Tender For Backup Yard Development At Ncb Iii; 1 Supplying and placing X stone (10 to 70 kg) from any licensed quarry like Thattaparai, Srivaikundam, etc., conveying by road in dumpers/tippers including charges for production cost of stone, such as earth works, removal of over burden, breaking of stones, cost of explosives, seiginorage fee, royalty etc., labour for loading, unloading, weighing in the Department approved weigh bridge, dumping, spreading and sectioning to the required level, alignment and slope without causing any damage including engaging of divers with diving equipments required to form the rubble bund as per approved specification, conditions of contract and drawings and as directed by the departmental officers. 2 Supplying and placing of 50mm IRC metal from any approved quarry like Thattaparai, Srivaikundam, etc., conveying and weighing in the Department approved weigh bridge and conveying to the dumping site and spreading over the Quarry run filter in the Inner side slope of rubble bund and packing to the required slope and aligning to 30cm thick as per drawing including laying, sectioning, levelling and packing by engaging divers for forming the filter layer to the required slope and including cost and conveyance complete as per approved specification, conditions of contract and drawings and as directed by the departmental officers. 3 Providing Geo Fabric Filter layer 2.4mm to 3mm thick over the sloped surface in rear side of rubble bund including cost of Geo fabric filter, conveyance, over laping, stitching wherever required, anchoring for proper seating over the slope as shown in the drawing, laying with skilled labours such as divers and equipments, stitching etc., complete as per approved specification, conditions of contract and drawings and as directed by the departmental officers. 4 Filling the low lying area using dredging material / available approved material by cutting, loading, transporting by deploying required equipments like excavator, tipper, with all lifts and leads to site with an average lead of 1 Km., spreading in uniform thickness, watering, compacting by deploying required equipments like grader, roller etc., The rate inclusive of conveyance, tools & plants, hire charges for machinery, fuel charges, all labour etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers. 5 Laying soling with crushed or broken stone 200mm Thick including filling of interstices, forming the surface and conslidating with power road roller to the required gradient and camber including all materials, labour, spreading, watering and rolling of binding material, moorum or earth etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by departmental officers. 6 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (One part of cement, 4 parts of Coarse sand & 8 Parts of 40 mm nominal size metal ) for foundation using 40 mm nominal size graded metal including mixing, laying, levelling, consolidation, finishing and curing etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers. 7 Providing, Supplying and Laying of Pre-cast Cement Concrete Block of size 200mm x 100mm x 100mm for heavy drive road ways and heavy loaded truck parking area of required strength of M-40 grade made with suitable vibratory method mould, laid in required design & patten at site over 50mm thick compacted bed of sand, compacting and proper embedding / laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with sand and cutting of paver block as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand etc., complete and as directed by the departmental officers. 8 Dismantling and removal of Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) above G.L. upto floor two level including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials within a lead of 100 m including all labour, tools, equipments, transport, fuel, etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers. 9 Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:1.5:3 (One part of cement, One and a half parts of M. Sand (Crushed Stone Sand) & Three Parts of graded stone aggregate (i.e.) 2 parts of 20mm nominal size graded metal & 1 part of 10mm nominal size graded metal) using 20 mm nominal size graded metal including mixing, laying, levelling, consolidation, finishing and curing etc., and excluding the cost of form work and reinforcement grills for all RCC works in all floors upto full height of the building etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers. 10 Fabricating and placing in position of M.S / Tor steel grills for R.C.C works in all floors including cost of Steel, cutting, bending, binding with 16 Gauge GI Binding wire and placing in position etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers. 11 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete 1:2:4 (One part of cement, Two parts of Coarse sand & Four Parts of graded stone aggregate (i.e.) 3 parts of 20mm nominal size graded metal & 1 part of 10mm nominal size graded metal) for RCC works using 20 mm nominal size graded metal including mixing, laying, levelling, consolidation, finishing and curing etc., complete complying with AISS and as directed by the departmental officers.