
Tender For Providing And Fixing Of New Play Equipment At Ganesh Udhyan Kota, kota-Rajasthan

Urban Improvement Trust has published Tender For Providing And Fixing Of New Play Equipment At Ganesh Udhyan Kota. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-07-2024. Machine Tools Tenders in kota Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Providing And Fixing Of New Play Equipment At Ganesh Udhyan Kota
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Tender Details

Providing And Fixing Of New Play Equipment At Ganesh Udhyan Kota Supply and fixing of Multi Activity Play System having Hex Deck 5 Ht With Canopy I nos, Hex Deck 3, HtWith Canopy I nos Swinging Bridge 8 Long. I nos Mini Tube Slide 5 Ht. I nos Spriral Slide 5 Ht. I nos Cross &Zero Inos Vertical Loop Climber 3 Ht I nos Staircase 3 Ht. I nos Etc .Including All rcquired accessorise and pipes are virgin Galvanised steel confirming to IS :1161 and IS : 1239 (Part 10 of reputed make only). Pibre Glass reinfored plastics are made of top quality polyster resin of reputed brand, virgin quality standred glass made of reputed brand only. themoulding of FRP Is done by contact moulding and has minimum tensile strength of 60 mpa. swing seat is made of colourful synthetic reinforced rubber with heavy duty canvas and achequered nonskid top. Moulded components are made of Non- Ageing, nontoxic materials With U.V. Stabilizers. beaaring are of reputed make and press fitted for smooth rotation . bolt and nuts are totally galvanized and of reputed make . Fabrication Steel compoonents are welded by Co2/ electric are usingthe best Quality welding rods confirmig to IS : 814 All Welded joint are properlygrounded and coated with an epoxy sealant for rust resistance All sharp edges and comers are properly ground before painting. All sheet metal components are galvanizedfor rust resistance. Play system fix in ground in M-20 Concrete. Make Like Arihant, litt: Wonders, etc. 2 Supply And fixing multi Activityplay system having Hex deck 15with canopy I nos Spiral Slide 5 Ht. I nos Roller Slide 5 Ht. I nos Roto Rainling 2 nos , Double Swing I nos , spiral Climber 5 Ht. I nos. Etc . Including all required accessories and pipes are viegin Galvanised steel confirming to IS: 1161 and IS : 1239 (Part 10 of reputed make only ),fibre glass reinforced plastics are made oftop quality polyster resin of reputed brand , virgin quality standard glass made of reputed brand only , the moulding of FRP ia done bycontact moulding and has minimum tensile strenght of 60 Mpa. Swing seat is madeof colourful synthetic reinforced rubber with heavy duty canvas and 3 Supply and fixing Spiral slide system having platform height 3 mtr . With stair and slide etc. Including all required accessories and pipes are virgin galvanisedsteel confirming to IS : 1161 and 1239 (part 10 of reputed make only) , Fibre glass reinforced plastics are made of top quality polyster resin of reputed brand, virgin quality standrad glass made of reputed brand only. the moulding of FRP is done by contact moulding and minimum tensile streght of 60 Mpa Swing seat ismade of colourful synthetic reinforced rubber with heavy duty canvas and has a chequered nonskid top. moulding plastic moulded components are made of nontoxic materials with U.V. stabilizers . bearing are of reputed make and press fitted forsmooth rotation . bolt and nuts are totally galvanized and ofreputed make . FabricationSteel componentsare welded by Co20/ electric are welding using the best quality welding rods confirmingto IS : 814, all welding joint are poperly ground and coated with an epoxy sealant for rust resistance . All sharp edgesand comers are properly ground before painting . All sheet metal components aregalvanized for rust resistance. play system fix in ground in M - 20 concrete. Make Like Arihant , little wonders, etc. 4 Supply and fixing of Wave slide having platform height 2.1 mtr . From ground with stair and slide etc. Including all required accessories and pipes are virgin galvanised steel confirming to IS : 1161 and IS : 1239 (part 10 of reputed make only ) . Fiber glass reinforcedplastics are made of top quality polyster resin of reputed brandonly . the moulding of FRP is done by contact moulding and has minimum tesnile strenght of 60 Mpa. Swing seat is made of colourful synthetic reinforced rubber with heavy duty canvas and a cheqered non-skid top. Moulding plastic moulded components are made of non-ageing , Non-toxic materials with U.V. stabilizers . Bearing are of reputed make and press fitted for smooth rotation . Bolt and nuts are totally galvanized and of reputed make . Fabrication steel components are welded by Co2/electric are welding using the best quality welding rods confirming to IS : 814, All welded joint are proerly grounded and coated with an epoxy sealant for rust resistance . All sharp edges and comers are properly ground before painting . All sheet mental components are galvanized for rust resistance . Play system fix in ground inM-20 Concrete. Make Like Arihant , Litle Wonders, etc.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 08-07-2024 Date Extend Date 15-07-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1500 /-
INR 39200.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 19.60 Lakhs /-
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