
Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipments, birbhum-West Bengal

Government Departments has published Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipments. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-07-2024. Blood Pressure Units and Related Products Tenders in birbhum West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipments
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Lab Equipments-- 1 SLIDE CALIPERS 2 SCREW GAUGE 3 Set up to measure radius of curvature of a convex/concave surface using Spherometer 4 Set up to find the co-efficient of friction between wood and glass using a horizontal board 5 Standard quality Hookes law apparatus 6 Flywheel with shaft 7 Stoke’s law apparatus for viscosity measurement 8 co-efficient of linear expansion of the material of a rod. 9 BOYLE’S LAW APPARATUS 10 STANDARD FORTIN’S BAROMETER 11 HYDROSTATIC BALANCE 12 Set up to determine and verify the time period of oscillation of a cantilever 13 Set up to verify laws of refraction (Snell’s law) using a glass slab 14 set up to determine focal length and magnifying power of a convex lens by u-v method 15 Set up to verify Ohm’s law by plotting graph between current and potential difference. 16 To verify laws of resistances in series by P.O.box. Andlaws of resistances in parallel by using Ammeter and Volt meter 17 Kit to verify Kirchhoff’s law using electrical circuits 18 Set up to find resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method. 19 Set up to convert a galvanometer into an ammeter. 20 Set up to verify inverse square law of radiations using a photo-electric cell. 21 PN Jn Diode characteristics trainer ( for Forward & Reverse characteristics curves expt) (Compact) 22 Parallel plate capacitor parameters measurement kit 23 Analytical Balance 24 Digital PH meter 25 Digital conductivity meter 26 Digital colorimeter 27 Complete set for Thin Layer Chromatography 28 Arsenic set (For Laboratory) 29 Digital Thermometer or Normal Thermometer 30 Water Bath 31 Redwood Viscometer 32 ABLES FLASH POINT Apparatus 33 Daniel - Cell for EMF measurement 34 Soil Core cutter 35 Hydraulic Bench with facility for 11 experiments 36 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test Instrument for Concrete 37 Total Station 38 DO Meter 39 Conductivity Meter 40 Turbidity Meter 41 Arsenic Kit 42 Jar Test Apparatus 43 Balance 44 Hot Plate/ Stirrer 45 Filtration Assembly 46 Distilled Water plant 47 BOD Incubator 48 Vacuum Pump 49 Hot Air Oven 50 Vacuum desiccator 51 COD digester 52 Civil Engineering Model ofPlumbing pipe fitting, complete set in a multistorey housing complex (Inclusive of all types ofnecessary connection) 53 Civil Engineering Model of septic tank with soak pit 54 Civil Engineering Model of Slab culvert, Pipe culvert 55 Civil Engineering Model of King post and queen post timber truss 56 Civil Engineering Model of Fink type steel roof Struss 57 Reinforcement details: One way slab reinforcement 58 Reinforcement details: Two-way slab reinforcement 59 Reinforcement details: Simple, continuous and fixed beam reinforcement (3Nos. Each) 60 Reinforcement details: Column and footing reinforcement (3Nos. Each) 61 Reinforcement details: Stair case reinforcement (dog-legged) (2Nos. Each) 62 Reinforcement details: Lintel with chajja showing reinforcement 63 Irrigation Engineering Model: 64 Transport Engineering Model: 65 Steel connection (riveted and welded): 66 Building Materials Model:Full Brick King closure,Queen closure 67 Building Materials Model:Brick joint and pillar 68 Environmental Engineering Model: Water treatment plant 69 Environmental Engineering Model: Waste water treatment plant 70 Hand held GPS 71 Volumetric flask Borosilicate 500ml A class 72 Plane Table Survey Equipment 73 SPECTROPHOTOMETER 74 Air Permeability Apparatus (Blaine type) 75 Vernier Transit Theodolite & Accessories 76 D.C. power supply 77 Anderson bridge to measure unknown inductance 78 Schering bridge to measure unknown capacitance 79 Single phase electronic (digital) energy meter 80 Three phase electronic (digital) energy meter 81 Kelvin double bridge 82 Maxwells bridge 83 500V megger 84 Analog Oscilloscope (20MHz Dual Trace ) with Component Tester 85 Dual channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope 50 MHz. 86 C.T. & P.T. testing trainer kit 87 Function Generator 88 Training kit for study of Kirchhoff’s Current & Voltage Law 89 Series parallel resonance of R-L-C ckt. 90 Training kit for design of parallel resonance circuit 91 Training kit for design of series resonance circuit 92 Training kit for verification of- a) Superposition theorem. b) Thevenin’s theorem. c) Norton’s theorem. d) Maximum power transfer theorem. 93 Display board containing sample of different types of Overhead Conductors, Underground Cables. 94 Sample of different types ofLine supports and Line Insulators. 95 Power Factor Meter 96 AC distributor simulator 97 Experimental setup for Speed control of 1 HP Induction Motor (Frequency Changing with required Panel & VVVF drive and other accessories). 98 Synchronization of two 3 phase alternators (1 KVA, 415V) by synchroscope &. Pannel should comprises of frequency meter: 2nos; 99 Experimental set up for load test of 3 phase 2 HP Induction Motor 100 Three phase, 415 V, 2HP SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR with excitation control 101 Slip ring I/M 3 hp,400v,1500 rpm to determine effect of rotor resistance on T/S curve 102 Experimental set up for load test and O.C. & S.C. test of three phase alternator. 103 The direct load test on 1 HP single phase induction motor to determine the efficiency and speed regulation for different loads. 104 Speed Control of the steppermotor with reversing facility 105 A.C.Motor Drives (variable voltage variable frequency) 106 Relay testing kit withrelay to test neumerical/ static over current (Industrial grade) 107 Current differential relay , IDMT type 3 phase transformer with fault creation arrangement . 108 Testing of Directional Over Current Relay (DOCR) [ Industrial grade]by Relay Testing Kit. 109 Simulator fordifferential protection scheme for transformer with power system simulation kit. 110 IDMT type over current/ earth fault relay trainer kit. 111 Kit for demonstrating the operation of single phasing preventer by creating single phasing fault of a 3-ph induction motor with D.O.L. starter. : 112 Transmission line protection simulation Kit 113 Testing of static distance protection relay using Relay Testing Kit. 114 Pyranometer with Shading ring facility: 115 Complete set up of Poly crystalline silicon PV Cell to measure the cell parameters – O.C. voltage (Voc), Short circuit current (Isc), Voltage-Current-Power at Maximum Power point (Vmp, Imp, Mpp), Fill factor, Efficiency. 116 One piece Flat plate collector with complete set up and measuring facility of temperature, flow, pressure. 117 Box type solar cooker with varying reflector: 118 Complete set up to measure thermal performance of a solar water heating system 119 400W Small Wind Turbine (SWT) system to generate electricity 120 Complete set up of 40 Watt, 12 V DC solar street lighting system for student demonstration. Necessary components with installation are required. 121 Set up to test the proper functioning of DIAC to determine the break over voltage and plot its V-I characteristics 122 Set up to test the variation of R, C in R and RC triggering circuits on firing angle of SCR and observe the firing angles with R,C variation. 123 Set up to perform the operation of Class – A, B, C commutation circuits of SCR. 124 Set up to observe the output waveform of half wave-controlled rectifier using SCR with resistive load and determine the load voltage at different firing angles and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 125 Set up to observe the output waveform of Full wave-controlled rectifier with R load, RL load and with freewheeling diode and determine the load voltage at different firing angles and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 126 Set up to determine the firing angle using DIAC and TRIAC phase-controlled circuit on output power under different loads such as lamp, motor and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 127 Set up to perform speed control of DC series / DC separately excited motor using SCR and observe the speed in digital meterand firing angles in CRO 128 Set up to perform speed control of 3-phase Induction motor using PWM inverter. Interpret speed-torque characteristics. Use variable voltage variable frequency drive. 129 Training kit for 8051 Microcontrollerhaving facility to interface with PC 130 a)Operation of a stepper motor with a fixed no.of steps and to determine the angular displacement per step by measuring the total angular rotation interfacingwith 8051 microcontroller kit and PC. and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 131 a)Setup for measurement of ac voltage, current, frequency and phase angle difference (either between two voltages or between voltage and current) using suitable PT, CT, Zero crossing detectors, A/D converters etc. using 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC.; also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 132 Setup for run and test Speed Control of a D.C. motor and note speed vs. Load characteristics at open loop condition using 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC.and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 133 Setup forrun and test Traffic light Control with 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC.and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 134 Setup for run and test Over voltage/under voltage andover current/under current relay circuit by 8051 microcontroller kit andwith suitable hardware circuit and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 135 PLC TRAINER MODULE -1 136 PLC TRAINER MODULE -2 137 PLC TRAINER MODULE - 3 138 PLC TRAINER MODULE -4 139 Complete set up of PLC with analog and digital I/Os with PC 140 Push button switches 141 ON Delay timer 142 OFF delay timer 143 Three phase electromagnetic contactor 144 Make & test the control and power circuit for forward and reverse rotation of sq. cage induction motor using contactor circuit. 145 Make & test the control and power circuit for automatic star-delta starter operation of sq. cage 146 Dynamic braking of three phase squirrel cage induction motor using contactor control. 147 Set up to measure the output voltage of chopper for resistive load by varying the frequency and /or duty cycle of chopper. 148 Set up to measure change of speed of given D.C. series motor by varying armature voltage using step down chopper. 149 Set up to measure change of speed of the given D.C. separately excited motor by varying voltage using step down chopper. 150 Set up to control the speed of theseparately exited DC motor by changing the firing angle of SCR using single phase full converter and measure the speed. 151 Set up to control the speed of a three phase induction motor by using constant V/f method and facility to plot the graph between speed and frequency. 152 Set up to control the speed of a three phase induction motor by varying frequency and facility to plot the graph between speed and frequency. 153 Set up to control the speed of a single-phase capacitor split phase induction motor using DIAC –TRIAC circuit and facility to measure speed. 154 Set up to control the speed of a DC motor using DC drives and microcontroller. 155 Experimental setup for Dielectric Strength test set for transformer oil 156 Experimental kit for the measurement of Linear displacement by LVDT & plotting of characteristics curve of it. 157 Experimental setup for Measurement of temperature usingThermocouple,RTD, Thermister. 158 Experimental setup for the measurement of Strain using Strain Guaze 159 Experimental setup for the measurement of flow of liquid using Rotameter 160 Stroboscope gun 161 Experimental kit of diffentiator and integrator using IC 741. 162 Experimentalkit for Instrumentation amplifier using IC 741. 163 Experimental set up to measure and control the temperature offurnace/ machine using thermocouple.. 164 Heat run test of a single phase transformer 165 Infrared camera 166 Test kit for verification of Input and output characteristics of BJT in Common Base (CB) mode 167 Test kit for verification of Input and output characteristics of BJT in Common Emitter (CE) mode 168 Test kit for verification of the characteristics of JFET / MOSFET 169 Test kit for Relaxation Oscillator using UJT 170 Test kit for Voltage Regulator IC 7805, 7905 171 Test kit for Half Adder, Full Adder, Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor 172 Test kit for SR, D, JK and T Flip-flops 173 Test kit for Encoder and Decoder 174 Test kit for Multiplexer and Demultiplexer circuit 175 Test kit for binary Asynchronous or Synchronous counter 176 Test kit for controlled shift register to verify SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO operation 177 Test kit for A/D converter 178 Test kit for D/A converter 179 Automatic Power Factor Controller (3Phase, 3CTs) 180 Experimental set up to compare power consumption of different types of TL with electromagnetic ballast, electronic ballast and LED lamps 181 Experimental set up to determine the reduction in power consumption in star mode operation of Induction motor compared to delta mode at different load conditions. 182 Experimental set up to determine the reduction in power consumption by replacement of Fans and regulators 183 A model of fire tube boiler with accessories and parts for teaching students in lab 184 A prototype model of a water tube boiler showing various sections and parts such as water tubes , super heater economizer, firing burners, bottom and top headers, primary and secondary air circuits, pulverizes, air preheaters etc point for teaching students in lab 185 A model of a steam turbine prototype containing various parts like main steam stop valve, governor valves, runners blades, fixed blade , connecting tube etcfor teaching students in lab 186 Cut-section model of peltom wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbines 187 A model of traction transformer to identify its various parts 188 A model of pantograph and bow collector 189 Actual Cut Section Model of Differential Gear Box 190 Actual Cut Section Model of 3:1 Speed type Synchromesh Gear Box 191 Actual Cut Section Model of Air Brake System 192 Cut Section Model of single plate coil spring type clutch 193 Model of Battery Charging System with Dynamo 194 CentrifugalPump TestRig 195 Electro-Pneumatic Trainer Kit 196 Oil Hydraulic Circuit Trainer Unit 197 Surface Grinding Machine 198 Dial Indicators (Metric Standard) with Magnetic Stand with Fine Adjustment 199 Cut section model of actual4-cylinder 4-stroke diesel engine (Study and demonstration of the construction and working of four-stroke IC engine and identify different components of it.) 200 Four Stroke Four Cylinder Petrol Engine Test Rig (Conduct trial on Petrol Engine Test Rig to find out the Brake Thermal Efficiency and Brake Specific Fuel Consumption.) 201 Four Stroke Four Cylinder Diesel Engine Test Rig (Conduct trial on Diesel Engine Test Rig to find out the Brake Thermal Efficiency and Brake Specific Fuel Consumption.) 202 Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine Cut Section Model along with Valve Timing Diagram Arrangement 203 Cut Section Model of Impulse Turbine 204 Model of Burden tube pressure gauge 205 Experimental set up of Separating & Throttling Steam Calorimeter with Boiler 206 Model of La-Mont Boiler (water tube boiler) 207 Cut Section Model of following Boiler Mountings and Accessories 208 Cut out Model of Reciprocating Compressor 209 Cut section Model of Centrifugal Compressor 210 Stefan-Boltzmann’s Apparatus, 211 THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF METAL ROD, For Laboratory, Copper 212 Cut Section Model of Shell & Tube Heat exchanger 213 Cut Section Model of Plate type Heat exchanger 214 Actual model (old) of a room air-conditioner (window / split type). 215 Digital Universal Testing Machine 216 Digital Torsion testing machine 217 Haemocytometer with Micropipettes 218 Sphygmomanometers 219 Stethoscopes Analog 220 Models for various organs 221 Specimen for various organs and systems 222 Human Skeleton and bones 223 IR Thermometer 224 First aid equipment 225 Stop watch 226 Dummy Inhalers and Nebulizer 227 Pharmacotherapeutic charts for various diseases & disorders 228 Surgical devices and Sutures 229 Digital BP Instrument 230 Digital Thermometer 231 Pulse Oximeter 232 ESR Apparatus (Westergren and Wintrobe) 233 Peak Flow meter 234 Stadiometer 235 Adult Weighing Scale (150 kg) 236 Glucometer 237 Permanent slide set of plants and charts for Pharmacognosy Lab 238 Various types of PPE Kits 239 Charts /displays/ AVs on tobacco control, glycemic index of foods, nutrition, reproductive health 240 Water Testing Kit 241 Permanent slide of different microbes 242 Analytical Balances for demonstration 243 Magnetic Stirrers with Thermostat 244 Wall Mounted Water Distillation Unit 245 Nessler’s Cylinders 246 Thieles Tube 247 Digital balance (10mg) 248 Standard sieves, sieve no. 8, 10, 12, 22, 24, 44, 54, 60, 80, 85, 100, 120 249 Microscopes Binocular 250 Magnetic stirrer, 500ml and 1 litter capacity with speed control 251 Tablet counter – small size 252 Electric water bath unit 253 Stalagmometer 254 Filtration assembly with Vacuum Pump 255 Andreasen’s Pipette 256 Micrometre slide Stage 257 Micrometre slide Eyepiece 258 Viscometer Ostwald 259 Stop watch 260 Refrigerator 261 Sieve shaker with sieve set 262 All-purpose equipment with all accessories 263 Liquid Filling Machine 264 Ampoule washing machine 265 Ampoule filling and sealing machine (Jet Burner) 266 knee cap 267 LS belts 268 Abdominal belt 269 Walker 270 Walking sticks 271 Different Types of bandages such As sterile gauze, cotton, crepe bandages, roll bandage etc. 272 Mannequins for CPR-1 (with indication Signals) 273 Mannequins for injection IV Arm 274 Variety of Needles 275 Variety of Syringes 276 Variety of catheters 277 IV set 278 Urine Bag 279 RYLE’s tube 280 Urine pots 281 Colostomy bags 282 Oxygen masks 283 GLASS FUNNEL Borosilicate, 4 INCH DIA 284 GLASS FUNNEL Borosilicate, 2 INCH DIA 285 GLASS CONICAL FLASK Borosilicate, 250 ML 286 STOPPERED CONICAL FLASK Borosilicate, 250 ML 287 WASH BOTTLES Borosilicate, 500 ML 288 GLASS DROPPER1ML calibrated 289 STAINLESS STEEL SPATULA 290 MEASURING CYLINDER Borosilicate, 100ML 291 MEASURING CYLINDER Borosilicate, 50ML 292 MEASURING CYLINDER Borosilicate, 10ML 293 BEAKER Borosilicate, 100ML 294 BEAKERBorosilicate, 250ML 295 Mortar & pestle China clay, Dia 13.5 x 11 H cm 296 Mortar & pestle Glass, Dia 13.5 x 11 H cm 297 Test tube Borosilicate glass 100ML without rim 298 Test tube Borosilicate glass 20ML with rim 299 Test tube Borosilicate glass 100ML with rim 300 Beaker with spout (suitable for heating) Borosilicate glass A class 50ml 301 Beaker with spout (suitable for heating) Borosilicate glass A class 1000ml 302 Beaker with spout (suitable for heating) Borosilicate glass A class 500ml 303 Erlenmeyer flask Borosilicate glass 250 ml 304 Bulb pipetteBorosilicate glass 25 ml 305 BuretteBorosilicate glass 50 ml 306 Burette stand with clamp (high) 307 Dropper 308 Fusion tube 309 Nessler cylinder 310 Nessler cylinder stand 311 Borosilicate bulb type 10 ml Pipette 312 Borosilicate graduated type 10 mlPipette 313 Borosilicate bulb type 25 mlPipette 314 Borosilicate graduated type 25 mlPipette 315 Borosilicate bulb type 50 mlPipette 316 Pipette Borosilicate graduated type 50 ml 317 Volumetric flask Borosilicate 1000ml A class 318 Volumetric flask Borosilicate 100ml A class 319 Volumetric flask Borosilicate 50ml A class 320 Volumetric flask Borosilicate 25ml A class

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 10-07-2024 UTM 100 ton Technical Bid 22-07-2024
2 13-07-2024 Bank_Solvency Technical Bid 22-07-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
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INR 20000.0 /-
Tender Value
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