
Rate Contract For Supply Of Workshop Material For Reclamation Of Damaged Distribution Transformers For The Year 2024-25, bandipora-Jammu And Kashmir

Power Development Department has published Rate Contract For Supply Of Workshop Material For Reclamation Of Damaged Distribution Transformers For The Year 2024-25. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-07-2024. Footwears Tenders in bandipora Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Rate Contract For Supply Of Workshop Material For Reclamation Of Damaged Distribution Transformers For The Year 2024-25
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Rate Contract For Supply Of Workshop Material For Reclamation Of Damaged Distribution Transformers For The Year 2024-25-HT Tape 2 Glass wool sleeves of sizes 3 Al. brazing Rod (std. length) 4 Copper brazing rods (standard length) 5 PVC sheets 1mm.thick 6 Empire tape 1” 7 Cotton tape 1” (size) 35m long. 8 HV Bush clamps(MS) 9 Al. clamping member (shoes) for HV Bushing 10 M.S Flat washers 11 Aluminum Welding flux 12 Aluminum flat 4/6/8/10.mm thick of required width. 13 Copper flat 4/6/8/10mm thick of required width. 14 MS plug & caps ½” ¾” 1” 1.1/4” 1.1/2” 15 Oil seal rings (O-rings) for LV/HV bush rods 12.mm dia 16 Oil seal rings(O-rings) for LV/HV bush rods 20mm dia. 17 Oil seal rings(O-rings)for LV/HV bush rods 25.mm dia 18 Creep tape 1” 19 M4 grade CRGO silicon steel core laminations/stampings duly insulation coated, of required size as per sample 20 Empire sleeves of sizes 21 Paint thinner 22 Steel preimer 23 Welding Rods 3.15mm/4mm 24 Re-filling of Oxygen gas 25 Dhoti Cloth/Old Sarries 26 HT Insulation paper 27 Hammers (1Kg-1.5Kg-2Kg) 28 Scissors 29 Chain PullyBlock (05 Ton Capacity) 30 Wooden farmas of sizes 31 LT brass bush rod with double nuts and washers 12 mm 32 LT brass bush rod with double nuts and washers 16 mm 33 LT brass bush rod with double nuts and washers 19/20 mm 34 LT brass bush rod with double nuts and washers 32mmmm 35 HT brass bush rods 12 mm with double nutts and washers including brass cup and oil seel washer 36 11 KV HT bushing for x-mers conforming to IS 2009, 3347 37 LTbushing complete with bush cup suitable for:-12 mm bush rod 38 LTbushing complete with bush cup suitable for:-16 mm bush rod 39 LTbushing complete with bush cup suitable for:-19/20 mm bush rod 40 DPC Aluminium Wire of sizes 12-20 SWG (Against Almn. Scrap 1 Kg of Almn. Scrap of every 1 Kg ofAlmn. Wire supplied) 41 DPC Almn. Wire 12-20 SWG conforming to relevant IS 42 Super enamelled Almunium Wire of sizes 13,14,16 and 18 SWG (Against Almn. Scrap 1 Kg of Almn. Scrap of every 1 Kg of Almn. Wire supplied) 43 Super enamelled Almn. Wire 11-20 SWG conforming to relevant IS. 44 DPC copper wire 18,16,14 SWG conforming to relevant IS (1 Kg of copper scrap of every 1 Kg of copper wire supplied) 45 DPC copper wire 11-22 SWG conforming to relevant IS. 46 Cotton nawara tape roll 100 ft long of standard quality. 1 width 47 Cotton nawara tape roll 100 ft long of standard quality. 1. ½ width 48 Joining sleaves of standard quality 3 mm dia 49 Joining sleaves of standard quality 5 mm dia 50 Joining sleaves of standard quality 8 mm dia 51 Ruberised washers of standard quality suitable for:- 12 mm bush rods 52 Ruberised washers of standard quality suitable for:- 16 mm bush rods 53 Ruberised washers of standard quality suitable for:- 19/20 mm bush rods 54 cork sheets conforming to relevant IS. 2x3x4 mm thick 55 cork sheets conforming to relevant IS. 2x3x6 mm thick 56 Cork washers (5 mm thick) suitable for 11 KV bushing. 57 Cork washers (5 mm thick) suitable for 12mm LT bushing 58 Cork washers (5 mm thick) suitable for 16mm LT bushing 59 Cork washers (5 mm thick) suitable for 19mm LT bushing 60 Bakelite tubes of sizes standard quality 1 mtr long. 6 mm Dia 61 Bakelite tubes of sizes standard quality 1 mtr long. 10 mm Dia 62 Bakelite tubes of sizes standard quality 1 mtr long.12 mm Dia 63 HT kraft paper 2/3 mil conforming to relevant IS 64 Press card board soft calendared-solid 1mm/2mm/3mm (as per sample 65 Press card board pre-compressed solid 1mm/2mm/3mm 66 lathoride paper 20mil conforming to relevant IS. 67 Silica gel breathers suitiable for 63-400 KVA x-mer 68 Silica gel in sealed containers (packing of 20 Kgs) 69 Cotton Dhoti cloth. (un-stained) 70 Galvanised clamps for 11 KV transformer bushes conforming to IS 4257. 71 LT Almn. Strips of sizes ( Electrolytic grade) 72 LT Copper strip of sizes (Electrolytic grade) 73 Fevicol adhesive 74 Insulating gum. 75 Enamel paint grey colour (Nerolac, Asian, Berger make) 76 Bobin sheets standard quality 77 Varnish standard quality 78 Transformer oil make true oil/HP/BP/IOC/Power oil 79 M.Seal of standard quality 80 Heating Elements (ceramic) 1 KW 81 Heating Elements (ceramic) 2 KW 82 Digital Meggar (1 KV) 0 to 200 G-ohm 83 Clamp on meter (DCM 30 Amp) Motowane 84 Lamps with Holders (Philps/Surya/Bajaj make) 100 Watt 85 Lamps with Holders (Philps/Surya/Bajaj make) 200 Watt 86 Lamps with Holders (Philps/Surya/Bajaj make) 500 Watt 87 PVC wiremulti stranded (Havells/Polycab/Finolex)make ,10 mm2 88 PVC wire mutil stranded (Havells/Polycab/Finolex)make ,1 mm2 89 PVC wire multi stranded (Havells/Polycab/Finolex)make ,1.5 mm2 90 PVC wire multi stranded (Havells/Polycab/Finolex)make, 2.5 mm2 91 PVC wire multi stranded (Havells/Polycab/Finolex)make, 4 mm2 92 PVC wire multi stranded (Havells/Polycab/Finolex)make, 6 mm2 93 PVC wire multi stranded (Havells/Polycab/Finolex)make ,16 mm2 94 Supply ,installlation and testing of 5 ton chain pully block of ISI make, Motorized 95 Supply ,installlation and testing of 5 ton chain pully block of ISI make, Non-Motorized 96 Supply ,installlation and testing of 3 ton chain pully block of ISI make, Motorized 97 Supply ,installlation and testing of 3 ton chain pully block of ISI make, Non-Motorized 98 Supply ,installlation and testing of Pulling Machine 3 ton 99 Supply ,installlation and testing of 2 ton chain pully block of ISI make, Motorized 100 Supply ,installlation and testing of 2 ton chain pully block of ISI make, Non-Motorized 101 Crimping tool manual with full set dices 102 C CLAMP 103 BENCH VICE 104 PADDLE SHEARING MACHINE/CARD BOARD CUTTER 105 CONDUTOR PULLING MACHINE 106 MS plates of thickness, 5 mm 107 MS plates of thickness, 7 mm 108 MS Chequre Plates of thickness, 5 mm 109 MS Chequer Plates of thickness, 6 mm 110 MS Chequer Plates of thickness, 7 mm 111 Winding of DPC Aluminium for HT coils of 63/100/250 KVA Transformers (material be supplied by the department) 112 Re-winding of LT Aluminium coils of 63/100/250 KVA Transformers 113 Cutter suitable for cutting ACSR Aluminium condcutor upto 0.1 ACSR 114 1 HP three phase motor 960 RPM with operational gear suitable for fixing to 5 ton chain pully block 115 1 HP single phase motor withwith operational gear suitable for wnding of HT coils. 116 Spanner ring/flat set of sizes 117 Screw Driver (Full set) Taparia make 118 Motorized impact WRENCH with replaceable bit set 119 Pipe Wrench, 6 Inch 120 Pipe Wrench, 12 Inch 121 LED Lights complete with case suitable for outdoor installation (Philps/Syska/Havels make), 100 to 120 Watt 122 LED Lights complete with case suitable for outdoor installation (Philps/Syska/Havels make), 46 to 60 Watt 123 LED Lights complete with case suitable for outdoor installation (Philps/Syska/Havels make), 31 to 45 Watt 124 LED Lamps(Philps/Syska/Havels make), from 21 to 30 Watt 125 Oil filling pump mannual 1.25 inch dia manual 126 Single phase 1 HP motor (Havels/Crompton/Usha make) 127 Supply of switches and 3 pin sockets with Gang boxes complete of standard make (Havells/Anchor) 128 Supply and testing of Oil testing Machine of stanadard make. 129 supply and testing of 250 GPH Filtration Machine of standard make. 130 Supply and Testing HT/LT winding machines of standard make. 131 Supply and Testing of winding Ratio Tester of standard make. 132 Supply of Multimeter of standard make. 133 Rubberized cork sheet 4mm thick 2ftx3ft 134 Supply of 4ML contactor for heat chamer 135 Supply of Bobin (Farma) for LT winding purpose for 250 kVA Transformer. 136 Supply of Bobin (Farma) for LT winding purpose for 100 kVA Transformer. 137 Supply of Bobin (Farma) for LT winding purpose for 63 kVA Transformer. 138 supply of PVC solid sheets Heatinsulated 1220mmx2440mm thickness 3mm to 40mm (Polyvinl). 139 supply of Almunium joint sleeves 140 supply of Almunium joint breezing point.

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INR 20000.0 /-
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