
Tender For Fabrication/Erection Of Mill, Boiler, Boiling House And General Work Season 2024-25, Mill House, Strengthening And Support Of Bent Column Structures Etc. Of Cane Carriers. Placement Mills M.S. Dismantling The Weak Juice Tray And Replacing, puranpur-Uttar Pradesh

Kisan Sahkari Chini Mills Limited has published Tender For Fabrication/Erection Of Mill, Boiler, Boiling House And General Work Season 2024-25, Mill House, Strengthening And Support Of Bent Column Structures Etc. Of Cane Carriers. Placement Mills M.S. Dismantling The Weak Juice Tray And Replacing. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-07-2024. Clothing Accessories Tenders in puranpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Fabrication/Erection Of Mill, Boiler, Boiling House And General Work Season 2024-25, Mill House, Strengthening And Support Of Bent Column Structures Etc. Of Cane Carriers. Placement Mills M.S. Dismantling The Weak Juice Tray And Replacing
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Fabrication/Erection Of Mill, Boiler, Boiling House And General Work Season 2024-25, Mill house, Strengthening and support of bent column structures etc. of cane carriers. Placement Mills M.S. Dismantling the weak juice tray and replacing it with M.S. Making and observing the juice tray from the new plate as per the drawing and keeping the related connections intact. After removing the old cut square/rail of the can unloader, replace it with a new one and do the alignment and trial. Making and installing old runners as per requirement in the mills cane carrier/secondary rack carrier/inter rack carrier/bagasse carrier/bagasse elevator or replacing the old ones and giving them trial. Strengthening the above by installing runner base (angle) and giving trial. Change the side and bottom top as per the above instructions as required. In the above case, replace the worn banded portion with a new MS plate and fit it on them and give it a trial by doing hard facing. Fabricating new racks of Inter Rack Carrier/RBC and Second Rack Carrier. Repairing racks. Mills Bihrler. (Juice Burling Tank) Catcher. Making the bottle as per the drawing and giving it along with the related connections. Remove the choked juice gutters from the mill and make a leak proof gutter from a new plate by making the respective connections and conduct a trial. Applying 10/12 mm thick plates to the hoods of cutter and fiberizer of the mill. Removing the corroded plate of Donnelly suit and installing a new plate. Ken started his career. Removing the street side plate and installing a new plate. Making and installing covers of TRPF rollers installed in the mill. Making and installing pinion guards of side rollers installed in the mill. Making slot cut steam hood from 10 mm plate for TRPF of Mill No. 1 and 4, fitting it and giving it trial. Making soot under TRPF of the mill as per profile and giving leak proof trial. Cutting out the damaged part of the channel of the can unloader on which the rail line/square wise is installed and installing a new channel/beam, aligning it with the rail line/square wise and giving it a trial. Boiler House:- Conducting a leak proof trial by removing the corroded ducting of ID/FD and fly ash arresters and replacing it with a new plate. Making and installing new channels of boiler gate frames as per the drawings. Making the plates covering the roof tubes as per the old ones, installing them and giving them trial. Replacement of ash cleaning door at the rear of the boiler with a new plate. Reinstalling the Bagasilo pipe as new. CI for removing hangers around the boiler and installing hanger bricks. Fitting the dagger, installing grader and channel for it and giving satisfactory trial. Repairing the drum gully nets in Taxmeco boiler and removing the damaged boxes and installing new ones along with the nets. Fabricating the internal mesh of boiler no. 1 and 2 and giving trial after fitting. Unloading all the tubes of two economizers of 20 tonne capacity swirlers and hydraulically tying them at 100 PSI, tying them at the place and giving them trial. Remodeling and satisfactory trial of dampers of Tenxmaco boiler. Removing the old bagas suit and putting on a new one. R.B.C. Strengthening the neck of the column by placing a plate on it. Main RVC And removing the damaged stairs of secondary RBC and installing new ones. Strengthening the channel of ash cleaning chamber of Boiler 1 by installing ribs. Preparing the old throat channel of the ash cleaning chamber of Boiler No. 1.2 and 3 by making it from the given channel. Dismantling the old/corroded air heater tubes of Boiler No. 1 and 2 and replacing them with new or old tubes removed from the boiler and conducting leak proof trials. Dismantling the old/corroded air deaerator tubes of Boiler No. 3 and replacing them with new tubes and giving leak proof trial. Cutting out the neck and weak top and side plates of the economizer of Boiler No. 1 and 2 and installing a new plate as per the sample and giving a leak proof trial. Cutting and removing the corroded channel/beam near the T-iron and bagasse feeder of Boiler No. 1 and 2, installing a new channel/beam, replacing the damaged part of the feeder, doing alignment and trial. Boiling House :- Cutting and removing the neck adjusting channel in the juice/water/molasses weighing scale and making a new box with the new channel, installing it at the same place and giving it a trial. Removing the gully cone and seat of the juice/water/molasses weighing machine and making a new cone and seat, installing it at the same place and giving it a trial. Removing the bottom of the receiving tank of juice/water/molasses weighing scale and making a new bottom, installing it at the same place and giving it trial. Baling the cut/sore area in the cover of juice deter. Leveling by machining and grinding and giving leak proof trial. Juice Deters Top/Wattm Juice Boxs weak neck shag is replaced with a new 8 mm. Fabricate the plate and patch it from inside and give it a leak proof trial. Removal of old throat/low sulfur soil and new 12 mm. Favorites from the plate Fixing it in place along with the flange and giving leak proof trial. - Removing the sore/weak melter of sulfur mud and making a new melter and installing it. To repair the above and give leak proof trial. Replacing water lines with sulfur mud sores/weak cooling jackets and providing leak proof testing. Dismantle the neck/weak topcone of the syrup sulphiter and put it at the specified place and after fabricating it with a new 10/12 mm plate, fix it at the place and give it a trial. Flange to the gas box fitted in the juice sulfiter. Dismantling of nipple and coil and new gas box flange. Putting it in place along with nipple and coil and giving leak proof trial. Cutting and removing the neck of juice/syrup sulfiter/cone of weak recovery tower and refrigerating it with a new plate and putting it in place. Removing the door neck/weak compartment plate by cutting it and replacing it with a new 6 mm plate fabricated from it and giving it a leak proof trial. Removing the neck/weak mud boot of the door by cutting it and fixing it with 8/10 mm new plate at its place and giving leak proof trial. Removing the door neck/weak flash tank and fabricating it with a new 8/10 mm plate, fixing it in place and giving it a leak proof trial. Removing the neck/weak mud tray of the vacuum filter by cutting it and fabricating it with a new 8/10 mm plate, fixing it at its place and giving it a leak proof trial. Removing the neck/weak agitator of the vacuum filter by cutting it and fabricating it with an angle/channel/flat iron, fixing it in place and giving it a trial. Dismantle the semi-condenser/vapour cell/quad/pan neck/weak external catcher and fabricate it with new 8/10 mm plate and fit it in place. To give trial. Vaporcell/quad/pan neck/weak umbrella dismantled and new plate installed After fabricating it, installing it at the place and giving it trial. Dismantle the neck/weak joint of the quad, fabricate it with a new plate, put it in place and give it a trial. Dismantle the neck/weak shell of the syrup sulphiter and put it at the specified place and after fabricating it with a new 10/12 mm plate, fix it at the place and give it a trial. Remove the loose/weak mesh inside the syrup sulphiter and make a new mesh from a new plate and replace it at its original place. Removing the neck/weak top taper cone of 40/60 ton capacity pan and fabricating it with a new 12 mm plate and fitting it in place. Strengthening and giving leak proof trials. Dismantle the neck/weak sevaal of 40/60 ton pan and put it at the specified place, fabricate it with 10/12 mm new plate, fix it at the place and give it trial. Cutting and removing the neck/weak rods of the vapor cone of pan/quad/semiconductor/vaporcell, fabricating it from 8/10 mm plate and giving leak proof trial. Cutting and removing the neck/weak shell of pan/quad/semisectioner/vapourcell and fabricating it with 10/12 mm new plate and fixing it in place, making related connections and giving leak proof trial. Replacement of throated/weak J pipe of 40/60 ton pan. Replacement of 40/60 Ton Throat/Weak Venturi. Cutting and removing the neck/weak valve of the crystallizer and fabricating a new 10/12 mm plate, fixing it at its place and giving a leak proof trial. Cutting and removing the neck/weak arm of the crystallizer, making an arm from a new pipe and installing it and giving a leak proof trial. Dismantling the broken shaft with arm and coil of the crystallizer, preparing new shaft with arm and coil, installing it in place and giving leak proof trial. Cutting, removing and replacing the damaged vacuum ring in the monitor casing of a centrifugal machine. Replacement of damaged top cover of centrifugal machine. Replacement of damaged discharge cone hood of centrifugal machine. Replacement of damaged molasses separator of centrifugal machine. Dismantling, cleaning, tying and leak proof trial of the tangent deaerator of C-Forworker centrifugal machine. Replacement of broken arm of Mouma Mixture/Pugmill. Replacement including broken shaft arm of Mouma Mixture/Pugmill. To replace the sore and weak Vatam of Mouma Mixture/Pugmill and to give leak proof trial. Dismantle the neck/weak tray of the damper, fabricate it with new 3/4 mm plate, stretch it with Agile, fit it in place with new cleats and give a satisfactory trial. Riveting the new 12 mm driving plate of the damper with the tray and preparing a new connecting holder for the driving arrangement, installing it in place and giving a satisfactory trial. Making & fixing a net in the suction pipe for injection/spray. Making new 4 mm plates and installing melted molasses plates. Make section/delivery line as per instructions from 8/6 mm plate installed on quad injection pump and give trial. For vacuum filter 10×20, to make a tank of 900 mm diameter to separate heavy and light and install it and make related connections and give it trial. Reinstalling juice pump catchers. Remodeling and installing various condensed juice and syrup receiving vessels and giving satisfactory trials. Replacing the rotten roof of Door No. 1 with 4 mm plate and giving satisfactory trial. Replacement of sum boxes of Door No. 1 and 2 and giving satisfactory trial. Repairing vacuum filter tray and agitator and giving satisfactory trials. Making main hole in any pan or vapor pipe and giving satisfactory trial. Removing melted coil of vertical crystallizer and preparing 3 pipe (about 200 m) from the extracted boiler coil/new pipe and doing hydraulic testing. Cutting and removing the bottom plate/shell of juice sulphiter and fracturing it to 10/12 mm and installing a new one. Reinstalling the juice receiving bottle of juice sulfiter. Newly fabricating the neck downtube portion of the quad. Work of installing rings in 40/60 ton pans with the new plate given. To irrigate the sore/weak gutter with the provided new-old plate. To fabricate the plate (6 mm/8 mm) given to 500 mm and 900 mm line and give trial by fitting valves etc.:- a-dismantling B- Fabrication c-erection To fabricate the neck portion of vapor pipe 600 mm to 1100 m of Pan and Quad with 8/10 mm new plate and give trial by installing valves etc.:- non-dismantling B- Fabrication c-erection Fabricating and fitting the new plate (6 mm/10 mm) given to the throat part of the injection common deadder and exhaust pipe: - non-dismantling d-fabrication c-erection Install the new Vapor Line Juice Deter capacity of 170 m at the prescribed place, make all the connections of exhaust/vapour, water, ammonia/condensate as per the instructions and give a satisfactory trial by closing the covers etc. Quad body no.1. (560 m) remove all the tubes and keep them safe in the store and dismantle its calendria and keep it in the scrap yard and in its place install a new calendria and insert all the tubes and make all the connections (vapour, exhaust water, ammonia etc.). Conduct trial by doing hydraulic testing. Quad body no.2. (440 m) remove all the tubes and keep them safe in the store and dismantle its calandria and keep it in the scrap yard and in its place install a new calandria and insert all the tubes and make all the connections (vapour, exhaust water, ammonia etc.). Conduct trial by doing hydraulic testing. Cutting and removing the neck/weak sevwal top cover of 40/60 tonne capacity pan and fixing it at its place by fabricating it with a new 12 mm plate. Strengthening and giving leak proof trials. Installing 12 nos. flowmeters on the pipeline at the designated place. Extending the Wattm saucer of the quad/pan body by 6. Modifying the manual pipe bending machine available in the mill into motorized bending machine by installing motor and reduction box etc. General :- Removing old brass/SS tubes, cleaning tube wells, well mouthing, inserting new tubes and giving satisfactory hydraulic test in the following deet exchangers inside the mill:- non-semiconditioner B- Juice Heater / Vaporline Juice Deter S-Evaporator/Vapor Cell T-40/60 Ton Pan Bagasilon blowers. A exhaust blower. Removing the casing of the dab and cold blower, making a new casing and fitting its fans by fabricating them and giving them a trial by manual balancing:- non-fan b-casing Trial by making beds of motor pump and reduction gear at any place in the mill. A-10 HP to 100 HP B-101 HP to 300 HP S-301 HP to 500 HP To carry out screwing work at any place in the mill. Removing clogged juice/water/syrup/molasses tank catcher and condensate bottles and giving leak proof trial. The melted coil of the clarifier should be made from a new pipe and fitted as before and given a trial. Dismantling of flange lines from 1/2 to 12. Function of erection and erection:- 1) pipe non-dismantling d-prection (2) Nipple band (3) Kas. reducer 4) valve Dismantling Fabrication erection Making the vapor pipeline going from the semi-conditioner to the pan station using a new plate or a given fabricated pipe, installing it at its place and doing a leak proof trial. Give:- Dismantling federation erection Replacement of weak inlet/tail pipe of condenser of 40/60 ton pan with new pipe provided and giving leak proof trial. Performing modification of the grader already installed in the mill and giving a satisfactory trial of about a week. Suction at spray station. Replacement of delivery and branch pipes as required: - Dismantling federation erection

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