
Tender For Rate Contract For The Purchase Of Chemicals For The Research Purpose In The Department Of Botany, University Of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, For A Period Of 1 Year., Thiruvananthapuram-Kerala

University Of Kerala has published Tender For Rate Contract For The Purchase Of Chemicals For The Research Purpose In The Department Of Botany, University Of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, For A Period Of 1 Year.. Submission Date for this Tender is 18-06-2024. Medicine Tenders in Thiruvananthapuram Kerala. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Rate Contract For The Purchase Of Chemicals For The Research Purpose In The Department Of Botany, University Of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, For A Period Of 1 Year.
Open Tender

Tender Details

Tender For Rate Contract For The Purchase Of Chemicals For The Research Purpose In The Department Of Botany, University Of Kerala, Kariavattom Campus, Thiruvananthapuram, For A Period Of 1 Year. 1. Methanol (HPLC grade) 60600725001730 2.5 L 1 2. Ammonium fluoride PFD 61774005001730 500 gm 1 3. Potassium Iodide Emparta 1.93201.0121 100 gm 1 4. Tween 20 for synthesis 8.22184.0521 500 ml 1 5. Indole-3-butyric acid 1.94960.0006 5 gm 1 6. Acetone Emplura 1.94500.2521 2.5L 1 7. Chloroform Emplura 1.94506.2521 2.5L 1 8. Petroleum benzene 60-80 Emplura 1.07057.2521 2.5L 1 9. Hexane Emparta 1.07052.2521 2.5L 1 10. Toluene Emparta 1.07019.2521 2.5L 1 11. Ethyl Acetate Emparta 1.07048.2521 2.5L 1 12. Methanol Emplura 1.94516.2521 2.5L 1 13. Hydrochloric acid about 35% Emplrua 1.93401.0521 500 ml 1 14. Sulfuric acid about 98% Emparta 1.93400.0521 500ml 1 15. Nitric acid Emplura 1.93406.0521 500 ml 1 16. Acetonitrile Emplrua 1.15500.0521 500ml 1 17. Sodium molybdate Emplrua 1.93239.0121 100 gm 1 18. Glutaraldehyde (25% solution in water) for synthesis 8.20603.0521 500 ml 1 19. Silica gel 100-200 mesh for column chromatography 61860805001730 500 gm 1 20. Formaldehyde solution 37% Emparta 1.94900.0521 500ml 1 1. Acrylamide extrapure, 99% 22794 500 gm 1 2. Ammonium Persulphate (APS) pure, 98% 82381 500 gm 1 3. Glycine extrapure AR, 99.5% 66327 500 gm 1 4. Tris Buffer AR, ACS for Molecular Biology, 99.9 71033 100 gm 1 5. Trichloro acetic acid (TCA) 10% 31445 500 ml 1 6. Trichloro acetic acid (TCA) 90544 500 g 1 7. Phenylalanine 40919 25 gm 1 8. Bipyridyl 79363 25 gm 1 9. DTNB 32363 1 gm 1 10. Dragendroffs reagent 85675 125ml 1 11. Ascorbic acid (extra pure) 23006 100 gm 1 12. Sodium bi carbonate (NaHCO3) 56398 500 gm 1 13. Magnesium nitrate 77697 500 gm 1 14. Glycerol (Glycerine) Anhydrous 42595 500 ml 1 15. Mercuric Iodide Red extra pure 36881 25 gm 1 16. Anthrone powder extra pure 96476 25gm 1 17. Potassium thiocyanate 48218 500gm 1 18. Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) 89382 500gm 1 19. Phenolphthalein indicator 79563 500ml 1 20. Potassium Ferrocyanide extra pure 32294 500gm 1 21. Agar powder for tissue culture 85473 500 gm 1 22. Sucrose for plant tissue culture 92696 1Kg 1 23. n-Butyl alcohol 72768 2.5 L 1 24. Triton X100 64518 100ML 1 25. TRIS HCL 89781 100 gm 1 26. Dimethyl Sulphoxide (DMSO) 43404 500 ml 1 27. 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) 29128 250 gm 1 28. Dragendroffs reagent 85675 125 ml 1 29. Sodium Nitropresside 13755 100 gm 1 30. Folin Ciocalteau reagent 39520 100 ml 1 31. Aceto orecin 67418 100 ml 1 32. α-Bromonaphthalene 89943 100 ml 1 33. Clove oil extrapure, 80% 78746 100 ml 1 34. Safranine solution 16281 125 ml 1 35. Fast green FCF for Microscopy 60339 5 gm 1 36. Janus Green B 20489 5 gm 1 37. Schiffs reagent 17386 500 ml 1 38. Acetone 66951 2.5 L 1 39. Chloroform 84155 2.5 L 1 40. Hexane 12534 2.5 L 1 41. Ethyl Acetate 66183 2.5 L 1 42. Methanol 65524 2.5 L 1 43. Petroleum ether 58415 2.5 L 1 44. Toluene 47556 2.5 L 1 45. Methanol 59029 25 L 1 46. Acetone pure 31566 25 L 1 47. Chloroform 96712 25 L 1 48. Hexane 91454 25 L 1 49. Ethyl acetate 89362 25 L 1 50. Petroleum ether 58415 25 L 1 51. Methanol 65524 500 ml 1 52. Petroleum ether 11778 500 ml 1 53. Toluene 47556 500 ml 1 54. Xylene 23749 500 ml 1 55. Glycerine 42595 500 ml 1 56. Isoamyl alcohol 57020 500 ml 1 57. 1-Butanol 19147 500 ml 1 58. Ninhydrin Emparta 55058 10 gm 1 59. Acetic acid glacial 90868 500 ml 1 60. Poly Ethylene Glycol 79133 500 ml 1 61. Benedict`s Reagent Qualitative 35003 500 ml 1 62. Benedicts reagent Quantitative 82949 500 ml 1 63. Fehlings solution A 89474 500 ml 1 64. Fehlings solution B 12603 500 ml 1 65. Ammonia solution 78719 500 ml 1 66. Sodium chloride 41721 500 gm 1 67. Sodium Hydroxide Pellets 96311 500 gm 1 68. Sodium Carbonate 89382 500 gm 1 69. Aluminium chloride hexahydrate 90015 500 gm 1 70. Sodium hydroxide pellet 96311 500 gm 1 71. Pottassium hydroxide pellet 84749 500 gm 1 72. Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 for molecular Biology 64222 5 gm 1 73. Bromophenol Blue 11458 5 gm 1 74. Bovine Serum Albumin 98% 97350 5 gm 1 75. Albumin Egg flakes extrapure 85% 56587 100 gm 1 76. Cupric Sulphate Pentahydrate extrapure AR, 99.5% 61298 500 gm 1 77. Orthophosphoric Acid extrapure AR, ACS, 85% 50056 500 ml 1 78. Pottassium permanganate 36903 500 gm 1 79. Colchicine 17701 1 gm 1 80. DPX Mountant for histology 88147 250 ml 1 81. Mercuric Iodide Red extrapure 36881 25 gm 1 82. 8-Hydroxyquinoline 91113 100 gm 83. 2 Propanol 62616 1L 1 84. Silver nitrate 32814 10 gm 1 85. Sucrose 84973 500 gm 1 86. Agarose low EE for molecular Biology 36601 25 gm 1 87. Fuchsin Basic 14277 100 gm 88. 3,5-Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) extrapure AR, 99% 38707 100 gm 1 2. Millions reagent Mi3065-125 ml 125 ml 1 3. Molisch reagent Mo3070-125 ml 125 ml 1 4. Formaldehyde (37-41%) Fo1685-500 ml 500ml 1 5. Hydrogen peroxide 30% solution Hy1985-500ml 500ml 1 6. Acetocarmine LR Ac1550-100ml 100 ml 1 7. Iodine N/10 Solution Io2072-500ml 500ml 1 BRAND - SPECTROCHEM Sl.No Chemical Name Product Code Pack Size Quantity 1. Acetyl bromide >98% 0101167 250 ml 1 2. Methanol >99.5%(anhydrous)AR KF 011314-1000ml 1L 1 BRAND - HIMEDIA Sl.No Chemical Name Product Code Pack Size Quantity 1. Water HPLC Grade AS077-1L 1L 1 2. Bis acryl amide MB005-25g 25gm 1 3. Murashige and Skoog Basal Medium PT021-25L 25 L 1 4. Agar powder PCT0901-500g 500 gm 1 5. MS Medium PT021-100x1L 1L 1 6. Agar Powder Bacteriological Grade GRM026-500g 500g gm 1 7. Resazurin Sodium, Hi-CERT RM 125-1g 1gm 1 8. Todd Hewitt Broth M313-500g 500 gm 1 9. Proteinase K TC687-10mg 10 mg 1 10. Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) GRM5856-250ml 250 ml 1 11. Ribonuclease-A MB087-100mg 100 mg 1 12. Peptone RM001-500g 500 gm 1 13. Yeast Extract Powder RM027-500g 500gm 1 14. Acicase RM013-500g 500 gm 1 15. Malt Extract Powder RM004-500g 500 gm 1 16. Nutrient Agar M001-500g 500 gm 1 17. Gram Stains kit K001-1KT 1KT 1 18. Perchloric acid about 60% Hi- AR / ACS AS012-500 ml 500 ml 1 50bp DNA Ladder (Dye plus) 500μl 3421A 50bp 1 2. Emerald Amp GT PCR Master Mix 4ml RR310A 160 reactions 1 3. TB GreenTM Premix Ex Taq II 200 Reactions RR820A 200 Reactions 1 BRAND - SIGMA Sl.No Chemical Name Product Code Pack Size Quantity 1. Cellulase from Aspergillus niger powder, ≥0.3 units/mg solid 2500UNITS C1184 25KU 1 2. Cellulase from Trichoderma reesei ATCC 26921 lyophilized powder,≥1 unit/mg solid, 5000 UNITS C8546 5KU 1 3. Phosphate Buffered saline powder (PBS),PH 7.4 for preparing 1 L solution P3813 1 PKG 1 4. Sodium selenite 99% 214485 5 gm 1 5. Luteolin ≥ 98.0% powder L9283 10 mg 1 6. Amentoflavone ≥98.0%(HPLC) 40584 1 mg 1 BRAND - G BIOSCIENCES Sl.No Chemical Name Product Code Pack Size Quantity 1. Agarose for Nucleic acid electrophoresis low EEO 786-1013 500 gm 1 BRAND - ORIGIN Sl.No Chemical Name Product Code Pack Size Quantity 1. 100bp DNA Ladder OMD109-01 50 preps 1 BRAND - TCI Sl. No Chemical Name Product Code Pack Size Quantity 1. 4,5-Dihydroxyanthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid D3986 200mg 1 2. Sodium 2-(1H-Indol-3-yl) acetate Synonyms: (Indole-3-acetic Acid Sodium Salt) O0603 5 gm 1 3. 2,4 Dichloro phenoxy acetic Acid D0396 25 gm 1 4. Kinetin K0009 1 gm 1 5. 1-Naphthaleneacetic Acid N0005 25 gm 1 6. 6-Benzylaminopurine B1088 5 gm 1 BRAND - CHEMFACES Sl.No Chemical Name Product Code Pack Size Quantity 1. Amentoflavone 1617-53-4 5 mg 1 BRAND – PLANT CELL TECHNOLOGIES Sl.No Chemical Name Product Code Pack Size Quantity 1. SSR 9 F CATCCATCCATCCATCCAAT 20 1 2. SSR 9R GTCGTTGATCATTCGCAAAA 20 1 3. SSR 10F CGCATCAGCGCCAAACGC 18 1 4. SSR10R GGAAGCGAAAGGAGATCG 18 1 5. SSR 11F ATTTCGAGAGCCCTTGGTCG 20 1 6. SSR11R TTTATGGGGTCGCGTCGG 18 1 7. SSR12F TGCTGGCTCTGTGGGATG 18 1 8. SSR 12R TTAGGTTTTCAGTGGAGAGAG 21 1 9. SSR13F TGTAGGCATATGGTGGGTCTG 21 1 10. SSR13R ATCTCTTAATCCAAGGGCCG 20 1 11. SSR14F CTCCTCAGCTTCGTCGCC 18 1 12. SSR14R GACGAGATTGGCGTATCCC 19 1 13. SSR 3 F CTTTTGGGCTATGTTGCG 18 1 14. SSR 3R TGCTAAAGTACCCACCAG 18 1 15. SSR 4F GCTGCTCTTGCTGCCAT 17 1 16. SSR4R AAGCCATAGGACCACCAC 18 1 17. SSR 5F CTCCTCATCTACCGCACCTC 20 1 18. SSR5R CCCTAGACGACGACGAAGAG 20 1 19. SSR6F AGAAGCGGAAGCGTGTTG 18 1 20. SSR 6R GCGGAGATCGAAGCACTC 18 1 21. SSR7F CCCTGAAGGTGGAGATTGTG 20 1 22. SSR7R AAAAACCAAAACCCTGGACA 20 1 23. SSR8F CTTAGGGTTGAATGGTCC 18 1 24. SSR8R ATCTGAGACCCAAGTTCG 18 1 25. AF TTCATCCATCCATATCTTT 22 1 26. AR CCATATAGGTAAGGTCAT 22 1 27. BF AGCCATACATAATATACAAGT 25 1 28. BR CCAGTTAATACGGAGAAG 22 1

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