
Tender For Pmay Pocket Development Development Works (Road, Drain, Sewer And Water Supply) In Pmay Pocket Sector-8A, Scheme No. 11, Jagriti Vihar (Ext.), Meerut, 1 Road Wrokearthwork In Cutting Or In Embankment In Ordinary Soil, Excavation To Be Done Fr, vihar-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Housing And Development Board has published Tender For Pmay Pocket Development Development Works (Road, Drain, Sewer And Water Supply) In Pmay Pocket Sector-8A, Scheme No. 11, Jagriti Vihar (Ext.), Meerut, 1 Road Wrokearthwork In Cutting Or In Embankment In Ordinary Soil, Excavation To Be Done Fr. Submission Date for this Tender is 28-06-2024. Manhole Construction Tenders in vihar Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Pmay Pocket Development Development Works (Road, Drain, Sewer And Water Supply) In Pmay Pocket Sector-8A, Scheme No. 11, Jagriti Vihar (Ext.), Meerut, 1 Road Wrokearthwork In Cutting Or In Embankment In Ordinary Soil, Excavation To Be Done Fr
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

tender for Pmay Pocket Development Development Works (Road, Drain, Sewer And Water Supply) In Pmay Pocket Sector-8A, Scheme No. 11, Jagriti Vihar (Ext.), Meerut, 1 Road WrokEarthwork in cutting or in embankment in ordinary soil, excavation to be done from regular pits not exceeding 0.50 M. in depth and earth work in embankment to be in 20 cm layer including ramming and dressing the surface to required levels and slopes and also including 1.5M lifts and 8Km lead. The earth from cutting to be used in making embankment or to be deposited as spoil banks within 8Km distance as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, including the cost of royalty of earth. (Qty calculated as per chart) AR 2 Mechanically compacted to achieve 95 % proctors density including arrangement of water, settlement and all T &P charges inclusive of roller and its fuel charges (roller charges accounted for @ 1700.00 per day (excluding wages of staff which is charged on head 2059) with deisel for output of 325 cum per day ) , add extra to item no. 253 (a). (95 % of the amount of Item No. 2 in volumetric quantity) SOR-2022 SI No. 260A 3 Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse graded material,(53mm to 26.5 mm @ 35%, 26.5mm to 4.75 mm @ 45% and 2.36mm below @ 20%) spreading in uniform layer with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401, MORT&H. 4 Construction of un-reinforced , dowel joint at expension and construction joint only, plain cement concrete pavement, thickness as per design, over a prepared sub base, with 43 grade cement or any other type as per Clause 1501.2.2 (1:1½:3), coarse and fine aggregates conforming to IS:383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a concrete mixer of not less than 0.2 cum capacity and appropriate weigh batcher using approved mix design, laid in approved fixed side formwork (steel channel, laying and fixing of 125 micron thick polythene film, wedges, steel plates including levelling the formwork as per drawing), spreading the concrete with shovels, rakes, compacted using needle, screed and plate vibrators and finished in continuous operation including provision of contraction and expansion, construction joints as per norms, applying debonding strips, primer, sealant, dowel bars, near approaches to bridge/culvert and construction joints, admixtures as approved, curing of concrete slabs for 14-days,using curing compound (where specified) and water finishing to lines and grade as per drawing and Technical Specification Clause 1501 incluing Cost of polythene Sheet and Dowel bar an also including complete shifting of materials & Concrete etc. (M-30)(Chapter No. 20, SOR-2022) (SI No 9 of New Item) 5 Supply& Layingof 80mm thick Precast Cement ConcreteI shaped interlocking pave blocks with toplayer of minimum5 mm thickness having plan dimension 200 x (160+120mm) of O.P. cement smooth high gloss finish, skid resistantibrocompresion mechanismThe Compressive strength of concerete paver block shall not be less than 40 MPa and weight 5.0 kg per No. confirming to IS: 15658-2006 including cost of material with a blanket layer of 4.00 cm thick fine sandlabour, T & Pgst etc.required for proper completion of work as directed by Engineer-in charge SL No -20, New Item -14 6 Supply and Laying of 60mm thick Precast cement concrete I-Shape interlocking paver blocks ISI mark, confirming to IS: 15658-2006 with top layer of minimum 5mm thickness having plan dimension 200x(160+120mm) of O.P. Cement, smooth high glass finish, skid resistant, manufactured from rubber moulds through vibro-compresion mechanixm. The compressive strength of concrete paver block shall not be less than 35Mpa and weight 4Kg per including cost of material, with a blanket layer of 4.00cm. thick fine sand including labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as directed by Engineer in charge. (SOR-2022, Meerut) Sl. No. New Item-13, Chapter-20 7 Watter Supply LineExcavation for pipe line in all type of soil (loam, elay or sand) with lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 50 m and including filling back, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches and removal, disposal of surplus earth within 50 m. (Analysed) 8 Supply of following size ISI marked P.V.C. Pipe including collar pressure 6 kg/cm2 & class-III of Approved make by U.P Housing Board confirming to I.S. code 4985/2000 or its latest amendmenis including cartage, loading, unloadingand stacking at site store complete.(i) 100mmdia P.V.C.pipe (Meerut SOR-2022 SI No. 30A (iv) 9 (ii) 125mmdia P.V.C.pipe(Meerut SOR-2022 SI No. 30A (v) 10 (iii) 150mmdia P.V.C.pipe (Aligarh SOR-2022 SI No. 33 (v) (P-87) 11 (iv) 200mm I. dia DI pipe (MR) 12 Carting form store, laying, Jointing (Including cost of Jointing Material like solvent cement etc.) Fixing & tensting of diffrent dia (I.D) P.V.C pipes in trenches outside the building (excluding cost of excavation) etc. complete payment shall be made for fittings saperately (Analysed)(i) 100mmdia P.V.C.pipe 13 (ii) 125mmdia P.V.C.pipe 14 (iii) 150mmdia P.V.C.pipe 15 (iv) 200mmdia D.I. pipe 16 Supply & Fixing of I.S.I. mark specials for different type of pipes.10% of amount of watter supply line Pipe (as Item No. 2)(i) 100mmdia P.V.C.pipe (Meerut SOR-2022 SI No. 30A (iv) 17 (ii) 125mmdia P.V.C.pipe(Meerut SOR-2022 SI No. 30A (v) 18 (iii) 150mmdia P.V.C.pipe (Aligarh SOR-2022 SI No. 33 (v) (P-87) 19 (iv) 200mm I. dia DI pipe (MR) 20 Supply and fixing C.I. sluice valves (with cap) complete with bolt, nuts, rubber insertions etc. Class II, 100mm dia (SI No. 21, Page-85, SOR Aligarh 2022) Class-II100 mm dia 21 125 mm dia 22 150 mm dia 23 200 mm dia 24 Supply of I.S.I marked Flanged double air valve of approved quality in/c cartage loading & unloading and i/c all taxes etc complete. (MR) 25 Constructing masonry chamber brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 100 in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) for sluice valve, with C.I. surface box 100mm top diameter, 160mm bottom diameter and 180 mm deep (inside) with chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size), I/c necessary excavation, foundation concrete 1:4:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal size and inside piastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 12mm thick, finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per standard design. (SI No. 19, Page-85, SOR Aligarh 2022)90x90x100 cm (inside) 26 Lateral Water Supply ConnectionExcavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) includingliftup to1.5M &lead up to 30 mandincluding refillingwatering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the plinth & removal and disposal of surplus earth work as per directed by E/I. 27 Supply and Fixing of 20mm dia U.P.V.C special couplings fittings etc. and lowring the same into trenches and laying true to alignment and gradient including cutting of the pipe lines (excluding the cost oftrenches but including cutting ofpipes for making Connection). 28 Making Water Connection of G.I distributionbranch with G.I/P.V.C pipe main of following dia size by providing & Fixing ferrule clamp, elbow, tee, union, nipple etc. I/C excavation for connection pit & refilling Complete. 29 DrainExcavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam clay or sand) i/c lift upto 1.5m and lead upto 30.0m and including filling, watering and ramming of excavated earth into the space between the building and sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the engineer-in-charge within a lead of 30.0M from the foundation Trenches. (S.I No 251) 30 Cement Concrete with 4cm gauge approved stone grit, coarse sand & Cement in the proportion of 8:4:1 including supply of all material, Labour, Tool & Plants etc requried for proper complition of the work. (S.I. No. 281) 31 Class M-150 Class Brick work in 1:6 Cement & Course Sand of 1.5 to 2.00 FM mortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all mateials, T & P etc. required for proper completion of the Work. {S.I No303+(305a-305)} 32 M-150 Brick on edge floor laid dry joints sand filled including preparation of base to proper slope and its ramming including supply of all materials labour and Tools and Plants etc. required for proper completion of the work. (SI No-615) 33 Struck Pointing with Cement mortar Consisting 1 Part Cement and 2 Part of fine sand of 1.25 Finess Modulues. (S.I.No 574) 34 Flush Pointing with Cement mortar Consisting 1 Part Cement and 2 Part of fine sand of 1.25 Finess Modulues.(S.I.No 574-575) 35 R.C.C. work with cement and approved coarse sand of 2.2 to 3.6 F.M. and 20mm graded stone grit in 1:1½:3 in Slab excluding supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with24 B.W.G.G.I. binding wire and including water proofing material as direction or E.I. including necessary centering and shuttering etc. and also including supply of all materials labour and T&P etc. Required for proper completion of the work. Binding wire to be supplied by the contractor free of cost. (S.I No 284A) 36 M.S. (Tor Steel of plain) in plain work such as R.C.C. or R.B. work (when not includied in an over all rates) including bending for proper shape and including supply of steel & its wastage, bend, hooks and authorised overlapping shall be measured and including cost of binding wire etc complete. Analysed 37 Sewer LineExcavation of earth below ground level for laying of sewer, construction of manholes, shaft, gully pits etc. in ordinary soil (Loam clay or sand). Includingdressing leveling refilling of trenches in 20cm. layer watering and ramming the same, including disposel of surplus excavted earth as directed by the Engineer- in- charge with in a lead of 50 m. 0.00 To 1.50M. Depth 38 1.50M To 3.00M. Depth 39 Providing and fixing Open timbering in trenches for the depth upto3Mbelow ground level. consisting by 40mm thick approved country wood planks for poling boards 125mm x 75mm. India sal wood wallers and 100mm dia sal ballies for strut at 1.50M. Including removal after laying of sewer.( Both sides of trenches will be taken as one sidefor the purpose of payments and measurements.Example :- Area = Length x Depth of Trenches ) Dismentled timbering materials will be property of the contractor.0.0 M To 3.00M. Depth 40 Supply of following dia R.C.C hume pipe of NP-2 class ISI marked tested. Including rubber ring for jointing the pipe. Including all taxes, charges, cartage , loading unloading stacking etc up to the store of work.(MR)250mm 41 Laying and Carting of the following sizeRCC hume pipe NP-3 and special fromstore to site of work lowering the same in trenches placing in position true to alignment and gradient makes in the joint with rubber ring filling the joint with necessary spun yarn soaked in bitumen and 1:2 cement and coarse sand mortor including excavation of earth work below invert of sewer for jointing materials etc. butexcluding excavation and refilling of the trenches from ground level to invert level of the pipe250mm( DEPTH 0.00M - 1.50M) NP-3 42 250mm( DEPTH 1.50M - 3.00M) NP-3 43 Construction of brick masonary Slab Type manhole having internal size 0.90Mx1.20M and depth 1.50M below as per design & drawing including excavation , 22.5 cm thick cement concrete in 8 : 4 : 1 graded brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, coarse sand and cement, brick work in 1:5 cement and coarse sand,quinet in 1:2:4 cemen,coarse sand and 2cm gauge approved stone grit and 12 mm thick plinth plaster 1:3 cement & coarce sand mortor. Including supply and fixing of F.C. manhole cover F.C. foot step complete as per type of design.including supply of all materials laour T & Petc.required for proper completion of the work. 44 Construction of brick masonary Sewer connecting chamber having internal size 0.60Mx0.60M and depth 1.50M below as per design & drawing including excavation , 22.5 cm thick cement concrete in 8 : 4 : 1 graded brick ballast 40 mm nominal size, coarse sand and cement, brick work in 1:5 cement and coarse sand,quinet in 1:2:4 cemen,coarse sand and 2cm gauge approved stone grit and 12 mm thick plinth plaster 1:3 cement & coarce sand mortor. Including supply and fixing of F.C. manhole cover F.C. foot step complete as per type of design.including supply of all materials laour T & Petc.required for proper completion of the work. 45 Same as above Item No-6 but for regulating shaft manhole size 1.00M depth. 46 Same as above Item No-7 but for regulating shaft Chamber size 1.00M depth. 47 Sewer Line ConnectionSupply of following dia RCC NP2 pipe 150mm dia ISI marked tested. Including rubber ring for jointing the pipe. Including all taxes, charges, cartage , loading unloading stacking etc up to the store of work. 150 mm dia RCC NP2 Pipe 48 Laying and Carting of the following sizePVC pipe and special fromstore to site of work lowering the same in trenches placing in position true to alignment and gradient makes in the joint with rubber ring filling the joint with necessary spun yarn soaked in bitumen and 1:2 cement and coarse sand mortor including excavation of earth work below invert of sewer for jointing materials etc. butexcluding excavation and refilling of the trenches from ground level to invert level of the pipe. AR150mm(DEPTH 0.00M - 1.50M) NP-3

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