
Supply Of Electrical Items , Ring Spanner Set 6-32 Make- Taparia , Ball Bearing 6205 Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6206Zz C3 , Ball Bearing 6208Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6306 Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6319 C3 , Ball Bearing 6312 Zz , Ball Bearing 6310 Zz , Ball Bearing 6310 C3, karnal-Haryana

Karnal Cooperative Sugar Mills Limited has published Supply Of Electrical Items , Ring Spanner Set 6-32 Make- Taparia , Ball Bearing 6205 Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6206Zz C3 , Ball Bearing 6208Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6306 Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6319 C3 , Ball Bearing 6312 Zz , Ball Bearing 6310 Zz , Ball Bearing 6310 C3. Submission Date for this Tender is 09-07-2024. Cutting Crimping and Punching Tools Tenders in karnal Haryana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supply Of Electrical Items , Ring Spanner Set 6-32 Make- Taparia , Ball Bearing 6205 Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6206Zz C3 , Ball Bearing 6208Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6306 Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6319 C3 , Ball Bearing 6312 Zz , Ball Bearing 6310 Zz , Ball Bearing 6310 C3
Open Tender

Tender Details

supply of Electrical Items , Ring Spanner Set 6-32 Make- Taparia , Ball Bearing 6205 Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6206Zz C3 , Ball Bearing 6208Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6306 Zzc3 , Ball Bearing 6319 C3 , Ball Bearing 6312 Zz , Ball Bearing 6310 Zz , Ball Bearing 6310 C3 , Ball Bearing 6315 C3 , Ball Bearing 6316 C3 , Ball Bearing 6318 C3 , Bearing 6202 , Chisel Make –Taparia , Painting Brush 4Mm , Painting Brush 6Mm , Viberator Regulator Controller V-220 Vac Make –Vaidini , Silicagel For Transformer , Crimping Tool Size-1.5Mm-16Mm Make –Jainson , 3Phase Induction Motor Kw-0.55, Hp-0.75 V-415, A-1.7 Frame-071 F, Rpm-1340, Make-Dharani (Asia Engg. ) Type -3Nd71f4 Po.75-B5, Pole-4 Mounting-B5 Sr. No. -20020003333 Connection-Y/ With Gear Box For Oltc-24 Mva Transformer Make-Voltemp) , Hammer 1 Kg , Make-Taparia , Synchroscope Voltage-110 Vac, Sr. No.- 03/18/041119/06 , I.S- 1248, Make- Electric Automatic Ltd. , Wd-40 , Led Well Glass Fitting Make- Crompton Product Descrietion-Lfl No. 150-Cdl/60-M Ordering Code-Lf500110-A2, Voltage-240 Ac , Motor 3 Phase Induction Ac Motormake –Siemens , Ile75011db235ga42, Kw1905 66, 30690522, Iec 60034-1, 160M, 1Mu1, Ip-55 Tn. Cl 155 (F) Loc- Pambc- 50 Degree V-415, Hz-50, Amp-21 Kw-11, D.F-0.8, Eff-89.8 Rpm-1465 (For Bearing Gear) , Frp Rod For Esp Total Length -1018Mm Stright Length-814Mm Tapper Length-102+102 Both Side = 204 Dia-50 Mmtapper Dia-38 Mm , Motor 3 Phase Induction Ac Motor, Kw-7.5 Amp-14, Rpm-1470 Eff-88.7, Pf-0.84 V-415, Conn-Delta Make-Siemens, Ip-55 Frame-160L Th. Cl 155(F), Hz-50 20 Degree Celcious Tempto 50 Deg. Temp. Il-Cl-Ie2 ( For Drum Feeder) , Motor 3 Phase Motor Induction Ac Motor Kw-1.5, Amp-3.3 Rpm-1440, Eff-84.3 P.F-0.76, V-415, Conn-Delta Make –Siemens Ip-55, Frame-100L Th. Cl 155(F), Hz-50 20 Degree To 50 Deg. Temp , D.O.L Starter Make –L&T Mk-01 , 3.7Kw , Insulation Varnish Spray-Bottle Dr. Beck , Loctite-641 Packing 50 Ml , Crc Sparay Industrial Green Make , Nylon Twisted Brush Size 1” , Nylon Twisted Brushsize 1.5” , Brasso Cleaner 200 Ml , Painting Brush 1” , Painting Brush 2” , Painting Brush3” , Painting Brush4” , Push Button Element No. Type Rb2-Be-101 With Mushroom Type Actuator Make-Tc , Push Button Element Nc-Type Rb2-Be-102 With Mushroom Type Actuator Make –Tc , Rectifier For Solenoid Valve 24Vac/24Vdc, Make –Mic , Transformer 415 Vac/24Vac 500 Va, Make-National , Serew Driver T-10, Taparia , Screw Driver T-20 Taparia , Combination Insulated Plier Make –Taparia , Nose Plier (10 Inch) , Pvc Tape Make –Steel Grip , Cotton Tape Size-1” Make- Lotus 303/301 , Empire Tape Size-1” , H.T Tape, Size-1” , Pu Foam Spray, Make-Abro (750 Ml Bottle ) , Switch 5 Amp. Make –Anchor , Socket-5 Amp.Make-Anchor , Socket-15 Amp, Anchor , Plug Top -5 Amp Anchor , Fan Regular Electronic Make-Anchor , High-Bay Led Light 150 Watt Product Code-Lhb-11-Ed-160-M, 220 Vac Make –Crompton , Led Street Light Mode-Endura Pearl Plus Item Code-Lhdb-Patj 100 Watt. 220 Vac Make –Havells , Led Wall Glass Light 40 Watt-220 Volt, Make-Crompton , Led Tube Light Fitting 25 Watt, 220 Vac, 4Ft. Make-Havells/Philips , P.T Bulb 100 Watt/220 Vac Make-Philips , Pvc Flexible Unarmoured Copper Cable 2 Core 1.5Mm , Pvc Flexible Unarmoured Copper Cable 3 Core 1.5Mm , Pvc Flexible Unarmoured Copper Cable 3 Core 2.5Mm , Pvc Flexible Unarmoured Copper Cable 3 Core 4Mm , Pvc Flexible Unarmoured Copper Cable 3 Core 6Mm , Multi Plug 5 Amp.Make-Anchor , Bell Swich 5A Make –Anchor , Ceiling Rose Make –Anchor , Riano Type-Switch 6 Amp , Riano Type-Socket-6A-5 Pin Make –Anchor , Riano Type Switch, 16A, Anchor , Modul Socket Lock-Type 16A-5Pin , Mcb 2 Pole 32 Ac Curve, Make –L&T , Mcb 2 Pole 40 Ac Curvemake-L&T , Pvc Copper Wire Flexible 1 Core 1Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Copper Wire Flexible 1 Core 1.5Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Copper Wire Flexible 1 Core 2.5 Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Copper Wire Flexible 1 Core 4Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Copper Wire Flexible 1 Core 6Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Copper Wire Flexible 1 Core 10 Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Unarmourd Aluminium Cable 2C 1.5Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Unarmourd Aluminium Cable 2C 10Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Copper Flexible Wire 2 Core/1Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Copper Flexible Wire 2 Core/ 1.5Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Copper Flexible Wire 2 Core/2.5Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Copper Flexible Wire 3Core/1Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Industrialwall Fan Size-18” Make-Crompton/Orient , Ceiling Fan Size 48” Make –Crompton/Hevells , Pvc Copper Wire Flexible 3 Core 1.5Mm Polycab/Havell/R.R Cable , Pvc Clamp 6Mm , Pvc Clamp 8Mm , Pvc Clamp 10Mm , Pvc Clamp 25Mm , Pvc Gitty , Fan Regulator-Switch Type Make- Orient , Hamer Drill Bit -6.5Mm , Brass Machine Serew 3/16”X1” , Brass Machine Serew 3/16”X1.5” , Bata Screw 1” , Bata Screw 1.5” , Insulated Screw Driver 6” Make –Taparia , Insulated Screwdriver 12” Make –Taparia , Three Leg Bearing Puller Pahal Three Leg 8 Inch Make- Skf , Insulation Tester Analogue Waco W1506, 500 Volt , Impact Screw Driver Set Make-Taparia B53 Packo F31 , Line Tester, 500 V, Make-Taparia , Screw Driver T-10 , Make-Taparia , Screw Driver T-20, Make-Taparia , Emery Paper Rough , Emery Paper Fine , Transformer 415 Vac/230Vac 2Kva, Make-National , Plug Top15 Amp. Make-Anchor , Vfd With Panel (Cabinet) Acs 580-04-585 A-4 +E208+E210+J410 +J425 Input V1-300400, 480 Vac, I-585, 573A, F1-50,60 Hz Output-V2-300400, 480 Vac, I2-585, 573 A, F2-0-500Hz Make-Abb Origin Finland Made In Finland Abb Oy, Hio Motie 1300380 Helsinki Frame-R10 Air Cooling- Icc65ka, 1800 Secr 100Ka Uc-Open Type, 1E2(90:100)

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