e-TENDER FOR SUPPLY, INSTALLATION & COMMISSIONING OF DEVICES, EQUIPMENTS, INSTRUMENT, MACHINERIES, TOOLS ETC. FOR CIVIL, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, MINING ENGINEERING, METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING, MINE SURVEYING, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY LABORATORIES AND WORKSHOPS AT ASANSOL POLYTECHNIC, ASANSOL.--- 1 Cut section model of fully floating differential And rear wheel mechanism (working). 2 Cut Section Model Of Steering Gear Box (Rack and Pinion Type) 3 Cut Section Model Of clutch (single plate coil spring / diaphragm spring type) used in light / medium duty vehicle. 4 Cut Section Model Of Synchromesh Gear Box 5 Surface Plate 6 Universal Pendulam Impact Tester 7 Brinell Hardness Tester 8 Rockwell Hardness Tester 9 Torsion Testing Machine 10 Hydraulic Test Bench 11 Centrifugal Pump Test Rig 12 Cut Section Model of external gear pump 13 Cut Section Model of flow control valves for oil hydraulic system 14 Cut-model of La-Mont Boiler 15 Cut-model of hermetically sealed compressor 16 Cut model of Babcock & Wilcox boiler 17 Cut section models of boiler mountings & accessories 18 Study chart showing the path of flue gas and water steam circuit of boiler 19 Demostrative model of an evaporative condenser 20 Model of a single stage reciprocating air compressor showing its different components 21 Demo model of a steam power plant showing-a) water-steam cycle b)air- coal dust- flue gas path c) condensing unit 22 Cut section model of Shell & tube type and Plate type heat exchanger. 23 Cut model of a) room window air conditioner b)split type room air conditioner 24 Model of pump circulation water cooling system with thermostatic regulator 25 Demo model of layout of Hydro electric power plant 26 Cut model of lancashire boiler 27 Experimental setup of combined separating & throttling calorimeter 28 Experimental setup for finding stefan boltzmann constant 29 Demostrative running model of a vapour compression refrigeration system 30 Model of splash lubricationsystem generally usedIC engines 31 Model ofpressurelubricationsystem generally usedIC engines 32 Experimental Setup for finding coefficient of friction for motion in horizontal and inclined plane 33 Experimental setup to verifyLamis Theorem 34 Metallurgical Microscope 35 Computerised Universal Testing Machine (with Automatice Data Capture, Storage , Graph Display)with 30 no. of test samples 36 Yoke type Magnetic Particle Inspection Machine 37 Rockwell Hardness Tester 38 Muffle Furnace with crucible clipandhigh temp. gloves 39 Metallographic specimen cutting machine 40 Metallographic double Belt Grinder (Table Top Model, Double End pulley) 41 Single Disk Polishing Machine 42 Digital Electronic Balance 43 Universal Strength Machine 44 Laboratorytable top sieve shaker with standard set of sieves 45 Mold Hardness Tester(C scale) 46 Ultrasonic flaw detector(Digital) 47 Flame Safety Lamp 48 Digital Multigas detector with charger, instruction manual etc. 49 Kata thermometer 50 Whirling Hygrometer 51 Cross bits 52 Buuton bit 53 Tricon Bits 54 Fixed cutter bits 55 Fixed cutter bits 56 Eccentric Type 57 Concentric Type 58 Coal drill bits for roof bolting 59 Diamond section Drill rods 60 Tappered drill rod 61 Auger Drill Rod 62 Coal drill rod for roof bolting 63 Circuit tester- Ohmeter 64 Circuit tester- Multimeter 65 Dynamo exploder 66 Model Blasting Pattern in shaft sinking 67 Model Shovel 68 Model Dumper 69 Model Dozer 70 Model Bucket Wheel Excavator 71 Model Drill- Opencast 72 Model Continuous Miner 73 Model UDM 74 Dragline Model 75 Model- Regulator 76 Model Roof Stitching 77 Single height Tell Tale / Auto Warning Tell Tale 78 Dual height Tell Tale 79 Convergence Indicator 80 Convergence Indicator 81 Hydraulic Load Cell 82 Vernier Calliper 83 Screw Gauge 84 Spherometer 85 Hooks Law Apparatus 86 Stoke’s law apparatus for viscosity 87 Stop Watch 88 Glycerine Lab Grade 89 Boyle’s law apparatus 90 Fortins Barometer 91 Friction board set up 92 Tool Box 93 Optical Bench Set Up 94 Glass Slab 95 Wooden Board 96 Ohms Law Apparatus 97 P.O. BOX 98 Table voltmeter (DC) 99 Table ammeter / milli ammeter (DC) 100 Standard resistance 101 Battery eliminator 102 Verification of Kirchoffs Law set up 103 P-N unction diode characteristic set up 104 Resistance Box 105 Fractional Resistance Box 106 Galvanometer 107 Galvanometer to Ammeter box set up. 108 Galvanometer to Voltmeter box set up. 109 Connection wire 110 Wire cutter 111 Soldering Iron Kit 112 Manganin wires 113 CONDUCTIVITYMETER 114 REDWOOD VISCOMETER 115 ABELS FLASHPOINT APPARATUS 116 DIGITAL PH METER 117 THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY APPARATUS 118 Magnetic stirrer with a hot plate 119 Digital Balance 120 Pensky Martens apparatus 121 Differential Global Positioning System 122 Digital Level 123 Digital Theodolite 124 French Cross Staff 125 Optical Square 126 Clinometer 127 Line Ranger 128 Inver Tape 129 Metallic Tape 130 Aggregate impact test apparatus. 131 Apparatus to determine Flash point and Fire Point of bitumen. 132 Ductility Test Apparatus for bitumen. 133 I.S. Sieves for coarse aggregate 134 I.S. Sieves for fineaggregate 135 Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus (150 mm) IS :9376-1979 136 Sieve Shaker, Motorised 137 Electronic weighing scale 138 Balance of 250 g capacity,0.01g sensitivity. 139 Compaction apparatus (Light & Heavy compaction) 140 Direct shear test apparatus 141 Plastic limit apparatus 142 Soil sample extruder (Motorised) 143 Pyconometer 144 Core cutter apparatus 145 Sand replacement apparatus 146 Desiccator 147 Mortar & Pestle 148 Enamel tray 149 Wash bottle 150 Non corrodible air tight moisture can(numbered) 151 Polycarbonate Laboratory Measuring Cylinder,(1litre capacity) 152 Graduated Cylinders 153 Metric chain 30 m 154 Steel Tape [30 m] 155 Ranging Rod 156 Optical Square 157 Line Ranger 158 Cross Staff 159 Plane Table with all accessories 160 Arrow 161 Prismatic Compass 162 AutoLevel 163 Digital Planimeter 164 Vernier Transit Theodolite & Accessories 165 Hand held GPS: 166 Air Permeability Apparatus (Blaine type) 167 Vicat Apparatus with ISI Certification Mark IS:5513 168 Concrete Mixer Machine 169 Hydraulic Bench with 10 Experiment 170 90 micron sieve 171 Concrete cube moulds (150 mm) 172 Concrete cylindrical mould ( 150 mm X 300 mm ) 173 Tamping Rod 174 Bulk Density Cylinder 175 Wire Mesh Bucket 176 Buoyancy balance 177 pH: Digital pH meter with temperature probe 178 Turbidity meter 179 Digital Balance- Table Top Type/Bench Model 180 Determine Arsenic concentration (semi-quantative) in given water sample 181 Beaker 182 Measuring Cylinder 183 Porcelain Basin 184 Long stem funnel 185 BOD bottle 186 Test Tube with well-fitted rubber 187 Test tube holder 188 Fluoride reagent and chart 189 Conical flask 190 Glass rod 191 Glass plate 192 Graduated Cylinders with stopper 193 Volumetric Flasks 194 Volumetric Flasks 195 Conical beaker 196 Filter paper 197 D.C. power supply 198 D.C. generator coupled with DC motor - for O.C.C. test 199 3 HP DC shunt motor with 4-point starter 200 DC shunt motor(3HP)-Generator (2 kW) Set for load test with all accessories 201 Experimental set upto perform brake test on 2 HP DC series motor 202 Experimental set up for Speed Control of 3 HP DC Shunt Motor 203 1 KVA single- phase air cooled transformer. 204 Experimental set up for O.C. & S.C.Test of single phase 1 kVA transformers 205 Parallel operation of two single phase1 kVA transformers 206 Experimental set up for Load Test of single phase 1 kVA transformers 207 3 phase Transformer with all terminals brought out for different connections. 208 Anderson bridge to measure unknown inductance 209 Schering bridge to measure unknown capacitance 210 Three phase electronic (digital) energy meter 211 Single phase electronic (digital) energy meter 212 Kelvin double bridge 213 Maxwells bridge 214 500V megger 215 Analog Oscilloscope (20MHz Dual Trace ) with Component Tester 216 Dual channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope 50 MHz. 217 C.T. & P.T. testing trainer kit 218 Function Generator 219 Training kit for study of Kirchhoff’s Current & Voltage Law 220 Series parallel resonance of R-L-C ckt. 221 Training kit for design of parallel resonance circuit 222 Training kit for design of series resonance circuit 223 Training kit for verification of- a) Superposition theorem. b) Thevenin’s theorem. c) Norton’s theorem. d) Maximum power transfer theorem. 224 Display board containing sample of different types of Overhead Conductors, Underground Cables. 225 Sample of different types ofLine supports and Line Insulators. 226 Power Factor Meter 227 AC distributor simulator 228 Experimental setup for Speed control of 1 HP Induction Motor (Frequency Changing with required Panel & VVVF drive and other accessories). 229 Synchronization of two 3 phase alternators (1 KVA, 415V) by synchroscope &. Pannel should comprises of frequency meter: 2nos; 230 Experimental set up for load test of 3 phase 2 HP Induction Motor 231 Three phase, 415 V, 2HP SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR with excitation control 232 Slip ring I/M 3 hp,400v,1500 rpm to determine effect of rotor resistance on T/S curve 233 Experimental set up for load test and O.C. & S.C. test of three phase alternator. 234 The direct load test on 1 HP single phase induction motor to determine the efficiency and speed regulation for different loads. 235 Speed Control of the steppermotor with reversing facility 236 A.C.Motor Drives (variable voltage variable frequency) 237 Relay testing kit withrelay to test neumerical/ static over current (Industrial grade) 238 Current differential relay , IDMT type 3 phase transformer with fault creation arrangement . 239 Testing of Directional Over Current Relay (DOCR) [ Industrial grade]by Relay Testing Kit. 240 Simulator fordifferential protection scheme for transformer with power system simulation kit. 241 IDMT type over current/ earth fault relay trainer kit. 242 Kit for demonstrating the operation of single phasing preventer by creating single phasing fault of a 3-ph induction motor with D.O.L. starter 243 Transmission line protection simulation Kit 244 Testing of static distance protection relay using Relay Testing Kit. 245 Pyranometer with Shading ring facility: 246 Complete set up of Poly crystalline silicon PV Cell to measure the cell parameters – O.C. voltage (Voc), Short circuit current (Isc), Voltage-Current-Power at Maximum Power point (Vmp, Imp, Mpp), Fill factor, Efficiency. 247 One piece Flat plate collector with complete set up and measuring facility of temperature, flow, pressure. 248 Box type solar cooker with varying reflector: 249 Complete set up to measure thermal performance of a solar water heating system 250 400W Small Wind Turbine (SWT) system to generate electricity 251 Complete set up of 40 Watt, 12 V DC solar street lighting system for student demonstration. Necessary components with installation are required. 252 Set up to test the proper functioning of DIAC to determine the break over voltage and plot its V-I characteristics 253 Set up to test the variation of R, C in R and RC triggering circuits on firing angle of SCR and observe the firing angles with R,C variation. 254 Set up to perform the operation of Class – A, B, C commutation circuits of SCR. 255 Set up to observe the output waveform of half wave-controlled rectifier using SCR with resistive load and determine the load voltage at different firing angles and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 256 Set up to observe the output waveform of Full wave-controlled rectifier with R load, RL load and with freewheeling diode and determine the load voltage at different firing angles and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 257 Set up to determine the firing angle using DIAC and TRIAC phase-controlled circuit on output power under different loads such as lamp, motor and observe the firing angles and load voltage in CRO. 258 Set up to perform speed control of DC series / DC separately excited motor using SCR and observe the speed in digital meterand firing angles in CRO 259 Set up to perform speed control of 3-phase Induction motor using PWM inverter. Interpret speed-torque characteristics. Use variable voltage variable frequency drive. 260 Training kit for 8051 Microcontrollerhaving facility to interface with PC 261 a)Operation of a stepper motor with a fixed no.of steps and to determine the angular displacement per step by measuring the total angular rotation interfacingwith 8051 microcontroller kit and PC. and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 262 a)Setup for measurement of ac voltage, current, frequency and phase angle difference (either between two voltages or between voltage and current) using suitable PT, CT, Zero crossing detectors, A/D converters etc. using 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC.; also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 263 Setup for run and test Speed Control of a D.C. motor and note speed vs. Load characteristics at open loop condition using 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC.and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 264 Setup forrun and test Traffic light Control with 8051 microcontroller kit and interfacing with PC.and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 265 Setup for run and test Over voltage/under voltage andover current/under current relay circuit by 8051 microcontroller kit andwith suitable hardware circuit and also haveb)8051 microcontroller having facility ofstand alone operation. 266 ON Delay timer 267 OFF delay timer 268 Three phase electromagnetic contactor 269 Make & test the control and power circuit for forward and reverse rotation of sq. cage induction motor using contactor circuit. 270 Make & test the control and power circuit for automatic star-delta starter operation of sq. cage Induction motor using contactor control. 271 Dynamic braking of three phase squirrel cage induction motor using contactor control. 272 Set up to measure the output voltage of chopper for resistive load by varying the frequency and /or duty cycle of chopper. 273 Set up to measure change of speed of given D.C. series motor by varying armature voltage using step down chopper. 274 Set up to measure change of speed of the given D.C. separately excited motor by varying voltage using step down chopper. 275 Set up to control the speed of theseparately exited DC motor by changing the firing angle of SCR using single phase full converter and measure the speed. 276 Set up to control the speed of a three phase induction motor by using constant V/f method and facility to plot the graph between speed and frequency. 277 Set up to control the speed of a three phase induction motor by varying frequency and facility to plot the graph between speed and frequency. 278 Set up to control the speed of a single-phase capacitor split phase induction motor using DIAC –TRIAC circuit and facility to measure speed. 279 Set up to control the speed of a DC motor using DC drives and microcontroller. 280 Experimental setup for Dielectric Strength test set for transformer oil 281 Experimental kit for the measurement of Linear displacement by LVDT & plotting of characteristics curve of it. 282 Experimental setup for Measurement of temperature usingThermocouple,RTD, Thermister. 283 Experimental setup for the measurement of Strain using Strain Guaze 284 Stroboscope gun 285 Experimental kit of diffentiator and integrator using IC 741. 286 Experimentalkit for Instrumentation amplifier using IC 741. 287 Experimental set up to measure and control the temperature offurnace/ machine using thermocouple.. 288 Heat run test of a single phase transformer 289 Infrared camera 290 Set up to study Power Factor improvement using static condenser 291 Bourdon tube type pressure gauge 292 Manometer for the measurement of Fluid pressure 293 Set up for calibration of Single-phase Electronic Energy Meter 294 Set up for calibration of 3- phase electronic energy meter 295 Set up of three phase static energy meter for measuring maximum demand, reactive power, TOD in addition to active power. 296 Watt-meter 297 Screwdriver set