tender for Regular Maintenance Work And Other Appurtenant Work At Ghat Sewer Varanasi Manhole Rising, Cleaning Of Sewer, Manhole, Maintenance Of Sps Building, 1 Cleaning and Desilting of blocked Sewer lines on regular basis of sewers(400mm Diameter) around Varanasi Ghats including removal of debris/silt, rubbish, etc. manually and safe disposal of the same within Municipal limits. Supply of all material. Labour tool and plants, gas detector, forced air ventilator etc. & Provision of safety equipment as per guide lines laid in IS 11972 (1987) for proper and safe completion of work directed by Engineer in charge.(HarishChandra Ghat SPS, R P Ghat SPS, Jalasen Ghat SPS,Trilochan Ghat SPS) 2 Depth (0.00-1.65m) 3 150-200 dia 4 200-300 dia 5 300-400 dia 6 Depth (1.65-2.30m) 7 150-200 dia 8 200-300 dia 9 300-400 dia 10 Depth (2.30-4.95m) 11 150-200 dia 12 200-300 dia 13 300-400 dia 14 Depth (4.95-9.00m) 15 200-300 dia 16 300-400 dia 17 Cleaning of silt/sludge, deposite in the sewer line of following Ghat SPS after Flood with the help of rope and bucket by manual labour disposal of taken out silt/sludge and other garbage at suitable dumping place from the Ghat area. This work also includes all safety equipment such as Super sucker,Jetting,Gas mask, Air blower,helmet, safety belt, hand gloves and gumboots to prevent any casualty during working direction of Engineer in charge, including supply of all labour T&P etc. complete 18 R P Ghat 19 Diameter of sewer- 150mm to 300mm 20 Length-1360m 21 Jalasen Ghat 22 Diameter of sewer- 150mm to 300mm 23 Length-650m 24 Trilochan Ghat 25 Diameter of sewer- 150mm to 400mm 26 Length-(4825m + 72m)drain 27 Dismantling of existing plaster. 28 Scraping old white or colour washing. 29 Dismantling brick work or stone work in lime or cement mortar inclucing disposal all dismantled materials with in distance of 50m. 30 Steel barricading of manhole,Dismantling of surface, Earth work in cutting or embankment in ordinary soil excavation to be in the form of regular pits not exceeding 1.0m in depth and earth work in embankment to be 20 cm layers including ramming and dressing including 1.5m lift including all labour T&P etc. complete as per direction of E/I (Sl.No. 253), Surplus dressing & cleaning, labour for material shifting & disposal of surplus earth, Brick work masonary for raised manhole, both side plaster for raised manhole (outer/inner), M 20 grade concrete to damage portion & providing & fixing of foot rest. 31 0-0.30 m 32 0.30-0.60 m 33 Construction of manhole excavation all PCC work (M20) including foundation benching, coping, 1st class brick work (1:4, cement coarse sand) supply and fixing foot step, neat cement finishing SFRC frame & cover heavy duty, including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. 34 A-Type for 1.2m to 1.65m 35 B-Type for 1.66m to 2.3m 36 Providing and applying plaster of paris putty of 2 mm thickness over plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth complete 37 Applying one priming coat and one coat of dry distemper after first coat 38 Painting or varnishing on new iron work in small areas or new wood work with one coat priming & one coat paint or varnish 39 1st class brick work in 1:4 cement and coarse sand mortar including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of work 40 12mm thick plaster cement and coarse sand (1:4) mortar including all material labour T&P etc. complete 41 Supply and Carting of following size & type of pipes and specials from departmental store to site of work and lowering them into the trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient and jointing etc.complete (including testing of pipe line and cutting of pipes for making up the length excluding the cost of refrences) 42 110 mm dia PVC pipe 6 kg/cm2 43 160 mm dia PVC pipe 10 kg/cm2 44 160 mm HDPE pipe PE 100 PN- 10 45 Supply & fixing of aluminium door of toliet & bothroom (staff Quarter) 46 Glass work for windows 47 Supply & fixing of water proof ply door (Staf Quarter) 48 Supply and fixing of SFRC heavy duty, 560mm dia manhole cover & frame a per direction of Engineer-in-charge 49 Cement concrete with 20mm gauge approved stone ballast, coarse sand and cement in the proporation of 1:2:4 including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 50 25mm thick 1:2:4 P.C.C. floor with cement, coarse sand nd 20mm gauge stone ballast with base concrete (75 mm thick) 1:4:8 cement, local sand & brick ballast 40mm gauge. 51 Laying of 80 mm thick CC pre rubber moulded interlocking paver tiles including 30mm thick fine sand bed over (280mm thick compacted base of two layar of GSB & WMM, paid seperately and also including earth work in excavation in proper slope & camber including all labour, T&P etc. required for proper competion of work. 52 Reinstatement of Interlocking tiles 53 Providing and laying stone pattia on ghat with 1:2 cement local sand mortar, struck pointing including all cost of labour and material T&P etc. required for proper completion of work 54 R.C.C work with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 in slabs excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 0.50 mm thick binding wire (to be supplied by the contractor) including necessary centering and shuttering, supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 55 Overhead cartage of materials at ghat for 100m manualy by labour