
Annual Maintenance And Supply Of Spares For Solar Hot Water Heating Systems At Kkc-I, Ii And Annex Building At Tirumala For The Year 2024-25, TIRUPATHI-Andhra Pradesh

Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams has published Annual Maintenance And Supply Of Spares For Solar Hot Water Heating Systems At Kkc-I, Ii And Annex Building At Tirumala For The Year 2024-25. Submission Date for this Tender is 24-07-2024. clocks Tenders in TIRUPATHI Andhra Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Annual Maintenance And Supply Of Spares For Solar Hot Water Heating Systems At Kkc-I, Ii And Annex Building At Tirumala For The Year 2024-25
Open Tender
Andhra Pradesh

Tender Details

Annual Maintenance And Supply Of Spares For Solar Hot Water Heating Systems At Kkc-I, Ii And Annex Building At Tirumala For The Year 2024-25-1 12.00 Annual maintenance of solar water heating systems at KKC-I,II, and Annex and hot water tanks at Tirumala comprising maintenance of the DTC panel, level controls, sensors, heater coil, breaker coils, sacrifcial Anodes, Rubber gasket, Temperature gauge, water meters, ball valves, Unions and electrical heating equipment during rainy or cloudy season are to be checked time to time once in 15 days and collectors are replaced whenever it require and its glass panels are to be cleaned daily. The cold water and hot water supplied details and its readings are to be recorded and preserved and sent to higher offcial for their information. The system main valve of the distribution system should be opened and closed daily from time to time as instructed by the department. The cost of parts are to be paid separately. The draining system should be done once in six months. (Total Quantity 42500 LPD) 0.00 Note 1). The contractor should maintain the records for water meter readings and Energy meter readings and should submit to the department daily. 2).The contractor should engage each labour individually for (KKC - I, II) -1 No and (Annex - 1 No maintenance the Solar systems round the clock.3). The AMC includes engaging of electricians, plumbers as and when required. The contractor should check and replace defective spares like the water meters, Heater elements, Sacrifcial anodes, Back up systems (DTS system), Sensors etc., immediately. The Department will supply the materials.4). The Contractor shall co-ordinate with TTD (Water Works Staff) for regular cold water supply for filling of OHTs and for regularisation of water supply to the systems.5). The rate quoted shall be exclusive of GST but including all other taxes applicable. 2 10.00 Supply of RVB indicators. (The rate is excluding GST) 3 5.00 Supply of Contractors 32A (The rate is excluding GST) 4 2.00 Supply of 25mm dia cold water flow meters with multi / single jet Screwed End Class B Brass Body with end couplings of make Dasmesh / Kranti make . The rate is including all other incidental charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST) 5 1.00 Supply of 50 mm dia cold water flow meters with multi / single jet Screwed End Class B Brass Body with end couplings of make Dasmesh / Kranti make . The rate is including all other incidental charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST) 6 30.00 Supply of 3 KW Heating coil and including all other incidental charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST). 7 3.00 Supply of sacrificial Anode and including all other incidental charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST). 8 3.00 Electrical Backup system of 3 Nos x 3 Kw capacity with Auto panel box for electrical backup (DTC system for Electrical heaters) Thermo Couple Sensors. including all other incidental charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST). 9 3.00 Supply of Sensors including all other incidental charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST). 10 3.00 Supply of 4 pole Breaker coils including all other incidental charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST). 11 3.00 Supply of collectors in place of damaged including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all other taxes etc., Nominal collector area : 2 SqmEffective Absorber area : 1.89 to 1.98 SqmRiser and header material : Copper 12.5mm dia risers and 25mm dia headers 22 SWG for Header / 24 SWG for Risers (With 9 risers for each collector).(The rate is excluding GST). 12 3.00 Supply of toughened glasses of size 2000 x 1000 x 4mm (+/- 1mm) to collector as directed during execution including cost and conveyance of all materials, incidental charges, all taxes etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST). 13 3.00 Supply of Relay Coils MN2 0.4 to 2.3 for DTC systems including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 14 20.00 Supply of Male Union - 2632 x 1 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 15 20.00 Supply of Female Tee - 2632 x 1 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 16 10.00 Supply of Female Elbow - 2632 x 1 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 17 10.00 Supply of Equal straight union - 2632 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 18 5.00 Supply of Un-equal straight union - 2632 x 2025 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 19 5.00 Supply of Equal Tee - 2632 x 2632 x 2632 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 20 3.00 Supply of Un-equal Tee - 2632 x 2025 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 21 3.00 Supply of Un-equal Tee - 2632 x 1620 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 22 10.00 Supply of Female Tee - 2025 x 1 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 23 10.00 Supply of Female Elbow - 2025 x 1 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 24 10.00 Supply of Equal Tee - 2025 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 25 5.00 Supply of Tap point elbow - 1620 x 1/2 composite fittings with brass blended for composite pipe (PE-AL-PE) including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour charges, all taxes etc,. (The rate is excluding GST). 26 200.00 Supply of Rubber gaskets including all other incidental charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST) 27 2.00 Supply of 10 SWG MS welding rods, 90 Nos per packet. (The rate is excluding GST) 28 5.00 Supply of temperature gauges and including all other incidental charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST) 29 10.00 Hire charges for engaging of the gas cutting set, along with gas cylinder and oxygen cylinder and required tools including consumption of domestic gas and oxygen etc., inclusive of conveyance of the materials at site to Tirumala etc as directed during execution of the work. Excluding cost of labour charges of Welder & Helper per 1 day. (The rate is excluding GST) 30 1.00 Removing scale formation in the solar flat plate collector with help of drilling machine (for unscrewing) and cutting the 9 pin copper header line. Drilling the 9 nos pin absorbers with the help of 6-6 long drill bit with drilling machine for removal of scales. Bracing will be carried out to 9 pin header line at cutting area. Pump circulation will be done with the HCL chemical and water (For 1 liter of industrial HCL mixed with 10 liters of water) to confirm that there are no blockages/scales. After pump circulation the copper pin absorber will be fixed in the collector box area and re-fixed the glass on the top of collector. Chemical cleaning will be done with the pump circulation for internal hot and cold pipe line. If any leakages are found collectors in side water circulation copper tubes to rectify by way of brazing, any damaged at collector joint rubber gasket will be re-placed and finally the solar collector will be kept under good working condition. The rate per collector is inclusive of all incidental charges, labour charges etc., complete. (The rate is excluding GST) 0.00 Part-B (Percentage tender) 31 25.00 Engaging of Semi-skilled work men (2nd class) Fitter for attending maintenance works at Tirumala as and when instructed by the department. 32 25.00 Engaging of Semi-skilled work men (2nd class) Welder for attending maintenance works at Tirumala as and when instructed by the department. 33 25.00 Engaging of un-skilled work men Men Mazdoor for attending maintenance works at Tirumala as and when instructed by the department. 34 4000.00 Providing & placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polythylene water storage tank with Double layer approved brand & manufacture with cover and suitable locking arrangement & making necessary holes for inlet & outlets and over flow pipes but without fittings & base support for tanks etc. complete as directed during execution. 35 10.00 Supplying and Fixing 16 mm OD KITEC Polyethylene-Aluminium-Polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) composite pressure pipes conforming to IS-15450-2004 with UV stabilized, carbon black for hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to 80 degree C including all special composite fittings, plastic & brass blend inserts for elbows, tees, reducers, couplers, connectors etc complete for external works including laying pipes, fixing in position, testing and commissioning etc, complete as directed during execution. 36 10.00 Supplying and Fixing 20 mm KITEC OD Polyethylene-Aluminium-Polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) composite pressure pipes conforming to IS-15450-2004 with UV stabilized, carbon black for hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to 80 degree C including all special composite fittings, plastic & brass blend inserts for elbows, tees, reducers, couplers, connectors etc complete for external works including laying pipes, fixing in position, testing and commissioning etc, complete as directed during execution. 37 20.00 Supplying and Fixing 25 mm OD KITEC Polyethylene-Aluminium-Polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) composite pressure pipes conforming to IS-15450-2004 with UV stabilized, carbon black for hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to 80 degree C including all special composite fittings, plastic & brass blend inserts for elbows, tees, reducers, couplers, connectors etc complete for external works including laying pipes, fixing in position, testing and commissioning etc, complete as directed during execution. 38 200.00 Supplying and Fixing 32 mm OD KITEC Polyethylene-Aluminium-Polyethylene (PE-AL-PE) composite pressure pipes conforming to IS-15450-2004 with UV stabilized, carbon black for hot & cold water supply, capable to withstand temperature up to 80 degree C including all special composite fittings, plastic & brass blend inserts for elbows, tees, reducers, couplers, connectors etc complete for external works including laying pipes, fixing in position, testing and commissioning etc, complete as directed during execution. 39 5.00 Supply and fixing 25mm dia Gunmetal Gate (GM Peet) valve as per IS - 778 Class-I Indian make heavy type 40 5.00 Supply and fixing 32mm dia Gunmetal Gate (GM Peet) valve as per IS - 778 Class-I Indian make heavy type 41 5.00 Supply and fixing 40mm dia Gunmetal Gate (GM Peet) valve as per IS - 778 Class-I Indian make heavy type 42 5.00 Supply and fixing 50mm dia Gunmetal Gate (GM Peet) valve as per IS - 778 Class-I Indian make heavy type 43 5.00 Supplying & fixing 25mm NB size Gunmetal (GM) Horizontal Check (Non return) Valve as per IS-778 I-class heavy duty 44 5.00 Supply & fixing 15mm dia Gunmetal (GM) Ball valve with SS Ball and SS Spindle as per IS - Class - I, Indian make heavy type 45 5.00 Supply & fixing 20mm dia Gunmetal (GM) Ball valve with SS Ball and SS Spindle as per IS - Class - I, Indian make heavy type 46 20.00 Supply & fixing 25mm dia Gunmetal (GM) Ball valve with SS Ball and SS Spindle as per IS - Class - I, Indian make heavy type 47 50.00 Supplying, Fabrication & Fixing of structural support and other miscellneous works for repairing hot water collection and distribution structures including cost & conveyance of Mild steel, structural steel, i.e., angles, Channels & I-sections, etc., Labour charges for fabricating all heavy steel works like Trusses, Stanchions, Heavy Beams and Girders including cost of welding rods, power charges, etc., and labour charges foor fixing in position by using chain pulley blocks, derek pole arrangements and cranes, etc., complete in position as directed during execution. 48 100.00 Painting two Coats for old iron work with ready mixed synthetic enamel paint in all shades - Grade-I having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) content less than 50 grams/litre approved colour and make including brushes to have and even shade including cost and conveyance of all materials as directed during execution complying with standard specifications etc., complete. 49 5.00 Supplying 40mm dia G.I. pipes of B class of ISI marked and approved by the department including cost and conveyance and all other incidental charges etc., and properties and weight as per IS 1239 marked (TATA Make or equivalent). 50 5.00 Supplying 32 mm dia G.I. pipes of B class of ISI marked and approved by the department including cost and conveyance and all other incidental charges etc., and properties and weight as per IS 1239 marked (TATA Make or equivalent). 51 10.00 Supplying 25 mm dia G.I. pipes of B class of ISI marked and approved by the department including cost and conveyance and all other incidental charges etc., and properties and weight as per IS 1239 marked (TATA Make or equivalent). 52 10.00 Hire charges for Welding Set including fuel & crew charges for repair works including fuel and crew charges as directed during execution. 53 20.00 Supplying 20mm (1.40 - 1.55 mm thickness) outer dia ISI medium grade with IS:9537 part 3 FRLS regid PVC pipeMakes : Precision/ Universal & Marudhar/ VIP/ GoldMedal/ Million plast/ GM/ Sudhakar/ Polycab/ Anchor/ Polyline/ Orbit/ AKG/ Beljin/ Vasavi/ DEC 54 10.00 Supplying 25mm (1.60 - 1.80mm thickness) outer dia ISI medium grade with IS:9537 part 3 FRLS regid PVC pipeMakes : Precision/ Universal & Marudhar/ VIP/ GoldMedal/ Million plast/ GM/ Sudhakar/ Polycab/ Anchor/ Polyline/ Orbit/ AKG/ Beljin/ Vasavi/ DEC 55 10.00 Supplying 40mm (2.10 - 2.30 mm thickness) outer dia ISI medium grade with IS:9537 part 3 FRLS regid PVC pipeMakes : Precision/ Universal & Marudhar/ VIP/ GoldMedal/ Million plast/ GM/ Sudhakar/ Polycab/ Anchor/ Polyline/ Orbit/ AKG/ Beljin/ Vasavi/ DEC 56 20.00 Supplying 19/20mm dia FRPP corrugated Flexible conduit pipe.Make:Precision/ VIP / GoldMedal / Million plast / Sudhakar / Polyline /Anchor/ Beljin 57 20.00 Supplying 25mm dia FRPP corrugated Flexible conduit pipe.Make:Precision/ VIP / GoldMedal / Million plast / Sudhakar / Polyline /Anchor/ Beljin 58 50.00 Supply of 4 core 4.0 Sqmm PVC insulated and sheathed FRLS copper round cable for voltageup to 1100V as per IS 694/1990.Makes: Finolex / RR kabel / Havells /KEI /Polycab/ Gloster/ Goldmedal/ GM/ Finecab/ Fortune Arrt/ Anchor/ Million 59 5.00 Supply of 205 x 255 x 112 mm size thermo plastic cable junction boxes with IP66/67 weatherproof, for outdoor installation with konckouts for cable entry including terminals etc., complete Make : Hensel / Sadhrish 60 5.00 Supplying 25 mm saddles with Base 61 5.00 Supplying 19/ 20 mm saddles with base 62 10.00 Supplying 19/ 20mm dia 1.5mm thick PVC Bends.Make : Precision/ Universal & Marudhar/ VIP / GoldMedal / Million plast / GM /Sudhakar / Polyline/ Polycab/ AKG/Orbit / Beljin Vasavi/ DEC 63 10.00 Supplying 25mm dia 1.5mm thick PVC Bends.Make : Precision/ Universal & Marudhar/ VIP / GoldMedal / Million plast / GM /Sudhakar / Polyline/ Polycab/ AKG/Orbit / Beljin/ Vasavi/ DEC 64 5.00 Supplying 6-32A SP MCB of 10 KA C/D Curve ISI MarkMakes : Legrand-DX3 / Schneider-Acti9 / Hager-h3 / Siemens-5SX4 / Havells STADx / L&T-AU / Indo Asian-Opti pro / HPL (Techno) 65 3.00 Supplying 6-32A FP MCB of 10 KA C/D Curve ISI MarkMakes : Legrand-DX3 / Schneider-Acti9 / Hager-h3 / Siemens-5SX4 / Havells STADx / L&T-AU / Indo Asian-Opti pro / HPL (Techno) 66 3.00 Supply of stainless steel bolts, nuts and washers

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INR 8000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 3.11 Lakhs /-
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