Tender For Appointment Of Indian Vendor For The Supply Of Indian/Foreign Print & Electronic Journals /Magazines To The University Library, Dlcsupva, Rohtak For A Period Of Five Years. 1 3x3 Magazine Artisanal Media LLC. 649, Morgan Avenue, Suite 21, Brooklyn, New York 3/year 2 3D World Future Publishing Ltd., Quay House, The Ambury Bath BA1 UA, UK 12/year 3 Aeshetitca Aesthetica Magazines, 21 New Street York, Yo1 8RA, UK 6/year 4 American Cinematographer American Society of Cinematographers, 1782N, Orange Drive, Hollywood, CA USA 12/year 5 Architectural Digest Conde Nast, One World Trade Center, New York, USA 12/year 6 Appollo The Spectator Ltd., 22 Old Queen Street, London, UK 11/year 7 Art Asiapacific Art Asiapacific Holdings, Hong Kong 6/year 8 Artists Magazine USA F+W Media, Inc., 10151 Carver Road, Suite 300, Blue Ash, Ohio, USA 6/year 9 Artform Artform International, 350 Seventh Avenue, New York, USA 10/year 10 The Artist Warners Group Pub PLC,. West Street Bourne, Lincoln Shire 12/year 11 Art Papers Art Papers, Inc., 1083 Austin Ave, NE, USA 4/year 12 Art Monthly Art Monthly Foundation, 140 Dover Street, London, UK 12/year 13 Auto & Design Magazines Turin, Italy 6/year 14 Azure Azure Pub. Inc., 213 Sterling Road, Suite, Toronto 15 Amateur Photographer Amateur Photographer Customer Service Team, Kelsay Pub. Ltd., Kelsey Media, Maidstone, Kent 49-51 16 Backstage Talks Hhts://backstagetalks.com/#issue4 1/year 17 Brand Send Points Publishing Co. 6/year 18 B. Magazine https://magazineb. com/en subscribe/subscription/ 5/year 19 Black & White Ross Periodicals Inc., 42 Digital Drive 6/year 20 Communication Arts Coync & Blanchard, Inc., 614 Mountain 6/year 21 Cinema Retro Cinema Retro, New Jersey, USA 4/year 22 Creative Review Centaur Media, Floor 14, 10 York Road, London 6/year 23 Cinema Editor American Cinema Editors, Melrose Ave, Marx Brothers Building, 108, Los Angeles, USA 4/year 24 Cinematography Art info@completecinema.com - 25 Complete Cinema CRAFT - 26 Cineaste 733 Third Avenue, Sixteen Floor, New York, NY, USA 4/year 27 Dirty Furniture Magazine (London) http://dirty-furniture.com/buy/ 4/year 28 Form Form-Form Design Magazine 6/year 29 Elle Hearst Magazine Media, 300 West, 57th Street, New York, NY, USA 12/year 30 Elle Décor Hearst Magazine Media, 300 West, 57th Street, New York, NY, USA 8/year 31 Eye Eye Magazine Ltd., Unit F. Reliance Wharf, 2-10 Hartford Road, London, UK 4/year 32 Grazia H Bauer Publishing Ltd, The Lantern, 75 Hampstead Road, London, United Kingdom 24/Year 33 Harpers Bazar Hearst Magazine Media, 300 West, 57th Street, New York, NY, USA 10/Year 34 Harvard Design Harvard University Graduate School of Design, USA 2/Year 35 I-D Magazine Levelprint Ltd C/O Usacan Media Corp., 123A Distribution Way, Building H-1, Suite, Plattsburgh, NY 4/Year 36 IDSA(Innovation) USA 4/year 37 Illustration Cell Press Ltd., Office 18, Spinners Court, 55 West End. Witney, Oxon 4/Year 38 IDN International Designer Network System Design Ltd., 1/F, Rm B. Wai Cheong Building, 5-9 Gresson Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong 4/Year 39 Interior Design Magazine Sandow Design Group LLC, 3651, FAU 12/Year Boulevard, Boca Raton, FL 40 ICON Clerkenwell Design Week Ltd. 4/Year 41 Leather International Progressive Media International, 40-42 Hatton Garden, London UK 6/Year 42 Lurzers International Lurzer’s International Ltd. 151 Wardour Street, London, UK 3/Year 43 MacGuffin MacGuffin, The Life of Things (macguffinmagazine.com) 44 Metropolis Magazine Sandow Design Group LLC, 3651, FAU Boulevard, Boca Raton, FL 6/Year 45 Modern Design Review https://moderndesignreview.com/ 2/year 46 New Design Media Culture Pure Offices, Plato Close, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK 6/Year 47 Outdoor Photography Madavor Media LLC, 35 Braintree Hill 11/Year 48 Promstyl-Color Trend Promostyl - 49 Promstyl-Print and Pattern Promostyl - 50 Promostyl_Woman Trend Promostyl - 51 Promostyl-Sport Trend Promostyl - 52 Promostyl-Kids Trend Promostyl - 53 Riser: Showdetails. Milano +New York Showdetails srl-Bologna-Supplemento al Periodico Semestrale Showdetails 2/Year 54 Riser: Paris + London Collection (Showdetails) Showdetails srl-Bologna-Supplemento al Periodico Semestrale Showdetails 2/Year 55 Riser: Woman Collection. (Showdetails) Milano + NY Paris + London Showdetails srl-Bologna-Supplemento al Periodico Semestrale-Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Bologna n. 4/Year 56 Screen International MBI Ltd, Standard House 12-13 Essex Street, London, UK 12/Year 57 Shock Cinema Steven Puchalski, P.O. Box 798, Edgewater, New Jersey, USA 4/Year 58 Sight & Sound British Film Institute, 21 Stephen Street, London 10/Year 59 Sofilm SO FFILM, 9 Rue de la Croix Faubin, Paris-75011, France 6/Year 60 Slanted Slanted by Slanted Publishers-Design- News, Publisher, Shop-slanted 2/year 61 Southwest Art Peak Media Properties LLC, dba Golden Peak Media 6/Year 62 Stack info@stackmagazines.com Stack Room S87, New Wing Somerset House, London WC2R1LA, UK 12/Year 63 The Modernist The Modernist 4/year 64 Total Film Future Publishing Ltd., Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, UK 12/Year 65 Uppercases Janine@uppercasemagazine.com 4/Year 66 View Metropolitan Publishing BV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 4/Year 67 Variety Variety Media LLC, 11175, Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angles, CA, USA Weekly 68 Vogue Conde Nast Publications, Vogue House, Hanover Square, London, UK 12/Year 69 Wallpaper Future Publishing Ltd., Quay House, The Ambury, Bath, UK 12/Year 70 Wrap www.wrapmagazine.com 2/year 71 Domus Italy editorialedomus@edidomus.it 11/year 72 Florida Design Palm Beach Media Group North, LLC 4/Year 73 House Beautiful-US Hearst Magazine Media, 300 West, 57th Street, New York, NY, USA 6/Year 74 Living Etc. UK Edi. Future Pub. Ltd. Quay House, UK 12/Year 75 National Geographic National Geographic Partners, LLC,1145 17th Street, N, Washington 12/Year 76 Art antiquity and Law The Institute of Art and Law 1/year 77 Art Bulletin Taylor & Francis 4/year 78 Critical Collective https://criticalcollective.in/registration.aspk 2/year 79 Environment & Planning: B- Urban Analysis & City Science Journals.sagepub.com/home/epb 12/year 80 Environment & Planning: E- Nature and Space Sage Publications journals.sagepub.com/home/ene 4/year 81 Environment & Planning: AEconomy & Space Journals.sagepub.com/home/epn 12/year 82 International Regional Science Journals.sagepub.com/home/irx 6/year 83 Oxford Art Journal Oxford 3/year 84 Journal of Planning History Journals.sagepub.com/home/jph 4/year 85 Journal of cinema & Media Studies Michigan Publishing Services, 839 Green Street, Ann Arbor, MI 4/year 86 Journal of Planning Theory & Practice Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Groups 4/year 87 Journal of Aesthetic Education University of Illinois Press 4/year 88 Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism Oxford Academy 4/year 89 Filmint : Film Inter. www.intellect books.com 4/Year 90 Urbanisation Journals.sagepub.com/home/urb 4/Year 91 Architectural Record BPN Media, Alex Bachracha 12/year 92 City : Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture Taylor and Francis Group 1/Year 93 Housing and Society (Online) Taylor and Francis Group 1/Year 94 Housing Theory & Society (Online) Taylor and Francis Group 1/Year 95 Journal of Urban Planning and Development American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 1/Year 96 Architecture + Design Burda India Media, Gurgaon (Haryana) 12/year 97 Art & Deal 1 Basement, Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi-110016 6/year 98 Art India Art India Publishing Co., Jindal Mansion, 5/A Dr. G Deshmukh Marg, Mumbai- 400026 4/year 99 Creative Gaga Gaga Creative Networks Pvt. Ltd. 6/year 100 Construction World ASAPP Info Global Services Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai 12/year 101 CEO Magazine Shrikant Pandey. L-29, Bal Udyan Road, Uttam Nagar West, New Delhi 6/year 102 Femina Worldwide Media Pvt. Ltd., The Times of India Building, D.N., Thane, India 12/Year 103 Images : Business of Fashion Images Multimedia Pvt. Ltd., D.D.A. Shed, Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi 12/Year 104 Images Retail Images Multimedia Pvt. Ltd., C-52, D.D.A. Shed, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-lll, New Delhi 12/Year 105 Lighting India Mahadevan Iyer, The Corporate Park, Plot No. 14-15, Sector 18, Vashi, Navi Mumbai 6/Year 106 MGS: Modern Green Structures & Architecture NBM Media Pvt. Ltd., B-27, ll Floor, Nizamuddin West, New Delhi 12/Year 107 Pool Magazine / Design India www.indidesign. In / Indi design Pvt. Ltd. 12/Year 108 Surfaces Reporter Verticadvivedi 12/Year 109 Time The Time Magazine India Pvt. Ltd. 24/Year 110 Take on Art Take On Art Publishing Pvt. Ltd. 2/Year 111 Indian Journal of Architecture and Town Planning GBS Publishers Head office: 4866/24, Ground Floor, Sheeltara House, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi (India) 2/year 112 Indian Textile Journal A-303, Navabharat Estates, Zakaria Bunder Road, Sewri (West), Mumbai- 400015, India 12/year 113 Indian Journal of Fibre & Textile Research CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR) 4/year 114 ITPI: Journal of Institute of India Town Planning Institute of Town Planners India, 4-A, Ring Road, I.P. Estate, New Delhi 4/year 115 Landscape: Journal of Landscape Architecture Brijender S. Dua, C-589 Vikas Puri, New Delhi 4/year 116 Journal of Intellectual Property Rights CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR), 6/year 117 ICJ: Indian Concrete Journal ACC Ltd., L.B. Shastri Road, Near Teen Haath Naka, Thane, India 12/year 118 Journal of the Indian Institute of Architects The Indian Institute of Architects, Prospect Chambers, 12/year 119 International Journal of Architectural Design & Mana.. Dhruv Info Systems Pvt. Ltd., Office No. 4, 1st Floor, CSC, Pocket-E, Mayur Vihar, Phase-ll, New Delhi 2/year 120 Economic & Political Weekly Sameeksha Trust Publication 52/Year 121 Marg Marg Foundation, Mumbai 4/Year