
Tender For Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Turnkey Works Of Mechanized Laundry Equipment And Handover To The Hospital Including Services Of Defect Liability Period As Per Contract., Noida-Uttar Pradesh

Hscc India Ltd has published Tender For Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Turnkey Works Of Mechanized Laundry Equipment And Handover To The Hospital Including Services Of Defect Liability Period As Per Contract.. Submission Date for this Tender is 23-06-2024. Kitchen Equipment Tenders in Noida Uttar Pradesh. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Turnkey Works Of Mechanized Laundry Equipment And Handover To The Hospital Including Services Of Defect Liability Period As Per Contract.
Open Tender
Uttar Pradesh
Due Date Not Mentioned, Contact Concern Authority.

Tender Details

Tender For Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning And Turnkey Works Of Mechanized Laundry Equipment And Handover To The Hospital Including Services Of Defect Liability Period As Per Contract. 1.0 WALL & CEILING SYSTEM (SMS) Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Area SQM 315 2.0 CEILING FILTRATION SYSTEM / LAMINAR AIR FLOW SYSTEM (AIR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 3.0 OPERATION THEATRE FLOORING (ANTISTATIC CONDUCTIVE TILES ) Complete with all accessories as per technical specification SQM 130 4.0 DOORS AND FRAMES (AUTOMATICALLY HERMETICALLY SEALED SLIDING DOOR) Size-2100 x 1800 mm Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 5.0 DOORS AND FRAMES (AUTOMATICALLY HERMETICALLY SEALED SLIDING DOOR) Size-2100 x 1000 mm Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 6.0 PRESSURE RELIEF DAMPERS Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 7.0 INTERNAL DUCTING Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Sqm 250 8.0 PERIPHERAL LIGHT CUM CLEAN ROOM LUMINARIES Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 20 9.0 SURGEON CONTROL PANEL Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 BOQ FOR MOT Package- Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of MODULAR OT on turnkey basis along with equipment including 1 year DLP 10.0 ADJUSTABLE MOVABLE BOOM ARM SYSTEMS a SURGEON PENDANT Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 b ANESTHETIST PENDANT Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 11.0 X-RAY FILM VIEWER Complete with all accessories as per technical specification N o s 5 12.0 WRITING BOARD (LIST BOARD) Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 13.0 STORAGE UNIT Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 14.0 DISTRIBUTION BOARD ELECTRICAL WIRING, CONDUITING WITH FIXTURES INSIDE THE OPERATION THEATRE Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Lot 2 15.0 SCRUB STATION Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 16.0 MEDICAL GAS LINE INSTALLATION Complete with all accessories as per technical specification (15mm dia- , 22 mm dia- ) 15 mm dia mtr 120 22 mm dia mtr 120 17.0 VIEW WINDOW Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 18.0 EXHAUST CABINET Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 19.0 SURGICAL OT LIGHT (LED) WITH CAMERA AND MONITOR Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos. 2 20.0 MONITOR –DIGITAL DISPLAY (PACS/HMIS) Nos. 2 21.0 MOTORIZED OPTHALMIC OPERATION TABLE Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 22.0 OPERATING MICROSCOPE Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 23.0 ANESTHESIA WORKSTATION Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 24.0 ISOLATION TRANSFORMER Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 25.0 TURNKEY WORKS Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Lot 0 Digital Medical Grade Monitor (26 or more with ceiling suspended Arm) Complete inclusive of all accessories as per technical specification. No. 1 2.0 42 inch Medical Grade Monitor (flushed in MOT wall with frame) No. 1 3.0 Audio Video Communication System (Including Router, Rack, VC, HD Cameras, Speakers, Mic, and other accessories as per tender document No. 1 4.0 Control System cum Digital Documentation System-19 or more Medical grade monitor, windows based recorder, 5 TB Network Storage, PACS No. 1 5.0 Trolley Based vc System (Camera, Speaker, Mic, Dialying System, 26 or more Monitor, Suitable Trolley, Licenses, Patch Panels and other accessories as per tender requirement No. 1 6.0 Live Video Streaming Complete inclusive of all accessories as per technical specification. Nos 1 7.0 Turnkey works Ls 1 BOQ FOR IOT Package- Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of INTEGRATION OF MODULAR OT on turnkey basis along with equipment including 1 year DLP Total Amount in Fiji $ 1 of 1 Item No. 1 Description 2 Unit 3 Qty 4 Unit Rate (In Figure) Fiji $ 5 Unit Rate in Words in Fiji $ 6 Amount FijI$ 7 1.0 WALL & CEILING CONSTRUCTION Complete with all accessories as per technical specification SQM 122 2.0 CEILING FILTRATION SYSTEM / LAMINAR AIR FLOW SYSTEM Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 1 3.0 DOORS AND FRAMES (AUTOMATICALLY HERMETICALLY SEALED SLIDING DOOR) Size-2100 x 1800 mm Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 1 4.0 DOORS AND FRAMES (AUTOMATICALLY HERMETICALLY SEALED SLIDING DOOR) Size-2100 x 1000 mm Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 1 5.0 PERIPHERAL LIGHT CUM CLEAN ROOM LUMINARIES Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 10 6.0 DISTRIBUTION BOARD ELECTRICAL WIRING, CONDUITING WITH FIXTURES INSIDE THE OPERATION THEATRE Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Lot 1 7.0 OPERATION THEATRE FLOORING (ANTISTATIC CONDUCTIVE ROLL ) Complete with all accessories as per technical specification 0 VIEW WINDOW Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos. 2 9.0 INTERNAL DUCTING Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Lot 1 10.0 MEDICAL GAS PIPELINE INSTALLATION Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Lot 1 11.0 SCRUB STATION (2-BAY) Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 1 12.0 SURGICAL OT LIGHT (Dual dome LED) Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 1 13.0 MOTORIZED OPTHALMIC OPERATION TABLE Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 1 14.0 TURNKEY WORKS Oxygen generation System- Supply installation, testing commissioning of Oxygen Concentrator Module, Touch screen, alarm facility, Oxygen Analyzer, Oxygen Surge Tank, Compressed air system, Refrigerated dryer, Filtration system, Air Receiver, High Pressure Booster as per specifications 1 Nos i Oxygen Concentrator Module - Fully Automated system Microprocessor based Oxygen Concentrator Module, Duplex System with PSA technology complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 ii Touch Screen 6” to 7” screen complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 ii Oxygen Monitor for Oxygen generators includes Alarm Function complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 iv Oxygen Analyzer with digital display complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 v External Audio-Visual Alarm- Visual alarm is active whenever an alarm is present in the system. Audio will turn on when an alarm appears but can be turned off from control panel. 1 vi 1 hose (Generator and other outlet connections 4 1.1 Oxygen Surge Tank The Oxygen concentrator should be supplied with Oxygen Surge Tank having capacity of 750 ltres complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 1.2 Medical Upgrade Kit Coal Tower 90, 0.01 micron Filter, Carbon Filter, Bacteria/ Sterile Filter complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 1.3 Compressed air system consisting of Screw type Compressor complete with all accessories as per technical specification (1Working + 1Standby) 1 a Refrigerated Air Dryer of flowrate 550cum./hr complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 b Filtration system for the compressed Air Feed air quality of the oxygen concentrator should be conforming to ISO8573 class 4 and is of filtration grade of 0.01 Micron complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 1.4 Air Receiver The system should be provided with an Air Receiver having the capacity of 3000 litres and should be designed in such a way to sustain pressure of 7-11 bar. The air receiver should be fitted with 2 Nos. auto drain-out moisture complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 1.5 High Pressure Booster (HPB) The high pressure booster oxygen compressor for refilling the various type of Oxygen cylinder complete with all accessories as per technical specification 1 1.6 Digitally Controlled Fully Automatic Servo Voltage Stabilizer The Voltage Stabiliser of 40 KVA capacity should work on minimum input voltage of 340V with output voltage of 440±5%. The Voltage stabilizer should be 3 phase, oil cooled, 50 hz complete with all accessories as required as per specifications Fully Automatic Oxygen Control System : Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of Fully Automatic Oxygen Control System. complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 2.2 Oxygen Manifold (2x20) : Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of (2x20 size) class D cylinder Oxygen Supply System. complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 2.3 Emergency Oxygen Supply System : Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of (2x10 size) class D cylinder Emergency Oxygen Supply System. complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 2.4 Oxygen Flow meter with Humidifier Bottle: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of oxygen flow meter with humidifier bottle 0- 15Litres. complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 272 Nos 3.1 Fully Automatic Manifold Control Panel for Nitrous Oxide: Supply, installation testing and commission of fully automatic control panel for Nitrous Oxide. complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 3.2 Nitrous Oxide Manifold System, (2x3 size): Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of (2x3 size) Nitrous Oxide Manifold system . complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 3.3 Emergency Nitrous Oxide Manifold System, 2x1 size: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of (2x1 size) cylinder Emergency Nitrous Oxide supply System . complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 4.0 Medical Air Plant (Package Unit ) including electrical control panel: Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning medical air plant having a minimum capacity of 4500 LPM as Primary & 1500 LPM as standby or Total minimum Plant capcacity of 6000 LPM and complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 5.0 Medical Vacuum Plant (Package unit): Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Rotary Vane type medical vacuum plant having a minimum system capacity of 5000 LPM as Primary and 5000 LPM as standby and complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 5.6 Ward Vacuum Unit: Supply, installation, testing and commissiong of Ward Vacuum Unit complete with all accessories as required as per specifications . 244 Nos 5.7 Theater Vaccum Unit for Operation Theaters: Supply, installation, testing and commissiong of Theater Vacuum Unit complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 21 Nos 6.0 Duplex AGSS System: Supply installation and commissioning of Duplex AGSS system. complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 7.0 Copper Pipes complete with all accessories as required as per specifications i 76.1 mm OD X 1.2mm thick 100 mtr ii 54mm OD X 1.2mm thick 250 mtr iii 42mm OD X 1.2mm thick 450 mtr iv 35mm OD X 1.2mm thick v 28mm OD X 1 mm thick 700 mtr vi 22mm OD X 1 mm thick 2000 mtr vii 15mm OD X 1 mm thick 2500 mtr viii 12mm OD X 1 mm thick 1600 mtr 8.0 Gas Outlet Points/ Terminal Units with probe: Supply,Installation, testing and commissioning of Gas outlet points for Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide, Medical Air 4 Bar , Vacuum, CO2 and AGSS complete with all accessories as required as per specifications . i Oxygen outlet with probe (MOT outlets are in the MOT Package) 252 Nos ii Nitrous Oxide outlet with probe (MOT outlets are in the MOT Package) 6 Nos iii Medical Air 4 outlet with probe (MOT outlets are in the MOT Package) 104 Nos iv Vacuum outlet with probe (MOT outlets are in the MOT Package) 252 Nos v Medical Air 7 outlet with probe (MOT outlets are in the MOT Package) 5 Nos vi AGSS outlet with probe (MOT outlets are in the MOT Package) 6 Nos 9.0 AREA VALVE BOX : Supply,Installation, testing and commissioning of Area Valve Boxes. complete with all accessories as required as per specifications Valve Box - 2 Gas Service 15 Nos Valve Box - 3 Gas Service 18 Nos Valve Box - 6 Gas Service 9 Nos 10.0 MEDICAL GAS ALARM PANEL : Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of Medical Gas Alarm Panel complete with all accessories as required as per specifications Medical Gas Area Alarm for 2 services (Oxygen and MA4 bar ) 15 Nos Medical Gas Area Alarm for 3 services (Oxygen, MA4 bar and Vacuum) 18 Nos Medical Gas Area Alarm 6 services (Oxygen, N2O, MA4 bar , SA7 bar N2O,and Vacuum) 9 Nos Master Alarm Panel complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 1 Nos 11.0 LINE ISOLATION VALVES complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 15 mm ball valve 93 Nos 22 mm ball valve 62 Nos 28 mm ball valve 5 Nos 35 mm ball valve 8 Nos 42 mm ball valve 6 Nos 54 mm ball valve 4 Nos 76 mm ball valve 2 Nos 12.0 Supply of O2 cylinders-Class D cylinders 60 Nos 13.0 Supply of N2O cylinders-Class D cylinders 20 Nos 14.0 Bed Head Horizontal/ vertical Wall Panel (Without outlets) as per specification 91 Nos 15.0 ICU Pendant (Without outlets) complete with all accessories as required as per specifications 26 Nos 17.0 Supply installation testing and commissioning of Medical gas hose assemblies as per standard followed 600 mtr 18.0 Electric wiring inside the gas manifold and plant room including electrical panel for plant & Manifold rooms 1 Nos 20.0 Turnkey works as per Specificat 1.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of SLUICING CUM WASHER EXTRACTOR 30 Kg Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 1 2.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of BARRIER WASHER EXTRACTOR 25 -30 Kg Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 2 3.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of DRYING TUMBLER 30 Kg Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 2 4.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of FLAT BED PRESS, Size- 1500mm x 750mm. Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 2 5.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of AUXILIARY STEAM GENERATOR 8 Kg/hr Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 1 6.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of VACUUM FINISHING TABLE with Electric steam iron, Size1300mm x 800 mm. Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 1 7.0 AIR COMPRESSOR 3hp. Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 2 8.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of WASH ROOM TROLLEY 50 Kg capacity. Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 2 9.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of DIRTY LINEN COLLECTION ROOM TROLLEY Capacity 50 Kg. Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 2 BOQ FOR LAUNDARY Package- Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of MECHANIZED LAUNDARY on turnkey basis along with equipment including 1 year DLP 10.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of DIRTY LINEN TRANSPORTATION TROLLEY -50 Kg Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 6 11.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of MOBILE FOLDING TABLE with Stainless table top. Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 2 12.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of STORAGE RACKS. Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 6 13.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of SHELF TROLLEY (Finished goods)-100 Kg. Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 6 14.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of LAUNDRY SCRUB STATION WITH TWO SINKS. Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 1 15.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of MENDING MACHINE Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 1 16.0 Industrial Weighing Machine Details of technical data are as per technical specification. Nos 1 17.0 TURNKEY WORKS as per specification 1 Preparation Table with OHS and 1u/s- Top of 16 swg S.S-304 sheet on M.S Angle frame work duly rust proof painted on structure made on SS square/tubular legs with adjustable bullet feet for uneven floors. Also fitted with a under shelf. The top is fitted with stud welded bolts with the frame for sturdy and stronger grip. 2000x600x850 1 2 Single Burner Stock Pot- Top of 16 swg. S.S-304 Sheet on M.S Angle frame work duly rust proof painted on SS Tubular/ Square legs with adjustable bullet feet for uneven floors. Fitted with United/Sarna make heavy duty burner with pilot lamps with individual control valves and heavy duty cast iron pan support complete with accessories as per specification. 750x750x600 4 3 Side Table- Same as sl.ni.1 1500x600x600 2 4 Exhaust hood- Entire exhaust is made of 20 swg.S.S-304 Sheet with S.S-304 baffle filters. Fitted with grease collection tray and hung/fixed with metal fasteners complete with accessories as per specification. 2000x2000x600 1 5 Boiler (Tilting) - Double walled glass wool Insulated all S.S-304 Sheet body. The outer Most is of 18swg S.S-304 Sheet body. Fitted with heavy duty high pressure burner with pilot lamp & individual control valves. Fitted with water inlet & water outlet valve & strainer at the bottom level of the boiler also fitted with a Top opening lid with insulated handle. The entire boiler is mounted on heavy duty tubular legs. Also fitted with a heavy duty tilting gear to extract the boiled food complete with accessories as per specification. 80ltr. 2 6 Brazing Pan (Tilting) - Double walled mineral wool insulated all S.S-304sheet body on heavy duty tubular legs with adjustable bullet feet. Fitted with heavy duty burner with pilot lamp with individual control needle valve. Fitted with tilting gear to extract contents after cooking & water inlet valve. Also fitted with top opening lid with insulated handle complete with accessories as per specification. 80 ltr. 1 7 Exhaust Hood - Entire exhaust is made of 20 swg.S.S-304 Sheet with S.S-304 baffle filters. Fitted with grease collection tray and hung/fixed with metal fasteners complete with accessories as per specification. 4500x1200x600 1 8 Masala Trolley -The entire trolley is made on SS sheet body to keep inserts for preparation on tubular legs on 4 nos castor wheels-2 with breaks and 2 normal. Also fitted with a bottom shelf/cross brazings. Size-800 x 500 x 900 800x500x900 1 BOQ FOR KITCHEN Package- Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of KITCHEN on turnkey basis along with equipment including 1 year DLP 9 Chapatti Plate cum puffer- Structure made of mild steel angle frame duly rust proof painted . Top of 12 mm mild steel, front Panel and under shelf 18swg S.S-304sheet, vertical legs of S.S-304 round pipe of 16swg. 1.5” diameter with nylon adjustable feet. Complete with CI perforated grill for puffing of chapattis, heavy duty high pressure RV burner pilot, individual control valves Indian Oil corporation approved complete with accessories as per specification. 1500x600x850 1 10 Rolling Table - Top made of 16swg S.S-304 sheet on MS Angle frame work with rust proof painted on S.S-304 square pipe 25x25mm/Tubular legs frame work and under shelf made of 18swg S.S-304 sheet. Vertical legs of S.S-304 round pipe of 16 swg. 1.5” dia with nylon adjustable feet complete with accessories as per specification. 1200x600x850 1 11 Exhaust hood- Entire exhaust is made of 20 swg.S.S-304 Sheet with S.S-304 baffle filters. Fitted with grease collection tray and hung with metal fasteners complete with accessories as per specification. 1800x750x600 1 12 Side Table -Same as sl.ni.1. 1200x600x850 2 13 Dough Kneader- Body completely constructed of heavy duty cast iron with gear box mounted on the top the mixing bowl of S.S-304 sheet 14 swg with S.S-304 arm to mix the dough and is operated electrically with heavy duty motor of 1 hp. Motor shall be S1 type of IS : 325 standard (Latest version) and of Kirloskar/NGEF/Siemens/ABB/GEC/ Crompton Greaves make complete with accessories as per specification.. 25 kg. 2 14 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its basecomplete with accessories as per specification. Make-Cambro/Nilkmal/Sintex/Supreme Preparation Table with OHS and 1u/s- Top of 16 swg S.S-304 sheet on M.S Angle frame work duly rust proof painted on structure made on SS square/tubular legs with adjustable bullet feet for uneven floors. Also fitted with a under shelf. The top is fitted with stud welded bolts with the frame for sturdy and stronger grip. 1800x600x850+150 1 2 SS stand for Chopping blocks with boards- All S.S-304 sheet body to hold poly carbonate chopping boards4Nos.complete with accessories as per specification. 600x600x850 4 3 Potato Peeler- The heavy duty peeling drum is made of 18 swg. SS sheet on three nos tiny legs with adjustable bullet feet and a rotating disc of SS sheet being connected with heavy duty motor of S1 type of IS:325 standard, single/three phase . Also pasted with emery granules inside the drum and on rotating disc to peel and fitted with water inlet valve and aluminum casting/SS sheet our pour to extract peeled potatoes complete with accessories as per specification. MakeRobotcoupe/Sirman/Haudie 10 kg. 1 4 SS Single Bowl Sink unit (Vegetable washing)- Top of 16 sg. SS sheet on S.S. Angle frame work on S.S square legs with adjustable bullet feet for uneven floors. Also fitted with a large sink on RHS. Also fitted with a back splash and under shelf. The top is fitted with stud wielded bolts with the frame for sturdy and stronger grip. The bowl size 500x500x250 1500 x 650 x 850 + 150 spl. 2 5 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification.Make-Cambro/Nilkmal/Sintex/Supreme Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 DIETARY AREA 1 Work table with sink- Top of 16 swg S.S-304 sheet on SS frame work on Structure made of S.S-304 square/Tubular pipe. Sink made of 14 swg S.S-304 on LHS/RHS and under shelf made of 18 swg S.S-304 sheet. Vertical legs of S.S304 round pipe of 16 swg. 1.5” dia with nylon adjustable feet. The top is fitted with stud welded bolts with the frame for sturdy and stronger grip. 1500x600x850 +150 1 2 Coffee/Tea Machine Dispensor- Double walled glass wool insulated all S.S-304 Sheet body. Fitted with 3.0 kw heating element with auto temp. controller & indicating lamp, water level indicator, Gun metal faucet one for water and another for milk complete with accessories as per specification.. 250 cups/hr 1 3 Micro oven- Convectional, Complete with accessories as per specification.IFB/Equivalent 30 ltrs. 1 4 Conveyor Toaster- Capacity 750 nos per hour. Power consumption should not be more then Arr 2.8 kwatt,220 volts, stainless steel table top model, should be based on belt speed inplace of heating temperature for toasting colour. stainless steel element. with variable speed. Should be able to work both sides either front or rear. stainless steel .supplied with all accessories & attachments. crumb tray /discharge tray should be provided. continous toasting with thermostatic setting.High quality components &accurate timer control.Unit size should eb arr. 455x355x415mm Complete with accessories as per specification. Make ; LINCAT (CT -10) /HATCO (TQ-800)HPA/CROMO 750 Slices/hr 2 5 6 Milk boiler- Triple walled mineral wool insulated all SS sheet body on SS legs with adjustable bullet feet. The outer most wall and the secnd wall is mineral wool insulated and the other wall water proof and fitted with water inlet, outlet, over flow valves and water level indicator. Also fitted with 3.0 kw immersion type heating element with auto temperature controller and indicating lamps and a heavy duty gun metal faucet. A top opening lid with insulated handle is fitted . Also fitted with two nos, insulated handles on either sides to carry complete with accessories as per specification. 100 Ltrs. 2 7 Two Burner with Oven- Top of 16 swg. SS Sheet on M.S Angle frame work on SS Square legs with adjustable bullet feet for uneven floors. Fitted with United/Sarna make heavy duty burner with pilot lamps with individual control valves and heavy duty cast iron pan support. Also fitted with an electrically operated oven beneath. Size-950 x 950 x 850 + 150 Spl. 950 x 950 x 850 + 150 Spl. 1 8 Exhaust hood- Complete frame work 20/22swg. Complete joints are air tight insulated weather proof mechanically painted on the Upper surface. S.S-304 filters complete with accessories as per specification. 5400x1200x600 1 9 Juicer- Compact design- fits almost anywhere,under counters or worktables. 2 10 Hand wash Unit- Splash as per Layout (Rear & against side wall) Front & free side marine edge. 350mm dia.x200mm High Die Pressed Sink complete with 38mm dia. C.P. Drain Waste Out let. 16 gauge S.S-304 wall brackets. Secured to top with Acorn nuts & Bolts & Bracket secured to wall with anchor fasteners. Rear & Both sides 20 gauge S.S-304. One Deck mounted Jackson Swivel type water mixer water faucet. Unit mounted 865mm AFF Size- 600x600x450. 600x600x450 1 11 Chinese Cooking Range Size-1120X760x850+450 1120X760x850+450 1 12 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification. Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 POT WASH 1 Pot Rack-4shelves- The heavy duty 4 tiers rack are made of S.S-304 square pipe (38mm & 25mm) and duly welded with 4 nos. uprights on nylone adjustable feet for uneven floor complete with accessories as per specification. 1200X600X1650 2 2 Two Sink Pot Wash- The structure made of SS: 304 square pipe 25 x 25 mm Angle frame work duly rust proof painted. Top & sink made of 14 swg and under shelf made of 18 swg SS: 304. Vertical legs of SS: 304 round pipe of 16 swg. 1.5inch dia. With nylon adjustable feet. Sink Size- 600x600x450 1500x600x850+150 1 3 Pot wash Sink- To be constructed with Brick and Cement (Masonary Work) finished with tiles 4 Hot water Geyser- Horizontal 50 Ltrs. 1 5 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification.Make-Cambro/Nilkmal/Sintex/Supreme Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 DISH WASH 1 Dish Washer- Single Tank Rack conveyor type. 6 to 8 plates per rack, Cycle time 1.5 minutes.The position of Dish Washer i.e RHS/LHS depends on loading and unloading table (As per layout drawing) Make-Winter Halter/ Electrlux/Hobart with Drier At least 155 Rack/hr 1 2 Soiled Dish Landing Table with glass Rack with Garbage chute- The marine edged top made of 16 swg SS: 304 sheet on MS Angle frame work, duly rust proof painted & stud welded for stronger grip and cross bracing of 18 swg SS: 304 sheet. Vertical legs with nylon adjustable feet. A Garbage chute is provided on LHS & a glass is fitted on the D.L.T. 1500X800X850 +600 2 3 Clean Dish Table- Top 16 swg S.S-304 sheet on MS Angle frame work duly rust proof painted & stud welded on SS. Tubular/square legs with adjustable bullet feet. Also fitted with SS slide out beneath to hold the plate/glass racks of 500 x 500 mm 900x800x850+150 2 4 Hot water Geyser- Horizontal 60 Ltrs. 1 5 Dish Storage Rack 5 tiers- All shelves are made of 18 swg SS: 304 on 4 nos round/square legs with adjustable bullet feet. All the shelves are having ‘C’ Channel through to accommodate maximum load bearing ability 900x450x1800 6 6 Dish Wash Busket Trolley- Top 16 swg S.S-304 sheet on MS Angle frame work duly rust proof painted on tiny castor wheels. Fitted with a push cart type handle. 600x600x200 2 7 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification.Make-Cambro/Nilkmal/Sintex/Supreme Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 SET-UP AREA 1 SS Rack on Castors- All five shelves are made of 18 swg. SS sheet on 4 nos round / square legs with adjustable bullet feet. All the shelves are having “C” channel through to accommodate maximum load bearing ability. Size- 1300 x 450 x 1800 1300 x 450 x 1800 2 2 Hot Bain Marie on Castors- Double walled mineral wool insulated all S.S. Sheet body is fitted with an immersion type heating element of 3.0 KW with auto temp. controller & indicating lamps on heavy duty castor wheels. Intergral with top & suitable to accommodate Six (6) 300mm high GN 1/1 PANS GN 1/1 food pans with lid to be supplied #16 SWG S/S sheet tank integral with work top of water counter Fully coved corner insulated with 50 mm thick tightly packed glass wool on the exterior and base of internal tank & sheathed with 20 SWG s/s sheet on exterior Bottom of tank sloped to left side with 40mm dia brass waste w/angle valve # 18 SWG s/s perforated false bottom with all sides turned down 40mm in 12 mm two (2) nos 3.0 KW electric heating elements clamped 25mm off the bottem complete with thermostat, on 0 off switch, red light and controls. 2250x675x850 2 3 Hot Food Service Trolley- Double walled insulated with glass wool. Inner side made of 18swg & outer side made of 20 swg as Stainless steel 304 sheet with 4 no heavy duty Castor wheels (4”/6” dia) with 2 wheels locking arrangement and push cart type handle constructed from ss pipe. Trolley has Immersion type 3Kw heating elements with auto temp. controller & indicating lamp with temp. Indicator to keep 5 Nos big round containers of 10 ltrs. capacity each and 2 more small containers of suitable capacities all with lids to keep food hot vegetable/soup/card etc. and one rectangular for container for to keep chapattis. Also fitted with one middle and bottom shelves with lockable door. Rubber cushion to be fitted at the corners to prevent damage during transportation complete with accessories as per specification.. 1200x600x900 8 4 Plartform Trolley- The entire trolley is made of 16 swg. S.S. Sheet on M.S. Angle frame work, duly Rust proof painted on heavy duty castor wheels. The top to be stud wielded with the frame for stronger grip. Also fitted with a push cart type handle & rubber cushion in front to avoid the damage during movement. 900x600x250 4 5 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification.Make-Cambro/Nilkmal/Sintex/Supreme Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 STORE 1 Weighing Scale Electronic (Digital) - Electronic weighing scales of standard make to weigh upto 300 kg. The certificate from Weights & Measures Dept. is to be attached with the machine, duly certifying the serial no. complete with accessories as per specification. Make- Atco/Sanchit 300kg 1 2 Storage Rack with 5 tiers - All shelves are made of 18swg S.S-304 sheet on 4 nos round/square legs with adjustable bullet feet. All the shelves are having “C” channel through to accommodate maximum load bearing ability comple 1 Preparation Table with OHS and 1u/s- Top of 16 swg S.S-304 sheet on M.S Angle frame work duly rust proof painted on structure made on SS square/tubular legs with adjustable bullet feet for uneven floors. Also fitted with a under shelf. The top is fitted with stud welded bolts with the frame for sturdy and stronger grip. 1800x600x850+150 1 2 SS stand for Chopping blocks with boards- All S.S-304 sheet body to hold poly carbonate chopping boards4Nos.complete with accessories as per specification. 600x600x850 4 3 Potato Peeler- The heavy duty peeling drum is made of 18 swg. SS sheet on three nos tiny legs with adjustable bullet feet and a rotating disc of SS sheet being connected with heavy duty motor of S1 type of IS:325 standard, single/three phase . Also pasted with emery granules inside the drum and on rotating disc to peel and fitted with water inlet valve and aluminum casting/SS sheet our pour to extract peeled potatoes complete with accessories as per specification. MakeRobotcoupe/Sirman/Haudie 10 kg. 1 4 SS Single Bowl Sink unit (Vegetable washing)- Top of 16 sg. SS sheet on S.S. Angle frame work on S.S square legs with adjustable bullet feet for uneven floors. Also fitted with a large sink on RHS. Also fitted with a back splash and under shelf. The top is fitted with stud wielded bolts with the frame for sturdy and stronger grip. The bowl size 500x500x250 1500 x 650 x 850 + 150 spl. 2 5 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification.Make-Cambro/Nilkmal/Sintex/Supreme Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 DIETARY AREA 1 Work table with sink- Top of 16 swg S.S-304 sheet on SS frame work on Structure made of S.S-304 square/Tubular pipe. Sink made of 14 swg S.S-304 on LHS/RHS and under shelf made of 18 swg S.S-304 sheet. Vertical legs of S.S304 round pipe of 16 swg. 1.5” dia with nylon adjustable feet. The top is fitted with stud welded bolts with the frame for sturdy and stronger grip. 1500x600x850 +150 1 2 Coffee/Tea Machine Dispensor- Double walled glass wool insulated all S.S-304 Sheet body. Fitted with 3.0 kw heating element with auto temp. controller & indicating lamp, water level indicator, Gun metal faucet one for water and another for milk complete with accessories as per specification.. 250 cups/hr 1 3 Micro oven- Convectional, Complete with accessories as per specification.IFB/Equivalent 30 ltrs. 1 4 Conveyor Toaster- Capacity 750 nos per hour. Power consumption should not be more then Arr 2.8 kwatt,220 volts, stainless steel table top model, should be based on belt speed inplace of heating temperature for toasting colour. stainless steel element. with variable speed. Should be able to work both sides either front or rear. stainless steel .supplied with all accessories & attachments. crumb tray /discharge tray should be provided. continous toasting with thermostatic setting.High quality components &accurate timer control.Unit size should eb arr. 455x355x415mm Complete with accessories as per specification. Make ; LINCAT (CT -10) /HATCO (TQ-800)HPA/CROMO 750 Slices/hr 2 5 6 Milk boiler- Triple walled mineral wool insulated all SS sheet body on SS legs with adjustable bullet feet. The outer most wall and the secnd wall is mineral wool insulated and the other wall water proof and fitted with water inlet, outlet, over flow valves and water level indicator. Also fitted with 3.0 kw immersion type heating element with auto temperature controller and indicating lamps and a heavy duty gun metal faucet. A top opening lid with insulated handle is fitted . Also fitted with two nos, insulated handles on either sides to carry complete with accessories as per specification. 100 Ltrs. 2 7 Two Burner with Oven- Top of 16 swg. SS Sheet on M.S Angle frame work on SS Square legs with adjustable bullet feet for uneven floors. Fitted with United/Sarna make heavy duty burner with pilot lamps with individual control valves and heavy duty cast iron pan support. Also fitted with an electrically operated oven beneath. Size-950 x 950 x 850 + 150 Spl. 950 x 950 x 850 + 150 Spl. 1 8 Exhaust hood- Complete frame work 20/22swg. Complete joints are air tight insulated weather proof mechanically painted on the Upper surface. S.S-304 filters complete with accessories as per specification. 5400x1200x600 1 9 Juicer- Compact design- fits almost anywhere,under counters or worktables. 2 10 Hand wash Unit- Splash as per Layout (Rear & against side wall) Front & free side marine edge. 350mm dia.x200mm High Die Pressed Sink complete with 38mm dia. C.P. Drain Waste Out let. 16 gauge S.S-304 wall brackets. Secured to top with Acorn nuts & Bolts & Bracket secured to wall with anchor fasteners. Rear & Both sides 20 gauge S.S-304. One Deck mounted Jackson Swivel type water mixer water faucet. Unit mounted 865mm AFF Size- 600x600x450. 600x600x450 1 11 Chinese Cooking Range Size-1120X760x850+450 1120X760x850+450 1 12 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification. Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 POT WASH 1 Pot Rack-4shelves- The heavy duty 4 tiers rack are made of S.S-304 square pipe (38mm & 25mm) and duly welded with 4 nos. uprights on nylone adjustable feet for uneven floor complete with accessories as per specification. 1200X600X1650 2 2 Two Sink Pot Wash- The structure made of SS: 304 square pipe 25 x 25 mm Angle frame work duly rust proof painted. Top & sink made of 14 swg and under shelf made of 18 swg SS: 304. Vertical legs of SS: 304 round pipe of 16 swg. 1.5inch dia. With nylon adjustable feet. Sink Size- 600x600x450 1500x600x850+150 1 3 Pot wash Sink- To be constructed with Brick and Cement (Masonary Work) finished with tiles 4 Hot water Geyser- Horizontal 50 Ltrs. 1 5 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification.Make-Cambro/Nilkmal/Sintex/Supreme Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 DISH WASH 1 Dish Washer- Single Tank Rack conveyor type. 6 to 8 plates per rack, Cycle time 1.5 minutes.The position of Dish Washer i.e RHS/LHS depends on loading and unloading table (As per layout drawing) Make-Winter Halter/ Electrlux/Hobart with Drier At least 155 Rack/hr 1 2 Soiled Dish Landing Table with glass Rack with Garbage chute- The marine edged top made of 16 swg SS: 304 sheet on MS Angle frame work, duly rust proof painted & stud welded for stronger grip and cross bracing of 18 swg SS: 304 sheet. Vertical legs with nylon adjustable feet. A Garbage chute is provided on LHS & a glass is fitted on the D.L.T. 1500X800X850 +600 2 3 Clean Dish Table- Top 16 swg S.S-304 sheet on MS Angle frame work duly rust proof painted & stud welded on SS. Tubular/square legs with adjustable bullet feet. Also fitted with SS slide out beneath to hold the plate/glass racks of 500 x 500 mm 900x800x850+150 2 4 Hot water Geyser- Horizontal 60 Ltrs. 1 5 Dish Storage Rack 5 tiers- All shelves are made of 18 swg SS: 304 on 4 nos round/square legs with adjustable bullet feet. All the shelves are having ‘C’ Channel through to accommodate maximum load bearing ability 900x450x1800 6 6 Dish Wash Busket Trolley- Top 16 swg S.S-304 sheet on MS Angle frame work duly rust proof painted on tiny castor wheels. Fitted with a push cart type handle. 600x600x200 2 7 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification.Make-Cambro/Nilkmal/Sintex/Supreme Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 SET-UP AREA 1 SS Rack on Castors- All five shelves are made of 18 swg. SS sheet on 4 nos round / square legs with adjustable bullet feet. All the shelves are having “C” channel through to accommodate maximum load bearing ability. Size- 1300 x 450 x 1800 1300 x 450 x 1800 2 2 Hot Bain Marie on Castors- Double walled mineral wool insulated all S.S. Sheet body is fitted with an immersion type heating element of 3.0 KW with auto temp. controller & indicating lamps on heavy duty castor wheels. Intergral with top & suitable to accommodate Six (6) 300mm high GN 1/1 PANS GN 1/1 food pans with lid to be supplied #16 SWG S/S sheet tank integral with work top of water counter Fully coved corner insulated with 50 mm thick tightly packed glass wool on the exterior and base of internal tank & sheathed with 20 SWG s/s sheet on exterior Bottom of tank sloped to left side with 40mm dia brass waste w/angle valve # 18 SWG s/s perforated false bottom with all sides turned down 40mm in 12 mm two (2) nos 3.0 KW electric heating elements clamped 25mm off the bottem complete with thermostat, on 0 off switch, red light and controls. 2250x675x850 2 3 Hot Food Service Trolley- Double walled insulated with glass wool. Inner side made of 18swg & outer side made of 20 swg as Stainless steel 304 sheet with 4 no heavy duty Castor wheels (4”/6” dia) with 2 wheels locking arrangement and push cart type handle constructed from ss pipe. Trolley has Immersion type 3Kw heating elements with auto temp. controller & indicating lamp with temp. Indicator to keep 5 Nos big round containers of 10 ltrs. capacity each and 2 more small containers of suitable capacities all with lids to keep food hot vegetable/soup/card etc. and one rectangular for container for to keep chapattis. Also fitted with one middle and bottom shelves with lockable door. Rubber cushion to be fitted at the corners to prevent damage during transportation complete with accessories as per specification.. 1200x600x900 8 4 Plartform Trolley- The entire trolley is made of 16 swg. S.S. Sheet on M.S. Angle frame work, duly Rust proof painted on heavy duty castor wheels. The top to be stud wielded with the frame for stronger grip. Also fitted with a push cart type handle & rubber cushion in front to avoid the damage during movement. 900x600x250 4 5 Garbage Cart- Moulded Plastic container with 2 Nos-Big castor wheel. Garbage cart should be set to keep vertically upright on its base complete with accessories as per specification.Make-Cambro/Nilkmal/Sintex/Supreme Capacity-100 ltrs, 1 STORE 1 Weighing Scale Electronic (Digital) - Electronic weighing scales of standard make to weigh upto 300 kg. The certificate from Weights & Measures Dept. is to be attached with the machine, duly certifying the serial no. complete with accessories as per specification. Make- Atco/Sanchit 300kg 1 2 Storage Rack with 5 tiers - All shelves are made of 18swg S.S-304 sheet on 4 nos round/square legs with adjustable bullet feet. All the shelves are having “C” channel through to accommodate maximum load bearing ability comple 3 Four Door Freezer 1410 lts ,18 deg C to -22 deg C, External and internal door and side panels in 304 AISI stainless steel. External back and top panel in galvanized steel. High-density expanded polyurethane insulating foam, 70mm in thickness 4 half doors with lock and microswitch to switch off the fan when the door is opened. Built-in refrigeration unit; Cooling capacity 1800 (watt) ventilated operating mode; digital control; automatic defrost and evaporation of defrost water; external digital temperature display. Complete as required with all accessories as per technical specification 1410 Ltrs, 1 4 Water Cooler with RO system - Structure made of mild steel angle frame duly rust proof painted. Body completely constructed of S.S-304 sheet double walled insulated with puf, Inner tank of 22 swg and outer of 20 swg S.S-304 sheet food grade. The water cooler is mounted on four S.S-304 tubular legs with S.S-304 bullet adjustable feet. Complete with compressor and condenser unit of Emerson/ Techumshah/Copeland/Danfoss make with automatic temperature controller and temp. Indicator complete with accessories as per specification. Make-Bluestar/Celfrost/Cibwal 250 ltr. 1 5 Onian/ Potato Bin- The entire bin is made of S.S. wire meshed body on heavy duty castor wheels. Fitted with top opening lid and the inclined bottom to have a lockable door to extract. 900x600x750 2 6 Cereal/Atta/Maida Bin- The entire bin made of 18 swg S.S-304 sheet on tiny caster wheels & with top opening lid. 900x600x750 2 7 Cold Room- Room sizeTemperature 0 to 4 degree centigrade Insulation: Panels 60mm thick PU at 40-42kg density,PCGI exposed exterior 0.5mm thick sheet,PCGI exposed exterior 0.5mm thick sheet, PCGI interior 0.5mm thick sheet, floor interior and exterior of 0.5mm thick PCGI exposed sheet, Ceiling exterior PCGI, interior PCGI Sheet 0.5mm.Vertical,Panels Joint with Cam lock coupling in Tongue & Groove arrangement. Thickness of PUF Panels (for Wall, Ceiling & Floor)- 60mm.Wall & Ceiling panels Finish- Internal: SS 304 External: PCGI Galvanized Ironic Sheet. Flooring- Kota stone by client. Density of Panels-40kg/cub.m No. of Doors- One for Main Room Type. of DoorsOver Lapped or Flash Type Door Size-900mm x 1950mm. Accessories Included in the scope of Supply-1. Door Alarm 2. Lock Defeat mechanism 3. Light Inside the cold room. 4. Handle, Hinges & Locks. 5. Microprocessor based digital control. Panels. 6. Panel Accessories & necessary Hardware. Technical Feature of PUF Panels, Doors, & Accessories: Individual Panel is manufactured with closed cell Rigid Polyurethane foam, injected at high pressure, which secures the bond with facing material to form a single piece construction. RPUF insulation is CFC free and has Zero ODP- Ozone Depleting potential. Core density of 40kg / Cu.M Panel finish is designed to resist many chemicals including most common cleaning agents. The panels have fire rating to BS.467 part 7, clause 1. Wall, floor & ceiling panels joined with Tongue and groove mechanism with cam lock system. The compressor and condenser unit of Emerson/ Techumshah/Copeland/Danfoss make with Automatic temperature controller and temp. Indicator complete with accessories as per specification. Make- Bluestar/Celfrost/Mothersonzonetti 4500X3000X2100 1 8 Storage Rack 5 tiers- All shelves are made of 18 swg SS: 304 on 4 nos round/square legs with adjustable bullet feet. All the shelves are having ‘C’ Channel through to accommodate maximum load bearing ability complete with accessories as per specification. 900x450x1800 6 9 Storage Rack 4tiers- All shelves are made of 18 swg SS: 304 on 4 nos round/square legs with adjustable bullet feet. All the shelves are having ‘C’ Channel through to accommodate maximum load bearing ability complete with accessories as per specification. 800x450x1200 2 10 Insect killer- Twin tube. Branded. 6 11 Air curtain -1 entry point Length as per drg. 2 LPG BANK (WITHOUT CYLINDER) 1 LPG Bank- 10 +10 (One set working another set standby) LPG Cylinder Bank of 14.2 Kg each LPG cylinder with :Class‘C’ seamless steel pipe conforming to IS:1239 (Latest version) with Pressure Gauges (0-15 PSIG & 0-5PSIG, dial type) Complete with accessories as required as per specicification. 1 Lot 1 2 TURNKEY WORKS Part-I 1.0 Autoclave 500 ltrs 2 2.0 Waste Collection Containers as per specifications. Yellow colour container-20 Ltrs approx Nos 60 Red colour container-20 Ltrs approx Nos 60 Blue colour container-20 Ltrs approx Nos 60 Yellow colour container-100 Ltrs Nos 12 Red colour container-100 Ltrs Nos 12 3.0 Waste Collection bags as per specifications Red Colour non-chlorinated Plastic bag-Size of container-20 Ltrs approx Nos 2000 Yellow Colour non-chlorinated Plastic bag-Size of container-20 Ltrs approx Nos 2000 Blue Colour non-chlorinated Plastic bag-Size of container-20 Ltrs approx Nos 2000 4.0 Transportation Trolley of 200 Ltrs Capacity complete as required with all accessories as per specification Nos 5 5.0 Industrial Weighing Machine-Capacity 300 Kg Electronic machine with Digital display.Details of technical data are as per technical specification. 1.0 HORIZONTAL DOUBLE Sliding DOOR AUTOCLAVE WITH CARRIAGE AND TROLLEY, cap. 350-400 L Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 2 2.0 RAPID STERILIZER (FLASH AUTOCLAVE) 18-25 L Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 2 3.0 DOUBLE DOOR WASHER DISINFECTOR CAPACITY-200-250 L. Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 4.0 ETO Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Size 600 x 600 x 900 mm Nos 1 5.0 ULTRASONIC CLEANER CAPACITY-20-25L Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 6.0 HEAT SEALING MACHINE Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 7.0 DRYING CABINET 275 L Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 8.0 SPRAY GUN RINSER Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 9.0 GAUZE CUTTING MACHINE Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 10.0 AIR COMPRESSOR Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 11.0 INSPECTION LAMP WITH MAGNIFIER Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 12.0 WASH STATIONS WITH 2 SINKS FOR DIRTY AREA Size Approx. (L x W x H) : 2000x750x850 mm Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 13.0 SS WORK TABLE SIZE-1200X650X900 Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 14.0 CONTROL & PACKING TABLE WITH TWO SHELVES FOR CLEAN AREA Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 BOQ FOR CSSD Package- Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of CSSD on turnkey basis along with equipment including 1 year DLP 15.0 LINEN FOLD TABLE FOR CLEAN AREA a. Size (LxWxH) : 2000x1400x900 mm approximately. Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 16.0 WIRE STORAGE SHELF MODULE FOR DIRTY/DISINFECTION AREA/CLEAN/STERILE AREA Complete with all accssories as per detail technical specification Nos 2 17.0 PASS BOX Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 2 18.0 CLOSED TRANSPORT TROLLEY FROM STERILE STORE TO OT Size : 1400x750x1260 mm(LxWxH) (External) approximately Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 2 19.0 Table Trolley with 2 shelves 530x1080x800 H Complete with all accssories as per detail technical specification Nos 1 20.0 MODULAR STERILIZING BASKETS BIG Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 8 21.0 MODULAR STERILIZING BASKETS MEDIUM Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 8 22.0 BASKET RACK suitable to accomodate Baskets Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 1 23.0 STORAGE RACK 5 SHELVES 1830X535X1830 Complete with all accessories as per detail technical Nos 3 24.0 LAB STOOL WITHOUT BACKREST.(SS) Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification 25.0 CHANGE LOCKER -4 COMPARTMENTS Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification. Nos 2 26.0 TURNKEY WORKS Complete with all accessories as per detail technical specification 1 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Control & Software System. As per technical speicfication 1 No. 2 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Blower with VFD. As per technical speicfication 2 Nos. 3 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of NW 160 mm front load station with RFID Reader Card. As per technical speicfication 11 No. 4 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 160mm Compact end station complete as per technical specification 3 Nos 5 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 160mm auto-unload station complete as per technical specification 1 No. 6 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Diverter 160 mm, 3-Way, Air Tight, Microprocessor Controlled, With Touch Free Position and Tube Switches, Steel Housing. Provided with Optical Sensors. 4 Nos. 7 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Tubing material suitable for 160 mm system for the above items including the following (running metre):- 1.160mm dia UPVC tube grey complete with slide bend 2.Air tube 3.Transparent tube 4.Bends 5.Endpiece 6.Sleeve 7.Composite system cable 8.Mounting tools As per technical specification 400 Mtrs 8 Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Tubing material suitable for 160 mm system for the above items including the following (running metre):- 1.160mm dia UPVC Transparent tube grey complete with slide bend 2.Air tube 3.Transparent tube 4.Bends 5.Endpiece 6.Sleeve 7.Composite system cable 8.Mounting tools As per technical specification 100 Mtrs 9 Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of Carrier 160 mm with 2 programmable RFID tag for easy return of empty carrier. Inload size: 400x115. As per technical specification 35 Nos. 10 Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of Carrier 160 mm automatic opening on both ends, including 2 x codetags for autounloading. As per technical specification 10 Nos. 11 Misc. Installation Accessories sourced from India, including: Pipe Clamps, Srew Bolts, Cable Clips, Hose Clamps & Baskets, Cushions and Racks for Stations 1 Job 12 Touch Screen for all stations 15 Nos 13 Installation of PTS and other charges 1 Job 14 Turnkey works 1 Job 1.0 Mortuary (6-Body) including UPS Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 2.0 Loading Trolley Complete with all accessories as per technical specification Nos 2 3.0 TURNKEY WORKS

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