
Bids Are Invited For Cd Block 9-1845-9B-482 Total Quantity : 19295, Medak-Telangana

Department of Defence Production has published Bids Are Invited For Cd Block 9-1845-9B-482 Total Quantity : 19295. Submission Date for this Tender is 05-07-2024. Soldering and Welding Machinery Tenders in Medak Telangana. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Cd Block 9-1845-9B-482 Total Quantity : 19295
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Cd Block 9-1845-9B-482--a.REQUIRED RAW MATERIAL WILL BE ISSUED AS FIM IN UNBRIDGED CONDITION @ 110/100 Nos FOR BRIDGING. NiCr WIRE OF 9 MICRON WIRE FOR BRIDGING & ROSIN CD SOLDER WIRE 62/36/2X18SWG WILL BE ISSUED BY BDL AS FIM AGAINST SUBMISSION OF IB FOR A VALUE OF Rs.20,84,600/-. b.BRIDGING OF CD BLOCKS WITH NICHROME WIRE AS PER THE TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS. c.CONSUMABLES ARE IN SUPPLIER SCOPE. d.VENDOR SHALL CARRY OUT 100% INSPECTION FOR MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS AS PER DESIGN Drg./PROCESS SHEET. RESISTANCE VALUE TO BE INDICATE FOR INDIVIDUAL CD BLOCK. e.BDL (QC- E LAB) INSPECTS THE CD BLOCKS BRIDGED 5-10 OHMS 10% SAMPLE BASIS. f.BDL RESERVES THE RIGHT TO INSPECT DURING THE PROCESS. g.COMPONENTS SHOULD BE PACKED IN SUITABLE PACKING BOXES TO PREVENT DAMAGES DURING TRANSPORT AND STORAGE. h.PACKING BOXES SHOULD BE MARKED WITH DETAILS OF PO,COMPONENT DESCRIPTION,DRG NO.,BATCH QTY. i.TOOLS, FIXTURES AND TESTING EQUIPMENTS ARE IN SUPPLIER SCOPE. j.FINISHED COMPONENTS TO BE DELIVERED AT BDL STORES.PACKING SHOULD PROPOERLY INDICATE THE CONDITION OF MATERIAL (BRIDGED). 2 DELIVERY SCHEDULE: WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF ISSUE OF REQUIRED FIMS.Early supplies are acceptable. 3 MANUFACTURING OF COMPONENTS: Should be as per the Drawings provided by BDL. 4 INSPECTION: a) Party has to carry out stage inspection as per process. b) BDL representatives are authorized to inspect during in process and final inspection at party works as per the requirement. 5 CERTIFICATES REQUIRED: Self Inspection Reports to be submitted along with each batch of supplies. 6 LD CLAUSE: Time is the essence of the P.O and delivery should be strictly insisted upon according to the delivery schedule given in the SOs/POs. In the event the supplier fails to deliver the goods/ service, within the stipulated delivery period, BDL reserves the right to recover from the supplier, LD and not by way of penalty an amount as detailed in terms and conditions. A sum of 0.5% of the price only of the stores (Including duties, taxes) which the supplier has failed to deliver as aforesaid for each week of delay or part thereof, subject to a maximum of 10%. In case of extension of delivery period, increase in taxes shall not be borne by BDL, if delay is attributable to vendor. 7 VALIDITY OF THE OFFER: The quoted prices will be valid for a period of 6 months from the date of submission of bid and prices are firm and not subject to alternation / variation on any account. 8 FINISHED COMPONENTS: should be delivered to BDL Bhanur stores in Proper packing condition to prevent from moisture, rusting, damage etc during transits and storage. Each pack should contain 500 Nos with the slip containing details of Drg. No. & discription, date of mfg. & vendor code. 9 REJECTED COMPONENTS: party has to replace the rejections promptly. 10 AS9100D STANDARD TERMS: a) The supplier shall not supply the non-confirming product against specification. b) Supplier has to inform BDL in case of change in manufacturing process or input material or manufacturing facility. Unless otherwise specified, supplier cannot outsource the items (order). c) Supplier shall maintain the BDL product and production records up to 3 years. d) In case of non-conformity product, party has to inform BDL for further disposition action (i.e. rework, rejections etc.) e) Where ever applicable Drawing Issue number should be considered which is under column (Drg. No.) 11 EMS 14001:2015 STANDARD TERMS: As BDL is a EMS 14001:2015 certified organization, it is requested you as partner of BDL to maintain EMS standards like proper scrap disposal, maintenance of pollution control board norms and conservation of resources to protect environment. 12 Payment terms: Payments shall be made within 30 days of issue of consignee receipt cum acceptance certificate (CRAC) and online submission of bills. This is in supersession of 10 days time as provided in clause 12 of GEM GTC. 13 TAXES: GST @18% extra or as applicable at the time of dispatch as per GOV norms. 14 OPTION CLAUSE:The purchaser reserves the right to increse or decrease the quantity to be ordered up to 50 percent of bid quantity at the time of placement of contract.The purchaser also reserves the right to increase the ordered quantity by up to 50% of contracted quantity during the currency of the contract at the contracted rates.Bidders are bound to accept the orders accordingly. 15 Purchase preference clause: provisions as per make in India order 2017 will be applicable for the vendors/service providers. 16 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Bidder has to upload the eligibility certificate in GEM portal while participating in bid which is issued by BDL. This certificate shall be used for only this bid purpose. Other bidders who do not upload eligibility certificate will not be considered. Total Quantity : 19295

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