tender for Augmentation And Extension Of Chandauli Nagar Panchayat Water Supply Scheme Under Amrut 2.0 Construction Of Oht, Tube Well, Rising Main, Distribution System, House Connection, Pump House, Boundary Wall, Gate, Site Development, Renovation Of Existing Facilities, Including Plc Scada Automation And Other Appurtenant Works Of Water Supply, 1 CivilWork 2 RISING MAIN AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 3 Supply, carting, laying and jointing with fixing in proper position of the following sizes of C.I. Double flanged sluice valves and tail peace asperI.S.780/1969 class-1working pressure10kg/sqcm F.O.R destination including lowering, fixing in position and jointing then with pipe line etc comlete including all jointing material and specials of following sizes. 4 90 mm dia HDPE PN-6 PE-100 5 110 mm dia HDPE PN-6 PE-100 6 140 mm dia HDPE PN-6 PE-100 7 160 mm dia HDPE PN-6 PE-100 8 80mm dia GI pipe medium class 9 100 mm dia DI K-7 10 125 mm dia DI K-7 11 200 mm dia DI K-7 12 250 mm dia DI K-7 13 300 mm dia DI K-7 14 350 mm dia DI K-7 15 150 mm dia DI K-9 16 200 mm dia DI K-9 17 Supply, carting laying and jointing with fixing in proper position of the following sizes of C.I. Double flanged sluice valves and tail peace asperI.S.780/1969 class-1working pressure10kg/sqcm F.O.R destination including lowering, fixing in position and jointing then with pipe line etc comlete including all jointing material and specials of following sizes. 18 350 mm 19 300 mm 20 250 mm 21 200 mm 22 150 mm 23 125 mm 24 100 mm 25 80 mm 26 Supply of 80 mm dia C.I. Double flanged scour valves as per I.S. 780 class-1workingpressure 10kg/SqcmF.O.RDestinationincluding loweringthemintoalreadyPreparedtrenches andfixingthemIn position including supply of Jointing materials such as bolt nut, Rubber insertionwhiteleadcompletewithExcluding valuesandspecials Required but including the testing etc. complete Excluding values and specials required but including the testing etc. complete. 27 Supply of 50 mm dia screwed down type air valve with gun metal seat atsitestoneincluding loweringthemintoalready preparedtrenches and fixing them In position including supply of Jointing materials such as bolt nut, Rubber insertion white lead complete with Excluding values and specials Required but including the testing etc. complete Excludingvalues andspecialsrequiredbutincludingthetesting etc. complete. 28 Supply of underground sluice valves type fire hydrant consisting of 80 mm dia tail pieces, 80 mm dia duck foot band and 63 mm dia standard make iron coupling with cap and chain etc. complete to ISS 909 at site including lowering them into already prepared trenches and fixing them In positionincludingsupplyofJointingmaterials suchasboltnut, Rubberinsertionwhitelead completewithExcludingvaluesand specials Requiredbutincludingthetestingetc.completeExcluding values and specials required but including the testing etc. complete. 29 Excavation of earth in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand) for pipe line and rising main trenches including lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 50 m and refilling watering, ramming of the excavated earth into the trench and also disposal of surplus earth upto 50m from the center of the trenches including supply of all material labour, T&P etc complete as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 30 Dismantling of the following type of road surface for laying of pipe line including sorting out and stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materias upto a distance of 50 m. as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 31 B.O.E. surface 32 Bituminous surface 33 Interlocking Road 34 C.C. Road 35 Stone Patiya 36 Reinstatement of the following type of road surface with old and new materials including supply of all materials labour T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 37 B.O.E. surface 38 Bituminous surface 39 Interlocking Road 40 C.C. Road 41 Stone Patiya 42 Provision for Crossing of Culvert for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. completeas per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. (casing of pipe is done by concreting) 43 Provision for Crossing of Nala/drain for laying pipe line including supply and materials labour, T&P etc. completeas per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. (casing of pipe is done by concreting) 44 Crossing of roadincluding shiftitng of telephone cabel etc.along the alignment of pipe line including supply of C.I Tyton pipe and special and also jointing material their laying and jiointing testing etc,complete. 45 3.5 M wide Road 46 7.0 M wide Road 47 Laying of HDPE pipe by HDD method including preparing and setting up the plant and equipment, making string of new pipe workmaterial, installing new pipe string and making system ready for commissioning by HDD operation including excavation, shoring/strutting etc drilling, raming and pulling back the new pipe workon the designed bore path alignment, proper disposal of drilling fluid and back fill after completion. 48 90mm dia HDPE pipe 49 110mm dia HDPE pipe 50 140mm dia HDPE pipe 51 160mm dia HDPE pipe 52 Making new House Connection with 20 mm hdpe pipe up to 5m in length in 90-350 mm dia of DI / HDPE Distribution main including Dismentling of Road,excavation of earthsupply,cartingofspecialsloweringthemintotrenches, fixingthem including bailing out water necessary excavation for connection, G.I. pipe minimum class1 m, water tap ferrule and all other material required heavy duty brass bib cock as per type design . Including all labour, T&P etc. required for proper completion of the works as per design and reinstetment of road and satisfaction of engineer incharge. 53 Shiftingof house connections from old distribution main to new distribution main including supply of all material labour T&P etc in 90-200 mm dia line. 54 Construction of following type chambers as per department type design and drawing including Heavy duty M.S.Manhole Cover and all materials, labour, T&P etc complete for proper completion of work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 55 Sluice valve chamber (masonry Type)- 1000 (L) x 1200 (W) x 1300 (H) mm (drawing no.D-4) 56 Sluice valve chamber (surface box Type) (D-13) 57 Fire Hydrant chamber (750 (L) X 450 (W) X 1000 (H) mm) (drawing no. D-5) chamber 58 Air Valve Chamber 350 (L) x 350 (W) x 500 (H) mm (drawing no. D-6) 59 Scour Valve Chamber dia upto 200 mm - 1000 (L) x 1200 (W) x 1300 (H) mm (drawing no.D-4) 60 Interconnection of proposed new pipeline with old pipeline including supply of all materials, labour, T&P, bailing out of water etc. required to complete the work. 61 Design and construct Thrust Block made in R.C.C. with cement coarse sand & 20 mm gauge stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.5:3 for pipe line including supply of MS reinforcement wrought to required shape as necessary its bending fixing & binding the same with 0.50 mm thick binding wire in position & necessary centering & shuttering including curing and supply of all materials labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of the work and as per specifications for RCC work as per instructions of Engineer -in -charge. 62 Provision for Campaction of backfill of execavated earth including pouring of water into trench and campacted the same with roller/suitable equipment. 63 90 mm dia HDPE PN-6 PE-100 64 110 mm dia HDPE PN-6 PE-100 65 140 mm dia HDPE PN-6 PE-100 66 160 mm dia HDPE PN-6 PE-100 67 80mm dia GI pipe medium class 68 100 mm dia DI K-7 69 125 mm dia DI K-7 70 200 mm dia DI K-7 71 250 mm dia DI K-7 72 300 mm dia DI K-7 73 350 mm dia DI K-7 74 150 mm dia DI K-9 75 200 mm dia DI K-9 76 OVERHEAD TANKS 77 Providing structural design and drawing & Supply of all materials, labour, T&P (special or ordinary) and construct R.C.C. Over Head Tank as circular or intze type of following capacity and stagging on column and bracing R.C.C. staging with raft or raft cum pile foundation on contractors design subject to acceptance of the Engineer including flooring at ground level with minimum free board of 15 cm, and 1M wide apron beyond outer edge of balcony under the tank with 15cm dia semicircular drain, 1 M wide cantilever balcony all round at the base of the vertical wall, I.S.I. marked add mixers for water proofing of R.C.C. work in all water retaining parts of the tank will used and the ceiling of bottom dome will be painted with epoxy. Supplying and fixing of angle iron posts 50x50x6 mm and 1.20M high (clear) at 1M interval fixed on outer edges of the balcony including three rows of 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe (medium) railing, 1 M wide R.C.C. staircase on separate additional columns from ground level upto the top roof of tank upto manhole with passage at balcony with supply and fixing of angle iron posts 50x50x6 mm and 1.20 M high (clear) at 1M interval fixed on either side including three rows of 20 mm dia G.I. pipe (medium) railing. Also including200 mm dia HDPE pipe for takimg out water form OHT to soak pit M.S. angle iron of 50x50x6 mm at 1M apart fixed 78 Zone-1B-650KL/20M Stagging 79 Zone-2C - 1000KL/22M Stagging 80 Repairing of existing over head tank in following zone including supply and fixing of lightening conducter , water level indicator, scrapping of old colour, Repair of OHT wall water tightening work,repair of cracks on concrete surface of OHT,dismantling and Reconstruction of inlet, outlet, overflow and wash out chamber, reconstruction of OHT floor, replacement of both M.S ladder and G.I pipe railing in three row net on top dome and provision for theem painting on OHT wall including all labour material etc required for complition of work. 81 Zone-1A - 600KL/16M Stagging 82 Zone-2A - 1800KL/16M Stagging 83 Zone-2B - 400KL/16M Stagging 84 CONSTRUCTIONOFPUMPHOUSECUM CHLORINATINGROOM, STAFFQUARTER, BOUNDARYWALL,GATEAND APPROACHROADaspertypedesignof upjn 85 Dismantelling of existing plaster from the walls of the pump house. 86 Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (loam, clay or sand)including lift up to 1.50 m & lead up to 50 m, refilling, watering and ramming of evcavated earth into the trenches or space betwwen the building and sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and disposal of surplus earth up to the distance of 50 m from the center of the foundation trenches. 87 Concrete with 40 mm gauge brick ballast, local sand and cement in proportion in 8:4:1 in foundation including supply ofall material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 88 First Class brick work in 1:6 cement and coarse sandin foundation and plinth including supply of all material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 89 20 mm thick D.P.C. with cement and approved coarse sand 1:2 including 5% water proofing material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 90 First Class brick work in 1:6 cement and coarse sand mortar in super structure including supply of all material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 91 M SAngle iron chaukhat of 40mm *40mm size supply and fixing including simple moulding straight work as in chaukhat and also supply of all material,labour,T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 92 R.C.C.work with cement,coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballast in proportion of 1:1.50:3inslab, sun shedandlintel ondoors and windows excluding supply of reinforcement and its bendingbutincludingitsfixingandbindingthe same with 0.50 mm thick binding wire and the cost of binding wire and including necessary centering and shuttering supply of all material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 93 Mild steel of iron work of small sizes and sections for chaukhats of doors and MS grill for window such as holding down bolts,hold fast,teeroads,clamps grating etc (when not included in and over all rate) wrought to required form including supply of steel bolts nut and their fixing required for proper completion of the work 94 Supply and fixing of plywood doors and shutters. 95 Supply and fixing of 1 mm thick sheet iron panelled door,windows shutter including supply and fixing and adjustment of hinges, bolts, locks, handles, springs and other fittings but excluding supply and painting of fittings. 96 Supply and fixing of powder coated aluminium rolling shutter with locking system, glass etc complete. 97 Mild steel of iron work in plain work such as R.C.C. work wrough to required shape as necessary including its bending and supply of steel ,wastage over lapping and hooks etc complete required for proper completion of work. 98 12 mm thick plaster with cement and coarsesand mortar inI:6 over brick work with 3 mm floating coat of neat cementincluding supply of all material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work.From GL up to super structure 99 Same as above but in proportion 1:3 with cement and coarse sand mortar on ceiling. 100 Supply and fixing of Tile flooring in toilet and bathroom. 101 Dismantelling of existing floor including base concrete 102 25 mm thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballast,water proofing compoundlaid in pannels finished with 3 mm floating coat of neat cemet and 75 mm thick base concrete consisting of cement local sand and Ist. Class brick ballast 40 mm gauge in proportion of 1:4:8 including supplyof all material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 103 40 mm thick 1:2:4 plain cement concrete floor with cement coarse sand and 20 mm gauge stone ballast,water proofing compound laid in panels,finished with 3 mm floating coat of neat cement or marble dust in 1:5 as specified removing any overlapping of mortar at the joints of pannels if any and giving them uniform finish, including supply of all materials,labour,T&P etc required for proper completion of work for apron 104 Coloured cc interlocking on 25 mm thick local sand cushion over 100 mm thick brick ballast base concrete (1:4:8) for approach road including supply material,labour,T&P required for proper completion of work. 105 Putti work on plaster of approved make including supply of labour,material,T&P complete. 106 Painting and varnishing of new iron workwith one priming coat and two coat of approved quality paint or varnish including supply of all material, labour T & P etc. required for propercompletion of work. 107 Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and manufacture on new work(two or more coats) and including water thinnable priming coat with cement primer. 108 Finishingwallswith acrylic smooth exterior paint on new work in two or more coat including priming coat of exterior primer. 109 Providing and fixing of M S jallies of 30cm*60cm size including supply of all materials,labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of work. 110 Supply and fixing of rolled steel joist200 mmx100 mmincluding its painting with approved quality paint and also one priming coat. 111 Supply and fixing of rolled steel joist150 mmx100 mmincluding its painting with approved quality paint and also one priming coat. 112 Supply and fixing of 900 Vnotch 4 mm thick M S plate with stamp edge and seal etc complete 113 Supply of all material labour T&P etc required for the construction of stilling chamber V notch chamber excluding supply of V notch etc all complete 114 Sand filling in plinth in pump house and chloronating room including supply of all material, labour T & P etc. required for proper completion of work. 115 100 mm dia HDPE down pipe complete with rose,heads,bends and gratings with MS clamp 25*3 mm fixed to walls & supply of 150 mm long 6 mm dia nails, repairs of plaster,painting etc complete etc complete. 116 supply and fixing of 1.5 ton air conditioner of approved make complete. 117 supply and fixing of oxidised iron fitting of approved make for doors and windows 118 Horticulture work complete 119 Provision for internal electrification including supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete. 120 Provision for water supply and sanitary works including supply of all material, labour, T & P etc. complete. 121 Supply of all material labour T&P etc required for Construction of Cemicurcular 250 mm diadrain out of boundry wall. 122 Provision for Desktop computer with printer all 123 Provision for Furniture for office setup 124 Provision for Lab equipment, regends and glassware 125 Supply & Fixing of 3.6 m wide gate with 1.2m wide wicket gateincluding construction of pillar as per type design of UPJN including cost of all material labour T&P etc required for proper completion of work 126 Provide all materials labour and T&P etc required for proper completion of work and construct CC interlocking approach road with kerb stones on side for water works 127 Provide all materials labour and T&P etc required for proper completion oflandscaping work including leveling dressing and excavation and filling earth where necessary for develpoment of water work site including carriage of earth from distance of upto 8 km fromwater works. 128 Provide all materials labour and T&P etc required for proper completion of Construction of ground water recharge mechanism 129 E&M 130 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of rig machine (Zone-3) 131 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of rig machine 132 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (DRILLING) 133 ERECTION OF RIG MACHINE AND DRILLING WORK- 134 Leveling and dressing of site and camp equipage and erection of D.C. rig machine at pin point and drilling up to 200 metre deep. 135 Drilling of 550mm dia bore from G.L. to 65 m BGL. 136 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 65m BGL to 100m BGL. 137 Drilling of 450mm dia bore from 100m BGL to 200m BGL. 138 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF T.W. BY GRAVEL- 139 Lowering of 200mmx150mm dia tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea Gravel between annular space of bore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 180m BGL. 140 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 60m BGL. 141 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 60m B.G.L To 100m BGL. 142 Lowering of 150mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 100m B.G.L To 180m BGL. 143 MATERIALS 144 TUBE WELL:ASSEMBLYM.S. Tubewell assembly with all required parts like plain Pipe, Slotted Pipe, Rings, well cap, Bail Plug, Clamp, Reducer, Centre Guide, Support Structure etc 145 200mm. dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1 mm thick 60 mtr.- 200X150 mm. dia M.S reducer 16.0 mm. thick.-1No.200mm. size M.S. well cap. 12mm thick. 1No.200mm size M.S. half thread nipple. 1No.200 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck. 8No.150 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck-24No.200 mm.dia size M.S. S/I clamp. 1No.Tube well supporting Frame. 1No.150mm.dia size M.S.bail plug. 1No.150mm Center guide. 10No.200mm dia half thread socket 1No. 146 150mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick slotted pipe. 147 150mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe. 148 PEA-GRAVEL- 149 1.60mm to 4.80mm. size pea gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and proper stackingatsite. 150 DEVELOPMENT OF TUBE WELL 151 Development of tube well bycompressor 152 Transportation,Installation & Dismantling of O.P. unit including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 153 Development of tube well by 250PSI air compressor 154 Sodium Hexametaphasphate 155 Development of tube well byO.P. unit 156 Transportation,Installation & Dismantling of O.P. unit including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 157 Development of tube well by 2cusec O.P. unit. 158 TEST :- 159 Yield, Chemical and bacteriological test. 160 Logging of tube well. 161 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of rig machine- TW Zone-1A,1B,2B,2C 162 Transportation, Erection & Dismantling of rig machine 163 CONSTRUCTION OF TUBE WELL (DRILLING) 164 ERECTION OF RIG MACHINE AND DRILLING WORK- 165 Leveling and dressing of site and camp equipage and erection of D.C. rig machine at pin point and drilling up to 200 metre deep. 166 Drilling of 650mm dia bore from G.L. to 65 m BGL. 167 Drilling of 550mm dia bore from 65m BGL to 100m BGL. 168 Drilling of 550mm dia bore from 100m BGL to 200m BGL. 169 LOWERING OF TUBE WELL ASSEMBLY AND SHROUDING OF T.W. BY GRAVEL- 170 Lowering of 300mmx200mm dia tube well assembly in bore hole and shrouding of pea Gravel between annular space of bore hole and T.W. assembly from G.L. to 180m BGL. 171 Lowering of 300mm dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe from GL to 45m BGL. 172 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 45m B.G.L To 100m BGL. 173 Lowering of 200mm dia MSERW plain/slotted pipe 7.1 mm thick from 100m B.G.L To 180m BGL. 174 MATERIALS 175 TUBE WELL:ASSEMBLYM.S. Tubewell assembly with all required parts like plain Pipe, Slotted Pipe, Rings, well cap, Bail Plug, Clamp, Reducer, Centre Guide, Support Structure etc 176 300mm. dia size MSERW housing pipe 7.1 mm thick. 60 mtr each200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick slotted pipe.m-42, 200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe.m-78, 300X200 mm. dia M.S reducer 16.0 mm. thick.No.1, 300mm. size M.S. well cap. 12mm thick.No..1 , 300mm size M.S. half thread nipple.No.1,300 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck.No.8, 200 mm. size M.S. ring 100mmx12mm tihck.No.24, 300 mm.dia size M.S. S/I clamp.Set1, Tube well supporting Frame. No1, 200mm.dia size M.S.bail plug.No.1,200mm Center guide. No.10,300mm dia half thread socket No.1 177 200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick slotted pipe. 178 200mm.dia MSERW 7.1mm thick plain pipe. 179 PEA-GRAVEL- 180 1.60mm to 4.80mm. size pea gravel of Lalkuwan quarry duly screened, washed and proper stackingatsite. 181 DEVELOPMENT OF TUBE WELL 182 Development of tube well by air compressor 183 Transportation,Installation & Dismantling of O.P. unit including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 184 Development of tube well by 350PSI air compressor50 hr 185 Sodium Hexametaphasphate50 Kg 186 Development of tube well byO.P. unit 187 Transportation,Installation & Dismantling of O.P. unit including levelling & dressing of site and camp equipage. 188 Development of tube well by 3cusec O.P. unit. 189 yield, Chemical and bacteriological test. 190 Logging of tube well. 191 Provision of Transportation/4 wheeler vehicle arrangement for office personal As per requirement 192 Pump Set -25 HP (Zone-1B) 193 Submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ 5% volt, 50hz, 3-phase A.C. Supply (As per IS 8034-1989)MAIN PIPING AND VALVES 150 mm dia 5.4mm thick M.S. columnpipe with both end flanged and groove for passing .submersible cable in each length in 3m long 30 m with 1m long top pipe with cap (Damdam) and sealing ring. Suitable size CI-D/F 90 Degree bend.Suitable size CI-A/F Tee .Suitable size M.S. Distance piece 1.00m long 2 Nos. and 1.5m long 1 No. .M.S. enlarger/reducer of suitable size. 150 mm dia Kirlosker/IVC make Sluice Valve.P.N. rating 1.0 Having following specification confirming. (As per IS - 14846-2000).Non rising system with hand wheel .Both end flanged .With Isometric trap axial threads for smooth operation of stream..Face ring pressed in body and wedge. .Wedge tarred on both sides provided with deep grooves inside..Application Handling of clear water sp. gr. 1.0(Confirming to 15.780/I.S. 2905). .Misc. items such as protection ring, cutout,electric resistanace rubber sheet etc..LIFTING TACKLE (REPUTED MADE).2 tones capacity 4.5 m lift, spur geared chain pulley block 194 22 KWor suitable Soft starter panel fabricated with 22mm tick M.S. plate dust and vermin proof having MCCB including following items.MCCB 100 amp.Voltmeter 0-500 volt range with selector switch. .Ammeter 0-100 amp. range with selector switchKWI meter ,Power factor meter.Frequency meter.Hour count meter ,Single phase preventer.Power capacitor of suitable capacity .Phase indicting lamps with toggle switch. Instrument fuses of 6 amp. capacity. 40 amp. switch fuses unit for light and fan point .Submersible cable of suitable size . 195 Supply and installation of scada compatible Electro Mechanical type Dozer set of suitable capacity working pressure 0-4 Kg/Cm2 complete with panel and 100 liter capacity syntax make tank suitable for 600 to 3000 LPM discharge of pumping plant. 196 Pump Set -20 HP ( Zone-1A,2B and 2C) 197 Submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ 5% volt, 50hz, 3-phase A.C. Supply (As per IS 8034-1989)MAIN PIPING AND VALVES .150/100 mm dia 5.4mm thick M.S. columnpipe with both end flanged and groove for passing .submersible cable in each length in 3m long 30 m with 1m long top pipe with cap (Damdam) and sealing ring. Suitable size CI-D/F 90 Degree bend.Suitable size CI-A/F Tee .Suitable size M.S. Distance piece 1.00m long 2 Nos. and 1.5m long 1 No. .M.S. enlarger/reducer of suitable size. 150/100 mm dia Kirlosker/IVC make Sluice Valve.P.N. rating 1.0 Having following specification confirming. (As per IS - 14846-2000).Non rising system with hand wheel .Both end flanged .With Isometric trap axial threads for smooth operation of stream..Face ring pressed in body and wedge. .Wedge tarred on both sides provided with deep grooves inside..Power Wiring and Earthing, Internal Wiring of Pump House.Painting of pumping plant with approved anticorrosive and specified colour paint-2 coat. .TOOLS (REPUTED MAKE) IN A TOOL KIT.Pipe wrenches .D/E spanner 22/6 mm.Adjustable wrench 300 mm.Screw driver .(a) 12 X 250 mm.(b) 8 X 250 mm.(c) 5 X 250mm.Combination plier 200mm.Nose plier 200 mm.Hammer with handle 1 Kg. .Line tester (Taparia make). GAUGES :.Febrick/H Guru make Pressure gauge Febrick/H Guru make Depth Gauge..LIFTING TACKLE (REPUTED MADE). 2 tones capacity 4.5 m lift, spur geared chain pulley block (Tested on 3 Tones.) 198 15 KWor suitable Soft starter panel fabricated with 22mm tick M.S. plate dust and vermin proof having MCCB including following items.MCCB 100 amp.Voltmeter 0-500 volt range with selector switch. .Ammeter 0-100 amp. range with selector switchKWI meter ,Power factor meter.Frequency meter.Hour count meter ,Single phase preventer.Power capacitor of suitable capacity .Phase indicting lamps with toggle switch. Instrument fuses of 6 amp. capacity. 30 amp. switch fuses unit for light and fan point .Submersible cable of suitable size . 199 Supply and installation of scada compatible Electro Mechanical type Dozer set of suitable capacity working pressure 0-4 Kg/Cm2 complete with panel and 100 liter capacity syntax make tank suitable for 600 to 3000 LPM discharge of pumping plant. 200 Pump Set -10 HP (Zone-3) 201 Submersible clear water pumping plant suitable to operate on 415+ 5% volt, 50hz, 3-phase A.C. Supply (As per IS 8034-1989)MAIN PIPING AND VALVES .80/100 mm dia 5.4mm thick M.S. columnpipe with both end flanged and groove for passing .submersible cable in each length in 3m long 30 m with 1m long top pipe with cap (Damdam) and sealing ring. Suitable size CI-D/F 90 Degree bend.Suitable size CI-A/F Tee .Suitable size M.S. Distance piece 1.00m long 2 Nos. and 1.5m long 1 No. .M.S. enlarger/reducer of suitable size. 80/100 mm dia Kirlosker/IVC make Sluice Valve.P.N. rating 1.0 Having following specification confirming. (As per IS - 14846-2000).Non rising system with hand wheel .Both end flanged .With Isometric trap axial threads for smooth operation of stream..Face ring pressed in body and wedge. .Wedge tarred on both sides provided with deep grooves inside..Power Wiring and Earthing, Internal Wiring of Pump House.Painting of pumping plant with approved anticorrosive and specified colour paint-2 coat. .TOOLS (REPUTED MAKE) IN A TOOL KIT.Pipe wrenches .D/E spanner 22/6 mm.Adjustable wrench 300 mm.Screw driver .(a) 12 X 250 mm.(b) 8 X 250 mm.(c) 5 X 250mm.Combination plier 200mm.Nose plier 200 mm.Hammer with handle 1 Kg. .Line tester (Taparia make). GAUGES :.Febrick/H Guru make Pressure gauge Febrick/H Guru make Depth Gauge..LIFTING TACKLE (REPUTED MADE). 2 tones capacity 4.5 m lift, spur geared chain pulley block (Tested on 3 Tones.) 202 7.5 KW Soft starter panel fabricated with 22mm tick M.S. plate dust and vermin proof having MCCB including following items.MCCB 100 amp.Voltmeter 0-500 volt range with selector switch. .Ammeter 0-100 amp. range with selector switchKWI meter ,Power factor meter.Frequency meter.Hour count meter ,Single phase preventer.Power capacitor of suitable capacity .Phase indicting lamps with toggle switch. Instrument fuses of 6 amp. capacity. 30 amp. switch fuses unit for light and fan point .Submersible cable of suitable size . 203 Supply and installation of scada compatible Electro Mechanical type Dozer set of suitable capacity working pressure 0-4 Kg/Cm2 complete with panel and 100 liter capacity syntax make tank suitable for 600 to 3000 LPM discharge of pumping plant. 204 Internal and External Electrification of Pump house with 4 no (15w-50 W ) and 4 nos. 75W Led Solar Lights with required fixures. For all 5 Zones 205 SITC of 20/30/40 KVA Fully automatic Oil cooled unbalanced type 3 Phase copper winding voltage stabilizer for input voltage 190 volt to 480 volt output voltage 415±1% to 2% including all associated accessories components for proper functioning ofSutable for above submersible pumping plant.(1 no 20 KVA for Zone- 3,4 No 30 KVA and and 1 nos 40 KVA for Zone 1B) Total 6 no Stablizer 206 AUTOMATION OFPUMPINGPLANT OFTW 207 CE & UL Certified PLC/RTU & power supply in IP 54 enclosure with surge protector suitable to communicate with GSM based modem unit with analog & digital parameter & features as specified for each TW & stand alone OHT to store and transmit data on GSM backbone. 1 Nos RTU / PLC for 2 pumpsdesigned with logic to transfer data at multiple stations as specified in technical specification. 208 GSM/GPRS based wireless communication (SIM) with 4G modem for RTU/PLC capable to transfer & gather data from remote sites to control stations all accessories included with signal enhancer antenna made for pumping plant internet charges as specified in technical specification. 209 Intelligent smart energy meter with memory real time clock and 1 serial port integrated with R.T.U. as specified in technical specification. 210 Motor operated actuator for sluice valve. -80/100/150mm diameter or suitable size at delivery/bypass of pumping plant and NRV. 211 Electro magnetic flow meter of 80/100/150mm dia or suitable size for pump delivery 212 Auto phase reversal unit – Auto phase reversal unit/automatic transfer switch with inbuilt time delay & enclosure of suitable ampere rating (Confirming to I.E.C. – 60947-1 and I.E.C.-60947-6-1) as specified in technical specification.(a) 200 amp. rating 213 CE & UL Certified hydro static type sub soil water level Transmiter for TW 214 CE & UL Certified pressure transmeter 215 7 HMI touch screen suitable to communicate with each PLC / RTU for local display & control of process parameters as specified in technical specification. 216 Local Control Station 217 CE / UL Certified industrial grade 65 LED MONITOR with latest configuration as per technical specification. 218 Video wall media player of same OEM 219 32 Desktop / PC with i5/i7 processor as per specification with letest window. 220 CE / UL certified 3 KVA UPS with batteries as per specification 221 Internet connectionwith Static IP 222 CE / UL certified industrial grade ETHERNET switch 223 Mobile App facility system architecture ( Industria internet based & viewed through mobile apps for increased local & remote visibility) 224 Canon / HP / equivalent Laser printer 1018 or equivalent 225 Security surveillance IP camera with recorder. 226 reputed makeTable, Chair, Control Desk & other necessary Furniture items for LCS room 227 TRIAL RUN FOR THREE MONTHS 6 nos TW of 5 Zones