
Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Consumables Items -, KASHMIR-Jammu And Kashmir

Islamic University Of Science And Technology has published Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Consumables Items -. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-07-2024. Libraries and Related Materials Tenders in KASHMIR Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Consumables Items -
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

Tender For Supply Of Laboratory Consumables Items - 5-Fluoroorotic acid AMPure XP Beads Acrylamide/Bis-acrylamide solution Agarose Alkaline Phosphatase (e.g., CIP, SAP) Human Anti-C17orf96 antibody (for IHC) Anti-HA- Antibody Anti-Rnr1 Antibody (yeast) Anti-Rnr3 antibody (yeast) Aprotinin Autoclave Bags, PP Azacytidine BSA (Bovine Serum Albumin) Bgl-II (RE) Camptothecin Card Board Cryo Box (minimum 9X9 spaces per box) Cell Scrapers Cell Spreaders Cell Strainers with pore size 40μm Centrifuge tubes 15mL, sterile Centrifuge tubes 50ML, sterile Chloroform Cisplatin ClaI (RE) Colored Prestained Protein Ladder 10-250KDa Coplin Jars D- Glucose D-(+)-Galactose ≥99% purity DAB HRP Brown Kit DMEM (Dulbeccos Modified Eagle Medium) DMSO DNA Ladder (1Kb, and 100 bp) Plasmid DNA Purification Kit DNase I DTT (Dithiothreitol) Decitabine DpnII EDTA EGTA Erlenmeyer flasks with cap (250mL, 500mL, 1000mL) Ethanol 95% Ethanol (for washing beads) Ethidium Bromide FBS (Fetal Bovine Serum) Formaldehyde DNA Gel Extraction Kit Glycine Glycogen HEPES Hydroxyurea IGEPAL CA-630 Western HRP substrate, Immuno Retriver 20X for IHC Immuno-DNA Washer 20X for IHC Isopropanol Klenow Fragment L-Glutamine Leupeptin Magnetic Rack for 1 ml and 2ml tubes (Minimum 24 spaces) Methanol Mfel. HF (RE) Micro centrifuge tubes (1.5ml) Micro centrifuge tubes (2ml) Micrococcal Nuclease Mini-Protean Short Plates for Bio-Rad Apparatus Miniprep Kit 50 Mortar and Pestle NP-40 (Nonidet P-40) NaHCO3 Nitrile gloves Nitrocellulose Membrane Non-essential Amino Acids Nylon Laboratory Cleaning Brush for flasks Nylon laboratory cleaning Brush for Cylinders Nystatin readymade solution PAP-Pen for immunostaining PCR Tube Rack PCR Tubes PCR purification Kit PGK1 Monoclonal Antibody (yeast) PLVX-EGFP:T2A:PORO-EF1A-EZHIP Plasmid PMSF (Phenylmethylsulfonyl Fluoride) Penicillin-Streptomycin Pepstatin A Peptone Peroxidase Blocker Petri Dish 90mm 10/Sleeve, Gamma Sterile Pfu DNA Polymerase Phenol:Chloroform Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol Phosphoric Acid PhosphoSTOP Phusion DNA Polymerase Pipette Stands Plasmid Miniprep Kit (50 samples) Plasmid Midiprep Kit (30- Plastic -20 storage box Ponceau Stain Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Proteinase K Q5 DNA Polymerase RNase A RPMI-1640 Raffinose Replica plater SDS (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate) SYBR Green Silver Nitrate ACS Site directed mutagenesis Sodium Acetate Sodium Azide Sodium Butyrate Sodium D-lactate Solution Sodium Pyrophosphate Sodium Thiosulphate Sodium orthovanadate Sodium pyrophosphate dibasic Stu1 RE Sucrose T4 DNA Ligase T4 DNA polymerase I T4 polynucleotide kinase TRIzol Reagent Taq DNA Polymerase Tips (2.5ul, 10ul, 200uL, 1000uL) Tissue Rolls Tris- Free base Triton X-100 Trypsin-EDTA Tween-20 Weighing Boats, medium Weighing Boats, small Wide Mouth Bottle plastic Reagent bottles (100ml, 250ml, 500mL, 1000mL, and 10000mL) Yeast extract powder Zymolyase cDNA synthesis kit dNTP Mix pML104 Plasmid pML107 Plasmid qPCR Master Mix β-Mercaptoethanol Agar-Agar for yeast Coliroller plating beads BclI RE Glacial Acetic Acid Potassium Carbonate Pvu I/II HF RE Silver Foil SwaI RE Cryotags Gentamicin Streptomycin Kanamycin .

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