Tender For Nctps Ii 2 X 600Mw M I Circle Bm Dn Unit Ii Aoh Of Fd Fan 2A 2B For The Year.; 1 Charges for arrangements of proper scaffolding, complete removal of deposited ash and rust settled over the FD fan inner suction hood silencer assembly, cleaning of silencer baffles, inspection and attending minor repair works in silencer, suction & delivery chamber including consumables and T&P’s. 2 Charges for removal of FD fan labyrinth seals, loosening of fan casing bolts, lifting of rotor top casing assembly forinspection of fan impeller blades, removal of casing asbestos rope as directed by the Engineer in charge includingconsumables and T&Ps. 3 Charges for complete cleaning and conducting Di-Penetrant Test for FD fan impeller blades (14 Nos). Fan impeller blades are to be cleaned by using service air & rustoline and by applying cleaner, penetrant & developer over the impeller blades and analyse the condition of all fan blades and to make records.After conducting DPT, ensure the healthiness of all impeller blade conditions and ensure the free movements of all blades till the satisfactory level. Finally, check the torque tightness of all impeller blades with pre-set recommended torque value to complete as directed by the Engineer in charge including consumables and T&P’s. 4 Charges for releasing of fan & motor coupling guard and fixing of rotating clamp fixturesin FD fan/motor coupling, Checking the open/close operation of fan Impeller blades (14 Nos) and ensure the simultaneous open/close of blades with respect to its leading edge in step by step proportion by operating setting shaft manually. Measuring the gap between blades of all impeller blades one by one at a time and to record the readings. Finally ensure the easy & smooth remote operation and releasing of rotating clamp fixtures to normalise the system as directed by the Engineer in charge including consumables and T&P’s. 5 Charges for alignment of fan & motor coupling,checking run out of HAD and radial clearance between fan blades and casing: This work involves releasing of FD fan & motor coupling guard and fixing the rotating clamp in fan & motor coupling (fan coupled with motor) for roating fan shaft, releasing of shaft bullet cover, rotating shaft and checking the pre alignment readings for fan & motor for initial reference and records. Decouple the motor from fan, align the motor with fan axially and radially within the allowable limits. Checking & aligning the run out of HAD within the limit and checking the radial clearance between the FD fan impeller blades and fan spiral inner casing are within the allowable limits. Checking the axial clearance of intermediate shaft to rotor assembly, rotor assembly to Hydraulic adjusting device, checking the torque tightness of fan intermediate shaft bolts & rotor assembly bolts and releasing of rotating clamp fixtures to normalise the system for conducting motor trial run. After completion of motor trial run, couple the motor with fan as directed by the Engineer in charge including the cost of consumables and T&P’s. 6 Charges for opening ofFD fan diffuser core inspection door and removal of HAD cover for inspection. Complete inspection and checking the existing stroke length of HAD for reference and record. Correction/adjusting the stroke length of HAD as recommended. Delink the setting shaft assembly from the HAD actuators for complete inspection of setting shaft flanges & bolts, connect the setting shaft with HAD actuators for completeinspection of setting shaft flanges & bolts ,connect the setting shaft with HAD actuators and ensure manual & remote open/close operation of HAD. Close all the inspection doors and normalising the system as directed by the Engineer in charge including consumables and T&P’s. 7 Charges for complete cleaning of FD fan casing top & bottom matting flanges, fan casing pedastal bolts and diffuser base bolts, renewal of casing asbestos rope, refixing of rotor top casing assembly, tightening of casing bolts, refixing of labyrinth seals, releasing of rotating clamp from fan shaft, refixing of coupling guard, closing of all inspection doors, checking the tightness of fan casing pedastal bolts and diffuser base bolts, releasing of locking pin from the fan discharge gate as directed by the Engineer in charge includingconsumables and T&Ps. 8 Charges for complete draining FD fan lube oil from lube oil tank,dismantling of lube oil lines, strainers, filters, pumps, valves, ACW valve fittings and renew the damaged fittings and attending oil/ACW leaks. Cleaning of oil cooler tubes, removalof ‘O’ rings & gaskets, refix the cooler components, flushing and boxing up of coolers. Cleaning of lube oil tank, filling of new/old lube oil upto the adequate level, connecting the lube oil lines & its fittings to fan and motor bearings, control oil lines & its fittings for Blade Pitch Controls, charge the cooler with ACW,conducting Lube oil pumps trial run and normalizing the lub oil system to complete as directed by the Engineer in charge including consumables and T&P’s.