
Bids Are Invited For Supply Of Bsc And Msc Nursing Books At Aiims Bibinagar Hyderabad Total Quantity : 500, Hyderabad-Telangana

Department Of Health And Family Welfare has published Bids Are Invited For Supply Of Bsc And Msc Nursing Books At Aiims Bibinagar Hyderabad Total Quantity : 500. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-07-2024. Book Supply Tenders in Hyderabad Telangana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Bids Are Invited For Supply Of Bsc And Msc Nursing Books At Aiims Bibinagar Hyderabad Total Quantity : 500
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Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Supply of BSC and MSC Nursing books at AIIMS Bibinagar Hyderabad , Fundamentals of nursing Kozier and Erbs , Fundamentals of Nursing Carol R Taylor , A comprehensive Textbook of nursing foundation I and II S K Mohanasundari , Nursing foundation I and II I Clement , Fundamentals of nursing Potter and perry , Nursing foundation B T Basavanthappa , Fundamental of nursing CP Thresyamma , Textbook of nursing foundation Meenakshi Kubade , Principle practice of nursing arts procedure Sr Nancy , Lippincott manual of nursing practice Lippincott Williamns and Wilkins , Manual of nursing procedure and practice volume I and II Omayal Achi , Clinical procedure the art of nursing practice Annamma Jacob , Principle and practice of nursing procedure Sr Nancy , Clinical nursing procedure Sandhya Ghai , Essentials of basic nursing procedure CP Thresyamma , Practical Nursing Procedure L C Guptas , Health assessment in nursing Janet R weber , Health assessment for nursing practice Susan fickertt Wilson , Nursing health assessment Sharon Jensen , BATES guide to physical examination South Asian edition Lynn S Bickley , First Aid Handbook National Safety Alton L Thygerson , First Aid Handbook Anita Kerwin Nye , The comprehensive handbook on first aid management S k Mohanasundari , First aid for nurses T K Indrani , Manual of first aid LC Gupta , Textbook on first aid and emergency nursing I Clement , Essentials of first aid for nursing Maheshwari Loganathan , Billiards Nurses Dictionary for nurses and health care workers Jayne Tailor , Nurses dictionary UN Panda , Nurses dictionary S Bansal , Dictionary for nurses Jacintha DSouza , Pocket dictionary for nurses LC Gupta , Oxford mini dictionary for nurses OUP UK Elizabeth A Martin , Nurses dictionary Celestina Francis , Mosbys Nurses drug reference Mosbys , Nursing drug book Dolly Dominic , Lippincott pocket drug guide for nurses Lippincott Williams and Wilkins , Nursing drug handbook Saunders , Nurses drug guide Pearson , Psychology for nurses Stphen babu , Psychology Baron and Misra , Basic and applied psychology for nurses Sai Lakshmi Gandhi , Textbook of applied psychology Preethi Agrawal and Vinod Gupta , Applied psychology for nurses R Sreevani , Applied psychology for nurses Xavier Belsiyal , Psychology for B Sc Nursing Sharanjit Kaur , Psychology for Graduate Nursing Jacob Anthikad , Textbook of applied sociology and psychology Prakash , Textbook of applied sociology Rebecca Shaliesh Jhadav , Applied sociology for nurses Purnima Khanna , Textbook of applied sociology and psychology for nurses Shiv shankar Tyagi , Applied sociology for nurses R sreevani , Essentials of sociology Gowda K , Applied sociology Suresh R , Textbook of applied sociology for nurses TK Indrani , Textbook of applied sociology Neelam kumari , Text book of Sociology for Nursing Students K P Neeraja , Sociology for nurses John M , Sociology for Nurses Neeraj Sethi , Text Book of Microbiology Ananthanarayan And Panikers , Microbiology for Nursing Seema Sood , Microbiology for Nurses R L Ichhpujani Rajesh Bhatia , Microbiology for Nursing Priyanka Puri , Textbook of Microbiology for Nursing Students R R Rao , Microbiology for Nurses R L Ehhapujani , Microbiology in Nursing R Panjarathinam , Textbook of microbiology for nursing C P Baveja , Essentials of microbiology for nurses I Kannan , Applied microbiology for B Sc Nursing C P Baveja , Applied microbiology and infection control safety Dipak Sethi and Sukhbir Kaur , Applied microbiology and infection control safety Anju Dhir , Microbiology for nurses Sandeep Kaur , Microbiology for nurses B S Nagoba , Textbook of microbiology for nursing Balaji Veeraraghavan , Handbook of Food and Nutrition Dr M Swaminathan , Applied Microbiology Preeti Agarwal , Guide to Calories , Nursing Manual of Nutrition and Therapeutic Diet T K Indrani , Food and Nutrition Shabnam Masih , A textbook of nutrition for nurses Molly sam , Apollo clinical nutrition handbook Anita Jatana , Textbook of nutrition and dietetics Monika Sharma , A Comprehensive Textbook Of Nutrition And Therapeutic Diets For Bsc Nursing Students Darshan sohi , A textbook of food and nutrition for nurses Savita Budhwar , Food and nutrtion for nurses Ruma singh , A practical handbook of food and nutrition Dr Jayashree Mishra , Dietetics Srilakshmi , Text book of Biochemistry for Dental Nursing Pharmacy Students N F I M N Chatterjee , Nutrition Biochemistry for B Sc Nursing Sharanjit Kaur , Biochemistry U Sathyanarayana , Textbook of applied biochemistry and nutrition dietetics for BSc Nursing Harbans Lal , Textbook of applied biochemistry for BSc Nursing Dr N Sarath Chandra bose , Textbook of applied biochemistry for BSc Nursing Sherin Vargheese , Applied biochemistry for Nursing Manjula shantaram , Nutrition and biochemistry for nurses Jacob Anthikad , Text book of Biochemistry for Bs c Nursing Pankaja Naik , Basic and applied biochemistry nutrition and dietetics for nursing Sheila John , Applied biochemistry Alok Rawat , Anatomy of Physiology for Nurses Winwood J C Smith , Anatomy Physiology for Nurses Inderbir Singh , Anatomy Physiology for Nurses Evelyn C Pearce , Pathology and Physiology R K Maurya , Text book of Anatomy Physiology for Nurses P R Ashalatha , Textbook of Anatomy Inderbir Singh , Essential clinical Anatomy Keith L Moore , Textbook of Anatomy Physiology for Nurses P R Ashalata , Ross and Wilson Anatomy and physiology in health and illness international edition Waugh , B D chaurasias applied anatomy and physiology for Bsc Nurisng students Garg K , Textbook of applied anatomy and physiology for Bsc Nurisng students applied anatomy and physiology for Bsc Nurisng students Indu Khurana , Anatomy and physiology and health education Rohini Agarwal , Textbook of applied Anatomy Physiology for Nurses with free practical work book Mukesh Kumar Chhipa , English for Nurses and Medical Professionals Subrato Guha , General English for Nurses Raman Chadha , Communicative English for general Nursing Students Tam Koaklacala , English for Nursing J Sarumath , Communicative English for nurses Shama Lohumi , Communicative English for nurses Sharma L , Communicative English for B Sc Nursing Bandana , English for professional nursing David , Career English for nurses Selva Rose , Communicative English for nurses Shalu Sharma , Computers for Nurses Naveen Thacker , Computer for nurses Randhir , Computer for nurses NC JAin , Computer for nurses Ashok Kumar , Nursing informatics and technology Deepak Sethi , Textbook of health Nursing informatics and technology for BSc Nurisng students Disha Gupta , Textbook of pathology and genetics for nurses Ramadas Nayak , Textbook of pathology and genetics for nurses Sonal Sharma , Pathology and genetics for nurses K Swamionathan , Pathology for nurses Navneet Kumari , Review of pathology and genetics Gobind Rai Garg , Text book of pathology and genetics Purnima S Rao , Textbook of pathology and genetics for nurses Preethi Agarwal , Pathology II and Genetics M kavimani , Textbook of pathology and genetics for B Sc nurses Krishnaraj , Textbook of pathology and genetics for B Sc nurses Madam Kumar , Text book of Pharmacology pathology and genetics for nurses Dipak Sethi , Pharmacology for Nurses Allied Performs K D Chaudhari , Pharmacology for nurses Padmaja Udaykumar , Pharmacology for B Sc Nursing S K Srivastava , Text book of Pharmacology for B Sc nursing students Gurleen Kaur Prithpal , Text book of Pharmacology for B Sc nursing students Joginder Singh Pathania , Text book of Pharmacology nurses Thakur Rohit singh , Pharmacology for nurses Shanbhag , Pharmacology for nurses Shabnam Masih , Pharmacology I and II Margret Chandria , Essentials of pharmacology for nurses Panwar PK , Text book of Nursing Education K P Neeraja , Essentials of communication and education technology for BSc nursing Gopichandran , Nursing Education B T Baswanthappa , Essentials Of Nursing Education Jaya Kurulla , Nursing education made easy Elakkuvana Bhaskara Raj , Comprehensive text book of nursing education Jaspreet Kaur Sodhi , Textbook on introduction to nursing education I clement , Communication and education technology Suresh K Sharma , Text book of Nursing Education Latha Venkatesan , Nursing communication and education technology Pramila R , Learning and teaching in nursing B Shankar Narayanan , Introduction to nursing education Hardeep Kaur mal , Introduction to nursing education Eshita chanda Total Quantity : 500

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