
Tender For Fabrication And Erection Work In Mill House, Boiler House And Power House For The Year 2024-25, Mill House Works Cutting Out The Melted Or Worn Out Runners Of The First Can Carrier, Auxiliary Carrier, Mini Can Carrier, Secondary Rank Carrier A, kheri-Uttar Pradesh

Sarju Sahakari Chini Mills Limited has published Tender For Fabrication And Erection Work In Mill House, Boiler House And Power House For The Year 2024-25, Mill House Works Cutting Out The Melted Or Worn Out Runners Of The First Can Carrier, Auxiliary Carrier, Mini Can Carrier, Secondary Rank Carrier A. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-06-2024. Fabrication Work Tenders in kheri Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Fabrication And Erection Work In Mill House, Boiler House And Power House For The Year 2024-25, Mill House Works Cutting Out The Melted Or Worn Out Runners Of The First Can Carrier, Auxiliary Carrier, Mini Can Carrier, Secondary Rank Carrier A
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Tender For Fabrication And Erection Work In Mill House, Boiler House And Power House For The Year 2024-25, mill house works Cutting out the melted or worn out runners of the first can carrier, auxiliary carrier, mini can carrier, secondary rank carrier and intermediate carrier and replacing them with new ones, welding them and giving them trials. Cutting out the damaged and worn out base in the first cane carrier, second cane carrier and intermediate rank carrier and fitting a new runner base in its place and giving trial. Cutting out the neck suit of the fiberizer and fitting it using the given 8/10 mm plate. To remove the side plate and top plate of the chopper/cutter/pre-chopper and fiberizer which are worn out or worn out and fit a 10/12 mm plate in its place and give it a trial. Cutting out the side plates which are melted or worn out in the sun can carrier and replacing them with MS plates given by the mill, welding them and giving trials. New rank for rank career as per the sample. Replacement of cane carrier, mini cane carrier, auxiliary cane carrier, I-beam runner on both sides of SRC and IRC on which the mat/chain runs. Replacement of sore/weak beam of molasses/water bending scale and making enclosure box from rods. By removing angle/channel from old scale. Replacement of melted/worn runner sideplates and runner bases of the Donnelly suit. according to sample Making a platform where the bridge motor and reduction gear are installed in unloader no. 2 and 3, so that the fitters can work there. Dropping bagasse into IRC by rotating the existing juice screen and giving satisfactory trial. Installing new metallon pads in place of necks and cut razors/metallon pads in the secondary rake carrier/intermediate rank carrier at the mill, doing its alignment and giving trial. The rail or square bar that has been cut in the bridge and trolley of the can unloader should be replaced with a new square bar of 40 by 40 mm and 50 mm by 50 mm, and its alignment and trial should be done and after putting the packing, leveling the line as per the instructions and giving it a trial. Making and installing the juice ring of the roller of the mill. The holes of the attachment links used for tying the rank in the 300 mm pitch block type chain links of such RC/IRC were changed. The attachments which have become weak should be removed by cutting and preparation of attachment links as per sample from 16/20 mm thick new MS plate, drilling of holes, baling with the links and giving trial. Making Bangasilo fan as per old sample and giving satisfactory trial. Cutting and removing the shell of the pusher roller of the fibroiser which has become weak, preparing the shell from the new plate provided and fitting it in place, installing ribs, doing the necessary high facing and giving two or three coats of balding to the shell and giving a satisfactory trial. The side plate of the humidifier hood has become weak due to wear and has spread, cut them off and replace the side plate of the hood with 10/12 mm thick MSA plate as per the old method and do double coat balding from inside and outside and sanding as per requirement. And to repair the gap that has developed till the pusher roller. The sugarcane pieces coming out from the inlet and outlet of the cane chopper/labeler in the cane carrier. To prevent it from spreading outside, install a 1.0 m x 0.50 m length deflector plate in the hood of the chopper/labeler by supporting it on a hinge and give a satisfactory trial. To give a trial by replacing the broken/broken chain guide of the secondary rank carrier with a new guide. Cutting out the melted discharge suit of secondary rank carriers and mills and making a suit from 6/8 mm thick new/old plate and fitting it with 3 mm thick SS plate. Cutting and removing the weak/gully half round plate on the tail of SRC/IA RC chansons, preparing the MS plate of 12th MA as per the sample and fitting it in place and fitting a liner of SS plate of 3 mm thickness on top of it as appropriate. Leakproof by welding and giving satisfactory trial. The plate of juice screen installed at Mill No. 1 and 2, which has melted or got damaged, should be replaced with the plate provided and given trial by leak proof welding. Make a new suit on the drive and driven side of the auxiliary can carrier and fit it in place by fitting it with a rubber belt. Complete repair work of the old rakes installed in the SRCI RC mill. Making new discharge suits installed in the mill which are melted/worn out from 16 mm MS plate provided and giving satisfactory trial. The 3 mm SS plate fitted at the bottom of SRC and IRC has melted/worn out. Installing 3 mm SS plate over the provided MS plate and giving satisfactory trial. To repair the 10 SS pipes and 8 MS juice pipes installed in the mill which are leaking at various places or to install the pipes provided and give satisfactory trials. The receiving tank of the rotary juice screen installed in the mill is corroded/worn out. Making jaya from the plate provided and giving a satisfactory trial. Making ring disc of 10/12 mm thick plate for main can carrier, mini can carrier and auxiliary sprocket. Repairing/screwing work of cane carrier, mini cane carrier and accessories and neck/screw support column fitted on mill. Cutting and removing the neck column/beam (on which the IA beam is fixed with razor) of Mann Cane Carrier, Mini Cane Carrier and Auxiliary Cane Carrier and making a new column/beam from the given MS channel/Ia beam and fitting it in place. Work. In each column of the can carrier, mini can carrier and firearm can carrier (on both sides of the mat running on the Adler below), a piece of 8/10 mm MS plate (200 mm x 200 mm) should be bent and fitted so that the mat does not stick to any column. Dont get stuck in a collision. Cutting and removing the melted columns on both sides of the non-drive sprocket of S.R.C.I.R.C. and installing new columns from the given channel at their respective places. SRC Cutting and removing the channels/beams which are attached to the bundle of motor and reduction gear box located on the drive side of C/IARC and the work of installing and welding the given channels/beams at their place. Making a complete new pressure chute located between GRPF and Mill No. 1 (made from 30 mm MS plate and placing 8 mm SS plate on top of it) as per the sample and drawing given. The work of cutting and removing the 300 mm channel installed in the lower part of the rail beam (on which the bridge runs) of the Can Unloader Bridge has melted and installing the given channel in place, strengthening it and doing complete welding. The base (main foundation) of the truck tripler platform which is made of 300 mm IA beam has melted and has become tender, remove it and make a new base from the given IA beam and fit it in place and give a satisfactory trial. (Note - To replace this base, the platform and hydraulic cylinder will have to be removed and after making the new base, the platform and hydraulic cylinder will have to be fitted again in the same place) The screw conveyor which is installed to take the waste from the juice screen to IRC No. 1, should be made new from the given SS pipe/SS plate, welded and given satisfactory trial. The work of replacing the weakened part of the screw conveyor installed to transport the bagasse coming out of the juice screen to IARA C No. 1. boiler house functions Dismantle and repair the chain guide fitted on all types of bagasse carriers and reinstall it/give satisfactory trial. Cutting and removing the defective side plate of all types of Bangas carriers and giving satisfactory trial by fitting the side plate with 6 mm plate provided by the mill. Removal of worn, cut and old razors of all types of bangas carriers and available through mill. Connect 65 x 10 mm new razor with line string and put it on the base box and give a satisfactory trial. Repairing and installing broken and old sanders of all types of bagasse carriers as per the pattern and giving satisfactory trials. Cutting the neck and damaged top (top and bottom) of all types of carriers and making them from 08 mm plate available by the mill and giving satisfactory trial. Straightening the mesh frame of the bangalo and removing the torn mesh and replacing it with a mesh with void holes made of perforate (05 mm/03 mm) available from the mill and giving a satisfactory trial. Making and installing suction delivery damper of ID fans of boiler no. 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05. Cutting out the gully and faulty flue gas ducting of all the boilers and installing new ducting from new/old 6/8 mm plate, doing leakproof welding and strengthening it with Agile channel and giving satisfactory trials. Making and installing sliding doors as per requirement on the old Bangas carrier and new Bangas carrier. Creating new rank as per old rank for old Bangas Carrier, old Cross Carrier and new Cross Carrier Removing damaged and melted tubes of boiler air heater of 20 ton/hr capacity and expanding them by installing new/old tubes provided and giving satisfactory leak proof trials. Removing damaged and melted tubes of 30 ton/hr capacity boiler air heater and expanding it by installing new/old tubes provided and giving satisfactory leak proof trial. Removing damaged and melted tubes of 40 ton/hr capacity boiler air heater and expanding it by installing new/old tubes provided and giving satisfactory leak proof trial. Making and installing the gully/cut side plate to be fitted in the side walls of 40 tonne boilers as per the instructions and giving leakproof trial. Changing side/roof plate by changing angle structure of side walls Removing the throat/defective dampers in economizer/airheater of old 20/30/40 ton boilers and installing them as per the sample from new/old plate and giving satisfactory trial. Removing the neck/defective man hole of air heater/economizer/flue gas ducting of old/new boilers and installing new one as per the old one, giving satisfactory trial. Cutting, repairing and straightening of bent/met beams of size 300 mm x 150 mm due to pressure damage of Boiler No. 4 and 5, 40 Ton Capacity (45 kg)/cm2. To fit back into place. Cutting and removing the crooked 250 x 150 mm size beams installed on the roof of boilers No. 1, 2 and 3 of 20 ton, 20 ton and 30 ton capacity boilers respectively and repairing/straightening them or making new ones and installing them in place. 20 ton boiler beam 30 ton boiler beam Cutting out the neck parts of the casing of ID/FD fans of boilers, making them from available 08 mm plates, fitting them in place and giving trials. 20 Ton IADA Fan Casing 30 Ton IADA Fan Casing 40 Ton IADA Fan Casing Casing of FD fan of 20 ton boiler Removal of neck/torn ducting and throat dampers of delivery ducting of FD fan of boiler no. 4 and 5 and installation of new ducting/dampers after making them as before and giving successful trial. Acting replacement. Damper replacement work. Strengthening the broken parts of the bundle (RA, G box and motor) and the broken parts of the column of all types of bagasse carriers with plates/channels/beams/angles and aligning them to give satisfactory trials. For fitting the internals of the steam drum of Boiler No. 3 of 30 tonne capacity, the frame of MS plate is fabricated as per the sample, wire netting etc. is fitted on it as per the drawing, tying it to the drum and fitting the feed pipe around it. Cutting and removing the weak/weak parts of the square ducting used for providing air input to the FDA fan in the floors of Boiler No. 1 and 2 of 20 ton capacity, preparing the ducting as per the sample from new/old 08 mm MS plate, fitting it in place and doing leakproof welding. . Cutting and removing the 6/8 sized sore/weak pipes of secondary air which bring ash from the rear end ash suits of boiler no. 4 and 5 into the combustion chamber of the boiler under the pressure of secondary air and replacing them with new SS pipes. Installation as per sample and giving leakproof trial. Removing the MS plate from the neck and defective door frame on boiler no. 4 and 5 and making a satisfactory frame from new 25 mm MS plate and giving it trial. Making mesh from MS plate given for internal fitting of steam drum of boiler number 1 and 2 of 20 ton capacity and tying it to the steam drum. Opening the casing of the old ID fan of 40 tonne capacity Boiler No. 4 and 5, taking out the new ID fan given in its place from the truck, assembling it and installing it at its place and giving a satisfactory trial by making the relevant connections. Taking out the damaged/old ID fans of 40 tonne capacity boiler no. 4 and 5, repairing them and reinstalling them in place and giving satisfactory trials by making related connections. Opening the casing of the old ID fan of Boiler No. 1, 2 and 3 of 20 ton/20 ton/30 ton capacity respectively, taking out the new ID fan given in its place from the truck, assembling it and installing it at its place and related Make a connection and give a satisfactory trial. Taking out the damaged/old ID fans of Boiler No. 1, 2 and 3 of 20 ton/20 ton/30 ton capacity respectively, repairing them and reinstalling them at the same place and giving satisfactory trial by making the respective connections. Cutting out the gully plates of the bagasse soot going into the boilers from the bagasse carrier of boiler no. 3, 4 and 5 of 30 tonne and 40 tonne capacity and making/repairing new bagasse soot from the given MS plate (6 mm) in its place. to do. Make a new suit for bagasse belt conveyor and discharge as per the instructions and install it at the specified place. Making new ranks of pipe and figure type designs for main bagasse carrier and giving trials. Work related to wet skewers of old boilers. (a) Installing the top plate of Venturi by making it new from the provided 06/08 mm plate. (b) The work of patching the weak/corroded part of the cell of Venturi/Vant Square. (c) Re-installing the nose pipe arrangement of wet skewer and venturi and giving a satisfactory trial by installing the inner neck/weak cross/support. Cutting out the razor base from all the Bangas carriers and replacing it with a new angle/channel base and bundling. D.M. Making a new fan for the plant blower and removing the old one and putting it in the scrap yard. ID/FD of boiler. Fen Repair: Cutting out and removing a worn expansionary joint in gas ducting and refitting a new expansionary joint. Two pieces of 20 ton capacity, 01 piece of 30 ton capacity ID fan outlet flue gas ducting installed on the boiler and making the flue gas ducting up to the wet screw venturi satisfactory as per the instructions. The water spray system of wet screw of boiler No. 0-4 and 05, which is weak and weak, is made 8 mm. Making a new one using plate and one and a half inch pipe and giving a satisfactory trial. Replacement of broken/torn mesh of ash clarification tank and giving satisfactory trial. Jaye: Cutting out the weak/weak sprocket casing of the old bagasse carrier and replacing it with 8 mm. Making a new casing from thick plate and installing it and giving a satisfactory trial. Taking down the gully/weak bagasil pipe and making bagasil pipe from 2/3 mm soil plate, fitting it at the place and giving satisfactory trial. Replacement of boiler throat blow-down pipe light structure work Take the 3 inch diameter seamless (SC-40) pipeline provided by the mill from the header of the feed pump to boiler no. 3 and connect it and give a satisfactory trial by installing the valves as per the standard. (hot water feed line) Installing tube feed pump along with pipeline and valve on old boiler and giving satisfactory trial. Bringing a pipeline of about 800 mm diameter from the bagasse dryer fan to the discharge suit of Mill No. 4 and giving satisfactory trials by making a hopper in the discharge suit as per the instructions and leakproofing the casing of the fan. Belt Conveyor No. 1 Structure, Platform, Motor and RG. Making the bed of the box and aligning it with a cylinder and giving a satisfactory trial. Belt Conveyor No. 2 Structure, Platform, Motor and RV. Yes. Making the bed of the box and aligning it with a cylinder and giving a satisfactory trial. Belt Conveyor No. 3 Structure, Platform, Motor and RV. Yes. Making the bed of the box and aligning it with a cylinder and giving a satisfactory trial. ID Fan/FDA of Boiler No. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Making the fan bed as per standard and giving satisfactory trial. power house Successfully conduct trial by completing the work of replacing the melted or broken drain pipes of steam lines/turbines in the power house/correcting the leakages, extending the pipes to the prescribed/directed position. To give successful trials to the oil coolers of turbines/radiators of alternators by checking the pipelines/bands/flanges coming from the cold water tank, replacing broken/corroded/weak pipes/bands/flanges etc. Work like replacement of sore/weak bands/pipe lines with old/new ones and successful trials etc. of the return pipeline from the turbines which goes to the service tank. Replacement of neck/weak part of oil/water resistance boxes installed at various stations with new/old plates, etc. Work, raising the boxes one foot above the ground. Folding tins/old drums/old plastic drums/plates over the motors installed at various stations in such a way that the motors can be protected from water/molasses. 10 H.P. till the motor 12.5 HP to 25 H.P. till 30 HP to 50 HP till 50 HP to 75 HP till 75 HP to 150 HP till 150 hp Above this Patching of weak joints/sections in exhaust pipe lines of incinerator/turbo/mill/power turbines. Replace with new plate and give satisfactory trial. Changing the neck bands of the exhaust pipes below the power house from 600 mm dia to 1200 mm dia and replacing the drain pipes to take them out of the power house. The work of bringing the old Jury Efranet and Azer Fapar Ta pipeline outside the Papar House to the bus room of the Tripana Pa Bellis turbine so that the cooling of the alternator is maintained. To expel the hot exhaust of Triveni and Bellis alternator under the power house. In the old lines built for this purpose, the weak lines will be filled with old drums/pipes made from old plates. Making and giving a satisfactory trial. Making a sealed room around the DB of boiler No. 4 and 5 with tin shed and old boiler tubes so that Bagasillo does not remain in and around the boiler DB. Boiling House, Sulphite Juice, Clear Juice Pump, Lime Kiln, Vertical Injection Motor and making a tin shed using tin from the old warehouse. Work to replace the damaged tin above the panel room of A-Centrifugal Machine. Leak proofing of the roof of the power house by cleaning the drains on the side walls of the power house and making it out of the old plate of the sore/weak/damaged gutter so that water does not come into the power house from the side walls.

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