
Tender For Internal Electrification Work For Thdc Works Singrauli (M.P.), 1 Sub Head - I (Wiring) 2 Wiring For Light Point/ Fan Point/ Exhaust Fan Point/ Call Bell Point With 1.5 Sq.Mm Frls Pvc Insulated Copper Conductor Single Core Cable In Surface /, singrauli-Madhya Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Rajkiya Nirman Nigam Limited has published Tender For Internal Electrification Work For Thdc Works Singrauli (M.P.), 1 Sub Head - I (Wiring) 2 Wiring For Light Point/ Fan Point/ Exhaust Fan Point/ Call Bell Point With 1.5 Sq.Mm Frls Pvc Insulated Copper Conductor Single Core Cable In Surface /. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-07-2024. MCCB Tenders in singrauli Madhya Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Internal Electrification Work For Thdc Works Singrauli (M.P.), 1 Sub Head - I (Wiring) 2 Wiring For Light Point/ Fan Point/ Exhaust Fan Point/ Call Bell Point With 1.5 Sq.Mm Frls Pvc Insulated Copper Conductor Single Core Cable In Surface /
Open Tender
Madhya Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Internal Electrification Work For Thdc Works Singrauli (M.P.), 1 SUB HEAD - I (WIRING) 2 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed steel conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core 3 Group C 4 Wiringforlight point/fanpoint/ exhaustfan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitableGI boxand earthingthe point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable 5 Group B 6 Group C 7 MCB CONTROL LIGHT POINTS 8 Wiring for light point/ fan point/ exhaust fan point/ call bell point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface / recessed steel conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sq.mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as required. (Switch Control Primary Points) 9 Primary point controlled by one MCB. 10 Same as item above but Secondary point. i.e. Points to be looped with Primary pointwith 2.5 sqmm wire and Point wiring 11 Wiring for groupcontrolled (looped)light point/fanpoint/exhaust fanpoint/ call bell point (without independent switch etc.) with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copperconductorsinglecorecableinsurface/recessedsteelconduit,and earthing the point with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor singlecore cable etc. as required. 12 Group C 13 Wiring for group controlled (looped) light point/fan point/exhaust fan point/ call bell point ( without independent switch etc.) with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed PVC conduit, and earthing the point with 1.5 sq. mm FRLS PVC insulatedcopper conductor single core cable etc. as required. 14 Group C 15 Wiringforlight/powerplugwith2X4sq.mmFRLSPVCinsulatedcopper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed steel conduit alongwith 1 No. 4 sq.mmFRLSPVCinsulatedcopperconductorsinglecorecableforloop earthing as required 16 Wiring for light/ power plug with 2X4 sq. mm FRLSPVC insulated copperconductorsinglecorecablein surface/recessed medium class PVC onduit alongwith 1 No. 4 sq. mmFRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable for loop earthing as required. 17 Wiringforlight/powerplugwith4X4sq.mmFRLSPVCinsulatedcopper conductor single core cable in surface/ recessed steel conduit alongwith 2 Nos. 4sq.mmFRLSPVCinsulatedcopperconductorsinglecorecableforloop earthing as required. 18 Wiring for circuit/ submain wiring alongwith earth wire with the following sizes of FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface/ recessed steel conduit as required 19 2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire 20 2 X 2.5 sq. mm + 1 X 2.5 sq. mm earth wire 21 4 x 2.5 sq mm + 2 x 2.5 sq mm earth wire 22 2 X 6 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire 23 2 x 10 sq. mm + 1 x 10 sq.mm earth wire 24 4 X 6 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire 25 4 X 10 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire 26 4 X 10 sq. mm + 2 X 10 sq. mm earth wire 27 4 X 16 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire 28 Wiringforcircuit/submainwiringalongwith earth wirewiththe followingsizesofFRLS PVCinsulated copperconductor,singlecore cableinsurface/ recessed medium class PVC conduit as 29 2 X 1.5 sq. mm + 1 X 1.5 sq. mm earth wire 30 4 x 2.5 sq mm + 2 x 2.5 sq mm earth wire 31 2 X 6 sq. mm + 1 X 6 sq. mm earth wire 32 4 X 6 sq. mm + 2 X 6 sq. mm earth wire 33 4 X 10 sq. mm + 2 X 10 sq. mm earth wire 34 Supplying & fixing suitable size GI box wih modular plate and cover in front on surface or in recess including providing and fixing 25 A modular socket outletand 25 A modular SP MCB, C curve including connections, painting etc. as 35 Supplying and drawing following pair 0.5 mm dia FRLS PVC insulatedannealed copper conductor, unarmored telephone cable in the existingsurface/ recessed steel/ PVC conduit as required. 36 2 Pair 37 Supplying and fixing of following sizes of steel conduit along with accessories in surface/recess including painting in case of surface conduit, or cutting the wall and making good the same in case of recessed conduit 38 20mm 39 25mm 40 32mm 41 Supplying and fixing following modular switch/ socket on the existing modular plate & switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required. 42 3 pin , 5/6 amps socket outlet 43 5/6 amps switch 44 Telephone socket outlet 45 Supplying and fixing following size/ modules, GI box alongwith modular base & cover plate for modular switches in recess etc. as required. 46 1 or 2 Module (75mmX75mm) 47 6 module (78mm X 205 mm X 50 mm) 48 Supplying and fixing of following sizes of medium class PVC conduit along with accessories in surface/recess including cutting the wall and making good the same in case of recessed conduit as required. 49 25 mm 50 32 mm 51 Supplying and fixing call bell/ buzzer suitable for single phase, 230 V, complete as required. 52 SUB HEAD - II (FITTING) 53 Supplying and fixing suitable size GIboxwithmodular plate and cover infronton surfaceorin recess,includingprovidingand fixing6pin 5/6& 15/16Amodularsocket outletand15/16Amodular switch, connections etc. as required. 54 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with modular plate and cover in front on surface or in recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin 5/6 A modular socket outlet and 5/6 A modular switch, connections etc. as required. 55 Supplying and fixing 3 pin, 5 A ceiling rose on the existing junction box/ wooden block including connections etc. as required. 56 Supplying, erection and testing of approved make electric Ceiling fan of double ball bearing complete with standard down rod, canopy, hanging shackle, Aluminium blades, without regulator, A.C. 230-250 volts including connections with all necessary material complete of approved as required confirming to IS :374/2019 with upto date amendmentsa) Ceiling Fan (ISI marked)-1200 mm Sweep, with minimum air delivery 210 m³/min and service value = 4.00 as per BEE.. 57 Supplying and fixing two module stepped type electronic fan regulator on the existing modular plate switch box including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required 58 Supply and fixing ofLED Tube Light batten fittingsuitable for up to 1 X 22 watt LED tube light on surface complete in all respect.CAT- AAA 59 SupplyingInstallation,testingand commissioning of Surface mounting wattage < 7W, 3000 K,CRI > 70, decorativeLEDMirror Lightfitting aluminium with bronze finish complete with all accessories etc. directly on ceiling/ wall,i/c connection etc as required. 60 S/Finstallation,testing&commissioning300 mmlownoiseMetal bodyExhaustFans900 RPM suitable for 220 Volt AC supply i/c supplyingandfixinglouvers/shutterand connection with 1.5sqmm copper conductor etc. as required. 61 Supply and fixing ofrecess/ Surface/ Pendentmounting round10 to 15 Watt LED Down Lighter having Powder coateddie cast aluminium housing withheat sink, diffuser/ Reflector and driver set complete in all respect.CAT- AAAMinimum lumen output 1000 lumen,System lumen efficacy = 125 Im/Watt,CCT=4000/5700/6500,CRI>80,PF> 62 Supply and fixing ofrecessmounting round 15 to 18 Watt LED Down Lighter having Powder coateddie cast aluminium housing withheat sink, diffuser/ Reflector and driver set complete in all respect.CAT- AAAMinimum lumen output 2000 lumen.System lumen efficacy = 125 Im/Watt.CCT=4000/5700/6500,CRI>80,PF> 0.95,L70ratedlifeof50khours,LM-79and LM-80 report shall validate the data mentioned above. 63 Supply and fixing of 36 Watt to 46 Wattindoor Recess mountingLED Square Fitting for Armstrong Ceilinghaving Powder coateddie cast aluminium housing body withextended heat sink and diffuser ofSpecial Polycarbonate meterial and driver set complete in all respect.CAT-AAA 64 Supply and fixing ofPendent mounting having 1 X 4Size 36 to46 Watt seamlessly intergrateds LED luminier with acrylic sheet diffuser and intergral electronic driver complete in allrespects.CAT- AAA 65 Supply,Installation,testingandcommissioning of 400mm Sweep Wall fan i/c connection etc. as required. 66 Supplying and fixing 20 A, 240 V, SPN Industrial type socket outlet, with 2 pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top alongwith 20 A C curve, SP, MCB, in sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for the socket out let and complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. 67 Supply and fixing ofwater tight oblong 10 Watt LED bulkhead luminaire with driver set confirming to IP 65 and above Protection . complete in allrespect.CAT-AAA 68 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of LED Bulkhead luminarire with a system lumen output not less than 700 lumens and a minimum system effiency of 105 lumen/watt. The luminaire shall have a 6500 K, CRI > 70, Pressure die cast housing, IP65- Protection against dust and water with IK08 i/c connection etc as required. 69 Supplying, Installation, testing and commissioning of Fancy wall bracket having size 290 L x 140 B x 245H mm with 9 W threaded LED Lamp directly on wall i/c connection etc as required. 70 SITCof25Ltr capacity Water storage Gyser withmetalbodyincluding connection pipesetcas required. 71 Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate & switch box excluding modular plate as required. 72 Supply and fixing of 12 Watt to 15 Watt indoor Recess mountingLED Square Fitting for Armstrong Ceilinghaving Powder coateddie cast aluminium housing with extendedheat sink, diffuser ofPolycarbonate meterial and driver set complete in all respect.CAT- AAA 73 Supply and fixing as per specification polycarbonate batten holder/angle holder of approved make with necessary materials complete 74 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 5W Mirror Light. 75 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 18/20W Wall/Surface mouted 4 ft. LED 76 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 18W Surface/Recessed mountedLED Downlighter. 77 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 12/9WSurface/Recessed mountedLED circular Downlighter. 78 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 10 W Bulk head Light. 79 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of9W (Nominal)BracketLED Luminaire. 80 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 15WSurface mountedLED Square Downlighter. 81 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 60W RECESSED MOUNTED LED LIGHT. 82 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 1200 mm sweep, BEE 5 star rated, ceiling fan with Brush Less Direct Current (BLDC) Motor, class of insulation: B, 3 nos. blades, 30 cm long down rod, 2nos. canopies, shackle kit, safety rope, copper winding, Power Factor not less than 0.9, Service Value (CM/M/W) minimum 6.00, Air delivery minimum 210 Cum/Min , 350 RPM (tolerance as per IS : 374-2019),THD less than 10%, remote or electronic regulator unit for speed control and all remaining accessories including safety pin, nut bolts, washers, temperature rise=75 degree C (max.), insulation resistance more than 2 mega ohm, suitable for 230 V, 50 Hz, single phase AC Supply, earthing etc. complete as required. 83 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioningof 250 mm dia Domestic Exhaust Fan 84 SUB HEAD - III (DBs) 85 Supplying and fixing following way, single pole and neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 240 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copper bus bar, neutral bus bar, earth bar, din bar, interconnections, powder painted including earthing etc. as required. (But without MCB/RCCB/Isolator) 86 12 way, Double door 87 Supplyingandfixingfollowingway,horizontal type threepoleandneutral, sheetsteel,MCB distribution board, 415 V, on surface/ recess, complete with tinned copperbusbar,neutral busbar,earthbar,dinbar, interconnections, powderpaintedincludingearthing etc. as required. (But without 88 4 way (4 + 12), Double door 89 6 way (4 + 18), Double door 90 8 way (4 + 24), Double door 91 Supplying and fixingoffollowingwayssurface/recess mounting,vertical type, 415 V, TPN MCB distribution board of sheet steel, dust protected, duly powder painted,inclusiveof200A tinnedcopperbusbar,common neutral link, earth bar, din bar for mounting MCBs (but without MCBs and incomer ) as required . (Note : Vertical type MCB TPDB is normally used where 3 phase outlets are 92 4 way (4 + 12), Double door 93 8 way (4 + 24), Double door 94 Providing and fixing following rating and breaking capacity and pole MCCB with thermomagnetic release and terminal spreaders in existing cubicle panel board including drilling holes in cubicle panel, making connections, etc. as required. 95 100 A,30KA,FPMCCB 96 125 A,36KA,FPMCCB 97 Supplying and fixing Following rating , 240/415 V, 10 kA, C curve,miniature circuit breaker suitable for inductive load of following poles inthe existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and 98 TP 32 A 99 T.P. 63 A 100 TPN 32 A 101 TPN 63 A 102 6A - 32 A SP MCB 10KA C CURVE 103 40 Amp TPNMCB 10 kAC Curve 104 63 A 105 Single Pole Neutral 106 Supplying and fixing Cable End Box (Loose Wire Box) suitable for triple pole and neutral,sheetsteel,VerticalMCBdistributionboard,415Volts,onsurface/ recess, complete with testing and commissioning etc. as required 107 Supplying and fixing Cable End Box (Loose Wire Box) suitable for following triple poleandneutral,sheetsteel,MCBdistributionboard,415Volts,onsurface/ recess, complete with testing and commissioning etc.as required. 108 4 way (4 + 12), Double door 109 6 way (4 + 18), Double door 110 8 way (4 + 24), Double door 111 Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole, 240 V, isolator in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. 112 40 A 113 Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, 415 V, isolator in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. 114 63 A 115 Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole, (single phaseand neutral), 240 V, residual current circuit breaker (RCCB), having a sensitivity current 30 mA in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. 116 40 A 117 63 A 118 Supplying and fixing single pole blanking plate in the existing MCB DB complete etc. as required. 119 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 kV grade of following size in the existing RCC/ HUME/METAL pipe as required Upto 35 Sq.MM 120 UPS SYSTEM:- 121 Supply, installation, Testing and commissioning of the following rating UPS as per specifications and complete in all respects. 122 5 KVAUPS1 phase (240 V + 15%) Volts input & 1 phase output (240 V + 1%), 50 Hz, IGBT based technology, Input harmonic Current THD <=3% typical at 100% load, ,<=6% maximum at 100% loadwith inbuilt Isolation Transformer and 25 minbattery backup for each UPS along with battery cabinet, Parallel card, BMS Port & communication card complete in all respect including supporting steel structure for UPS and Battery as required.Quotedprice shall be inclusiveofrequired rating single core copper conductor cable including terminations,connections ofUPS to batteries etc complete in all respect and as per direction of Engineer in Charge. 123 5KVA (1 phase in/ 1 phase out) 124 SUB HEAD -IV :LT CABLES & CABLE TRAYS 125 Laying of one number PVC Insulated and PVC shethed /XLPE power Cables of 1.1 KV grade of following size direct in ground including excavation,sand cushioningand protecting covering and refilling the trench etc as required. 126 Up to 35 sqmm. 127 Above 35 sq mm and up to 95 sqmm. 128 Supply of following sizes of XLPE insulatedAluminum conductor strip/ wire Armoured, overall PVC sheathed 1.1 KV grade cables conforming to relevant IS-7098 Code and technical specifications. 129 2C x 6 Sq.mm. 130 2C x 4 Sq.mm. 131 4 X 6 sq. mm 132 4 X 10 sq. mm (28mm) 133 4 X 16 sq. mm (28mm) 134 4C X 25 Sq.MM. 135 3½ X 70 sq. mm (38mm) 136 3½ X 150 sq. mm (38mm) 137 Supply and making End termination with brass Single/ Double compression gland including providing and crimping of aluminum/copper solderless lugs/ferrules for XLPE/PVC insulated armoured power aluminum/copper conductor cables 1.1 KV grade of following sizes: Single Compression Gland for Cu. Cable 138 4C/3C/2C x 4/6/2.5 sq.mm. 139 Supplying and making end termination with brass compression gland and aluminium lugs for following size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV gradeas required. 140 4 X 6 sq. mm (28mm) 141 4 X 10 sq. mm (28mm) 142 4 X 16 sq. mm (28mm) 143 3½ X 70 sq. mm (38mm) 144 3½ X 150 sq. mm (50mm) 145 SUB HEAD -V : EARTHING SYSTEM 146 Earthing with G.I. earth plate 600 mm X 600 mm X 6 mm thick including accessories, and providing masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 metre long etc. with charcoal/ coke and salt as required. 147 Earthing with Cu. earth Plate 600mm x 600mm x 3mm thick includingaccesssories, and providingmasonary enclosurewith cover plate (CI heavy duty) having locking arrangement and watering pipe of 2.7 mtr long etc. with charcoal or coke and salt ) as required. 148 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm G.I. strip in 40 mm dia G.I. pipe from earth electrode including connection with G.I. nut,bolt, spring, washer excavation and re-filling etc. as required. 149 Providing and fixing 25 mm X 5 mm copper strip in 40 mm dia G.I. pipe from earth electrode including connection with brass nut, bolt, spring, washer excavation and re-filling etc. as required. 150 Providing and fixing 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing along with existing surface/ recessed conduit/ submain wiring/ cable as required. 151 SUB HEAD -VI : LT PANELS 152 MAIN LT PANEL 153 Design, fabrication, assembly, wiring and supply of front operated dead front cubicle type compartmentalised as per Form 3B, rear access free standing, dust and vermin proof (IP 42 ingress protection) main switchboards suitable for use at 415 volts, 3 phase 4 wire 50 Hertz system suitable for a symmetrical fault level of 55 kA at 415 volts, fabricated from 2 mm thick CRCA MS sheets with hinged, gasketted (metal based neoprene) and lockable doors having structural reinforcement with suitable angle/channel/T/flat sections including 3 mm thick gland plates on top and bottom and including lifting hooks with sleeved TPN Aluminum Bus bars and GI earth strip of required size with 2 nos earthing terminals and including powder coated paint finish of approved shade (RAL 7032) over metal surface cleaned and treated with seven tank process complete with interconnections etc as per specifications, as required and as below. This main panel must be extendable for future requirement in such a manner not to disrupt ongoing services at the point of use during extension. All LT Panel shall conform to latest IS/IEC -61439 code. All Panel shall be complete with power & control wiring, danger & inscription plate, Lifting hooks etc. 154 Each incoming / outgoing breaker shall have microprocessor release with adjustable over current, short circuit & earth fault protection with instantaneous as mentioned in specification. The Panel will be made as per detailed specifications & drawings forming part of this document. Fault level of panel shall be 50 KA. 155 All the MCCB with adustable overload, short circuit & earth fault protection and above shall have microprocessor. The panel shall be manufactured as per BOQ, tech specification and drawing. 156 (Note:The contractor may select the next higher fault rating of ACB/ MCCB if it is not readily available ,without any extra cost ,as the figure indicated within the bracket are required maxmum fault level of the panel.) 157 NOTE: PANEL MUST BE AS PER IEC 61439 TYPE TESTED FROM ANY INDIA BASED TEST LABORATORY (CPRI/ERDA ETC) FOR ROTECTION AGAINST SHORT CIRCUIT/TEMPERATURE RISE/INTERNAL ARC/DEGREE OF PROTECTION) (PTTA PANEL UPTO 630A & TTA PANEL ABOVE 630A) 158 MDB Light & Power Panel-1 159 INCOMER 160 1 No.200 Amp FP MCCB, 25 kA breaking capacity with Thermal release and rotatry handle. 161 METERING & INDICATION 162 1 set of R,Y,B phase indicating lamps 163 Digital Multifunction meter for Voltage, Current & KW with selector switch. Each with 3nos. of 2A SP MCB & 3nos 200/5A CTs (200A/500V) rating 164 1 Sets of Breaker ON-OFF-TRIP, Spring charged indication Lamps as required. 165 BUS-BAR 166 1 Set of 250A TPN Aluminium Bus Bar with colour coded PVC Sleeves 167 OUTGOINGS 168 16 Nos. 63A TPN MCB ,10 kA breaking capacity 169 2 Nos. 40A TPN MCB ,10 kA breaking capacity 170 2 Nos. 40A DP MCB ,10 kA breaking capacity 171 Supplying,Receiving, fixing, testing & commissioning ofabove described Panel 172 MDB Light & Power Panel-1 173 INCOMER 174 1 No.125 Amp FP MCCB, 25 kA breaking capacity with Thermal release and rotatry handle. 175 METERING & INDICATION 176 1 set of R,Y,B phase indicating lamps 177 Digital Multifunction meter for Voltage, Current & KW with selector switch. Each with 3nos. of 2A SP MCB & 3nos 125/5A CTs (125A/500V) rating 178 1 Sets of Breaker ON-OFF-TRIP, Spring charged indication Lamps as required. 179 BUS-BAR 180 1 Set of 160A TPN Aluminium Bus Bar with colour coded PVC Sleeves 181 OUTGOINGS 182 6 Nos. 63A TPN MCB ,10 kA breaking capacity 183 2 Nos. 40A TPN MCB ,10 kA breaking capacity 184 2 Nos. 40A DP MCB ,10 kA breaking capacity 185 Supplying,Receiving, fixing, testing & commissioning ofabove described Panel 186 EXTERNAL LIGHTING PANEL 187 SUBHEAD -VII- CCTV SYSTEM 188 Supplying and drawing of UTP 4 pair CAT6 LAN cable in the existing surface /recessed steel /PVC conduit as required (1 run of cable). 189 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 5 MP (2592 x 1944) Bulletcamera ,ONVIF profile S , G& T BIS,UL , CE , FCC Certified ,1/2.7” Progressive Scan CMOS ,2.7 mm to 13.5 mm motorized varifocal lens , Quad stream with each stream support H.265 compression simultaneously ,min illumination : Color 0.01lux @ F1.2(AGC ON) ; B/W 0 lux @ IR ON , Shutter speed :1 / 5s ~ 1 / 100,000 s ,WDR , Compression : H.265/H.265+/H.264/H.264+ .SD card supportupto 256GB, Cloud Storage , Alarm trigger - 1 input / 1 output, frame rate : Main stream should support 25 &30 fps@5MP, Net HDD, ROI Min. 8 Region, Two Way Audio, Hardware reset, Edge analytics : Face Detection, Customer Flow staistics, Heat Map, Human & Vehicle Detection, Pedestrian Intrusion Detection & Line cross Detection. Queue length detection, Regional population statistics, SOD-Stationaary Object Detection, Tempering detection, Rare Sound Detection, Defog, Motion Detection, License plate detection. Protocol:- TCP/IP, HTTP, DHCP,DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP,SMTP, NTP, UPnP, SNMP, HTTPS,FTP PPPOE, NFS/SMB/CIFS, P2P , In built IR LED , IR Distance upto 45 meters , IP 67,IK10,POE/12V DC. 190 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of6 channel NVR , ONVIF compliant , recording bandwidth 640 Mbps , output interface 1 HDMI (up to 4K), 1 VGA, Alarm in/out :16chin / 4chout , 2 X RJ-45 port (1000M) , Bit Rate 16kbps-20mbps per channel,Sync Playback 4/8/10/16 ch playback,iOS smartphone support , third party camera supported,8 HDD support, each HDD slot support upto 8 TB HDD ,, 1x3.0 USBfor backup /upgrade , 2x 2.0 USB for mouse, Display resolution up to 4K,1 E-Sata Port, RS-485 Port, Cloud Storage, Net HDD, Two Way Talk, Edge analytics : Customer Flow staistics, Face Attendence, Face Detection and Recognition, Heat Map, Human & Vehicle Detection, Pedestrian Intrusion Detection & Line cross Detection, Queue length detection, Regional population statistics, SOD-Stationaary Object Detection, Deterrence, PIR, AI Registerd Qty- 10000 & AI Captured Qty- 200000. Protocol support:-HTTp, TCP/IP, IPv4, UPNP, RTSP,UDP,SMTP,NTP,DHCP,DNS,IP filter,PPPOE,DDNS,FTP,IP search, P2P, NFS/SMB/CIFS, IPC Management.Certifications: UL,CE,FCC,BIS. 191 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of8 channel NVR , ONVIF compliant , recording bandwidth 640 Mbps , output interface 1 HDMI (up to 4K), 1 VGA, Alarm in/out :16chin / 4chout , 2 X RJ-45 port (1000M) , Bit Rate 16kbps-20mbps per channel,Sync Playback 4/8/10/16 ch playback,iOS smartphone support , third party camera supported,8 HDD support, each HDD slot support upto 8 TB HDD ,, 1x3.0 USBfor backup /upgrade , 2x 2.0 USB for mouse, Display resolution up to 4K,1 E-Sata Port, RS-485 Port, Cloud Storage, Net HDD, Two Way Talk, Edge analytics : Customer Flow staistics, Face Attendence, Face Detection and Recognition, Heat Map, Human & Vehicle Detection, Pedestrian Intrusion Detection & Line cross Detection, Queue length detection, Regional population statistics, SOD-Stationaary Object Detection, Deterrence, PIR, AI Registerd Qty- 10000 & AI Captured Qty- 200000. Protocol support:-HTTp, TCP/IP, IPv4, UPNP, RTSP,UDP,SMTP,NTP,DHCP,DNS,IP filter,PPPOE,DDNS,FTP,IP search, P2P, NFS/SMB/CIFS, IPC Management.Certifications: UL,CE,FCC,BIS. 192 Supplying ,Installation, Testing and commissioning of 8TB HDD for Storage. 193 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 12 port 10/100/1000+ 2 X gigabit SFP , managed L-2Switch withSFP moduleswitching capacity 216 gbps, Complete as per side required. 194 Supplying ,Installation, Testing and commissioning of 42” Full HD LED Display Unit - Wall Mount. 195 Supplying ,Installation, Testing and commissioning of HDMI Cable- 3Mtr 196 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 4U Rack - Outdoor with PDU,FAN and Cable Manager(Wallmount). 197 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of 6U Rack - Outdoor with PDU,FAN and Cable Manager(Wallmount). 198 SUBHEAD - VIII - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 199 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of micro processor based intelligent addressable main fire alarm panel, central processing unit with the following loop modules and capable of supporting not less than 240 devices (including detectors) and minimum 120 detectors per loop and loop length up to 2 km, network communication card, minimum 320 character graphics/ LCD display with touch screen or other keypad and minimum 4000 events history log in the non volatile memory (EPROM), power supply unit (230 ± 5% V, 50 hz), 48 hrs back-up with 24 volt sealedmaintenance free batteries with automatic charger. The panel shall have facility to connect printer to printout log and facility to have seamless integration with analog/digital voice evacuation system (which is part of the schedule of work under SH: PA System)and shall be complete with all accessories . The panel shall be compatible for IBMS system with open protocol BACnet/ Modbus over IP complete as perspecifications. 200 2 Loop Panel 201 Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of repeater panel wih 320 character/ Touch screen LCD display with inbuilt reset, acknowledge and silence switches complete as required. 202 Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of addressable horn cum strobe complete as required. 203 Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of addressable manual call point complete as required. 204 Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of fire fighter telephone handset complete as required. 205 Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of fire fighter phone jack complete as required. 206 Supplying & laying of 2x1.5 sqmm fire alarm armoured cable, 600/1000V rated with annealed copper conductor having XLPE insulation, steel wire armouring & FRLS outer sheath complete as required. 207 SUBHEAD -IX - TELEPHONE NETWORKING SYSTEM 208 SITC of Analog telephone instrument with CLI facilities, flash, redial . 209 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of following krone type tag blocks enclosed in MS enclosure of suitable size with lockable cover. 210 2 Pair MDF. 211 SUB HEAD -X :EXTERNAL LIGHTING 212 Erection of metallic pole of following length in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) foundation including excavation and refilling etc. as required. 213 Above 4.5 metre and upto 6.5 metre 214 Above 6.5 metre and upto 8.0 metre 215 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of Gate light fitting suitable for 42 watt IP 65LED having system lumen output of minimum 4200 lumenscomplete with all accessories and lamp. 216 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of Bollard light fitting suitable for 11 watt IP 65LED having system lumen output of minimum 900 lumenscomplete with all accessories and lamp. 217 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of 60W LED Street LightIP66 LED with High performance having system lumen output of minimum 9900 lumens, contemporary designed housing made of die-cast aluminium, with street optic LENS for uniform light distribution. PF better than 0.9, CRI better than 70 complete with all accessories. 218 Supply, testing & commissioning of 4.5 meter high G.Ioctagonal pole (Above Ground Level) with single/double arm as per requirement of suitable length with inbuilt junction box with 10A SP MCB, connectors for incoming/outgoing cable connection and 300mm x 300mm x 20 mm thick base plate and bracket (double arm/single arm whichever required) complete in all respect. 219 Supply, testing & commissioning of 6.0 meter high G.Ioctagonal pole (Above Ground Level) with single/double arm as per requirement of suitable length with inbuilt junction box with 10A SP MCB, connectors for incoming/outgoing cable connection and 300mm x 300mm x 20 mm thick base plate and bracket (double arm/single arm whichever required) complete in all respect. 220 Supplying and laying cable through GI pipe upto junction box including excavation and back filling, wiring with 2 x 2.5 sq.mm PVC insulated 1100 volts grade copper conductor wires from junction box to lighting fixturecomplete. 221 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 40W LED POST TOP LANTERN 222 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 40W LED GATE LIGHT

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