Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services -Hiring Of Knowledge Partner For Intellectual Property Financing Promotion & Implementation -- The consulting agency will be required to assist the DPIIT in institutionalizing and promoting IP financing in India. The promotion of IP financing will add to ease of doing business by enabling the organisations leverage their intellectual property assets to access credit markets, reduce risk, recapitalize their businesses, and even restructure debt. The agency will be undertaking the following activities as part of scope of work for this engagement: Development of framework for identification of IA/IP assets and their categorization Mapping the IA/IP financing ecosystem in the country o Identification of current and prospective stakeholders/institutions involved in the IA/IP financing domain in India (including start-ups) o Mapping of roles and responsibilities of current and prospective stakeholders/institutions (including start-ups) Analysis of various licensing and monetization methods for IA/IP assets, including debt and equity Identification of challenges faced by IP-backed financing in the country Assessment and identification of risks pertaining to IP-backed financing o Risk associated with IA/IP assets and financing of IA/IP assets o Measures for managing risks associated with IA/IP assets by the enterprises o Measures for managing risks associated with IA/IP financing by the financiers Development of strategic plan for enhancement of IA/IP transfer and IA/IP commercialization capacity for the country o Creation of framework for IP financing and investment advice for the stakeholders o Conceptualizing institutional framework required for Increasing IA/IP commercialization in the country Development of free marketplace for IA/IP transactions Valuation of IA/IP assets o Regulatory compliance and statutory framework for promoting IP financing o Legal framework requirement to enable institutionalization of IP financing, including litigation support Development of a strategic plan to monetise public IP assets (information, repositories, databases)which are hosted, held and maintained by the Government of India, its departments, authorities and other agencies o Coordination with departments, authorities and agencies to identify public IP assets (information, repositories and databases) with potential of monetization o Development of list of public IP assets with potential of monetization o Identification of revenue models for monetization of public IP assets o Development of framework and strategic plan for monetization of public IP assets Development of a strategic plan to encourage and promote efficient management practices for IA/IPs by enterprises in the country, with specific focus on start-ups including new age technology companies Identify strategies to promote IP financing to encourage cross-border trade & investments and local investments especially in tech-oriented business ventures and start-ups. Identification of stakeholders for forming a working group from within the central government ministries, departments and other agencies, for implementation of strategic plan Development of institutional frame work required for implementation of strategic plan, including the following: o Broad structure of the proposed authority or agency required to be set-up for implementation of strategic plan o Defining the objectives of the proposed authority/ agency to be set-up – the authority/agency will primarily be involved in coordination with various ministries, industries, agencies and other stakeholders for effective implementation of strategic plan o Detailed scope of work document for the proposed authority or agency with activities to be taken up in the short term, medium term and long term o Mapping the skill set requirements of the authority/ agency and finalizing the organizational hierarchy and reporting structure o Recommendations on people sourcing–options from government cadre, industry, superannuated government staff, public domain and respective justifications o Best practices from other leading countries which can be adopted while setting-up the proposed authority o Monitoring mechanism to ensure effective and efficient functioning of the proposed agency or authority o Budgetary requirements The engagement will be required to be delivered in three phases: Phase I: a. Information gathering and analysis – to gauge current state of IA/IP commercialization in other leading economies globally and in India b. Stakeholder consultations and roundtables– to gauge the status of IP financing infrastructure in the country, understanding of the key success factors in unlocking the potential of the IP financing system, key interventions required to strengthen the IA/IP financing ecosystem c. Final Report and India Intellectual Property Financing Strategy 2035 – including, o Results of the research conducted on laws/regulations and policies, IP financing models and best practices o India Intellectual Property Financing Strategy 2035 – including vision, strategic plan, institutional framework and other details o Implementation Mechanism – Recommendations on formation of working group and institutional framework for implementation of India Intellectual Property Financing Strategy 2030 Phase II: a. Formation of Working Group – Assist in forming the working group for implementation of strategic plan and necessary coordination and knowledge support for Working Group meetings b. Formation of Institutional Framework–Assistance in setting-up institutional framework (authority or agency) required for implementation of strategic plan Phase III: a. Roadmap for Strategic Plan Implementation – Development of roadmap for implementation of strategic plan by Working Group and Institutional Framework/ Authority/ Agency b. Implementation of Strategic Plan –Assistance to working group and institution/authority/agency for implementation of strategic plan in the initial stage of formation of Working Group and Institutional Framework/ Authority/ Agency 5.2.1. “Phase I (a.)” - Information gathering and analysis: analyze current state of IA/IP commercialization in other leading economies globally and in India, identify the challenges and obstacles affecting the implementation of IP financing in India This will involve collecting, organizing, processing, and analyzing data and information pertaining to laws/regulations and policies to support IP financing in India as well as IP financing models being implemented by countries like Singapore, China, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Japan and Jamaica, through: (i) Conducting desk research or other information gathering work from publications, information available through public domain, studies including WIPO/OECD reports, court cases, value of intangibles in Standard and Poor’s 500 companies and related India’s story, etc. (ii) Compiling data and statistical information available through the public domain, the internet, or other databases. (iii) Preparing a survey for IP stakeholders in India, including financial institutions to understand challenges and opportunities of IP backed financing in India and selected key economies leading in undertaking IP reforms globally (50-100 stakeholders to be surveyed) (iv) Preparing a questionnaire for interviews and conducting interviews of IP stakeholders including financial institutions, MSMEs, startups and/or other representatives from related organizations/bodies. (25-30 interviews with key stakeholders to be conducted) (v) Processing and analyzing all collected information. The research work will allow obtaining necessary inputs to identify and analyze the overall status of IP financing infrastructure in the country, the IP financing models, and practices being successfully implemented in major IP economies. The survey will also be undertaken to find out the challenges and obstacles affecting the implementation of IP financing in India. 5.2.2. “Phase I (b.)” Stakeholder Consultations and Roundtables - Workshops Conducting one-day workshops which will allow participants to share the status of IP financing infrastructure in the country and to strengthen the understanding of the key success factors in unlocking the potential of the IP financing system. The workshop also will provide an opportunity for the participants to share common issues that impede IP financing, seek solutions to overcome the difficulties and find answers together. The workshop shall be conducted in 6 major Patent filing states of India i.e., Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, and New Delhi. This workshop will provide the participants with the essential understanding of IP financing – what kinds of IP rights can be the object of IP financing, how financial and other authorities evaluate and analyze the value of IP, what are the required documents in applying for IP financing, and how to create the laws and regulations for IP financing. The workshop will also focus on collating from the participants/stakeholders, their experience with IP financing in the country, recommendations for the proposed strategic plan, institutional and implementation framework. Parts of the output from Information gathering and analysis’ will be shared at the workshop during a presentation at the plenary session. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss the output, give their valuable insights and feedback, in order to make the report more comprehensive and arriving at possible /interventions that facilitate and strengthen IP backed financing in the country. The inputs and results from the workshop discussions will be included in the final report. Activities to achieve the output will include: a. Organizing the one-day workshop (overall coordination, mailing possible attendees, invitation to panelists, survey for measuring results, agenda and sessions methodology, others). b. Sending the workshop invite along-with the agenda (sufficient notice before the workshop). c. Conducting the workshop according to the plan. d. Preparing a document with the activity results. -- Total Quantity :