
Tender For Supply Of Chemical And Reagents As Per Doc, Bharatpur-Rajasthan

Medical College has published Tender For Supply Of Chemical And Reagents As Per Doc. Submission Date for this Tender is 13-06-2024. Waxes Tenders in Bharatpur Rajasthan. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply Of Chemical And Reagents As Per Doc
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Chemical And Reagents As Per Doc-1 Glass slide (75 mm 25 mm-size) 2 Gram iodine (ready to use 500 ml) 3 Gram decolorizer (ready to use 500 ml) 4 Acid fast decolizer (ready to use 500 ml) S Methylene blue (ready to use 500ml) 6 CarbolFuschin (ready to use 500 ml) 7 Crystal Violet (ready to use 500 ml) 8 Safranin (ready to use 500 ml) 9 Liquor (5 Liter) 10 Gloves Medium Size 11 Mask 12 Formalin 13 Glycerin 14 Clinical sprit 15 Phenol 16 Thymol crystal (250 17 Distill Water 18 Acetic Acid Glacial19 Acetone AR 20 Citric Acid 21 Aluminum Ammonium sulphate 22 Aluminum Potassium Sulphate 23 Glycerol AR 24 Phosphotungstic acid 25 DPX Mountant For microscopy 26 Mayers Hamatoxylin 27 Eosin yellow (250 gm) 28 Harris Hamotoxylin (10 gm) 29 Xylene AR 30 PAP Stain 31 Dpx Mounting 32 Dropper 33 Ethanol 34 Giemsa stain 35 Surgical sprit 36 Reticulin stain 37 Glass slide 75*25 mm (blue star) 38 Cover slip big size (blue star) 39 Cover slip small size (blue star) 40 Propanol (Qualigens) 41 Xyline 42 Slide box 43 Leishman stain 44 Slide tray 46 Menthanol Surgical blade 47 Microtome blade 48 Cassette 49 wax 50 Egg Albumin 51 Hemetoxyline 52 Eosin 53 Filter paper 54 Sulpher Powder 55 Sodium Nitro Peroxide 56 Ammonium Sulphate 57 Liquid Ammonia 58 Glucose Powder 59 Tissue Paper 60 Benedict reagent 61 N/ 10 HCL 62 Oil immersion 63 64 Pasture pipette (urine examination) Bone Marrow aspiration Niddle (METAL) Size- 18,16,14 65 Bone marrow biopsy niddle size 10, 11, 12 66 Beaker 500 ml 67 Beaker 500 ml 68 Sprit lamp 69 Acetic Acid 70 Test tube holder 71 Ac iton 72 Liquid Ammonia solution 73 Ammonium sulphate 74 Nitric Acid 75 Sodium Nitro Peroxide 76 Sprit81 Serum creatinine Serum Total proteir 82 83 84 85 86 87 Serum Glucose Serum Cholesterol Benedict Reagent Egg. Albumin Glass slide (75 mm 25 mm-size) 88 Gram iodine (ready use 500 ml) 89 Gram decolorizer (ready to use 500 ml 90 Acid fast decolizer (ready to use 500 ml 91 PCR kits for swine fl with PCR tubes 92 VTM 93 DNA clean concentrator (500ml) 94 Ethanol (500ml) 95 Hand sanitizer (500ml) 96 Hand wash (500ml) 97 WBC fluid (500ml) 98 RBC fluid (500ml) 99 Leishman stain (500ml) (Fisher Scientific) Specification attached 100 Ethanol denatured ( for laboratory use only) 101 Cedar Wood oil 102 N/10 HCL 103 GAA (Glacial acetic acid 500ml) 104 Surgical spirit (500ml)Distilled water (10 Ltr) Savlon (1000 ml) Xylene (1 Ltr) blood group kit etc

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Tender Value
INR 9.50 Lakhs /-
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