
Tender For Appointment Of Insurer For General Insurance In Respect Of All Type Of Policiesto Tancem For The Year 2024-25, chennai-Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu Cement Corporation Limited has published Tender For Appointment Of Insurer For General Insurance In Respect Of All Type Of Policiesto Tancem For The Year 2024-25. Submission Date for this Tender is 21-06-2024. Man Power Supply Tenders in chennai Tamil Nadu. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Tender For Appointment Of Insurer For General Insurance In Respect Of All Type Of Policiesto Tancem For The Year 2024-25
Open Tender
Tamil Nadu

Tender Details

Tender For Appointment Of Insurer For General Insurance In Respect Of All Type Of Policiesto Tancem For The Year 2024-25; 1 TAMIL NADU CEMENTS CORPORATION LIMITED 2 FOR ARIYALUR CEMENT WORKS (1 MTPA Plant)- Clinker & Cement Production UnitFIRE POLICY A) Fixed Assets - Plant & Machinery 3 B) Pollution Control Equipment 4 C) Buildings 5 D) Lab Equipments 6 E) Furniture & Fitting 7 F) Office & Other Equipments 8 G) Electrical Equipments 9 FIRE POLICY - (Monthly declaration) CURRENT ASSETS:a) Raw Materials 10 b) Consumable Items 11 c) Finished Goods 12 d) Process Stock 13 MACHINERY BREAK DOWN - A) Electrical Equipments 14 B) Plant & Machinery 15 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENTS (EEI) - Computer Accessories 16 BURGLARY POLICY 17 FOR ARIYALUR CEMENT WORKS - (0.5 MTPA Plant) (Cement Production Unit)Fire PolicyFIXED ASSETS A) Plant & Machinery 18 B) Pollution control equipments 19 C) Buildings 20 D) Township 21 E) Railway siding 22 F) Non Factory Building 23 G) Lab Equipment’s 24 H) Furniture & Fitting 25 I) Office & Other Equipment’s 26 Electrical equipments 27 Earth Moving Equipments - Ariyalur Cement Worksi) HM DUMPER 28 ii) HM DUMPER 29 iii) TATA EXCAVATOR 30 iv) HM DUMPER 31 v) L&T EXCAVATOR 32 vi) PAY LOADER BEML 636 33 vii) ELGI Make Screw Air Compressor PG 450/150 34 viii) Locomotive 35 ix) Skid Loader 36 x) HM Dumper 37 xi) FRONT END LOADER T-5 38 xii) FRONT END LOADER T-6 39 xiii) FRONT END LOADER T-7 40 ARIYALUR CEMENT WORKS -0.5 MTPA FIRE POLICY - (MONTHLY DECLARATION)CURRENT ASSETS Consumable Items 41 MACHINERY BREAK DOWN- A) Electrical Equipments 42 B) Plant & Machinery 43 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT- X- Ray Analyzer 44 MONEY INSURANCE - Money in Transit between the premises & bank or post office 45 BURGLARY POLICY 46 VEHICLES at Ariyalur, a) Comprehensive Insurance CoverageTN61-D4105 - AMBULANCE 47 TN61 L 6715 - MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA 48 TN61 Z 4485 - Staff Bus 49 Vehicles at Ariyalur b) Third Party Insurance CoverageA) TNR 6469 - WATER TANK 50 B) Explosives Van - TN46 - 4610 51 C) TAY 6428 - TIPPER 52 D) BUS - TNX 4013 53 E) TN 46 1487 - SCHOOL BUS 54 F) TN45-8429 - SCHOOL BUS 55 G) TN47-D3583 - SCHOOL VAN 56 H) TN61-0724 - BOLERO JEEP 57 I) TN61-A0015 - S.SPLENDOR MOTOR CYCLE 58 J)TN67 TAY 9241 BOLERO JEEP 59 K) TN61-J-5126 - BOLERO JEEP 60 L)TN01-AH-7070 - Tata Indica 61 M)TN 61 J 5171- BOLERO JEEP 62 N)TN61 J 5199- BOLERO JEEP 63 O) TN 01AZ 6546 - BOLERO JEEP 64 P) TN61-D-4167 - BOLERO JEEP 65 Q) TN 01 AZ 6460 - BOLERO JEEP 66 FOR ALANGULAM CEMENT WORKS - Cement Grinding UnitFIXED ASSETSFIRE POLICY - A) Plant & Machinery 67 BUILDINGS:A) Factory Building 68 B) Non -Factory Building 69 Fire Fighting Equipments 70 Survey Equipments 71 Telephonic Equipments 72 Pollution control equipments 73 Hospital Equipments 74 Development Equipments 75 Furniture & Fittings 76 Canteen Equipments 77 Electricals Works 78 Laboratory Equipments 79 Instrumentation Works 80 Office Equipment 81 MBD - A) Plant & Machinery 82 B) Electricals Works 83 FIRE POLICY (MONTHLY DECLARATION)STOCK a) Raw Materials 84 b) Process Stock 85 c) Finished Goods 86 d) Consumable Items 87 MONEY INSURANCE - Including Burglary / Theft 88 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - Computer Equipment 89 Third Party InsuranceVEHICLES at Alangulam - TN 67 AY 0840 - MAHINDRA 90 TN 67 AP 7134 - FORCE MOTORS LTD 91 TN 67 AP 7849 - MAHINDRA 92 TN 01 AL 7070 - HINDUSTAN MOTORS 93 TN 67 AS 0141 - HMT TRACTOR 94 BURGLARY POLICY 95 FOR TAMILNADU ASBESTOS (SHEET), ALANGULAM - Not in OperationFIXED ASSETS - FIRE POLICY - A) Plant & Machinery 96 B) Buildings 97 C) Non-Factory Buildings 98 D) Furniture & Fittings 99 E) Office & Other Equipments 100 F) Electrical Equipments 101 Computer Equipments 102 FOR TANCEM-STONEWARE PIPE FACTORY, VRIDHACHALAM - Not in Operation- FIXED ASSETS - FIRE POLICY A)Plant & Machinery 103 B) Buildings 104 C) Electrical Equipments 105 Electronic Equipments 106 CORPORATE OFFICE, CHENNAI -35FIRE POLICYA) Non Factory Building (Location Mayannur) 107 B) Furniture & Fittings 108 C) Office & Other Equipments 109 D) Electrical Equipments 110 ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - Computers & Accessories 111 MONEY INSURANCE 112 VEHICLES at Corporate Office,a) Comprehensive Insurance CoverageTN01 BD 6726 - TUV 300+ 113 TN01 BD 7070 - INNOVA CRYSTA 114 TN09 DC 3659 - MAHINDRA BOLERO 115 TN09 DC 3651 - MAHINDRA BOLERO 116 TN09 DC 3672- MAHINDRA BOLERO 117 TN09 DC 3640 - MAHINDRA BOLERO 118 TN09 DC 3691 - MAHINDRA BOLERO 119 TN09 DD 8264 - MAHINDRA BOLERO 120 TN09 DD 8961 - MAHINDRA BOLERO 121 TN09 DD 8246 - MAHINDRA BOLERO 122 TN09 DD 8209 - MAHINDRA BOLERO 123 TN09 DD 8248 - MAHINDRA BOLERO 124 TN09 DD 8247- MAHINDRA BOLERO 125 VEHICLES at Corporate Office,b) Third Party Insurance CoverageTN01 AM 7070 HONDA CITY 126 TN01 AD 7070- MARUTI ESTEEM 127 TN01 AK 5358- MAHINDRA BOLERO

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