
Tender For Work Of Getting Various Electrical Items Which Are Not Available In The Current Schedule Of Rates (Dsr E And M) Of Central Public Works Department Done For Electrification/Electrical Maintenance Works In Residential/Non-Residential Buildings Of, rampur-Uttar Pradesh

Central Medical Stores Department has published Tender For Work Of Getting Various Electrical Items Which Are Not Available In The Current Schedule Of Rates (Dsr E And M) Of Central Public Works Department Done For Electrification/Electrical Maintenance Works In Residential/Non-Residential Buildings Of. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-07-2024. Mounting Hardware Tenders in rampur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Work Of Getting Various Electrical Items Which Are Not Available In The Current Schedule Of Rates (Dsr E And M) Of Central Public Works Department Done For Electrification/Electrical Maintenance Works In Residential/Non-Residential Buildings Of
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

tender for Work Of Getting Various Electrical Items Which Are Not Available In The Current Schedule Of Rates (Dsr E And M) Of Central Public Works Department Done For Electrification/Electrical Maintenance Works In Residential/Non-Residential Buildings Of Hospi, Work of getting various electrical items which are not available in the current Schedule of Rates (DSR E AND M) of Central Public Works Department done for electrification/electrical maintenance works in residential/non-residential buildings of hospitals of district Rampur. Sl. No. Item Description 1 NON DSR Item 2 Supplying of aluminium conductor PVC insulated armoured served sheathed cables 1100 Volts grade at a depth of 750 mm below ground level over a cushion of 75 mm. thick sand all around and protected with burnt bricks on sides and on top. On surface the cable run shall be fixed on M.S. clamps etc. of suitable size oras directed by the Engineer-In charge, complete in all respect. The armouring of the cable shall be properly connected with the earth conductor by clamps etc. 3 70 sq. mm single core 4 95 sq. mm single core 5 120 sq. mm single core 6 150 sq. mm single core 7 185 sq. mm single core 8 240 sq. mm single core 9 300 sq. mm single core 10 400 sq. mm single core 11 500 sq. mm single core 12 630 sq. mm single core 13 6 sq. mm 2 core 14 10 sq. mm 2 core 15 16 sq. mm 2 core 16 4 sq. mm 3 core 17 6 sq. mm 3 core 18 4 sq. mm 4 core 19 6 sq. mm 4 core 20 10 sq. mm 4 core 21 16 sq. mm 4 core 22 25 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 23 35 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 24 50 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 25 70 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 26 95 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 27 120 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 28 150 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 29 185 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 30 240 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 31 300 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 32 400 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 33 500 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 34 600 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 35 High Tension 11 KV Grade XLPE : Supply and laying of 3 core standard aluminium conductor XLPE (Cross linked polyethylene) insulated PVC bedded, Galvanised flat steel strip armoured cables confirming to I.S. 7098 (Part-II with latest amendments) II KV grade at a depth of 900 mm below ground level over a cushion of 100 mm thick fine river sand all around and protected with well burnt bricks on sides and on top put across. The armouring of cable shall be properly connected with earth conductor by clamps etc 36 70 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 37 95 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 38 120 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 39 300 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 40 High Tension 33 KV Grade XLPE : Supplying of 3 core standard aluminium conductor XLPE (Cross linked polyethylene) insulated PVC bedded, Galvanised flat steel strip armoured cables confirming to I.S. 7098 (Part-II with latest amendments) II KV grade at a depth of 900 mm below ground level over a cushion of 100 mm thick fine river sand all around and protected with well burnt bricks on sides and on top put across. The armouring of cable shall be properly connected with earth conductor by clamps etc 41 70 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 42 95 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 43 120 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 44 300 sq. mm 3-1/2 core 45 Change Over Switches: S&F of 32 Amp. double pole change over switch on 25mm x 25mm x 3mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work. 46 S&F of 16 Amp. four pole change over switch on 25mm x 25mm x 3mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work. 47 S&F of 32 Amp. four pole change over switch on 25mm x 25mm x 3mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work. 48 S&F of 63 Amp. four pole change over switch on 40mm x 40mm x 6mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work. 49 S&F of 100 Amp. four pole change over switch on 40mm x 40mm x 6mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work . 50 S&F of 100 AMP four pole Mould case type on load change over switch with enclosure including the cost of labour, T & P and material required for proper completion of the work. 51 S&F of 200 Amp. four pole change over switch on 50mm x 50mm x 6mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work. 52 S&F of 200 AMP four pole Mould case type on load change over switch with enclosure including the cost of labour, T & P and material required for proper completion of the work. 53 S&F of 320 Amp. four pole change over switch on 50mm x 50mm x 6mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work. 54 S&F of 320 AMP four pole Mould case type on load change over switch with enclosure including the cost of labour, T & P and material required for proper completion of the work as per direction and satisfaction of Engineer an charge. 55 S&F of 400 Amp. four pole change over switch on 50mm x 50mm x 6mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work. 56 S&F of 400 AMP four pole Mould case type on load change over switch with enclosure including the cost of labour, T & P and material required for proper completion of the work. 57 S&F of 630 Amp. four pole change over switch on 50mm x 50mm x 6mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work. 58 S&F of 630 AMP four pole Mould case type on load change over switch with enclosure including the cost of labour, T & P and material required for proper completion of the work. 59 S&F of 800 Amp. four pole change over switch on 50mm x 50mm x 6mm angle iron frame, including the cost of labour, T&P, painting and other material required for proper completion of the work. 60 S&F of 800 AMP four pole Mould case type on load change over switch with enclosure including the cost of labour, T & P and material required for proper completion of the work. 61 Supplyandfixingfollowingcapacityofautomatic streetlightcubiclecontrolpanelpaintedwithanti corrosivealkaliandacidproofpaintconsistingof timeswitchTSO100serieswithcontactors,HRC fuses,isolating switch meteringinstrument& instrument box with CTs etc. incase of TPN, complete in all respect. 62 15 A SPN 63 25 A SPN 64 40 A SPN 65 15 A TPN 66 25 A TPN 67 40 A TPN 68 DOWN LIGHT LUMINAIRES 69 Supply andfixing of recess/Surface/Pendent mountinground6Watt8WattLEDDownLighter havingPowdercoateddiecastaluminiumhousing withheatsink,diffuser/Reflectoranddriverset complete in all respect. 70 Supply and fixing ofrecess/ Surface/ Pendent mountinground 10to15WattLEDDownLighter havingPowdercoateddiecastaluminiumhousing with heatsink,diffuser/Reflectoranddriverset complete in all respect. 71 Supply and fixing ofrecessmounting round 15 to 18 WattLED DownLighterhavingPowdercoated die castaluminiumhousingwith heatsink,diffuser/ Reflector and driver set complete in all respect. 72 Supply and fixing of recess/surface mounting round24Wattto32Watt LEDDownLighter having Powdercoated diecastaluminiumhousingwith extendedheatsink,diffuser/Reflectoranddriverset completed in all respects. 73 Supply and fixing of recess/surface mounting round24to32WattLEDDownLighterhavingPowder coateddiecastaluminiumhousingwithextended heatsink,diffuser/Reflectoranddriversetcomplete in all respect. 74 Supplyandfixingof36Wattto46Wattindoor Recess mounting LED Square Fitting for Armstrong CeilinghavingPowdercoateddiecastaluminium housing body withextended heat sink and diffuser of SpecialPolycarbonatematerialanddriverset complete in all respect. 75 Supply and fixing of55 Watt indoor Recess mounting LEDSquareFittingforArmstrongCeilinghaving Powder coated die cast aluminium housing withbody withextended heatsink,diffuserof Polycarbonate material and driver set complete in all respect. 76 Supply andfixingof 12Watt to15Wattindoor Recess mounting LED Square Fitting for Armstrong CeilinghavingPowdercoateddiecastaluminium housing with extended heat sink,diffuserof Polycarbonate material anddriverset complete in all respect. 77 SupplyandfixingofLEDTubeLightwithbatten suitable forupto1X 22watt LED tube lightfitting includingtubeonSurfacecompleteinallrespect. 78 Supply andfixingof LEDTubeLightbattenfitting suitableforupto1X22wattLEDtubelighton surface complete in all respect. 79 SupplyandfixingofLEDTubeLightwithbatten suitable forupto2X 22watt LED tube lightfitting including tube on Surface complete in all respect. 80 Supply and fixing of Pendent sleek mounting having 1X4Size48to55Wattseamlesslyintegrated LED luminairewith acrylic sheet diffusercomplete in allrespect. 81 Supply and fixing ofPendent mounting having 1 X 4 Size36to 46WattseamlesslyintegratedLED luminaire with acrylic sheet diffuser and integral electronic driver complete in allrespects. 82 Supply and fixing ofwater tight oblong 10 Watt LED bulkhead luminaire with driver set confirming to IP 65 and above Protection . complete in allrespect. 83 Supply and fixing ofSingle LED light wall bracket 3 to6WattonmatchingM.D.F.E.GBoardbaseetc. complete in allrespect. 84 Supply & Fixing of20WattLED Surface Mounting weatherproofLuminairewithPCHousingandopal finishcoverconfirmingtoIP65Completeinall respect. 85 Supply & Fixing of40WattLED Surface Mounting weatherproof Luminaire with PCHousing andopal finishcoverconfirmingtoIP65Completeinall respect. 86 STREET LIGHT LUMINAIRES 87 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving die castaluminium body anddiffuserwith driverset suitable for 15 Watt. to 25 Watt. Confirming to IP 66 protection complete in all respect. 88 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving die castaluminium body anddiffuserwith driverset suitable for 30Watt.to 40Watt.Confirming toIP 66 protection complete in all respect. 89 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving die castaluminium body anddiffuserwith driverset suitable for45watt to 50Watt.ConfirmingtoIP 66 protection complete in all respect. 90 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving die castaluminium body anddiffuserwith driverset suitablefor52wattto72Watt.ConfirmingtoIP66 Protection complete in all respect. 91 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving die castaluminiumbody anddiffuserwith driverset suitablefor75to90Watt.Confirming toIP66and aboveProtection complete in all respect. 92 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving diecastaluminium body anddiffuserwith driverset suitablefor110to130Watt.ConfirmingtoIP66 Protection complete in all respect. 93 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving die castaluminium body anddiffuserwith driverset suitablefor140to150Watt.ConfirmingtoIP66 Protection complete in all respects. 94 Supply and fixing ofLED Street light Fittinghaving die castaluminium body anddiffuserwith driverset suitablefor175to200Watt.ConfirmingtoIP66 Protection complete in all respects. 95 PATH LIGHT & BOLLARD LUMINAIRES 96 Supply andfixingof 3WattLEDPath/Walkover luminairehavingpowdercoateddiecastaluminium body with drive set .Confirming toIP 65Protection complete in all respect. 97 Supply and fixing of 3 Watt to 6 Watt LED Spot/Spike light luminaire Confirming to IP 66 Protection complete in all respect. 98 Supply andfixingof decorative8to16WattLED bollardluminaire with driverset confirming toIP 65 protection complete in all respect. 99 Supply andfixing of decorative 40to 45Watt LED PosttopindirectlightluminairehavingPressuredie castaluminiumbody andClearglasswithdriverset confirming to IP 65 and aboveprotection complete in all respect. 100 Riser 2 Grid (13-15)(C-D) 101 SupplyandfixingoffactorywiredintegralLED flood light luminaires with die cast aluminium housingbuiltwithdriversetsuitablefor40to50 Watt.Confirming toIP 65 protection complete in all respect. 102 SupplyandfixingoffactorywiredintegralLED flood light luminaires with die cast aluminium housingbuiltwithdriversetsuitablefor70to90 Watt.Confirming toIP 65 protection complete in all respect. 103 SupplyandfixingoffactorywiredintegralLED flood light luminaires with die cast aluminium housingbuiltwithdriversetsuitablefor100to120 Watt.Confirming toIP 65 protection complete in all respect. 104 SupplyandfixingoffactorywiredintegralLED flood light luminaires with die cast aluminium housingbuiltwithdriversetsuitablefor140to150 Watt.Confirming toIP 66 protection complete in all respect. 105 SupplyandfixingoffactorywiredintegralLED flood light luminaires with die cast aluminium housingbuiltwithdriversetsuitablefor170to200 Watt.Confirming toIP 66 protection complete in all respect. 106 Supply & installation of window type direct expansion air conditioner confirming to IS specification suitable for operation on 230 volt, 50 Hz single phase, A.CSupply with all accessories. 107 1 TRBEE : Star Rated : 5 Star, EER 3.4 108 1.5 TR BEE : Star Rated : 5 Star, EER 3.4 109 2 TR BEE : Star Rated : 5 Star, EER 3.4 110 Supply & installation of split type Direct Expansion air conditioner confirming to IS specification suitable for operation on A/C230 volt, 50 Hz with hermetically sealed compressor with air cooled condenser , motor capacitor and start run capacitor , relay and over load protector internal unit , with one indoor and one outdoor unit. the condenser unit will be placed outside the room on the terrace to avoid noise including standard length of suitable size coppertubing covered with insulation tube ( High Wall Chorded/ cordless )suitable capacity 3 core sheathed / PVC copper cable and a battery operated wireless remote unit. 111 1 TRBEE : Star Rated : 5 Star, EER 3.4 112 1.5 TR BEE : Star Rated : 5 Star, EER 3.4 113 2 TR BEE : Star Rated : 5 Star, EER 3.4 114 Supply & fixing of Automatic Fixer Panel ( Enclosure) will be fabricated by MS- CRCA sheet 1.6 & 2 mm with NC cutting , CNC bending & punching machines. Siemens grey powder coated paint with 7- Tank Process. Elmex connectors, Electrical grade Hindalco Aluminium Bus Bar TPNwith SMC-DMC support copper wire & lugs , C/fuse, anodized hardware etc. including( FP Automatic Transfer Switch, SP 10 KA MCB C Curve, Aux, Contactor, On Delay Timer, Indicating lamps, 22.5mm dia, 220V AC LED Type, Neutar link)as per load current requirement. 115 AMF (Auto Main Failure)Panel of 25 KVA DG Set. 116 AMF (Auto Main Failure)Panel of 50 KVA DG Set. 117 AMF (Auto Main Failure)Panel of 62.5 KVA DG Set. 118 AMF (Auto Main Failure)Panel of 82.5 KVA DG Set. 119 AMF (Auto Main Failure)Panel of 125 KVA DG Set. 120 AMF (Auto Main Failure)Panel of 160 KVA DG Set. 121 AMF (Auto Main Failure)Panel of 200 KVA DG Set. 122 AMF (Auto Main Failure)Panel of 250 KVA DG Set. 123 Supply & Fixing of Single Phasestaters ofSubmersible pumps 230 V , 50 Hz including making connection with T&P. 124 1 HP 125 1.5 HP 126 2 HP 127 Supply & Fixing of Three PhasestatersSubmersible pump 415 V , 50 Hz including making connection with T&P. 128 5 HP 129 10 HP 130 12 HP 131 15 HP 132 20 HP 133 25 HP 134 30 HP 135 Repairing work of Single Phase submersible pump 230V, 50 Hz including making connection with T&P. 136 1 HP 137 1.5 HP 138 2 HP 139 Repairing workof Three Phase Submersible pump 415 V , 50 Hz including making connection with T&P. 140 5 HP 141 10 HP 142 12 HP 143 15 HP 144 20 HP 145 25 HP 146 30 HP 147 Dismantling & re-installation of submersible pump with labour , T&P (Single or three phase ) 148 Up to 2 HP 149 Up to 5 HP - 15 HP 150 Up to 20 HP - 30 HP 151 Marking of LT electricPanel & Distribution Boardwith appropriate height colour including material , labour etc. 152 All type DB ( MCB Box) 153 Distribution Panel up to 630 Amp 154 Distribution Panel up to 800- 2500 Amp 155 Supply and laying of electric insulating sheet. 156 Testing work of earth pits with electronic earth tester , labour T&P etc. 157 Marking work of earth pits including painting of wall/ floor for writing testing date and test result of earth resistance. 158 Supply and fixing of fire exit sing edge board6x15.2 with standard colour coding. 159 Construction of earth pit with 12x12 main Holl and C.I chamber . including material , labour T&P etc to complete the work . 160 LT Distribution Panels : (TPN SFU Incommer) 161 Supply and erection of factory fabricated and wired metal clad dust and vermin proof floor mounting panel TPN switch board complete with the following HRC type heavy duty TPN fuse switches with fuses and instrument chamber etc. complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shall be separate and shall comprise of flush type ammeter, voltmerer, selector switches for ammeter and voltmeter, instrument fuses, current transormer etc. The board shall have suitable capacity electroytic alumininum busbars as per IS8623 istulate with heatshrink sleeving and mountend on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/DMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The switches shall be complete with suitable cable end boxes, reverse entery boxes in case of pedestaal type, cable sockets,compression glands and indicating lamp on incoming etc. The job includes the grounting of the board as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. All coutgoing switches of 100 Amp. and above will be provided with ampere metre current transformers and selector switches and instrument fuses etc. The switches board shall be fabricated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm/2 mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A B & B-II and pedestal type for Cat-B and C only. 162 Incoming 163 100 Amp. TPN-1 No 164 Outgoing 165 63 Amp. TNP-2 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 166 32 Amp. TPN-3 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 167 63 Amp. TPN-1 No and 32 Amp. TPN-2 Nos.Cat. B. Cubicle Type 168 Incoming 169 200 Amp. TPN-1 No 170 Outgoing 171 100 Amp. TNP-2 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 172 63 Amp. TPN-3 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 173 63 Amp. TPN-3 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 174 Incoming 175 315 Amp. TPN-1 No 176 Outgoing 177 100 Amp. TNP-3 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 178 100 Amp. TPN-2 Nos.& 63 Amp. TPN-2 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 179 100 Amp. TPN-1 No and 63 Amp. TPN-3 Nos.Cat. B. Cubicle Type 180 63 Amp. TPN-5 Nos.Cat. B. Cubicle Type 181 200 Amp.TPN-1No, 100 Amp.TPN-1No& 32 Amp.TPN-1No Cat. B. Cubicle Type 182 Incoming 183 400 Amp. TPN-1 No 184 Outgoing 185 (a) 315 Amp.TPN-1 No, 100 Amp.TPN-1 No and 63 Amp.TPN-1 No Cat. B. Cubicle Type 186 200 Amp.TPN-1Nos, 100 Amp.TPN-2Nos. & 63 Amp.TPN-1Nos.Cat. B. Cubicle Type 187 200 Amp.TPN-1Nos, 100 Amp.TPN-1Nos. & 63 Amp.TPN-2 Nos.Cat. B. Cubicle Type 188 100 Amp.TPN- 3 Nos. & 63 Amp.TPN-2 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 189 Incoming 190 630 Amp. TPN-1 No 191 Outgoing 192 (a) 100 Amp.TPN-5 Nos., 63 Amp.TPN-1Nos &32 Amp TPN.-1 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 193 315 Amp.TPN-1No, 200Amp TPN-1No, 63 Am. TPN-1 Nos & 32 Amp TPN.-1 No Cat. B. Cubicle Type 194 200 Amp.TPN-2Nos., 100 Amp.TPN-1No & 63 Amp.TPN-2 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 195 200 Amp.TPN-1No, 100 Amp.TPN-2Nos & 63 Amp.TPN-2 Nos & 32 Amp TPN.-1 No Cat. B. Cubicle Type 196 200 Amp.TPN-1No & 63 Amp.TPN-5 Nos. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 197 Incoming 198 800 Amp. TPN-1 No 199 Outgoing 200 (a) 630 Amp.TPN-1 No, 200 Amp.TPN-1No & 63 Amp.TPN-1No. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 201 (b) 630 Amp. TPN-1 No, 100Amp TPN- 2 No& 63 Am. TPN-1 No. Cat. B. Cubicle Type 202 (c) 315 Amp.TPN-1No, 100 Amp.TPN-4 No& 63 Amp.TPN-1No. Cat. B Cubicle Type 203 (d) 315 Amp.TPN-2 No, 100 Amp.TPN-1No & 63 Amp.TPN-1No. Cat. B Cubicle Type 204 (e) 200 Amp.TPN-3 Nos, 100 Amp.TPN-1No & 63 Amp.TPN-1No. Cat. B Cubicle Type 205 Cubical Panel Board ( MCCB Type) 206 Supply &Erracetionoffactory fabricated&wired metalcladdustandverminprooffloormounting,M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreisElectricalcontrolpanelwithTPNMCCBs (FourPole36KAwiththermalmagnatic release)Switches Complete andinstrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chamber shallbeseparateandshallcompriseofflushtype digitalmeteringsystemforphasetophasevoltage andsinglephasevoltage,currentandother parameters(KVA,P.F,KWetc)ineachphasewith touchtypeselectorswitchesfordifferentreadings, instrument fuses, current transformer etc. The panel boardshall havesuitablecapacity electrolytic alumininum busbars as perIS8623 orabove istulated with heat shrink sleeving and mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/BMC supportwithdeteachablesidecoversandshallbe suitableforextensiononthesides.TheMCCBs shallbecompletewithsuitablecableendboxes, compressionglandsandindicatinglampon incoming etc.The Jobincludesthe grounting oftheboardas perdirectionsofEngineer-incharge.Alloutgoingsof 100AmpandaboveshallhaveanAmmeter.The panelboardshallbefabricatedwithCRCAsheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm/2mm. Cubicle type switch board shall be of cat A & B Only. 207 Incoming 208 100 Amp MCCB -1 No 209 Outgoning 210 63 Amp. MCCB-2 Nos. Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 211 32 Amp. MCCB-3 Nos. Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 212 63 Amp. MCCB-1 No & 32 Amp. MCCB-2 Nos. Cat. B.Pannel Cubicle Type 213 Incoming 214 200 Amp. MCCB-1 No 215 Outgoing 216 100 Amp. MCCB-2 Nos. Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 217 63 Amp. MCCB-3 Nos. Cat. B.Pannel Cubicle Type 218 100 Amp. MCCB-1 No & 63 Amp. MCCB-3 Nos. Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 219 Incoming 220 400 Amp. MCCB-1 No 221 Outgoing 222 200 Amp. MCCB-2 Nos,100 Amp MCCB- 1 No, & 63 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B.PannelCubicle Type 223 200 Amp. MCCB-2 Nos.& 63 Amp. MCCB-1Nos. Cat. B.Pannel Cubicle Type 224 200 Amp. MCCB-1 No, 100 Amp MCCB - 2 Nos & 63 Amp. MCCB-1 No Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 225 200 Amp. MCCB-1 No100 Amp MCCB-1 No & 63 Amp MCCB-2 Nos. Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 226 100 Amp.MCCB-3Nos. & 63 Amp.MCCB-2Nos. Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 227 Incoming 228 630 Amp. MCCB-1 No 229 Outgoing 230 100 Amp.MCCB-5 Nos.& 63 Amp.MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 231 200 Amp. MCCB-2 Nos. 100 Amp-MCCB-1 No& 63 Amp. MCCB-2 Nos. Cat. B.PannelCubicle Type 232 200 Amp.MCCB-2Nos., 100 Amp.MCCB-2Nos. & 63 Amp.MCCB-1No Cat. B.Pannel Cubicle Type 233 200 Amp.MCCB-1No, 100 Amp.MCCB-2Nos. 63 Amp.MCCB-2 Nos. & 32 Amp MCCB- 1 No Cat. B.PannelCubicle Type 234 200 Amp.MCCB- 1 No ,100 Amp MCCB-1 No & 63 Amp.MCCB-5 Nos. Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 235 Incoming 236 800 Amp. MCCB-1 No 237 Outgoing 238 630 Amp.MCCB-1 No, 200 Amp.MCCB-1No& 63 Amp.MCCB-1No Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 239 630 Amp. MCCB-1 No, 100Amp MCCB- 2 Nos. & 63 Am. MCCB-1 No Cat. B. Pannel Cubicle Type 240 400 Amp.MCCB-1No, 100 Amp.MCCB-4 Nos.& 63 Amp.MCCB-1No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 241 400 Amp.MCCB-1 No, 200 Amp.MCCB-1No,100 Amp.MCCB-1No & 63 Amp MCCB - 1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 242 200 Amp.MCCB-3 Nos., 100 Amp.MCCB-1No & 63 Amp.MCCB-1No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 243 Cubical Panel Board (ACB & MCCB Type) 244 Supply &Erracetionoffactory fabricated&wired metalcladdustandverminprooffloormounting,M.S. Channel Base with bottom and top cable entreisElectricalcontrolpanelwithTPNACB(65 KA,4Pole Elect draw out , Micor processer Release IPR2)andTPNMCCBs(FourPole36KAwith thermalmagnaticrelease)Switchesandinstrument chamber etc.complete in all respects. The instrument chambershallbeseparateandshallcompriseof flushtype/digitalammeterVoltmeter,Selector switches for ammeter and Voltmeter, istrument fuses,currenttransormeretc.The Boardshallhave suitablecapacity electrolyticaluminiumbusbarsas perIS8623insulatedwithheatshrinksleevingand mounted on non hygroscopic supports such as CMC/ DMC support with deteachable side covers and shall be suitable for extension on the sides. The switches entryboxesshallbecompletewithsuitablecable end boxes reverse.The Jobincludesthe grounting oftheboardas per directionsofEngineer-incharge.Alloutgoingsof100AmpandaboveWillbeprovidedwithAmp Metre, current transfonners and selector switches etc andinsurtrmentfuse.Theswitchboardshallbe fabicated with CRCA sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6 mm/2mm. Cubicle type switchboard shall be of cat A & B Only. 245 630 Amp /415Volt ACB- 1 No 246 OUT GOING 247 100 Amp.MCCB-5 Nos., & 63 Amp.MCCB-1No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 248 200 AmpMCCB- 2 Nos.,63 Amp, MCCB-2Nos & 32 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 249 200 Amp. MCCB-3 Nos. & 63 Amp,MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 250 200 Amp, MCCB-1 No,100Amp MCCB-2 Nos.,63 Amp,MCCB-2No & 32 Amp,MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 251 200 Amp, MCCB-1 No & 63 Amp,MCCB-5Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 252 INCOMING 253 800 Amp /415Volt ACB-1 No 254 OUT GOING 255 CMS/D.H/FOOD/E-NIVIDA/2024-25/446DATED- 25-06-2024 256 630 Amp,ACB-1 No,100 Amp MCCB-2 Nos. & 63 AmpMCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 257 400 Amp MCCB-1 Nos, 200 Amp MCCB- 2 No &63 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 258 400 Amp MCCB-1 No, 200 Amp MCCB-1No,100 Amp MCCB-1 No & 63 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 259 200 Amp MCCB-3Nos, 100 Amp MCCB- 1No & 63 Amp,MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 260 INCOMING 261 1000 Amp / 415 Volt ACB-1 No 262 OUT GOING 263 630 Amp ACB-1No & 400 Amp MCCB,-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 264 630 Amp MCCB-1No & 400 Amp MCCB,-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 265 630 Amp ACB-2Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 266 630 Amp MCCB-2Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 267 400 Amp MCCB-2Nos.& 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 268 200 Amp MCCB- 5Nos.& 100 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 269 INCOMING 270 1250 Amp /415Volt ACB- 1 No 271 OUT GOING 272 800 Amp MCCB- 1 No & 400 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 273 800 Amp ACB- 1 No & 400 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 274 630 Amp MCCB- 2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 275 630 Amp ACB- 2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 276 630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 277 630 Amp ACB-2 Nos & 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 278 400 Amp MCCB- 3 Nos & 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 279 200 Amp MCCB- 6 Nos & 100 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 280 1000 Amp ACB-1 No & 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 281 INCOMING 282 1600 Amp /415Volt ACB-1 No 283 OUT GOING 284 800 Amp MCCB- 2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 285 800 Amp ACB- 2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 286 800 Amp MCCB- 1 No ,630 Amp MCCB-1 No & 200Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 287 800 Amp ACB- 1 No, 630 Amp ACB-1 No & 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 288 630 Amp MCCB- 1 No,400 Amp MCCB-2 Nos &200Amp MCCB-1 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 289 630 Amp ACB- 1 No ,400 Amp MCCB-2 No & 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 290 630 Amp MCCB- 1 No ,200 Amp MCCB-3 Nos & 100Amp MCCB-4 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 291 630 Amp ACB-1 No, 200 Amp MCCB-3 No & 100 Amp MCCB-4 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 292 400Amp MCCB-4 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 293 400 Amp MCCB- 1 No,200 Amp MCCB-3 Nos., 100Amp MCCB-3 Nos & 63 Amp MCCB-4 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 294 200 Amp MCCB- 4 Nos., 100 Amp MCCB-5 Nos.,63Amp MCCB-4 Nos &32 Amp MCCB-2 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 295 INCOMING 296 2000 Amp /415Volt ACB- 1 No 297 OUT GOING 298 800 Amp MCCB- 2 Nos& 400 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 299 800 Amp ACB- 2 Nos & 400 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 300 800 Amp MCCB- 1 No & 630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 301 800 Amp ACB- 1 No & 630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 302 1000 Amp ACB- 1 No & 630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 303 800 Amp MCCB- 1 No & 200 Amp MCCB-6 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 304 800 Amp ACB- 1 No & 200 Amp MCCB-6 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 305 630 Amp MCCB- 1 No, 400 Amp MCCB-2 Nos.& 200Amp MCCB -4 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 306 630 Amp MCCB-4 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 307 630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 200 Amp MCCB-4Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 308 1000 Amp ACB- 1 No ,400 Amp MCCB-3 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 309 1000 Amp ACB- 1 No,630 Amp MCCB-1 No & 400 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 310 1000 Amp ACB- 1 No,400 Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 311 1000 Amp ACB- 1 No & 200 Amp MCCB-5 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 312 INCOMING 313 2500 Amp /415Volt ACB 314 OUT GOING 315 1000 Amp ACB- 2 Nos& 630 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 316 1000 Amp ACB- 2 Nos & 630 Amp ACB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 317 1000 Amp ACB- 1 No, 800 Amp MCCB-1 No,400 Amp MCCB-1 No &200 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 318 1000 Amp ACB- 1 No, 800 Amp ACB-1 No,400 Amp MCCB-1 No & 200 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 319 800 Amp MCCB-2 No,630 Amp MCCB-1 No,200 Amp MCCB-1 No & 100 Amp MCCB- 2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 320 800 Amp ACB- 2 Nos.,630 Amp ACB-1 No,200 Amp MCCB-1 No & 100 Amp MCCB- 2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 321 800 Amp MCCB- 2 Nos ,630 Amp MCCB-1 No & 400 Amp MCCB- 1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 322 800 Amp ACB- 2 Nos ,630 Amp ACB-1 No & 400 AmpMCCB- 1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 323 800 Amp MCCB- 1 No ,630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 400Amp MCCB- 3 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 324 800 Amp ACB- 1 No, 630 Amp ACB-2 Nos & 400 AmpMCCB- 3 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 325 630 Amp MCCB-4 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 326 630 Amp ACB-4 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 327 800 Amp MCCB-3 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 328 800 Amp ACB-3 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 329 630 Amp MCCB- 2 Nos & 400 Amp MCCB-3Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 330 630 Amp ACB- 2 Nos & 400 Amp MCCB-3 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 331 INCOMING 332 3200 Amp/415 Volt ACB 333 OUT GOING 334 2000 Amp ACB- 1 No,800 Amp MCCB-1No & 400 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 335 2000 Amp ACB- 1 Nos & 630Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 336 1250 Amp ACB- 1 No, 800Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 400Amp MCCB- 3 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 337 1250 Amp ACB- 1 No,800Amp ACB-2 Nos & 400 Amp MCCB- 3 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 338 1000 Amp ACB- 2 Nos,800Amp MCCB-1 No & 400 Amp MCCB- 1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 339 1000 Amp ACB- 2 Nos,800Amp ACB-1 No & 400 Amp MCCB- 1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 340 800Amp MCCB-3 Nos & 630 Amp MCCB- 1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 341 800Amp ACB-3 Nos & 630 Amp ACB-1 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 342 800Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 400Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 343 800Amp ACB-2 Nos & 630 Amp ACB-2 Nos & 400 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 344 800Amp MCCB-1 Nos & 630 Amp MCCB-3 Nos & 400Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 345 800Amp ACB-1 No , 630 Amp ACB-3 Nos & 400 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 346 800Amp MCCB-1 No, 630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos.,400 Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 200 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 347 800 Amp ACB-1 No, 630 Amp ACB-2 Nos.,400 Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 200 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 348 630 Amp MCCB-4 Nos,400 Amp MCCB-2 Nos& 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 349 630 Amp ACB-4 Nos ,400 Amp MCCB-2 Nos &200Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 350 630 Amp MCCB-5 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 351 630 Amp ACB-5 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 352 630 Amp MCCB-4 Nos,400 Amp MCCB-1 No & 200Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 353 630 Amp MCCB-4 Nos,400 Amp MCCB-1 No & 200Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 354 630 Amp ACB-4 Nos,400 Amp MCCB-1 No & 200 Amp MCCB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 355 INCOMING 356 4000 Amp/415 Volt ACB 357 OUT GOING 358 2000 Amp ACB-1 No,1250Amp ACB-1 No & 800 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 359 2000 Amp ACB-1 No,1600Amp ACB-1 No & 400 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 360 2000 Amp ACB-1 No & 1000Amp ACB-2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 361 2000 Amp ACB-1 No,1000Amp ACB-1 No, 800 Amp MCCB-1 Nos & 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 362 2000 Amp ACB-1 No,1000Amp ACB-1 No & 800 Amp ACB-1 No & 200 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 363 2000 Amp ACB-1 No & 630 Amp MCCB-3 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 364 2000 Amp ACB-1 No & 630 Amp ACB-3 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 365 1600 Amp ACB-2 Nos & 800 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 366 1600 Amp ACB-2 Nos,& 800 Amp ACB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 367 1600 Amp ACB-1 No & 1250 Amp ACB-2 Nos. Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 368 1600 Amp ACB-1 No,1000 Amp ACB-1 No, 800 Amp MCCB-1 No & 630 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 369 1600 Amp ACB-1 No,1000Amp ACB-1 N0, 800 Amp ACB-1 No & 630 Amp ACB-1 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 370 1000 Amp ACB-4 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 371 1000 Amp ACB-3 Nos,800 Amp MCCB-1 No & 400 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 372 1000 Amp ACB-3 Nos,800 Amp ACB-1 No & 400 Amp MCCB-1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 373 800 Amp MCCB-5 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 374 800 Amp MCCB-4 Nos & 400 MCCB - 3 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 375 800 Amp MCCB-4 Nos., 630 Amp MCCB-1 No & 400MCCB - 1 No Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 376 800 Amp MCCB-2 Nos ,630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos 400 MCCB - 3 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 377 800 Amp MCCB-2 Nos ,630 Amp MCCB-3 Nos 400 MCCB - 2 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 378 800 Amp MCCB-1 No,630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos & 400 MCCB - 5 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 379 630 Amp MCCB-6 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 380 630 Amp MCCB-2 Nos, 400 Amp MCCB-5 Nos & 200Amp MCCB-4 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 381 630 Amp MCCB-5 Nos, 400 Amp MCCB-3 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 382 400 Amp MCCB-10 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type 383 400 Amp MCCB-7 Nos &200 Amp MCCB-6 Nos Cat. B Pannel Cubicle Type

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 12-07-2024 DATE EXTEND Date 22-07-2024

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INR 2360 /-
INR 100000.0 /-
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