
Tender For Supply Of Materials-Odisha

TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited has published Tender For Supply Of Materials. Submission Date for this Tender is 14-07-2024. Wall Construction Tenders in Odisha. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Materials
Open Tender
Due Date Not Mentioned, Contact Concern Authority.

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Materials 1 POLE WPB GI 160X160 13 MTR EA 468.00 2 POLE WPB GI 160X160 11 MTR EA 220.00 3 AB Switch (33 KV, 400A, 3-Pole, 50 Hz) Set 4.00 4 Lightning Arrester (33kV,10kA) Station Class 2 EA 12.00 5 Top Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 4,074.48 6 Double Pole Belting Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 6,511.68 7 50X50X6mm.GI Bracing Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., Kg 4,152.28 8 Straight Cross Arm Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 2,999.93 9 Straight Cross Arm Top Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 596.78 10 AB Switch mounting Channel 100X50X5mm GI channel Kg 229.44 11 AB Switch Side Support Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 26.77 12 Channel Support for down Pipe 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 22.85 13 Fish Plate 50X8 mm., Kg 738.53 14 Danger Plate, 1 no No 688.00 15 Back Clamp for danger Plate 25X3 mm. flat, Kg 207.03 16 GI barbed wire anticlimbing device Kg 2,064.00 17 Back Clamp for Barbed wire anticlimbing device 25X3mm. flat, Kg 828.08 18 33kV,10kN pin insulator polymer No 1,369.00 19 11kV,5kN pin insulator polymer No 682.00 20 33kV V cross Arm (GI) for WPB Pole No 345.00 21 11kV V cross Arm (GI) for WPB Pole No 176.00 22 GI Back Clamp for 33kV V Cros Arm for WPB Pole No 345.00 23 GI Back Clamp for 11kV V Cros Arm for WPB Pole No 176.00 24 Top bracket 100X50X5mm GI channel for 33kV No 391.00 25 Top bracket 100X50X5mm GI channel for 11kV No 198.00 26 33kV H/W fitting(B&S) 120KN,4 Bolt Set 576.00 27 11kV H/W fitting(B&S) 70KN,3 Bolt Set 264.00 28 33kV Disc insulator (B&S) 120KN polymer No 576.00 29 11kV Disc insulator (B&S) 70KN polymer No 264.00 30 Earthing of Support ( Coil Type ) No 688.00 31 No-8 GI wire (Dia 4.6mm) 0.131 KG/ Mtr. Kg 180.26 32 CLAMP PG FOR 100 SQMM CONDUCTOR No 288.00 33 CLAMP PG FOR 148 SQMM AAA COND No 552.00 34 GI Nut , Bolt & Washer of different sizes Kg 2,468.89 35 H.T. Stay clamp Pair 292.00 36 H.T Stay clamp Pair 132.00 37 H.T 33kV Stay set (Complete ) Set 292.00 38 H.T 11kV Stay set (Complete ) Set 132.00 39 H.T Stay Insulator No 568.00 40 H.T Stay Insulator No 132.00 41 7/8 SWG Stay Wire Kg 4,300.00 42 7/10 SWG Stay Wire Kg 1,320.00 43 40mm nominal bore GI pipe (medium gauge) earthing device with 3 mtr .Long No 76.00 44 CONDUCTOR 100 SQMM AAA Mtr 34,070.00 45 CONDUCTOR 148 SQ.MM. AAA Mtr 71,070.00 46 50x6 mm GI flat Kg 432.00 47 Black Paint Ltr 344.00 48 Yellow Colour Paint for Background Ltr 688.00 Part- A Supply sub-total Part-A: Erection, Commissioning & Testing of following materials as per scope of work SL. No. Description of Items UoM Quantity(A) 1 AB Switch (33 KV, 400A, 3-Pole, 50 Hz) Set 4.00 2 Lightning Arrester (33kV,10kA) Station Class 2 EA 12.00 3 Top Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 4,074.48 4 Double Pole Belting Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 6,511.68 5 50X50X6mm.GI Bracing Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., Kg 4,152.28 6 Straight Cross Arm Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 2,999.93 7 Straight Cross Arm Top Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 596.78 8 AB Switch mounting Channel 100X50X5mm GI channel Kg 229.44 9 AB Switch Side Support Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 26.77 10 Channel Support for down Pipe 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 22.85 11 Fish Plate 50X8 mm., Kg 738.53 12 Danger Plate, 1 no No 688.00 13 Back Clamp for danger Plate 25X3 mm. flat, Kg 207.03 14 GI barbed wire anticlimbing device Kg 2,064.00 15 Back Clamp for Barbed wire anticlimbing device 25X3mm. flat, Kg 828.08 16 33kV,10kN pin insulator polymer No 1,369.00 17 11kV,5kN pin insulator polymer No 682.00 18 33kV V cross Arm (GI) for WPB Pole No 345.00 19 11kV V cross Arm (GI) for WPB Pole No 176.00 20 GI Back Clamp for 33kV V Cros Arm for WPB Pole No 345.00 21 GI Back Clamp for 11kV V Cros Arm for WPB Pole No 176.00 22 Top bracket 100X50X5mm GI channel for 33kV No 391.00 23 Top bracket 100X50X5mm GI channel for 11kV No 198.00 24 33kV H/W fitting(B&S) 120KN,4 Bolt Set 576.00 25 11kV H/W fitting(B&S) 70KN,3 Bolt Set 264.00 26 33kV Disc insulator (B&S) 120KN polymer No 576.00 27 11kV Disc insulator (B&S) 70KN polymer No 264.00 28 Earthing of Support ( Coil Type ) No 688.00 29 No-8 GI wire (Dia 4.6mm) 0.131 KG/ Mtr. Kg 180.26 30 CLAMP PG FOR 100 SQMM CONDUCTOR No 288.00 31 CLAMP PG FOR 148 SQMM AAA COND No 552.00 32 GI Nut , Bolt & Washer of different sizes Kg 2,468.89 33 CONDUCTOR 100 SQMM AAA Mtr 34,070.00 34 CONDUCTOR 148 SQ.MM. AAA Mtr 71,070.00 35 50x6 mm GI flat Kg 432.00 Part- A ITC sub-total Part-A: Civil Works with Supply of materials like Cement, mortar, etc. SL. No. Description of Items UoM Quantity(A) 1 Installation/Erection of 13 Mtr long RS JOIST/WPB Pole including loading and unloading, transportation from site/tent upto 10 Kms., excavation, refilling, flooding with water, ramming/compacting of foundation as per TPSODL specifications and drawing including removal & disposal of malba as per instruction of EIC. The scope of work include providing & laying of laying of 1:1.5:3 , M20 Grade cement concrete concrete of size - 500(B)x500(W)X2200(H) , and cooping of 500(B)x500(W)x450(H). Scope of work also includes 5 days curing and zebra painting (In Black & Yellow Strips/Zebra) .As per drawing. EA 468.00 2 Installation/Erection of 11 Mtr long, RS JOIST/WPB Pole including loading and unloading, transportation from site/tent upto 10 Km., excavation, refilling, flooding with water, ramming/compacting of foundation as per TPSODL specifications and drawing including removal & disposal of extra malba as per instruction of EIC. The scope of work include providing & laying of 1:1.5:3 , M20, concrete of size - 500(B)x500(W)X1800(H) , and cooping of 500(B)x500(W)x450(H), Scope of work also includes 5 days curing and zebra painting (In Black & Yellow Strips/Zebra) .As per drawing. EA 220.00 3 Fixing of complete 33KV line Complete stay set includes1) Turn Buckle Assembly 2) Stay Rod & Stay plate 3) Stay Insulator 4) Stay Wire.5)Stay clamps with Nuts & bolts BA will do the excvation including excvation, supply of 0.5Cum cement concrete foundation 1:2:4 size ( 500mmx500mmx800mm) using 20mm BHG metal with all labour and material as per TPSODL Drawing & Standard.Note:- Excavation of earth will be done of size 500X500X1500 mm. EA 292.00 4 Fixing of complete 11KV line Complete stay set includes 1) Turn Buckle Assembly 2) Stay Rod & Stay plate 3) Stay Insulator 4) Stay Wire.5)Stay clamps with Nuts & bolts BA will do the excvation including excvation, supply of 0.5Cum cement concrete foundation 1:2:4 size ( 500mmx500mmx800mm) using 20mm BHG metal with all labour and material as per TPSODL Drawing & Standard. EA 132.00 5 Installation of Earthing pipe with 40mm dia 3 Mtr long Class-B GI Pipe(Jindal/Tata/Sail/Rinl) with earth chamber as per TPSODL specification and drawing (Each pit resistance will be measured and recorded and shall be as per IS). Scope include supply of all required material like Salt, Charcoal, Nuts-Bolt ,PVC Pipe PCC ,and brick work for earthing chamber (Size: 2x2) and RCC or other suitable slab cover(earth resistance measurement and with in limit to be achieved by BA).Scope of work also includes leveling & ramming of earth and removal of extra malba. Earting Pipe is to be issued by TPSODL. EA 76.00 Part- A Civil works sub-total Part -A Sub-total Part-B: 33kV Bay at existing 33/11 kV PSS Part-B: Supply of following materials (As per technical specification and scope of work) SL. No. Description of Items UoM Quantity(A) 1 Lightning Arrester (33kV,10kA) Station Class 2 EA 3.00 2 33kV 1250 Amp Outdoor VCB EA 1.00 3 CT 33KV 1P O/D OIL 800-400-200/1-1-1A EA 3.00 4 CRP WITH O/C & EF RELAY (Indoor) EA 1.00 5 PT 33KV O/D OIL FILLED EA 3.00 6 33kV,1250A Double break (Turn & Twist centre rotating) isolator with earth switch with PI(Polymer) Set 2.00 7 50x6 mm GI flat Kg 300.00 8 Junction Box for CT or PT Structure EA 2.00 9 40mm nominal bore GI pipe (medium gauge) earthing device with 3 mtr .Long No 7.00 10 POLE WPB GI 160X160 13 MTR EA 2.00 11 Top Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 82.22 12 Double Pole Belting Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 122.81 13 50X50X6mm.GI Bracing Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., . Kg 88.69 14 Insulator Support Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 30.71 15 Isolator Support Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 61.41 16 Isolator Operating Down Pipe Support Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 5.72 17 Down Pipe Diagonal Support Angle 50X50X6mm, Kg 1.75 18 Down Pipe Base Support Angle 50X50X6mm, Kg 1.53 19 Isolator Support Side Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 9.56 20 Fish Plate 50X8 mm., Kg 5.28 21 Danger Plate, 1 no No 2.00 22 Back Clamp for danger Plate 25X3 mm. flat, Kg 1.21 23 GI barbed wire anticlimbing device Kg 6.00 24 Back Clamp for Barbed wire anticlimbing device 25X3mm. flat, Kg 2.41 25 GI Nut , Bolt & Washer of different sizes Kg 107.00 26 CONDUCTOR AAA 232 SQMM Mtr 300.00 27 33kV Disc insulator (B&S) 120KN polymer No 12.00 28 33kV H/W fitting(B&S) 120KN,4 Bolt EA 12.00 29 33kV,10kN pin insulator polymer No 3.00 30 CLAMP PG FOR 232 SQMM AAA COND No 6.00 31 12 bolted (M-12) T clamp for 232 mm² conductor No 6.00 32 Chequered plate for Cable Trench Sqm 40.00 33 4 Core x 2.5 mm2 Mtr 350.00 34 7 Core x 2.5 mm2 Mtr 300.00 35 10 Core x 2.5 mm2 Mtr 250.00 36 Black Paint Ltr 1.00 37 Yellow Colour Paint for Background L 2.00 Part- B Supply sub-total Part-B: Erection, Commissioning & Testing of following materials as per scope of work SL. No. Description of Items UoM Quantity(A) 1 Lightning Arrester (33kV,10kA) Station Class 2 EA 3.00 2 33kV 1250 Amp Outdoor VCB EA 1.00 3 CT 33KV 1P O/D OIL 800-400-200/1-1-1A EA 3.00 4 CRP WITH O/C & EF RELAY (Indoor) EA 1.00 5 PT 33KV O/D OIL FILLED EA 3.00 6 33kV,1250A Double break (Turn & Twist centre rotating) isolator with earth switch with PI(Polymer) Set 2.00 7 50x6 mm GI flat Kg 300.00 8 Junction Box for CT or PT Structure EA 2.00 9 Top Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 82.22 10 Double Pole Belting Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 122.81 11 50X50X6mm.GI Bracing Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., . Kg 88.69 12 Insulator Support Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 30.71 13 Isolator Support Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 61.41 14 Isolator Operating Down Pipe Support Channel 75X40X4.8mm., Kg 5.72 15 Down Pipe Diagonal Support Angle 50X50X6mm, Kg 1.75 16 Down Pipe Base Support Angle 50X50X6mm, Kg 1.53 17 Isolator Support Side Channel 100X50X5mm, Kg 9.56 18 Fish Plate 50X8 mm., Kg 5.28 19 Danger Plate, 1 no No 2.00 20 Back Clamp for danger Plate 25X3 mm. flat, Kg 1.21 21 GI barbed wire anticlimbing device Kg 6.00 22 Back Clamp for Barbed wire anticlimbing device 25X3mm. flat, Kg 2.41 23 GI Nut , Bolt & Washer of different sizes Kg 107.00 24 CONDUCTOR AAA 232 SQMM Mtr 300.00 25 33kV Disc insulator (B&S) 120KN polymer No 12.00 26 33kV H/W fitting(B&S) 120KN,4 Bolt EA 12.00 27 33kV,10kN pin insulator polymer No 3.00 28 CLAMP PG FOR 232 SQMM AAA COND No 6.00 29 12 bolted (M-12) T clamp for 232 mm² conductor No 6.00 30 Chequered plate for Cable Trench Sqm 40.00 31 4 Core x 2.5 mm2 Mtr 350.00 32 7 Core x 2.5 mm2 Mtr 300.00 33 10 Core x 2.5 mm2 Mtr 250.00 Part- B ITC sub-total Part-B: Civil Works with Supply of materials like Cement, mortar, etc. SL. No. Description of Items UoM Quantity(A) 1 Installation/Erection of 13 Mtr long RS JOIST/WPB Pole including loading and unloading, transportation from site/tent upto 10 Kms., excavation, refilling, flooding with water, ramming/compacting of foundation as per TPSODL specifications and drawing including removal & disposal of malba as per instruction of EIC. The scope of work include providing & laying of laying of 1:1.5:3 , M20 Grade cement concrete concrete of size - 500(B)x500(W)X2200(H) , and cooping of 500(B)x500(W)x450(H). Scope of work also includes 5 days curing and zebra painting (In Black & Yellow Strips/Zebra) .As per drawing. EA 2.00 2 33 KV- Supply of material for construction of foundation will scope of BA . ITC and wiring/laying cable to control panel/supply unit of equipment will be on BA scope . Civil Works of foundation/ Structure works include only of Civil foundation & structure as per TPSODL approved drawing ,GTP and specification. (New Foundation/ Supply of structure shall be paid as extra as per approved rates of BOQ) EA 1.00 3 Installation of Earthing pipe with 40mm dia 3 Mtr long Class-B GI Pipe(Jindal/Tata/Sail/Rinl) with earth chamber as per TPSODL specification and drawing (Each pit resistance will be measured and recorded and shall be as per IS). Scope include supply of all required material like Salt, Charcoal, Nuts-Bolt ,PVC Pipe PCC ,and brick work for earthing chamber (Size: 2x2) and RCC or other suitable slab cover(earth resistance measurement and with in limit to be achieved by BA).Scope of work also includes leveling & ramming of earth and removal of extra malba. Earting Pipe is to be issued by TPSODL. EA 7.00 4 Excavate the cable trench length by providing all necessary tool, Manpower, pump etc suitable for HT & LT Cable laying.BA will supply neccessry barricades at the excavation site. M3 66.69 5 Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) of proportion M25 (as per design mix) from RMC Batching Plant, using approved quality of cement, 20mm & 10mm size hard crusher broken granite stone metal and screened, washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality and from approved quarry, including hoisting, lowering, laying concrete, ramming, watering and curing etc. complete  to required levels in layers not exceeding 15cm thick in each layer including  cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes, cess, of all materials & cost of all labours, sundries, T&P and all other machineries required for the work etc., as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. M3 7.30 6 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) of proportion (1:3:6) in foundations, Trench and plinths using approved quality of cement, 20mm size hard crusher broken granite stone metal and screened, washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality and from approved quarry, including hoisting, lowering, laying concrete, ramming, watering and curing etc. complete to required levels in layers not exceeding 15cm thick in each layer including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes, cess, of all materials & cost of all labours, sundries, T&P and all other machinaries required for the work etc., as directed by Engineer-in-Charge. M3 5.85 7 Brick work with F.P.S. bricks of class designation 75 in foundation and plinth in Cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand) as per TPSODL specifcation. Scope includes supply of all material M3 6.98 8 12 mm Cement Plaster of mix - 1:6 (1 Cement : 6 Fine sand (50 % fine :50% coarse)) as per as per TPSODL specification. Scope includes supply of all material. M2 123.99 9 Supply & Install prefabricated RCC Slabs (950x450x75)M30 Grade with supply of all civil material,Rods,bending & cutting EA 67.00 Part- B Civil works sub-total Part- B Sub- total PART C: 33/11 KV PSS PART C: SUPPLY OF FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS (As per Technical Specification) SL. No. Description of Items UoM Quantity(A) 33kV Equipment (Indoor Type) 1 36kV Indoor Panel for 33/11kV Substation as detailed below 1.1 33kV Incoming Line Feeder Indoor AIS Panel consisting of 36kV VCB Breaker (2 no.s), Transformer Indoor AIS Panel ( 2no.s), 33kV Bus coupler Indoor AIS Panel (1 no.s) and 2 no PT panel - Total 7Nos Switch panel board . CTR 800-400/1-1 for Incoming & Bus-coupler, 600-300/1-1-1 for Transformer . Bus Bar size 1250Amp. Each Breaker Rating is 1250Amp & Draw out type.The module shall be provided with complete Feeder & Transformer Feeder protection system to suit for SCADA ( BCPU, Numerical Differential Relay having inbuilt of REF protection, Multi-function Meter & other provisions as per tech spec).Energy meter shall be provided on each Incoming & outgoing breaker. Set 1.00 11kV Equipment (Indoor Type) - 2 30kV, 10kA, Metal Oxide, Class-2 (Station Class), Surge Arrester (for 33kV Incoming Line, HT side of 2nos. Power Transformers and 33/0.433kV Station Transformer) - Outdoor Type with Surge Counter Nos. 12.00 3 12kV, 10kA, Metal Oxide, Class-2 (Station Class), Surge Arrester with out surge counter( For Transformers & Out Going Feeders) - Outdoor type Nos. 18.00 4 11kV Indoor Air Insulated switchgear Panel consisting of Breaker-1250A, Busbar-1250A(Copper) & CT (800-400/1-1-1A) for Transformer ProtectionRelays to be installed on the panel, Multi-function Meter to be installed above the panel, Energy meter to be installed on the panel, as per technical specification and scope of work. No 2.00 5 11kV Indoor Air Insulated switchgear Panel consisting of Breaker-630A, Busbar-1250A (Copper), CT (600-300/1-1A) for Feeder protectionRelays to be installed on the panel, Multi-function Meter to be installed above the panel, Energy meter to be installed on the panel, as per technical specification and scope of work. No 4.00 6 11kV Bus-Coupler Indoor AIS Panel consisting of Breaker-1250A, Bus-bar-1250A (Copper), Relay, CT (800-400/1-1A) .Relays to be installed on the panel, as per technical specification and scope of work. No 1.00 7 11kV, 2 Core, Single Phase, IVT (11/√3 kV / 110/√3-110/√3V), 3nos in a set, in a separate draw out chamber with Digital Voltmeter inside Control Room separately for Bus-1 & Bus-2 plug in type with disconnector. Set 2.00 SCADA - 8 Pre-Wired RTU Panel:-I/O Requirement: with 16 DI, 8 DO, 8 AI witha. Auxiliary relay for each Digital Input & Output andb. Connectivity to protection IEDs through IEC-61850 protocol on armored ethernet (CAT-VI) cables and c. MFM to RTU shall be on 4P X 0.36 mm2, armored serial communication Cable.d. Connectivity to available devices in substation, to be integrated with SCADA No. 1.00 Ethernet Switch No. 4.00 ICS firewall No. 4.00 Transformer - 9 1.6 MVA, 33/11kV Power Transformer DYn11 (Outdoor Installation) with Accessories No. #VALUE! 10 100 KVA 33/0.433kV Energy efficient Station Transformer with HV & LV BOX No 1.00 11 Supply , Installation, Testing and Commissioning OF Transformer Monitoring Unit No 2.00 Substation Earthing System GI - 12 Earthing Conductor 75X10 mm (5.89 Kg/Mtr.) GI Flat for laying (spacing maximum 2m both ways) Kg 6,479.00 13 Earthing Conductor: 50X6 mm (2.4Kg./Mtr.) GI Flat for Raiser from the burial earth mat to equipment, structure etc.) Kg 1,920.00 14 Earthing Device & Associated Accessories (Heavy duty GI Perforated Pipe of ID=40mm & OD=50mm with 3000mm long for treated Earth Pit) as per Drawing No 40.00 33, 11 and Station Trf Structure - 15 (125x70x5) mm RS GI joist 5Mtr (13.3kg / Mtr) (04 nos for one Power Transformer) for supporting of 33kV Cable & 11kV cable (Unit Wt=0.0665 MT) & 10 mm thick MS plate size 250X250 mm at the bottom of the RS Joist duly welded & the MS plate to be suitably grouted to the floor for the rigidity. Kg 532.00 16 (100 x 50 x5) mm GI Channel (9.56kg / Mtr) (2Mtr - 06 nos for one Power Transformer) for supporting of 33kV & 11kV power Cable (Unit Wt=0.01912 MT) Kg 229.44 17 GI Nuts & Bolts etc. for column and beam & Equipment Structures Kg 100.00 18 Supply & Erection of GI Pipe of dia. 150mm, Class-C Mtr. 150.00 19 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe 160 mm diameter. KM 0.10 20 LTDB for 100KVA, 33/0.433kV Station Transformer Nos 1.00 33 and 11 kv Power and Control, XLPE cables - 22 33kV AL 1CX400 Sqmm XLPE Cable armoured-FRLSH KM 1.60 22.1 33kV AL 3CX95 Sqmm XLPE Cable armoured-FRLSH Mtr. 100.00 22.2 Supply of Outdoor termination kits Heat Shrinkable type suitable for 33kV, 1Core, 400sqmm, HT UG Cable kits for 1Core No.s 24.00 22.3 Supply of Indoor termination kits Heat Shrinkable type suitable for 33kV, 1Core, 400sqmm, HT UG Cable kits for 1Core No.s 24.00 22.4 Supply of Outdoor termination kits Heat Shrinkable type suitable for 33kV, 3Core, 95sqmm, HT UG Cable kits for 3Core No.s 4.00 23 11kV AL 3CX400 Sqmm XLPE Cable armoured-FRLSH KM 1.00 24 Supply of Indoor termination kits Heat Shrinkable type suitable for 11kV, 3Core, 400 sqmm, HT UG cable for 3Core (Set) No.s 16.00 25 Supply of Outdoor termination kits Heat Shrinkable type suitable for 11kV, 3Core, 400 sqmm, HT UG cable for 3Core (Set) No.s 16.00 26 Control Cables (Copper Armoured) - 26.1 4 Core x 2.5 mm2 Km 1.20 26.2 7 Core x 2.5 mm2 Km 0.70 26.3 10 Core x 2.5 mm2 Km 0.50 26.4 12 Core x 2.5 mm2 Km 0.50 26.5 1 Core x 16 mm2 Aluminium cable from Battery to Battery Charger & Battery Charger to DCDB Km 0.30 27 1.1 kV XLPE Power Cables - 27.1 XLPE 3 1/2 Core x 120 mm2 ( for Station Transformer output ) Km 0.15 27.2 XLPE 3 1/2 Core x 95 mm2 ( for Oil Filtration Machine Connection ) Km 0.10 27.3 XLPE 3 1/2 Core x 25 mm2 ( for Switchyard Lighting ) Km 0.30 27.4 XLPE 4 Core 16 mm2 ( for Switchyard Lighting ) Km 0.30 27.5 XLPE 2 Core 16 mm2 ( for Switchyard Lighting ) Km 0.30 Battery & Battery Charger - 28 48 V, 150 AH, maintenance free VRLA Battery (Set. 4 Nos of 12V Battery with 150AH) Set 1.00 29 48V, Float cum Boost Battery Charger (15 A float charging, 20 A boost charging) No 1.00 Sub-station Lighting And Fire Fighting System - 30 Sub-Station Switchyard Lighting , Control Room Lighting (it includes supply of fixtures & Lamps (LED) with switch gear, GI Conduit etc.(120Wx 4 sets and 100Wx6 sets out side the control room, 20 Watt CFL tube-10 sets inside control room .Control Room wiring to be done with Copper wires as per the requirement (Lighting fixtures are to be fixed rigidly on the Column at a suitable height with GI tubular pole so that the required lux as per the technical specification is maintained). Lot 1.00 31 1.5 Ton capacity Split Air Conditioning units with Remote control facility: Including supply of split Air conditioner 5 Star rated, voltage stabiliser, control boxes etc. for completing the A.C scheme. (As per specification) for control room. No 4.00 32 1400 mm sweep 250Volt A/C Celling Fan No 5.00 33 300 mm sweep 70W A/C Exhaust Fan ( for Battery room and Toilet ) No 2.00 Fire Detection Alarm System - 33.1 SITC of Main Fire ALARM Control Panel (Ul /FM /Ulc/Vds Approved),Intelligent Addressable Modular Fire Alarm Control Panel based on 32 bit microprocessors including the following as per specification.,A. Battery charger,B SMF Batteries for 72 Hrs. back-up,C Enclosure,D. min.240 character LCD display,( Other specification as mentioned),E. The panel should be modular,deSouthernized, with CPU /master control unit, loop cards, relay and interface card by means of duplicated electronics means hardware redundancy with full functionality.,,F. The panel must provide MODBUS/ RS485 port for integration with SCADA.G. The loop should be capable to have at least 50 elements / devices., EA 1.00 33.2 SITC of Intelligent Addressable multi sensor Detector- (Smoke + Fixed Tempt. + Rate of rise tempt.) For ceiling (UL /FM /ULC/Vds Approved) inclusive base and other installation accessories. (must have inbuilt short circuit isolator,) EA 6.00 33.3 SITC of Intelligent Addressable multi sensor Detector- (Smoke + Fixed Tempt. + Rate of rise tempt.) For trench (UL /FM /ULC/Vds Approved) inclusive base and other installation accessories. (must have inbuilt short circuit isolator,) EA 2.00 33.4 SITC of Response Indicator ( Twin LED transparent type) EA 2.00 33.5 SITC of Addressable manual Call Point (must have inbuilt short circuit isolator,) (UL /FM /ULC/Vds Approved) EA 1.00 33.6 SITC of Electronic Hooter/Multi tone sounder (must have inbuilt short circuit isolator,) (UL /FM /ULC/Vds Approved) Indoor type. EA 1.00 33.7 SITC of 2 Core X 1.5 sq.mm copper conductor, armored, RED colour FRLS PVC sheathed signal Cable confirming to IS standards and specifications Mtr 150.00 33.8 Supply & erection of 4C*2.5sqmm copper armoured FRLS cable confirming to IS standard with accessories (Gland, lug, saddle, etc.) Mtr 15.00 33.9 Supply & erection of steel wire reinforced flexible conduct pipe (16MM) with all accessories. Mtr 15.00 33.10 Supply & erection of Surge Arrester. EA 1.00 33.11 Lightning Rod in Top of PSS Building EA 1.00 34 Fire Fighting System (portable and wheel mounted sets for control room) - 34.1 Foam type- 9 Ltrs No 2.00 34.2 CO2 - 4.5 Kgs No 2.00 34.3 Dry powder 6 Kg No 2.00 34.4 Fire Bucket with Stand (4nos. in each Stand) set 1.00 AC & DC System for Auxiliary supply - 35 AC System - 35.1 ACDB (as per specification) Lot 1.00 35.2 Main Lighting Distribution Board (as per specification) Lot 1.00 35.3 Indoor Lighting Distribution Board as per specification Lot 1.00 35.4 Receptable Panel near Power Transformer No 1.00 36 DC System - 36.1 48 V DC Distribution Board as per specification . No 1.00 37 Water Cooler with stainless steel stand No 1.00 37.1 Wall mounted water purifier system No 1.00 38 Maintenance Testing Equipment as per Technical Specification Lot 1.00 39 Tools and Plants (T&Ps) Requirement as per Technical Specification Lot 1.00 40 Office Furniture as per Technical Specification Lot 1.00 41 Supply of Materials for Installation of Power Transformer on Plinth (as per Drawing) - 41.1 90 lb Rail 5.4 mts ( 2.7x2) 44.62 kg per mtr / Transformer each (Unit Wt=0.240 MT) Nos 2.00 41.2 (300x300x12) mm GI plate 6 nos / Transformer each (Unit Wt=0.013 MT) Nos 24.00 41.3 (65x65x5) mm GI angle of 5.4 mts length.4.9 kg/mtr. / Transformer each (Unit Wt=0.026 MT) Nos 2.00 42 Chequered plate 1000X300X5.6mm thick for Cable Trench in side Control Room 12 Mtr Kg 640.00 43 33KV Line DP-2Nos - 43.1 WPB 160x1160 (11Mtr. Long, 30.44KG/Mtr.) for Station Transformer (GI) Nos 2.00 43.2 13 Mtr. Long H-Pole No 4.00 43.3 Top Channel 100X50X6mm, 9.56 KG/Mtr., each channel length 4.3 mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 2x9.56x4.3) KG 246.65 43.4 Fish Plate 50x6 mm., 2.36 kg/Mtr., each 0.280 mtr. length, 6 nos required = (6x2.36x0.280) KG 11.90 43.5 Insulator Support Cahnnel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 4.3 Mtr., 1 nos channel required =( 1x7.14x4.3) KG 92.11 43.6 Isolator Support Cahnnel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 4.3 Mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 2x7.14x4.3) KG 184.22 43.7 Double Pole Belting Channel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 4.3 Mtr., 4 nos channel required =( 4x7.14x4.3) KG 368.43 43.8 50x50x6mm.GI Bracing Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., each angle length 4.927 mtr., 4 nos angle required = (4*4.5*4.927) KG 266.06 43.9 Isolator Operating Down Pipe Support Cahnnel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 0.8 Mtr., 1 nos channel required =( 1x7.14x0.8) KG 17.14 43.10 Down Pipe Diagonal Support Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., each angle length 0.388mtr., 1 nos angle required = (1*4.5*0.388) KG 5.24 43.11 Down Pipe Base Support Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., each angle length 0.34mtr., 1 nos angle required = (1*4.5*0.340) KG 4.59 43.12 Isolator Support Side Cahnnel 100X50X6mm, 9.56 KG/Mtr., each channel length 0.5 mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 2x9.56x0.5) KG 28.68 43.13 Danger Plate No. 6.00 43.14 Back Clamp for danger Plate 25X3 mm. flat, 0.59Kg/Mtr. Flat of 0.510mtr length 2 nos = (2x0.59x0.510) KG 1.21 43.15 H.T. Stay clamp, 50x8 mm. flat, 3.14Kg/Mtr., 0.511 Mtr. Length, 2 nos qty. required ( 1 Pair) KG 18.00 43.16 H.T. Stay set (Complete ) Set 6.00 43.17 H.T. Stay Insulator Type-C No. 12.00 43.18 7/8 SWG Stay Wire 15kg /stay K.g. 90.00 43.19 Gi Pipe Earthing 40mm. 3 Mtr. Long No. 6.00 43.20 50x6mm GI Flat for earthing, 2.36kg/mtr., (15 Mtr. For L.A, 4 Mtr for Isolator Body, 2.5 mtr. For mesh formation and 2.5 mtr. For raising)= 24x2.36 KG 169.92 43.21 GI barbed wire anticlimbing device 3 Kg. Per support Kg 18.00 43.22 Back Clamp for anticlimbing device 25X3 mm. flat, 0.59Kg/Mtr. Flat of 0.510mtr length 8 nos = (8x0.59x0.510) KG 7.22 43.23 Lightning Arrester(30KV,10KA) (Station Class,class-2) EA 3.00 43.24 Center Rotating, 33kV, 1250A, 25kA, Beam Mounted Single Isolator ( Motorised) Double break Double Tandem operating pipe With Earth Switch, Base channel, Post insulator (For Incoming Line) - Outdoor Type Set 2.00 43.25 33 KV 200Amp AB Switch (For Station transformer) set 1.00 43.26 33kV HG Fuse with horn gap, support insulator and channel (for Station Trf. 100KVA, 33/0.433kV) set 1.00 43.27 33KV pin insulator polymer No. 9.00 43.28 H W fitting(B&S) 90KN,4 Bolt No. 18.00 43.29 Disc insulator (B&S) 90 KN polymer No. 18.00 43.30 PG Clamp for 232 sq.mm AAA conductor NO. 18.00 43.31 GI Nut , Bolt & Washer of different sizes (22.15 Kg each DP with Isolator) K.g. 66.45 43.32 Black Paint Ltr 2.00 43.33 Yellow Colour Paint for Background Ltr 4.00 44 11KV Line DP-4Nos - 44.1 WPB 160x152 (11Mtr. Long, 30.44KG/Mtr.) No 8.00 44.2 Top Channel 100X50X6mm, 9.56 KG/Mtr., each channel length 3 mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 2x9.56x3) KG 229.44 44.3 Fish Plate 50x6 mm., 2.36 kg/Mtr., each 0.280 mtr. length, 6 nos required = (6x2.36x0.280) KG 15.86 44.4 Isolator switch Mounting Channel 75X40X4.8mm, 7.14KG/Mtr, each channel length 3 Mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 7.14x3x2) KG 171.36 44.5 Isolator Switch Side Support Channel 100X50X6mm,9.56 KG/Mtr., each channel length 0.35 mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 9.56x2x0.35) KG 26.77 44.6 Channel Support for down Pipe 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 0.8 Mtr., 1 nos channel required =( 7.14x0.8x1) KG 22.84 44.7 Double Pole Belting Channel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 1.66 Mtr., 4 nos channel required =( 7.14x3x4) KG 342.72 44.8 50x50x6mm.GI Bracing Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., each angle length 3.512 mtr., 4 nos angle required = (4.5x3.512x4) KG 252.87 44.9 Danger Plate, 2 nos. No. 8.00 44.10 Back Clamp for danger Plate 25X3 mm. flat, 0.59Kg/Mtr. Flat of 0.510mtr length 2 nos = (2x0.59x0.510) KG 2.41 44.11 H.T. Stay clamp, 50x8 mm. flat, 3.14Kg/Mtr., 0.551 Mtr. Length, 2 nos qty. required ( 1 Pair) KG 24.00 44.12 H.T. Stay set (Complete ) Set 8.00 44.13 H.T. Stay Insulator Type-C No. 8.00 44.14 7/10 SWG Stay Wire 15kg /stay K.g. 120.00 44.15 Gi Pipe Earthing 40mm. 3 Mtr. Long No. 8.00 44.16 50x6mm GI Flat for earthing, 2.36kg/mtr., (12.5 Mtr. For L.A, 3 Mtr for AB Switch Body, 2.5 mtr. For mesh formation and 2.5 mtr. For raising)= 20.5x2.36 KG 226.56 44.17 GI barbed wire anticlimbing device 3 Kg. Per support, 2 nos qty. required =(2x3kg) Kg 24.00 44.18 Back Clamp for anticlimbing device 25X3 mm. flat, 0.59Kg/Mtr. Flat of 0.510mtr length 8 nos = (8x0.59x0.510) KG 9.63 44.19 Lightning Arrester(11KV,10KA) (Station Class,class-2) EA 12.00 44.20 11KV 400 AMP isolator with earth switch with PI(polymer) Set 4.00 44.21 11 KV pin insulator polymer No. 12.00 44.22 H W fitting(B&S) 70KN, 3Bolt No. 24.00 44.23 Disc insulator (B&S) 70 KN polymer No. 24.00 44.24 PG Clamp for 100 sq.mm AAA conductor NO. 24.00 44.25 100 mm2 AAAC, as per technical specification and scope of work. KM 0.02 44.26 GI Nut , Bolt & Washer of different sizes (13.718 Kg each DP with AB Switch) K.g. 54.88 44.27 Black Paint Ltr 4.00 44.28 Yellow Colour Paint for Background Ltr 8.00 Part- C Supply sub-total PART C: ERECTION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING WORKS OF FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT (As per Technical Specification)(As per Technical Specification) SL. No. Description of Items UoM Quantity(A) 33kV Equipment (Indoor Type) 1 Erection, Commissioning, Testing of 33kV Equipment for (INDOOR Sub-Station ) 1.1 33kV Incoming Line Feeder Indoor AIS Panel consisting of 36kV VCB Breaker (2 no.s), Transformer Indoor AIS Panel ( 2no.s), 33kV Bus coupler Indoor AIS Panel (1 no.s) and 2 no PT panel - Total 7Nos Switch panel board . CTR 800-400/1-1 for Incoming & Bus-coupler, 600-300/1-1-1 for Transformer . Bus Bar size 1250Amp. Each Breaker Rating is 1250Amp & Draw out type.The module shall be provided with complete Feeder & Transformer Feeder protection system to suit for SCADA ( BCPU, Numerical Differential Relay having inbuilt of REF protection, Multi-function Meter & other provisions as per tech spec).Energy meter shall be provided on each Incoming & outgoing breaker. Set 1.00 Erection, Commissioning, Testing of 11kV Equipment (Indoor Type) 2 30kV, 10kA, Metal Oxide, Class-2 (Station Class), Surge Arrester (for 33kV Incoming Line, HT side of 2nos. Power Transformers and 33/0.433kV Station Transformer) - Outdoor Type with Surge Counter Nos. 12.00 3 12kV, 10kA, Metal Oxide, Class-2 (Station Class), Surge Arrester with out surge counter( For Transformers & Out Going Feeders) - Outdoor type Nos. 18.00 4 11kV Indoor Air Insulated switchgear Panel consisting of Breaker-1250A, Busbar-1250A(Copper) & CT (800-400/1-1-1A) for Transformer ProtectionRelays to be installed on the panel, Multi-function Meter to be installed above the panel, Energy meter to be installed on the panel, as per technical specification and scope of work. No 2.00 5 11kV Indoor Air Insulated switchgear Panel consisting of Breaker-630A, Busbar-1250A (Copper), CT (600-300/1-1A) for Feeder protectionRelays to be installed on the panel, Multi-function Meter to be installed above the panel, Energy meter to be installed on the panel, as per technical specification and scope of work. No 4.00 6 11kV Bus-Coupler Indoor AIS Panel consisting of Breaker-1250A, Bus-bar-1250A (Copper), Relay, CT (800-400/1-1A) .Relays to be installed on the panel, as per technical specification and scope of work. No 1.00 7 11kV, 2 Core, Single Phase, IVT (11/√3 kV / 110/√3-110/√3V), 3nos in a set, in a separate draw out chamber with Digital Voltmeter inside Control Room separately for Bus-1 & Bus-2 plug in type with disconnector. Set 2.00 Erection, Commissioning, Testing of SCADA 8 SCADA FOR Primary Substation Set 1.00 RTU configuration , monitoring  and troubleshooting software Services of RTU Panel:-ITC services for pre-wired RTU Panel including connectivity to all devices Integration services for IEDs:-Integration services for IEDs (free issue) and  RTU including communication connectivity from IED to RTU panel as well as SCADA integration at Control Centre. ITC services for firewall ITC services for Ethernet Switch Erection, Commissioning, Testing of Transformer 9 1.6 MVA, 33/11kV Power Transformer DYn11 (Outdoor Installation) with Accessories No. 2.00 10 100 KVA 33/0.433kV Energy efficient Station Transformer along with all HT & LT termination No 1.00 11 Erection, Testing & Commissioning of Transformer Monitoring Unit, as per technical specification and scope of work. No 2.00 Erection, Laying of Substation Earthing System GI 12 Earthing Conductor 75X10 mm (5.89 Kg/Mtr.) GI Flat for laying (spacing maximum 2m both ways) Kg 6,479.00 13 Earthing Conductor: 50X6 mm (2.4Kg./Mtr.) GI Flat for Raiser from the burial earth mat to equipment, structure etc.) Kg 1,920.00 14 Earthing Device & Associated Accessories (Heavy duty GI Perforated Pipe of ID=40mm & OD=50mm with 3000mm long for treated Earth Pit) as per Drawing No 40.00 Erection of System GI 33, 11 and Station Trf Structure 15 (125x70x5) mm RS GI joist 5Mtr (13.3kg / Mtr) (04 nos for one Power Transformer) for supporting of 33kV Cable & 11kV cable (Unit Wt=0.0665 MT) & 10 mm thick MS plate size 250X250 mm at the bottom of the RS Joist duly welded & the MS plate to be suitably grouted to the floor for the rigidity. Kg 532.00 16 (100 x 50 x5) mm GI Channel (9.56kg / Mtr) (2Mtr - 06 nos for one Power Transformer) for supporting of 33kV & 11kV power Cable (Unit Wt=0.01912 MT) Kg 229.44 17 GI Nuts & Bolts etc. for column and beam & Equipment Structures Kg 100.00 18 GI Pipe of dia. 150mm, Class-B Mtr. 150.00 19 High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe 160 mm diameter. KM 0.10 20 LTDB for 100KVA, 33/0.433kV Station Transformer Nos 1.00 Laying of 11kV 33 and 11 kv Power and Control cables 21 Laying, Commissioning & Testing of 33kV, 1Core, 400sqmm, XLPE insulation (extruted type) UG cable (with one single 1core, 400sqmm, XLPE cable as spare) in trefoil formation by open trench method. KM 1.60 22.1 Erection of Outdoor termination kits Heat Shrinkable type suitable for 33kV, 1Core, 400sqmm, HT UG cable kits Set. 24.00 22.2 Erection of Indoor termination kits Heat Shrinkable type suitable for 33kV, 1Core, 400sqmm, HT UG cable kits Set. 24.00 22.3 Erection of 33kV 3CX95sqmm cable for Station Transformer (with Spare) MTR 100.00 22.4 Erection of Outdoor termination kits for Station Transformer NO 4.00 23 Laying, Commissioning, Testing of 11kV, 3core, 400sqmm, aluminium, XLPE insulation armoured (extruded type) UG cable by open trench method. KM 1.00 24.1 Erection of Indoor termination kits Heat Shrinkable type suitable for 11kV, 3Core, 400sqmm, aluminium UG cable kits for 3core (set) SET 16.00 24.2 Erection of Outdoor termination kits Heat Shrinkable type suitable for 11kV, 3Core, 400sqmm, aluminium UG cable kits for 3core (set) Set. 16.00 25 Control Cables (Copper Armoured) 25.1 4 Core x 2.5 mm2 Km 1.20 25.2 7 Core x 2.5 mm2 Km 0.70 25.3 10 Core x 2.5 mm2 Km 0.50 25.4 12 Core x 2.5 mm2 Km 0.50 25.5 1 Core x 16 mm2 Aluminium cable from Battery to Battery Charger & Battery Charger to DCDB Km 0.30 26 Laying of 1.1 kV XLPE Power Cables 26.1 XLPE 3 1/2 Core x 120 mm2 ( for Station Transformer output ) Km 0.15 26.2 XLPE 3 1/2 Core x 95 mm2 ( for Oil Filtration Machine Connection ) Km 0.10 26.3 XLPE 3 1/2 Core x 25 mm2 ( for Switchyard Lighting ) Km 0.30 26.4 XLPE 4 Core 16 mm2 ( for Switchyard Lighting ) Km 0.30 26.5 XLPE 2 Core 16 mm2 ( for Switchyard Lighting ) Km 0.30 Erection, Commissioning , Wiring & Testing of Battery & Battery Charger 27 48 V, 150 AH, maintenance free VRLA Battery (Set. 4 Nos of 12V Battery with 150AH) Set 1.00 28 48V, Float cum Boost Battery Charger (15 A float charging, 20 A boost charging) No 1.00 Erection, Commissioning , Wiring & Testing of Sub-station Lighting And Fire Fighting System 29 Sub-Station Switchyard Lighting , Control Room Lighting (it includes supply of fixtures & Lamps (LED) with switch gear, GI Conduit etc.(120Wx 4 sets and 100Wx6 sets out side the control room, 20 Watt CFL tube-10 sets inside control room .Control Room wiring to be done with Copper wires as per the requirement (Lighting fixtures are to be fixed rigidly on the Column at a suitable height with GI tubular pole so that the required lux as per the technical specification is maintained). Lot 1.00 30 1.5 Ton capacity Split Air Conditioning units with Remote control facility: Including supply of split Air conditioner 5 Star rated, voltage stabiliser, control boxes etc. for completing the A.C scheme. (As per specification) for control room. No 4.00 31 1400 mm sweep 250Volt A/C Celling Fan No 5.00 32 300 mm sweep 70W A/C Exhaust Fan ( for Battery room and Toilet ) No 2.00 33 Erection, Commissioning of Fire Fighting System (portable and wheel mounted sets for control room) 33.1 Foam type- 9 Ltrs No 2.00 33.2 CO2 - 4.5 Kgs No 2.00 33.3 Dry powder 6 Kg No 2.00 33.4 Fire Bucket with Stand (4nos. in each Stand) No 1.00 Erection, Commissioning , Wiring & Testing of AC & DC System 34 AC System 34.1 ACDB (as per specification) Lot 1.00 34.2 Main Lighting Distribution Board (as per specification) Lot 1.00 34.3 Indoor Lighting Distribution Board as per specification Lot 1.00 34.4 Receptable Panel near Power Transformer No 1.00 35 DC System 35.1 48 V DC Distribution Board as per specification . No 1.00 35.2 Water Cooler with stainless steel stand No 1.00 36 Wall mounted water purifier system No 1.00 37 Commissioning & Testing of Maintenance Testing Equipment Lot 1.00 38 Commissioning Tools and Plants (T&Ps) Requirement Lot 1.00 39 Commissioning Office Furniture Lot 1.00 Laying of Materials for Installation of Power Transformer on Plinth ( as per Drawing ) 40 90 lb Rail 5.4 mts ( 2.7x2) 44.62 kg per mtr / Transformer each (Unit Wt=0.240 MT) Nos 2.00 41 Laying including Fabrication works (300x300x10) mm GI plate each (Unit Wt=0.007065MT) Nos 24.00 41.1 (65x65x5) mm GI angle of 5.4 mts length.4.9 kg/mtr. / Transformer each (Unit Wt=0.026 MT) Nos 2.00 42 GI Chequered plate 1000X300X5.6mm thick for Cable Trench in side Control Room 12 Mtr MT 0.64 43 Construction of Cable Trench :2 tier 2 rows U-Type RCC Cable trench with M-20 Grade concrete: The internal width 2000 mm, depth 1005 mm, with 75X75X6 mm support angles fixed RCC wall of 175 X 175 mm, Raft of 175mm & with ladder type cable tray (45X45X5)mm two angles at both side having welded flats of 25X5 mm at a gap of 150mm) for Power & control Cable with RCC Trench Cover Slab as per technical Specification, approved drawing and Direction of Engineer Incharge. Complete work including earth work in excavation in all kind of soil & rock and refilling the cavity by selective soil, leveling the surface around the pit with disposal of surplus earth. Mtr 35.00 44 Chequered plate 1000X300X5.6mm thick for Cable Trench in side Control Room 12 Mtr Metric Ton 0.70 45 Erection of 33KV Line DP-2Nos 45.1 Erection of 13 WPB Pole, including excavation, refilling, 1:1.5:3 , M20 Grade cement concreting of size - 500(B)x500(W)X2200(H) , and cooping of 500(B)x500(W)x450(H) and and zebra painting (In Black & Yellow Strips) No 2.00 45.2 Erection of 13 Mtr.H Pole, including excavation, refilling, 1:1.5:3 , M20 Grade cement concreting of size - 500(B)x500(W)X2200(H) , andcooping of 500(B)x500(W)x450(H) and and zebra painting (In Black & Yellow Strips) No 4.00 45.3 Installation & Fabrication of Top Channel 100X50X6mm@9.56 KG/MTR. X (4.4 x2) (GI) KG 247.00 45.4 Installation of Fish Plate 50x6 mm., 2.36 kg/Mtr., each 0.280 mtr. length, 6 nos required = (6x2.36x0.280) KG 11.89 45.5 Installation & Fabrication of Insulator Support Cahnnel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 4.3 Mtr., 1 nos channel required =( 1x7.14x4.3) KG 92.11 45.6 Installation & Fabrication of Isolator Support Cahnnel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 4.3 Mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 2x7.14x4.3) KG 184.21 45.7 Installation & Fabrication of Double Pole Belting Channel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 4.3 Mtr., 4 nos channel required =( 4x7.14x4.3) KG 368.42 45.8 Installation & Fabrication of 50x50x6mm.GI Bracing Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., each angle length 4.927 mtr., 4 nos angle required = (4*4.5*4.927) KG 266.06 45.9 Installation & Fabrication of Isolator Operating Down Pipe Support Cahnnel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 0.8 Mtr., 1 nos channel required =( 1x7.14x0.8) KG 17.14 45.10 Installation & Fabrication of Down Pipe Diagonal Support Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., each angle length 0.388mtr., 1 nos angle required = (1*4.5*0.388) KG 5.24 45.11 Installation & Fabrication of Down Pipe Base Support Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., each angle length 0.34mtr., 1 nos angle required = (1*4.5*0.340) KG 4.59 45.12 Installation & Fabrication of Isolator Support Side Cahnnel 100X50X6mm, 9.56 KG/Mtr., each channel length 0.5 mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 2x9.56x0.5) KG 28.68 45.13 Installation of Danger Plate, 2 nos. No. 6.00 45.14 Installation of Back Clamp for danger Plate 25X3 mm. flat, 0.59Kg/Mtr. Flat of 0.510mtr length 2 nos = (2x0.59x0.510) KG 1.81 45.15 Fixing of complete 33KV stay set including 0.5Cum cement concrete foundation 1:2:4 size (500mm x 500mm x 800mm) Pair 6.00 45.16 Sply &InstGI PIPE Earthing ,40mm dia 3 Mtr GI pipe & PVC Pipe PCC ,and brick work for earthing chamber (Size: 2x2) and RCC or other suitable slab cover No. 8.00 45.17 Instalation of 50x6mm GI Flat for earthing, 2.36kg/mtr., (15 Mtr. For L.A, 4 Mtr for Isolator Body, 2.5 mtr. For mesh formation and 2.5 mtr. For raising)= 24x2.36 KM 0.10 45.18 Installation of GI barbed wire anticlimbing device 3 Kg. Per support Kg 24.00 45.19 Installation of Back Clamp for anticlimbing device 25X3 mm. flat, 0.59Kg/Mtr. Flat of 0.510mtr length 8 nos = (8x0.59x0.510) KG 7.22 45.2 ITC of Lightning Arrester(30KV,10KA) (Station Class,class-2) EA 9.00 45.21 ITC OF Center Rotating, 33kV, 1250A, 25kA, Beam Mounted Single Isolator ( Motorised) Double break Double Tandem operating pipe With Earth Switch, Base channel, Post insulator (For Incoming Line) - Outdoor Type Set 2.00 45.22 ITC 33 KV 200Amp AB Switch (For Stattion transformer) No. 1.00 45.23 ITC 33kV HG Fuse with horn gap, support insulator and channel (for Station Trf. 100KVA, 33/0.433kV) No. 1.00 45.24 Installation of 33KV pin insulator polymer No. 9.00 45.25 Installation of 33KV Polymer Disc Insulator (90KN- 120KN) along with Hardware fitting. No. 18.00 45.26 Installation of All type of Connector PG Clamp NO. 18.00 45.27 Installation of GI Nut , Bolt & Washer of different sizes (22.15 Kg each DP with Isolator) K.g. 66.45 45.28 Installation of All type of Connector PG Clamp 45.29 Installation of GI Nut , Bolt & Washer of different sizes (22.15 Kg each DP with Isolator) K.g. 54.88 45.30 Painting of Pole in Black & Yellow strip Ltr 15.00 46 11KV Line DP-4Nos 46.1 Installation/Erection of 11 Mtr long, RS JOIST/WPB Pole including loading and unloading, transportation from site/tent upto 10 Km., excavation, refilling, flooding with water, ramming/compacting of foundation as per TP Southern Odisha Distribution Co. Ltd. specifications and drawing including removal & disposal of extra malba as per instruction of EIC. The scope of work include providing & laying of 1:1.5:3 , M20, concrete of size - 500(B)x500(W)X1800(H) , and cooping of 500(B)x500(W)x450(H), Scope of work also includes 5 days curing and zebra painting (In Black & Yellow Strips/Zebra) .As per drawing. No 8.00 46.2 Installation & Fabrication of Top Channel 100X50X6mm, 9.56 KG/Mtr., each channel length 3 mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 2x9.56x3) KG 229.44 46.3 Installation & Fabrication of Fish Plate 50x6 mm., 2.36 kg/Mtr., each 0.280 mtr. length, 6 nos required = (6x2.36x0.280) KG 15.86 46.4 Installation & Fabrication of Isolator switch Mounting Channel 75X40X4.8mm, 7.14KG/Mtr, each channel length 3 Mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 7.14x3x2) KG 171.36 46.5 Installation & Fabrication of Isolator Switch Side Support Channel 100X50X6mm,9.56 KG/Mtr., each channel length 0.35 mtr., 2 nos channel required =( 9.56x2x0.35) KG 26.77 46.6 Installation & Fabrication of Channel Support for down Pipe 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 0.8 Mtr., 1 nos channel required =( 7.14x0.8x1) KG 22.85 46.7 Installation & Fabrication of Double Pole Belting Channel 75X40X 4.8mm., 7.14KG/Mtr., each channel length 1.66 Mtr., 4 nos channel required =( 7.14x3x4) KG 342.72 46.8 Installation & Fabrication of 50x50x6mm.GI Bracing Angle, 4.5Kg./mtr., each angle length 3.512 mtr., 4 nos angle required = (4.5x3.512x4) KG 252.86 46.9 Installation of Danger Plate, 2 nos. No. 8.00 46.10 Installation of Back Clamp for danger Plate 25X3 mm. flat, 0.59Kg/Mtr. Flat of 0.510mtr length 2 nos = (2x0.59x0.510) KG 2.41 46.11 Fixing of complete 11KV line Complete stay set includes 1) Turn Buckle Assembly 2) Stay Rod & Stay plate 3) Stay Insulator 4) Stay Wire. 5)Stay clamps with Nuts & bolts BA will do the excvation including excvation, supply of 0.5Cum cement concrete foundation 1:2:4 size ( 500mmx500mmx800mm) using 20mm BHG metal with all labour and material EA 8.00 46.12 Supply & Installation of Earthing pipe with 40mm dia 3 Mtr long Class-B GI Pipe(Jindal/Tata/Sail/Rinl) with earth chamber as per TP Southern Odisha Distribution Co. Ltd. specification and drawing (Each pit resistance will be measured and recorded and shall be as per IS). Scope include supply of all required material like Earth Electrode, Salt, Charcoal, Nuts-Bolt ,40mm dia 3 Mtr GI pipe & PVC Pipe PCC ,and brick work for earthing chamber (Size: 2x2) and RCC or other suitable slab cover(earth resistance measurement and with in limit to be achieved by BA).Scope of work also includes leveling & ramming of earth and removal of extra malba. No. 8.00 46.13 Installtion of 50x6mm GI Flat for earthing, 2.36kg/mtr., (12.5 Mtr. For L.A, 3 Mtr for AB Switch Body, 2.5 mtr. For mesh formation and 2.5 mtr. For raising)= 20.5x2.36 KM 0.09 46.14 Installtion of GI barbed wire anticlimbing device 3 Kg. Per support, 2 nos qty. required =(2x3kg) SET 24.00 46.15 INST OF Back Clamp for anticlimbing device 25X3 mm. flat, 0.59Kg/Mtr. Flat of 0.510mtr length 8 nos = (8x0.59x0.510) KG 9.63 46.16 Installation,Testing & comissioning of Lightning Arrester(11KV,10KA) (Station Class,class-2) EA 12.00 46.17 Installation of 11KV 400 AMP isolator without earth switch with PI(polymer) Set 4.00 46.18 Installtion of 11 KV pin insulator polymer No. 12.00 46.19 Installation of 11KV Polymer Disc Insulator (45KN- 90KN) along with Hardware fitting for 11KV line.Nutbolts will be paid separately No. 24.00 46.2 Installation of All type of Connector PG Clamp NO. 24.00 46.21 Installation of GI Nut , Bolt & Washer of different sizes K.g. 54.87 46.22 Painting of Pole in Black & Yellow strip Ltr 15.00 Part- C ITC sub-total PART C: Civil Works with supply of all materials like Cement, MS tor rod, Brick, Coarse & Fine Agregrates & Labour,T&P etc.(As per Technical Specification)(As per Technical Specification) SL. No. Description of Items UoM Quantity(A) 1 Contour survey , plotting the contour on graph sheet and marking the finished ground level Sqr Mtr 1,224.00 2 Cutting for Levelling and disposal of excess earth either in low laying area in sub-station or outside. Cum 143.00 3 Filling of S/S area with borrowed earth (rolling & compacting of filled up soil before taking measurement). Cum 2,320.00 4 OUT DOOR DRAIN to DISCHARGE SWITCHYARD/ WATER FROM WASH BASIN AND CONTROL ROOM ROOF (10 mts 4.1 Excavation in all type soil (1.35x10x0.7) Cum 9.45 4.2 PCC (1:3:6 ) (1.35x10x0.1) Cum 1.35 4.3 PCC ( 1:2:4 ) (0.3x10x0.05) Cum 0.15 4.4 Brick Masonary with cement mortar ( 1:5 ) (0.25x10x0.925+1/2x0.15x0.93x10)+(0.25x10x0.925) Cum 5.32 4.4 Plastering with Cement mortar(1:6) ( 2x0.25x10+2x0.925x10+1x0.925x10+1x1.0x10 ) Sq. mtr. 42.75 5 Switch Yard and COMPOUND WALL as per Drawing Schedule and Specification. For PILE Foundation for SBC Upto 10 5.1 Construction of Compound-wall (with RCC column & beam with M-20 Grade concrete ) along the property line of the sub-station as per technical specification and instruction of the Engineer in Charge.(the size of the bricks shall be 250mm having 1st class Fly-ash brick having compressive strength with 75kg/cm2). This also includes excavation in all types of soil or rocks, backfilling ,and disposal of excess earth . (Brick works rested on RCC Beam and RCC Column & footings , including Cement Plastering, Cement wash, Wall Painting two coats with weather coat.Provision of the boundary wall Fencing with M.S Grill of 700 mm height fixing at the top of the wall. It includes supply of all the materials & two coats of synthetic enamel paintings after primer application of the fencing . Run. Mtr. 180.00 Boring and casting 300 mm dia single under reamed pile of 3.00 m. long with R.C.C. M-20 using 20 mm down graded chips with cost of all materials, Steel Rods, labours, T&P etc. & all other machinaries required for Compound Wall work etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge at a spacing of 3.3m c/c Nos 65.00 5.2 Switch Yard GI Chain Linking Fencing with 2 Mtr Height. Run. Mtr. 60.00 6 Power Transformer Foundation / One (5 MVA) 6.1 Excavation in all type soil per Tfr.(3X3X1.1 mtr) Cum 19.80 6.2 PCC (1:3:6 ) per Tfr.(3X3X0.075 mtr) Cum 1.35 6.3 RCC ( 1:1.5:3 ) per Tfr. As per drawing Cum 10.52 6.4 RRHG stone grouting with sand per Tfr. Cum 9.00 7 Construction of 100kVA 33/0.4 kV station Trf. Plinth 7.1 Excavation in all type soil (2.5X2.5X0.750 mtr) Cum 4.69 7.2 PCC (1:3:6 ) (2.5X2.5X0.075 mtr) Cum 0.47 7.3 RCC ( 1:1.5:3 ) (1.5X1.5X0.1 mtr) Cum 0.23 7.4 Brick Masonary work (2.5x2.5x.925+2x(.5 x1.5x2.25) (1:5) Cum 61.19 7.5 Cement Plastering (1:6) (1.5x2.25x4)+(1.5x1.5) 20mm thick Sq Mtr 15.75 8 Construction of oil sump pit for Transformer (1.6 X 1.6 X 2.3 ) 8.1 Excavation of Earth(2.0x2.0x2.1) Cum 8.40 8.2 PCC (1:3:6) 2X2X0.1 Cum 0.40 8.3 RCC(1:1.5:3) 1.6X1.6X0.1 for Top Slab Cum 0.26 8.4 Brick Masonary work(2x2.1+2x1.6)x0.25x2.3 (1:5) Cum 4.26 8.5 Cement Plastering (1:6) 2.3 ( 4x2.1+ 4x1.6 )+ 1.6x1.6 Sq.mtr 36.60 8.6 Drainage for Oil sump pit with 250 dia hume pipe Mtr 24.00 9 ROAD (6 Mtrs wide) Length of the road 20 mtrs as per Drawing Schedule- OPTCL/CIVIL/11-REV-B. 9.1 Excavation in all type soil 0.5mx1mx6m Cum 60.00 9.2 Boulder Packing 0.5mx1mx5m Cum 90.00 9.3 Water base course -I 0.075mx1mx5m Cum 13.50 9.4 Water base course -II 0.075mx1mx5m Cum 13.50 9.5 PCC ( 1:2:4 ) 0.1mx1mx5m Cum 18.00 9.6 Fly ash Brick masonary in cement mortar (1:6) using the bricks of size 10 x 5 x 3 of crushing strength not less than 75 kg / centimetre square with dimensional tolerance 3% after immersing the bricks for 6 hours in water before use including hoisting to required height placing in position scaffolding, splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering and similar such type of work watering and curing etc. including cost, conveyance, royalty, cess, and taxes of all other materials machinaries scaffolding all labour T&P articles required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per the latest specification confirming to relevant IS Specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Cum 7.20 10 (125x70x5) mm RS GI joist 5Mtr ( STATION) as per Drawing Schedule- OPTCL/CIVIL/2-REV-B. - 10.1 Excavation with back filling L 1m x W 1 x D 2 Cum 8.00 10.2 PCC (1:3:6) Cum 0.40 10.3 RCC (1:1.5:3) Cum 12.00 11 Baffle Wall 11.1 Excavation with back filling 4.2mx0.75mx0.5m Cum 1.58 11.2 PCC 1:3:6 4.2mx0.75mx0.1m Cum 0.32 11.3 RCC 1:1.5:3 0.75x3.8x0.2+0.5x3.4x0.2+2.5x3x0.15 Cum 5.80 12 PCC (1:4:8 ) With cement For S/S area(75 mm) per Sq. mts.( (8x16x0.075) Cum 48.40 13 Metal Spreading 100 mm. per Sq. mts. Area of spreading. Cum 36.20 Switchgear Cum Control Room (22x10Mts) (column & beam based) (as per specification & Inclusive of doors, windows, collapsible gate, PHD fittings, electrification, inner cable trench, Two nos main doors with concrete pillars, beams) etc. as per Technical specification in Civil section. Layout Drawing 14 Switchgear Cum Control Room For Pile foundation in FLOOD AREA (with SBC upto 10) - 14.1 Boring and casting 300 mm dia single under reamed pile of 5.00 m. long with R.C.C. M-20 using 20 mm down graded chips with cost of all materials, labours, T&P etc. & all other machinaries required for the work etc. Complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Nos 252.00 14.2 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches in all kinds of soil including moorum, stony earth and earth mixed with boulders except sheet rock and boulders requiring blasting including dressing of sides and leveling the bed up to the required depth and depositing the excavated materials away from the work site within initial leads and lifts, including shoring, shuttering & dewatering (if required) with cost of labour,cess, hire & running charges of water pumps sundries , T & P & all other machinaries required for the work etc. Complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 470.80 14.3 Supplying and filling in foundation and plinth with good river sand well watered and rammed in layers not exceeding 23 cm in each layer including all leads and lifts, cost of all materials, labour,cess, sundries, T&P required for the work etc. Complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 791.60 14.4 Providing and lying plain cement concrete of proportion (1:3:6) in foundation and plinths using approved quality cement , 40 mm. size black hard crusher broken granite stone metal and screened, washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality and from approved quarry, including hoisting, lowering, laying concrete, ramming, watering and curing etc. complete to required levels laid in layers not exceeding 15 cm. thick in each layer including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, cess, sundries, T&P & all other machinaries required for the work including shoring, shuttering and dewatering if required including hire & running charges of water pump etc. Complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 156.80 14.5 K.B. Brick masonary in cement mortar (1:6) using the bricks of size 10 x 5 x 3 of crushing strength not less than 100 kg / centimeter square with dimensional tolerance 3% after immersing the bricks for 6 hours in water before use including hoisting to required height placing in position scaffolding, splays cutting, circular moulding, corbelling, chamfering and similar such type of work watering and curing etc. including cost, conveyance, royalty, cess, and taxes of all other materials machinaries scaffolding all labour T&P articles required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per the latest specification confirming to relevant IS Specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. - 14.5.1 In Foundation and Plinth Cum 108.00 14.5.2 Ground Floor Cum 222.80 14.6 RCC work M-20 grade as per approved designs and drawings having a minimum compressive strength (in work test) 200 Kg./ Sqcm.in 15 cm. cubes at 28 days after mixing and test conducted in accordance with I.S.456 and I.S 516 using 12 mm. to 20 mm. size black hard crusher broken granite stone chips, screened and washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality from approved quarry, to be mixed in concrete mixture with approved quality cement including hoisting, lowering, laying and compacting concrete by using vibrators, watering and curing for 28 days, centering and shuttering and finishing the exposed surface smooth providing grooves or beads wherever necessary including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes and cess of all materials, cost of all labours, sundries, T&P & all other machinaries required for the work but excluding cost and conveyance of M.S. or Tor steel and binding wires etc. Complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. - 14.6.1 Pile cap & Grade beam Cum 300.00 14.6.2 R.C.C. wall Cum 70.80 14.6.3 Plinth Beam Cum 24.40 14.6.4 Column & Beam- Ground Floor Cum 144.00 14.6.5 Lintel-Ground Floor Cum 8.80 14.6.6 65mm thick R.C.C.Chajja- Ground Floor Sqm 88.40 14.6.7 Roof slab - Ground Floor Cum 147.20 14.6.8 Staircase- Ground Floor Cum 23.60 14.7 Cutting, Straightening coiled or bent up M.S. rods or Tor steel welding or jointing if necessary, bending, binding, tying the grills as required for R.C.C. works, providing fan hooks where necessary and hoisting, lowering and placing in proper position according to approved designs and drawings including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, taxes of M.S. rods or Tor steel and binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge required for the work and cost of all labour, sundries, T&P and scaffolding complete in all respect as directed by the Engineer in charge (payment will be made according to the actual weight of M.S. rod / Tor steel consumed in the work and no separate payment will be made towards weight of binding wires which is to be borne by the contractor at his own cost etc. complete in all respect as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. - 14.7.1 Ground Floor MT 72.00 14.8 Supplying, fitting and fixing vitrified tile 60x60cm plain Ivory 8 to 10 mm thick in floors of approved make with application of polymer modified cement based water resistant adhesive bed of required thickness of 10mm and filling joints with epoxy grout of approved quality including cost of all materials, takes labour T&P etc. required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per the latest specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Sqm 416.00 14.9 Supplying, fitting and fixing vitrified tile 60x60cm plain Ivory 8 to 10 mm thick in dado of approved make with application of polymer modified cement based water resistant adhesive bed of required thickness of 10mm and filling joints with epoxy grout of approved quality including cost of all materials, takes labour T&P etc. required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per the latest specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Sqm 36.80 14.10 Supplying, fitting and fixing Floor tile of size 40cmx40 cm / 30cmx30cm in floors on 25mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:1 (1cement : 1sand) jointed with neat cement slury mixed with pigment to match the shades of the tiles of required thickness of approved quality including cost of all materials, takes labour T&P etc. required for the work.etc complete in all respect as per the latest specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Sqm 20.40 14.11 Providing fitting fixing Glazed /Ceramic tiles of size 20cmX30cm & 6.5 to 6.7mm thick of size up to 0.10sqm in wall dados skirting and on 12mm thick cement plaster (1:3) jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with pigments to match the shade of the tiles including rubbing and polishing complete including cost of precast tiles etc. complete in all respect as per the latest specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Sqm 107.20 14.12 Supplying, fitting and fixing 5x2½ size Dressed seasoned Sal wood chaukaths including cost, conveyance royality taxes of all materials. labour, all other machinaries, T & P articles required for the work complete in all respect as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Cum 1.00 14.13 Supplying, fitting and fixing 30mm/32mm flush door shutter (Non-Sal hard wood frame fixed with 4mm BWR ply on both sides of frame.including cost conveyance royality taxes of all materials. labour, all other machinaries, T & P articles required for the work complete in all respect as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Sqm 57.60 14.14 Providing and fixing of sliding windows of approved make to be febricated from roll formed sections made of pre-painted steel (base steel as per IS-513 of 0.6 mm thick D quality, galvanized as per IS-277 with zinc of 120 Gm/ Sqm.) including cost conveyance royality taxes of all materials. labour, all other machinaries, T & P articles required for the work complete in all respect as per the direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. DOUBLE SHUTTER SLIDING WINDOW Sqm 124.00 14.15 Providing and fixing of FRP door frame including cost conveyance royality taxes of all materials. labour, all other machinaries, T & P articles required for the work complete in all respect as per the latest specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Mtr 40.80 14.16 Providing and fixing of FRP door shutter including cost conveyance royality taxes of all materials. labour, all other machinaries, T & P articles required for the work complete in all respect as per the latest specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Sqm 15.20 14.17 Providing 16mm. thick cement plaster with cement mortar of mix (1:6) with approved quality cement with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the surface over brick work after racking out the joints including watering and curing, rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties, cess, and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T&P and scaffolding required for the work etc. complete in all respect as desired by the Engineer in charge - 14.17.1 Ground Floor Sqm 2,499.60 14.18 Providing 12mm. thick cement plaster with cement mortar of mix (1:6) with approved quality cement and screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the surface over brick work after racking out the joints including watering and curing, rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes, cess, of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T&P and scaffolding required for the work etc. complete in all respect as desired by the Engineer in charger in charge - 14.18.1 Ground Floor Sqm 1,588.40 14.19 Providing 12mm. thick cement plaster with cement mortar of mix (1:3) with approved quality cement with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the surface in ceiling and R.C.C. surface after chipping the surface in all floors including watering and curing, rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties, cess, and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T&P and scaffolding required for the work etc. complete in all respect as desired by the Engineer in charge. - 14.19.1 Ground Floor Sqm 1,603.60 14.20 Providing and finishing the wall surface with two coat of cement wash including scaffolding, all labour, cost, conveyance, cess, taxes of all materials, T&P articles, brushes all other machineries required for the work complete in all respect confirming to relevant I.S. Specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge - 14.20.1 Ground Floor Sqm 5,655.20 14.21 Supplying fitting and fixing of M.S shutter made out of M.S Angle 40mmx40mmx6mmm, M.S.Flat 19 mm x 5 mm size, M.S. guide, top hood cover etc. as per design provided including cost, conveyance, royalities of all materials, cost of all labour, T&P articles required for the work etc. complete in all respect confirming to relevant I.S specification and direction of the Engineer-in Charge. Kg 3,166.80 14.22 Supplying fitting and fixing of M.S grill made out of M.S M.S.Flat 19 mm x 5 mm size, as per design provided including cost, conveyance, royalities of all materials, cost of all labour, T&P articles required for the work etc. complete in all respect confirming to relevant I.S specification and direction of the Engineer-in Charge. Kg 2,848.40 14.23 Wall painting 2 coats with acrylic distemper over one coat of wall primer of approved shade on new work to give an even shade in all floors at all height including scafolding cost of brushes including cost of paint cost conveyance royality of all materials labour,T&P articles required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per the latest specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. - 14.23.1 Ground Floor Sqm 3,725.20 14.24 Painting two coats with weather coat on exterior walls surface of approved quality and approved shade over a coat of primer in all floors at all height of approved quality and shade including cleaning and sand papering the surface and making the surface smooth with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, and taxes of all materials, cost of all labour, sundries, T&P, scaffolding etc. required for the work complete in all respect as directed by Engineer-in-charge - 14.24.1 Ground Floor Sqm 1,930.00 14.25 Painting two Coats with approved colour synthetic enamel paint on wood / iron work in all floors at all height including scafolding cost conveyance royality of all materials labour,T&P articles required for the work etc. complete in all respect as per the latest specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Sqm 418.40 14.26 Providing cement concrete (1:1.5:3) using 12mm size black hard crusher broken granite stone chips, screened & washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality and from approved quarry, including hoisting, lowering, laying concrete, ramming, watering and curing etc. complete to required levels laid in layers not exceeding 15 cm. thick in each layer including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, cess, sundries, T&P & all other machinaries required for the work including shoring, shuttering and dewatering if required including hire & running charges of water pump etc. Complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 123.60 14.27 Supplying, fitting and fixing of stainless steel of 304 grade in hand railing using 50mm dia of 2mm thick circular pipe with Balustrade of size 32mm x 32mm x 2mm @ 0.90mtr. C/C and stainless square pipe bracing of size 32mm x 32mm x 2mm in 3 rows in stair case as per approved design and specification, buffing, polishing etc. with cost, conveyance, taxes of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for the complete in all respect. Mtr 68.00 14.28 Providing and fixing M.S. fan clamp type-I of 16mm dia M.S. bar bent to shape with hooked ends in R.C.C. slab during laying including painting the exposed portion of loop as per standard design complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Nos 120.00 14.29 Providing 12mm. thick cement plaster in cement mortar of mix (1:4) with neat cement punning with approved quality cement with screened and washed sharp sand for mortar and finished smooth to the surface in ceiling and R.C.C. surface after chipping the surface in septic tank including watering and curing, rounding of corners etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties, cess, and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T&P and scaffolding required for the work etc. complete in all respect as desired by the Engineer in charge. Sqm 48.40 14.30 Providing neat cement punning with approved quality cement finished smooth to the surface etc. complete with cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties, cess, and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, sundries, T&P and scaffolding required for the work etc. complete in all respect as desired by the Engineer in charge. Sqm 958.00 14.31 40 mm thick grading concrete with cement concrete (1:2:4) using 12mm and down graded b.h.g. chips to the roof surface with water proofing cement compound finished smooth over RCC slab including hoisting and laying in position watering and curing for required number of days finished to smooth surface and desired slope including cost conveyance, royalty and taxes of all materials, labour T&P articles required for the work etc. complete in all respect confirming to relevant I.S specification and direction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Sqm 550.80 14.32 Providing Fitting, fixing of Aluminium Door with OEL or equivalent anodized AL. door section as vertical member, as top, as bottom and middle member and 8mm plain glass fixed to door to be completed including all cost of labour T&P hire charges of drilling machine , labour charges etc.complete. Sqm 14.20 14.33 Supply & Fixing of alluminium Ventilator with 8 mm thick glass as per approved drawing Sqm 0.92 14.34 Finishing surface of wall with Acrylic wall Putty(water Based) of approved make and finished smooth and even surface to receive painting including cost of scaffolding staging charges with cost of all materials, taxes, labour, T&P etc. complete. Sqm 742.00 Septic Tank 14.35 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches in all kinds of soil including moorum, stony earth and earth mixed with boulders except sheet rock and boulders requiring blasting including dressing of sides and leveling the bed up to the required depth and depositing the excavated materials away from the work site within initial leads and lifts, including shoring, shuttering & dewatering (if required) with cost of labour,cess, hire & running charges of water pumps sundries , T & P & all other machinaries required for the work etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 10.60 14.36 Supplying and filling in foundation and plinth with good river sand well watered and rammed in layers not exceeding 23 cm in each layer including all leads and lifts, cost of all materials, labour,cess, sundries, T&P required for the work etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 0.95 14.37 Providing and lying plain cement concrete of proportion (1:3:6) in foundation and plinths using approved quality cement , 40 mm. size black hard crusher broken granite stone metal and screened, washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality and from approved quarry, including hoisting, lowering, laying concrete, ramming, watering and curing etc. complete to required levels laid in layers not exceeding 15 cm. thick in each layer including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, cess, sundries, T&P & all other machinaries required for the work including shoring, shuttering and dewatering if required including hire & running charges of water pump etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 0.78 14.38 RCC work M-20 grade as per approved designs and drawings having a minimum compressive strength (in work test) 200 Kg./ Sqcm.in 15 cm. cubes at 28 days after mixing and test conducted in accordance with I.S.456 and I.S 516 using 12 mm. to 20 mm. size black hard crusher broken granite stone chips, screened and washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality from approved quarry, to be mixed in concrete mixture with approved quality cement including hoisting, lowering, laying and compacting concrete by using vibrators, watering and curing for 28 days, centering and shuttering and finishing the exposed surface smooth providing grooves or beads wherever necessary including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes and cess of all materials, cost of all labours, sundries, T&P & all other machinaries required for the work but excluding cost and conveyance of M.S. or Tor steel and binding wires etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 4.56 15 P.H. Fitting (Internal & External) to Switch-Gear -Cum -Control Room - 15.1 Supplying all materials , labours , taxes and tools and plants for fitting and fixing of PVC pipes of following nominal bore conforming to ASTM-D-1785 (Schedule-80) including fittings and laying as per the site requirement etc., all complete including testing as per the direction and specification of Engineer-in-charge - 15.1.1 15 mm dia Mtr 15.00 15.1.2 20 mm dia Mtr 20.00 15.1.3 25 mm dia Mtr 15.00 15.1.4 40 mm dia Mtr 20.00 15.1.5 50 mm dia Mtr 20.00 15.2 Supplying all material, labour , T&P & fitting ,fixing the following different water supply fittings of approved make with including supply of all necessary jointing materials etc. all complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. - 15.2.1 25 mm dia Ball valve Nos 2.00 15.2.2 50 mm dia Ball valve Nos 2.00 15.2.3 25 mm dia F.W. valve Nos 2.00 15.2.4 50 mm dia F.W. valve Nos 2.00 15.3 Supplying all labour T&P and cutting holes in brick masonry wall for taking pipes through and mending good the damages with supply of all required materials etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-incharge 15.3.1 For 15mm to 50mm CPVC pipe to pass in 125mm to 250mm thick wall Nos 10.00 15.4 Supplying all labour T&P and materials and making grooves in brick walls vertically and horizontally to the required depth and width for fixing pipes & fittings of sizes 15mm dia to 25mm dia in the grooves, testing the pipe line against leakage, and filling the grooves with cement mortar(1:4) to bring the surface to original level including cost of mortars, curing and conveyance of materials etc. complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Mtr 10.00 15.5 Supplying all materials , labour T&P and fittings of approved quality required for fixing of NP or CP Brass or GM fixtures of following sizes and specification with leak proof threaded joints tightened with spun yarn and white zinc or any tightened with spun yarn and white zinc or any including testing and rectification of detects, after testing complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. 15.5.1 Bibcock Nos 5.00 15.5.2 Long Body Bibcock Nos 2.00 15.5.3 Pillar cock Nos 2.00 15.5.4 Angular stop cock Nos 4.00 15.5.5 Soap Holder Nos 2.00 15.5.6 Towel ring Nos 2.00 15.5.7 Toilet paper holder Nos 2.00 15.5.8 Glass self 22 Nos 2.00 15.5.9 Towel rail 24 Nos 2.00 15.5.10 Shower arm 190mm long light Nos 2.00 15.5.11 CP Grating Nos 2.00 15.5.12 Concealed stop cock Nos 4.00 15.5.13 Connecting Pipe Nos 2.00 15.5.14 Basin with pedestal Nos 2.00 15.5.15 Providing and fixing vitreous China water closet (European with seat and lid), of Cerra Cascade “CASINO”, CP brass buffers, 10 liter cascade dual flushing cistern hinges & rubber with fittings and brackets, 40 mm flush bend of CP brass, 20 mm overflow pipe with specials & mosquito proof coupling complete, painting on brackets and making good the walls and floors wherever required. Nos 1.00 15.5.16 Providing and fixing vitreous China water closet Indian type of Odisha pattern size (580mmx440mm) of approved quality with PVC Slimeline (Parryware make) 12.5 ltr capacity low level cistrn with hinges & rubber with fittings and brackets, 40 mm flush bend of CP brass, 20 mm overflow pipe with specials & mosquito proof coupling complete, painting on brackets and making good the walls and floors wherever required. Nos 1.00 15.5.17 Providing and fixing vitreous China water urinal of Cerra/Parry ware with fittings and brackets, flush bend of CP brass, and making good the walls and floors wherever required. Nos 2.00 15.6 Supply of all materials, labour, T&P , fitting and fixing in all floors fixed type bevelled plate glass mirror of size 600mm x 450mm x 5.5mm thick best Indian make ,supply of 13mm thick asbestos backing and CP Brass screw including cost conveyance, taxes of all materials complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge(Make-Modi Guard/Belgium) Nos 2.00 15.7 Supply of all materials, joining materials ,labour and T&P and laying UPVC SWR PIPES of Standard make with ISI Mark duly approved by the Engineer-in-charge including jointing, earthwork in excavation of trenches in all kind of soil to the required depth and refilling of pipe line trenches in 0.3048 mtrs layers with 300 mm deep sand around cushion duly watered and rammed or fixing to walls, floors with supply of necessary clamps, nails and cutting the pipe to length with wastage including supply of all Clamps, Clips, Endcaps & jointing materials etc., complete as per standard specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 15.7.1 100mm dia ( ISI Marked ) Mtr 10.00 15.7.2 150mm dia ( ISI Marked) Mtr 25.00 15.8 Supplying all materials, labour T&P for jointing of the UPVC SWR SEWER pipe fittings of standard make duly approved by the Engineer-in-charge with joining material etc. suitably required for fixing on 100mm dia soil waste pipe complete with requisite testing as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 15.8.1 100mm dia P Trap Nos 2.00 15.8.2 100mm dia Bend Plain Nos 3.00 15.8.3 100mm Door Bend Nos 3.00 15.8.4 100 mm dia Single Junction with Door Nos 3.00 15.8.5 100 mm dia double Junction with Door Nos 3.00 15.8.6 100mm dia Terminal Guard Nos 2.00 15.8.7 100mm dia. Floor trap Nos 3.00 15.9 Supplying all materials, labor T&P for jointing of the UPVC SWR SEWER pipes & fittings of standard make duly approved by the Engineer-in-charge suitably required for fixing on 100mm dia soil waste pipe complete with requisite testing as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 15.9.1 100mm Pipe Nos 10.00 15.10 Fixing of UPVC vent pipes Including labour & T&P all complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 15.10.1 100mm Pipe Mtr 4.00 15.10.2 100mm Vent Cowl No 2.00 15.11 Supplying all materials labour T&P and constructing inspection chamber C.C.(1:4:8) on bed with hard stone metal size 40mm and 250mm K.B.Bricks work having crushing strength 75 Kg to 99 Kg/cm2 in cement mortar (1:4), R.C.C. roof slab with 500mm dia light pattern factory made SFRC M.H cover with frame, moulding and shaping the channel and benching with C.C. 1:2:4 with hard granite chips 12mm size, 12mm thick C.P 1:3 including cement punning inside, Cement plaster (1:3) outside the chamber, earth work in excavation in all kinds of soil and refilling the cavity around the chamber as per detail drawing & design and specification including cost, conveyance, taxes etc. all complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 15.11.1 750mmx 750mm x450mm No 1.00 15.12 Providing and fixing 2000 litres capacity P.V.C Over head (Sintex make) tank with all piping and valve arrangement with all labour & materials ,including cost, T&P , scaffolding etc., complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 15.12.1 2000 Ltr Capacity No 1.00 15.13 Supplying all material, labour, T&P and constructing manhole chamber of size as mentioned below with 250mm nominal size K.B. Brick having crushing strength 75kg to 99kg /cm2 in CM 1:4 over a bed of 150mm thick C.C(1:4:8) using 40mm size HG metal, plastering with 12mm thick cement mortar (1:3) on internal and external surface, inside finish with neat cement punning, providing & fixing step iron of appropriate quality & size with 3 coats anticorrosive paint, RCC (1:1.5:3) cover slab using 20m & down size graded HG chips along with factory made reinforced concrete cover with frame including breaking of pipe line where ever necessary and earth work in excavation in all kind of soil & rock and refilling the cavity by selective soil, leveling the surface around the chamber with disposal of surplus earth if any to a distance of 50mt as per specification, design & drawing including cost of curing and all taxes , royality , cost , conveyance etc. all complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. No 1.00 15.14 Supplying all material, labour, T&P and constructing 1.80m dia x 2.60m deep soak way pit with dry brick walling upto 2.00m height and 1st class K.B. Brickwork in cement mortar (1:6) for the remaining 06.60m height at top, 12mm thick cement plaster (1:4) inside and outside , 100mm thick gravel backing in the rear of well staining, 125mm thick RCC cover slab fitted with with iron lifting handles including earth work in excavation in all kind of soil & rock and refilling the cavity by selective soil, leveling the surface around the pit with disposal of surplus earth if any to a distance of 50mt including cost of curing and all taxes , royality , cost , conveyance etc. all complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. No 1.00 16 Watering system like 150 mm dia, 100 Mtr deep bore well (PVC pipe to be used) 1 HP submersivele pump, switch yard water hydrant system for pouring water into the earth pits, tap for garden, including PVC pipes & other accessories required etc. LS 1.00 17 Small wicket (GI) gate one in between Main Gate & Security shed & another in front of Customer Care room of size 1.5 mtr width X 2 mtrs height single leaf with locking arrangement etc. as per above. No. 2.00 18 RRHG retaing wall with 1:5 cement mortar Considering 0.6 mt height of retaining wall above the existing ground level per Meter as per Drawing TOTAL 74 Mtrs - 18.1 Excavation in all type of soil( 0.8 Cum / Mtr) Cum 105.60 18.2 PCC (1:4:8) 200 mm thick. With cement ( 0.2 Cum / Mtr) Cum 26.40 18.3 PCC (1:2:4) 50 mm thick With cement ( 0.02 Cum / Mtr) Cum 1.58 18.4 RRHG Cement Masonary (1:5) With cement ( 0.86 Cum / Mtr) Cum 63.64 19 Laying of cable trench with supply of GI Cable Trench material & all Civil works 19.1 Laying of 2 tier 2 rows cable trench (internal width 1500 mm,depth 680 mm, with 75X75X6 mm support angles fixed RCC column of 250 X 250 mm & with ladder type cable tray (45X45X5mm two angles at both side having welded flats of 25X5 mm at a gap of 150mm) for Power & control Cable. It includes supply of GI Cable Trench materials, supply of all civil items as per site requirement and as per detail drawing & design and specification including cost, conveyance, taxes etc. all complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Mtr 40.00 19.2 Laying of 2 tier 1 rows cable trench (internal width 750 mm,depth 680 mm, with 65X65X6 mm support angles fixed RCC column of 250 X 250 mm & with ladder type cable tray (45X45X5mm two angles at both side having welded flats of 25X5 mm at a gap of 150mm) for Power & control Cable It includes supply of GI Cable Trench materials, supply of all civil items as per site requirement and as per detail drawing & design and specification including cost, conveyance, taxes etc. all complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Mtr 35.00 19.3 Laying of 2 tier 1 rows cable trench (internal width 500 mm,depth 580 mm, with 50X50X6 mm support angles fixed RCC column of 250 X 250 mm & with ladder type cable tray (45X45X5mm two angles at both side having welded flats of 25X5 mm at a gap of 150mm) for Power & control Cable. It includes supply of GI Cable Trench materials, supply of all civil items as per site requirement and as per detail drawing & design and specification including cost, conveyance, taxes etc. all complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Mtr 25.00 19.4 Excavation of Earth for 13 Mtr. long poles pit. (1000mm X 500mm X 2275mm) = 1.14 Cu.mtr.), as per technical specification and scope of work. Cum 4.56 19.5 Concreting of poles in ratio 1:1.5:3 (500mmX500mmX2200mm) = 0.55 Cu.mtr, as per technical specification and scope of work. Cum 2.20 19.6 Couping of poles in ratio 1:1.5:3 with dimension ( 500X500X450)= 0.1125 Cu mtr, as per technical specification and scope of work. Cum 0.45 19.7 Excavation of Earth for 11 Mtr. long poles pit. (1000mm X 500mm X 1875mm) = 0.94 Cu.mtr.), as per technical specification and scope of work. Cum 9.40 19.8 Concreting of poles in ratio 1:1.5:3 (500mmX500mmX1800mm) = 0.45 Cu.mtr, as per technical specification and scope of work. Cum 4.50 19.9 Couping of poles in ratio 1:1.5:3 with dimension ( 500X500X450)= 0.1125 Cu mtr, as per technical specification and scope of work. Cum 1.13 19.1 Fixing of stay set with 0.5Cum cement concrete foundation PCC 1:3:6 size ( 900mmx600mmx900mm) using 40mm BHG metal with all labor and material, including excavation and required backfilling, as per technical specification and scope of work. Nos. 14.00 19.11 Making of earth chamber with 50mm thick RCC Slab (with 8mm rod) cover for earth pit of size 450mmX450mm X600 mm depth as per direction of Engg in Charge. Nos. 54.00 20 Construction of 600mm dia Hume Pipe Single row culvert and approach road for Control room-cum- Swith gear room 20.1 Earth work in excavation of foundation trenches in all kinds of soil including moorum, stony earth and earth mixed with boulders except sheet rock and boulders requiring blasting including dressing of sides and leveling the bed up to the required depth and depositing the excavated materials away from the work site within initial leads and lifts, including shoring, shuttering & dewatering (if required) with cost of labour,cess, hire & running charges of water pumps sundries , T & P & all other machinaries required for the work etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 14.90 20.2 Supplying and filling in foundation and plinth with good river sand well watered and rammed in layers not exceeding 23 cm in each layer including all leads and lifts, cost of all materials, labour,cess, sundries, T&P required for the work etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 1.80 20.3 Providing and lying plain cement concrete of proportion (1:3:6) in foundation and plinths using approved quality cement , 40 mm. size black hard crusher broken granite stone metal and screened, washed sharp sand for mortar of approved quality and from approved quarry, including hoisting, lowering, laying concrete, ramming, watering and curing etc. complete to required levels laid in layers not exceeding 15 cm. thick in each layer including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, cess, sundries, T&P & all other machinaries required for the work including shoring, shuttering and dewatering if required including hire & running charges of water pump etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 1.80 20.4 Providing cement concrete of M-15 grade using 20mm down graded black hard crusher broken granite stone chips, screened & washed sharp sand of approved quality and from approved quarry, including hoisting, lowering, laying concrete, ramming, watering and curing etc. complete to required levels laid in layers not exceeding 15 cm. thick in each layer including cost, conveyance, loading, unloading, royalties and taxes of all materials and cost of all labours, cess, sundries, T&P & all other machinaries required for the work including shoring, shuttering and dewatering if required including hire & running charges of water pump etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 8.30 20.5 Providing,laying and fixing in position R.C.C.hume pipes with collars jointed with cement mortar 1:3 complete with cost of all materials, and cost of all labours, cess, sundries, T&P & all other machinaries required for the work etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Mtr 7.50 20.6 Providing rough stone dry packing for guard walls & retaining walls including cost conveyance of all materials and cost of all labours, cess, sundries, T&P etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 5.30 20.7 Rolling and compacting to sub grade or formation loosening by cutting ordinary earth for 0.15 Mtr. depth including watering and rolling by PRR as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (Data for 100sqm x 0.15m= 15 Cum). Cum 97.50 20.8 Conveying from the stacks supplying, spreading morrum & sand mixture to proper camber and consolidation with H.R.R.including watering as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. Cum 230.00 20.9 Soling the road surface with soling stones including filling the interstices with moorum and rolling with PRR including cost conveyance of all materials and cost of all labours, cess, sundries, T&P etc.complete in all respect as per latest specification & direction of the Engineer in charge. Cum 75.00 20.10 Supplying and filling in sub base of road with borrowed earth including rolling & compacting all works complete as per specification and instruction of engineer. Payment shall be made for the compacted volume only as per spot levels taken at 2 intervals before start of work and after completion of the filling works. Cum 780.00 20.11 Design & providing Galvanised Chain Linking Fencing with 2 Mtr Height around TRF specification. Sq. mtr. 80.00 Part- C Civil work sub-total Sub Total of Part - C ( PSS)

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