Tender For Supply Of Items A.S.O. Tests 25 test/pkt Acetone 500ml bot Benedict Solution 500ml bot BLACK DISINFECTANT FLUID (40%) 4ltr jar Blood Grouping ANTI-A,Anti-B.ANTI-D( IgM Monoclonal)@5ml each one in one set Carbol Fuchsin powder 25gm/bot CARBOLIC ACID 500gm/bot Clot activator Plain Vial(NonVac)4ml PPC 100nos/pkt CRP aggutination strip tests kits 25 tests/pkt Dengue IgM test kit Diamond marker pencil Distillled Water Sitr Jar Dropping bottle 500mg/bottle E.S.R Stand -6 tubes capacity ESR Tube ESR pippette Disposable ETHYL ALCOHOL (Chinamade)500ml/Bottle(99.9%) Falcon Tube 50ml Falcon Tube stand Filter Paper Sheet Grade-1,90mm Circles, 100 sheet/pack Formal dehyde 500ml Fouchets reagent 500 ml bot Glacial Acetic Acid-500ml. Bott. Glucostick Spark -(50 nos/box) Glutaral Dehyde Solution2% 5ITR JAR Gravindex Pregnancy Test Stick kit Haemoglobin tube Hb Pippete (marifield Germany) Hb% SET(HaemocytoMeterSeT(MarifiedGermany) HBV Elisa Kit Gen3(V2) 96 Tests HBV Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit (Serum) card HBV Rapid Diagnostic, Test Kit (Whole Blood) card HCV Elisa Kit Gen3(V2) 96 Tests/pkt HCV Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit (Serum) card HCV Rapid Diagnostic Test Kit (Whole Blood) card HIV ELISA testKIT cards HIV Rapid (strip/card) test kit Hydrochloric Acid (Dil)-500ml, Bott. Hydrochloric Acid(Conc)-500ml. Bott. Hydrochloride Solution N/10(Haemoglobin Estimation)-500ml/bot Hydrogen Peroxide-100ml. Hygrometer Immersion oil 25ml bot Iso-propyl alcohol 500ml JSB Stain-1-500 ml JSB Stain-11-500 ml K2 E.D.T.A vial (Non Vac) 100nos/pkt K2 E.D.T.A. Vial (Vac)-100 nos./Pkt. K3EDTA Vial/flouride oxalate 100 vails/pkt Laboratory Stain Giema Stain, 500ml Laboratory Stain Gram stain kit Laboratory Stain, Leishman Stain)500ml Lens cleaning Tissue 9x14.5cm 100 leaves/pkt Malaria Antigen Rapid (strip/card) Test Kit Medical Addhesive Spot 100 pcs/PKT Methanol Solution 500ml bott Methylene Blue Powder 25 Gm Micro Pipette 20-1000 UI Micro pipette 20-200 UI Micro pipette 2-20 UI Micro Pippete (1000 Fixed( Nicholas/Glass GO/P-FACT/Accurex) Micro Pippete 20-100(Nicholas/Glass GO/P-FACT/Accurex) Micro Pippete 500-Fixed(Nicholas/Glass GO/P-FACT/Accurex Micro Pippete 5-50 (Nicholas/Glass GO/P-FACT/Accurex) Micro pippette 10-100 microltr Micro Tip Big 1000ul (500/pkt) Micro Tip Small 200ul. (1000nos/pkt) Micro Tips 2-10 (1000 nos in pkt) Micro Tips 2-200 (1000 nos in pkt) MICROPIPETTE SINGLE CHANNEL 0.5-10UL MICROPIPETTE SINGLE CHANNEL 100-1000uL MICROPIPETTE SINGLE CHANNEL 5-100uL MICROPIPETTE SINGLE CHANNEL 5-50 UI or 5-60ul. MicroPippete (100-1000) Variable( Nicholas/Glass GO/P-FACT/Accurex) Microscopic CoverGlassSlip18mm (English Glass )10gm pkt Microscopic Glass Slide (Dimension25.4mmx76.2mm Thick1.35mm ISI mark) 50 pieces in pkt Microscopic Glass Slide3 x 1 x 1.1+0.1/0.2mm thickness(75mmX25mm)with ISI mark) 50 unit/pkt Microtip box (2-200 UL)/ 1000 nos per packet MICROTIPS sterile FILTER 10uL 1000/pkt NS1 Elisa Kit for Dengue Test kit Occult Blood test kit/card Paraffin Gauze DressingPad(10cmx10cm)10nos/pkt. Parafilm 4x125 Parraffin Wax 500Gm Jar Pasteurer Pippete Pasteur Pipette with rubber tit Plain Vial 100 nos. /Pkt. Platelet Diluting Fluid 125ml Pottasium permanganate powder 20Gm/pkt R.A agglutination factor test kit 25 kts/pkt Slide Box (100 capacity) Slide Tray Size 12x6 Make: Aluminium (Rectangular) Sodium Citrate 3.8% Solution (ESR) 500ml bot sodium Citrate vial 3.2% 1.8ml 100nos/pkt sodium Citrate vial 3.8% 1.6ml 100nos/pkt Sodium Flouride 2ml DC/NonVac/vial 100/pkt Sodium HypoChloride 2% (5 lits. Jar) Spirit Lamp Spirit Rectified 500ml Spirit Surgical 450ml Sputum Container (Leak proof weight 10gm diameter 54mm, Height 33mm, Cap Knurled & Grip in container,non toxic, Non heatth hazardous, PP Virgin Material jeach piece Staining Rods Staining Tray (Plastic) A-104 Sterile Lancet/100nos/each pkt A-105 Bacillocid Extre 500ml (Surface&Equipment Disinfectant) A-106 Sulphuric acid concentrated 500ML A-107 Cotton Swab paper stick 100stems/200 swabs in each pkt A-108 Test Tube 4 (Borosil glass) A-109 Test Tube 6 (Borosil glass) A-110 Test Tube cleaning Brush each piece A-111 Test Tube HardGlass (Borosil glass) 12x75 A-122 Test Tube Holder A-113 Test tube stand (31 tube capacity) plastic A-114 Thormocool Box (Medium) 10x9x9 A-115 Tissue Paper roll for hand Drying A-116 Torniquete belt A-117 Toxoplasma (Rapid)IgG/IgM test kit card A-118 Troponin-T test kit card A-119 Turpentine oil 100ml/bottle A-120 Urine collection bottle 30ml bot A-121 Urine Reagent test strips 100Unit/pkt A-122 VDRL Rapid Test Kit (RPR card) (whole blood) A-123 VDRL Rapid Test Kit (RPR card) (serum) A-124 Widal Antigen test 4x5ml set A-125 Xylene- 500ml. Bot. A-126 Chloroxynelol solution 500ml A-127 lodine Salt Testing Kit (STK) for NIDDCP each piece (I-Check) A-128 Chlorine Test Kit (Ortho Toluidine Test Kit )50 test/pkt 888 CLOTHINGS, CONSUMABLES, SURGICAL SUTURES ETC Ultrasound printing oil paper (Thermal Print Media )Model: SONY UPP-1105 (110mmx20 mtr Roll) ECG PAPER ROLL 1200G/CONTEC B-1 B-2 8-3 ECG PAPER ROLL 600G/CONTEC 110MMX20MTR 8-4 ECG PAPER ROLLBPL MODEL6108T/20MTR B-5 Gel ECG tube 250ml/tube B-6 Gel Ultrasound 5kg jar B-7 Absorbent Cotton-100gm pkt. Net. 8-8 Absorbent Cotton-500gm pkt. Net B-9 Baby Mucus Extractor B-10 Baby Napkin-Small 5 to 7 kg. 8-11 Bandage cloth 90 cm x 16.5 mts EPM specification. B-12 Gauze Cloth 60 cmx16.5 mts. As per EPMspecification B-13 Bed Sheet (cotton) white bleached both side stitching EPM specification Blanket cotton for Adult as per EPM specification (L-230cm/B-150cm cotton white bleached both side stitched-) Urinary drainage Bag with non return valve 2Ltr capacity Blood Collection Bag CPD-A1 100ml (single) Blood Collection Bag CPD-A1 350ml (single) Blood Transfusion Set (BT. set) adult & Paed Needle-18G double drip clearly visible Disp. Syringe-0.5ml. 24 G needle Disp. Syringe-10ml. 22 G needle Disp. Syringe-1ml. 24 G needle Disp. Syringe-2ml. 24 G needle Disp. Syringe-5ml. 23 G needle Dispo needle 26 G needle lenth 0.5inch (0.45x12.7mm) Disposable Circuit for Anaesthesia Machine Disposable O.T. Approne (Plastic) Big Size Disposable O.T. Cap. 100nos in pkt Disposable Suction Cennula size, 5,6,7,8,9,10 Dispsable insulin syring 100nos/pkt Draw sheet Elastic adhesive bandage ENDOTRACHEAL Tube (No2.5,3,3.5) Feeding Tube size 5G Foleys Catheters 2way (Size-12,14) Foleys Catheters 2way(Size-16,18,20) Neil catheter 16,18,20 Suction catheter (size 5,6,7 & 8) Suction catheter (size14, 16) Ryles tube adult 16,18 Ryles tube paed 8,10,12,14 Gloves (Sterilise Surgical), 6 1/2,7,7 1/2(2pieces in each pair) Gloves (Disposable Elbow type for Gyn& Obst Use)size 7,8 Gloves (Disp.Medical EXAMINATION LATEX) 100PCS/PKT GLOVES (Disposable NITRILE) LONGCUFF size LONGCUFF 7/100PCS/Pkt) Hand sanitiser 500ml containing Ethanol minimum70%v/v Hand Wash-500 ml bott. IV set (Paediatric) Paed. Micro Drip set measured Volume 100ml Fluid Infusion Set) Intravenous set (Adult) IV. Cannula No 18 IV. Cannula No 20 I.V. Cannula No 22 I.V. Cannula No 24 L.V. Cannula No 26. Ice Gelly Pack 6x6/250 gm nasal pronge neonate size Mask Disposable 3 layer 100nos/pkt MASK KN 95 MASK N95 Stomach wash rubber Tube corrugated drainage sheet Oxygen Connecting pipe with connector toNIV ventilator/qxygen Masks(2mtr) Oxygen Connecting pipe with connector to NIV Ventilator/Oxygen Masks(5mtr) Oxygen Face mask(Adult) Oxygen Face mask(pead) Patient Identification Tag Mother Baby Identification tag set (Mother+Baby both) PLASTER PARIS Bandage-6 roll PLASTER PARIS Bandage-3 roll PLASTER PARIS Bandage-4 roll Suspensory bandage Towel (Big) Length 150 breadth 70 cm.wt minimum 500gm (Cotton Turkish white double side stichy Towel (Small) L-60cm/B-40cm wt min150gm cottton turkish white double side stich OT dress (one Trouser & one Half shirt) O.T.Towel Green Long cloth (green) L-115cm/880cm( BoteGreen Colr all side zigzag stiching with 4cm in each side velvet border) each Patient gown for males disposable Patient Gown for Ladies Disposable Slit OT Towel (Breadth=89cm (Cotton for makingO.T. gown, apron, towel etc.) Umbilical Cord clamp 50/pkt Black Braided Silk Suture cutting Needle 40mm No. 1-0 (12foils/pkt)merksilk B-82 Black Braided Silk Suture cutting Needle 40mm No. 2-0 (12foils/pkt) 8-83 Black Braided Silk Suture cutting Needle 40mm Size No. 1(12foils/pkt) merksilk 8-84 Black Braided Silk Suturecutting Needle 40mmNo. 3-0 (12foils/pkt) 8-85 Catgut chromic (2-0) 40mm with roundbody needle 12 foil/pkt 8-86 Catgut Chromic Atraumatic (30 mm needle) 12 foil/pkt 8-87 Catgut Chromic AtraumaticSize:-1-0, length: 76cm, 1/2 Circle Round Bodied (40mm needle) U.S.P, with CE certification 12 foils/pkt 8-88 Catgut Chromic Atraumaticsize-1-0, length: 76cm, 1/2 Circle Round Bodied (45mm needle) U.S.P. with CE certification (Not Mandatory)12 foils/pkt Catgut Chromic Atraumaticsue-1, length: 76cm, 1/2 Circle Round Bodied (40mm needie) (Heavy) US P.with CE certification B-89 B-90 catgut chromic atromatic size-0 12 foils/pkt 8-91 catgut chromic atromatic size 3-0 12 foils/pkt. 8-92 Catgut ChromicSize:-1-0, length: 1 x 152cm, (without needie) U.S.P, with CE certification (Not Mandatory) 12 8-93 Surgical Needles Suture Needles, Curved Cutting Needle different sizes 6 to 10 6nos/pkt 8-94 Microporous 1 Paper adhesive paper tape)9mtr 8-95 Polyamide (2-0) with cuting needle B-96 polyamide (2-0) with reverse cutting needle 8-97 polyamide (3-0) with reverse cutting needle 8-98 Polyglactin 6-0 8-99 Polyglactin 8-0 (virgin Silk) B-100 Polyglactin NO-(1-0)(40mm 1/2 circle heavy roundbody)90cm 12 foil/pkt 8-101 Polyglactin NO-1(40mm 1/2 circle heavy roundbody)90cm 12 foil/pkt B-102 Polypropylene mesh Size(15x7cm) and (11x6cm) B-103 Polypropylene No1 with round body needle 30mm heavy 12foils/pkt 8-104 PolypropyleneNo-(1-0).75cm +round body needle 30mm heavy 12foils/pkt 8-105 PolypropyleneSize:- 2-0, length: 70cm, 1/2 Circle Round Bodied 20-30mm, with needle U.S.P, with CE certification 12foils/pkt B-106 prolene non aborsable suture 30mm (NO1-0) 12 foils/pkt B-107 Round body suture needle 6pieces/pkt B-108 Spinal Needle-25G B-109 Surgical Needles Suture Needles. Straight Cutting Needle different sizes 6 to 10 6nos/pkt B-110 Surgicals Blades Pre-sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 (SIZE-10) ISI: 3319:1995 with CE certification will be preferred 100/pkt Surgicals BladesPre-sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 (SIZE-11) ISI: 3319:1995 with CE certification will be preferred 100/okt B-111 8-112 Surgicals Blades Pre-sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 (SIZE-15) ISI: 3319:1995 with CE certification will be preferred 100/pkt B-113 Surgicals Blades Pre-sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 (SIZE-20) ISI: 3319:1995 with CE certification will be preferred 100/pkt Surgicals BladesPre-sterile with Gamma radiation for handle no. 4 (SIZE-22) ISI: 3319:1995 with CE 8-114 certification will be preferred 100/pkt Surgicals BladesPre-sterile with Gamma radiation for handie no. 4 (SIZE-24) ISI: 3319:1995 with CE 8-115 certification will be preferred 100/pkt 8-116 Surgiswab 30cmx30cm 8-117 Nebulization Mask (adult) FOR Nebuliser Machine 8-118 Nebulization Mask (paed) For Nebuliser Machine 8-119 Polyglactin Rapid Sorb size 2-0 12foils/pkt B-120 Sachet Pre & Probiotic 8-121 Absorbable Gelatine Sponge 80mmx50mmx10mm B-122 Infant Feeding Tube size 6G CCC INJECTABLES etc C-1 Inj. Insulin Glulisine Monocomponent 100IU/ml C-2 Inj. Amikacin 100 mg C-3 Inj. Adrenaline 1:10000 C-4 Inj. Amikacin 500mg. C-5 Inj. Aminophyline 25mg/ml Inj. Ampicilin 100mg with diluent Inj. Ampicilin250 mg+cloxacilin250mg with diluent Inj. Ampicilin 500mg with diluent Inj. Ampicillin 250mg with diluent Inj. Anti Rabies Immunoglobin 1500-IU/5ml with diluent Inj. Anti Rabies Vaccine 0.5ml with diluent Inj. Anti Rabies Vaccine 1ml with diluent Inj. Snake Venum Anti serum 10ml/vail with diluent Inj. Tetanus Immunoglobin 500-IU Inj. Artesunate (60mg) with diluent Inj. Atropine Sulphate 0.6mg/1ml. Inj. Benzathine Penicillin 12 Lakh IU/vial Inj. Bupivacaine 0.5% (5mg/ml) Inj. Bupivacaine5mg+Dextrose 80mg/ml Inj. Caffine cicrate 20mg/ml 20ml vial Inj. Calcium Gluconate 10% w/v Inj. Carboprost tromethamine250mcg/ml Inj. Cefoperazone+Sulbactum 1.5Gm with diluent Inj. Cefotaxime (125 mg) with diluent [Inj. Cefotaxime-1gm. With diluent Inj. Cefotaxime-250mg. With diluent Inj. Ceftriaxone-250mg. With diluent Inj. Ceftriaxone + Sulbactam 1.5g. With diluent Inj. Ceftriaxone-1gm. With diluent Inj. Ceftriaxone-500mg. With diluent inj. Ciprofloxacin IV 200mg/100ml inj. citicoline 250mg/ml Inj. Dexamethasone- 2ml. Inj. Diazepam 5mg/ml Inj. Diclofenac Aqua 1ml Inj Diclofenac Sodium-3ml. inj. Dicyclomine 10mg/ml Inj. Sterile water for injection 10ml/Ampule Inj. Dopamine 40mg/ml Inj, Drotaverin-20mg/ml Inj. Ephedrine 30mg/ml Inj. Erythropoetin 4000 IU/ml each pre-filled syringe single dose 1.0ml Inj. Ethamsylate 125mg/ml Inj. Ferric Carboxy Maltose 100mg/ml inj. Fosphenytoin Sodium 75mg/ml Inj. Frusemide 10mg/ml Inj Gentamicin-10mg/ml. inj. Gentamicin 40mg/ml Inj. Haloperidol 5mg/ml Inj. Hepatitis B10ml Multi Dose vial Inj. Human Anti-D Immunoglobuline-300mcg Inj. Human Soluble Insulin Regular(40units/ml) Inj. Human Premixed insulin 30/70 (4Qunits/ml) Inj. Human Premixed insulin 50/50 (40units/ml) inj. Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate 100mg/vail inj. Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate 200mg/vall Inj. Hyaluronidase 1500 IU with diluent Inj. Intracameral Pilocarpine (Opth use) Inj Iron Dextrose Inj. Iron Sucrose 10ml Inj. Isoxsuprine 5mg/ml C-62 Inj. Ketamine Hcl 50mg C-63 Inj. Ketorolac 30mg/ml C-64 Inj. Labetalol 20mg/4ml C-65 Inj. Levetiracetam 100mg/ml C-66 Inj. lignocaine 21.3mg/ml + Adrenaline 0.005mg/ml C-67 Inj. Lignocaine 2% plain 21.3mg C-68 Inj. Lorazepam 2mg/ml C-69 Inj. Magnesium Sulphate 500mg/ml C-70 Inj. Mannitol 20% w/v 100ml bot C-71 Inj. Mecobalamine 1000mcg-Pyridoxine100mg+Nicotinamide100mg C-72 Inj. Methyl Cobalamine 1500mcg/amp C-73 Inj. Methyl Ergometrine maleate 0.2mg/ml C-74 Inj. Methyl Prednisolone-40mg C-75 Inj. Metronidazole IV. 100Ml 500mg C-76 Inj. Midazolam 10ml/Vial 1mg C-77 Inj. Multi Electrolyte &Dextrose Solution-Type-1 FFs Plastic container 500ml (Paediatric Maintance Solution) C-78 Inj. Nandrolone Decanoate-25mg C-79 Inj. Neostigmine-2ml/amp 0.5mg C-80 inj. Noradrenaline 2mg/ml C-81 Inj. Normal Saline (100 ml)1.V 0.9%w/v C-82 Inj. Normal Saline 0.9% (500 ml)I.V C-83 Inj. Ofloxacin 200mg/100ml C-84 Inj. Ondansetron 2mg/ml C-85 Inj. Oxytocin 5 IU/ml C-86 Inj. Pantoprozole (IV) 40mg/Vial with DILUENT C-87 Inj. Paracetamol 1%w/v 1000mg/100ml (100ml bot) C-88 Inj Paracetamol 2ml 150mg/ml C-89 Inj. Pentazocaine Lactate 30mg/ml C-90 Inj. Pheniramine Mealiate-2ml. 22.75mg/ml C-91 Inj Phenobarbitone 200mg/ml C-92 Inj Phenyton Sodium 50mg/ml C-93 Inj. Phytomenadoine 1mg/0.5ml C-94 Inj. Piperacillin 2gm + Tazobactam 250gm with DILUENT C-95 Inj Pipercillin + Tazobactam (4.5 gm) with DILUENT C-96 Inj Pipercillin+Tazobactam (1.125 gm) with DILUENT C-97 Inj. Piracetam 200mg/ml C-98 Inj. Piroxicam 20mg/ml C-99 Inj. Hydroxyethyl Starch 3% w/v I.V 500ml C-100 Inj. Potassium Chloride 150mg/ml C-101 Inj. Pralidoxime 500MG/20ML C-102 Inj. Promethazine 25mg/ml C-103 Inj. Propofol 10mg/ml C-104 Inj. Quinine 300mg/ml C-105 Inj. Rabeprazole 20mg/vial with DILUENT C-106 Inj. Ranitidine 50mg/2ml C-107 Inj. Ringers Lactate Solution 500ml C-108 Inj. Sodium Bicarbonate -7.5% w/v10ml C-109 Inj. Succinyl Choline Chloride 50mg/ml C-110 Inj. Tetanus Toxoid 0.5ml C-111 Inj. Theophylline 50.6mg +Etophylline 169.4mg/2ml C-112 Inj. Thiamine 100mg/ml C-113 Inj. Thiopentone Sodium 500mg/vial C-114 inj. Tramadol 50mg/ml C-115 Inj. Tranexamic Acid-500mg/5ml C-116 Inj. Valethamate Bromide Iml amp C-117 Inj. 10% Dextrose Sol.500ml C-118 Inj.25% Dextrose-100ml. Bott. C-119 Inj.3% Normal saline 100 ml C-120 Inj.5% Dextrose Sol.500ml C-121 Inj Hydroxyzine 25mg/ml C-122 Inj Metoclopramide 10mg C-123 Inj Sodium Valporate 100mg/ml C-124 Inj Multivitamin C-125 Inj.5% Dextrose+ 0.9% Normal Saline solution parenteral use 500 ml DDD TABLETS & SYRUPS, Capsules, DROPS etc. D-1 2FDC anti TB drugs kit D-2 3FDC anti TB drugs kit D-3 4FDC anti TB drugs kit D-4 Cap.Itraconazole 200mg D-5 cap itraconazole 100mg D-6 cap Multivitamins+ minerals+anti Oxidants D-7 cap Prebiotic D-8 cap Pregabolin 150mg D-9 cap Rabeprazole + domeperidon D-10 Cap.Acebrophylline-100mg D-11 cap. Asprin 75+ Atrovastatin 10mg D-12 cap. Clopidogrel75mg+atorvastatin10mg D-13 cap.cycloserine 250mg D-14 сар. Doxycycline 100mg D-15 cap. Dutasteride 5mg D-16 Cap Hydroxyurea -250mg D-17 Cap Hydroxyurea-500mg D-18 Cap Pregabalin 75mg D-19 cap Rifampicin 150mg D-20 cap Rifampicin 300mg D-21 cap. Rifampicin 450mg/cap D-22 Cap Soft Gel Nifedipine 10mg for sub lingual use D-23 cap.Vitamin A+D D-24 Cap Vitamin B-Complex D-25 Tab Aceclofenac 100mg D-26 Tab. Ursodeoxycholic Acid 300mg D-27 Tab Aceclofenac (100)+ Serratiopeptidase(15mg) + Tab. Paracetamol (325mg.) D-28 Tab ACETAZOLAMIDE 250mg D-29 Tab Acyclovir 400mg D-30 Tab.Albendazole 400mg D-31 Tab. Alprazolam 0.5mg D-32 Tab Amisulpride 100mg D-33 Tab Amitriptyline 25mg D-34 Tab Amitriptyline25mg+Chlordiazepoxide 10mg D-35 Tab.Amlodipine besylate2.5mg/Tab 14 tab/strip D-36 Tab. Amlodipine besylate5mg/Tab 14 tab/strip D-37 Tab. Amoxycillin 500mg+Clavulanic Acid 125mg D-38 Tab Amoxycillin250mg +Clavulanic Acid 125mg D-39 Tab Artesunate(100mg)+Pyrimethamine(37.5mg)+Sulphadoxine(750mg) (5-8yr) kit D-40 Tab Artesunate(200mg)+Pyrimethamine(37.5mg)+Sulphadoxine(750mg)Adult kit D-41 Tab Artesunate(25mg)+Pyrimethamine (6.25mg)+Sulphadoxine(125mg) [0-1] yrKit D-42 Tab. Artesunate(50mg)+Pyrimethamine (25mg)+Sulphadoxine(500mg [1-4year] kit D-43 Tab Artesunate 150mg+Pyrimethamine25mg+Sulphadoxine500mg [9-14yr] kit D-44 Tab Aspirin 75mg D-45 Tab Atenolol 50mg/Tab 14tabs/strip D-46 Tab Atorvastatin -20mg. D-47 Tab Atorvastatin-10mg Fenofibrate160mg D-48 Tab. Azithromycin 250 mg/ Stabs/strip D-49 Tab Azithromycin(500) 5 tabs/strip D-50 Tab Baclofen 10mg D-51 Tab Betahistine-16mg D-52 Tab. Bilastine 20mg+Montulecast 10mg D-53 Tab Cabergoline 0.5mg D-54 Tab Calcium 500mg + Vit D3 D-55 Tab.Captoprile 25mg. D-56 Tab.Carbamazepine 300mg D-57 Tab Cefadroxil 500mg D-58 Tab. Cefixime-200 mg. D-59 Tab Cefixime-100 DT D-60 Tab Cefpodoxime 200mg + Clavulanic Acid 125mg D-61 Tab Cefpodoxime-100mg. D-62 Tab Cefpodoxime-200mg. D-63 Tab.Cefuroxime Axetil 500mg Tab Cefuroxime-250mg Tab. Cefuroxime500mg +Clavulanic Acid 125mg Tab. Chlordiazepoxide 25mg Tab. Chlorine 90 tabs/bot Tab. Chloroquine (250mg) Tab Chlorpromazine 50mg Tab.Chlorthalidone 12.5mg Tab. Cilnidipine 10+ Metoprolol50mg Tab. Cilnidipine 10mg Tab. Cinnarazine-25mg Tab. Ciprofloxacin 250mg Tab. Ciprofloxacin 500mg/tab Tab. Ciprofloxacin 500mg+Tinidazole 600mg Tab.Citicolin 5000mg+Piracetam 800mg Tab Citicoline-500mg, Tab. Clarithromycin 500mg Tab. Clobazam5mg Tab. Clofazimine 100mg Tab.Clomiphene Citrate 50mg Tab. Clonazepam 0.5mg Tab. Clonazepam 1mg Tab.Clonazepam2mg Tab.Clonidine 0.1mg Tab Clopidogrel 75mg Tab Clozapine 100mg Tab. Deferasirox 100mg Tab Deferasirox 400mg Tab. Deflazacort-12mg. Tab. Desloratidine 10mg Tab. Desvenlafaxine 50mg Tab. Dexamethasone-4mg Tab.Diacerein+Glucosamine Tab Diazepam 5mg Tab. Diclofenac Sodium 50mg Tab. Diclofenac50+Paracetamol500mg D-99 Tab. Diclofenac50+serratiopeptidase10mg D-100 Tab.Diclofinac Sodium Chlorzoxazone Paracetamol D-101 Tab Dicyclomine 20mg D-102 Tab Diethyl Carbamazine Citrate 100mg D-103 Tab. Divalproex 250mg D-104 Tab. Donepezil Smg/Tab D-105 Tab. Doxofyllin-400 mg. D-106 Tab.Doxylamine 10mg+ Pyridoxine 10mg D-107 Tab Drotaverine 40mg D-108 Tab Drotaverine 80mg+Mefenamic acid 250mg D-109 Tab. Dsuline 50mg D-110 Tab.Duloxetine 30mg/Tab D-111 Tab. Enalapril Maleate 5mg D-112 Tab. Escitalopram Oxalate 10mg/Tab D-113 Tab. Escitalopram10mg+clonazepam0.5mg D-114 tab.ethambutol 100mg D-115 tab.ethambutol 800mg D-116 Tab. Ethamsylate 250mg D-117 tab.ethinomide 250mg D-118 Tab.Etoricoxib 60mg Thiocolchicoside 4mg D-119 Tab. Etoricoxib 90mg D-120 Tab. Febuxostat 40mg D-121 Tab Fexofenadine 120mg D-122 Tab.Fexofenadine 120mg Montelukast10mg D-123 Tab Fluconazole-150mg. D-124 Tab Fluconazole-50mg. D-125 Tab Flunarizine-5mg. D-126 Tab. Fluoxetine 20mg D-127 Tab. Fluvoxamine 50mg D-128 Tab. Folic Acid 5mg D-129 Tab. Frusemide 40mg D-130 Tab.Gabapentin 300mg D-131 Tab.Gabapentin 400mg+Nortriptyline10mg/tab 10 tabs/strip D-132 Tab Glimepiride-1mg D-133 Tab. Glimepiride-2mg D-134 Tab Halazone (4mg) 1000tabs/bot D-135 Tab Haloperidol-5mg. D-136 Tab.Hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg 0-137 Tab.hydroxyzine Hydrochloride 25mg D-138 Tab Isoniazid 100mg D-139 Tab Isoniazid 300mg D-140 Tab Isosorbide Dinitrate-5mg D-141 Tab. Isoxsuprine-10mg D-142 Tab Labetalol 100mg D-143 Tab.Levetiracetam 250mg D-144 Tab.Levetiracetam 500mg D-145 Tab Levocetirizine 5mg D-146 Tab Levocetirizine5mg+Montelukast10mg 0-147 Tab Levofloxacin-500mg D-148 Tab.levothyroxine sodium50mcg D-149 Tab Linezolid (600mg) D-150 Tab.Lithium carbobnate 400mg D-151 Tab.Lithium carbonate 300mg D-152 Tab.Lorazepam Img D-153 Tab. Losartan potassium50mg D-154 Tab Medroxyprogesterone-10mg D-155 Tab Metformin HCL 500mg D-156 Tab Metformin HCL1000mg. D-157 Tab. Methotrexate 7.5mg D-158 Tab Methyl Prednisolone-8mg D-159 Tab. Methylcobalmine 1500mcg D-160 Tab Metopropol 50mg D-161 Tab. Metronidazole200mg D-162 Tab. Metronidazole400mg D-163 Tab Mifepriston 200MG D-164 Tab Misoprostol 200mcg 4 tab/strip D-165 Tab. Naproxen 250mg D-166 Tab. 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Voglibose (0.3mg) Tab.Zolpidem 5mg TabChewing/Pharmacotherapy NicotineReplacement GUM2mg eachpatch 9tab/pkt TabChewing/Pharmacotherapy Nicotine Replacement GUM4mg eachpatch 9tab/pkt Sachet Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol granule) Susp Azithromycin-100mg. Susp Azithromycin-200mg. Syp Albendazole 200mg/5ml Syp Ambroxol Syp Ambroxol+guaiphenesin+Menthol+Terbutaline Syp Amoxycillin 125mg/5ml Syp Amoxycillin 200mg+Clavunate Potassium 28.5mg Syp Antacid-200 ml. botf Syp Calcium & vit d3 100ml Syp Cefixime (50 D/S) Syp Cefpodoxime(50 D/S) D-248 Syp Cyproheptadine 2mg/5ml 200ml bot D-249 Syp Deflazcort 6mg/5ml D-250 Syp Dicyclomine 10mg D-251 syp Disodium hydrogen citrate D-252 Syp DiphenhydramineHcl+Ammonium CI+Sodi citrate D-253 Syp Hydroxzine 10mg/5ml D-254 Syp Digestive Enzyme-200ml D-255 Syp B.Complex 100ml D-256 Syp Iron 200ml D-257 Syp Lactulose(100ml) D-258 Syp Levetiracetam D-259 Syp Levocetirizine 2.5mg D-260 syp Levocetrizine+ Paracetamol+Phenylephrine D-261 Syp Levocetrizine+Montelucast D-262 syp Levosalbutamol 100ml D-263 syp Liver Tonic 100ml 30.5.24 D-264 syp levosalbutamol+ambroxol Guanifenesin D-265 Syp Multivitamin D-266 syp ofloxacin 100mg metronidazole 200mg D-267 syp paracetamol 250mg/5ml D-268 Syp Phenobarbitone-20mg/5ml D-269 Syp Pot-Chloride 500mg D-270 Syp Promethazine hydrochloride 5mg D-271 Syp piracetam 500mg D-272 Syp Quinine (100 mg) D-273 Syp Sodium Valporate 200mg/5ml D-274 Syp Sucralfate-100ml. D-275 Drop Azithromycin 40mg/ml D-276 Syp Ranitidine 75mg/5ml D-277 Syp Risperidone 1mg/ml D-278 Drop cholecalciferol 400IU/ML D-279 Drop Colistin sulphate D-280 Drop Domperidon 10mg Drop levosalbutamol 10ml Drop Multivitamin Drop Ofloxacin metronidazole 5 Drop Paracetamol-10ml. 5 Drop phenylephrine hcl+paracteamol+CPM Drop Iron Drop Levosalbutamol Sulphate+AmbroxylHcl+Gauiphensin Drop Cefixime 25mg Drop Enzyme NASAL DROPS, EYE DROPS, EAR DROPS ETC. Saline Nasal Drop 0.65% w/v Nasal drop Oxymetazoline 0.05mg/ml Nasal Drop Oxymetazoline 0.1mg/ml Nasal drop Saline (Paed) Nasal drop Xylometazolin Adult Nasal drop Xylometazolin paed Nasal Spray Azelastine 0,1% + Fluticasone 0.0357% Eye drop Tobramycin 0.1%+Fluromethanol 0.3% Eye drop Povidone Jodine 5% Eye drop Timolol maleate 0.5% Eye Drop Tobramycin 0.3% Eye Drop Sodium Chloride 5% Eye Drop Carboxy Methyl Cellulose 0.5% w/v Eye drop cyclopentolate 1% w/v Eye drop moxifloxacin 0.5% w/v Eye drop Moxifloxacin 0.5%+ prednisolone 1% w/v Eye drop moxifloxacin 0.5%+ dexamethasone 0.1% Eye drop Napafenac 0.1% w/v Eye Drop Natamycin 5% w/v Eye drop Proparcain topical 0.5% Eye oint Gancyclovir 0.15% w/w Eye oint Moxifloxacin 0.5%w/v Eye Drop chloramphenicol dexamethasone+polymyxin B sulphate EyeDrop Gatifloxacin+Loteprednol Disposable eye drape Eye/Ear Drop Ofloxacin Ear drop Chloramphenicol-5%w/v+ Clotrimazole 1%+lignocaine HCL2% Eye/Ear drop Gentamycin 0.3% W/V Ear drop wax solvent Benzocaine, chlorbutol, paradichlorobenzene, turpentineoil Eye Drop Naphazoline+CPM+HPMC+Boric Acid+NaCL+ZS I.O.L (A.C)+17.00 to +20.00 1.O.L. (P.C) +24.00 to +27.00 I.O.L (P.C) +17.00/+17.50/+18.00/+18.50 to +23.00/+23.50, SUTURE 5.0(VERGIN) SUTURE 8.0/10-0(VERGIN SILK) crescent (2.6mm) Hydroxy Methyl Celulose Visko Opth5ml Inj Tripan Blue (Opth) IRRIGATION ASPIRATION CANULLA UNIVERSAL(SIZE 21) Dark glass for Post cataract surgery ENLARGER (LARGE KERATOME)-3.8MM(5.2) IRRIGATION ASPIRATION CANULLA UNIVERSAL SIZE 22) SMALL KERATOME-2.8MM Suture (10-0) Nylon for Opth. Use Disposable Eye Drepe Jeye drop Loteprednol OINTMENT, CREAMS, LOTIONS AND OTHERS Oint Clobetasol propionate, Neomycin Sulphate Miconazole Nitrate Oint Beclomethasone Clotrimazole+Neomycin Oint beicomethasone clotimazole Oint Clobetasol - Gentamycin Oint Clobetasol Propionate + Saliaylic Acid3% Oint Hydrocortisone 1%w/w Oint Mometasone Oint Mupirocine Oint povidone iodine 15gm tube Oint Sodium fusidate Cream clindamycin Cream clotrimazole 15gm/tube Cream Luliconazole 1% w/v Cream Methyl Paraben, 16+Propyl Paraben0.04 Cream Silver Sulphadizine-15 gm Tube Cream Silver Sulphadizine-500 gm Jar sol potassium nitrate tropical Inhaler salbutamol 100mcg Jinhaler budesunide 400 Lotion Beclomethasone 10ml Lotion betamethasone Dipriponate Lotion betamethasone diproprnate+salicylic acid+lactic acid Lotion Calamine 8%w/v 100ml Lotion clotrimazole Lotion Clotrimazole beclomethasone 10ml lotion permethrin Lotion Povidione fodine 5%-100ml/bot. Mouth Paint Clotrimazole Mouth Wash Chlorohexidine Gluconate Mouth Wash Povidine lodine Plaster of Paris Powder-1 kg. pkt. Powder clotrimazole Repsules. Ipratropium (500) &Salbutamol (2.5ml) nebuliser Repsules. Ipratropium (500) & Budesonide nebuliser respule levosalbutamol+ipratropium nebuliser respule Budesonide nebuliser Respules Salbutamol nebuliser Respules formoterol + budesonide nebuliser Scrub povidone iodine 7.5% 100ml vaginal pessary clotrimazole with applicator kit set Gel. Diclofenac-30gm. Gel Lignocaine 2% X-RAY items etc Intenseyfing Screen10x08 Intenseyfing Screen12x10 Intenseyfing Screen12x12 Intenseyfing Screen15x12 X-Ray cassettee 10x08 X-Ray cassettee 12k101 X-Ray cassettee 12x12 X-Ray cassettee 15x12 X-Ray Developer (9ltrs) X-Ray Fixer (9ltrs) X-Ray Film 10x12-50 nos./pkt. X-Ray Film 12x12-50 nos/pkt. X-Ray Film 15x12-50 nos./pkt. X-Ray Film 8x10-50 nos./pkt. Digital X-Ray FILM (Size-10x12)/150pcs/pkt (Fuji) Digital X-Ray FILM(Size-10x8)/150pcs/pkt (Fuji)