
Tender For Rate Contract For Preventive/ Routine/ Breakdown Maintenance/Emergency Restoration And Other Works Under Various Heads For Various Grid Stations And Transmission Lines, udhampur-Jammu And Kashmir

Power Development Department has published Tender For Rate Contract For Preventive/ Routine/ Breakdown Maintenance/Emergency Restoration And Other Works Under Various Heads For Various Grid Stations And Transmission Lines. Submission Date for this Tender is 01-07-2024. Electrical Maintenance Tenders in udhampur Jammu And Kashmir. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rate Contract For Preventive/ Routine/ Breakdown Maintenance/Emergency Restoration And Other Works Under Various Heads For Various Grid Stations And Transmission Lines
Open Tender
Jammu And Kashmir

Tender Details

tender for RATE CONTRACT for Preventive/ Routine/ Breakdown Maintenance/Emergency Restoration and Other Works under various heads for various Grid Stations and Transmission Lines-- 1 Auto-Transformers/Power Transformers :- A) Checking of Auto starting of fans, External cleaning of radiators,oil pumps OFAF/ONAF,Cleaning and checking of marshalling boxes of transformer/reactor and OLTC, (ii)Tightening of terminations, Checking of OLTC driving mechanism, Electrical checking/ testing of pressure relief device, Buchholz relay, OLTC surge relay/ checking of alarm/ tripand checking/ replacement of the gaskets of the terminal box, Checking / Tightning of earthing connections,Checking of earth resistance of Neutral, Replacement of Silca Gel of breathers and oil toping of transformers and tightning of bushing clamps on HV/IV/LV sides of160 mva auto transformers and 20MVA to 50MVA, power transformers. Checking of space heater and illumination. 2 160 MVA , 220/132 KV 3 50 MVA , 132/33 KV 4 20 MVA 132/33 KV 5 40 MVA 220/132 KV 6 Draningof transformer oil of transformers 7 Filling of oil, filitration and dehydration of transformer includinginstallation of vacume pump to be provided by the Department. 8 Reparing of cooling fans of transformers including replacement of damaged winding, bearing etc. 9 Lifting of top lid of power transformer for complete physical inspection & replacement of gaskets. 10 Replacement of damaged core bolts/Earthning strip etc. 11 Testing of Transformer:- 12 Testing of Transformer:- tandelta testing of bushing/ winding &BDV testing of transformer oil. (TESTING KIT WILL BE PROVIDED BY DEPARTMENT) 13 DGA and PPM of Transformer from accredIted laboratories. 14 Replacement of damaged/outlived bushing having high tan delta including crane/ mechanical equipment if required. 15 220 KV Bushing 16 132 KV Bushing 17 33 KV Bushing 18 Overhauling of Circuit Breaker :- VCB/MOCB/SF6Checking of oil/gas pressure drop during duty cycle operation check, Checking of auto-starting / stopping of oil pump,pressure switch setting,etc, Checking of healthiness of accumulator by checking the pre-charging pressure when building up pressure from zero, Checking of operation of safety valve, Cleaning of breaker units, checking of protection equipments and replacement of defective ones, i.e., complete inspection and testing of SF6/VCB/MOCB type circuit breakers inclusive of operating mechanism.Checking of driving mechanism, trip/closing circuits/ checking of spring charge motor and checking of tripping and closing coils.checking of equipment earthing and strucure earthing. Maintaning gas levels, venting of circuit breakers, replacement of o-rings , gas kits including circuit breaker anylysisby Circuit breaker analyser.Checking of space heater and illumination.Required as per schedule of maintenance 19 220KV SF6 Breaker 20 132KV SF6/MOCB Breaker 21 33 KV VCB 22 Replacement of damaged pole of the circuit Breakerincludingcarriage of the Equipmentfrom divisional store to the site of work and back carriage of the damaged equiupment to the divisional store.220KV SF6 Breaker 23 Replacement of damaged pole of the circuit Breakerincludingcarriage of the Equipmentfrom divisional store to the site of work and back carriage of the damaged equiupment to the divisional store.132KV SF6/MOCB Breaker 24 Replacement of damaged pole of the circuit Breakerincludingcarriage of the Equipmentfrom divisional store to the site of work and back carriage of the damaged equiupment to the divisional store.33 KV VCB 25 CVTs /CTs /PTs :- Visual checking of earthing HFpoint (in case it is not being used for PLCC,Checking of any breakage or cracks in porclean insulator, Cleaning of CVT capacitor stacks and tightness of terminal connections,Checking and tightness of all connections including earth connections.Checking of healthiness of gaskets, Checking ofneutral earthing in CVT, healthiness of all gaskets and oil level and its topping.Measurement of IR value and tightening of all connections and droppers.Primary injection test of CT/PT, Tan delta,knee point value, burden etc. 26 220 KV 27 132 KV 28 33 KV 29 Replacement of damaged CT/PT includingcarriage of the Equipmentfrom divisional store to the site of work and back carriage of the damaged equiupment to the divisional store. 30 220 KV 31 132 KV 32 33 KV 33 Surge Arrestors :-Checking of leakage current(third harmonic resistive current),Testing of counters and leakage current meters, Cleaning of insulators, Checking ofearth connections between surge arrester,surge monitor and earth, Checking of leakage current after cleaning of porcelain surface, cleaning of LA insulators. Measurement of IR value and tightening of droppers. 34 220 kV 35 132 kV 36 33 KV 37 Replacement of damaged Surge Arrestor includingcarriage of the Equipmentfrom divisional store to the site of work and back carriage of the damaged equiupment to the divisional store. 38 220 kV 39 132 kV 40 33 KV 41 Isolators :- Maintenance of linkages including transmission gears, stopper bolts. Cleaning of auxiliary switch contacts and greasing with silca grease, cleaning of support insulators, termination contacts, checking of elecctrical / mechanical interlocks with E/S and CB, mounting bolts, alignment, nuts, pins, space heater, illumination, healthiness of gaskets, auxiliary contacts, alignment of earthing blades, operation of earth switch, almunium / copper flexible conductor, earth connections of structures and MB. lubrication of operating mechanism, hinges lock joints, levers, bearings, main contacts, cleaning of post insulators, tightening of clamps. 42 220 kV 43 132 kV 44 33 KV 45 Replacement of damaged Isolators includingcarriage of the Equipmentfrom divisional store to the site of work and back carriage of the damaged equiupment to the divisional store. 46 220 kV 47 132 kV 48 33 KV 49 Reparing of Three phase motors of isolators including replacement of damaged winding and bearing. 50 Droppers/JumpersReplacement of damaged / burnt droppers or jumpersof isolators/ breakers/transformers /CT/PT etc.220/132/33 KV Yard. 51 Clamps:Replacement of damaged/burnt PG/ PAD/T/CT/Bushing clamp etc 52 Post Insulators :- Checking of insulators for cracks and cleaning of insulators and its replacemnt. 53 220 kV 54 132 kV 55 33 KV 56 Illumination System :- Checking of healthiness of fittings in station buildings, outdoor switch yard, Tightening of terminals, etc. 57 Battery Bank:Checking and cleaning of battery cell terminals, application of patrolum gelly, if required, conduction of battery impendence test and discharge test checking voltage temperature, current, sp. Gravity of individual cells as well as terminals voltage, battery dischrge testing etc.Checking of positive/Negative earth fault of dc.Terminal tightening. 58 Battery Charger :- Checking of control cards, measurement of test point voltage values, testing of DC earthfault and U/V relays, IR measurement of charger transformer, checking of earthing etc. Checking of charger panel / DCDB for electrical connections, cleanliness etc. 59 Protection System :- Checking of relays and application of CCl4 for cleaning,replacement of worn out/ defunct relays, checking and replacement of control wiring, if required, primery & secondery injection testing,software settings etc. 60 Cleaning of cable trenches/ ducts including of dressing of cables, trays, racks , repair of damaged duct covers etc 61 Main 62 sub main 63 T-off 64 Gantry Columns and Beams :- Tightening of all nuts / bolts and providing of missing nuts / bolts and replacement of damaged members. 65 220 kV 66 132 kV 67 33 KV 68 L.T. Transformer :-Testing of oil BDV, IR measurement, Testing /checking of OTI,WTI and Buchholz (if provided, Checking of healthiness of Pressure relief diaphragm, Checking healthiness of Buchholz relay, Checking tightness of earthing connections 69 L.T Pannel:Cleaning of panels,bus bar insulators etc. Relays Testing, Tightning of all electrical connections,Checking of indicating meters ,Check for change-over facility, if provided,Check operation /indications in OFF Load condition of MCCB, 70 Earthing Mat :- Measurment of earth resistivity, checking of electrical continuity of equipment earthings, tightening of earthing connectors, removal of rust from bolted earth connectors and tightening and additional earthing wherever required.220/132/33 kV 71 earthing of equipment with pipe earthing at220/132/33 kV alongwith connection to equipment with G.I. Strip 72 Improvement of earth mat with Spike earthing of 40 mm dia M.S. Rod wherever required 73 DC Distribution Board :-Checking of connections, wiring, replacement of wiring if needed and checking of healthiness of all D/C and dc circuits of 33/132/220 Kv yards 74 AC Distribution Board :-Checking of connections, wiring, replacement of wiring if needed,fuses,MCB,bus bar CT, relays,MFM,LT switchs etcand checking of healthiness of all connections and AC circuits of 33/132/220 kv yards. 75 Replacement of damaged/outlived/burnt control cables of different cores icluding proper ferruling, thimbling and tagging and finally with all appropriate connections including lifting of duct covers upto 10 core 76 Replacement of damaged/outlived/burnt control cables of different cores icluding proper ferruling, thimbling and tagging and finally with all appropriate connections including lifting of duct covers above 10 core 77 Marshelling koisk:-checking of all Terminal blocks, space heaters, light illumination, checking of all connnections and its cleaning. Fixing of cable glands earthing and checking of all other electrical accessories . 78 Capacitor Banks :-Checking/ tighteningof capacitor cells terminals, reactorand checking its wiring connection and its control circuit.etc 79 Replacement of damaged ACSR Conductor along with its fittings.220 kv yard 80 BUS BAR :-Replacement of damaged ACSR Conductor along with its fittings.132 kv yard 81 BUS BAR :-Replacement of damaged ACSR Conductor along with its fittings.33 kv yard 82 Automatic voltage regulator:-checking and tightening of connections, auto control unit, oil and its overhaulling 83 Diesel Generator set: periodic Maintenance and checking of its operation by way of changing of filters, engine oil, coolant etc 84 Deweeding, removal of vegetation, cutting of bushes in switch yard 85 Painting of outdoor equipments (Transformers, MKs, CT/PT/CVT, Protection wall, Circuit breaker, isolatores, poles etc. including cost of painting material, one coat of red oxide wherever required and two coat of enamel spray paint 86 Painting ofequipments & gantry column beam structuresincluding cost of painting material, one coat of red oxide wherever required and two coat of enamel spray paint 87 AC Units: Checking and Servicing of Installed AC unit inside control room (1- 3 Ton) 88 Preparation of surface by scrapping old white wash, applying one coat of cement primerfor Control Room/Residencial Quarters/Office building 89 White-Washing of Control Room/Residencial Quarters/Office building by using two coat of oil bound distemper 90 Repairing of Sanitaryinstalled in the control romm/ office building/division building/residential quaters/Toilts and replacement of any damageditem if required. (lab. Only) 91 Repairing of electrical accessories installed in the control romm/ office building/division building/residential quaters/Toilts and replacement of any damageditem if required. (lab. Only) 92 Providing of skilled/ semi skilled/ un skilled labour for the works under this division which are not covered in this BOQ 93 skilled labour 94 semi- skilled 95 un skilled 96 Store Handling 97 Unloading / Loading ofC&R Panels, in divisional storeIncluding manual Carriage within store yard). 98 Unloading / Loading of,angle iron, Tor steel , tower materialin divisional store Including manual Carriage within store yard). 99 Unloading / Loading of CT/CVT/PT/PI etc in divisional storeIncluding manual Carriage within store yard). 100 Unloading / Loading of CB/LA/Isolators/etc in divisional storeIncluding manual Carriage within store yard). 101 MT Carriage of T&P and other allied material from Divsional Stores to site of work and back carraige of T&P and material including halt at site till completuion of work 102 First 20 Km 103 Next Km upto 250 km 104 Replacement of Pad clamps Moose/Zebra/ Panther 105 Replacement of T clamps Moose/Zebra/ Panther 106 Replacement of PG clamps Moose/Zebra/ Panther 107 SITC of Pad clamps Moose/Zebra/ Panther 108 SITC of T clamps Moose/Zebra/ Panther 109 SITC of PG clamps Moose/Zebra/ Panther 110 Concreting of yard as per directions of EngineerIncharge including material 111 Laying Of Gravel of appropriate size including material 112 Replacement of Galvanised Iron of various sizes 113 Replacement of Galvanised Nut and Bolts of various sizes 114 Replacement of Turn Buckle alongwith U Clamp 115 SITC of Galvanised Iron of various sizes 116 SITC of Galvanised Nut and Bolts of various sizes 117 SITC of Turn Buckle alongwith U Clamp 118 Repair of Cable Ducts (complete job) 119 P/F of Cable ducts cover made ofReinforcement Cement concrete (1:2:4) cover as per site, as per design Steel bar and angle iron frame to be provided by the department 120 Laying Of foundations of Gantry and other equipments with material, reinforcement1:11/2:3 complete job as per design to be provided by the department 121 Transmission line S/C and D/C :- ( Including carriage of T&P from stores and Shutdown Factor) 122 Checking and tightening of jumpers 123 Replacement ofburnt /damaged jumpers and tightening of remaining jumpers on the same location 124 Fixing of damper/vibrator on earthwire/ACSR Conductor 125 Replacement of damaged disc insulators 126 Tension string 127 Suspension string 128 Repairing of power conductor when lowering of conductor is necessary. Complete job including laying of conductor, making of compression joint, if any, rough sagging tensioning of conductor, fixing dead end assembly etc. upto span of 500 meter. 129 Repairing of power conductor when lowering of conductor is necessary. Complete job including laying of conductor, making of compression joint, if any, rough sagging tensioning of conductor, fixing dead end assembly etc. beyond500 m - 1000 mtr 130 Repairing of power conductor when lowering of conductor is necessary. Complete job including laying of conductor, making of compression joint, if any, rough sagging tensioning of conductor, fixing dead end assembly etc. beyond 1000 mtr 131 Laying,Stringing and saging of ACSRconductor including sagging, tensioning, fitting of dead end assamblies etc.(complete job) 132 Repairing of ground wire when lowering of conductor is necessary. Complete job including laying of conductor, making of compression joint, if any, rough sagging tensioning of conductor, fixing dead end assembly etc. upto span of 500 meter tension 133 Laying,Stringing and saging of ground wire including sagging, tensioning, fitting of dead end assamblies etc.(complete job) 134 Tower S/C and D/C:- 135 Tightening of nuts and bolts of tower superstructures replacement of missing ones. 136 a) Tower weight more than 4 tonnes to 7.5 tonnes 137 b) Tower weight more than 7.5 tonnes 138 Checking/ tightening of tower footing earthing bolts and measuring tower footing resistance. 139 Branch cutting: under the coridor of 132 KV S/C and D/C transmission line 16 mtrand under tower structure 140 Branch cutting: under the coridor of 220 KV S/C and D/C transmission line 20 mtr and under tower structure 141 Replacement of missing tower members 142 Reparing damaged conductor by using helical sleeve or Bolted or by shorting method with out lowering. The conductor 143 Dismantling and refixing of anti-climbing device/Bird Guardover S/C &D/C tower 144 Fixing of phase plates/No. plates/danger plates overS/C & D/C tower 145 Fixing of repair sleeves compression type for over ACSR conductor 146 Cutting of vegetation from the tower platform including disposal 147 Removal of slip from tower platform and catch water drain including disposal 148 Filling of earth in tower platform including excavation and manual carraige to the site 149 Repairing of crates by way of binding of opened crated with binding wire( B.wire to be provided by the contractor) 150 Repair of Foundation by way of Providing RCC in ratio not less than M15. (with material) complete job 151 Repair of protection wall in 1:6 RR (with material) complete job 152 Store handling: 153 Unloading / Loading ofT&P Material for Transmission Line works including Four Sheaves pulley,Pulleys,Ropes,Compression machine etc in divisional storesincluding manual carriage within store yard. 154 Unloading / Loading ofCement in divisional store Including manual Carriage within store yard). 155 Unloading / Loading ofDisc Insulators/Fittings in divisional storeIncluding manual Carriage within store yard). 156 Fabrication of Tower members anchor blocksand other Angle/steelworks etc 157 Unloading / Loading of conductor/control cable etc in divisional store Including manual Carriage within store yard). 158 Sorting of tower material/ stacking including manual Carriage within store yard). 159 Emergency Restoration Works and Other Works under various heads (Transmission Lines) 160 Dismantling of ACSR Panther Conductor 161 Dismantling of ACSR Zebra Conductor 162 Installation of insulator strings complete with necessary hardware, laying and stringing of ACSR Zebra Conductor including fixing of conductor accessories (Complete Job) 163 Installation of insulator strings complete with necessary hardware, laying and stringing of ACSR Panther Conductor including fixing of conductor accessories (Complete Job) 164 Dismantling of earthwire 165 Laying and stringing of earthwire (Complete Job) 166 Dismantling of Tower (Snow Zone) 167 Dismantling of Tower (Non-Snow Zone) 168 Erection of Tower alongwith nutbolt and other accessories (Snow Zone) 169 Erection of Tower alongwith nutbolt and other accessories (Non -Snow Zone) 170 Erection of ERS including fixing of 16 No.Guys after emebedding the Guy platesin Pits after exacavation of PIT size 1.5 Mtr x.1.5Mtr. x 3Mtr and backfill 171 Dismantling of ERS alongwith dismantling of Guys Complete Job 172 Dismanting of damaged Protection wall in 1:6 RR Masonary 173 Removing of damaged mulba 174 Protection Work to tower in 1:6 RS (Complete job with material) 175 Catch Water Drain0.8x0.8 in 1:6 RSM (Complete job with material) 176 Survey works of Transmission Line 220/132 KV including preparation of Google sheet, profile, tower spotting 177 Excavation in DFR foundation 178 Excavation in DRY foundation 179 Excavation in WET foundation 180 Excavation in PS foundation 181 Excavation in FS foundation 182 Benching in all kinds of soil 183 Benching in hard rock 184 Laying of foundation of Towers in M5 185 Laying of foundation of Towers in M7.5 186 Laying of foundation of Towers in M10 187 Laying of foundation of Towers in M15 188 Laying of foundation of Towers in M20 189 Laying of foundation of Towers in M25 190 SITC of Reinforcement of all sorts 191 Construction of Anchoring blocks and fixing of anchors (if anchors to be provided by department) 192 Construction of Anchoring blocks and fixing of anchors including material and labour 193 U/L of T&P at site from vehicle 194 U/L of Tower materialat site from vehicle 195 U/L of conductor, fiitings, discs and other H/W material at site 196 Carriage of T&Pfromsite to site of work manually 197 Carriage of TOWER Material fromsite to site of work manually 198 Painting of Truck 199 Routine servicing, changing of oil and tuning of Mahindra Bolero 200 Routine servicing, changing of oil and tuning of departmental truck 201 Measuring and cutting of ACSR Zebra conductor at Divisional store 202 Measuring and cutting of ACSR Panther conductor at Divisional store 203 Measuring and cutting of E/W at Divisional store 204 Loading/U/Lof ACSR Zebra into vehicle at Store 205 Loading /U/L of ACSR Panther into vehicle at Store 206 Loading /U/L of E/Winto vehicle at Store 207 Loading /U/L of Hardware Materialinto vehicle at Store 208 Loading /U/L of Tower material into vehicle at Store 209 Carriage of Tower Material within store premises for sorting of tower material/ cleaning of yards/ verification of material 210 Carriage/stacking of 33 KV equipmentsCT/ PT, /PI /at store for loading into vehicle/ cleaning of spaces/ verification of matwerial 211 Carriage/stacking of 33 KV equipments VCB, /ISOLATORS/LAat store for loading into vehicle/ cleaning of spaces/ verification of matwerial 212 Carriage/stacking of 132 KV equipmentsCT/ PT, /PI /at store for loading into vehicle/ cleaning of spaces/ verification of matwerial 213 Carriage/stacking of 132 KV equipments VCB, /ISOLATORS/LAat store for loading into vehicle/ cleaning of spaces/ verification of matwerial 214 Carriage/stacking of 220 KV equipmentsCT/ PT, /PI /at store for loading into vehicle/ cleaning of spaces/ verification of matwerial 215 Carriage/stacking of 220 KV equipments VCB, /ISOLATORS/LAat store for loading into vehicle/ cleaning of spaces/ verification of matwerial 216 Carriage ofdiscs insulatorsfromsite to site of work manually 217 Carriage of Tower member, conductor, fiitings and other H/W material fromsite to site of work manually 218 P/F B..A wire Knitted crates of size 6 x 1.5 x 1.5 mtrs including carriage upto site 219 P/F of Steel wire rope of 10/12/16 mm from anchor bolt to tower 220 Fixing of Steel wire rope of 10/12/16 mm from anchor bolt to tower 221 Repairing of mesh fencing and barbed wire FENCING 222 Reconditioning/ repairing /overhauling of HYDRAULLIC compressor 223 Reconditioning/ repairing /overhauling of Four sheeve pulleys 224 Loading/unloading of earthing transformer/aux. transformer 33/0.44 KV 225 Carriage/dragging of earthing transformer/aux. transformer 33/0.44 KV upto 200 mtr. 226 Loading of Transformer oil 227 U/Loading of Transformer oil

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