
Tender For Repair/ Replacement/ Maintenance Of Lt Distribution System In Domestic Area And Security Lights Along With Connected Items At Af Stn Bhisiana, bhisiana-Punjab

Military Engineer Services has published Tender For Repair/ Replacement/ Maintenance Of Lt Distribution System In Domestic Area And Security Lights Along With Connected Items At Af Stn Bhisiana. Submission Date for this Tender is 04-09-2024. Cushioning Supplies Tenders in bhisiana Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

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Corrigendum : Tender For Repair/ Replacement/ Maintenance Of Lt Distribution System In Domestic Area And Security Lights Along With Connected Items At Af Stn Bhisiana
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Tender Details

Tender For Repair/ Replacement/ Maintenance Of Lt Distribution System In Domestic Area And Security Lights Along With Connected Items At Af Stn Bhisiana-- 1 Excavation in trenches not exc. 1.5 m wide and notexceeding 1.5m depth for foundation of poles/laying of cables/stay/strut etc not exceeding 10 Sq m on planand getting out in soft/loose soil, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 2 Returning,filling including spreading, leveling watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25 cm, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 3 Removing excavated material (soil) not exceeding 50m and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5 mtr above the starting point, omplete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 4 M&L forFazilka river sand as in sand cushioning to under ground cable including punning down of thickness 180mm sand in layers, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 5 M&L for brick protection cover of UG cable by old size bricks common burnt clay building bricks sub class `B’ laid dry and flat abutting each other with width equal to length of brick and gap between adjacent brick not exceeding 10mm, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 6 M&L for making bore below the road for crossing the GI pipe light grade 50 mm dia for cable protection and fill the putty on bothsides of the GI pipe after crossing the armoured cable to avoid the water insidecomplete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 7 M&L for making bore below the road for crossing the GI pipe light grade 80 mm dia for cable protection and fill the putty on bothsides of the GI pipe after crossing the armoured cable to avoid the water insidecomplete all as specified and directed by Engr-in-charge. 8 M&L for GI pipe80 mm dia. , light grade, galvanised, with all fitting; laid in trenches complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 9 M&L for GI pipe50 mm dia. , light grade, galvanised, with all fitting; laid in trenches complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 10 M&L for taking down unserviceableLT UG cable any type from trenches and removing the fault and relaying ofLTUG cable after rectifing the fault and making cable in serviceable condition of 1100 V grade UG cableof size from 185 to 240 sq mm, 3½ core including relaying of bricks and sand complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge.( NOTE : Striaght through joints measure and paid seaprately ) NOTE (a)Striaght through joints measure and paid seaprately (b)Excavation, Returning, filling, removal,will be measured and paid separately. 11 M&L for taking down unserviceableLT UG cable any type from trenches and removing the fault and relaying ofLTUG cable after rectifing the fault and making cable in serviceable condition of 1100 V grade UG cable of size from 70 to120 sq mm, 3½ core including relaying of bricks and sand complete all as specified.NOTE (a)Striaght through joints measure and paid seperately. (b)Excavation, Returning, filling, removal,will be measured and paid separately. 12 M&L for taking down unserviceableLT UG cable any type from trenches and removing the fault and relaying ofLTUG cable after rectifing the fault and making cable in serviceable condition of 1100 V grade UG cable of size from10 to 50 sq mm, 2 to 4 core including relaying of bricks and sand complete all as specifiedNOTE (a)Striaght through joints measure and paid seperately. (b)Excavation, Returning, filling, removal,will be measured and paid separately. 13 Taking down LT cable 1100 Volts grade heavy duty UG cable XLPE/PVC of size from 185 to 240 sq mm, 3½ core, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 14 Taking down LT cable 1100 Volts grade heavy duty UG cable XLPE/PVC of size from 70 to 150 sq mm, 3½ core, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 15 Taking down LT cable 1100 Volts grade heavy duty UG cable XLPE/PVC of size from 10 to 50 sq mm, 2 to 4 core, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 16 Supply , laying , jointing and testingXLPE insulatedarmoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 240 Sq mm 3.5 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 17 Supply , laying , jointing and testingXLPE insulated armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 185 Sq mm 3.5 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 18 Supply , laying , jointing and testing XLPE insulatedarmoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 120 Sq mm 3.5 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 19 Supply , laying , jointing and testingXLPE insulatedarmoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 95 Sq mm 3.5 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 20 Supply, laying , jointing and testingXLPE insulated armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 70 Sq mm 3.5 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 21 Supply , laying , jointing and testing XLPE insulated armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 50 Sq mm 3.5 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 22 Supply , laying , jointing and testing XLPE insulated armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 35 Sq mm 3.5 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 23 Supply , laying , jointing and testingXLPE insulatedarmoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 25 Sq mm 3.5 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 24 Supply , laying , jointing and testingXLPE insulatedarmoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 25 Sq mm 4.0 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 25 Supply , laying , jointing and testingXLPE insulated armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 16 Sq mm 4 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 26 Supply , laying , jointing and testingXLPE insulated armoured heavy duty electric cable with aluminium conductor 1100 volts grade of size 10 Sq mm 4 Core with aluminum thimble of same size complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 27 M&L for cable jointing kit for 1100 volts grade cable for straight through joint complete with Jointing material heat Shrink type and accessories suitable for 3 ½ / 4 core XLPE, armoured, Al conductor cable of size 35 to 95 sqmm, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 28 All As per Item No. 27 above but for cable of size 120 to 150 sqmm, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 29 All As per Item No. 27 above but for cable of size 185 to 240sqmm, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 30 M&L for PCC (1:3:6) type C-1 with 20 mm gradded stone aggregate for copping ofpoles Pedestal (PCC) or any site requirement including dismantling, complete all as specified and directed by Engr in Charge 31 Supply and fixof MCCB 63 Amps,4 Pole 16/25 KA with thermal magnetic settings by disamantling old onefrom panel/feeder pillar box all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 32 Supply and fix of MCCB 100 Amps,4 Pole 25 KA with thermal magnetic settings by disamantling old onefrom panel/feeder pillar box all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 33 Supply and fix of MCCB 125 Amps,4 Pole 16 Ka with thermal magnetic settings by disamantling old onefrom panel/feeder pillar box all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 34 Supply and fix of MCCB 160 Amps,4 Pole 16 Ka with thermal magnetic settings by disamantling old onefrom panel/feeder pillar box all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 35 Supply and fix of MCCB 200 Amps,4 Pole 25/26KA Ka withthermal magnetic settings by disamantling old onefrom panel/feeder pillar box all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 36 Supply and fix of MCCB 250 Amps,4 Pole 25/26 KAwith thermal magnetisettings by disamantling old onefrom panel/feeder pillar box all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 37 Supply and fix of MCCB 315 Amps,4 Pole 25/35KA with thermal magneti settings by disamantling old onefrom panel/feeder pillar box all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 38 Supply and fix of MCCB 400 Amps,4 Pole 36/37 KA with thermal magneti settings by disamantling old onefrom panel/feeder pillar box all as directed by Engr-in-Charge. 39 Supply and fixing in replacement ofAluminium Thimbleof size :- 40 300 Sqmm 41 240 Sqmm 42 185 Sqmm 43 150 Sqmm 44 120 Sqmm 45 95 Sqmm, 46 70 Sqmm 47 50 Sqmm 48 35 Sqmm 49 25 Sqmm 50 16 Sqmm 51 10 Sqmm 52 6 Sqmm 53 Material and labour for preparation of old steel surfaces including welding work of door,hinges with locking arrangement and applying one coat of synthetic enamel ivory paint/(Smoke grey) to steel LT Panel/bus bar box and junction boxes surface after disconnecting the electrical connections and reconnecting LT cables after painting, complete as specified and directed by Engr-in-Charge. 54 Supply & fixingin replacementof sheet metal(MS) bus bar box single door,outdoor type weather proof, size 300x300x200mm mounted on ground with iron angles(25x25x4mm). Having alluminium bus bar 4 nos, rated 100amp all as specified & directed by Eng-in-charge. 55 M&L for servicing of LT panel of any size. Including disconnecting of supply, removing brunt out wires,cable joints, thimbles, MCCB and bus bar Including supply of copper wires, thimbles, rejointing of any size cable with bus bar and mccb properly.cables of damaged PVC insulation will rejoint after removing damaged piece of cable and making new joint, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 56 Supply, installing testing and commissioning in replacement of factory made and tested(Including CPRI test cetified) indoortype floor mountedLTpanel board, cubical type suitable for 415 Volts 3 phase, 4 wire 50Hz, Ac supply system having busbar chamber with insulated AL busbar of rating 1.5 times the incomer MCCB for phaseinstalled on porcelin/SMC insulators. The panel shall be dust and vermin proof IP-64 class protection and made out of 3.15 mm thickCRCA MS sheet and angle iron frame 40x 40x 6mm thick frame work, powder coated finish over one coat of red oxide primer on outside surface and painted inside with two coat of red oxide primer, front and back opening type with aproaches for cable entry with double door shutter and locking arrangementsincluding internal wiring with PVC insulated stranded copper conductor cable FRLS IS 694 sheathed 1100V grade of appropriate sizecomprising of following:- INCOMING- (i) Mains MCCB 4 pole 250 Amps 50 KA with adjustable setting, 415 Volts with breaking capacity 36 KA -01 No. (ii) Digital type voltmeter 0-500 volts and with selector switch-01 No. (iii) Digital Amp meterwith CTs & built in selector switch-01 No. (iv) Indication lamp RYB-01 Set. OUTGOING- (i) MCCB 3 pole 100 Amps, 415 Volts with breaking capacity 36 KA -03 No. (ii)MCCB 3 pole 63 Amps, 415 Volts with breaking capacity 25 KA -04 No. 57 Supply, installing testing and commissioning in replacement of factory made and tested(Including CPRI test cetified) indoortype floor mountedLTpanel board, cubical type suitable for 415 Volts 3 phase, 4 wire 50Hz, Ac supply system having busbar chamber with insulated AL busbar of rating 1.5 times the incomer MCCB for phaseinstalled on porcelin/SMC insulators. The panel shall be dust and vermin proof IP-64 class protection and made out of 3.15 mm thickCRCA MS sheet and angle iron frame 40x 40x 6mm thick frame work, powder coated finish over one coat of red oxide primer on outside surface and painted inside with two coat of red oxide primer, front and back opening type with aproaches for cable entry with double door shutter and locking arrangementsincluding internal wiring with PVC insulated stranded copper conductor cable FRLS IS 694 sheathed 1100V grade of appropriate sizecomprising of following :- INCOMING- (i) Mains MCCB 4 pole 250 Amps 50 KA with adjustable setting, 415 Volts with breaking capacity 36 KA. -01 No. (ii) On load Changeover switch panel mounted with all connections - 01 No. (iii) Digital type voltmeter 0-500 volts and with selector switch-01 No. (iv) Digital Amp meterwith CTs & built in selector switch-01 No. (v) Indication lamp RYB-01 Set. OUTGOING- (i) MCCB 3 pole 100 Amps,, 415 Volts with breaking capacity 36 KA -04 No. (ii)MCCB 3 pole 63 Amps, 415 Volts with breaking capacity 25 KA -03 No. 58 Supply and fixing in repair MCB DB TPN 4 Way vertical tupe factory made IP 43 protection class metal double doorwith Shrouded Neutral Bar & Pan assembly with connecting link complete including one MCCB upto 125A (ii)MCCB 3 pole 63 Amps, 415 Volts with breaking capacity 25 KA.-03 No. 59 Supply and fixing in repair on load changeover switch 400 amp 4 pole,415 V,50 Hz in sheet steel enclosure forsurface mounting with padlocking facilitywith the connecting accessories complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 60 Supply and fix in repair on load changeover switch 250 amp 4 pole,415 V,50 Hz in sheet steel enclosure forsurface mounting with padlocking facilitywith the connecting accessories complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 61 Supply and fix 800 Amp ACB 4 pole 50KA with Microprocessor Release of manual drawnout type in existing panels with all LT connections by dismantling the old one complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 62 M&L danger notice board/plate of 1.6mm thick mild steel sheet vitreous enameled white with letter, figures and conventional skull and bones in signal red colour and fixed with MS clamps, nutsand bolts of approved size of HT 25 x 20 cm size, complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 63 M &L for Dismantling/disconnection of LT connections from ACB by taking down proper shutdown,opening the ACB (Panel) installed at various locations for servicing ,overhauling all moving contacts,fixed contacts,tripping coil including testing the insulation value of moving and fixed contacts and cleaning the carbon from contact point with petrol etc and greasing oiling the all moving parts including testing all meters/relay such as under voltage relay and servicing,shut trip coil etc including reassembling the ACB including testing after completion of work complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. Note : Complete servicing and maintenance will be carried out at site only 64 M& L for Dismantling of old unsv PCC poles of any size /type carefully and removing from site in parts or whole complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. Note :- All T&P items deemed necessary to carry out dismantling and removing the old PCC pole are included in the overall cost quoted 65 Supply and fix bracket for street light fitting made out of 40 mm dia GI pipe light grade 1.2 mtr long each bent to required shape & size as directed by EIC & fixed to pole with and including flat iron clamps 02 Nos made out of 32 x 6 mm flat iron including GI nuts, bolts & washer and painting of clamps andstreet light firtting bracket with one coat of red oxide primer, one under coat and one finishiung coat with alumminium paint complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 66 Supply &labour all steel tubular swaged poles type 410-SP-31 (09 mtr long) with mild steel base plate of size 30cmx30cmx6mm thick, welded at bottom and cap finial taper plugs, bolt, nuts and screw as specified and fixed in true vertical position complete.Make of Pole : Riddhi siddhi poles/ Equivalent as approved by GE. Note :- (a) Excavation earth work, foundation concrete shall be measured and paid separately under respective items. (b) Poles shall be painted with two coats of black bituminous paint throughout internally and externally up to planting depth.The remaining portion of the exterior surface shall be painted with two coats of aluminium paint over a coat of red oxide primer (c) Test certificate and purchase vouchers will be submiited . 67 M & L for earthing with steel earth plate electrode of size 60cm x 60 cm x 6 mm thick buried directly in ground to a depth not less than 2.25 mtr deep below normal ground level with top edge of the earth plate not less tha 1.5 mtr deep below normal grund level connected to galvanized iron strip size 32 x 6 mm as earthing lead by means of nuts, bolts and washers of steel after wlding of GIstrip to earth electrode to the full length of earht plate, 40mm dia GI tubing lightgrade protection pipe upto test point, 20mm dia GI watering pipe with funnel and wire mesh, PCC pit 1:3:6 with pit cover ofsize 30x30 cm made of RCC 1:3: with suitable handle, angle iron frame made of angle iron of size 40x40x4m, adequate qty of charcoal dust and salt layers all around the earth plate and filling of vegetables soil to the remaining 10% removal of surplus soil and retruning filling in all as required at site including test point made outof steel plate of size 75x75x6mm fixed to wall all as specified in plate No 3 of SSR Part-I and directed by Engr-In-Charge. 68 M&L earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 600x600x6.3 mm thick buried directly in ground (earth pit not less than 2.25 mtr deep below normal ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.5 mtr below normal ground level,the earth electrode surrounded by adequate quantity of charcoal dust and salt to a packed thickness of 15cm on all side and including connected toand includinggalvanized earth lead wire 4.0 mm dia upto 7.5 mtrs long by means ofnuts and bolts, check nuts and washers of GI and connected to earhing test point and earth dollyall as shown in electrical plate No 3 of MES SSR part I and testing on completion includingnecessary excavation and earth work in any type of soil,PCC(1:3:6)type C1 chamber,pre-cast RCC slab 50mm thic in cement concrete (1:2:4),type B1,reinforced with welded steel wire fabric or XPM,(weight not less than 4 Kg per Sqm) with cast iron frame,funnel with watering pipe 20mm dia medium grade,wire mesh and lugs,GI protection pipe,15mm dia,light grade,7.5 mtr long for protection of earth lead upto test point etc all as specified and as directed. 69 Supply and fix only ISI marked self adhesive PVC electrical insulation Tape roll of 25 mm wide, 0.125 mm thick and 25 RM length complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 70 M&Lfor providingwalll mounted LED Display board of size 1m x 1m x1 inch madeup with acrylic sheetwith aluminiumframe all around the acrylic sheet and back with provision of LED display with all connections,wires etc consisting ofdescription and images as finalized by the Engineer-in-Charge in capital letterat the top complete with fixing arrangements to the wall all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-Charge. 71 Taking down unserviceable street light fitting upto 11 mtrs HPSV/fluorescent light fitting /CFL Fitting/LED Fitting /Flood light fitting of any size from the pole/bldg and kept in safe custody for refixing or for schedule of credit to contractorNote : All T&P I.e., ladder,Tools,Safty glooves etc will be provided by the contractor without any extra cost . 72 Repair/mantenance of street light/security lights any type flood lights,post op lanterns or any other external light in its position fixed on pole/high mast/building structure or by taking down to round,if required,testing all the components /parts wiring etc. identifyingand replacing the defective components wise choke (ballast) electronic driver,igniter,capactor, lamp,lamp holder,connector,connection wire/cables,MCBetc.including refixing the fixing to its original position (if) taken down including repair,aint of street light control timer & junction box all as directed by Engr-in-chargefor the period of contract duration from the date of commencement of the work. Note : (i) The rate against the above mentioned items is deemedfor cost of labour and allied expenses only. (ii) Cost of electronic driveragainst above maintenance item will be measured and paid seperately under respective item of of schedule. (iii) The contractors representative will report to concerened JE E/M at 0900 hrs daily to collect the list of defective street light fitting one will submit the completion report on the same day before 1730 hrs to JE E/M. (iv) The contractor has to rectify the defects/reports and make the street light servicable with in 24 hours from time the list of defective street lights is handed over to him/her rep by the concerened JE E/M.In case the street light is notmade functional forwhatsever reasonwith in thespecified time line,an amount of Rs. 50per such defective street light per day will recovered from the amountdue to him through RAR /Final Bill.The contractor shall be carry out repair/maint will simentanously both domestic & tech area by engaging seperate team of electrician/technician in order to ensure properly & timely rectification of defects. (v) The contractor shall maintain sufficient stock of spares/materials required for repair/maint of street light with the concerened JE E/M. Note :Vehicle and T&P will be arrange by the contractor. (vi) The contractor shall be fully responsible for the safety of his men engagedfor executing this work and he willprovideall requisite safety equipments and clothing to his men and department shall not be responsible for any mishappening/accident/injuryto his men. 73 Supply and fixing LED street light fitting 60 Watt 230 V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminum hosing along with prismatic polycarbonate modular secondary lens optics with IP 66ingress protection . 4KV in-built and 10 KV external surge protection with top opening driver cover for easy maintenance with efficacy not less than 120 lm/W heat resistant. The LED driver shall be of isolated type with Costant Current Constant Voltage topology to ensure optimum driving of LEDs. The LED streetlight shall have power factor more than 0.95. The optical compartment shall be covered with heat resistant toughened glass for safety. The LED Street light should be top maintainable for easy maintenance. LED street light shall be of Integral type. complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact and corrosion resistant including thermal management in multiple optics complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge 74 Supply and fixing LED street light fitting 45 Watt 230 V AC outdoor type with high pressure die cast aluminum hosing along with prismatic polycarbonate modular secondary lens optics with IP 66ingress protection . 4KV in-built and 10 KV external surge protection with top opening driver cover for easy maintenance with efficacy not less than 120 lm/W heat resistant. The LED driver shall be of isolated type with Costant Current Constant Voltage topology to ensure optimum driving of LEDs. The LED streetlight shall have power factor more than 0.95. The optical compartment shall be covered with heat resistant toughened glass for safety. The LED Street light should be top maintainable for easy maintenance. LED street light shall be of Integral type. complete with driver, lamp bracket with impact and corrosion resistant including thermal management in multiple optics complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge 75 Supply and fixing LED Flood light luminaire 80 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with poly carbonate optics die-cast housing, IP66 ingress protection, 4KV in -built and 10 KV external surge protection. Efficacy 110 Im/W complete suitable for input voltage140 Volt to 280 Volt. The LED flood light shall have power factor more than 0.95 , 50000 L70,CRI>70,CCT 5665K ± 355K, THD <10%,IP 66,IK 07, Operating Tempreature -10 degree Celcius to 50 degree Celcius ,Beam Angle 70degree complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 76 Supply and fixing Flood light luminaire 150 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with poly carbonate optics die-cast housing, IP66 ingress protection, 4KV in -built and 10 KV external surge protection. Efficacy 110 Im/W complete suitable for input voltage140 Volt to 280 Volt. The LED flood light shall have power factor more than 0.95 , 50000 L70,CRI>70,CCT 5665K ± 355K, THD <10%,IP 66,IK 07, Operating Tempreature -10 degree Celcius to 50 degree Celcius ,Beam Angle 70degree complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 77 Supply and fixing Flood light luminaire 200 watt 230 V AC outdoor type with poly carbonate optics die-cast housing, IP66 ingress protection, 4KV in -built and 10 KV external surge protection. Efficacy 110 Im/W complete suitable for input voltage140 Volt to 280 Volt. The LED flood light shall have power factor more than 0.95 , 50000 L70,CRI>70,CCT 5665K ± 355K, THD <10%,IP 66,IK 07, Operating Tempreature -10 degree Celcius to 50 degree Celcius ,Beam Angle 70degree complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. Note for S.No. 60 to 64:- (i)Driver and luminaire of LED fitting shall be of same manufacturer (ii) All T&P ie ladder,Tools,Safty glooves etc will be provided by the contractor without any extra costto height upto 25 mtr 78 S&F street light GI pipe bracket 50 mm dia 1.50metre length (ISI marked) light grade bend to shape with two Nos MS clamp duly painted nuts and bolts etc. complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 79 S&F street light GI pipe bracket 25mm dia 1.50metre length (ISI marked) light grade bend to shape with two Nos MS clamp duly painted nuts and bolts etc., complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 80 M&L for time light distribution board switches of capacity 65 amps digitial timer box including- (i) contactor rating 65 amp 3pole/230V,(ii) Digital timer programmable type and (iii) MCB 65 Amp TPN,(iv) copper wiring required for connections (v)selecter switch. The timer boxOut Door Type,mounted on GI angle iron frameof size 25x25x4mm grouted in cement concrete,including necessary excavation and earth work,connection of LT UG cable.complete all as specified and directed by Engr in charge. 81 Supply and fixing automatic street light prewired switch using nature switch for automatic switching of street light based on lux level of nature light.THE SENSOR (NATURE SWITCH) alongwith power contactor for 25 KW 3 phase,MCB pole/wall mountable enclosure made of rust proof electric shock proof terminal proof and FR grade special moulding compound junction box confirming to IP54 with all other accessoried ie lugs cable connedtion etc all as direted at site. Make : Kakatiya Energy systems pvt ltd Model No : SWADEEP-03ED 25KW3P Dual or equivalent to Sine Trac/ Indo Asian/ Havell. 82 S&F MCBs240/415 Volts SPN 32 Amps 10 KA finger proof terminal, bi-connect termination, label holder, 35 mm² terminal capacity, insulated sliding shutter, large two position dolly, to be fixed on DB, complete all as specified and direcred by Engineer in charge. (DB will be measured and paid separately under respective items of sch A):- 83 S&F MCBs240/415 Volts SP 6 to 32 Amps 10 KA finger proof terminal, bi-connect termination, label holder, 35 mm² terminal capacity, insulated sliding shutter, large two position dolly, to be fixed on DB, complete all as specified and direcred by Engineer in charge. (DB will be measured and paid separately under respective items of sch A):- 84 Supply and laying or fixing or passing through pipe, 1100 volts grade heavy duty cable with PVC insulated copper conductor served with an inner sheathing of PVC tape with galvanised steel wire or tape and overall PVC sheathed2 core 2.5 sq. mm nominal cross section in service connections complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 85 Supply, installing, testing and commissioning factory madeLT feeder pillar box Outdoor type platform mounted, suitable for 415 volts 3 phase 4 wire, 50 Hz AC supply system all as specified and directed having bus bar installed on DMC/Epoxy insulators. The panel shall be dust and vermin proof, IP-65 class protection and made of 3.15 mm CRCA MS sheet with frontopeningtype with double door shutter and locking arrangement (including provn oflock with 2 keys), powder coated finish (over a coat of red oxide), primer on outside and two coats of red oxide primer on inside surfacewith TPN aluminium bus bar of rating not less than 200Amps including 1 No MCB SPN 06 Amps on suitable foundation complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 86 Supply and fix PVC Sintex box having aluminium bus bar suitable for street light connections including single pole MCB of rating 6 Amps, 2.5 sqmm copper conductor for connection and fixing arrangement to pole all as specified and directed by Engineer-in charge. 87 M&L for galvanized steel tubing 15 mm dia medium garde (ISI marked) for protection of cable fixed to pole/walls or laid in floors, road crossing ducts with all necessary fittings and fittings and fixed with clamps, bolts, nuts and washers etc complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 88 Supply and fixing in repair/replacement of solar street light fittings with integrated 12 Watt LED street light system with solar PV Panel 100 WP, integrated LED fitting with Li-Ion Battery 11.1 V 17 Ah , MPPT based solar charge controller,Motion Sensor and tubular pole of height 5 Mtrs complete all as specified and directed by Engineer-in-charge. 89 M&L for servicing and maintenance of high mast pulley and GI wire rope system oilling, greasing etc for smooth functioning of the lowering mechanish all as directed and specified by Engineer-in-charge. 90 M&L for rewinding of 0.5 Hp to 1 HP motor of high mast complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 91 Supply and fix in replacement hot dip galvanized decorative pole 6 m height dual arm light fitting outdoor type including 50 watt decorative luminaire with IP66 ratingcomplete with all connections complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge. 92 Supply and fix single phase driver for LED street light / flood light of 45 to 60 watt capacity and compatible with existing street light/ flood light any type / any rating all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge 93 Supply and fix single phase driver for LED street light / flood light of 70 to 120 watt capacity and compatible with existing street light/ flood light any type / any rating all as specified and as directed by Engineer-in-charge 94 M&Lcement concrete in foundation filling and mass concrete type B2 1;2;4 (40mm graded aggregate) complete all as specified and directed by Engineer in Charge.

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 22-07-2024 Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum Bid Auto Extn Corrigendum 29-07-2024
2 30-08-2024 Due Date Extended for tenders closing on 29-07-2024 Admin Corrigendum Date Extend 04-09-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 90000.0 /-
Tender Value
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