
Tender For Maintenance Contract Of Boiler Pressure Parts Of All Three Units Of 3X210 M.W, Atps, Anpara Maintenance Contract Of Boiler Pressure Parts, Servicing Of Hp/Lp Valves And Associated Work For Units Of Subcritical Boiler Of All Three Units Of 3X210, anpara-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited has published Tender For Maintenance Contract Of Boiler Pressure Parts Of All Three Units Of 3X210 M.W, Atps, Anpara Maintenance Contract Of Boiler Pressure Parts, Servicing Of Hp/Lp Valves And Associated Work For Units Of Subcritical Boiler Of All Three Units Of 3X210. Submission Date for this Tender is 07-08-2024. Blowers Tenders in anpara Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Maintenance Contract Of Boiler Pressure Parts Of All Three Units Of 3X210 M.W, Atps, Anpara Maintenance Contract Of Boiler Pressure Parts, Servicing Of Hp/Lp Valves And Associated Work For Units Of Subcritical Boiler Of All Three Units Of 3X210
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

tender for Maintenance Contract Of Boiler Pressure Parts Of All Three Units Of 3X210 M.W, Atps, Anpara Maintenance Contract Of Boiler Pressure Parts, Servicing Of Hp/Lp Valves And Associated Work For Units Of Subcritical Boiler Of All Three Units Of 3X210 M.W Atps, Anpara, 1 Inspection of pressure parts, tightening of glands of valves & bolts of flanges, minor rectification of dozing pumps, cleaning of oil guns, attending coal leakage from elbow, nozzle etc.(One shift in all three unit is treated as one job) 2 Removal of accumulated soot from heating surface by operating wall blower No. 01 to 56 from local panels of boiler of unit No. 01, 2 & 3.Frequency:- daily/unit(operation of one unit is treated as one job) 3 Removal of accumulated soot from heating surface by operating LRSB No. 57 to 80 from local panels of boiler of unit No. 01, 2 & 3.Frequency: - twice a week/unitUnit No. -1: Monday, Thursday.Unit No.-2: Tuesday, Friday.Unit No.-3: Wednesday, Saturday.(operation of one unit is treated as one job) 4 Routine Maintenance of wall blowers and LRSB’s of Boiler of unit No. 01, 02 &03.Frequency- as follows:Monday: Unit#1 wall blowerTuesday: Unit#2 wall blowerWednesday: Unit#3 wall blowerThursday: Unit#1 LRSBFriday: Unit#2 LRSBSaturday: Unit#3 LRSB 5 Complete servicing repairing/replacement of jammed/ damaged wall blowers of unit no.1, 2 & 3 for their smooth operation as and when required. 6 Complete servicing repairing/replacement of jammed/ damaged long retractable soot blowers of unit no.1.2 &3 for their smooth operation as and when required 7 Complete servicing /repairing/replacement of steam valves of wall blowers & LRSB’s of unit no.1.2 &3 for their smooth operation as and when required 8 Mobilization the team & attending the leakages of pressure parts in different zones of Boiler up to ten joints. 9 Replacement of eroded /damaged tubes/bends of pressure parts in different zones of Boiler during preventive maintenance or after 10 joints during attending leakages. 10 Fixing of sky climber in boiler furnace after making proper platform on bottom ash hopper, its operation during execution of the works and dismantling and removal of ash hopper platform after completion of jobs. Rates should be quoted on as per job basis. 11 Shifting of sky climber in boiler furnace at different location for attending and inspection of various pressure part zones. Rate should be quoted on as per job basis. 12 Erection of Scaffolding and plate form in Economizer hopper (above) 13 Erection of Scaffolding and plate form in S-Panel & bottom ash hopper 14 Erection of Scaffolding and plate form in Reheater inlet & outlet 15 Erection of Scaffolding and plate form Water wall screen tube / final super heater / super heater screen tube 16 Erection of Scaffolding and plate form in Platen super heater tube zone 17 Stitch Welding of fins of water / steam cool wall for securing of respective positions of tubes 18 Build up of eroded portion of the tubes caused by ash / steam erosion using suitable welding electrodes matching with parent metal composition. Depth of erosion up to 2.5 mm, length of erosion up to 250 mm 19 Fabrication of Hot bends of various degrees and radius of curvature from straight pressure parts tubes by filling sand and heating gas to required temperature of Carbon Steel 20 Fabrication of Hot bends of various degrees and radius of curvature from straight pressure parts tubes by filling sand and heating gas to required temperature of Alloy Steel. 21 Removal of damaged U clamps and replacement/ refitting of the same with new/repaired one in different zones of the pressure parts. 22 Removal of damaged Scallop bars and replacement/ refitting of the same with new/repaired one in different zones of the pressure parts. 23 Removal of damaged Binders, support band, lugs and replacement/ refitting of the same with new/repaired one in different zones of the pressure parts. 24 Removal of damaged Flexible connectors (male/female) and replacement/ refitting of the same with new/repaired one in different zones of the pressure parts. 25 Rectification / replacement of tubular (half round) in the following pressure part zones. 26 Rectification / replacement of box type Protector /Cassette baffles found damaged / eroded / dislocated in in the following pressure part zones. 27 Lifting and taking out the complete coils in pair of LTSH horizontal coils (upper or lower) after cutting clamps supports, clits, stoppers and releasing from subsequent headers and coil & their restoration after placement of coil 28 Lifting and taking out the complete coils of Economizer (upper or lower) after cutting clamps supports, clits, stoppers and releasing from subsequent headers and coil & their restoration after placement of coil 29 Rectification of Buck Stay / Putting buck stay pin on its position in second pass of Boiler / corner No.1, 2, 3 & 4 30 Cutting and removal of skin casing / high crown plate by grinder and welding the same with suitable electrode by High pressure welding method, after completion of repair jobs of pressure parts if any of Thickness - up to 15 mm 31 Cutting and removal of skin casing / high crown plate by grinder and welding the same with suitable electrode by High pressure welding method, after completion of repair jobs of pressure parts if any of Thickness -16 mm or above 32 Repairing/replacement of skin casing plates, expansion plates of one pannel complete of boiler roof in pent house above sealing Super heater from drum to platen superheater tubes. 33 Repairing/replacement of skin casing plates, expansion plates of 1/5th pannel complete of boiler roof in pent house above sealing Super heater tubes from drum to platen superheater tubes. 34 Repairing/replacement of casing plates pannel of platen superheaters, reheaters of pent house of boiler. 35 Repairing/replacement of damaged side plate below/side of boiler drum by cutting, grinding and welding with suitable electrode 36 Repairing/replacement of damaged skin casing plates in second pass by cutting, grinding and welding with suitable electrode 37 System line up for filling of feed water through Boiler Fill Pumps & Pressurization of pressure parts of Boiler Feed pump for hydraulic Test of Boiler, Normalization of the same after hydraulic Test and Making system ready for Light-up. 38 Servicing of feed line gate control valves NRV size NB- 300mm NP-250 Kg./ cm² valves covered are E-1, E-2, BF-29, 30,33,34,37&BF-38. 39 Servicing of low load line gate & control valves size NB-200mm NP-250Kg/ cm² valves covered are BF-31, 32,35,36,39 & BF-40 40 Servicing of Pneumatically operated S/H, R/H attemperation control valves & RH Spray block valves. 41 Servicing of main Isolating valve BF-61 at the inlet of SH spray station, size: Nb- 150mm, NP-250Kg / cm² 42 Servicing of main isolating valve of main steam line (L&R) M.S.-29 & M.S.-30,Nb-250mm, NP-250Kg/ cm² 43 Servicing bypass valves of main steam valves, MS-29A, and MS-30A, Nb-25mm, NP-250Kg/ cm² 44 Servicing of bypass valves of feed station, low load line valve and main isolation valve of inlet to SH-Nb-25mm, NP-250Kg/cm². 45 Servicing of boiler drum safety valves and safety valve on main steam line on right hand side of boiler at 52meter elevation 46 Servicing of electromagnetic relief valve (implies safety valve). 47 Servicing of safety valves installed on hot reheat and cold reheat line at about 50meter elevation. 48 Servicing of safety valve on soot blower line at 52mtr elevation 49 Servicing of high-pressure valve & NRV’s at different elevation from ‘0’meter level to 54 meter level, in dozing hall nominal bore may vary from Ø10mm to Ø100mm. 50 Replacement of H.P. Valves/NRV of sizes-Nb-10 / 15 / 25mm(H/ O, M/O) at different floors from ‘0’meter level to 54meter level, Dozing hall and at Dearator floor by cutting of damaged valve and welding of new valve after its revisioning. 51 Servicing/replacement of hydra motor valves of oil station at AB / CD / EF elevation 52 Servicing of oil line valves and NRV’s of oil station at AB / CD / EF elevation of boiler 53 Servicing/overhauling of pneumatic operated dia150mm/dia 250mm valves on Aux. PRDS line and Dearator. 54 Servicing /overhauling of electrically drive steam valve dia 100mm to 250mm on Aux. PRDS line 55 Servicing/overhauling of electrically driven Nb- 400mm gate valve at Dearator 56 Servicing/overhauling of electrically drove Nb- 50mm valves on Aux. PRDS line. 57 Servicing/overhauling of pneumatic operated control valve size 50 to 100mm 58 Servicing/overhauling of hand operated valve/NRV’s of size 150 to 250mm 59 Servicing /overhauling of hand operated valves /NRV’s of size 300/350 mm. 60 Servicing and revisioning of steam valves & NRV’s of Aux. PRDS line and Dearator. Rate to be quoted per mm basis. 61 Changing flange gaskets of valves & flange at different elevation of boiler. Rate should be quoted on per MM basis 62 Replacement of gland packing with new one from valves leaking from glands. Rate should be quoted on per MM basis. 63 Replacement of various safety valves of critical piping such as Boiler Drum, Super Heater, CRH, HRH, etc 64 Replacement of 150 mm Motorized Valve(PRDS (BiG), BF-61 and similar Valves) 65 Replacement of 100 mm Motorized Valve (PRDS (small) and similar Valve ) 66 Attending leakages of pipeline & headers etc. of main boiler, Dearator and aux. PRDS of 3x210 MW by cutting grinding and H.P. welding of damaged portion putting new spools/bends if required. 67 Servicing/overhauling of pneumatically operated actuators of valve. Size dia 40 to 100mm. 68 Servicing/overhauling of pneumatically operated actuators of valves size dia 202 to 300mm 69 Fabrication of H.P. drip/drain line bends out of available pipe by cutting, grinding & H.P. welding. 70 Servicing / Replacement/overhauling of safety valve of Aux. PRDS. 71 Servicing/Replacement/overhauling of safety valves of Dearator/CBD Tank/Pegging Line. 72 Blanking of hot reheat and cold reheat NRV by blanking device & normalizing the same 73 Replacement of H.P. valves /NRV of size 100 mm at Dearator floor by cutting of damaged valves/NRV and welding with New/repaired valve/NRV after its revision 74 Replacement of H.P. valves /NRV of size 150 mm at Dearator floor by cutting of damaged valves/NRV and welding with New/repaired valve/NRV after its revision 75 Replacement of H.P. valves /NRV of size 200 mm at Dearator floor by cutting of damaged valves/NRV and welding with New/repaired valve/NRV after its revision 76 Replacement of H.P. valves /NRV of size 250 mm at Dearator floor by cutting of damaged valves/NRV and welding with New/repaired valve/NRV after its revision 77 Replacement of H.P. valve (H/O, M/O, Pneumatic)/ NRV of the following sizes at Dearator floor of flange end Type by opening Nut and Bolts of flange and installation of new /repaired valves/NRV on it properly after replacement of gasket and servicing of valve. size 200 / 250mm valve / NRV 78 Replacement of start up vents (R /H & S / H) at 54-mtr elevation 79 Replacement of high Pressure valves (motor operated / hand operated/Pneumatic) of critical piping of Boiler of size:Nb-40mm to 65mm 80 Replacement of Electrical / Pneumatic actuators of valve size up to Nb-300mm at different elevations; 81 Replacement of H.P. drain/drip pipes of size Nb-200mm, Thickness- 6mm, Material- Carbon Steel. Rate will be quoted on joint basis. 82 Replacement of H.P. drain/drip pipes of size Nb-150 mm, Thickness- 8mm, Material- Carbon Steel. Rate will be quoted on joint basis. 83 Replacement of 150 mm PRDS Control Valve 84 Replacement of 100 mm PRDS Control Valve. 85 Replacement of DSH of PRDS line 86 Servicing /revisioning of gear box of Phosphate dozing Pump 87 Servicing / revisioning of gear box of hydrazine dozing Pump 88 Servicing of Phosphate dozing pump (Suction & Discharge NRV of pump body) 89 Servicing of hydrazine dozing pump (Suction & Discharge NRV of pump body) 90 Servicing of pressure relief valve of phosphate / hydrazine dozing pumps 91 Complete cleaning & removal of foreign materials from phosphate metering, temporary preparation tanks and their strainers. Its servicing and back washing of M/ tank. 92 Complete cleaning & removal of foreign materials from Hydrazine metering, temporary preparation tanks and their strainers. Its servicing and back washing of M/ tank 93 Cleaning / flushing of pipe lines of phosphate / hydrazine dozing system to remove any chocking in the system 94 Repairing/Reconditioning of 100mm, class 1500, flange end, Deaerator (D/A) drain valve 95 Repairing/Reconditioning of 18 ata 250 NB, C.C.S. gate valve, flanged end, hand operated valves. 96 Repairing/Reconditioning of 200 mm, C.C.S. gate valve, BW, flanged end, class-300, hand operated valve 97 Repairing/Reconditioning of 150 mm, C.C.S. gate valve, BW, flanged end, class-600, hand operated valve. 98 Repairing/Reconditioning of150 mm, BFP recirculation gear operated hand valve, BW, class-2500, seat & disc. 99 Repairing/Reconditioning of 150 mm, class -600, lift check valve(NRV) 100 Repairing/Reconditioning of 200 mm,class -600, BW, swing check valve (NRV). 101 Repairing/Reconditioning of 250 mm, class-600, BW, swing check valve (NRV). 102 Repairing/Reconditioning of Superheater/ Reheater startup vent, size-100 mm, class-2500. 103 Repairing/Reconditioning of Superheater spray control valve and M/O valve & R/H spray block valve. 104 Repairing/Reconditioning of Boiler drum air vents & similar valve size-65mm glove. 105 Repairing/Reconditioning of R/H spray control valve and M/O valve 106 Inspection & removal of minor defects of Deaerator 107 Repairing of manholes of boiler 108 Repairing of peepholes of Boilers 109 Servicing /replacement of spring hangers, supports Anchors and restraints of boiler critical piping & ducts and resetting the spring hangers on cold set values 110 Replacement of coal nozzle assembly complete (coal nozzle and adj. coal nozzle tip / seal plate) with new or repaired one 111 Repairing / servicing of burner tilting lever. 112 Replacement of coal inlet elbows (long / short ) 113 Servicing / repairing / replacement of gun guide assembly at AB, CD and EF elevation 114 Replacement / Servicing of Igniter guide assembly at AB, CD and EF elevation 115 Repairing of wind box (L&R). 116 Servicing of S/A dampers in wind box (L&R). 117 Repairing / Servicing of scanner guide assembly 118 Repairing / Servicing of scanner air fan. 119 Attending coal dust leakages from FI Elbow / Coal Nozzle casting by Patch Welding 120 Repairing & Hard facing of S.S. Adjustable Coal Nozzle Tips. 121 Repairing and Hard facing of Coal Nozzle Casting 122 Hard facing of Coal Nozzle Casting 123 Repairing and Hard facing of Fuel Inlet Elbows. 124 Repairing of oil gun assembly. 125 Erection / repair of grating at different elevation of boiler and other places 126 Fabrication and erection of steel structure work vize chute, plate form stair at boiler side. 127 Repairing / replacement of plate-form railing in boiler side. 128 Cleaning of Cold PA ducts (left and right) from P.A. fans outlet dampers to APH. 129 Cleaning of Cold SA ducts (left and right) from S.A. fans outlet dampers to APH. 130 Cleaning ofDog House. 131 Cleaning of Hot SA duct (Right) 132 Cleaning of Hot SA duct (Left) 133 Cleaning of Wind Box (Right) 134 Cleaning of Wind Box (Left) 135 Cleaning of Gooseneck cat house front and rear. 136 Cleaning of Economiser chamber of boiler 137 Cleaning of gallery between Reheater and arch tubes. 138 Cleaning of gallery between exit super heater and hangers tubes to conv. super heater 139 Cleaning of second pass (LTSH) 140 Cleaning offrom water wall of first pass (furnace) from ‘0’ meters to 48 meters elevation. 141 Cleaning of Pent house above furnace. 142 Cleaning of gallery between platen super heater and cold reheat headers in pent house. 143 Cleaning between exit super heater and convector super heater headers in pent house. 144 Cleaning of space between header No.10 & rear sidewall in pent house. 145 Cleaning of gallery between cold reheat headers in pent house. 146 Cleaning of gallery in left and right of pent house between water wall and skin casing. 147 Cleaning of Space below boiler drum between front water wall and front drum houseman hole. 148 Cleaning second pass of pent house (above ceiling tube of pent house) 149 Cleaning of all four Economiser hoppers. 150 Cleaning of all the four flue gas ducts from air pre-heater to ESP inlet. 151 Cleaning of inter connecting duct of flue gas at ESP inlet. 152 Cleaning of flue gas duct hopper just before and after F.G.-3 and F.G.-4 dampers. 153 Cleaning and removal of accumulated fly ashes / foreign materials / debris / scraps etc. from the boiler roof and its disposal to ‘0’Mtr.level boiler and from ‘0’Mtr. to dumping yard.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1180 /-
INR 150000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 88.17 Lakhs /-
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