
Tender For Annual Supply Of Civil Items, delhi-Delhi

Madhya Pradesh Bhawan has published Tender For Annual Supply Of Civil Items. Submission Date for this Tender is 15-07-2024. Construction Material Tenders in delhi Delhi. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Annual Supply Of Civil Items
Open Tender

Tender Details

l Supply Of Civil Items At Madhya Pradesh Bhawan And Madhyanchal, New Delhi 1 Plastic Emulsion Paint White Nerolac/ Asian/ICI or equivalent make 2 Oil Bound Nerolac/ Asian or equivalent make 3 Texture Paint (big dana white) Berger/ Nerolac/ Asian/ICI make 4 Enamel Paint White Color Nerolac/ Asian /ICIor equivalent make 5 Enamel Paint Black Color Nerolac/ Asian /ICIor equivalent make 6 Paint silver colourNerolac/ Asian /ICI or equivalent make 7 Paint white (road marking) Nerolac/ Asian/ICIor equivalent make 8 Paint Black (road marking) Nerolac/ Asian/ICI or equivalent make 9 Primar ( Paint ) Nerolac/ Asian/ICIor equivalent make 10 Lequer Polish Asian /ICIor equivalent make 11 Touch wood Nerolac/ Asian /ICIor equivalent make 12 Sealer Nerolac/ Asian /ICIor equivalent make 13 Paint Remover Nerolac/ Asian /ICI or equivalent make 14 Turpentine Wembly / Nerolac/ Asian /ICIor equivalent make 15 Sprite Wembly / Nerolac/ Asian /ICIor equivalent make 16 Thinner Wembly Nerolac/ Asian /ICIor equivalent make 17 Lakhdana Bsko or equivalent make 18 Sand Paper Waterproof80 no. 3M or equivalent make 19 Sand Paper Waterproof 100 no. 3M or equivalent make 20 Sand Paper Waterproof 120 no. 3M or equivalent make 21 Sand Paper Waterproof 320 no. 3M or equivalent 22 Dhoti Big Size Cotton 23 Voilet Oxide (100 ml.) Universal Nerolac/ Asian /ICIor equivalent make 24 Red oxide paint Nerolac/ Asian or equivalent make 25 Yellow oxide (100 ml.) Universal Nerolac/ Asian /ICIor equivalent make 26 Kajal (100 gm.) Tiger/ Ghari Chhap or equivalent make 27 Chock Mati Tiger/ Ghari Chhap or equivalent make 28 Turky Umber (100 gm.) Tiger/ Ghari Chhap or equivalent make 29 Rawseena (100 gm.) Tiger/ Ghari Chhap or equivalent make 30 Wall Putty Birla or equivalent make 31 White Cement J.K. Birla or equivalent make 32 POP Trimurti or equivalent make 33 Favicole Pidilite ormake 34 Bostic Pidilite or equivalent make 35 Dr. Fixit (LW plus) or equivalent make 36 Dr. Fixit (URP) or equivalent make 37 Silicon Wembley or equivalent make 38 Araldite Pidilite or equivalent make 39 Epoxy paint Nerolac/ Asian or equivalent make 40 M-Seal Pidilite or equivalent make 41 Screw Wooden ½ (100pcs.) Nettlefolds or equivalent make 42 Screw Wooden 3/4 (20*5) (100pcs.) Nettlefolds or equivalent make 43 Screw Wooden 1 (25*6) (100pcs.) Nettlefolds or equivalent make 44 Screw wooden 1¼ (100 pcs.) Nettlefold or equivalent make 45 Screw wooden 1½ (100 pcs.) Nettlefold or equivalent make 46 Screw wooden 2 (100 pcs.)Nettlefold or equivalent make 47 Screw wooden 2½ (100 pcs.) Nettlefold or equivalent make 48 Screw wooden 3 (100 pcs.) Nettlefold or equivalent make 49 Steel Screw 20mm Nettlefold or equivalent make 50 Steel Screw 25mm Nettlefold or equivalent make 51 Steel Screw 32mmNettlefold or equivalent make 52 Gypsum screw ½ Nettlefolds or equivalent make 53 Gypsum screw 1 Nettlefolds or equivalent make 54 Gypsum screw 2 Nettlefolds or equivalent make 55 Gypsum screw 2.5 Nettlefolds or equivalent make 56 NailsMix Tejas or equivalent make 57 M.S. Hinges 4 Surya/ Sleek or equivalent make 58 Aluminum Hinges 4 Surya/ Sleek or equivalent make 59 L-bihari hinges (16 crank) Hafele or equivalent make 60 Telescopic Channel 15 Surya/ Sleek or equivalent make 61 Telescopic Channel 18 Surya/ Sleek or equivalent make 62 Telescopic Channel 24 Surya/ Sleek or equivalent make 63 Aluminum track Channel (2 track) 12 Length (As per required colorpowder coated) Jindal or equivalent make 64 Aluminum track Channel (3 track) 15 Length (As per required colorpowder coated) Jindal or equivalent make 65 Magnet Catcher C.T.H. or equivalent make 66 SS Curtain Rod 20mm (Size 3mtr.) Fly Rail or equivalent make 67 SS Curtain Bracket20mm Fly Rail or equivalent make 68 Hook for curtain (50 pcs.) Fly Rail or equivalent make 69 Wheel runner for Curtain Fly Rail or equivalent make 70 Door stopper (Nickle) Godrej or equivalent make 71 Door stopper (Brass) Godrej or equivalent 72 Door stopper (Aluminum) Jindal or equivalent make 73 Door stopper Chrome plated (Aluminum) Jindal or equivalent make 74 Stopper 1(Gutka) Fly Rail or equivalent make 75 Stopper 2(Gutka) Fly Rail or equivalent make 76 Buffer 3/4 (Plastic) Fly Rail or equivalent make 77 Buffer 1 (Plastic) Fly Rail or equivalent make 78 Buffer 3 Rubber Fly Rail or equivalent make 79 Caster 1.5 Set Fly Rail or equivalent make 80 Redu (Wheel) for Aluminum window 81 Door closer 8 Garnish or equivalent make 82 Tower Bolt Brass 4 Godrej or equivalent make 83 Tower Bolt Brass 6 Godrej or equivalent make 84 Tower Bolt Brass 10 Godrej or equivalent make 85 Tower Bolt Aluminum 4 Godrej or equivalent make 86 Tower Bolt Aluminum 6 Godrej or equivalent make 87 Tower Bolt Aluminum 10 Godrej or equivalent make 88 Tower Bolt Nickle 4 Godrej or equivalent make 89 Tower Bolt Nickle 6 Godrej or equivalent make 90 Tower Bolt Nickle 10 Godrej or equivalent make 91 Mortise Lock with Handle Godrej make 92 Mortise Lock Handle Godrej make 93 Cylindrical lock Plaza make 94 Drawer Lock Godrej 95 SS Handle 100 mm Godrej/ RFP make 96 Aluminum Handle 100mm Godrej/ RFP make 97 Brass Handle 100mm Godrej/ RFP make 98 Brass Handle Fancy 300mm Godrej/ RFP make 99 Wooden Noab 25mm Fly Rail or equivalent make 100 Plywood commercial (19 mm) (8 x 4) Greenlam/Century make 101 Plywood (6 mm)(8 x 4) Commercial Greenlam Century 102 Plywood Teak one side (19 mm) (8 x 4) Greenlam /Centurymake 103 Plywood Teak both side (19 mm) (8 x 4) Greenlam/ Century make 104 Plywood Teak one side (12 mm) (8 x 4) Greenlam / Centurymake 105 Plywood Teak both side (12 mm) (8 x 4) Greenlam Centurymake 106 Plywood (12 mm)(8 x 4) Commercial Greenlam/ Century make 107 Wooden Margin ½ half shape teak wood. 108 Wooden Margin 1 x 2 teak wood 109 Veneer 4mm teak 8’x4 Greenlam Century 110 Gypsum board 6’x4’ Saintgobin/India Gypsum Make 111 Masking Tap (Paper) 1.5 ISPA Gold Tech or equivalent make 112 Grease metro or equivalent make 113 Cement bag (50kg.) Ambuja or equivalent 114 Jamuna Sand (Fine Sand) 115 Badarpur (Course Sand) 116 Soap Dish HiLifemake 117 Homocole container HiLifemake 118 Copper Connection Pipe Threaded type450mm long (ALD803AB) Jaquar Continentalmake 119 Copper Connection Pipe Threaded type 600mm long (ALD801B) Jaquar Continentalmake 120 PVC Waste pipe 1.25 Accurate or equivalent make 121 PVC Connection Pipe 18 Crystal or equivalent make 122 SS Jali 100 mm Parkomake 123 S.S (Jali) 75mm Parko 124 PVC WC Cistern Parryware/ Hind/ Ceramake 125 Cistern fitting (Plastic) Cera or equivalent make 126 Phase Full Turn Jaquarmake 127 Phase Quarter Turn Jaquarmake 128 Phase Half Turn Jaquarmake 129 Phase Conceled Jaquarmake 130 Taper Washer (50 pcs.) Citizen or equivalent make 131 Syphon Washer (50 pcs.) Citizen or eqivalent make 132 CP Connection Washer (50 pcs.) Citizen or equivalent make 133 Thread (Soot Gola) (10 pcs.) Bansal & Co. or equivalent make 134 Teflon Tap (12 pcs.) ISPA Gold Tech or equivalent make 135 SS Tower Boit 250mm Godrej make 136 Door Buffer Godrej Make 137 Ball cockbrass 1 Parko/ Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 138 Ball cock (brass) 1¼Parko/ Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 139 Ball valve (brass) ½ Parko/ Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 140 Ball valve (brass) 3/4 Parko/ Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 141 Ball valvebrass 1 Parko/ Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 142 Ball valve (brass) 1¼Parko/ Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 143 Ball valve (brass) 1½Parko/ Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 144 Ball valve (brass) 2Parko/ Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 145 Ball valve (PPR) 20mm Astral/ Prince/Parkashor equivalent make 146 Ball valve (PPR) 40mm Astral/ Prince/Parkashor equivalent make 147 Ball valve (PPR) 50mm Astral/ Prince/Parkashor equivalent make 148 Ball valve (PPR) 63mm Astral/ Prince/Parkashor equivalent make 149 Ball valve (PPR) 75mm Astral/ Prince/Parkashor equivalent make 150 Ball valvePPR 25mm Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 151 CPVC Solvent Aquaflow or equivalent or equivalent make 152 CPVC Ball valve (brass) 3/4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 153 CPVC Ball valvebrass 1 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 154 CPVC Ball valve (brass) 1¼Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 155 CPVC pipe length (3mtr. length) (3/4)Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 156 CPVC pipe length (3mtr. length) (1) Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 157 CPVC pipe length (3mtr. length) (11/4) Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 158 CPVC pipe length (3mtr. length) (2) Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 159 CPVC pipe length (3mtr. length) (3) Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 160 CPVC pipe length (3mtr. length) (4) Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 161 CPVC Elbow 3/4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 162 CPVC Elbow 1 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 163 CPVC Elbow 11/4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 164 CPVC Elbow 2 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 165 CPVC Elbow 3 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 166 CPVC Elbow 4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 167 CPVC Tee 3/4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 168 CPVC Tee 1 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 169 CPVC Tee 11/4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 170 CPVC Tee 2 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 171 CPVC Tee 3 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 172 CPVC Tee 4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 173 CPVC Socket 3/4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 174 CPVC Socket 1 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 175 CPVC Socket 11/4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 176 CPVC Socket 2 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 177 CPVC Socket 3 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 178 CPVC Socket 4 Astral/ Prince/Parkash or equivalent make 179 Wall Hung WC with In built Jet, UF soft close slim seat cover, Hinges, Accessories Set (Jaquar Code - SLS-WHT-6951JUFSM) 180 Wall Hung Cistern with Drainage L-Bend Pipe with Gasket & Installation Kit (Suitable for EWC) (Jaquar Code -WHC-WHT-184L) 181 Bowl for Extended Wall hung-WC with PP soft close seat cover, Hinges, Accessories Set (Jaquar Code CNS-WHT-353S) 182 Cistern with cistern fittings for CNS-WHT-353N & 353S Jaquar Code CNS-WHT-203 183 Table Top Basin (Jaquar Code SLS-WHT-6901) 184 Under counter Basin with Fixing Accessories (Jaquar Code FLS-WHT-5701) 185 Bowl for Coupled WC with PP soft close seat cover, Hinges, Fixing Accessories and Accessories Set, Size: 360 x 680 x 765mm, S trap - 220mm Jaquar Code - CNS-WHT-755SS 186 Cistern with cistern fittings for 755SN, 755SS, 755PS and 755PN Jaquar Code - CNS-WHT-207 187 Sink Mixer with Regular Swinging Spout (Wall Mounted Model) With Connecting Legs & Wall Flanges (Jaquar Code FLR-5309N) 188 Hand Shower (Health Faucet) (ABS Body) with 8mm Dia, 1.5 Meter Long Spirochrome flex tube & Wall Hook (Jaquar Code ALD-587) 189 Bib Cock (Angular Shape) With Wall Flange (Jaquar Code FLR-5037N) 190 Long Body Bib Cock with Wall Flange (Jaquar Code CON-107KN) 191 Toilet Roll Holder with Stainless Steel Flap (Jaquar Code ACN-1153S) 192 Double Coat Hook (Jaquar Code ACN-1161N) 193 Angular Stop Cock With Wall Flange (Jaquar Code FLR-5053N) 194 Long Braided Hose with M10X1 Nipple, 15mm Nut, O-Ring & Rubber Washer (Suitable for Tall Boy Basin Mixers)(Jaquar Code ALD-801B 600mm) 195 Towel Ring Square with Round Flange (Jaquar Code ACN-1121N) 196 Soap Dispenser with Glass bottle (Jaquar Code AKP-35735P) 197 Curtain Hooks 198 Jaquar Continental Knob Assy Fix in Cistern (Pusher knob with rod) Jaquar Code ZPS-WHT-5202 199 Jaquar Aria Button (Jaquar Code ZSL-CHR-081) 200 Jaquar Queens Inlet Plug (Jaquar Code ZPS-WHT-5107) 201 Jaquar Flush Valve (Jaquar Code ZPS-WHT-5006) 202 Wax Seal (Jaquar Code ZPS-WHT-1401) 203 WC Seat Cover (Jaquar Code ZPS-WHT-1019) 204 Handle-Hi-Flow (Jaquar Code ZKB-CHR-083) 205 Jaquar WC Gesterd Washer 206 Jaquar Health Faucet Connection Pipe (Jaquar Code ZMS-CHR-005) 207 Jquar Floretine Replacement Handle (Jaquar Code ZKB-CHR-007) 208 High Flow Gitti Jaquar make 209 High Flow Gitti ScrewJaquar make 210 WC Hinges Jaquar make 211 Wall Hinges Jaquar make 212 Wall Cock Washer Jaquar make 213 Saifan Jaquar make 214 Saifan Washer Jaquar make 215 One Piece Wall Cock Jaquar make 216 One Piece WC Saifan Jaquar make 217 One Piece Button Jaquar make 218 GI pipe length (3mtr. Length) (1/2”) Grade “B” 219 GI pipe length (3mtr. length) (3/4)Grade “B” 220 GI pipe length (3mtr. length) (1) Grade “B” 221 GI pipe length (3mtr. length) (11/4) Grade “B” 222 GI pipe length (3mtr. length) (2) Grade “B” 223 GI Elbow 1/2 224 GI Elbow 3/4 225 GI Elbow 1 226 GI Elbow 11/4 227 GI Elbow 2 228 GI TEE 1/2 229 GI Tee 3/4 230 GI Tee 1 231 GI Tee 11/4 232 GI Tee 2 233 GI Socket 1/2 234 GI Socket 3/4 235 GI Socket 1 236 GI Socket 11/4 237 GI Socket 2 238 GI Union 1/2 239 GI Union 3/4 240 GI Union 1 241 GI Union 11/4 242 GI Union 2 243 GI Nipple 1/2 244 GI Nipple 2 245 GI Nipple 3 246 GI Nipple 4 247 GI Nipple 6 248 GI Nipple 9 249 Hex Nipple 1/2 250 Hex Nipple 3/4 251 Hex Nipple 11/4 252 Hex Nipple 11/2 253 Hex Nipple 21/4 254 GI Nipple 3/4 255 GI Nipple 1 256 GI Nipple 11/4 257 GI Nipple 2 258 GI Ball Valve 1/2 259 GI Ball Valve 3/4 260 GI Ball Valve 1” 261 GI Ball Valve 11/4 262 GI Ball Valve 2”

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 500 /-
INR 15000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 5 Lakhs /-
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We takes all possible care for accurate & authentic tender information, however Users are requested to refer Original source of Tender Notice / Tender Document published by Tender Issuing Agency before taking any call regarding this tender.
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