
Tender For Creation Of 66 Kv Substation Mustafabad, Faridabad-Haryana

Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited has published Tender For Creation Of 66 Kv Substation Mustafabad. Submission Date for this Tender is 12-08-2024. Couplers Tenders in Faridabad Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Creation Of 66 Kv Substation Mustafabad
Open Tender

Tender Details

Creation Of 66 Kv Substation Mustafabad--1 12.5/16 MVA 66/11 kV T/Fs (Power T/Fs will beprovided by HVPNL as spared from the system however the work related to its commissioning, testing etc. will be in scope of contractor) 2 66 kV SF-6 Breaker along with 20% extra SF-6 Gas 3 66 kV Isolator with E/Switch 4 66 kV Isolator without E/Switch 5 66 kV Surge Arrestor with PRV 6 66 kV CTs for Line & Bus Coupler (600-300-150/1-1-1A) 7 66 kV T/F CT (300-200-150/0.577-1-1A) 8 66 kV CVT for line 9 66kV Wave Trap 10 66 kV NCT (300-200-150/1A) 11 11 kV NCT (1800-900/5A) 12 11 kV LA 13 11 kV 13 Panel Board (1250A) with one SEM on eachT/F I/C Panel (including one no. bus sectionalizerpanel) 14 66kV C&R Panels with SAS:a) Bus Coupler Protection and Circuit Breaker Panel (Without Auto Reclose)with SAS 15 b) Line Protection and Circuit Breaker Panel (Without Auto Reclose)with SAS 16 c) Transformer Protection and Circuit Breaker Panel (Without Auto Reclose)with SAS 17 4800 KVAR 11kV Automatically Switched Capacitor Bank along with allied equipments as per technical specification 18 220V 100AH Battery San Tubular 19 220 V 20/30A Battery charger (SMPS) 20 220V 100AH D.C.D.B. 21 415 V LT AC Distribution Board 300 A 22 11/0.4 kV Station T/F 200 KVA 23 (a) 1.1 kV Copper Control Cable unarmoured for 66kV bays of size 7Cx4mm2, 4Cx4mm2, 2Cx4mm2, 2Cx6mm2, 3Cx2.5mm2, 16Cx2.5mm2, 10Cx2.5mm2 &7Cx2.5mm2 including junction box etc. refer Section-5 of copper & control cable & Section-7 for switchyard erection. 24 (b) Stainless steel MK (200 TB) 25 11 kV Power Cable XLPE 1C x1000mm2 for T/F to 11kV incomer with termination kit for both ends (2runs per phase for each transformer allocating them 1runs per phase for each 11kV I/C). 26 11 kV Power Cable XLPE3C x 400sq mm for Capacitor Bank with termination kit for both ends 27 11 kV Power Cable XLPE 3C x 50 sq mm for station T/F with termination kit for both ends. 28 650/1100 Volts 3.5 core 240 mm2 aluminium power cable from Aux. T/F to ACDB. 29 650/1100 Volt 3.5 core 70 mm2 aluminium cable for oil filtration set. 30 650/1100 Volt 4core 16mm2 unarmoured with copper power cable for MLDB and other cable required as per contract for 66 kV bays. 31 Earthing Mat Material. The earth mat will be designed/quoted for soil resistivity of 50m. In case soil resistivity is more than 50m then the earth mat will be designed for actual soil resistivity. The payment of extra material to be used for earth mat shall be made on pro rata basis. The approximate area of earth mat to be laid is given in the corresponding columns of the substations. However, item will remain a Lot item (calculations may be made onsidering fault/shockduration of 1 sec). (9000 sq. meter approx.) 32 Fire Fighting equipments as per section-6:i) 22.5 Kg Capacity FE CO2 type, Trolley Mounted 33 ii) 25 Kg Capacity FE DCP type, Trolley Mounted 34 iii) DCP 10 Kg Capacity, Wall mounted 35 iv) FE CO2 6.5 Kg Capacity, Wall mounted 36 v) DCP 5 Kg Capacity, Wall mounted 37 vi) Foam Type 9 Litre Capacity, Wall mounted 38 vii) Water CO2 9 Litre, Wall mounted 39 viii) Fire Buckets (12 Nos. with stand in one set) 40 Complete lightning of control room building, switch yard area, road and street as per section-7 of the specification:a) Supply and installation of 2 fittings of 240W LED lamps with all accessories for Complete lighting of outdoor Switch yard area as per clause 16.0 of section 7 of the specifications. 41 b) Supply and installation of 35W LED tube on tubular steel poles along with the boundary wall at a distance of 30 meter as per as per clause 16.0 of section 7 of the specification 42 c) Complete lighting of road and street by providing 90W LED lamps on tubular steel poles at a distance of 15meter along the roads and streets as per as per clause 16.0 of section 7 of the specification.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 06-08-2024 Corrigendum 1 Date 12-08-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 11800 /-
INR 2054000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 10.27 Crore /-
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