Auction Sale Obsolete/Unserviceble Items Of Chemical Engineering Department- (i). Bomb Calorimeter complete with accessories(ii) Bomb Firing Unit Vibrator Timer & illuminator - 1 No.(iii) Pellet Press - 1 No.(iv) Beckmans Thermeter - 1 No.(v) Crucibls S.S. - 1 No.(vi) Crucible Quarkz with Cator - 1 No. (i).Oxygen Cylinder BPM 814 with pressure gauge(ii). High Pressure House Black(iii) High Pressure House Red Heating mentel 500ml. Heating mentel 1000ml Wall fan Bajaj media BW0112, 300mm, A.C. ose.comp.M3333956, 3334071 Wall fan USHA MIST AIR ultra 400mm. A.C.ose.comp.M11139 (1) Automatic microprocessor digital bomb calorimeter with software model.No-CC01/M3 Sl.No.-225 Laptop,model-Presari0V2000 Sl.No.-CNF6190Z7N make-Compaq(1 No.) , UPS-600VA (1 No.), Printer -HP color lajerjet model-2600N,Sl.No.-CNGJ62501X (1No.)(2) Additional sparekit Mahendra laboratory high vacuum pump complete with 1 H.P. crompton motor (Other Specification as per CSB) Mahendra high temperature goroved refractory furance rigidlybuilt up with mild steelsheet casing panited with heat registantpaint ,inner chamber ,size-45cmx22cmx22cm, Rating-6KW, 230V, AC Single Phase, Tem, Rang- 1200 °C D.B.K. peristaltic pump (Tubing pump system) model.No.-30PSP02 Sl.No.-270202,270203,270405 (other specification as per CSB) Hot plate Perfit round with three heat control switch round shape plate made of cast Ironand body made of thick mild steel rating 1.5 KW/230V AC Diameter -20cm Distillation apparatus for petroleum products upto 3700c as per IS:1448-P:18, Make- Khushboo Pensky mortin closed cup flash point apparatus ,as per IS:1448-P:21,Make-Khushboo ( Spare hot plate of cleavelend open cup apparatus Rs. 4444/- Fitted on 30.07.2014) IP thermometer for above - 1 No.Reducing socket for above - 1 No. Cleveland open cup flash point per IS:1448-P:69 Make-KhushbooIP thermometer for above - 1 No.Reducing socket for above - 1 No. Saybolt viscometer as per ASTM D88 with universal and furol jets made of 18/8 SS with strainer & with drawl tube complete with flowing accessories(I) Spare jet universal-1 No.(II) Spare jet for furol- 1 No.(III) Spare flask with 60 CC-1 No.(IV) Drawl tube -1 No.(V) Glass pipette and rubber bulb (total 4 Nos.)(VI) ASTM saybolt thermometer 17/18/19/20/21/22 -6 Nos. Spare Hot Plate of Cbavelend Open cup Appart us (1) Double Distillation unit 1.5 Lit./HR.Make- Borosil, Code No.-3362041, Cat No.- 3362(2) Distillation Appavatus Power Supply (DAPS) Code No. 3366241Cat No.3362, Capacity-1.5 Lit./Hr., Make- Borosil(3) Extraction Apparatus Soxhlet, Code No. 3840020, Cat No- 3840,Caacity - 200 ml., Make - Borosil 1. Automatic Microprocesser based Digital Firing Unit, MP-100Sl No.-115 (1) Thermo Caeple Experimental setup for study of heat transfer(shell and tube heat exchanger) Experimental setup to study heat transfer in double pipe exchanger Emmissivity measurement apptt. Sl. 20 HT-09 Thermal conductivity appt. Sl. 13HT-02 Heat pipe demonstrator apptt. Sl. 21 HT-10 Critical Heat Flux apptt. Sl. 22HT-11 1. Apptaratus for thermal conductivity of insulating powder 2. Heat transfer through loagged pipe Concentric double pipe heat exchanger ie our parallel flow/counter flow heat exchanger Sl.37 Drop & film condensation appt. Sl.27 Experimental regenerative heat exchanger Sl.41 Multi meter Screw driver set Adjustable wrench D/E spanner Heating mentel with energy regulator, cap.01 lit. Wall Fan 450mm Remi Thermal conductivity of liquid, Make-SWASTIKA, dia 180mm,thikness12mm,heater dia 100mm complete with all accessories along with cooling chamber (Aluminium) Double affect evaporator Forced circulation evaporator Long tube evaporator Steel pans with stand 10 Gal. Steel pans with stand 20 Gel. Triple effect evaporator Froth floatation cell with air compresser, model-M019 complete with all accessories(I) Floation chamber (SS) - 1 No.(II) Agitator impeller with SS shaft coupled to FHP standard make motor - 1 No.(III) Diffuser (SS) - 1 No.(IV)Forth collecting tank- 20 lit. (SS) - 1 No.(V) Air compressor - 1 No.(VI) Control Panel - 1 No. Cone classifier model-MO20(I) Classifier (SS) angle 600,dia 40cm.(II) Water feed tank (SS) cap.-60 lit.(III) Pump F.H.P crompton make(IV) flow measurement, Rota meter(V) Solid collector -3 Nos.(P.V.C)(VI) Fine dust collector(VII) Collecting tray- 3 Nos. (SS)(VIII) Control panel Pressure drop through packed bed, model-MOT-02 complete with all accessories(I) Packed column(II) Packing -material Boro silicate(III) Water tank -30 lit. (SS)(IV) Pump- FHP cap.(V) Flow measurement- Rota meter for water (VI) Mono meter Cyclone separator model-MO-17 complete with following accessories (i) Cyclone separator SS Dia 100 mm (ii) Blower ID fan, 1HP Crompton Motor. (iii) Venturi Meters/Manometer for air flow. (iv) Manometer to measure pressure drop. (V) Sollid collector PVCFixd with Cyclone (vi) Fine dust collector Bag of nylone fixed on exit of air. (vii) Collecting tray SS suitable capacity (viii) Control panel ON/OFF Switch main indicator & Fuse etc., (ix) Floor area -0.7Mx2M. (X) 1KW, 200V, 1 Phase (Electricity Supply) Flow through Helical coil, Model No.FM-13(i) Helical Coil :- SS Dia 12(ii) No. of Fumes - 15 Nos.(iii) Coil Tube 0D21mm, 1D 17mm(iv) Sump Tank SS, Cap.50 lit.(v) Flow circulation FHP Pump, Make- Crompton(vi) Monomter One Hg and two Cd4(vii) Rotometer Eureka/IFPL for How measurment(viii) Piping PVC & GI(ix) Control pannnel on/off Switch, Mains Indicator, use etc. Fluidized bed characteristics, Model.No.-MT-1 complete with all accessories1. Column Boro Silicale Glass, OD 55mm length 750mm2. Packing of Glass Beads3. Water Tank SS Cap. 30 lit.4. Rotameter for water flow measurement Eurek5. Water ciculating Pump, FHP Cromption6. Manometer to measure Preesure Drop Pressure drop in two phase flow, Test Section made of Boro Silicale Glass dia- 1 length 900mm complete with following (i) Water curculating Pump FHP, Make- Cromption(ii) Rotameter 2 Nos. for measurment flow of Air & Water (iii) Compresal aire curculating system(iv) Butter Tank SS suitable Cap. with sefty valve & pressure gauz(v) Water Tank SS Cap. 60 lit.(vi) D. Manometer to measure pressure drop(vii) Seperator SS compitable Size (Capacity)(viii) Piping - PVC & GI(ix) Control Pannel on/off switch main Indicator Fuse etc. Equitron-Roteva rotary vacuum evaporator with digital RPMindication lift digital water cum oil bath along with accessories(I) Vaccum pump for above complete with motor(II) Vacuum temperature indicator digital with sensor(III) Chilled water circulator 4 lit. reservoir Refractro meter, Make-GOKO MAIMB, Switch 24 port 10/100MBPS Sl.No. V22334B003535 UTP cable cat 5, 1 box (305mtrs) Usha ceilling fan 1200mm (1) Prosimulator Software Package up grade for- (I) Control simulation Model (II) Process Operations, Simulation Model (III) Advance Process Simulation for * Atmaspheric Distillation unit * Hydrocracker Unit * Fluid Catlytic cracking unti * Ammonia Sysnthesis Unit Exhaust fan Size-18” 900RPM, Make- USHA TURBO Study of control value characteristics (2 Value :- Linear & equal %) APEX-318 (1) Aimil -NUCON series 5765 microprocessor based dual column modular gas chromatograph complete with all 11-accessories Sl.No.-2K5-354 (2) Thermal conductivity detector with control module(TDC) (3) Electron capture detector with control module (ECD) (4) Head space assembly with value injection head space (5) Thermal disorber (6) Gas filter monifold panel (7) Hamilton syringe of 10ml. Cap. (8) Hamilton gas tight syringes 250µl,500µl,1000µl cap. (1No. Each) (9) Silicon rubber septums (packet of 100 Nos.) (10) Gas pressure regulators for H2,N2,and zero air(1 Each) (11) Chromato graphy data station(win Acds)with software to beused with your P.C (12)Cylinders-zero air nitrogen and hydrogen 1(i)EURO VECTOR CHNS/O analyzer model-EA 3000, fully computer controled complete with flowing parts-EA3090(000000) sealing device soild, EA3061 autosampler, EA3096 Callidus software, EA3051 Standard parts,EA3094 Tool kit bag,EA 3091 Bubble flow meter,EA 3052 (cables),EA 3088 sample sealing device1(ii) Configuration kit & consumable for CHNS-EA 3011/CK, cIncludes-E13040,E12007,E11009,E13502,E10507,E10514,E11530,1(iii)Configuration kit & consumable for O--EA3015/CK,Includes E12509, E10513, E10514, E10510, E10145, E12050, E10507, E10505, E11001, E13502, E11520 Citizen German digital electronic laboratory analytical balancemodel-CY-204,cap.-220gms.,pan size-85mm dia, Repeatabilety 0.0001 gm. Citizen German digital electronic laboratory microgram balancemodel-CM-11, with fully Automatic Internal callibration systemmicroprocessor bassed digital display HPLC - (A) Water Binary Gradient HPLC System (Non Hazardous) With following Items.(1) WAT-207000- 515 HPLC Pump (M-515 solvent delivery system)Specifications:- As per CSB Page 01 & 02 (Che-II)(2) 18001273:- Water 2 Channel inline Degasser (Vacuum Degasser) Eluent Connections:- 1/4-28 reversed Ferrule Fitting 2-4 inlets & 2-4 outlets.Vacuum Source:- Zero Hystrises/Constant run stepplr Motor Drivers, built in solvent resistant.Vacuum Chamber:- Chamber/Eluent.Vacuum Sensor:- Detect 0-810MM. hg Absolute.Other Specifications:- As per CSB Page 03 (Che-II) (3) WAT025248:- RHEODYNE7725i & Stand kit with 20/µl Loop. Or (7725i Manual Injector) Other Specifications:- As per CSB Page 03 (Che-II) (4)WAT051518:- Gradient Mixer.(5)186002449:- Pump Control Module.(6) 186000869:- M-2996 Photo Diode Array Detector. Other Specifications:- As per CSB Page 03 & 04 (Che-II) (7) 186241400:- M-2414 Refractive Index DetectorOther Specifications:- As per CSB Page 05 (Che-II)(8) WAT 097332:- UNION .(9) WAT 026973:- TUBINGS.(10) 176000929:- EMPOWER 2 Software Add on Kit Consisting of.Other Specifications:- As per CSB Page 06 (Che-II) (11)WAT038040:- COLUMN Heater/Oven for Ridetector (Temp. Range Ambient-150°c) Essential for Doing Polymer Analysis.(12) 667001125:- EMPOWER PERSONAL GPC Option. (B) Water Binary Gradient HPLC System (Hazardous) With following Items. COLUMN REQUIRED For Polymer Analysis.(13) WAT044237:- Water styragel HR2 (THF) INTLHAZA (Moleculor weight Range 500-20000)(14) WAT044240:- Water styragel HR 4E (THF) INTLHAZA (Moleculor weight Range 50-100000)(15) WAT044225:- Water styragel HR 4 (THF) INTLHAZA (Moleculor weight Range 5000-600000)(16) WAT054405:- Styragel Gaurd Col. (THF) INTLHAZA Gaurd Column.(18) WAT054275:- Symmetry (R)-C185/µm, 4.6X250mm Column, Analytical reverse phase C-18 Column.(19) WAT084038:- Carbohydrate Anlysis Column ( Column for Carbohydrate /Sugar Anlysis) (17) Standards for GPC Calibration WAT011588:- Polysty Std. Kit Low-Mid MW Other Specifications:- As per CSB Page 09 (Che-II) Particale Size Analyser(1) FG900255 Computerised Inspection System CIS50L Consisting of particle Sizing Data Management Software (2) LS000515 LENS A (3) GA006521 LENS B (4) FG900115 ACM-1 Magnetic Stirring Cell(5) ANY0091 ACU Ankersmid Central Unit (Industrial Computer) (6) ANY0090 VIDEO Channel for Dynamic Viewing of particals(7) FG900165 ACM-4A Liquid flow cell (Cross Section 10X10mm)(8) FG900143 ACM-41 Fiber Measurment Cell(9) FG900125 LFC-8 Mannual liquid flow Controller Along with peristatic pump, 17 Color Monitor 01 No. Each. (1) TCD Filament For NUCON Gas Chromatograph. (1) Towards Visit Charges for installation of TCD Filament in gas Charomatograph in cluding of Expenses. Fully automated double beam automic absorption spectrophoto meter along with accessories model.No.-AAS-4141 (A) SS burner head Titanium burner head Slit dial Drain tube Gas lighter Instruction manual Methods manual D2 lamp Rodent cover Interface PCB 40-Core FRC cable 34-Core FRC cable AAS software CDS PC,make-Zenith Sl.No.-5Q90703 Monitor-make-Zenith Sl.No.-LE15HHAXB31014Y Key boared Sl.No.5A38605276B Mouse with pad Sl.No.-HCA43403371 Two speakers head phone mic Additional CDS N20 END fittings C2H2 END fittings Compressor END fitting with furrel Key for gas cylinder Dust cover for AAS Glass beads Capillery tube Cleaning wire Power cords Turret assembly Manuals Junction box 50 Core FRC cable 40 Core FRC cable PC dust cover Printer dust cover U.P.S 2 KVA /30 min.backup (B) Printer-EPSON LX 300 Sl.No.-C8FY415095 (I) No. of CDS (II) Printer cable (III) Power cable (IV) Printer manual (2) Air filter for AAS (Product code-01-380-0105 (3) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC copper product code-21-380-0016 type No.L-014-CU,Sl.No.-7532541 (4) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC zinc L-0067-ZN Sl.No.-7532687 (5) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC alluminium,L-001-AL,Sl.No.-7620436 (6) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC -Magnesium,L-031-MG,7589014 (7) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC-Nickel,L-036-NI,7589236 (8) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC-Iron,L-026-FE,7532613 (9) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC-maganeese,L-032-MN,7532623 (10) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC-platinum,L-040-PT,7830673 (11) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC-Chromium ,L-012-CR-7589115, (12) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC-Silicon ,L-050-si,7589096 (13) Hollow cathode lamp make-EC-Cadmium,L-008-Cd,7589053 (1) Oil free air compressor for AAS (Prod.code-01-380-1200) (2) Filled acetylene gas cylinder for AAS (Sl.No.-23462) (3) Regulator for acetylene gas cylinder Sl.No.-5SM0654 (4) Filled Nitrous Oxide gas cylinder for AAS Sl.No.-D105109 (5) Regulator for Nitrous Oxide gas cylinder Sl.No.-5VM0261 (6) 2 KVA servo stabilizer with manual for AAS Sl.No.-10922 (7) Hydride generator (VGA) for AAS along with accessories (I) Cell mount (II) Bottles (III) Drain tube (IV) Tube for gas cylinder (V) Capillary tube (VI) Roller tubes (3 in each set) (VII) Manual (VIII) 10 ML Jar (IX) Pouler cord (X) BGA (XI) Rustlick 631 (XII) Quartz cell (XIII) Mercury cell (HG -cell) (8) Filled Nitrozen gas cylinder for AAS Sl.No.-C74303 (9) Regulator for Nitrozen gas cylinder Sl.No.-5VM238 (10) Hollow cathode lamp (Imported) calcium type (CA) Sl.No.-HCJ0020 (11) Hollow cathode lamp (Imported) mercury,HG Sl.No.(HCC05045) (12) Hollow cathode lamp (Imported) Selinium (HCK0883) (13) Hollow cathode lamp (Imported) Barium (HCC0648) (14) Hollow cathode lamp (Imported) Boron (HCJ0170) (15) Hollow cathode lamp (Imported) Vanadium (HCL0298) (16) Hollow cathode lamp (Imported) Arsenic (HCB1069) Exhuast hood for automic absorption spectrophoto meter 187 Computer aided instruction in fluid mechanics (Book) 229 Computer applications in Chem. Engg. Industries numerical methods (Book) 473 Corrosion & its control in paper industry (Book) 142 Corrosionand its prevention (Book) 409 Instrumentation and control for chemical, mineral and metallurgical processes (Book) 491 Process dynamics and control (Book) 166 Air Pollution Control (Book) 15 Air Pollution monitoring (Book) 214 Computer methods in heat transfer (Book) 384 Design of heat transfer equipment-I (Book) 400 Design of heat transfer equipment-II (Book) 513 Energy conservation (Book) 639 Energy conservation (Book) 358 Energy conservation in endustries-I (Book) 359 Energy conservation in endustries –II (Book) 290 Engineering Economic analysis (Book) 271 Environmental control engineering module-I (Book) 275 Environmental control engineering module-II (Book) 433 Fuels and lubricants –I (Book) 443 Fuels and lubricants –II (Book) 64 Low cost waste water treatment practices (Book) 238 Natural gas, A versatile fuel and feed stock for industry (Book) 94 Pollution control in industries-I(Book) 231 Pollution control in industries- II (Book) 641 Renewable energy technologies and their energy scenario (Book) 292 Rural water and exceeta disposal systems (Book) 566 Safe handling disposal of industrial pollutants (Book) 223 Solid waste management (Book) 85 Waste water treatment plant design (Book) 490Water pollution its causes, effects control and reuse (Book) 243 Water pollution monitoring and control (Book) 98 Water treatment plant design (Book) 672 Wind energy (Book) SUVIRA Transcope compact delex overhead projector Spare Halogen lamp 24V-250 W Projector screen tripod model having screen size 52”x70” with collapsbl stand with automatic spring holer attachment C.S cylinder cap.10 lit.(for carbon monooxide) Samsung Printer SCX- 4300 Print scan copyPrint Speed upto 18ppm in A/4Copy Speed up to 18 CPM in A/4 upto 19 CPM in Letter Scan- Twain Standard, Memory- 8 MBSl.No.9N67BASS 700425 Magnetic Stirrrer with Hot Plate 2 Litre Cap. Access switch, make -D- Link, Model DES -3326SR, Sl.No. DR3E 16A000012 Switch, Make - D-Link, Model- DES 1024R+ Sl.No. (1) DREL 369000067 (2) DREL 369000013 (3) DREL 369000015 I/O with SMB node point, Make- D-Link Jack panels(24 port) Make -D-Link Patch cords3 (1 meter) Make-D-Link Patch cords7 (2 Meter) Make- D-Link Patch cords 9 (3 meter) Make- D- Link Racks 9U, Make -Val rack (9U Wall Mount Racks with 1x6PDU, 2 Fans & other Accessories) Cable manager GO-U0256C flash disk,256MB, Sl.No.-053504436,053504437 FAN Large compact computer table with three drawers on left side size-1500x600x760mm with two keys Filing cabinet with 4 drawer Metal filing cabinet Steel almirah size1980x910x480mm, 5 compartment Steel almirah size1980x910x480mm, 4 shelves Steel almirah size1980x910x480mm, 4 shelves Steel almirah size1980x910x480mm, 4 shelves Steel almirah size 1280X760X430mm (Small Size) Steel almirah size1980x910x480mm, 4 compartment Office chair with continuons arms (steel) Office chair with continuons arms (steel) Office chair with continuons arms (steel) Office chair with continuons arms (steel) Hanging armed chair (steel) Book case steel 1675x840x350mm Steel racks size 1425x900x400mm 4 self Armless chair (steel) Armless chair Steel Revolving chairs Steel folding chairs Steel rack 900x835x375mm Pedastal table (wooden) 5 1/4X3 1/4X2 1/2 Pedastal table 5X3X2 1/2 Semi pedastal table 5X3X2 1/2 (wooden) Wooden stool Steel almirah four shelves size 1980x860x480 mm with duplicate key Executive table size 1500x900x760 mm with 3 drawers and one cup board, Sunmica Top Office chairs with arm made from square pipe knitted seat and back size 880X535X460 mm Single seater chair with armed shell (plastic moulded ) with steel frame Table without drawer size 1500x900x760mm sunmica top 1. Large Compact Computer Table with Three Draweres on left side Size-1500x600x760mm2. Computer Chair with P.U. Arms rest 3. Table with out Drawers Size- 900x600x760mm Sunmica Top Large compact computer table with three drawers on left side size-1500x600x760mm with two keys Computer chair with P.U. arms rest Metal filing cabinet with four drawers with two keys Table without drawer size 900x600x760mm Executive revolving chair with P.U. arms rest dunlop seat & back Office chair with arms foam seat & back V.D.U table size- 900x600x760mm Computer chair with out armrest Exceutive revolving chair with P.U.arms dunlop sheet & back (I) V.D.U. table size-900X600X760mm (II) Exective revolving chair with PU arm rest dunlop seat & back Chair armed wooden Chair armless wooden Office table Table (small) Lab table Steel almirah (big size) Steel almirah (small size) Almirah wooden Almirah wooden (small) Stool Rack wooden Wash basin with stand Towel stand (wooden) CVT,IEC,JJ-7500, Sl. No.-2002-47-918 Notice Board with acrylic door size- 3X6 (HOD)