
Supplying Of Materials, Tools , Plants And Skilled And Unskilled Man Power For Repairing And Maintenance Of Existing Structure And Fitting, Fixing All Works With Operation & Maintenance The Entire Works During Shrawani Mela -2024 Atsaheb Yadaw To Near Uda, deoghar-Jharkhand

Drinking Water And Sanitation Department has published Supplying Of Materials, Tools , Plants And Skilled And Unskilled Man Power For Repairing And Maintenance Of Existing Structure And Fitting, Fixing All Works With Operation & Maintenance The Entire Works During Shrawani Mela -2024 Atsaheb Yadaw To Near Uda. Submission Date for this Tender is 26-06-2024. Hand Glove Tenders in deoghar Jharkhand. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Supplying Of Materials, Tools , Plants And Skilled And Unskilled Man Power For Repairing And Maintenance Of Existing Structure And Fitting, Fixing All Works With Operation & Maintenance The Entire Works During Shrawani Mela -2024 Atsaheb Yadaw To Near Uda
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supplying of materials, tools , plants and skilled and unskilled man power for repairing and maintenance of existing structure and fitting, fixing all works with operation & maintenance the entire works during Shrawani Mela -2024 atSaheb Yadaw to near Udaypura ( Plant No.-03 to nearPlant No.- 05 ) under D.W & S. division, Deoghar.Group No.- Group-02-WATER SUPPLYCleaning of site, cutting bushes dressing and leveling do etc all complete as per direction of E/I 2 Dismantling patent stone flooring including stacking serviceable materials in countable stacks within 15 M lead and disposal of unserviceable materials with all leads all complete as per direction of E/I. 3 Providing 25 mm thick first class patent stone flooring (1:2:4) with stone chips,in two layers, bottom layer 19 mm thick (1:2:4) with 12 mm to 6 mm size graded stone chips and top layer 6 mm thick (1:2) with 6 mm down stone chips in panels,including cost of curing, finishing the surface smooth by rubbing with carborun-dum stone,taxes and royalty all complete as per building specification and direction of E/I. 4 Providing and laying 6mm . precast white glazed tiles in walls over 12mm cement mortar (1:3) and jointed white grey cement slurry flush pointed with white cement including rubbing , polishing and cost of curing taxes and reality all completed as per building specification and direction and of E/I.With commercial grade colour 15x15cm tiles. 5 Supplying, fitting and fixing vitreous white glazed earthen ware I.W.C. of Hindware make with 100 mm H.C.I. ‘p’ trapincluding supplying and fixing a pair of vitreous white glazed earthenware ware footrest to be fixed in floor etc. all complete as per specification and direction of E/I. 6 Providing designation 75 A brick work in C.M. (1: 6) in superstructure with approved quality of clean coarse sand of F.M. 2 to 2.5 including, providing 10mm thick mortar joints, cost of screening materials, raking out joints to 15mm depth curing, taxes and royalty all complete as per building specification and direction of E/I. 7 Providing 12 mm, cement plaster (1:6) with clean coarse sand of F.M 1-5 including screening, curing with all leads and lifts of water, scaffolding taxes and royalty all complete as per building specification and direction E/I. 8 Cost towards transportation ofsubmersible pump, pipe fittings etc. from store to work site including carriage water tank etc. all complete. 9 Cost towards fitting & fixing submersible pump with clamp etc. all complete including lowering of PVC Pipe. 2 H.P to 7.5H.P and taking out after ending mela and deposited in departmental store deoghar. 10 Cost towards dismantling after mela and taking back to work site from store including carriage of all materials and pump, water tank etc. all complete. 11 Laying ofPVC pipes of approved make in trenches with red lead and yarn with socket and screw joints and cutting pipe so size and threading ends where necessary etc. all complete as per specification and direction E/I. (Pipes to be supplied departmentally free of cost)(i) 32 mm dia PVC pipe 12 (i) 25 mm dia PVC pipe. 13 Laying of PVC pipes of approved make on wall and roof with red lead and yarn with socket and screw joints and cutting pipe so size and threading ends where necessary etc. all complete as per specification and direction E/I. (Pipes to be supplied departmentally free of cost)(i) 15 mm dia PVC Pipe 14 (i) 20 mm dia PVC Pipe 15 (ii) 25 mm dia dia PVC Pipe 16 Earth work in excavation for laying of pipe so as to give one meter (avg.) cover over the socket of pipe and back filling the trenches after laying of pipe, again a/w in excavation and taking out the laid pipeand back filling the same after the end ofShrawani Mela. 17 Earth work in back filling the trenches fatter laying different types and size of pipes with earth removed during excavation within initial lead and lift as per specification and direction E/I. 18 Cost towards engaging Pump Operatar cum Plumber etc.all complete job. Grade -II 19 Cost towardscleaning the RCC water storage tank over pump house having size 3 M x 3 M x 2 M including the cost of bleaching powder, jute, sacfolding etc. all complete. 20 Providing all tools like brooms/buckets, safety articles like mask,/hand gloves/cap/gum boots/apron etc to each cleaning worker all complete 21 Providing Electric high perusuure washer cleaner with pressure gun of minimum capacity of 1000 watt including service wire conncetion from nearest electric supply point includimg connection pipearrangement for water from exixting source with all plumbimg work for round the clock on hire basis for cleaning toilets / bathroon as perrequirement all complete for thirty das (ons of machine in each plant)as per specification and direction E/I 22 Supplying and fixing wall mounted stainless steelsoap with brassmade pump of 500 ml capacity all complete (two nos in each plant) as per specification and direction E/I 23 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes,having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVCplain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittingswith one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing ofjoints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. 15 mm nominal dia Pipes 24 25 mm nominal dia Pipes 25 32 mm nominal dia Pipes 26 PVC Shower rose 125 mm dia 27 15 mm PTMT bib cock 28 Providing two coats of snowcem of approved shade and make over old surface including washing, cleaning, sand papering the wall, scaffolding, curing and taxes all complete as per building specification & direction of E/I. 29 Providing and F/Fixing water supply arrangement from GI HDPE Tank to Bathing Palatform as per site condition including required fittings and PVC pipe all completeincluding installation ofHDPE water storage tank including carriage of tank from departmental store to work site.(HDPE water storage tank will be supplied free of cost departmentally) 30 SANITARY INSTALLATION Providing 12 mm, cement plaster (1:6) with clean coarse sand of F.M 1.5 including screening, curing with all leads and lifts of water, scaffolding taxes and royalty all complete as per building specification and direction E/I. 31 Providing designation 75 A Brick work in C. M. (1:6) in different places in sewer line with approved quality of clean coarse sand of F. M. 2 to 2.5 including do…..do…….all complete as per building specification and direction of E/I. 32 Labour for scrapping old paint with paint remoter and below lamp as required on wooden or steel surface including cost of all labour and materials and scaffolding all complete as per balding specification and direction of E/I. 33 Providing one coat of painting with ready mixed paint of approved shade and make over steel surface including cleaning the surface toughly, scaffolding and taxes all complete as per building specification and direction of E/I. Quantity same as Item No. 23 34 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes,having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVCplain & brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittingswith one step CPVC solvent cement, trenching, refilling & testing ofjoints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.15 mm nominal dia Pipes 35 25 mm nominal dia Pipes 36 Providing onecoats of oil bound distemper of approved shade and make over a coat of cement primer over new surface including preparing the plastered surface by rubbing month with pumice stone or fine sand paper applying putty wherever required scaffolding washing of floors and taxes all complete as per building specification tionand direction of E/I. 37 Supplying labour tools and fitting fixing steel door in Toilet complex all complete. 38 Supplying, fitting and fixing 20 gauge G.C.I sheet gate fitted on M.S angle frame of size60*60*6 mm including cost of fabrication, providing necessary locking arrangement with haskal and domny duly fixed in C/C(1:2:4) blocks of required size, applying a priming red lead paint over steel work, taxes all complete as per drawing specification and direction of E/I 39 INDRAVARSHA Earth work in excavation for laying of pipe so as to give one meter (avg.) cover over the socket of pipe and back filling the trenches after laying of pipe, again a/w in excavation and taking out the laid pipeand back filling the same after the end ofShrawani Mela 40 Earth work in back filling the trenches fatter laying different types and size of pipes with earth removed during excavation within initial lead and lift as per specification and direction E/I. As per Item No. 35 41 Laying of 32 mm dia GI/PVC pipe in trenches and taking out the same 42 Supplying of 32 mm dia CPVC pipe 3 M length do-do all complete. 43 Laying & jointingGI/ PVCpipe in hanging position ovar support and taking out the same after and of Shrawani Mela( pipe supplied departmentally free of cost) a. 32 mm dia. Pipe 44 b. 25 mm dia. Pipe 45 Supplying and fixing GIfittings of approved make all complete as per specification and direction E/I. 32 mm Nipple 46 32 mm Elbow 47 32 mm U/S 48 25 mm Plug 49 25 mm Socket 50 32 x 25 R.S. 51 32 x 25 Elbow 52 25 mm U/S 53 32 mm Tee 54 Electric welding of 15 mm dia x Nipple in 25 mm dia GIpipe after making hole of 20 mm dia including cost ofnipple In 32 mm dia. Pipe 55 Cost of 15 mm dia. GI. Socket 56 Cost towards fitting & fixing submersible pump with clamp etc. all complete including lowering of PVC Pipe. 2H.P to 7.5 H.P and taking out after ending mela and deposited in departmental store deoghar. 57 PEYAOOProviding two coats of oil bound distemper of approved shade and make over old surface including washing, cleaning and prepairing the wall,scaffolding washing of floors and taxes all complete as per building specification and direction of E/I. 58 Providing one coat of plastic emulsion paint of approved shade and make over old surface including washing, cleaning and preparing the walls, scaffolding, washing for floor and taxes all complete as per building specification and direction of E/I. 59 Providing two coat of snowmen of approved shade and makes over a coat of cement primer on new surface including prePering the plastered surface smooth with sand paper, scaffolding curing and taxes all complete as per building specification and direction of E/I. 60 Providing and F/Fixing water supply arrangement from GI HDPE Tank to Bathing Palatform as per site condition including F/Fixing Bib Cock, stop cock, GI nipple, Tee, Elbow,Socket, R.Socket, Union Socket,Plug, Gun Metal Full way Valve, PVC Sch-80 Pipe all complete including installation of HDPE water storage tank including carriage of tank from departmental store to work site.( HDPE water storage tank will be supplied free of cost departmentally) 61 Supplying materials and labours for constructing inspection chamber of designation class 75B bricks size 750 mm deep, 600 x 450 mm internal dimension having 250 mm wall thickness in cement mortar (1:6) including 12 mm cement plaster (1:4) with punning on inside and cement plaster (1:6) with 600 x 475 mm G.I. Cover with frame (weight not less than 36kg.) alongwith earth work in excavation and 80 mm thick P.C.C. (1:3:6) in foundation and refilling all complete as per specification and direction of E/I. 62 provding and laying of 110 mm dia. P.V.C. pipe for outlet of water to outlet drain including all accessories ,I.e lubricants, solventcement, clamp, ring, sockets etc.(SUPREME S.W.R.) 63 Work of cleaning of toiletes,bathrooms & peripherial area of toilt/bathroom including collection of waste materials of plant/ peripheral area & storage of the of waste materials innearby dustbin/Nadeb including water supply from existing tubewell of plant by operation of pump including maintainave of toiltels/bathrooms including maintainance water supply system including ensuring proper light in bathroom/toilet and in peripheral area by providing required manpower like plumber, labour, seeper,electrician atdesignated plant (Saniary complex) including all tools and equipments etc. with including all required consumables material Phenyl, liquid toilet cleaner (Harpic ooor similar approved)bleaching powder, gloves, cap, Appron,gum boot broom, wiper, toilet cleaning bruss, bucket and mugs etc all complete work for 30 days round the clock for entire shrawani mela 2024 as per direction and satishfaction of Engineer-in-charge 64 Carriage ofall materials from store to work site and return back to work site to departmental store within a distance of 15KM . 65 Cost towards electric consumption charge for to be paid to Electricity Board during shrawani mela .payable JSEB 66 Providing and fixing HDPE container Syntex or alike one piecemolded water tank made out of low density polythyler andbuilt corrugation including of delivery up to destination hoisting and fixing of accessories such as inlet, outlet overflow of all tanks capacity 1000 litres Capacity Water storage Tank(DWSD. Item No- M-079 ) 67 TemElectric works electrical serviceson hire basis by providing exhoust fan in each toiletincluding operation & maintainance duringShrawani Mela 2024 for 31 days and taking out the same after the mela under D.W. & S Division Deoghar, porary Electrical Wiring with 1.0 Sq mm wire inclung fixing and taking out all the materil after the mela of 31 days on hire basis including opration & maitainance in each bathroom/toilet all complete including switch as per specification and direction of E/I. 68 Providing & fixing of holder with 10 watt LED bulb and connection ofwire inclung fixing and taking out all the materil after the mela of 31 days on hire basis including opration & maitainance in each bathroom/toilet all complete including switch as per specification and direction of E/I. 69 Providing & fixing of exhoust fan of minimum 9 inch dia and connection ofwire inclung fixing and taking out all the materil after the mela of 31 days on hire basis including opration & maitainance in each bathroom/toilet all complete including switch as per specification and direction of E/I. 70 Providing & fixing of 50 watt LED flood light and connection ofwireinclung fixing and taking out all the materil after the mela of 31 days on hire basis including opration & maitainance in each bathroom/toilet all complete including switch as per specification and direction of E/I. 71 Carriage of materials fromkiln site or quarry site to work site including contractor profit, loading, unloading, transportation, etc. all complete. Bricks up to 15 K.M. 72 Sand up to 15 K.M. 73 Stone chips up to 15 K.M. 74 Cement up to 15 K.M. 75 Add 18% GST Rs. 76 Add 1% Labour Cess Rs.

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 1250 /-
INR 17900.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 8.91 Lakhs /-
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