Annual Tender For Supplying The Public Health Material Supplying The Public Health Material For The Year 2024-25 , Lime Powder , Stablised Bleaching Powder , Black Phenoyl , White Phenoyil , Batex , Malathiyan , Abet , Phyrithriyam Extract , Barytech , Bloom , Ntiquito , Residential Powder W.P. (Spraying Open Drain) , Lysol , Malaar , Aluminum Anna Koodai Smal , Aluminum Anna Koodai Big , Thennandhudappam , Poondhudappam , Moongil Ghetti , Thaambu Kayiru , Sanal Kayiru , Sewage Push Plate (With Handle) , Picause 4 Pork , Manvetty , Ghadapparai (Small) , Ghadapparai (Big) , Plastic Koodai (Small) , Plastic Koodai (Big) , Bombay Thudappam , Greece , Road Cleaning Brush , Katthi , Grass Cutting Kathi , Steel Bond , Steel Malaar , Hand Glouse , Mask , Rain Coat , Gum Boot , Rubber Glouse , Lather Glouse , Cottonglouse , Plastic Hand Sprayer , Brass Hand Sprayer , Reflection Coat , Chlorination Tablet