
Tender For Compititive Ebidding For Misc. Fabrication And Erection Works Season 2024-25, saharanpur-Uttar Pradesh

Kisan Sahkari Chini Mills Limited has published Tender For Compititive Ebidding For Misc. Fabrication And Erection Works Season 2024-25. Submission Date for this Tender is 19-06-2024. Gear Box Tenders in saharanpur Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Compititive Ebidding For Misc. Fabrication And Erection Works Season 2024-25
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

Compititive Ebidding For Misc. Fabrication And Erection Works Season 2024-25- 1 Boiler House 2 Dismantling of C.I. feeding chute of 20 Ton Boiler & fitting of CI mouth-piece/ chute complete work 3 Dismantling fabrication & fitting of complete new casing of ID Fan with cone of Boiler. For 40/30/20 ton boiler 4 Dismantling fabrication & fitting of complete new casing of ID Fan with cone of Boiler. For 40 ton boiler 5 Fabrication & erection of runner supporting box below at old MBC/New MBC/Cross carrier/ bagasse elevator. 6 Replacement of worn out Bottom & side plate of Bagasse carrier/ Bagasse/Elevator/ cross carrier/ RBC/IRC by MS/SS plates 7 Replacement of worn-out ducting dampers of I.D./ FD Fan, and other ducting with levers and bushes 8 Replacement of worn-out ducting of flue gas 9 Fabrication & fitting of bagasse/ash chute for new & old boilers 10 Reparing of wet scrubber shell demister of the 20, 30 & 40 Tons Boiler 11 Fabrication & fitting of bagasse sliding gate for bagasse Carriers 12 Fabrication & Erection of the bagacillo impeller with trial. 13 Dismantling of MS plates of boiler side wall, economizer and boiler roof for replacement of boiler tubes. Dismantled old plates to be fitted with minor repair/patching after replacement of boiler tubes. 14 Replacement of runners of new MBC /old MBC /bagasse Elevator /Cross Carrier & RBC 15 Welding on teeth of new MBC /old MBC / bagasse Elevator /Cross Carrier & RBC chain sprocket to be done& teeth to be made as per profile 16 Repair of boiler FD/ID Fan casing & successful trial. 17 To replace worn out blower casing of boiler D.M.Plant 18 To replace worn out bagasse blower casing at bagasse elevator 19 Complete hardfacing of ID Fan Impeller 20 Dis., Fab. & Erection of New Boiler I.D. Expantion Joint 21 Dis. Cleaning , Repair & fitting of 20,30 & 40 Ton Boilers internal fitting, 22 Replacement of worn out Beam Size- 4”/5” of Boiler No.1 & 2 Farnace and chamber. 23 Fabrication of Bagasse Feeding Jantra of Tractor 24 Fabrication & fitting of bagasse chute at belt conveyor 25 Reparing of Grade Bars of the 40 Tons Boilers 26 Replacement of worn out teeth of bagasse feeder rotating drum of boiler no-3,4 & 5 with satisfactory trial 27 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of ID. Fan blade with Back Plate, Ribs and suction cone.(A) 20 Ton Boiler (B) 30 Ton Boiler 28 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of ID. Fan blade with Back Plate, Ribs and suction cone.(C) 40 Ton Boiler 29 Fabrication & fitting of chain guide of new MBC /old MBC /bagasse Elevator /Cross Carrier & RBC 30 Fitting of new 8mm thick MS plate ring on base plate of boiler ID fan impeller for strengthening 31 Dismantling,fabrication and fitting ofworn out portionof old feed tank ofBoiler No.1,2& 3 32 Replacement of worn out MS Beam and Channel arrangement Size- 4”/5” of Boiler No.1 & 2arch. 33 Dismantling,fabrication and fitting of safty valve worn out discharge assembly with proper support 34 Dismantling of worn out & leaky air heater tubes then Cutting & welding of old tubes of boiler(Which are kept in scrap yard) in order to make it ready for boiler air heater tubes. Fitting & expending of air heater tubes along with successful trial 35 Schedule Work 36 Dismantling of M.S. Pipe Line including bend/flange etc Up to 12” dia 37 Fabrication & Erection of M.S. Pipe Line Up to 12” dia 38 Fabrication & Erection of Bend up to 12” dia (MS) 39 Fabrication & Erection of Nipple up to 12” dia (MS) 40 Fabrication & Erection of Cross up to 12” dia (MS) 41 Fabrication & Erection of Tee up to 12” dia (MS) 42 Fabrication & Erection of Flange up to 12” dia (MS) 43 Fabrication & Erection of Blind up to 12” dia (MS) 44 Fabrication & Erection of Reducer up to 12” dia (MS) 45 Fabrication & Erection of Elbow up to 12” dia (MS) 46 Fabrication & Erection of Bend up to 12” dia (SS) 47 Fabrication & Erection of Nipple up to 12” dia (SS) 48 Fabrication & Erection of Cross up to 12” dia (SS) 49 Fabrication & Erection of Tee up to 12” dia (SS) 50 Fabrication & Erection of Flange up to 12” dia (SS) 51 Fabrication & Erection of Blind up to 12” dia (SS) 52 Fabrication & Erection of Reducer up to 12” dia (SS) 53 Fabrication & Erection of Elbow up to 12” dia (SS) 54 Dismantling of valve up to 12” dia 55 Fitting of valve up to 12” dia 56 Dismantling of valve above 12” dia 57 Fitting of valve above12” dia 58 Dismantling Fabrication & fitting of man hole 59 Fabrication & Erection of Bend above 12” dia 60 Fabrication & Erection of Nipple above 12” dia 61 Fabrication & Erection of Tee above 12” dia 62 Fabrication & Erection of Flange above 12” dia 63 Fabrication & Erection of Blind above 12” dia 64 Fabrication & Erection of Reducer above 12” dia 65 Fabrication & Erection of Elbow above 12” dia 66 Dismantling of M.S. Pipeabove 12 “ dia 67 Fabrication of M.S. Pipe above 12” dia 68 Erection of M.S. Pipe above 12” dia including bend flange & nipple etc. 69 Dismantling of old worn-out Platform 70 Fabrication & erection of platform by using old plate 71 Fabrication & erection of Cat Ladder 72 Fabrication & erection stair case 73 Fabrication & erection of railing from old Material 74 Fabrication & erection of railing from old Material 75 Fabrication & erection of unvested type ring over evaporator vapour pipe/Pan vapour Pipe 76 Dismantling ofS.S. Pipe Linewith bend & flange 77 Fitting of S.S. Pipe Line with bend & flange. 78 Dismantling of MS heavy structure / Tank 79 Dismantling of MS Light structure 80 Fabrication & Erection Light structure 81 Fabrication & Erection heavy structure 82 Fabrication of Pump bed with Pump, Reduction gear & motor alignment up to 30 H.P. 83 Fabrication of pump bed with pump, reduction gear box & motor above 30 HP 84 Dismantling, fitting and expanding of SS/Brass tubes with satisfactory hydraulic testing for quad/ J. Heater/ Vapour Cells 85 Dismantling, fitting and expanding of SS/Brass tubes with satisfactory hydraulic testing for Pan Tube 86 SS Plate lining in different size of equipments. 87 Dismantling, cleaning & fitting of MS Pipe Line with bend, flange , nipple etc. 88 Fitting of MS pipe line with bend, flange ,nipple etc 89 Fabrication & Erection ofcomplete Square / Rectangular Tank/Round with conical Bottom 90 Fabrication & fitting ofMS Coil (coils are to be duly bend and not offset pipe welding .Offset welds shall not be treated as coils but as pipes ) 91 Fabrication & fitting ofSS Coil 92 Welding work for various equipments in B/H 93 Dismantling , Fabrication & fitting ofnew Coneand umbrella anywhere in the factory. Cone up to 01 Mtr. Dia 94 Dismantling, Fabrication & fitting of new Coneand umbrella any where in the factory.Cone above 01 Mtr. Dia upto 2.5mtr dia. 95 Dismantling , Fabrication & fitting of new Coneand umbrella any where in the factory, Cone above 2.5 Mtr. Dia 96 Fabrication and Patchwotk of equipmentsusing old/ NewMS plateby 6/8 mm thick plate overround vessels/any vessels 97 Mill House 98 Cutting of Cheveran Grooveson Mill Rollers 99 Cutting of pine apple grooves on Mill Rollers. 100 Replacement of Runners of cane carrier ,S.RC & IRC and cane un loader power supply angle 101 Welding of worn-out holes of Block type chain Link, Rack holding square and duere drilling of holes 102 Replacement of worn-out bootof SRC& IRC 103 Fabrication of new juice rings 104 Dismantling, Grinding & erection of the square bar of cane unloader 105 Welding on Wearout Mill and GRPF crown pinion Teeth as per profile. 106 Fabrication and replacement of new Mill Juice/ waterimbibitionsbox/distributer. 107 Fabrication. & erection. of Mill rollerfeed & discharge bearing cover from 10 mm/ 8mm plate. 108 Fabrication & Erection of runner supporting box below runner at IRC, SRC & cane carrier, MBC and RBCand Bagasse elevator. 109 Replacement of worn out deflector plate and top plate of cane chopper/ cane leveler /Fibrizer by M.S. plate/ ss lining plates along with strengthening. 110 Fabrication & erection of cane carrier chain side angle. 111 Fabrication & erection of return cane carrier chain supporting runner/chain guide. 112 Fabrication & Erection of worn out MS Plate of truck Tripler, SRC, IRC & cane carrier side plate. 113 Sprocket teeth repairing and strengthening with extra support of IRC/SRC/Elevator/MBC/RBC 114 Repair & hard facing of Auxiliary cane carrier Kicker /Pusher 115 Welding & Hard facing on wear out under feed roller teeth,side & Shell of roller. 116 Replacement of worn-out Juice screen Plate of screw bagasseconveyorat mill 117 Repair and hard facing on cane leveller/ chopper hubs 118 Lever bracket of underfeed roller scraper to be changed & to be fitted on as per direction. 119 Partition plate of half anvil to be changed completely with 25 mm plate & hard facing. 120 Welding and forging in holes of cane carrier chain links. 121 Fabrication of 10” size Non return valve from M.S. Plate with fitting & leak proof trial. 122 Fabrication & erection of Rotary filter MS conical juice tank. 123 Extension of SS Juice distributer pipe of rotary filter 124 Repair of cane carrier slates such as worn-out side wear plates holes& other to be done 125 Fabrication & hard facing of under feed roller scrapper as per instructions to be done. 126 Welding on wear out teeth of cane carrier, S.R.C. & I.R.C. sprockets to bedone & teeth to be made as per profile 127 MS Ring to be fitted on worn-out both side of bagasse pusher at fibrizer& hard facing to be done on Square bars fitted 128 Welding & grinding of GRPF Scrapper to be done to make them as per profile & hard facing to be done 129 Repair & hard facing of cane UnloadedGrab Finger 130 Underfeed Roller pinion hard facing/welding 131 Repairing of MS Guard/ cover mill rollers crown pinion 132 Dismantling & fabrication of bagacillo screen with Modification as per instruction. 133 Dismantling of sprokets of SRC/IRC/Elevator drive/trail nd shaft and fitting the same with successful trail 134 Rotary screen wornout support box replacement & accordingly strenthening its platform with successful trail 135 SS plates patching on the truff of IRC/ SRC and Mills Head Stock 136 Fabrication & fitting of new side-pressure plates of the GRPF and also fitting/profile building of the bottom & top new/old scrappers of the same along with patching/linner of 5mm thick ss plate as per sample 137 Pan House 138 Repairing of down-take of Pan for 40/50 Ton Pan 139 Repairing of down-take of Pan for 60/80 Ton Pan 140 Replacement of worn out/ broken angle arms of crystallizer 141 Dismantling of Gutter of Molasses Magma & massecuite. 142 Fabrication & fitting of Gutter of Molasses, Magma & massecuite. 143 Repairing of hinge type cover of Gutter 144 Replacement of worn-out condensate box of pans, quad & juice heaters 145 Dismantling Fabrication & fitting of new umbrella in pans with supports & J pipes 40/50 Ton pan 146 Dismantling Fabrication & fitting of new umbrella in pans with supports & J pipes 60/80 Ton pan 147 Repairing of umbrella of Pans with supports & J pipes 40/50 Ton pan 148 Repairing of umbrella of Pans with supports & J pipes 60/80 Ton pan 149 Replacement of worn out distributor by new for 40/50 Ton Pan 150 Replacement of worn out distributor by new for 60/80 Ton Pan 151 Repair of wornout/ broken Arm/ Ribbon of air cooled, vacuum & seed crystallizer 152 Dismantling of 40 Ton pan complete body shell with save all and umbrella feed header, distributer, etc & fabrication of shell with 12/10mm MS plate with satisfactory trial 153 Replacement of complete worn-out top conical portion of Pan by new withsupports of associated machinery parts proper strengthening-40/50 Ton Pan 154 Replacement of complete worn-out top conical portion of Pan by new withsupports of associated machinery parts proper strengthening-60/80 Ton Pan 155 Strengthening of 40/60 Ton Pan body &Taper Portion with channel etc. 156 Replacement of worn out bushes of air cooled crystallizer of both side & completion with proper alignment & successful trial (Bushes will be provided by the factory)- Both side (rate ratio drive : non drive end shall be 65:35) 157 Dismantling Fabrication & Erection of Box type feed header for each Pan with related all connections. 158 Dismantling Fabrication & Erection of worn out portion of pan body with 12mm plate with water & vacuum trial 159 Replacement of wearout/wornout Ms side & bottom plate of water over head tank/ syrup storage tanks at pan station 160 Repairing of wearout/wornout down take of pans 40/50 Ton 161 Repairing of wearout/wornout down take of pans 60/80 Ton 162 Repairing of wearout/wornout save-all of pans 40/50 Ton 163 Dismantling , fabrication and erection of pan save all with proper trial 40/50 Ton 164 Dismantlingand erectionof 80 Ton Pan no 2 shell and save all 165 Dismantling , fabrication and erection of pan save all with proper trial 60/80 Ton 166 Repairing of wearout/wornout save-all of pans 60/80 Ton 167 Evaporator & Clarification House 168 Dismantling, repair & refitting, cleaning work of catcher of new Semikestner (Uttam Set) 169 Dismantling, fabrication & erection work of Evaporator body/ Semikestner/vapour cell newsave all 170 Major repair of save all of the evaporator body/Semikestner /vapour cell 171 Dismantling, fabrication & erection ofnew Juice heater Header withribs& fitting of cover with satisfactory trial 172 Dismantling, fabrication & erection work of the sulphur furnace melter/melt receiver along with steam coil and their hydraulic testing. 173 Dismantling, Fabrication & erection of sulphur furnace cooler with its pipe cooling coil complete connection of water and associated pipe lines with satisfactory trial 174 Repairing of sulphur furnace cooler with its pipe cooling coil and complete connection of water cooling pipe and gas line. 175 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of Juice receiving bottle fitted at vacuum filter station 176 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of condenser at vacuum filter. 177 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of Mud juice receiving tank complete with connection & associated pipe lines. 178 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of mud tray of vacuum 10’ x20’ vacuum filter 179 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of vacuum filter agitator. 180 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of the juice box of juice heater with satisfactory trial. 181 Dismantling Fabrication & fitting of bagacillo pipe. 182 Dismantling , fabrication & erection of clear juice Liquidation box with trial 183 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of clarifier mud boot. 184 Dismantling, fabrication & erection ofJuice catcher for Raw/vacuum/sugar melter /sulphitedJuice pumpswith suction/ delivery connection 185 Repairing of Juice Heater Condensate Bottle /Evaporator/Syrup receiving Bottle with leak proof testing partition plate with all connection. 186 RepairingofSO2 furnace sublimation pipe with its leaking Tower etc. with testing 187 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of vacuum filter mud mixer body & fitting of screw conveyor with proper alignment & satisfactory trial. 188 Fabrication & erection of screw conveyor from 6mm thick plate with satisfactory trial. 189 Dismantling, fabrication & fitting of new down take of quad / Old or New semikestner, etc. 190 Dismantling, fabrication and erection of new recovery tower of juice sulphiter/ Syrup Sulphiter. 191 Replacement of muddy juice tank fitted at vacuum filter with new plates & with all connections. 192 Repairing of Umbrella of Quad & Pan 193 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of worn out Umbrella of Quad & Pan 194 Dismantling, fabrication & erection ofsaveall ofQuad old bodies 195 Dismantling, fabrication & erection ofsaveall ofQuad Uttam set. 196 Replacement of worn-outtop conical portion ofQuad & Vapour Shell with save all proper strengthening with associated machinery 197 Dismantling, Repair, & erection of worn out Juice heater partition plate with ribs. 198 Dismantling of worn out arms and shell (outside & inside) of juice sulphiter drum, fabrication & erection with satisfactory trial. 199 Dismantlingof worn out central drum & bed of juice sulphiter, fabrication & erection with satisfactory trial. 200 To replace worn out clear juice box / mud discharge box with valve of new door followed by satisfactory trial 201 Dismantling ofwear outjuice heater cover, fitting of new 12 mm thick MS plate by welding & bolting including repair of lever & erection of cover followed by satisfactory water trial. 202 To replace worn out mud scrapper plate with support & vacuum filter fitting to be done. 203 To replace worn out juice baffle plate of door compartment 204 Fabrication & erection of new sulphur furnace after dismantling of old furnace with successful water/Air trial. 205 Major repair of lime slaker with proper alignment & trial 206 Dismantling & erectionofQuad 440 sq. mtr. calendria include all connection with successful trail 207 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of After burner vessel. For So2 furnace. 208 To replace worn out sulphur furnace header of size 8” /10” 209 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of ammonia pipe inside new Evaporator body 210 Replacement of worn-out Stirrer arms of clarifier completed with all support and squeezers etc. 211 Dismantling and repairing of 2300 sq mtrs SK catcher of uttam quad set With Satisfactory trial 212 Replacement of partition plate of old door Compartment with 5/6 mm MS plate 213 Replacement of cooling coil pipe of C- vertical crystalizer 930 mtr with new M.S. pipesize 3 with proper hydraulic testing and trial 214 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of 440 sq mtr quad body shell with save all, top taper cone, manhole and its all connection with satisfactory trial 215 Dismantling & erectionofUttam Quad 1700 sq. mtr. calendria shell all connection with successful trail 216 Centrifugal House 217 To replace worn-out molasses Jacket of B & C Continuous Centrifugal Machine with proper Trial. 218 To Replace worn-out “A” Centrifugal Machine Molasses Chute/housing chute followed by satisfactory trial. 219 To replace worn out half portion of horizontal sugar melter in Centrifugal house with steam & juice connection followed by satisfactory trial. 220 Dismantling of worn out B & C centrifugal m/c, Magma mixture shaft, fabrication of complete new shaft with 12mm plate, fitting of arms etc. with successful trial. 221 Replacement of damaged portion of hopper 222 Broken Shaft of Cryst. To be made correct or replaced by new one andproper alignment to be done. 223 Replacement ofwornoutbushes & Arms of Sugar Melter with satisfactoty trial 224 Replacement of cooling pipe of C & B Mono Cryst. 225 Replacement of wornout suction pipe of MF- 50X50/ 40X40 injection & spraypump 226 C- Pug mill, Magma mixer, broken shaft to be taken out andto be repaired/ to be changed new along with bush, support & arm to be fitted a satisfactory trial. 227 Repairingof B & C massecuitemono Cryst. Leakage coil with Hydraulic testing & and successdul trial. 228 B & C Magma Mixer, Pugmill worn-out broken Shell to be replaced, work to br completedwith satisfactory trial. 229 Dis. Of worn-outB & C magma mixer shaft, fab.& erection of the shaft with 12 mm M.S. Plate, fittingand successful trial. 230 Replacement ofworn- out molasses ring of 1350 KT C/F Machine. 231 Dis.,fab. & Erection of New. Fan ofE.T.P. aerator 232 Dismantling, fabrication & erection of worn out WK1350 C/F machine cover. 233 Replacement ofdamaged hopper air try with new plate 234 Replacement ofworn out magma/pug mill worn out padestal arms. 235 Replacement ofweak/wearout MS jali of hopper &fitting with frame 236 Dismantling Fabrication and erection of air diffuser for ETP from old boiler tubes 237 Replacement of worn-out bed of sugar exiter with proper strengthening 238 Replacement of damaged /worn-out arms of mono crystillizer

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INR 25000.0 /-
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