
Tender For Procurement Of Equipment, Instrument, Machineries, Tools Etc. Related To Laboratories And Workshops Of Automobile Engineering, Carpentary, Electrical, Engineering Mechanics, Chemistry, Fitting, Physics, Welding, Electronics And Tele-Communicat, katwa-West Bengal

Technical Education and Training Department has published Tender For Procurement Of Equipment, Instrument, Machineries, Tools Etc. Related To Laboratories And Workshops Of Automobile Engineering, Carpentary, Electrical, Engineering Mechanics, Chemistry, Fitting, Physics, Welding, Electronics And Tele-Communicat. Submission Date for this Tender is 22-07-2024. Hand Glove Tenders in katwa West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Procurement Of Equipment, Instrument, Machineries, Tools Etc. Related To Laboratories And Workshops Of Automobile Engineering, Carpentary, Electrical, Engineering Mechanics, Chemistry, Fitting, Physics, Welding, Electronics And Tele-Communicat
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

PROCUREMENT OF EQUIPMENT, INSTRUMENT, MACHINERIES, TOOLS ETC. RELATED TO LABORATORIES AND WORKSHOPS OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING, CARPENTARY, ELECTRICAL, ENGINEERING MECHANICS, CHEMISTRY, FITTING, PHYSICS, WELDING, ELECTRONICS AND TELE-COMMUNICATION OF BENGAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, KATWA-- 1 Double end open Metric Spanner 2 Ring Spanners 3 Allenkey 4 Allaen bolts 5 Allen bolts 6 BSW combination wrench spanners 7 Adjustable spanners 8 Filler gauge 9 Long pliers 10 One round Nose plier 11 Screw drivers 12 Hammer ball peen 13 steel rule 14 Twist drill 15 Tap & die complete set (H.S.S.) 16 Scrapper 17 Micrometer out side 18 Vernier Calliper Set 19 Mallet 20 Mallet 21 Hand drill 22 wheel nut wrench 23 Scissor Jack 24 Air compressor 25 Hydraulically operated trolley type Jack 26 Hydrometer 27 Wire gauge 28 Thread gauge 29 Nuts & bolts two pair 30 Torque wrench 31 Shocket wrench 32 Chain pully block 33 Twrench 34 Philips screw driver set 3pcs 35 Bench Moulding Set 36 Power hacksaw 37 Bench Vices 38 Hacksaw frame 39 Axe 40 Tool Box 41 Spirit Level 42 Meausrement tape 43 Hammer. (Clowpin) 44 Hammer (Ballpin) 45 Black Board 46 Mallet 47 Monkey –Wreneh 48 Pipe Wrench 49 Nose Pliers 50 Cordless Drill 51 Spanner 52 Pliers. 53 Screwdriver 54 Electric hand drill 55 Tester 56 Chain Saw 57 Hand drill (Electric) 58 Twist drill Bits 59 Drill stop collars 60 Dead blow hammer 61 Groove Joint pliers 62 Sanding Block 63 Rasps 64 Coping Saw 65 Miter Box 66 Clamp 67 Chisel 68 Hacksaw blade 69 Recycling Bin 70 Pruning Saw 71 wheelborrow 72 Chipping Hammer 73 Adjustble wrench 74 Utility blade 75 Wood 76 Screwjack 77 Electric jack plane 78 Determine the permeability of magnetic material by plotting into BH curve 79 Measure voltage, current, and power in 1 phase cirdul with resistine load 80 Visualize phase differene beturer voltage and current in series R-L and R-C circuils with the help of oscilloscape and ptot the phase diagram 81 Measure voltage, current, power and p.f. in a p-L series circuil 82 Determine the transformation ratio of a1 phase transformer and measure no load and pull load current of it 83 Single purchase crab winch (to find M.A.,V.R.,efficiency and law of Machine 84 Double purchase crab winch aparatus To find M.A, V.R, Efficiency 85 Simple screw jack aparatus to find M.A., V.R, Law of Machine 86 Combine inclined plane and friction slide aparatus to determine co-efficient of friction 87 Polygon Aparatus to verify polygon law of forces. 88 Jib crane aparatus to study of forces at various members 89 Bench Vice 90 Banch Vice 91 Bench ViceTable 92 Good hacksaw frame 93 Hack Saw blade 94 Metal Cutting Chisel 95 Centre Punch 96 Prick punch 97 Flat file handle 98 6” Flat fileWith handle 99 6” Flat file Wooden handle 100 Measurement Tape 101 Measurement Tape 102 Sly wrench 103 pipe Wrench 104 Micrometer 105 Vernier Caliper 106 Bevel Protractor 107 Electric hand drill M/C 108 Electric hand Grinding M/c 109 Electric hand cuttingM/c 110 Grinding M/c 111 Drill M/c 112 Screw drivers 113 D/A CONVERTER 114 Differential Pulse code Modulation / Demodulation Trainer 115 SMPS Trainer 116 ASK/FSK/PSK Modulation and Demodulation Trainer kit 117 Power Electronics trainer kit 118 OP- Amp APPLICATION TRAINER 119 DIGITAL LAB TRAINER KIT 120 MASTER SLAVE JK. FLIP FLOP TRAINER KIT 121 OP - Amp Trainer Kit 122 DIAC Characteristics Kit 123 FET characteristics 124 CRO 125 Monostable free running Multivibrator using transistor 126 Diode( Half / full) wave rectifier 127 Low distortion audio generator 128 Class B amplifier 129 Power electronics trainer kit 130 Negative feedback amp. 131 LCR resonance ckt. 132 Microwave Lab Kit 133 ANALOG SIGNAL SAMPLING AND RECONSTRUCTION KIT 134 AMPLITUDE MODULATION TRANSMITTER 135 TWO STAGE RC COUPLED AMPLIFIER 136 POWER SUPPLY FOR OSCILATORS 137 CLAPP OSCILATORS 138 CRYSTAL OSCILATORS 139 ADVANCED FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICA TION 140 JONES CHOPPER 141 AC CHOPPER 142 LVDT TRAINER 143 ELEMENTARY OFC TRAINER 144 TRANSISTOR AMPLIFICATION 145 4-Channel Analog TDM 146 Amplitude Demodulation Receiver 147 Analog signal sampling and reconstruction 148 DSB/SSB AM receiver 149 DSB/SSB AM transmitter 150 Frequency Modulation/Demodulation 151 Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation Kit 152 Sampling and reconstruction 153 Study of OP-AMP Characteristics 154 TDM Pulse code demodulation 155 TDM Pulse code Modulation 156 Time Division Multiplexing/Demultiplexing 157 To measure the volume of the material of a given hollow cylinder, using a Vernier calipers. 158 To determine the area of cross section of a thin wire using a screw gauge. 159 To determine radius of curvature of a convex and a concave mirror/ surface using a spherometer. 160 To find the co-efficient of friction between wood and glass using a horizontal board. 161 To determine force constant of a spring usingHook’s law. 162 To find the moment of inertia of a flywheel. 163 To find the viscosity of a given liquid (Glycerin) by Stoke’s law 164 To find the co-efficient of linear expansion of the material of a rod 165 To verifyBoyle’s law. 166 To determinethe relative density of sand by using a sp. gr. Bottle.(Whole set up with common balance) 167 Common Balance 168 Digital Balance 169 To determine and verify the time period of oscillation of a cantilever. 170 To verify laws of refraction (Snell’s law) using a glass slab. 171 To determine focal length and magnifying power of a convex lens by u-v method. 172 To verify Ohm’s law by plotting graph between current and potential difference. 173 To verify laws of resistances in series by P.O.box. 174 To verify laws of resistances in parallel by using Ammeter and Volt meter. 175 To verify Kirchhoff’s law using electrical circuits. 176 To find resistance of a galvanometer by half deflection method. 177 To convert a galvanometer into an ammeter. 178 To convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter. 179 To verify inverse square law of radiations using a photo-electric cell. 180 To draw V-I characteristics of a semiconductor diode (Ge, Si) and determine its knee voltage. 181 To study the dependence of capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor on various factors and determine the permittivity of air at a place. 182 Welding Helmet (Full) 183 welder Helmet (Half) 184 Black glass 185 Tong 186 Chipping Hammer 187 Hand Gloves (leathers) 188 Apron (leathers) 189 Welsafe Gum Boots (1st) 190 Welding Safety Goggles 191 Welding Lug 192 Welding Electrodes (ARC) 193 Welding Table (set) 194 Welding Cutting set (both) 195 Wooden handle for Hammer 196 GrindingSmall machine 197 File (Flat with handle) 198 Spot welding machine 199 M.S. Sheet (ARC) – 200 Bench Vies 201 Bench Vice Table 202 Workshop Almirah 203 Measurement Tape 204 Measurement Tape 205 Measurement Tape 206 Work shop Table 207 Chair (wood) 208 Welding Cable 209 Welding Cable connector 210 Welding Electrode Holder 211 Welding Cutting machine 212 Digital Balance 213 Distilled water plant 214 Photo colorimeter 215 Redwood Viscometer 216 Kohlrausch’s flask 217 Stop watch 218 Thermometer 219 Ablesclosed cup flash point apparatus 220 TLC kit 221 Micropipette 222 Pre coated TLC plate 223 Arsenic Estimation Kit 224 DO Meter 225 Digital pH meter 226 Digital pH meter 227 Burette 228 Pipette 229 Pipette 230 Beaker(Borosilicate) 231 Beaker(Borosilicate) 232 Conical Flask with stopper 233 Volumetric Flask (Borosil Make) 234 Volumetric Flask (Borosil Make) 235 Pipette Stand 236 Pipette Stand 237 Rotary Evaporator 238 Refrigerator 239 Silica crucible 240 Borosil Crusible 241 Spatula 242 Desiccators 243 tongs 244 long legged tongs 245 Burette stand with clamp 246 Dropper 247 Magnetic Stirer 248 Sodium Hydroxide 249 Oxalic Acid 250 Potassium dichromate 251 Sodium Thiosulfate 252 Starch 253 copper pyrite ore 254 Ammonium thiocyanate 255 Isopropyl Alcohol 256 Ammonium Chloride 257 Ferrous ammonium sulfate 258 sample lubricating oil 259 Lysine 260 Glysine 261 Ninhydrine 262 Ethanol 263 Chloroform 264 Buffer solution

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 12-07-2024 Corrigendum Date 22-07-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
Refer document
INR 88472.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 44.23 Lakhs /-
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