weight-Flap Vv,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Rubber Flap,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Wearing Plt Nde,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Dlvry Csng,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Brg Shield,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Suction Flange,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Glnd,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Lantern Ring,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Grs Cup-Gp,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Shft,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Liquid Deflector,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Shft Slv,Tc00000sp0-0,Kbl,Sp-0 , Shaft Sleeve,311.1,Kbl,Bhr35/30 3 Stages , Shaft Sleeve,311.2,Kbl,Bhr35/30 4Stage , Shaft Sleeve,Ahs-A4-100,Pump,Bhr35/30 , Bowl Bearing,354.1,Bhr35/30 , Impeller,Tc15393004revno-5,Bhr5/30 , Lock Nut,336,Bhr-35/30 , Bearing Nut,335,Bhr-35/30 , Gland Split,Bhr-35/30 , Cooling Coil,Tc153-104-4 / 370,Kbl,Pump , Ratchet Pin,Kbl,Bhr-35/30 , Ratchet Cover,Tc153-104-4 / 474,Bhr35/30 , Bearing Segment,Tc153-104-4 / 361 , Journal Bearing,Tc 153 00 008 / 371 , O-Ring,522,Bhr-35/30 , O-Ring,524,Bhr-35/30 , O-Ring,523,Bhr-35/30 , Clamp Plate,Bhr-35/30 , Key,323.3,Bhr-35/30 , Shaft Sleeve,Tc15393004rev-5/311,Pump , Bearing Spider,Tc-1531052 / 245,Kbl , Wear Ring (Casing),Tc-1531052 / 190,Kbl , Impeller Washer,410,Bhr-35/30 , Wear Ring,Tc15393004rev-5/192,Bhr35/30 , Transition Bearing,Tc15393004 Rev 5/357 , Thrust Bearing Lid,Tc153 97 0662 / 279 , Transmission Shaft,Kbl, Bhr 35/30 , Coupling Bush,Kbl,Bhr-35/30 , Kpds100/40:Pump Casing , Kpds100/40:Head Shaft , Casing Ring,19000,Kpds 100/40 , Kpds100/40:Casing Delivery Side , Impeller Ring,19200,Kpds 100/40 , Impeller Ring,19300,Kpds 100/40 , Casing Cover,22000,Kpds 100/40 , Lantern Ring,22700,Pump,Kpds 100/40 , Kpds100/40:Split Gland , Bearing Spider,24500,Kpds 100/40 , Kpds100/40:Thrust Bearing Carrier , Kpds100/40:Shaft Sleeve Drive Side , Kpds100/40:Shaft Sleeve Pump Side , Kpds100/40:Impeller Nut , Kpds100/40:Brg.Lock Nut , Kpds100/40:Intermediate Brg Bush , Kpds100/40:Brg Bush , Kpds100/40:Screwed Coupling , Kpds100/40:Brg Shell , Kpds100/40:Impeller Shaft , Gland,22300,Db300/34 , Support Foot,25100,Db300/34 , Bearing Cover,27000,Db300 , Coupling Key,32100,Db300 , Oil Lvl Sight Glass,44500,Db300 , Vent Valve,45000,Db300/34 , Pump Casing Vde,10500,Db300/34 , Pump Assy,Up150/56 , Casing Half,12200,Kbl,Up150/56 , Pump Assy,Rkb 65/19,65Cmh , Comp Pp Assy,Kbl,Rkb 65/19E/6Stg,30M3/Hr , Impeller,1590001,Up 150/26N , Shaft,1800101,Up 150/26N , Wear Ring,1900001,Up 150/26N , Shoulder Ring,1990001,Up 150/26N , Gland,2230001,Up 150/26N , Bearing Housing De,2400101,Pump , Bearing Housing Nde,2400201,Up 150/26N , Key,32000,Kbl,Pump,Up150/26N , Csg Half Lwr,12300,Kbl,Pump,Up150/26N , Csg Half Upr,12200,Kbl,Pump,Up150/26N , Discharge Head,117,Kbl,Bhr 35-30 Deg , Intermed Sft,184.1,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Intermed Sft,184.2,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Head Shaft,185,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Imp Sft,186,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Distance Rng,201,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Pump Bowl,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Key,3210101,Kbl,Bhq-27 , Column Pipe,1330101,Kbl,Pump,Bhq27 , Spring Guide,4810101,Kbl,Pump,Bhq-27 , Ratchet Spring,4830101,Kbl,Pump,Bhq-27 , Key,3210102,Tc15204+,Kbl,Bhq-27 , Cvr F/Spider,4710102,Tc15204+,Kbl,Bhq-27 , St Box Hsg,2380101,Tc15204+,Kbl,Bhq-27 , Disch Head,1170101,Tc15204+,Kbl,Pump , O-Ring,5240201,Tc15204+,Kbl,Pump,Bhq-27 , O-Ring,5220101,Kbl,Bhq-27 , O-Ring,5240101,Kbl,Bhq-27 , O-Ring,5250101,Kbl,Bhq-27 , Journal Bearing,3710101,Kbl,Pump,Bhq-27 , Bearing Spider,2450101,Kbl,Bhq-27-2 Stg , Thrust Collar,3630101,Kbl,Bhq-27 , Distance Piece,1350101,Kbl,Pump,Bhq27 , Gland Packing,4300101,Kbl,Pump,Bhq-27 , Distance Sleeve,3170201,Kbl,Bhq27-2 Stg , Ratchet Housing,4750101,Kbl,Bhq27-2 Stg , O-Ring,5220301,Tc15204+,Kbl,Bhq-27 , Intermediate Shaft,1840001,Kbl,Bhq-27 , Shaft Sleeve,3120101,Kbl,Bhq-27 , Coupling Key,321,Kbl,Kpd 125/40 , Casing Half,12200,Up 200/42 , Shaft,18001,Kbl,Up 200/42 , Wear Ring,19000,Up 200/42 , Shoulder Ring,19900,Up 200/42 , Key,32100,Up 200/42 , Grease Nipple,44101,Up 200/42 , Impeller,15900,Kbl,Pump,Up 150/53M , Rotating Assy,U-150/53 &150/53M , Shaft Sleeve,310,Sp4l , Up150:Complete Pump Assy , Up150:Impeller , Up150:Pump Shaft , Up150:Casing Ring De/Nde , Up150:Shoulder Ring , Up150:Lantern Ring , Up150:Gland , Up150:Water Deflector De & Nde , Up150:Bearing Housing De , Up150:Bearing Housing Nde , Up150:Shaft Sleeve , Up150:Key For Impeller , Up150:Bearing Lock Nut , Up150:ORing Shaft Sleeves , Up150:Insert , Pump Make Kirloskar Model Up 100/35 , Cphm150/32N:Complete Assy , Cphm150/32N:Lequid Deflector , Cphm150/32N:Pump Casing , Cphm150/32N:Shaft Sleeve , Cphm150/32N:Split Lantern Ring , Cphm150/32N:Stuffing Box Bush , Kpd200/46:Pump Casing , Kpd200/46:Pump Shaft , Kpd200/46:Lequid Deflector , Shaft Sleeve-Cw Module-Kpd 200/46(Hot) , Stuffing Box Bush-Kpd 200/46(Hot) , Kpd200/46:Bearing Housing , Enclosed Imp-Cw Module-Kpd 200/46(Hot) , Casing Ring-Cw Module-Kpd 200/46(Hot) , Imp Lock Nut-Cw Module-Kpd 200/46(Hot) , Imp Ring Del-Cw Module-Kpd 200/46(Hot) , Imp Ring Suc-Cw Module-Kpd 200/46(Hot) , Imp-Key-Cw Module-Kpd 200/46(Hot) , Kpd200/46:Brg Cover , Kpd200/46:Casing Cover , Kpd200/46:Split Gland , Kpd200/46:Split Lantern Ring , Kpd200/46:Support Foot , Up300/39:Impeller , Up300/39:Insert , Up300/39:Lantern Ring , Up300/39:Shoulder Ring , Up300/39:Wear Ring , Rkb50/20:Complete Assy-9St , Oil Seal,500.1,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , External Circlip,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Inter Bearing Bush,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Casing,107,Kbl, Kpds 80/26 , Impeller,192,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Casing Cover,220,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Bearing Shell,356.1,Kbl,Kpds 80/26Qf , Helical Spr Insert,Kbl,Pump,Kpds 80/26 , Casing Wear Ring,190,Kbl,Kpd 80/26 , Impeller,151,Kpds 80/26 , Impeller Shaft,Tc 167-89-010-1/186,Kbl , Shaft Sleeve,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Shaft Sleeve Nde,311,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Head Shaft,Tc 167-89-010-1/185,Kbl , Key,Kbl,Kpds 80/26M,Cs,F/Cplng , Bearing Nut,Kbl,Pump,Kpds 80/26 , Brg Bush Imp Shaft,353,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Screwed Coupling,395,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Bearing,Kbl,Kpds 80/26 , Key For Impeller,Coupling Of P/P 12Uph1 , 12Uph1:Shaft , 12Uph1:Bearing Cartridge De , 12Uph1:Bearing Cartridge Nde , 12Uph1:Bearing Cover De , 12Uph1:Bearing Cover Nde , 12Uph1:Bearing Cap , 12Uph1:O-Ring , 12Uph1:Bearing Nut , 12Uph1:Pin , 12Uph1:Pin , Cphm 65/43: Enclosed Impeller , Cphm 65/43:Impeller Nut , Impeller Rings For Kbl Pp Cphm 40/32 , Cphm40/32:Enclosed Impeller , Cphm 40/32 Imp Nut With Helical Insert , Up65/38:Impeller , *Rkb 65/19E 9 Stg Impeller , Chpm65/43:Pump Shaft , Chpm65/43:Shaft Sleeve , Shaft Sleeve For Kbl Pump Cphm 40/32 , Pump Shaft For Kbl Pump Cphm 40/32 , Up65/38:Pump Shaft , Up65/38:Shaft Sleeve , Rkb 65/19E Shaft Sleeve Suc , Rkb 65/19E 9 Stg Pump Shaft , Rkb 65/19E 9 Stg Distance Sleeve , Pump Assy,Kbl,Dsm 100/36 , Casing Lower Half,Tc 17211044-0/123,Kbl , Bearing Cartridge De,Tc17203008-2/241 , Casing,Tc17203008-2/122,Dsm125/40 , Pump Assy,Kbl,Kpd 65/43 , Enclosed Impeller,Kbl,Kpd 65/43 , Shaft,Kbl, Kpd 65/43 , Casing Ring,190,Kpd 65/43 , Casing Ring Del Side,191,Kpd 65/43 , Impeller,192,Kpd 65/43 , Casing Cover,Tc 13708115-2/220,Kpd65/43 , Liquid Deflector,236,Kpd 65/43 , Key,320,Kpd 65/43 , Impeller Nut,330,Kpd 65/43 , Stuffing Box Bushing,Kpd 65/43 , Lantern Bracket,248,Kpd 65/43 , Key,321,Kpd 65/43 , Lock Nut,336,Kpd 65/43 , Constant Level Oiler,443,Kpd 65/43 , Internal Circlip,485,Kpd 65/43 , Lock Washer,415,Kpd 65/43 , Shaft Sleeve,311,Kpd 65/43 , Wear Ring,19000,Ss,Kbl,Pump,Dsm125/40 , Shaft (Without Keys),18001,Kbl,250/30 , Wear Ring,19000,Tc7415+,Kbl,Pump , Delivery Casing,11100,Kbl,Rkb50/20 , Suction Casing,11300,Kbl,Rkb50/20 , Stage Casing,12400,Kbl,Rkb50/20 , Diffuser,12800,Kbl,Rkb50/20 , Diffuser,12900,Kbl,Rkb50/20 , Enclosed Impeller,15100,Kbl,Rkb50/20 , Lantern Ring,22700,Rkb 50/20 , Shaft Sleeve,31001,Rkb 50/20 , Shaft Sleeve,31202,Rkb 50/20 , Distance Sleeve,31700,Rkb 50/20 , Bearing Lock Nut,33600,Rkb 50/20 , Tie Bar,34100,Kbl,Rkb50/20 , Wear Ring,19000,Rkb 50/20 , Wear Ring,19100,Rkb 50/20 , Inter Stage Bush,35800,Rkb 50/20 , Inter Stage Bush,35801,Rkb 50/20 , Sct350/44:Shaft Sleeve De , Sct350/44:Shaft Sleeve Nde , Sct350/44:Inserts De&Nde , Bell Mouth,211,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Clamping Plate,224,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Split Gland,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Jrnl Brg,3710101,Kbl,Pump,Bhr 35-30Deg , Clng Coil,3700101,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Liquid Deflector,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Stuf Bx Hsg,238,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Bearing Spider,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Thrust Brg Carrier,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Mtr Stool,290,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Col Pipe Ff,133.1,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Col Pipe Ff,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Rubber Bearing,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Thrust Collar,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Ratchet Pin,Kbl,Pump,Bhr 35-30Deg , Pump Coupling,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Dist Pipe,135,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Motor Coupling,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Scr Cplg,3950101,Kbl,Pump,Bhr 35-30Deg , Taper Col Pipe,141,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Ratchet Pin Hsg,Kbl,Pump,Bhr 35-30Deg , Impeller,153,Kbl,Pump,Bhr35-30Deg , Key,320&321,Cs,Kbl,4Up3 15 Deg , Casing,10500,Db 125/26 , Casing Cover,22000,Db 125/26 , Casing Half Upper,122,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Casing Half Lower,123,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Gasket,519,Kbl,Dsm 65/32B , Casing Gasket,Kbl,Up 50/30 , Gasket Set Up 50/30,Kbl,Pump , Shaft Sleeve Nde,Up 50/30B , Shaft Sleeve De,Up 50/30B , Oil Seal,Kbl,Up 50/30B , Drain Plug,Up 50/30B , Top&Btm Assy,Kbl , Inter Bearing Bush,351,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , O-Ring Shaft Sleeve,523,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Key Shaft Sleeve,323,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Enclosed Impeller,151,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Impeller,186,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Intermediate Shaft,184,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Imp Ring Del,193,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Head Shaft,185,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Oil Seal,500.2,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Complete Coupling,390&391,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Screwed Coupling,395,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Imp Ring Suc Side,192,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Shaft Sleeve Ps,311,Kbl,Kpds 80/32 , Comp Pp Assy,Kbl,Rkb 50/15L,8Stg , Comp Pp Assy,Kbl,Rkb 65/19L/3Stg , Pump Assy,Kbl,Up150/45 , Pump Assy,Kbl,Rkb65/19H , Pump Assy,Kbl,Up200/38 , Impeller,1590001,Pump,20Uph3m , Shaft,1800101,Pump,20Uph3m , Wear Ring,1900001,Kbl,Pump,20Uph3m , Impeller Ring,1920001,Kbl,Pump,20Uph3m , Shoulder Ring,1990001,Pump,20Uph3m , Lantern Ring,2270001,Pump,20Uph3m , Split Gland,2290001,Pump,20Uph3m , Liquid Deflector,2360001,Pump,20Uph3m , Shaft Sleeve,3100001,Kbl,Pump,20Uph3m , Shaft Sleeve Nut De,20Uph3m , Shaft Sleeve Nut Nde,334.1,20Uph3m , Bearing Nut,Pump,20Uph3m , O-Ring,5220001,20Uph3m , Interstage Diaphragm,46200,Kbl,Dsm 80/36 , Bearing Housing Nde,Kbl,Pump,Sct 250/30 , Lantern Ring,Kbl,Sct 250/30 , Insert,Kbl,Sct 250/30 , Lock Nut,Kbl,Sct 250/30 , Gland,Kbl,Sct 250/30 , Stuffing Box Cover,Kbl,Sct 250/30 , Bearing Housing De,Kbl,Sct 250/30 , Oil Seal,Kbl,Sct 250/30 , Shoulder Ring,Kbl,Sct 250/32 , Impeller,15900110,Kbl,Sct 250/30 , Casing Wear Ring,Kbl,Sct 250/32 , Bearing Holder,254,Bhq-32M1 , Head Shaft,185,Bhq32m1 , Impeller,152,Kbl,Bhq32m1 , Transmission Shaft,184,Bhq 32M1 , Impeller Shaft,186,Kbl,Bhq 32M1 , Guide Piece,212,Kbl, Bhq32m1 , Gland Split,229,Bhq-32M1 , Bearing Nut,335,Kbl, Bhq-32M1 , Coupling Bush,Bhq-27 M1 , Coupling Pin,Bhq-32M1 , Strainer,216,Bhq32m1 , Bell Mouth,211,Bhq32m1 , O-Ring,522.1,Bhq-32M1 , O-Ring,522.3,Bhq-32M1 , O-Ring,524.1,Bhq-32M1 , O-Ring,525.1,Bhq-32M1 , O-Ring,525.2,Bhq-32M1 , Column Pipe,133.1,Kbl,Pump,Bhr-42 , Column Pipe,133.2,Kbl,Pump,Bhr-42 , Shaft Enclosure Tube,1710101,Kbl,Bhr-42 , Muff Coupling,3950103,Kbl,Bhr-42 , Trans Shaft-2,184.2,Bhr42 , Bearing Cartridge,24100,Kbl , Monoblock Pump Model-Kdt1598 , Casing Ring,190,Kpd 50/20 , Impeller,151,Kpd 50/20 , Shaft,180.1,Kpd 50/20 , Impeller,192,Kpd 50/20 , Stuffing Box Bushing,Pump,Kpd 50/20 , Head Shaft,18502,Shs 80/40Q , Impeller,151,Kpd 65/32 , Pump Shaft,180.2,Kpd65/32 , Split Lantern Ring,227,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Gland Split,229,Kpd 65/32 , Liquid Deflector,236,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Impeller Nut,330,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Stuffing Box Housing,360,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Lantern Bracket,268,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Support Foot,251,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Bearing Cover,270,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Lock Nut,326,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Gland Packing,480,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Constant Level Oiler,443,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Oil Seal Ds,500.1,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Lock Washer,415,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Circlip,486,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Oil Breather,4440001,Kbl,Kpd 65/32 , Bearing Cover,270,Kbl,Pump,Kpds 50/26 , Shaft Sleeve Nde,311,Kbl,Kpds 50/26 , Head Shaft,185,Kbl,Kpds 50/26 , Shaft Sleeve,310,Kbl,Kpds 50/26 , Taper Column Pipe,1410101,Bhr-60 , Shaft Enclosure Tube,1710101,Kbl,Bhr60 , Transmission Bearing,3570101,Kbl,Bhr60 , Distance Pipe,1350101,Bhr-60 , Stuffing Box Housing,2380101,Kbl,Bhr60 , Gland Split,2290101,Bhr-60 , Journal Bearing,3710101,Bhr-60 , Lock Nut,3360101,Kbl,Bhr60 , Thrust Bearing,2610101,Skf,Bhr60 , Transmission Bearing,3520101,Bhr-60 , Bearing Holder,2540101,Bhr-60 , Impeller Nut,3300101,Bhr-60 , Impeller Nut,3300101,Bhq-37M , Lock Washer,4100101,Pump,Bhq-37M , O-Ring,5240102,Bhq-37M , Impeller Guide Piece,2120101,Kbl,Bhq37m , O-Ring,5220101,Bhq-37M , O-Ring,5220102,Bhq-37M , Transmission Bearing,3520101,Bhq-37M , Pump Set:Kbl:100X100:Sp4la , Impeller For Sp4 La Model Pump , Shaft Sleeveof Sp4la Model Pump , Pump Shaftof Sp4la Model Pump , Impeller#152-Kbl-100X100:Sp4la , Shaft Sleeve#310-Kbl- 100X100:Sp4la , Sp6la:Complete Assy , Sp6la/Sp6l:Pump Shaft , Sp6la/Sp6l:Gland , Sp6la/Sp6l:Split Lantern Ring , Sp6la/Sp6l:Bearing Nut , Sp6la/Sp6l:Bearing Nut , Sp6la/Sp6l:Wearing Plate Nde , Sp6la/Sp6l:Rubber Flap , Sp6la/Sp6l:Rubber Flap , Casing Ring Deliv.Side For Pp Kpds 80/40 , Shaft Sleeve Ds For Pp Kpds 80/40 , Enclosed Impeller For Pp Kpds 80/40 , Thrust Brg.Carrier For Pp Kpds 80/40 , Casing Ring Suc Side For Pp Kpds 80/40 , Screwed Coupling For Pp Kpds 80/40 , Imp.Ring Suc.Side For Pp Kpds 80/40 , Shaft Sleeve Ps For Pp Kpds 80/40 , Int.Bearing Bush For Pp Kpds 80/40 , Kpds50/32Qf:Shaft Sleeve Drive Side , Kpds50/32Qf:Impeller Shaft , Kpds50/32Qf:Impeller Nut , Rotating Assy,Kbl,6Up4fb , Bare Pump Assy,Db 300/36 , Pump Assy,Dsm 150/52 , Pump Assy,Db 300/34 , Kpd200/46:Complete Assy , Up300/39:Complete Assy , Pump Assy,Kpds 125/26L , Pump Assy,50X40 Ucw M25

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 04-09-2024 Corrigendum_M8 Date 11-09-2024
2 05-08-2024 Corrigendum_M1 Date 08-08-2024
3 08-08-2024 Corrigendum_M2 Date 12-08-2024
4 12-08-2024 Corrigendum_M3 Date 15-08-2024
5 16-08-2024 Corrigendum_M4 Date 19-08-2024
6 19-08-2024 Corrigendum_M5 Date 23-08-2024
7 22-07-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 26-07-2024
8 23-08-2024 Corrigendum_M6 Date 28-08-2024
9 26-07-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 30-07-2024
10 28-08-2024 Corrigendum_M7 Date 04-09-2024
11 30-07-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 03-08-2024

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