
Tender For Survey Soil Investigation, Design Supply Of All Materials T And P Etc Required For Completion Of 22 No Interception And Diversion Of Drains Falling In Kukrail River And Laying Of Intercepting Trunk Sewer Line In The Kukrail River Bed, Survey, S, lucknow-Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has published Tender For Survey Soil Investigation, Design Supply Of All Materials T And P Etc Required For Completion Of 22 No Interception And Diversion Of Drains Falling In Kukrail River And Laying Of Intercepting Trunk Sewer Line In The Kukrail River Bed, Survey, S. Submission Date for this Tender is 08-07-2024. Bags Supply Tenders in lucknow Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Corrigendum : Tender For Survey Soil Investigation, Design Supply Of All Materials T And P Etc Required For Completion Of 22 No Interception And Diversion Of Drains Falling In Kukrail River And Laying Of Intercepting Trunk Sewer Line In The Kukrail River Bed, Survey, S
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh

Tender Details

tender for Survey Soil Investigation, Design Supply Of All Materials T And P Etc Required For Completion Of 22 No Interception And Diversion Of Drains Falling In Kukrail River And Laying Of Intercepting Trunk Sewer Line In The Kukrail River Bed, Survey, Soil investigation, Design, Supply of all materials, T&P etc. required for completion of 22 No. Interception & Diversion of drains falling in Kukrail river and laying of Intercepting trunk sewer line in the Kukrail river bed & other appurtenant works on TURNKEY basis at Lucknow city, 1 Supply of all material T&P etc required forbarricading along trench during excavation and laying of pipe with eucalyptus ballies of 100 mm dia in horizontal section in two rows and vertical posts of 125 mm dia 2 M C/C fastened with Nariyal rope including provision of caution board for proper completion of works. 2 Supply of all material T&P etc required for excavation below G.L. upto depth as specified for laying sewer and manhole ordinary soil (earth, sand, loam and clay) including cutting of joints pits ramming dressing leveling, refilling of trenches in 20 cm layer watering and ramming the same for proper completion of works. 3 (a)0.00 to 1.50 m 4 (b) 01.50 to 03.00 m 5 (b) 3.00 to 4.50 m 6 Extra for excavation in Sub soil water conditions taking all precautions & prevention and employing means for decreasing water level upto 3.00 m depth below ground level including all material, Labour, T&P for proper completion of works as perdirection of Engineer In charge 7 (a)0.00 to 3.00 m 8 Provide and fix close timbering in trenches for the depth 0.00 to 3 m below grond level consisting of 40mm thick approved country wood planks for polling boards. 125 mm x 75 mm Indian sal wood wallers and 100 mm dia sal ballies for struts at 1.5m percent including removal after laying of sewers. 9 0.00-3.00 10 3.00-6.00 11 Supply of ISI marked following sizes of RCC spigotted and socketed non pressure pipes using SRC as per relevant IS codes including pre-delevery third party charges. 12 NP-3 13 450 mm Dia 14 500 mm Dia 15 600 mm Dia 16 700 mm Dia 17 Carting following sizes of R.C.C. Hume pipe NP3 or NP4 Class Socket / spigot rubber ring jointing and specials from store to the work lowering the same in to the trenches upto depth as specified below G.L. true to alignment including excavation of earth 18 450 mm Dia pipe 19 1.50-3.00 m 20 3.00-4.50 m 21 500 mm Dia pipe 22 1.50-3.00 m 23 3.00-4.50 m 24 600 mm Dia pipe 25 1.50-3.00 m 26 3.00-4.50 m 27 700 mm dia pipe 28 1.50-3.00 m 29 3.00-4.50 m 30 Supply of all material T&P etc required for PCC bedding/Boxingbelow G.L. at specified depth with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballast (M:15) including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for the proper completion of work. 31 Supply of all material T&P etc required for Reinforced Cement concrete work in bedding/ boxingbelow G.L. at specified depth with M-20 cement, coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballast (1:1.5:3) M-20 (Min cement content OPC 360 KG cement)including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for the proper completion of work. 32 Supply of all material T&P etc required for mild steel(FE-550D) work in plain work such as R.C.C. or R.B. wrok (when not included in over all rates), brought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work including supply of steel and wastage. 33 TRENCHLESS WORK:Supply of all material T&P etc required for laying of sewer line under CIMAP bridges at Kukrail river by Manual Pipe Jacking Method including of all related civil works like excavation, shoring/strutting, etc manual shielded excavation, lowering of pipe segments in the jacking/launching pit and jointing of MS pipe line through jacking process for proper completion of work as per the instruction of the engineer in charge.It includes the cost of 700mm dia 12mm thick MS pipe fabricated with helical coil and PU coating of 500 micron. 34 Supply of all material T&P etc required for construction of temp approach road to faciliate the construction work. 35 Supply of all material T&P etc required for Construction of temporary Bandha by using earthen material, plastic bags, MSsheet,balli, MS girder, for diversion of Kukrail River water to prepare the space for laying of sewer line including any kind of dewatering of river or sub-soil water required for completion of work. 36 Supply of all material T&P etc required for Constrution of RCC(M-25) Manhole of min. 1200 mm Dia as per type design attached including supply of all material, labour, T&P etc as required for proper completion of work 37 From 2.50-3.00 m depth 38 From 3.00-3.50 m depth 39 From 3.50-4.00 m depth 40 From 4.00-4.50 m depth 41 I&D WORK OF DRAIN 42 Supply of all material T&P etc required for barricading along pit during excavation and laying of pipe with eucalyptus ballies 100 mm dia in horizontal section in two rows and vertical posts of 125 mm dia 2 M C/C fastened with Nariyal rope including provision of caution board 43 Supply of all material T&P etc required for excavation below G.L. upto depth as specified for laying sewer and manhole ordinary soil (earth, sand, loam and clay) including cutting of joints pits ramming dressing leveling, refilling of trenches in 20 cm layer watering and ramming etc. complete. 44 (a)0.00 to 1.50 m 45 (b) 01.50 to 03.00 m 46 Extra for excavation in Sub soil water conditions taking all precautions & prevention and employing means for decreasing water level upto 3.00 m depth below ground level including all material, Labour, T&P for proper completion of works as per direction of Engineer In charge 47 (a)0.00 to 3.00 m 48 Supply of all material T&P etc required for provide and fix close timbering in trenches for the depth 0.00to 3 m below grond level consisting of 40mm thick approved country wood planks for polling boards. 125 mm x 75 mm Indian sal wood wallers and 100 mm dia sal ballies for struts at 1.5m percent including removal after laying of sewers. 49 0.00-3.00 50 PCCwork for bedding/Boxingbelow G.L. at specified depth with cement, coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballast (M-15) including supply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for the proper completion of work. 51 Supply of all material T&P etc required for Reinforced Cement concrete work in bedding/ boxingbelow G.L. at specified depth with M-25 (Min cement content OPC 410 Kg), coarse sand and 20 mm gauge approved stone ballastsupply of all materials, labour, T&P etc. required for the proper completion of work. 52 Supply of all material T&P etc required for Mild steel (FE-550D) or iron work in plain work such as R.C.C. or R.B. wrok (when not included in over all rates), brought to required shape as necessary including bending for proper completion of the work including wastage. 53 Supply and fixing ofSS screen MOC and dimensions as per quotation including T&P labour material for grouting and proper completion of work (Size- 2.3X3.50 m) 54 Supply and fixing ofSS 316 screen MOC and dimensions according to hydraulic & structural design of I&D structure including T&P labour material for grouting and proper completion of work. (Min. size-1.0m x 1.0m) 55 Supply and fixing of CI sluice gate(kirlosker, IVC)of required size including construction of necessary RCC columns cross beams, fixing and grouting of sluice gate in position true to alignment complete. (Size 1.2X1.2-2.5X2.5M) 56 Supply and fixing of CI sluice gate(kirlosker, IVC) of required size including construction of necessary RCC columns cross beams, fixing and grouting of sluice gate in position true to alignment complete.(Size-0.60mx0.60m- 1.00x1.00m) 57 Supply and fixing of SS ladder made of SS-316 angle 65x65x10 and 20 mm round bars including supply of material labour and T&P etc for proper completion of work 58 Diversion of flow sewage required for construction of I&D structure including any kind of pumping required with supply of all material, T&P etc. for proper completion of work. 59 Supply and Fixing of SS Grating of SS-316 includingsupply of all materials, labour and T& P etc. reqired for proper completion of the as per diection of Engineer In charge. 60 Supply and Fixing ofhand railing of 1.20m hightand 3 rows of 32mm dia with posts of railing of 65mm dia @ 1.5 m c/cfabricated with SS 304 sections including fabrication, supply of all materials, labour and T& P etc. reqired for completion of the work as per diection of Engineer In charge 61 Supply of all material T&P etc required for construction of piling work with boring & hydraulic piling rigs with power units, providing and installing cast in sitution under reamed piles of specified dia and length below pile cap in M-25 RCC to carry safe working load as per design excluding reinforcement steel but including the cost of boaring with bentonite solution and the length of pile to be imbedded in pile cap etc. 62 Min. 300 mm diapile

Corrigendum Details

Sr No CorrigendumDate Corrigendum CorrigendumType NewSubmissionDate
1 22-06-2024 Date Corrigendum Date 27-06-2024
2 27-06-2024 Corrigendum Date 08-07-2024

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 23600 /-
INR 1714000.0 /-
Tender Value
INR 17.14 Crore /-
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