
Tender For Installation Of Solar Powered Purified Drinking Water Supply System With Alled Equipments Near Bhatiapara Masjid At Part 15/143 Under Magurmari-Ii Gp Under 15Th Fc (Tied). Aid : 70808998/2023-24., Jalpaiguri-West Bengal

Zilla Parishad has published Tender For Installation Of Solar Powered Purified Drinking Water Supply System With Alled Equipments Near Bhatiapara Masjid At Part 15/143 Under Magurmari-Ii Gp Under 15Th Fc (Tied). Aid : 70808998/2023-24.. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-07-2024. Tanks and Cylinders Tenders in Jalpaiguri West Bengal. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Installation Of Solar Powered Purified Drinking Water Supply System With Alled Equipments Near Bhatiapara Masjid At Part 15/143 Under Magurmari-Ii Gp Under 15Th Fc (Tied). Aid : 70808998/2023-24.
Open Tender
West Bengal

Tender Details

Tender For Installation of solar powered purified drinking water supply system with alled equipments Near Bhatiapara Masjid At Part 15/143 under Magurmari-II GP under 15th FC (Tied). AID : 70808998/2023-24.-- 1 Supply of PVC pipes & fittingsSchedule80 (mediumduty) conformingto ASTMD-1785and threadedto match with GI Pipes as per IS:1239 (Pert -1).Pg No 13 Item NO. 19(111)(A) PVC Pipe withBlank Pipe 80 mm dia 2 Supplying high density polythenestrainer of approved make with adapter conforming to I.S. specifications. 3 Labour for boring tube well of required dia.by water jet system through any type of sal strata including hire and labour chm-ges for boring pipes.scaffolding, tools and plants as necessary and taking out them and lowering pipes, strainers. b6nd pipe etc. and fitting and fixing the same complete including bucket washingand other incidental works in the connectionThe tube well should have a minimum50 mm gap in between the outside of the tubewell pipe and the bore. 4 Supply of galvanised iron socket with ISI mark 5 Earth work in excavationof foundation trenchesor drains, in all sorts of soil (including mixed soil butW 6 Cement concrete with 30 mm down graded shingels excluding shuttering. N.B VerietyIn Ground floor( 1:3:6) Propotion 7 Ordinary Cement concrete. mix(1:1 ½ :3) cement concrete with graded stone chips 20mm size. 8 Hire and labour charges for shuttering with centering etc. complete 25mm to 30mm shuttering with out staging in foundation)a) 25 mm. thick to 30 mm.thickwooden Shuttering 9 Reinforcement for reinforced concrete work in all sorts of structures including distribution bars, stirrups, binders etc initial straightening and removal of loose rust (if necessary), cutting to requisite length, hooking and bending to correct shape, placing in proper position and binding with 16 gauge black annealed wire at every intersection, complete as per drawing and direction. 10 Plaster (to wall floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering corners as directed with 1:4 cement morter 20mm thick 11 125mm. thick brick work with cement mortar (4:1) with 1st class bricks 12 Neat cement punning about 1.5 mm thick 13 Construction of soak galery (600 mm X 450 mm) with lwo layers of jhama metal/Brick bats (38 mm to 50 mm size) 150 mm thick and 3 layers of dry brick Hals in betwen the layers of jhamametal leavingan openingof 10 mm X 150 mm ,n sectionalong the G.Las per sketchincludingcutingtrenchesin required 13grade.back filing and compactingtortsongm~G.Letc. complete mcludmg costs of labour and mJenals ..P. No 90 Item NO-6 (PWD S&P) 14 M S. structural works in columns, beams etc. with simple rolled structural members(e gjoists, angle, channel sections conformingtoIS 226, IS: 808 & SP (6)1964 eonneoted to one another withbracl 15 b) Priming one coat on steel or other metal surlace with synthetic oil bound pnmer of approved quality including smoothening surfaces by sand papering 15etc. (b) On steel or other metal surface With super gloss (hi-gloss)•[iv) Two coats (with any shade except white) P. No 200ItemNO. 1-a) 16 A)Painting with best quality synthetic enamel paint of approved make and brand including smoothening surface by sand papering etc. including using of I Approved putty etcon the surface. 1f necessay 16 (b)On &1ool or other metal surface With super gloss (hi-gloss)-(iv) Two coats (with any shade e~ceptwhite).P. No 200Item NO. 2-b)-lv 17 Supplying P V C. water storage tank of approved quality with closed top wrth lid (Black) • Multilayer::; (a) 1000 litre capacity P. No 37ItemNO. 6-a) 18 Supplying, fitting and fiXing pillar cock of approvedmake. d) Polythene Piller Cock (EMCO I ATLAS or equivalent) Q) 15 mm::: 19 Supplying, fitting and fixing CPVC (Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) pipes of approved md 20 Supplyingfixing, commissioningand testing solor Photo Voltaic Module 300Wp, 40V on existing Iron frame structure each 156mm MonocrystalllneSiiicon solarcellslaminated between sheet of -Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) and high transmiSSivity 3mm tempered glass. connforming to IEC 61215(revised)20 specifications or equivalent National or International Standards.The power output of the module(s) under STC should be a minimumof 300 W. The operating voltage corresponding to the power output mentioned above should be 56 V. The open circuit voltage of the PV modules under STC should be at least 57.0 Volts. The tenninal box IP 65 Protection level on the module should have a provision for opening for replacing module 21 Supplying, fiXlng, commissioning and testing pump controller unit consisting with PCU Switching elements MOSFET Type of Charger PWM With MPPT technology Input fromPV 800Vmaxto 370VDC, 1 to 1.5HP,single Phase ith protection Short circuit, Deep discharge,Input surge Voltage, over current Bettery reverse Polarity. Solar array reverse polarity Dielectric strength1 1KV between input/output and ground with EMI protections removed. Cooling 21Forced with temperature sensitive fan operation Ambient temperature 50 degreeCelS1us (Max) Operating Humidity 95% maximum Assembly/Mounting as per normal industnal practice Finish Epoxy Power Costing Cable Entry from rear. preferably 200 mm above ground level all system parMletersshall be displayedSystem parametersLCD display such as battery voltage, output (load) voltage, load current etc. ::: (Kriloskar/Sukam/Havells lSIApproved} make 22 Supplyand FiXlng round2 core 4 sqmm PVC multicoreFR wire for arrayconnecting. 23 Earthing with 50 mm die GI pipe 3.64 mm thickl(3.04 Mis. long and 1x 4SWGGI (Hot Dip) wire (4 Mis. long), 13 mm dia x 80 mm long GI bolts, double nuts, double washersincl. S & F 15 mm die GI pipe protection(1 Mts. long)to befilled y.,ith bitumenpartlyundertheground level and partlyaboveground 23level dnven to an average depth of 3.65 Mts below the ground level as below. By ISi-Medium GI pipe 24 Connecting the equipment to the earth busbarincl. s&FGI wireof size bellow on wall /floor as required and making connection to the equipment with bolts,24 wmhor,. cahl11l11Qs etc.as requiredand mending good damages. ::No 4 SWG GI wire 25 Providing and fixing of lightning conductor finial. made of 25 mm dia 300mm long, copper tube, having single prong at top, with 85 mm dia 3mm thick copper 26 Supply Installation o testing& lowering of 1HP oil fill DC solar submersiblepump motorset completehavmg suitable drschage as per yieldtest of well. G11l,111011,hln Cl•bleof 30mtr 3 core 2.5 sqmm that cable (Finolex) with MOC bar chart (Kriloskar make Pump) and necessary control panel and starter as per manufacturure specification 27 Supply fitting fixing of 38 mm dia column pipe having 3.04 mtr length including supply and fixing one socket at one end 28 Supply, Installation testing & Commissioning Express Water 600 GPD Commercial Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System-5 Stage High Capacity RO Filtration-Includes Pre-Filters, Pressure Pump, Controller, Gauges, and RO Membrane with Solar Power Pump motor 1KW sats. Commercial RO Water Fitter: Remove up to 99 99% of contaminants including Load, Chlorine, Fluoride, Cyanide, Giardia, Radium, Asbestos, Calcite, Heavy Metal, Bacteria Veuses, Pharmaceuticals, and other major contaminants. High Quality Commercial RO System: Express Water Commercial Reverse Osmosis Water Fitration Systems are designed to be compact and durable. Built with a stainless-steel frame, all components are protected and compactly organized for maomized storage Efficient Commercial Water Filter: This Commercial RO Filter is outfitted with a pre-installed computer interface module and easy-to-read gauges for maximum control and efficiency in your commercial water filter system. 5 Stage Commercial RO Filter: Express Water 5 Stage Commercial Water Filter Systems includes 5 micron Sediment filter, 2 Activated Carbon Block filters, Post-Activated Carbon filter and Reverse Osmosis Membrane for dean, clear and fresh water wherever need it 29 Supply & Fixing Information Sign Board 1000x500mm fabricated with MS Sheet 18SWG and ISA frame 25x25x4mm including Painting and lettering with approved paint as per instruction of authority. 30 Maintenance For 05 (Five) Years from the date of Installation, Maintainence will not include theft or loss or externally damage of installed Material

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 2000 /-
INR 12166.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 6.08 Lakhs /-
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