
Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Field Farm Operations - Aug 2024- Rotational Crop: Transporting Back Undersize Wheat From National Seeds Corporation. Making The Material Ready For Auction. Potato Crop/Experiments: Burying Of Gm Crop. Wee, Jalandhar-Punjab

Department of Agricultural Research and Education has published Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Field Farm Operations - Aug 2024- Rotational Crop: Transporting Back Undersize Wheat From National Seeds Corporation. Making The Material Ready For Auction. Potato Crop/Experiments: Burying Of Gm Crop. Wee. Submission Date for this Tender is 03-07-2024. Agriculture service Tenders in Jalandhar Punjab. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Field Farm Operations - Aug 2024- Rotational Crop: Transporting Back Undersize Wheat From National Seeds Corporation. Making The Material Ready For Auction. Potato Crop/Experiments: Burying Of Gm Crop. Wee
Open Tender

Tender Details

Bids Are Invited For Custom Bid For Services - Field Farm Operations - Aug 2024- Rotational Crop: Transporting back undersize wheat from National Seeds Corporation. Making the material ready for auction. Potato Crop/Experiments: Burying of GM crop. Weeding out operations and keep up of sheds and net houses surrounding area. Assistance in improvement & modification of potato digger, graders and handling equipments and also help in repair of farm implements. Vermicomposting unit operations. Intercultural operations in paddy, assistance in agro-meteorological data recording. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Attending to lab works, tissue culture & micro propagation work. Arranging of haulm samples for N estimation, sieving of FYM, taking observation of potatoes, Help in bio-chemical estimation of different experiments and preparation of value added products. Help in treatment to the potato tubers and taking observation on different storage parameters in walk in chambers. Cleaning of glassware in tissue culture lab. Assistance in the improvement & modification of potato diggers, graders & handling equipments, repair and maintenance of implements & maintenance, paint coating of high-tech seed production structures, help in general maintenance of labs. Lab experiments related to tuber number and indoor tuberisation in aeroponics. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. Sept -2024 Rotational Crop: Field operations and preparation of fields for rotational crop. Potato Crop/Experiments: Withdrawal of seed from cold storage, drying and sorting of seed potatoes for planting, layout of field and experiments, Pre-planting operations in all sections, treatment of seed stages, help in sampling of ELISA testing and other allied operations, ELISA testing of stage-1 (Sprout tubers) transporting the micro plants in pro-tray, planting of experiment seed in net house, weeding out operations in all fields, preparation of channels/beds in OTC and repair of underground water channel. Upkeep of sheds and surrounding area, sieving of soil and FYM for growing seedling, assistance in agro-meteorological data recording. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Tissue culture and multiplication net house operations. Help in biochemical sampling and preparation of value added products of potatoes, help in taking observation on different parameters on storage studies in walk in chamber. Assistance in the improvement & modification of potato diggers, graders & handling equipments, repair and maintenance of implements. Assistance in sorting & grading of minitubers, hardening of plants & fabrication of grader, help in general maintenance of labs, hardening of microplants for aeroponics and handling of experiments in lab for indoor experiments and tuber number. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. Oct 2024 Rotational Crop: Field operations and preparation of fields for rotational crop. Pre- sowing irrigation to wheat crop. Potato Crop/Experiments: Pre planting and post planting operations, planting in seed section, planting of Generation I and II, earthingup operations. Irrigation to seed crop and seed experiments area, Layout and planting in all potato fields, spray of weedicides, weeding and earthing up in experiments. Harvest of experiments on early planting, withdrawal of seed material from cold storage, sowing of TPS in nursery beds, filling poly bags with soil and FYM mixture and irrigation works. Planting of potato crop inside OTC, daily maintenance of execution of CO, regulation and temperature Inside open top chambers and high-tech system, help in general maintenance of labs, assistance in maintenance of meterological stations and data recording, micro-irrigation management, planting in aeroponic section of seed. Lookafter of crop including protection of crop from animals etc. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Assistance in general lab work. Help in sampling and preparation of value added products of potato. Assistance in fabrication work. Soil samples collections from farmers fields, Laboratory analysis of soil samples. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. Rotational Crop: Pre sowing irrigation to wheat crop, Sowing of wheat under NSC wheat seed programme Potato Crop/Experiments: Weeding and earthing up in experiments and stage I to IV, irrigation to potato crop. Rouging in breeder seed crop area(three spells, skilled activity), spraying of chemicals, hoeing and earthing operations, irrigation to potato seed crop. Harvesting of field experiments for 2 and 3 date of planting and for taking haulms and soil samples, transporting of seedling from plastic trays to poly bags, layout and planting for late blight experiments in pathology experiments. Spraying of chemicals. Assistance in operations for weeding and inter culturing various intercultural operations and help in data recording in OTC, daily maintenance of execution of CO, regulation and temperature inside open top chamber. help in management of net houses crop, assistance in maintenance of meterological station and data recording, net house and aeroponic work. Lookafter of crop including protection of crop from animals etc. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Assistance in general lab work. Help in repair of implements and operation & maintenance of Aeroponic system, help in general maintenance of labs and preparation of value added products of potato. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance & cleaning of lawns. Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings Dec 2024 - Rotational Crop: Top dressing in wheat crop, spraying of weedicides, repair of underground channels. Potato Crop/Experiments: Rouging in entire potato seed crop and in other sections three spells, skilled activity), Spray of chemical in seed crop and in other sections, haulm cutting in seed crop and in other sections, washing and bundling of used fertilizer bags, Irrigation to potato and ELISA testing of stage I to IV, planting scooped eyes in glass house, weeding and earthing operations, Harvesting of field experiments, seedling, transporting, weeding of seedlings, rouging and haulm cutting, spraying of chemicals. Harvesting of tubers in high-tech system, daily maintenance of execution of CO, regulation and temperature inside open top chamber. help in potato supply, help in management of net houses crop, data recording of net house in aeroponic section, assistance in maintenance of meterological station and data recording, micro-irrigation management. Lookafter of crop including protection of crop from animals etc. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Assistance in general lab work. Assistance of workshop jobs, Assistance in the improvement & modification of potato diggers, graders & handling equipments, repair and maintenance of implements. Harvesting, treatment & storage of minitubers & maintenance of high- tech seed production facility, help in general maintenance of labs and preparation of value added products of potato. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. Jan 2025-Rotational Crop: Top dressing in wheat crop, irrigation in wheat crop, weeding out operations in wheat crop, repair of underground water channels. Potato Crop/Experiments: Checking of re-growth of haulms, re-cutting of left over haulms and covering of potatoes, preparation of fields for harvesting and allied operations in seed crop and in all other sections. Weeding and earthing. up and irrigation in net house plants, spraying of chemicals, ELISA testing and haulms cutting of net house plants, harvesting of experiments in net house. Haulm cutting and then weighing of all experiment sample tubers of haulms, haulms cutting of potato experiments, weeding of seedling, harvesting of divisional and coordinator trials, planting of spring triah, harvesting of potato experiments, held in taking its weight and observations against disease, spraying of chemical. daily maintenance of execution of CO₂ regulation and temperature inside open top chamber., help in management of net houses crop, assistance in maintenance of meterological station and data recording.. Lookafter of crop including protection of crop from animals etc. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Preparation of value added products for storage study exp, Assistance in general lab work. Assistance in improvement & modification of potato diggers, graders & handling equipments, repair and maintenance of implements, mini tuber grader, operating high-tech system. Harvesting, crop termination, planting of second crop in high-tech system, help in general maintenance of labs and preparation of value added products of potato Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. Feb 2025-Rotational Crop: Spraying of chemical to wheat crop, irrigation to wheat crop, top dressing of wheat crop and repair of underground water channels. Lookafter of crop including protection of crop from animals etc. Potato Crop/Experiments: Harvesting of breeder seed crop including sample and seed experiments and in other sections, grading, sorting, selection and packing for stage 1, Il and Generation 1 & il, packing of material and other allied operations in seed supply. Hauim cutting of seedling, harvesting of GAT germplasm and other experiments, weighing, counting of tubers and transportation work. Treatment of potato seed for next season, spray against late blight in experiments, ELISA testing of net house crop and scooped eyes plants, assistance in maintenance of meterological stations and data recording. micro-irrig. Management, harvesting in soilless experiments. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Assistance in improvement & fabrications of research prototypes, repair of implements, Planting & harvesting of high-tech system, testing of machines, help in general maintenance of labs and walking chamber and preparation of value added products of potato. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office building. March 2025- Rotational Crop: Rouging of wheat crop and other allied operations, sowing of bajra and irrigation. Lookafter of crop including protection of crop from animals etc. Potato Crop/Experiments: Seed supply and other allied operations in Seed Technology, transportation of material to cold storage and rejected potatoes to mandi. Harvesting of hybrids, seedling, late blight experiments, net house crop, treatment work, sorting, weighing and other observations, packing, trading of potato seed for next season from net houses. Help in treatment to the potato tubers and help in taking different observations on storage studies under heap storage experiment and walk in chambers, help in management of net houses crop, Organising of auction of potato seed surplus & its storage and supply, assistance in maintenance of meterological station and data recording, micro-irrig. Management., harvesting in cocopeat and aeroponic. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Biochemical analysis of samples, Cleaning of glass wares and assistance in general lab work, upkeep of chemicals and glassware and other misc. works. Assistance in improvement & modification of research prototypes and repair of implements. Assistance in operation of high- tech system & harvesting, grading of tuber, help in general maintenance of labs and walking chamber and preparation of value added products of potato. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market.. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. Apr 2025- Rotational Crop Assistance in preparation of fields for harvesting. Help in harvesting of wheat and its transportation, unloading wheat in sheds and its upkeep. Irrigation to bajra/other rotational crops. Plant protection measures in standing rotational crop, Irrigation vegetables & exp. crop. Look after of crop including protection of crop from animals etc. Potato Crop/Experiments: Treatment and cold storage of potato seed and harvesting of hybrid and seedlings treatment work, sorting, weighing, packing, transportation to cold store, Rejected potatoes to market. Harvesting of spring crop, observations on keeping quality of potato hybrids. Weeding, upkeep of sheds, soil solarisation in net houses, bundling of bags and transportation of waste to pits. Heap storage studies, post-harvest operations. Vermicomposting unit operations, help in potato supply, help in maintenance of net houses, assistance in agro-meteorological data recording. Sowing of maize crop, second crop in Aeroponics. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Processing of soil samples, tuber samples, haulms samples and help in tissue culture lab for elisa testing & scooped eyes. Assistance in micro- propagation work. To help in bio-chemical estimation of different experiments and preparation of value added products. Help in treatment to the potato tubers, and help in taking different observations on storage studies under heap storage experiment and walk in chamber. Assistance in the improvement & modification of potato diggers, graders & handling equipments, combine harvester & repair and maintenance of implements. Harvesting of tubers & keep up of aeroponic system. Help in keeping quality study of potato hybrids, collection of soil samples from whole farm, help in maintenance of labs, weight loss study in minitubers etc., tuber indexing, Paddy straw processing, media preparation. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns. Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. May 2025- Rotational Crop: Transportation of wheat grains to NSC. Transportation of FYM, Irrigation to Bajra/maize crop/other rotational crops Lookafter of crop including protection of crop from animals etc. Potato Crop/Experiments: Cleaning and preparation of net house, laying of polythene sheets in the net house and soil solarisation. Hot weather cultivation, weeding operation. Help in taking observation on heap storage experiments, packing and transportation of potato to market, observations on keeping quality of potatoes. Help in observations of weight loss in experiments tubers, harvesting of spring experiments and preparation of seedling pits. Observation of keeping quality of different cultivars. Vermicomposting unit operations. Irrigation & Interculture operations in Maize & exhausting bajra crop, Irrigation & observation of field exp. on maize, assistance in agro-meteorological data recording. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Help in processing of soil samples, tuber samples, haulms samples and other analysis work. Cleaning of glass ware, Micropropagation work and general lab work. Help in bio-chemical estimation of different experiments and preparation of value added products. Help in treatment of the potato tubers and taking different observations on storage studies under heap storage experiments. Assistance in the improvements & modification of potato diggers, graders & handling equipments, repair and maintenance of implements. Assistance in repair of high-tech system & fabrication of minituber grader. Help in maintenance of aeroponic system & packing and storage of minitubers, help in general maintenance of labs. Assistance in solar dehydration of potato, experiments related to weight loss in tuber indexing for elisa testing, Paddy straw choppina/processing. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns. Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. June 2025- Rotational Crop: Sowing of green manure crop. Harvesting of rotational crops. Weeding of invasive plants like congress grass etc. from fields and hot weather cultivation. Repair of nets for next crop season. Repair of underground water channels. Sowing of Bajra, irrigation to Bajra crop. Harvesting of maize nursery raising of paddy as experimental crop. Nursery raising of paddy crop for exp, adhoc experiments, assistance in agro- meteorological data recording. Hot weather cultivations, weeding operations, Lookafter of crop including protection of crop from animals etc. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Help in analysis of samples of soil for recommendation of fertilizers Help in cleaning and washing of glass-wares, autoclaving the media, micropropagation and other lab works, collection of soil samples, fifling of seedling with sand and FYM. Help in bio-chernical estimation of different experiment and preparation of value added products. Help in treatment observations on storage studies under heap storage experiment. Assistance in the improvement & modification of potato diggers, graders & handling equipments repair and maintenance of implements. Assistance in repair of high-tech system & fabrication of minituber grader. Help in keeping quality study, help in general maintenance of labs. Assistance in solar dehydration of potato. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations and transportation of materials to and from market. Maintenance and cleaning of lawns Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. July 2025-Potato Crop/Experiments: Removing the polythene sheets from net houses. Sowing green manure crop, checking material in cold store, keep up of sheds. Weeding from all fields. Hot weather cultivation. Sieving of FYM. Vermicomposting unit operations. Transplanting of paddy & layout wise, assistance in agro- meteorological data recording. Lookafter of crop including protection of crop from animals etc.. Lab & Engg. Workshop Work: Attending to lab works, cleaning & washing of glasswares, autoclaving, micropropegation. Arranging of hauims samples for N estimation, help in taking observation on storage behaviour of potatoes, help in bio- chemical estimation of different experiments and preparation of value added products. Help in treatment to the potato tubers and taking different observations on storage studies. Insect collection for seed experiments. Assistance in improvement & modification of potato diggers, graders & handling equipments, repair and maintenance of implements. Assistance in repair of high-tech system & fabrication of minituber grader help in general maintenance of labs. Transplanting of paddy for different exp. Assistance in solar dehydration of potato, experiments related to indoor experiments in aeroponic and hydroponic, Elisa testing of sprouts of stage-1 tubers. Tractor Operations Help in execution of field operations, preparation, levelling etc and transportation of materials to and from market Maintenance and cleaning of lawns, Look after and care of hedges on the both sides of roads of office buildings. Total Quantity :

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INR 320000.0 /-
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INR 1.05 Crore /-
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