Procurement Of Stationary Items - Permanent Marker Pen Permanent Marker Pens Any Colours,Pencil Erasers Pencil Eraser,Sticky Notes Post It Sticky Note Post It,White Board Dusters,Plastic Scales,Envelopes 14X10 Inch,Item Ball Pens,Item Highlighters,Dust Bins,Item Gem Clip Pkt Of 100 Plastic,Gum Bottles 100 Ml,Gum Bottles 700 Ml,T Type Paper Pins,Head Pins 100 Gms Packets,Punching Machines Small,Item Stamp Pads Small,Wall Clocks,Item Pencil Sharpeners,Gum Bottles 300Ml,Pocket Scribbling Note Pads,Stick Files,Cloth Cover Envelopes 15X12 Inch,Cloth Cover Envelopes 10X8inch,Cloth Cover Envelopes 15X14inch,Item Calculators Big,Cello Tapes Brown 3Inch,Cello Tapes Transparent 3Inch,Paper File Tag Files,Paper Files Spring Files,Envelopes 6X4inch,Envelopes 11X7inch,Envelopes 11X5inch,C D Markers,Sketch Pen Sets Big Size,High Lighters Luxer,Item Marker Pen Sets,White Board Marker Pens,Ball Pen Refills,Chalk Piece Boxes,Colour Chalk Boxes,Item Correction Fluid Pens,Item Binder Clip 25 Mm,Item Binder Clip 32 Mm,Ink Bottles,Pad Inks 50 Ml,Item Pad Inks 100Ml,Plastic Trays,Itemstapler Pins Small,Item Stapler Machines Big,Stappler Machines Small,Item Stamp Pads Big,Ruled Registers 100 Page,Ruled Registers 200 Page,Ruled Registers 300 Page,Item Note Books 100 Page,Item Note Books 200 Page,Office Files,Office Files With Spring,Wall Calendars,Item Stapler Pins Big,Item Xerox Paper A4,Jotter Pens,Gel Pe Ns Red,Scribling Pads Ruled Big,Gel Pens,Xerox Paper A3,Window Envelopes 9X4inch