
Tender For Operation And Maintenance Of Jhansi Augmentation Water Supply Scheme 110 Mld And Jhansi Babina Water Supply Scheme 45 Mld Operation And Maintenance Of Jhansi Augmentation Water Supply Scheme 110 Mld And Jhansi Babina Water Supply Scheme 45 Mld , jhansi-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has published Tender For Operation And Maintenance Of Jhansi Augmentation Water Supply Scheme 110 Mld And Jhansi Babina Water Supply Scheme 45 Mld Operation And Maintenance Of Jhansi Augmentation Water Supply Scheme 110 Mld And Jhansi Babina Water Supply Scheme 45 Mld . Submission Date for this Tender is 08-07-2024. Water Supply Project Tenders in jhansi Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Operation And Maintenance Of Jhansi Augmentation Water Supply Scheme 110 Mld And Jhansi Babina Water Supply Scheme 45 Mld Operation And Maintenance Of Jhansi Augmentation Water Supply Scheme 110 Mld And Jhansi Babina Water Supply Scheme 45 Mld
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

tender for Operation And Maintenance Of Jhansi Augmentation Water Supply Scheme 110 Mld And Jhansi Babina Water Supply Scheme 45 Mld Operation And Maintenance Of Jhansi Augmentation Water Supply Scheme 110 Mld And Jhansi Babina Water Supply Scheme 45 Mld For 1 Year The Scope Includes Oandm Of Intake Works Raw Water Mains Wtp Clear Water Mains And Other Ancillary Components, 1 Part-A (Civil work) 2 Skilled Operating Staff for Operation and Watch & Ward of 45 mld and 110 mld WTP 3 Providing of skilled operating stafffor opening and controllingsluice valve at CP tank (Head work Matateela ) in three shift at 45 MLD02 in each shift 4 1st shift(02 nos in each shift@ Rs 420 each) 5 2 nd shift(02 nos in each shift@ Rs 420 each) 6 3rd shift(02 nos in each shift@ Rs 420 each) 7 Providing of Skilled Petroling staff for Raw Water GravityMain pipe lineMatateela head work toBabina wtp - 20.0 km approx (1x3= 3 for 365 days @ Rs 420 each for 8 hours foreach shift) 8 Clear Water GravityMainBabina to Elite CircleJhansi 27.50 km approx(1x3= 4 for 365 days @ Rs 420 each for 8 hours foreach shift) 9 Providing of skilled operating stafffor Back wash operatingsluice valve,air sluice valve,in three shift at WTP 45 MLD plant(2 Nosin each shift x 3= 6 nos for 365 days=2190 nos) 8 hours foreach shift 10 Providing of skilled operating stafffor Back wash operatingsluice valve,air sluice valve,in three shift at WTP 110 MLD plant (2 Nosin each shift x 3= 6 nos for 365 days=2190 nos) 8 hours foreach shift 11 Providing of Skill stafffor maintinance of Chlorinator plant and PAC Doasing Machine works at 45 mldWater Tretment Plant (1 Nosin each shift x 3= 3 nos for 365 days=1095 nos) 8 hours foreach shift 12 Providing of Skill stafffor maintinance of Chlorinator plant and PAC Doasing Machine works at 110 mldWater Tretment Plant (1 Nosin each shift x 3= 3 nos for 365 days=1095 nos) 8 hours for each shift 13 CleaningofAlgae&othersuspendedmaterialfromInletChannelscreem , CLF , filter bed , settle water channelbymanuallabourandDisposalofAlgae &other suspended material from Inlet Channel to suitable place With in 8 km for 45 mld .(2x365 days=730 ) 8 hours foreach shift 14 CleaningofAlgae&othersuspendedmaterialfromInletChannelscreem , CLF , filter bed , settle water channelbymanuallabourandDisposalofAlgae &other suspended material from Inlet Channel to suitable place With in 8 km for 110 mld ..(2x365 days=730 ) 8 hours foreach shift 15 Horticulture works at Head Work (Matateela) and water treatment plant Campus Babina and other related works for45 mld and 110 mld WTP 16 Maintenance of the entire garden features in the garden area i.e. feeding of water,lawn trees, shrubs, hedge, flower beds, creepers etc. including hoeing, pruning replacement of plants gap filling, watering, mowing of lawn, clipping of hedge, removal of garden waste, applyinginsecticide,pescticide,fertilizer&Manures per month including all T&P as per the direction of ingineer incharge 17 Operation & Maintenance of Laboratory 18 Providing Lab Technicion/chemist (MSC Qualified) for Water test and maintain quality of dinking water as per CPHEO GUDE of turbidity, PH Value of water, Dosing of PAC, Jar test, Chlorine (Pre and Post) etc. at 45 MLD. WTP and 110MLD. WTP at BABINA . (1x 365 Days = 365 days) 19 Providing of labour for collection of water sample from bulk consumer located at different location weekly (2 nos x 4nos x12months = 96 days 20 Providing of labour for water meater reading and distribution of water bills for bulk consumer located at different location weekly (4 nox12 = 48 days) 21 Providing of labour for water meater readinglocated at Bijoli(2 no x365 days = 730 Nos) 22 Supply and installation of Laboratorary Equipment as per latest modle and specification including transportation,fright charges, loading and unloading complete asthe direction of engineer incharge complete . 23 Hot air oven 60 Lt (Make - Lefco India, Thermo Fisher) 24 Auto Clave 50 L(Make - Lefco India, Thermo Fisher) 25 Incubator 112 L (Make - Lefco India, Thermo Fisher) 26 Jar floculator (Make - Lefco India, Thermo Fisher) 27 Digital Balance Up to fourth decimal place(Make-Dhona,) 28 Digital Burette (Thermo Fisher) 29 Fluoride Ion Meter (Make -Thermo Fisher) 30 Ph meter(Make -Thermo Fisher) 31 Conductivity Meter(Make -Thermo Fisher) 32 Turbidity meter(Make -Hach) 33 Double Distillation Apparatus (Make -Borosil) 34 Filtration Assembly with Vacume pump (Make -Borosil) 35 UV Double Beam Spectrophotometer LI126 (Make Elico,Thermo Fisher) 36 UV Leminar air flow (Make - Lefco India, Thermo Fisher) 37 Water Bath 12 holes 38 Bunsen Electric Hot palte 10x12 inch ractangular 39 Refrigerator (LG 408 Lt frost free double door 3 star convertible Modle No- GLT412VESX) 40 Flume Hud (Make - Lefco India, Thermo Fisher) 41 Glasswares 42 Flask flat Bottom -1000ml Borosil with NABL 43 Flask Conical -250ml,Borosil with NABL 44 Flask Conical -100ml Borosilwith NABL 45 Flask Volumetric -1000ml BorosilClass A with NABL 46 Flask Volumetric -500ml BorosilClass A with NABL 47 Flask Volumetric-250ml BorosilClass A with NABL 48 Flask Volumetric -100ml BorosilClass A with NABL 49 Flask Volumetric - 50ml Borosil Class A with NABL 50 Pipettes Volumetric -50ml BorosilClass A with NABL 51 Pipettes Volumetric-25 ml BorosilClass A with NABL 52 Pipettes Volumetric -20 ml Borosil Class A with NABL 53 Pipettes Volumetric- 10 ml Borosil Class A with NABL 54 Pipettes Volumetric -5 ml BorosilClass A with NABL 55 Pipettes Graduated-25 ml BorosilClass A with NABL 56 Pipettes Graduated -10 ml BorosilClass A with NABL 57 Pipettes Graduated -5ml BorosilClass A with NABL 58 Measuring Cylinder -250ml Borosil Class A with NABL 59 Measuring Cylinder -100ml BorosilClass A with NABL 60 Measuring Cylinder -50ml BorosilClass A with NABL 61 Burette- 50ml BorosilClass A with NABL 62 Burette-25ml Borosil Class A with NABL 63 Reagent Bottle -2000ml Borosilwith NABL 64 Reagent Bottle -1000ml Borosilwith NABL 65 Reagent Bottle -500ml Borosilwith NABL 66 Reagent Bottle -250ml Borosilwith NABL 67 Reagent Bottle -125ml Borosilwith NABL 68 Test Tube Size -150x18mm Borosilwith NABL 69 Test Tube Size- 125x15mm Borosil with NABL 70 Funnel Size -7.5 cm Borosil with NABL 71 Beaker -1000ml Borosilwith NABL 72 Beaker -500ml Borosilwith NABL 73 Beaker -250ml Borosilwith NABL 74 Beaker -100ml Borosilwith NABL 75 Porcelin Basin white with NABL 76 Nesseler Cylinder -100ml Borosil with NABL 77 Nesseler Cylinder -50ml Borosil with NABL 78 Petridish Size- 100mm Borosilwith NABL 79 Fermantation Tube Borosilwith NABL 80 Watch glass Borosilwith NABL 81 Burette stand Poly lab with NABL 82 Desiccator -150 mm Borosylicate with NABL 83 Chemicals 84 Silver Nitrate AR (Merck)-25 gram 85 Potassium Chromate AR (Merck)-500 gram 86 EDTA disodium AR (Merck)-100 gram 87 Eriochrome Black T AR (Merck)-25 gram 88 Magnesium Sulphate AR(Merck)-500 gram 89 Ammonium Hydroxide 25% AR (Merck)-2.5 lit 90 Murexide (Ammonium Purpurate) AR (Merck)-5 gram 91 Ethylene Glycol (Absolute) AR (Merck)-500 gram 92 Sodium Chloride AR (Merck)-500 gram 93 Phenolpthalein Indicator AR (Merck)-125 ml 94 Methyl Orange AR (Merck)-25 gram 95 CDTA AR (CDH) -100 gram 96 Hydrochloric Acid AR (Merck)-2.5 lit 97 Sulfuric Acid 98% AR (Merck)-2.5 lit 98 Acetic Acid glacial AR (Merck)-2.5 lit 99 Ammonium AcetateAR (Merck)-500 gram 100 Hydroxylamine Hydrochloride AR (Merck)-250 gram 101 1-10 Phenanthroline AR (Merck)-5 gram 102 Ethyl Alcohal AR (Merck)-500 ml 103 Barium Chloride AR (Merck)-500 gram 104 Glycerol AR (Merck)-500 ml-500 gram 105 Potassium Permanganate AR (Merck) 106 Sodium Hydroxide AR (Merck)-500 gram 107 Beef Extract (Merck)-500 gram 108 Lactose (Merck)-500 gram 109 Agar - Agar (Bact.) (Renkam)-500 gram 110 Sodium Chloride (Merck)-500 gram 111 Peptone Bacteriological(Renkam)-500 gram 112 Sodium Tourocholate (Loba)-500 gram 113 Nuteral Red Indicator (Fisher)-25 gram 114 Sodium Hydroxide (Merck)-500 gram 115 Magnese Sulfate (Merck)-500gram 116 Extran (Merck) MA01-500ml 117 Ortho - Tolidine Solution (Qualigen)-500 ml 118 Sodium Azide (Merck)-100gram 119 Strach-500 gram 120 Providing on Sweeper for cleaning of road, drains, quarters and other units at Water treatment plant Campus at babina (3 Nos x 365 Daysat WTP Campus) 121 Providing on Sweeper for cleaning of road, drains, quarters and other units atmatateela Campus head water works (1 No x 365 Days= 365days) 122 Providing ofhelper for cwr Jhansi for watch and ward of bulk consumer maintinace purpose in three shift(5nos x 365 days = 1825 Nos) 123 Bitumen roadTYPE AConstruction of bitumen road as per UPPWD specification including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per following thickness:-GSB G-1 (One coat) (90-40 mm) = 12.5 cmG -2 (one coat) (45-63 mm) = 7.5 cmG - 3 (one coat) (22.5 - 53 mm) = 7.5 cmBM (One coat)= 7.5 cmSDBC (One coat)= 2.5 cm 124 TYPE BConstruction of bitumen road as per UPPWD specification including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per following thickness:-Bitumen Road (SDBC + Tack coat)SDBC (One coat)= 2.5 cmTack coat with bituminous emulsion (MS)= 0.25 kg/sqm(30% consider for over dismantling of existing road) 125 Cement Concrete Road 126 C.C. Interlocking Tiles Road Type AConstruction of 80 mm tihck C.C. Interlocking Tile road including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work as per following thickness:-PCC = 100 mm,1:4:8 (cement, coarse sand & stone ballast of 20-40 mm)Sand= 50 mm thick local sand lair for preparation of surfaceTiles = 100% new 127 Filter Media for 110 mld & 45 mld 128 Supply & fixing as per specification provided by department of Filter media for Filter beds effective size of 0.45mm to 0.70 mm of 80 CM height over graded gravel as per drawingattatched on tender document. 129 Supply of supporting media gravel of size 3 mm to 6 mm of 20 cm heightas per drawingattatched on tender document. 130 Removal of old filtration media sand and supporting media gravel from the filter bed and filling the new filtration media sand and supporting media gravel as per direction of site incharge including supply of labour material and T&P etc complete 131 (Chemical for 45 mld and 110 mld WTP ) 132 Supply of Bleaching powerat site of 110 MLD and 45 MLD W.T.P Babina including carting , loading , unloading etc. complete. 133 Lumpsump provision for repairing of leakage at different locationin differentdia of Raw water and Clear Water gravity main pipelinein the water supply system located fron matateela to jhansi (including Carting of material from central store such hiring of pump set, deisel, jointing material, cememt sand,Lead wool, cico no -2 etc which is required at site)For 45 mld and 110 mld WTP 134 For 110 mld WTP - 1400 mm dia PSCpipe in Gravity main ( Running pipe line )Matateela to Babina - 20.0 km approx 135 For 110 mld WTP - 1300 mmdia PSCpipe in Gravity main ( Running pipe line ) Babina to Hansri 22.50 km approx 136 For 110mld WTP - 1200 mm dia PSCpipe in Gravity main ( Running pipe line ) Hansri to Jal nigam Colony Jhansi5.0 km approx 137 For 45 mld WTP - 42 dia PSCpipe in Gravity main ( Running pipe line ) Matateela to Babina - 20.0 km approx 138 For 45 mld WTP - 33 dia PSCpipe in Gravity main ( Running pipe line ) Babina to MES Jhansi 24.0 km approx 139 For 45 mld WTP - 21 dia PSCpipe in Gravity main ( Running pipe line ) Babina to MES Jhansi 1000 m approx 140 For 110 mld WTP - 250 dia ACpipe in Gravity main ( Running pipe line )sale tax road to Medical college Jhansi 7 km approx 141 For 110 mld WTP - 200 dia DIpipe in Gravity main ( Running pipe line ) CWR to IGFRI Campus Jhansi 9.0 km approx 142 For 110 mld WTP - 150&125 mm dia DIpipe in Gravity main ( Running pipe line ) CWR to Army aviation Jhansi 5.0 km approx 143 Part B (E & M works) 144 E&M Operation and Maintenance Staff at Head Works Matatila 145 Providing of Skilled eletrician for maintinance of electrical equipments and other related eletrical works atMatatila head works01 in each shift 8 hours 146 1st shift 147 2 nd shift 148 3rd shift 149 Providing of Skilled mechanic for maintinance of mechanical equipments and other related eletrical works atMatatila head works01 in each shift 8 hours 150 1st shift 151 2 nd shift 152 3rd shift 153 Providing of Skilled operator for operation ofpumps , DG set and associated mechanical & electrical equipmentsatMatatila head works01 in each shift 8 hours 154 1st shift 155 2 nd shift 156 3rd shift 157 Providing of Skilled helper for electrician and mechanicatMatatila head works01 in each shift 8 hours 158 1st shift 159 2 nd shift 160 3rd shift 161 Routine, periodically and breakdown maintinance of all equipments, associated accessories installed at verious units at Matatila head works including supply,opening and refixing,fright charges, transportation , loading unloadingall T&P etc. complete as per the direction of engineer incharge. 162 Matatila Head works 163 Routine maintinance and servicing of 320 KVA D G set including all necessary spares, oil, Filters, Diode and lubricant as per norms 164 Repairing and Overhauling of 650 LPS discharge kirlosker make pumps with following works. Model MF 40-45 165 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of pump set including testing on load at site with all labour and T&P 166 Supply and fixing of new ball bearing-6415 and oil seal. 167 Supply and fixing of new thrust bearing-51320M 168 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of fully balanced new pump shaft made of SS 410 as per sample. 169 Reconditioning of pump shaft with rematling, machining and balancing complete in all respect. 170 Reconditioning of pump impeller with rematling, machining and balancing complete in all respect. 171 supply and fixing of New impeller for pump as per sample and zise 172 Supply and fixing of new shaft sleeve, chuck nut made of SS 410 as per sample. 173 Supply and filling of lubricating oil in every 6 months 174 Supply and fixing of new Fastners 175 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample. 176 Supply and fixing of new Glande plate with stud and nut. 177 Repairing & maintenance of kirloskar make induction motor with following works 178 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of motor including testing on load at site with all labour and T&P 179 Rewinding of 75 KW, 736 rpm, 3 Phase induction motor with F-class insulated copper wire, nomax paper, sleeves, varnishing etc. complete with all material and T&P. 180 Rewinding of 55 KW, 736 rpm, 3 Phase induction motor with F-class insulated copper wire, nomax paper, sleeves, varnishing etc. complete with all material and T&P. 181 Supply and fixing of new ball bearing-NU318C3 182 Supply and fixing of new ball bearing-6318C3 183 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new rotar shaft as per sample and material. 184 Reconditioning of rotar shaft with rematling, machining and balancing complete in all respect. 185 Reconditioning of bearing housing with rematling, machining and balancing complete in all respect. 186 Routine Greasing of induction motor bearings with high temprature Jelly grease in every 30 days intervals 187 Supply and fixing of new Fastners 188 Supply and fitting of motor connection plate with suitable size of lugs as per sample etc. complete. 189 Repairing and Maintenance of 600mm size sluice valve with following works 190 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of sluice valve with all labour and T&P 191 Supply and fixing of spendle for sluice valve made of SS 304 as per size and sample 192 Supply and fixing of Bush for sluice valve made of gun metal as per size and sample 193 Supply and fixing of Disc and body sheet for sluice valve made of gun metal complete with all maching and finishing 194 Supply and fixing of Glande plate with Studs 600mm size sluice valve as per sample 195 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample 196 Repairing and rewinding of exhaust fan size 450mm with replacing of barings etc. complete. 197 Repairing and rewinding of exhaust fan size 600mm with replacing of barings etc. complete. 198 Complete wiring of H.T panel room with 1.5 and 2.5 Sq.mm multi strands copper conductor wire PVC insulated including Caping casing,power board, 5 Amp. switch and socket as per direction of engineer incharge with all labour, T&P and materials 199 Supply and fixing of dial gauge type pressure guage with cock at outlet of pump set 200 Servicing and overhauling of HOT crane including replacement of warmout parts with all labour and T&P 201 Routine Servicing of HT Panel 202 supply & fixing of Lov joy coupling for pumpset model C-2955 203 supply and fixing of power & control card for 110 KW Soft starter as per sample 204 Maintinance of all campus lighting, Head work Matatila andother building etc. includingsupply, fixing fright charges all T&P all complete as per the direction of engineer incharge (Brand name Syska, Philips,Bajaj,Havells) 205 LED Bulb 206 Supply and Fixing of 9 Watt 207 Supply and Fixing of 20 Watt 208 Supply and Fixing of 30 Watt 209 Supply and Fixing of 40 Watt 210 Supply and Fixing of 50 Watt 211 LED Tube light 212 Supply and Fixing of 22 Watt 213 Supply and Fixing of 36 Watt 214 LED StreetFlood light 215 Supply and Fixing of 50 Watt 216 Supply and Fixing of 100 Watt 217 Supply and Fixing of 1200mm size 218 E&M Operation and Maintenance Staff at 110 MLD & 45 MLD WTP Babina 219 Providing of Skilled eletrician for maintinance of electrical equipments and other related eletrical works at110 MLD & 45 MLD WTP Babina01 in each shift 8 hours 220 1st shift 221 2 nd shift 222 3rd shift 223 Providing of Skilled mechanic for maintinance of mechanical equipments and other related eletrical works at110 MLD & 45 MLD WTP Babina 01 in each shift 8 hours 224 1st shift 225 2 nd shift 226 3rd shift 227 Providing of Skilled operator for operation ofpumps , DG set and associated mechanical & electrical equipmentsat 110 MLD & 45 MLD WTP Babina01 in each shift 8 hours 228 1st shift 229 2 nd shift 230 3rd shift 231 Providing of Skilled helper for electrician and mechanic110 MLD & 45 MLD WTP Babina02 in 1st shift and 01 in other shifts 8 hours 232 1st shift (02Nos@Rs 350/- = Rs 700/-) 233 2 nd shift 234 3rd shift 235 Routine, periodically and breakdown maintinance of all equipments, associated accessories installed at verious units of 45 mld 110 mld WTP including supply,opening and refixing,fright charges, transportation , loading unloadingall T&P etc. complete as per the direction of engineer incharge. 236 110 MLD & 45 MLD WTP Babina 237 Rewinding and repairing of flash mixture induction motor having capacity of 5 hp, 3 phase with replacement of bearingsincluding Loading-unloading, Transportation etc. complete with testing on load 238 Repairing and overhauling of Grear box of flash mixture including replacement of warmout parts, bearings, Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 239 Repairing and Overhauling of Sluice Gate 1100x1300 mm size at flash mixer with following works 240 Dismentaling, carting, refitting and testing with all labour and T&P required at site 241 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new threaded spindle shaft made of SS:316 as per size and sample 242 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new bush made of Gun metal and wage piece as per size and sample 243 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new fix and moving sheet made of Gun metal as per size and sample 244 Repairing and Overhauling of Sluice gate 1300x1500 mm size with following works :- 245 Dismentaling, carting, refitting and testing with all labour and T&P required at site 246 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new threaded spindle shaft made of SS:316 as per size and sample 247 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new bush made of Gun metal and wage piece as per size and sample 248 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new fix and moving sheet made of Gun metal as per size and sample 249 Filter Bed No-8 @13.75 mld each 250 Repairing and Overhauling of Sluice Gate 450x450 mm size at Filter Bed Inlet with following works :- 251 Dismentaling, carting, refitting and testing with all labour and T&P required at site 252 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new threaded spindle shaft made of SS:316 as per size and sample 253 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new bush made of Gun metal and wage piece as per size and sample 254 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new fix and moving sheet made of Gun metal as per size and sample 255 Repairing and Overhauling of Sluice Gate 600x450 mm size at Backwash Outlet with following works :- 256 Dismentaling, carting, refitting and testing with all labour and T&P required at site 257 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new threaded spindle shaft made of SS:316 as per size and sample 258 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new bush made of Gun metal and wage piece as per size and sample 259 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new fix and moving sheet made of Gun metal as per size and sample 260 Repairing and Overhauling of 500mm dia size sluice valve at Backwash water inlet with following works. 261 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of sluice valve with all labour and T&P 262 Supply and fixing of spendle for sluice valve made of SS 316 as per size and sample 263 Supply and fixing of Bush for sluice valve made of gun metal as per size and sample 264 Supply and fixing of Disc and body sheet for sluice valve made of gun metal complete with all maching and finishing 265 Supply and fixing of Glande plate with Studs as per sample 266 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample 267 Repairing and Maintenance of 200mm dia size Sluice valve at Backwash Air Inlet with following works :- 268 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of sluice valve with all labour and T&P 269 Supply and fixing of spendle for sluice valve made of SS 316 as per size and sample 270 Supply and fixing of Bush for sluice valve made of gun metal as per size and sample 271 Supply and fixing of Disc and body sheet for sluice valve made of gun metal complete with all maching and finishing 272 Supply and fixing of Glande plate with Studs as per sample 273 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample 274 Repairing and Maintenance of 300mm dia size Sluice valve at Filter Water Outlet with following works :- 275 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of sluice valve with all labour and T&P 276 Supply and fixing of spendle for sluice valve made of SS 304 as per size and sample 277 Supply and fixing of Bush for sluice valve made of gun metal as per size and sample 278 Supply and fixing of Disc and body sheet for sluice valve made of gun metal complete with all maching and finishing 279 Supply and fixing of Glande plate with Studs 600mm size sluice valve as per sample 280 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample 281 Repairing and Maintenance of 100mm dia size Sluice valve for Chamber cleaning with following works :- 282 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of sluice valve with all labour and T&P 283 Supply and fixing of spendle for sluice valve made of SS 304 as per size and sample 284 Supply and fixing of Bush for sluice valve made of gun metal as per size and sample 285 Supply and fixing of Disc and body sheet for sluice valve made of gun metal complete with all maching and finishing 286 Supply and fixing of Glande plate with Studs 600mm size sluice valve as per sample 287 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample 288 Clarifloculator -1&2 289 Rewinding and repairing of 5 hp motor 3 phaseInduction motor including replacement of bearings, Dismentaling, Transportation, Refitting with testing on load 290 Repairing and Overhaulig of Gear box coupled with 5 H.P. Induction motor including replacement of warmout parts, Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 291 Repairing of Desludging Valve 300 mm dia Weidge Piece brass & Gun metal 292 Repairing of Desludging Valve 300 mm dia Spendle brass & Gun metal 293 Tefloan CLF wheel 294 Repairing and Overhauling of Swam make Air Blower with following works :- 295 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of Air blower with all labour and T&P 296 Repairing and Overhualing of 2500 cum/hrs capacity Air Blower including replacement of bearings, damaged parts complete with testing on load 297 Rewinding and repairing of 60 hp, 3 Phase induction motor of air blower including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 298 Replacement of bearing no. 6313 299 Repairing and Overhauling of 483.33 LPS discharge kirlosker make backwash pumps with following works. Model No. 35-40 300 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of pump set including testing on load at site with all labour and T&P 301 Supply and fixing of new ball bearing-6412 and oil seal. 302 Supply and fixing of new thrust bearing-51314M 303 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of fully balanced new pump shaft made of SS 410 as per sample. 304 Reconditioning of pump shaft with rematling, machining and balancing complete in all respect. 305 Reconditioning of pump impeller with rematling, machining and balancing complete in all respect. 306 Supply and fixing of new shaft sleeve, chuck nut made of SS 410 as per sample. 307 Supply and filling of lubricating oil in every 6 months 308 Supply and fixing of new Fastners 309 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample. 310 Supply and fixing of new Glande plate with stud and nut. 311 Repairing & maintenance of kirloskar make induction motor of 150 HPfor Backwash pump with following works 312 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of motor including testing on load at site with all labour and T&P 313 Rewinding of 110 KW / 150 HP, 980 rpm, 3 Phase induction motor with F-class insulated copper wire, nomax paper, sleeves, varnishing etc. complete with all material and T&P. 314 Supply and fixing of new ball bearing-NU319C3 315 Supply and fixing of new ball bearing-6319C3 316 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new rotar shaft as per sample and material. 317 Reconditioning of rotar shaft with rematling, machining and balancing complete in all respect. 318 Reconditioning of bearing housing with rematling, machining and balancing complete in all respect. 319 Routine Greasing of induction motor bearings with high temprature Jelly grease in every 30 days intervals 320 Supply and fixing of new Fastners 321 Supply and fitting of motor connection plate with suitable size of lugs as per sample etc. complete. 322 Chlorine OHT feeded pump 323 Rewinding and repairing of 5 hp 3 Phase motor with F class insulated copper wire, nomax paper, glass lead etc. including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 324 Repairing and Overhauling of 4.17 LPS, 18 mtr. head, 2900 RPM end suction horizontal centrifugal pump with replacement of bearings, reconditioning of pump shaft, bearing housing etc. complete including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 325 Supply,, Installation,, Testing and commissioning of PAC Doasing pump 326 Repairing and rewinding of exhaust fan size 450mm with replacing of barings etc. complete. 327 45 mld WTP 328 Flash Mixture 329 Rewinding and repairing of flash mixture 7.5 hp mortor 3 phaseincluding Loading Transportation etc. complete with testing on load 330 Repairing and Overhauling of flash mixture Grear box with replacement of warmout parts including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 331 Clarifloculator -1&2 332 Rewinding and repairing of gear fan motor 5 hp motor 3 phaseincluding Loading Transportation etc. complete with testing on load 333 Repairing of Gear box of gear fan motor including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 334 Rewinding and repairing of main drive 5 hp motor 3 phaseincluding Loading Transportation etc. complete with testing on load 335 Repairing of Gear box of main drive including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 336 Repairing of Desludging Valve 300 mm dia Weidge Piece brass & Gun metal 337 Repairing of Desludging Valve 300 mm dia Spendle brass & Gun metal 338 Tefloan CLF wheel 339 Filter Bed No-5 @ 9.0 mld each 340 Repairing and Overhauling of Sluice Gate 500x500 mm size at Backwash Outlet with following works :- 341 Dismentaling, carting, refitting and testing with all labour and T&P required at site 342 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new threaded spindle shaft made of SS:316 as per size and sample 343 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new bush made of Gun metal and wage piece as per size and sample 344 Fabrication, Supply and fixing of new fix and moving sheet made of Gun metal as per size and sample 345 Repairing and Overhauling of 500mm dia size sluice valve at Backwash water inlet with following works. 346 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of sluice valve with all labour and T&P 347 Supply and fixing of spendle for sluice valve made of SS 304 as per size and sample 348 Supply and fixing of Bush for sluice valve made of gun metal as per size and sample 349 Supply and fixing of Disc and body sheet for sluice valve made of gun metal complete with all maching and finishing 350 Supply and fixing of Glande plate with Studs as per sample 351 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample 352 Repairing and Maintenance of 300mm dia size Sluice valve at Filter Water Outlet with following works :- 353 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of sluice valve with all labour and T&P 354 Supply and fixing of spendle for sluice valve made of SS 304 as per size and sample 355 Supply and fixing of Bush for sluice valve made of gun metal as per size and sample 356 Supply and fixing of Disc and body sheet for sluice valve made of gun metal complete with all maching and finishing 357 Supply and fixing of Glande plate with Studs 600mm size sluice valve as per sample 358 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample 359 Repairing and Maintenance of 300mm dia size Sluice valve for Raw Water Inlet with following works :- 360 Dismantling, carting and re-installation of sluice valve with all labour and T&P 361 Supply and fixing of spendle for sluice valve made of SS 304 as per size and sample 362 Supply and fixing of Bush for sluice valve made of gun metal as per size and sample 363 Supply and fixing of Disc and body sheet for sluice valve made of gun metal complete with all maching and finishing 364 Supply and fixing of Glande plate with Studs 600mm size sluice valve as per sample 365 Supply and filling of Glande packing as per size and sample 366 Back Wash Pump motor 367 Rewinding and repairing of Back wash motor 15 hp motor 3 phaseincluding Loading Transportation etc. complete with testing on load 368 Repairing of Backwash pump of 15 hp including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 369 Rewinding and repairing of Back wash motor 12.5 hp motor 3 phaseincluding Loading Transportation etc. complete with testing on load 370 Repairing of Backwash pump of 12.5 hp including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 371 Repairing and rewinding of exhaust fan size 450mm with replacing of barings etc. complete. 372 Repairing and rewinding of Ceiling fan with replacing of barings etc. complete. 373 ForGardening, Colony and Block Supply 374 Rewinding and repairing of 7.5 hp 3 Phase motor including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 375 Repairing of Backwash pump of 7.5 hp including Dismentaling, Loading, Carting and reinstallation etc. complete with testing on load 376 supply and fixing of power & control card for 110 KW Soft starter as per sample 377 supply and fixing of power & control card for 45 KW Soft starter as per sample 378 Repairing and overhauling ofgarvity feed type Chlorination system complete at 110 & 45 MLD WTP Babinacapacity complete with all required spare parts 379 Supply and fixing of variable friquency drive (VFD) panel with all protective devices suitable to operate 150 HP backwash pumping plant as per relevant IS code 380 Maintinance of all campus lighting, 45 mld 110 mld WTP Babina and laboratory house and other building etc. includingsupply, fixing fright charges all T&P all complete as per the direction of engineer incharge (Brand name Syrya, Syska, Philips,Bajaj,Havells) 381 LED Bulb 382 Supply and Fixing of 9 Watt 383 Supply and Fixing of 20 Watt 384 Supply and Fixing of 30 Watt 385 Supply and Fixing of 40 Watt 386 Supply and Fixing of 50 Watt 387 LED Tube light 388 Supply and Fixing of 22 Watt 389 Supply and Fixing of 36 Watt 390 LED StreetFlood light 391 Supply and Fixing of 50 Watt 392 Supply and Fixing of 100 Watt 393 Supply and Fixing of 1200mm size

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 01-07-2024 Time Extension Date 08-07-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 11800 /-
INR 998000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 4.98 Crore /-
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