Tender For Belrayan Fabrication And Erection Work In Pan, Centrifugal, Injection, Sprey, Molasses Tank Etc For The Year 2024-25, pan station functions Replacement of weak/gully/side/bottom plate of pan floor syrup/molasses tank and giving leak proof trial by welding. Seal the leaky joint by sealing it and give it a trial by filling it with water. To prepare the column structure of spray/dejection pumps for removing the motor and pump and to prepare the ladder and chain block for removing and repairing the pump/motor. Cutting out the weak parts of the cell and top taper portion of the pans and preparing the cell from the given 10/12 mm thick plate and fixing it as before, making a V and double coat from inside and outside for leak proofing and doing necessary strengthening and satisfactory water/vacuum. To give trial. Open the jam syrup/mascot pipes of the mill, clean them completely from inside and outside, tie them and give them trial. (up to 30 cm dia) Cutting and removing weak manholes from various vessels, vapor pipes etc., preparing new manholes and making them leak proof. Cutting, removing and installing the pan condenser and doing all the other welding related work and giving the trial successfully. Removal of sore/weak/defective vapor pipe of 800 mm to 1300 mm diameter of the pans and replacing it by making a new vapor pipe from a plate of 8 mm to 12 mm thickness and making it in place and giving a satisfactory trial and scrap pipe/iron as scrap. To keep in the yard. Cutting out ammonia/syrup/molasses/water/steam gully/weak coils of different sizes of pan and fabricating new coils as per the sample, installing them at the place and giving leak proof trial. Making new ones of 5 cm0 to 25 cm diameter in place of steam coils, molasses conditioners or steam coils of other places which are sore/weak and giving satisfactory trials. Removing the vapor assembly by cutting the weak/tight top plate of the catcher and installing its new element and giving satisfactory water/vacuum trial by doing leak proof welding. Cutting out the weak part of the defective cell of the catcher and patching/welding a new plate in its place and cutting out the weak part of the coil and replacing it as per instructions. Cutting off the part of the damaged steam jacket cell from the neck of the pans caladriya and replacing it with a new plate and carrying out the work related to baling and successfully giving the trial. Downtake gully of pan calendriya by cutting out the shell, 10/12 mm thick. After preparing the shell from MS plate, installing it at the place and doing double coat balding, it was successful. Giving water/vacuum trial. Removing the corroded/broken platform plate at the pan station by strengthening it with the given plate pipe and preparing the platform by installing the plate and railing. Cutting out the necks and weak feed boxes of the pans and fabricating a new feed box of 12 mm thickness plate as per the sample and fitting it at its place and doing all the connections as before and giving it leak proof water and vacuum trials. Fabricate the new valve and fit it in place and give satisfactory water and vacuum trials. Repairing the pan shell and bottom saucer neck part by patch welding and giving trial. Cutting off the top and side portion of the weak/sore/damaged sevaal of the pan and patching it with a new plate and giving a satisfactory vacuum trial. Cutting out the neck/weak umbrella of the pans and fabricating a new umbrella as per the sample, fitting it in place and providing necessary support. Removing the bed, motor reduction gear box structure of the mechanical circulator installed on the pans, shaft and fino of the shaft, repairing it properly and installing it at its place and giving it a successful trial. Cutting out the necks/weak vapor bends of 900 mm to 1300 mm pans, fabricating the bends as per sample from 10/12 mm thick plate, fitting them in place, double coat welding from inside and outside, making it leak proof and providing necessary support and satisfactory water and vacuum. To give trial. Cutting out the neck/weak part of the shell of vacuum crystallizer/air cooled crystallizer. And 10 mm thick new or cut part of the old plate taken from the pan shell. Prepare as per requirement and fit in place and make V and double coat inside and outside. Leak proofing by baling, installing necessary supports for strengthening and satisfactory Giving water/vacuum trial. The bottom cones of the catchers installed in the pans have to be changed by cutting them off and making new bottom cones as per the sample, installing them in place and giving a satisfactory trial. Removing broken shafts of air/water cooled crystallizers, vacuum crystallizers and fitting the shafts by repairing or making new ones as per instructions. Fit all the arms, ribbon and worm and worm wheel and align them and give a successful trial. Removing the manual discharge valve installed in the pans and replacing it with a new pneumatic discharge valve and giving a successful trial (water/vacuum). Removing the manual cutover valve installed in the pans and replacing it with a new pneumatic cutover valve and giving it a successful trial (water vacuum). Removing the old spray pump and installing a new vertical injection pump (bed structure, motor column flange pipe and all valves related to it) in its place and successfully testing it. Remove the old melted steam header from 300 mm dia to 700 mm dia by cutting it and in its place make a new header from 300 mm dia to 700 mm dia from 8/10 mm thick plate, install it at its place and conduct the trial successfully. Cutting and removing the siphon installed in the condensate lines of the pans and making and welding a new siphon from 6″ or 8″ diameter pipe and giving it a successful trial. Work of welding 12 mm or 16 mm thick plates by cutting rings to suit the pans and then stenting the pans. Work of strengthening the vapor pipes of 900 mm to 1300 mm diameter by putting crosses from inside. To repair the damaged parts of cell, bottom and recovery tower of syrup sulphiter by applying patches and giving satisfactory trials. Carefully remove the leaky brass tubes of the pan, store them in the mill store, fit new SS brass tubes in their place, expand them from both the ends and conduct hydraulic testing as per the standards. Removing the old wall of the pan and replacing it with new wall and carrying out work related to double coated welding with strengtheners and also doing tube fitting and giving successful trials. To provide hydraulic testing of calendriya. Cutting down the syrup recovery tower, re-installing the gully/weak shell and giving it trial. Cutting and removing the neck/weak shell, top and bottom of the syrup sulphiter and putting it in the scrap yard and making it from 10/12 mm thick plate provided by the mill as per the drawing/sample as before and doing double coat welding inside and outside on both the sides and all Make the connection as before and give a leak proof trial. Work to replace the narrow (4/6 inch) diameter pipeline from the overhead tank (hot water) located on the pan to the maceration tank and from the maceration tank to the mill house. work. Works of crystallizers, injection and spray houses Opening the blinds of all the branch lines and main lines installed in the spray pod, cleaning the jammed nozzles, replacing the faulty nozzles and cleaning the lines by flushing them, tying all the blinds and making them leakproof, doing the work related to replacement/patching of the street pipe lines. Cutting out the weak/weak arm from the arm fitted in the central shaft of Mono and Twin Vertical Stylizer, preparing a new arm as per the sample, fitting it at the place and giving a satisfactory trial. Strong/weak suction of spray pump/water injection pump MF 40x40 and 50x50. Cutting and removing pipe with band, making elliptical reducer, suction pipe and band. Making and fitting it at the designated place. Cutting out the weak/damaged cells of the air cooled crystallizer, making cells from a new plate, installing them and giving the trial successfully. After removing the seed crystallizer located on the pan floor, installing the driving assembly including worm wheel, shaft, reduction gear box on the crystallizer platform and conducting trials. Functions of Centrifugal House Replacement of corroded and weak internal molasses pipelines of continuous machines. Replacement of neck/weak Saxon gutter of magma pump of magma mixture and giving satisfactory trial. Taking out the stirrer shaft of the sugar melter from the pipe provided, straightening the shaft and re-installing the arm along with the drive and giving a satisfactory trial. Removing the neck part of the Hopper drive and replacing it with a new drive, drilling and repeating it, cutting it, making a new one as per the sample, aligning it and giving it a successful trial. Removing the corroded trough of the hopper and making a new trough from 4 mm plate in its place along with angles and cleats and successfully trialling it after alignment. To repair the corroded bottom/top cover of Roadie Melter and to replace the broken/bent arm as new and give satisfactory trial. Cutting out the weak/melted part of the molasses run off tank and patching it with a new plate in its place. Removing the gutter clogged with magma/molasses and replacing it with a new one and making the relevant connections and giving a satisfactory trial. Remaking the top of the monitoring casing of all continuous machines with 8mm/10mm plate as per the instructions and giving a satisfactory trial. Making new neck top cover of continuous machines along with ring and coil and fitting it and giving satisfactory trial. Removing the bent bottom shoot of continuous machines and replacing it with a new bottom shoot from old/new plate and giving satisfactory trial. Making platforms and stairs by removing old angle channels and plates from scrap at various places in the mill. Removal of hot and cold air nozzles and damaged air ducts in the hoppers and replacing them with new ones. Cutting out the corroded sheet of the weighing tank of molasses weighing tank and replacing it with a new sheet, repairing the dead weight rod and installing it and giving a satisfactory trial. Replacement of damaged and damaged frames (including mesh) installed in hoppers by making new ones. Cutting and removing the damaged and weak angled cleats installed in the trough and foundation (base) of the hoppers and installing new cleats in their place. Removing damaged and weak mask suits of NG-1250 centrifugal machines and installing new ones and giving satisfactory trials. A- Cutting and removing the damaged monitor casing part of centrifugal machines and making a new one from the plate provided. A- Removal of weak and damaged molasses boxes of centrifugal machines and installing new ones as per the directions. Removing the damaged and weak arms of the pug mill of centrifugal machines and installing new ones as per the instructions. Cutting out the weak and damaged parts of the magma mixture/pugmill body and replacing it with a new/old plate. Removal of damaged and weak bottom cone cover of Continuous Machine NK 1503 and replacing it with new/old plate. To take down the delivery lines of molasses/maskut/magma pumps of various sizes (6 inches, 8 inches and 10 inches) of the centrifugal house, clean the internal parts and re-fit them by re-fitting the joints etc. and give satisfactory trials. Repairing old/weak coils of Mono/Twin Vertical Crystallizer and making it leakproof and giving leakproof trial. Old/weak coils of Mono/Twin Vertical Crystallizer should be replaced with 65 mm. Making new pipe from dia pipe and giving leakproof trial. Pipeline works (for mill, boiler and all boiling houses) Pipeline dismantling, fabrication and erection work. 1 to 40 cm diameter Pipe Dismantle/Fabrication/Erection Valve Dismantle/Fitting/Erection Phalange Dismantle, Fabrication, Erection Reducer dismantling, fabrication with both flanges and erection Dismantle, fabrication, erection including nipple phalange t Dismantle Fabrication, Erection Band dismantling, fabrication, erection MS pipe line above 40 cm Pipe Dismantle, Fabrication, Erection flange Dismantle, Fabrication, Erection Band dismantling, fabrication, erection Reducer Dismantle, Fabrication, Erection Nipple Dismantle, Fabrication, Erection Making and fitting the motor pump bed and giving successful trial and alignment. 5 HP to 15 HP Motor/Pump/Gear Box Bed 20 HP to 30 HP Motor/Pump/Gear Box Bed 40 HP to 60 HP Motor/Pump/Gear Box Bed Motor/Pump/Gear Box Bed above 60 HP Fabricating the flange from old plate for SO2 gas line and installing it by making a cross. Fabricating 8 cross with flange. Fabricating 6 Cross with Flange. To remove weak/leakage/weld and flange bends of stainless steel pipelines, open the pipelines, open the flanges and re-weld the welding joints of pipes from outside and pipes and do double coat welding at pipe cutting places and repair of pipes. After fitting and giving hydraulic trial. Flange joint pipe to pipe welded joint Renovation of iron stairs installed at various places in the mill. 1 to 8 step ladder 9 to 15 step ladder Straightening of old plates of different sizes of vapor pipes/pan sets/clarifier shells for using at different places. steel molasses tank Preparing coils for sprinkling water on various molasses tanks and giving them proper trials. Repairing molasses tanks by installing stairs, railings etc. Replacement of the necked nippin/pipe which is connected to the tank. Repair/make new circulation pipes as required.